NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: unit_test_alnmgr.cpp 100993 2023-10-12 16:48:09Z grichenk $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
5 * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9 * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11 * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 * purpose.
21 *
22 * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * Author: Aleksey Grichenko
27 *
28 * File Description:
29 * Alignment Manager unit test.
30 *
31 * ===========================================================================
32 */
34 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
36 #include <corelib/ncbiapp.hpp>
37 #include <corelib/test_boost.hpp>
39 #include <serial/objistr.hpp>
58 #include <objmgr/scope.hpp>
60 #include <common/test_assert.h> /* This header must go last */
68 {
69  descrs->AddFlag("print_exp", "Print expected values instead of testing");
70  descrs->AddFlag("verbose", "Print detailed test progress");
71 }
74 bool DumpExpected(void)
75 {
76  return CNcbiApplication::Instance()->GetArgs()["print_exp"];
77 }
80 bool Verbose(void)
81 {
82  return CNcbiApplication::Instance()->GetArgs()["verbose"];
83 }
87 {
88  static CRef<CScope> s_Scope;
89  if ( !s_Scope ) {
93  s_Scope.Reset(new CScope(*objmgr));
94  s_Scope->AddDefaults();
95  }
96  return *s_Scope;
97 }
100 // Helper function for loading alignments. Returns number of alignments loaded
101 // into the container. The expected format is:
102 // <int-number-of-alignments>
103 // <Seq-align>+
105  CAlnContainer& aligns,
106  size_t limit = 0)
107 {
108  size_t num_aligns = 0;
109  while ( !in.eof() ) {
110  try {
111  CRef<CSeq_align> align(new CSeq_align);
112  in >> MSerial_AsnText >> *align;
113  align->Validate(true);
114  aligns.insert(*align);
115  num_aligns++;
116  if (limit > 0 && num_aligns >= limit) break;
117  }
118  catch (CIOException&) {
119  break;
120  }
121  }
122  return num_aligns;
123 }
126 // The aln_id_map argument is required because TScopeAlnStat keeps const
127 // reference to the id-map. So, the map needs to be returned to the caller.
129  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap>& aln_id_map)
130 {
131  TScopeAlnSeqIdConverter id_conv(&GetScope());
132  TScopeIdExtract id_extract(id_conv);
133  aln_id_map.reset(new TScopeAlnIdMap(id_extract, aligns.size()));
134  ITERATE(CAlnContainer, aln_it, aligns) {
135  aln_id_map->push_back(**aln_it);
136  }
137  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats(new TScopeAlnStats(*aln_id_map));
138  return aln_stats;
139 }
143  const CPairwiseAln& pw,
144  size_t aln_idx,
145  int anchor,
146  int row)
147 {
148  // For each alignment/anchor/row:
149  // <int-align-index> <int-anchor_index> <int-row-index> <int-pairwise-flags>
150  // <int-align-first-from> <int-align-first-to> <int-base-width> <Seq-id>
151  // <int-align-second-from> <int-align-second-to> <int-base-width> <Seq-id>
152  // For each CPairwiseAln element:
153  // <int-first-from> <int-second-from> <int-len> <int-is-direct>
154  // <int-insertions-count>
155  // For each insertion:
156  // <int-first-from> <int-second-from> <int-len> <int-is-direct>
157  // For each iterator:
158  // <int-first-from> <int-first-to> <int-second-from> <int-second-to> ...
159  // ... <int-direct> <int-first-direct> <int-aligned>
161  TSignedSeqPos first_from, first_to, second_from, second_to, len;
162  int flags;
164  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
165  cout << aln_idx << " " << anchor << " " << row << " " << pw.GetFlags() << endl;
166  cout << " " << pw.GetFirstFrom() << " "
167  << pw.GetFirstTo() << " "
168  << pw.GetFirstBaseWidth() << " "
169  << MSerial_AsnText << pw.GetFirstId()->GetSeqId();
170  cout << " " << pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstFrom()) << " "
171  << pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstTo()) << " "
172  << pw.GetSecondBaseWidth() << " "
173  << MSerial_AsnText << pw.GetSecondId()->GetSeqId();
174  }
175  else {
176  if ( Verbose() ) {
177  cout << " aln=" << aln_idx << ", anchor=" << anchor << ", row=" << row << endl;
178  }
179  size_t expected_aln_idx;
180  int expected_row, expected_anchor;
181  int first_width, second_width;
182  CSeq_id first_id, second_id;
183  in_exp >> expected_aln_idx >> expected_anchor >> expected_row >> flags;
184  in_exp >> first_from >> first_to >> first_width;
185  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> first_id;
186  in_exp >> second_from >> second_to >> second_width;
187  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> second_id;
188  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
189  BOOST_CHECK(aln_idx == expected_aln_idx);
190  BOOST_CHECK(anchor == expected_anchor);
191  BOOST_CHECK(row == expected_row);
192  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFlags() == flags);
193  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstId()->GetSeqId().Equals(first_id));
194  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondId()->GetSeqId().Equals(second_id));
195  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstBaseWidth() == first_width);
196  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondBaseWidth() == second_width);
197  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstFrom() == first_from);
198  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstTo() == first_to);
199  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstFrom()) == second_from);
200  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstTo()) == second_to);
201  }
203  ITERATE(CPairwiseAln, rg_it, pw) {
204  CAlignRange<TSignedSeqPos> rg = *rg_it;
206  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
207  cout << " " << rg_it->GetFirstFrom() << " "
208  << rg_it->GetSecondFrom() << " "
209  << rg_it->GetLength() << " "
210  << (rg.IsDirect() ? 1 : 0) << endl;
211  }
212  else {
213  in_exp >> first_from >> second_from >> len >> flags;
214  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
215  BOOST_CHECK(rg_it->GetFirstFrom() == first_from);
216  BOOST_CHECK(rg_it->GetSecondFrom() == second_from);
217  BOOST_CHECK(rg_it->GetLength() == len);
218  BOOST_CHECK(rg_it->IsDirect() == (flags != 0));
219  }
220  }
222  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
223  cout << " " << pw.GetInsertions().size() << endl;
224  }
225  else {
226  size_t ins_count;
227  in_exp >> ins_count;
228  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
229  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetInsertions().size() == ins_count);
230  }
232  if (!pw.GetInsertions().empty()) {
234  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
235  cout << " " << gap->GetFirstFrom() << " "
236  << gap->GetSecondFrom() << " "
237  << gap->GetLength() << " "
238  << (gap->IsDirect() ? 1 : 0) << endl;
239  }
240  else {
241  in_exp >> first_from >> second_from >> len >> flags;
242  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
243  BOOST_CHECK(gap->GetFirstFrom() == first_from);
244  BOOST_CHECK(gap->GetSecondFrom() == second_from);
245  BOOST_CHECK(gap->GetLength() == len);
246  BOOST_CHECK(gap->IsDirect() == (flags != 0));
247  }
248  }
249  }
250 }
254  const CSparseAln& sparse,
255  bool check_sequence)
256 {
257  // Format:
258  // <dim> <numrows> <anchor row>
259  // <aln-from> <aln-to>
260  // For each row:
261  // <row> <width> <seq-id>
262  // <aln-from> <aln_to> <seq-from> <seq-to> <native-from> <native-to>
263  // [<aln-sequence>]
264  // [<row-sequence>]
266  static const char* kGap = "<GAP>";
267  static const char* kNoData = "<NO SEQUENCE DATA>";
269  TSignedSeqPos expected_aln_from, expected_aln_to;
271  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
272  cout << sparse.GetDim() << " "
273  << sparse.GetNumRows() << " "
274  << sparse.GetAnchor() << endl;
275  cout << sparse.GetAlnRange().GetFrom() << " "
276  << sparse.GetAlnRange().GetTo() << endl;
277  }
278  else {
279  int expected_dim, expected_numrows, expected_anchor;
280  in_exp >> expected_dim >> expected_numrows >> expected_anchor;
281  in_exp >> expected_aln_from >> expected_aln_to;
282  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
283  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetDim() == expected_dim);
284  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetNumRows() == expected_numrows);
285  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetAnchor() == expected_anchor);
286  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetAlnRange().GetFrom() == expected_aln_from);
287  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetAlnRange().GetTo() == expected_aln_to);
288  }
290  for (CSparseAln::TDim row = 0; row < sparse.GetDim(); ++row) {
291  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
292  cout << row << " "
293  << sparse.GetBaseWidth(row) << " "
294  << MSerial_AsnText << sparse.GetSeqId(row);
295  }
296  else {
297  int expected_row, expected_width;
298  CSeq_id expected_id;
299  in_exp >> expected_row >> expected_width >> MSerial_AsnText >> expected_id;
300  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
301  BOOST_CHECK(row == expected_row);
302  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetBaseWidth(row) == expected_width);
303  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetSeqId(row).Equals(expected_id));
304  }
306  CSparseAln::TRange rg = sparse.GetSeqRange(row);
307  CSparseAln::TRange native_rg = sparse.AlnRangeToNativeSeqRange(row, rg);
309  TSeqPos expected_seq_from, expected_seq_to,
310  expected_native_from, expected_native_to;
312  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
313  cout << sparse.GetSeqAlnStart(row) << " " << sparse.GetSeqAlnStop(row) << " "
314  << rg.GetFrom() << " " << rg.GetTo() << " "
315  << native_rg.GetFrom() << " " << native_rg.GetTo() << endl;
316  }
317  else {
318  in_exp >> expected_aln_from >> expected_aln_to
319  >> expected_seq_from >> expected_seq_to
320  >> expected_native_from >> expected_native_to;
321  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
322  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetSeqAlnStart(row) == expected_aln_from);
323  BOOST_CHECK(sparse.GetSeqAlnStop(row) == expected_aln_to);
324  BOOST_CHECK(rg.GetFrom() == expected_seq_from);
325  BOOST_CHECK(rg.GetTo() == expected_seq_to);
326  BOOST_CHECK(native_rg.GetFrom() == expected_native_from);
327  BOOST_CHECK(native_rg.GetTo() == expected_native_to);
328  }
330  if ( check_sequence ) {
331  string aln_sequence, row_sequence;
332  sparse.GetAlnSeqString(row, aln_sequence, CSparseAln::TSignedRange::GetWhole());
333  sparse.GetSeqString(row, row_sequence, CSparseAln::TRange::GetWhole());
334  if ( aln_sequence.empty() ) {
335  aln_sequence = kNoData;
336  }
337  if ( row_sequence.empty() ) {
338  row_sequence = kNoData;
339  }
341  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
342  cout << aln_sequence << endl;
343  cout << row_sequence << endl;
344  }
345  else {
346  if ( Verbose() ) {
347  cout << " whole row=" << row << endl;
348  }
349  string expected_aln_sequence, expected_row_sequence;
350  in_exp >> ws;
351  getline(in_exp, expected_aln_sequence);
352  getline(in_exp, expected_row_sequence);
353  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
354  BOOST_CHECK(aln_sequence == expected_aln_sequence);
355  BOOST_CHECK(row_sequence == expected_row_sequence);
356  }
357  }
359  CSparse_CI sparse_ci(sparse, row, CSparse_CI::eAllSegments);
360  for (; sparse_ci; ++sparse_ci) {
361  const IAlnSegment& seg = *sparse_ci;
362  CSparse_CI::TSignedRange aln_rg = seg.GetAlnRange();
363  CSparse_CI::TSignedRange seq_rg = seg.GetRange();
365  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
366  cout << " " << seg.GetType() << " "
367  << aln_rg.GetFrom() << " " << aln_rg.GetTo() << " "
368  << seq_rg.GetFrom() << " " << seq_rg.GetTo() << endl;
369  }
370  else {
371  if ( Verbose() ) {
372  cout << " segment: row=" << row << ", range=" <<
373  aln_rg.GetFrom() << ".." << aln_rg.GetTo() << endl;
374  }
375  unsigned expected_seg_type;
376  TSignedSeqPos expected_seq_from, expected_seq_to;
378  in_exp >> expected_seg_type
379  >> expected_aln_from >> expected_aln_to
380  >> expected_seq_from >> expected_seq_to;
381  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
382  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetType() == expected_seg_type);
383  BOOST_CHECK(aln_rg.GetFrom() == expected_aln_from);
384  BOOST_CHECK(aln_rg.GetTo() == expected_aln_to);
385  BOOST_CHECK(seq_rg.GetFrom() == expected_seq_from);
386  BOOST_CHECK(seq_rg.GetTo() == expected_seq_to);
387  }
389  if ( check_sequence ) {
390  string aln_sequence, row_sequence;
391  string expected_aln_sequence, expected_row_sequence;
393  if ( !aln_rg.Empty() ) {
394  sparse.GetAlnSeqString(row, aln_sequence, aln_rg);
395  if ( aln_sequence.empty() ) {
396  aln_sequence = kNoData;
397  }
398  }
399  else {
400  aln_sequence = kGap;
401  }
402  if ( !seq_rg.Empty() ) {
403  sparse.GetSeqString(row, row_sequence,
404  IAlnExplorer::TRange(seq_rg.GetFrom(), seq_rg.GetTo()));
405  if ( row_sequence.empty() ) {
406  row_sequence = kNoData;
407  }
408  }
409  else {
410  row_sequence = kGap;
411  }
413  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
414  cout << aln_sequence << endl;
415  cout << row_sequence << endl;
416  }
417  else {
418  in_exp >> ws;
419  getline(in_exp, expected_aln_sequence);
420  getline(in_exp, expected_row_sequence);
421  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
422  BOOST_CHECK(aln_sequence == expected_aln_sequence);
423  BOOST_CHECK(row_sequence == expected_row_sequence);
424  }
425  }
426  }
427  }
428 }
431 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestLoadAlign)
432 {
433  cout << "Test CAlnContainer and CAlnStats... (aligns1.asn / expected01.txt)" << endl;
435  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns1.asn");
436  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected01.txt");
437  // File format:
438  // <int-number-of-alignments>
439  // For each seq-id:
440  // <int-base-width> <Seq-id>
442  CAlnContainer aligns;
443  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns);
445  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
446  cout << num_aligns << endl;
447  }
448  else {
449  size_t expected_num_aligns;
450  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
451  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
452  }
454  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
455  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
457  if ( !DumpExpected() ) {
458  BOOST_CHECK(aln_stats->GetAlnCount() == num_aligns);
459  BOOST_CHECK(aln_stats->CanBeAnchored());
460  }
462  ITERATE(TScopeAlnStats::TIdVec, id_it, aln_stats->GetIdVec()) {
463  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
464  cout << (*id_it)->GetBaseWidth() << " ";
465  cout << MSerial_AsnText << (*id_it)->GetSeqId();
466  }
467  else {
468  int width;
469  CSeq_id id;
470  in_exp >> width;
471  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> id;
472  BOOST_CHECK(id.Equals((*id_it)->GetSeqId()));
473  BOOST_CHECK((*id_it)->GetBaseWidth() == width);
474  }
475  }
476 }
479 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestPairwiseAln)
480 {
481  cout << "Test CPairwiseAln... (aligns1.asn / expected02.txt)" << endl;
483  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns1.asn");
484  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected02.txt");
486  // File format:
487  // <int-number-of-alignments>
488  // see CheckPairwiseAln
490  CAlnContainer aligns;
491  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns);
493  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
494  cout << num_aligns << endl;
495  }
496  else {
497  size_t expected_num_aligns;
498  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
499  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
500  }
502  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
503  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
505  const TScopeAlnStats::TAlnVec& aln_vec = aln_stats->GetAlnVec();
507  // For each source alignment create a set of pairwise alignments.
508  for (size_t aln_idx = 0; aln_idx < aln_vec.size(); ++aln_idx) {
509  const CSeq_align& aln = *aln_vec[aln_idx];
510  // Use row 0 as anchor, get pairwise alignments with all other rows.
511  const TScopeAlnStats::TIdVec& aln_ids = aln_stats->GetSeqIdsForAln(aln_idx);
512  // Test two different anchor values.
513  for (int anchor = 0; anchor < 2; anchor++) {
514  TAlnSeqIdIRef anchor_id = aln_ids[anchor];
515  for (int row = 0; row < aln_stats->GetDimForAln(aln_idx); ++row) {
516  if (row == anchor) continue;
517  TAlnSeqIdIRef row_id = aln_ids[row];
518  CPairwiseAln pw(anchor_id, row_id, CPairwiseAln::fDefaultPolicy);
519  ConvertSeqAlignToPairwiseAln(pw, aln, anchor, row,
522  CheckPairwiseAln(in_exp, pw, aln_idx, anchor, row);
524  for (CPairwise_CI seg(pw); seg; ++seg) {
525  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
526  cout << " " << seg.GetFirstRange().GetFrom() << " "
527  << seg.GetFirstRange().GetTo() << " "
528  << seg.GetSecondRange().GetFrom() << " "
529  << seg.GetSecondRange().GetTo() << " "
530  << (seg.IsDirect() ? 1 : 0) << " "
531  << (seg.IsFirstDirect() ? 1 : 0) << " "
532  << (seg.GetSegType() == CPairwise_CI::eAligned ? 1 : 0) << endl;
533  }
534  else {
535  int direct, first_direct, aligned;
536  TSignedSeqPos first_from, first_to, second_from, second_to;
537  in_exp >> first_from >> first_to >> second_from >> second_to >>
538  direct >> first_direct >> aligned;
539  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
540  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetFirstRange().GetFrom() == first_from);
541  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetFirstRange().GetTo() == first_to);
542  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetSecondRange().GetFrom() == second_from);
543  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetSecondRange().GetTo() == second_to);
544  BOOST_CHECK(seg.IsDirect() == (direct != 0));
545  BOOST_CHECK(seg.IsFirstDirect() == (first_direct != 0));
546  BOOST_CHECK((seg.GetSegType() == CPairwise_CI::eAligned) == (aligned != 0));
547  }
548  }
549  }
550  }
551  }
553 }
556 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestPairwiseAlnRanged)
557 {
558  cout << "Test ranged CPairwise_CI... (aligns1.asn / expected03.txt)" << endl;
560  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns1.asn");
561  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected03.txt");
563  // File format:
564  // <int-number-of-alignments>
565  //
566  // For each alignment/anchor/row:
567  // <int-align-index> <int-anchor_index> <int-row-index> <int-pairwise-flags>
568  // <int-align-first-from> <int-align-first-to> <int-base-width> <Seq-id>
569  // <int-align-second-from> <int-align-second-to> <int-base-width> <Seq-id>
570  // For each CPairwiseAln element:
571  // <int-first-from> <int-second-from> <int-len> <int-is-direct>
572  // <int-insertions-count>
573  // For each insertion:
574  // <int-first-from> <int-second-from> <int-len> <int-is-direct>
575  // For each iterator:
576  // <int-first-from> <int-first-to> <int-second-from> <int-second-to> ...
577  // ... <int-direct> <int-first-direct> <int-aligned>
579  CAlnContainer aligns;
580  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns);
582  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
583  cout << num_aligns << endl;
584  }
585  else {
586  size_t expected_num_aligns;
587  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
588  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
589  }
591  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
592  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
594  const TScopeAlnStats::TAlnVec& aln_vec = aln_stats->GetAlnVec();
596  // For each source alignment create a set of pairwise alignments.
597  for (size_t aln_idx = 0; aln_idx < aln_vec.size(); ++aln_idx) {
598  const CSeq_align& aln = *aln_vec[aln_idx];
599  // Use row 0 as anchor, get pairwise alignments with all other rows.
600  const TScopeAlnStats::TIdVec& aln_ids = aln_stats->GetSeqIdsForAln(aln_idx);
601  // Test two different anchor values.
602  for (int anchor = 0; anchor < 2; anchor++) {
603  TAlnSeqIdIRef anchor_id = aln_ids[anchor];
604  for (int row = 0; row < aln_stats->GetDimForAln(aln_idx); ++row) {
605  if (row == anchor) continue;
606  TAlnSeqIdIRef row_id = aln_ids[row];
607  CPairwiseAln pw(anchor_id, row_id, CPairwiseAln::fDefaultPolicy);
608  ConvertSeqAlignToPairwiseAln(pw, aln, anchor, row,
611  TSignedSeqPos first_from, first_to, second_from, second_to;
613  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
614  cout << aln_idx << " " << anchor << " " << row << " " << pw.GetFlags() << endl;
615  cout << " " << pw.GetFirstFrom() << " "
616  << pw.GetFirstTo() << " "
617  << pw.GetFirstBaseWidth() << " "
618  << MSerial_AsnText << pw.GetFirstId()->GetSeqId();
619  cout << " " << pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstFrom()) << " "
620  << pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstTo()) << " "
621  << pw.GetSecondBaseWidth() << " "
622  << MSerial_AsnText << pw.GetSecondId()->GetSeqId();
623  }
624  else {
625  if ( Verbose() ) {
626  cout << " aln=" << aln_idx << ", anchor=" << anchor << ", row=" << row << endl;
627  }
628  size_t expected_aln_idx;
629  int expected_row, expected_anchor;
630  int first_width, second_width, flags;
631  CSeq_id first_id, second_id;
632  in_exp >> expected_aln_idx >> expected_anchor >> expected_row >> flags;
633  in_exp >> first_from >> first_to >> first_width;
634  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> first_id;
635  in_exp >> second_from >> second_to >> second_width;
636  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> second_id;
637  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
638  BOOST_CHECK(aln_idx == expected_aln_idx);
639  BOOST_CHECK(anchor == expected_anchor);
640  BOOST_CHECK(row == expected_row);
641  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFlags() == flags);
642  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstId()->GetSeqId().Equals(first_id));
643  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondId()->GetSeqId().Equals(second_id));
644  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstBaseWidth() == first_width);
645  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondBaseWidth() == second_width);
646  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstFrom() == first_from);
647  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetFirstTo() == first_to);
648  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstFrom()) == second_from);
649  BOOST_CHECK(pw.GetSecondPosByFirstPos(pw.GetFirstTo()) == second_to);
650  }
652  if (pw.size() < 2) continue;
654  first_from = (pw.begin()+1)->GetFirstFrom() + 1;
655  first_to = pw.rbegin()->GetFirstFrom() - 2;
656  CPairwise_CI::TSignedRange rg(first_from, first_to);
658  for (CPairwise_CI seg(pw, rg); seg; ++seg) {
659  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
660  cout << " " << seg.GetFirstRange().GetFrom() << " "
661  << seg.GetFirstRange().GetTo() << " "
662  << seg.GetSecondRange().GetFrom() << " "
663  << seg.GetSecondRange().GetTo() << " "
664  << (seg.IsDirect() ? 1 : 0) << " "
665  << (seg.IsFirstDirect() ? 1 : 0) << " "
666  << (seg.GetSegType() == CPairwise_CI::eAligned ? 1 : 0) << endl;
667  }
668  else {
669  int direct, first_direct, aligned;
670  in_exp >> first_from >> first_to >> second_from >> second_to >>
671  direct >> first_direct >> aligned;
672  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
673  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetFirstRange().GetFrom() == first_from);
674  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetFirstRange().GetTo() == first_to);
675  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetSecondRange().GetFrom() == second_from);
676  BOOST_CHECK(seg.GetSecondRange().GetTo() == second_to);
677  BOOST_CHECK(seg.IsDirect() == (direct != 0));
678  BOOST_CHECK(seg.IsFirstDirect() == (first_direct != 0));
679  BOOST_CHECK((seg.GetSegType() == CPairwise_CI::eAligned) == (aligned != 0));
680  }
681  }
682  }
683  }
684  }
685 }
688 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestAnchoredAln)
689 {
690  cout << "Test CAnchoredAln... (aligns1.asn / expected04.txt)" << endl;
692  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns1.asn");
693  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected04.txt");
695  CAlnContainer aligns;
696  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns);
698  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
699  cout << num_aligns << endl;
700  }
701  else {
702  size_t expected_num_aligns;
703  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
704  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
705  }
707  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
708  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
710  for (size_t aln_idx = 0; aln_idx < aligns.size(); ++aln_idx) {
711  for (int anchor = 0; anchor < aln_stats->GetDimForAln(aln_idx); ++anchor) {
712  CAlnUserOptions user_options;
713  CRef<CAnchoredAln> anchored_aln = CreateAnchoredAlnFromAln(*aln_stats,
714  aln_idx, user_options, anchor);
716  for (int row = 0; row < (int)anchored_aln->GetPairwiseAlns().size(); ++row) {
717  CheckPairwiseAln(in_exp,
718  *anchored_aln->GetPairwiseAlns()[row],
719  aln_idx, anchored_aln->GetAnchorRow(), row);
720  }
721  }
722  }
723 }
726 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestAnchoredAlnBuilt)
727 {
728  static const int kMergeFlags[] = {
729  0,
735  };
737  cout << "Test built CAnchoredAln... (aligns2.asn / expected05.txt)" << endl;
739  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns2.asn");
740  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected05.txt");
742  int setnum = 0;
743  while (!in_data.eof() && in_data.good()) {
744  ++setnum;
745  size_t num_to_merge;
746  in_data >> num_to_merge;
747  if (num_to_merge == 0 || !in_data.good()) break;
749  CAlnContainer aligns;
750  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns, num_to_merge);
752  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
753  cout << num_aligns << endl;
754  }
755  else {
756  size_t expected_num_aligns;
757  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
758  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
759  }
761  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
762  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
764  const TScopeAlnStats::TIdVec& aln_ids = aln_stats->GetAnchorIdVec();
765  for (size_t anchor_idx = 0; anchor_idx < aln_ids.size(); anchor_idx++) {
766  TAlnSeqIdIRef anchor_id = aln_ids[anchor_idx];
767  CAlnUserOptions user_options;
768  user_options.SetAnchorId(anchor_id);
770  for (size_t flags_idx = 0; flags_idx < sizeof(kMergeFlags)/sizeof(kMergeFlags[0]); flags_idx++) {
771  user_options.m_MergeFlags = kMergeFlags[flags_idx];
773  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
774  cout << anchor_idx << " "
775  << user_options.m_MergeFlags << endl;
776  }
777  else {
778  if ( Verbose() ) {
779  cout << " set=" << setnum << ", anchor=" << anchor_idx << " (" <<
780  anchor_id->GetSeqId().AsFastaString() << ")" <<
781  ", flags_idx=" << flags_idx << endl;
782  }
783  size_t expected_anchor_idx;
784  int expected_flags;
785  in_exp >> expected_anchor_idx >> expected_flags;
786  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
787  BOOST_CHECK(anchor_idx == expected_anchor_idx);
788  BOOST_CHECK(user_options.m_MergeFlags == expected_flags);
789  }
791  TAnchoredAlnVec anchored_aln_vec;
792  CreateAnchoredAlnVec(*aln_stats, anchored_aln_vec, user_options);
794  CRef<CSeq_id> id(new CSeq_id);
795  id->SetLocal().SetStr("pseudo-id");
796  TAlnSeqIdIRef pseudo_id(Ref(new CAlnSeqId(*id)));
797  CAnchoredAln built_aln;
798  BuildAln(anchored_aln_vec, built_aln, user_options, pseudo_id);
800  for (int row = 0; row < (int)built_aln.GetPairwiseAlns().size(); ++row) {
801  CheckPairwiseAln(in_exp,
802  *built_aln.GetPairwiseAlns()[row],
803  0, built_aln.GetAnchorRow(), row);
804  }
805  }
806  }
807  }
808 }
811 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestSparseAlnCoords)
812 {
813  cout << "Test CSparseAln coordinates... (aligns2.asn / expected06.txt)" << endl;
815  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns2.asn");
816  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected06.txt");
818  int setnum = 0;
819  while (!in_data.eof() && in_data.good()) {
820  ++setnum;
821  size_t num_to_merge;
822  in_data >> num_to_merge;
823  if (num_to_merge == 0 || !in_data.good()) break;
825  CAlnContainer aligns;
826  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns, num_to_merge);
828  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
829  cout << num_aligns << endl;
830  }
831  else {
832  size_t expected_num_aligns;
833  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
834  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
835  }
837  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
838  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
840  const TScopeAlnStats::TIdVec& aln_ids = aln_stats->GetAnchorIdVec();
841  for (size_t anchor_idx = 0; anchor_idx < aln_ids.size(); anchor_idx++) {
842  TAlnSeqIdIRef anchor_id = aln_ids[anchor_idx];
843  CAlnUserOptions user_options;
844  user_options.SetAnchorId(anchor_id);
847  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
848  cout << anchor_idx << " "
849  << MSerial_AsnText << anchor_id->GetSeqId();
850  }
851  else {
852  if ( Verbose() ) {
853  cout << " set=" << setnum << ", anchor=" << anchor_idx << " (" <<
854  anchor_id->GetSeqId().AsFastaString() << ")" << endl;
855  }
856  size_t expected_anchor_idx;
857  in_exp >> expected_anchor_idx;
858  CSeq_id expected_anchor_id;
859  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> expected_anchor_id;
860  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
861  BOOST_CHECK(anchor_idx == expected_anchor_idx);
862  BOOST_CHECK(anchor_id->GetSeqId().Equals(expected_anchor_id));
863  }
865  TAnchoredAlnVec anchored_aln_vec;
866  CreateAnchoredAlnVec(*aln_stats, anchored_aln_vec, user_options);
868  CRef<CSeq_id> id(new CSeq_id);
869  id->SetLocal().SetStr("pseudo-id");
870  TAlnSeqIdIRef pseudo_id(Ref(new CAlnSeqId(*id)));
871  CAnchoredAln built_aln;
872  BuildAln(anchored_aln_vec, built_aln, user_options, pseudo_id);
874  CSparseAln sparse_aln(built_aln, GetScope());
876  CheckSparseAln(in_exp, sparse_aln, false);
877  }
878  }
879 }
882 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestSparseAlnData)
883 {
884  cout << "Test CSparseAln sequence... (aligns3.asn / expected07.txt)" << endl;
886  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns3.asn");
887  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected07.txt");
889  int setnum = 0;
890  while (!in_data.eof() && in_data.good()) {
891  ++setnum;
892  size_t num_to_merge;
893  in_data >> num_to_merge;
894  if (num_to_merge == 0 || !in_data.good()) break;
896  CAlnContainer aligns;
897  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns, num_to_merge);
899  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
900  cout << num_aligns << endl;
901  }
902  else {
903  size_t expected_num_aligns;
904  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
905  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
906  }
908  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
909  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
911  const TScopeAlnStats::TIdVec& aln_ids = aln_stats->GetAnchorIdVec();
912  for (size_t anchor_idx = 0; anchor_idx < aln_ids.size(); anchor_idx++) {
913  TAlnSeqIdIRef anchor_id = aln_ids[anchor_idx];
914  CAlnUserOptions user_options;
915  user_options.SetAnchorId(anchor_id);
918  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
919  cout << anchor_idx << " "
920  << MSerial_AsnText << anchor_id->GetSeqId();
921  }
922  else {
923  if ( Verbose() ) {
924  cout << " set=" << setnum << ", anchor=" << anchor_idx << " (" <<
925  anchor_id->GetSeqId().AsFastaString() << ")" << endl;
926  }
927  size_t expected_anchor_idx;
928  in_exp >> expected_anchor_idx;
929  CSeq_id expected_anchor_id;
930  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> expected_anchor_id;
931  BOOST_CHECK(in_exp.good());
932  BOOST_CHECK(anchor_idx == expected_anchor_idx);
933  BOOST_CHECK(anchor_id->GetSeqId().Equals(expected_anchor_id));
934  }
936  TAnchoredAlnVec anchored_aln_vec;
937  CreateAnchoredAlnVec(*aln_stats, anchored_aln_vec, user_options);
939  CRef<CSeq_id> id(new CSeq_id);
940  id->SetLocal().SetStr("pseudo-id");
941  TAlnSeqIdIRef pseudo_id(Ref(new CAlnSeqId(*id)));
942  CAnchoredAln built_aln;
943  BuildAln(anchored_aln_vec, built_aln, user_options, pseudo_id);
945  CSparseAln sparse_aln(built_aln, GetScope());
947  CheckSparseAln(in_exp, sparse_aln, true);
950  BOOST_CHECK(aln);
952  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
953  cout << MSerial_AsnText << *aln;
954  }
955  else {
956  CSeq_align expected_aln;
957  in_exp >> MSerial_AsnText >> expected_aln;
958  BOOST_CHECK(aln->Equals(expected_aln));
959  }
960  }
961  }
962 }
964 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(s_TestAlnTypes)
965 {
966  cout << "Test seq-align types... (aligns4.asn / expected08.txt)" << endl;
968  CNcbiIfstream in_data("data/aligns4.asn");
969  CNcbiIfstream in_exp("data/expected08.txt");
971  CAlnContainer aligns;
972  size_t num_aligns = LoadAligns(in_data, aligns);
974  if ( DumpExpected() ) {
975  cout << num_aligns << endl;
976  }
977  else {
978  size_t expected_num_aligns;
979  in_exp >> expected_num_aligns;
980  BOOST_CHECK(num_aligns == expected_num_aligns);
981  }
983  unique_ptr<TScopeAlnIdMap> aln_id_map;
984  CRef<TScopeAlnStats> aln_stats = InitAlnStats(aligns, aln_id_map);
986  for (size_t aln_idx = 0; aln_idx < aligns.size(); ++aln_idx) {
987  for (int anchor = 0; anchor < aln_stats->GetDimForAln(aln_idx); ++anchor) {
989  // Special case - sparse-segs can be anchored only to the first row.
990  if (aln_stats->GetAlnVec()[aln_idx]->GetSegs().IsSparse() && anchor > 0) {
991  break;
992  }
994  CAlnUserOptions user_options;
995  CRef<CAnchoredAln> anchored_aln = CreateAnchoredAlnFromAln(*aln_stats,
996  aln_idx, user_options, anchor);
998  for (int row = 0; row < (int)anchored_aln->GetPairwiseAlns().size(); ++row) {
999  CheckPairwiseAln(in_exp,
1000  *anchored_aln->GetPairwiseAlns()[row],
1001  aln_idx, anchored_aln->GetAnchorRow(), row);
1002  }
1003  }
1004  }
1005 }
void BuildAln(TAnchoredAlnVec &in_alns, CAnchoredAln &out_aln, const CAlnUserOptions &options, TAlnSeqIdIRef pseudo_seqid=TAlnSeqIdIRef())
Build anchored alignment from a set of alignmnets.
void ConvertSeqAlignToPairwiseAln(CPairwiseAln &pairwise_aln, const objects::CSeq_align &sa, objects::CSeq_align::TDim row_1, objects::CSeq_align::TDim row_2, CAlnUserOptions::EDirection direction=CAlnUserOptions::eBothDirections, const TAlnSeqIdVec *ids=0)
Build pairwise alignment from the selected rows of a seq-align.
void CreateAnchoredAlnVec(_TAlnStats &aln_stats, TAnchoredAlnVec &out_vec, const CAlnUserOptions &options)
Create anchored alignment from each seq-align in the stats.
CRef< CAnchoredAln > CreateAnchoredAlnFromAln(const _TAlnStats &aln_stats, size_t aln_idx, const CAlnUserOptions &options, objects::CSeq_align::TDim explicit_anchor_row=-1)
Create an anchored alignment from Seq-align using hints.
CRef< CSeq_align > CreateSeqAlignFromAnchoredAln(const CAnchoredAln &anchored_aln, CSeq_align::TSegs::E_Choice choice, CScope *scope=NULL)
Convert CAnchoredAln to seq-align of the selected type.
CAlnStats< TScopeAlnIdMap > TScopeAlnStats
Definition: aln_stats.hpp:399
CAlnIdMap< vector< const CSeq_align * >, TScopeIdExtract > TScopeAlnIdMap
Definition: aln_tests.hpp:162
const_iterator begin() const
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
TSignedSeqPos GetSecondPosByFirstPos(position_type pos, ESearchDirection dir=eNone) const
position_type GetFirstFrom() const
const TInsertions & GetInsertions() const
Each insertion shows where the 'first' sequence has a gap while the 'second' sequence has the inserti...
position_type GetFirstTo() const
CAlignRange Represents an element of pairwise alignment of two sequences.
Definition: align_range.hpp:63
CSeq_align container.
const_iterator insert(const CSeq_align &seq_align)
Insert new CSeq_align into the list.
size_type size(void) const
Default IAlnSeqId implementation based on CSeq_id_Handle.
Definition: aln_seqid.hpp:116
IAlnSeqId extracting functor.
_TAlnIdVec::TAlnVec TAlnVec
Vector of original seq-aligns.
Definition: aln_stats.hpp:66
_TAlnIdVec::TIdVec TIdVec
Vector of ids used in all alignments.
Definition: aln_stats.hpp:70
Options for different alignment manager operations.
void SetAnchorId(const TAlnSeqIdIRef &anchor_id)
Set anchor id.
TMergeFlags m_MergeFlags
@ eBothDirections
No filtering: use both direct and reverse sequences.
@ fUseAnchorAsAlnSeq
Use the anchor sequence as the alignment sequence.
@ fAllowTranslocation
Allow translocations on the same row.
@ fAnchorRowFirst
Store anchor row in the first pairwise alignment (by default it's stored in the last one).
@ fTruncateOverlaps
Truncate overlapping ranges.
@ fIgnoreInsertions
Do not collect and store insertions (gaps on the anchor).
Query-anchored alignment can be 2 or multi-dimentional.
const TPairwiseAlnVector & GetPairwiseAlns(void) const
The vector of pairwise alns.
TDim GetAnchorRow(void) const
Which is the anchor row?
static TRegisterLoaderInfo RegisterInObjectManager(CObjectManager &om, CReader *reader=0, CObjectManager::EIsDefault is_default=CObjectManager::eDefault, CObjectManager::TPriority priority=CObjectManager::kPriority_NotSet)
Definition: gbloader.cpp:366
static CNcbiApplication * Instance(void)
Singleton method.
Definition: ncbiapp.cpp:264
A pairwise aln is a collection of ranges for a pair of rows.
int GetSecondBaseWidth(void) const
Base width of the second row.
const TAlnSeqIdIRef & GetFirstId(void) const
Get first sequence id.
int GetFirstBaseWidth(void) const
Base width of the first row.
const TAlnSeqIdIRef & GetSecondId(void) const
Get second sequence id.
CPairwiseAln iterator. Iterates over aligned ranges and gaps.
@ eAligned
Aligned range.
Scope-aware seq-id converter.
CScope –.
Definition: scope.hpp:92
void Validate(bool full_test=false) const
Definition: Seq_align.cpp:649
Sparse alignment.
Definition: sparse_aln.hpp:51
TSignedSeqPos GetSeqAlnStart(TNumrow row) const
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:271
TRng GetAlnRange(void) const
Get whole alignment range.
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:238
TNumrow GetNumRows(void) const
Synonym of the above.
Definition: sparse_aln.hpp:80
int GetBaseWidth(TNumrow row) const
Get base width for the sequence (1 for nucleotides, 3 for proteins).
Definition: sparse_aln.hpp:225
TSignedSeqPos GetSeqAlnStop(TNumrow row) const
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:278
TRange GetSeqRange(TNumrow row) const
Get sequence range in sequence coords.
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:306
CAnchoredAln::TDim TDim
Synonym of TNumrow.
Definition: sparse_aln.hpp:56
_TRange AlnRangeToNativeSeqRange(TNumrow row, _TRange aln_range) const
Convert alignment range (genomic coordinates) on the selected row to real sequence range.
Definition: sparse_aln.hpp:265
string & GetAlnSeqString(TNumrow row, string &buffer, const TSignedRange &rq_aln_rng, bool force_translation=false) const
Fetch alignment sequence data.
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:552
TDim GetDim(void) const
Alignment dimension (number of sequence rows in the alignment)
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:69
TNumrow GetAnchor(void) const
Get anchor row index.
Definition: sparse_aln.hpp:95
string & GetSeqString(TNumrow row, string &buffer, TSeqPos seq_from, TSeqPos seq_to, bool force_translation=false) const
Fetch sequence data for the given row and range.
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:496
const objects::CSeq_id & GetSeqId(TNumrow row) const
Get seq-id for the row.
Definition: sparse_aln.cpp:264
Implementation of IAlnSegmentIterator for CSparseAln.
Definition: sparse_ci.hpp:73
@ eAllSegments
Iterate all segments.
Alignment segment interface.
virtual const TSignedRange & GetRange(void) const =0
Get the selected row range.
virtual TSegTypeFlags GetType(void) const =0
Get current segment type.
virtual const TSignedRange & GetAlnRange(void) const =0
Get alignment range for the segment.
static uch flags
unsigned int TSeqPos
Type for sequence locations and lengths.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:875
virtual const CArgs & GetArgs(void) const
Get parsed command line arguments.
Definition: ncbiapp.cpp:305
#define ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
ITERATE macro to sequence through container elements.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:815
int TSignedSeqPos
Type for signed sequence position.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:887
#define MSerial_AsnText
I/O stream manipulators –.
Definition: serialbase.hpp:696
virtual bool Equals(const CSerialObject &object, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive) const
Check if both objects contain the same values.
static CRef< CObjectManager > GetInstance(void)
Return the existing object manager or create one.
void AddDefaults(TPriority pri=kPriority_Default)
Add default data loaders from object manager.
Definition: scope.cpp:504
CRef< C > Ref(C *object)
Helper functions to get CRef<> and CConstRef<> objects.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:2015
void Reset(void)
Reset reference object.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:773
bool IsDirect() const
Definition: align_range.hpp:96
bool Empty(void) const
Definition: range.hpp:148
position_type GetFirstFrom(void) const
static TThisType GetWhole(void)
Definition: range.hpp:272
IO_PREFIX::istream CNcbiIstream
Portable alias for istream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:146
IO_PREFIX::ifstream CNcbiIfstream
Portable alias for ifstream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:439
TTo GetTo(void) const
Get the To member data.
Definition: Range_.hpp:269
TFrom GetFrom(void) const
Get the From member data.
Definition: Range_.hpp:222
unsigned int
A callback function used to compare two keys in a database.
Definition: types.hpp:1210
int len
static bool Equals(const CVariation::TPlacements &p1, const CVariation::TPlacements &p2)
Defines the CNcbiApplication and CAppException classes for creating NCBI applications.
std::istream & in(std::istream &in_, double &x_)
The Object manager core.
vector< CRef< CAnchoredAln > > TAnchoredAlnVec
Collection of anchored alignments.
#define row(bind, expected)
Definition: string_bind.c:73
Utility stuff for more convenient using of Boost.Test library.
bool Verbose(void)
CRef< TScopeAlnStats > InitAlnStats(const CAlnContainer &aligns, unique_ptr< TScopeAlnIdMap > &aln_id_map)
bool DumpExpected(void)
size_t LoadAligns(CNcbiIstream &in, CAlnContainer &aligns, size_t limit=0)
CScope & GetScope(void)
void CheckSparseAln(CNcbiIstream &in_exp, const CSparseAln &sparse, bool check_sequence)
void CheckPairwiseAln(CNcbiIstream &in_exp, const CPairwiseAln &pw, size_t aln_idx, int anchor, int row)
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:07 2024 by rev. 669887