#include <klib/defs.h>
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enum | {
NCBI_WGS_component_WGS = 0
, NCBI_WGS_component_ActiveFinishing = 1
, NCBI_WGS_component_DraftHTG = 2
, NCBI_WGS_component_FinishedHTG = 3
NCBI_WGS_component_WholeGenomeFinishing = 4
, NCBI_WGS_component_OtherSequence = 5
, NCBI_WGS_component_PreDraft = 6
} |
enum | { NCBI_WGS_strand_plus = 1 * 16
, NCBI_WGS_strand_minus = 2 * 16
} |
enum | { NCBI_WGS_gap_known = 1 * -1
, NCBI_WGS_gap_unknown = 2 * -1
} |
enum | {
NCBI_WGS_gap_scaffold = 1 * -4
, NCBI_WGS_gap_contig = 2 * -4
, NCBI_WGS_gap_centromere = 3 * -4
, NCBI_WGS_gap_short_arm = 4 * -4
NCBI_WGS_gap_heterochromatin = 5 * -4
, NCBI_WGS_gap_telomere = 6 * -4
, NCBI_WGS_gap_repeat = 7 * -4
, NCBI_WGS_gap_unknown_type = 8 * -4
} |
enum | {
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_linked = 1
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_paired_ends = 2
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_align_genus = 4
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_align_xgenus = 8
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_align_trnscpt = 16
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_within_clone = 32
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_clone_contig = 64
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_map = 128
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_strobe = 256
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_unspecified = 512
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_pcr = 1024
, NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_proximity_ligation = 2048
} |
enum | { NCBI_WGS_acc_token_unrecognized = 1
, NCBI_WGS_acc_token_prefix = 2
, NCBI_WGS_acc_token_contig = 3
} |
◆ NCBI_WGS_component_props
◆ NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage
◆ anonymous enum
Enumerator |
NCBI_WGS_component_WGS | |
NCBI_WGS_component_ActiveFinishing | |
NCBI_WGS_component_DraftHTG | |
NCBI_WGS_component_FinishedHTG | |
NCBI_WGS_component_WholeGenomeFinishing | |
NCBI_WGS_component_OtherSequence | |
NCBI_WGS_component_PreDraft | |
Definition at line 70 of file wgs-contig.h.
◆ anonymous enum
Enumerator |
NCBI_WGS_strand_plus | |
NCBI_WGS_strand_minus | |
Definition at line 89 of file wgs-contig.h.
◆ anonymous enum
Enumerator |
NCBI_WGS_gap_known | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_unknown | |
Definition at line 102 of file wgs-contig.h.
◆ anonymous enum
Enumerator |
NCBI_WGS_gap_scaffold | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_contig | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_centromere | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_short_arm | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_heterochromatin | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_telomere | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_repeat | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_unknown_type | |
Definition at line 122 of file wgs-contig.h.
◆ anonymous enum
Enumerator |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_linked | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_paired_ends | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_align_genus | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_align_xgenus | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_align_trnscpt | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_within_clone | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_clone_contig | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_map | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_strobe | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_unspecified | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_pcr | |
NCBI_WGS_gap_linkage_evidence_proximity_ligation | |
Definition at line 149 of file wgs-contig.h.
◆ anonymous enum
Enumerator |
NCBI_WGS_acc_token_unrecognized | |
NCBI_WGS_acc_token_prefix | |
NCBI_WGS_acc_token_contig | |
Definition at line 175 of file wgs-contig.h.