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Conserved domains on  [gi|310750378|ref|NP_001185550|]

xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 1 isoform 2 [Homo sapiens]

Protein Classification

Xin and PHA03247 domain-containing protein( domain architecture ID 10547186)

Xin and PHA03247 domain-containing protein

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List of domain hits

Name Accession Description Interval E-value
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
507-522 1.70e-05

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 42.33  E-value: 1.70e-05
gi 310750378   507 GDVQGYRWMFETQPLD 522
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
545-560 9.77e-05

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 40.40  E-value: 9.77e-05
gi 310750378   545 GDVGTARWLFETQPLE 560
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
151-166 1.09e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 40.02  E-value: 1.09e-04
gi 310750378   151 GDVRAARWLFETKPLD 166
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
589-603 2.05e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 39.25  E-value: 2.05e-04
gi 310750378   589 GDVQTIRWLFETCPM 603
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPL 15
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
376-391 3.07e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 38.86  E-value: 3.07e-04
gi 310750378   376 GDVRSTLWLFETKPLD 391
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
303-317 3.45e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 38.86  E-value: 3.45e-04
gi 310750378   303 DVSATRWIFETQPLD 317
Cdd:pfam08043    2 DVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
89-104 2.72e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 36.16  E-value: 2.72e-03
gi 310750378    89 GDVQCMRWIFENWRLD 104
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
186-201 3.54e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 35.78  E-value: 3.54e-03
gi 310750378   186 GDVQGTRMLFETRPLD 201
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
266-279 8.62e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.


Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 34.62  E-value: 8.62e-03
gi 310750378   266 VRSARWLFETRPLD 279
Cdd:pfam08043    3 VKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Name Accession Description Interval E-value
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
507-522 1.70e-05

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 42.33  E-value: 1.70e-05
gi 310750378   507 GDVQGYRWMFETQPLD 522
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
545-560 9.77e-05

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 40.40  E-value: 9.77e-05
gi 310750378   545 GDVGTARWLFETQPLE 560
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
151-166 1.09e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 40.02  E-value: 1.09e-04
gi 310750378   151 GDVRAARWLFETKPLD 166
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
589-603 2.05e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 39.25  E-value: 2.05e-04
gi 310750378   589 GDVQTIRWLFETCPM 603
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPL 15
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
376-391 3.07e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 38.86  E-value: 3.07e-04
gi 310750378   376 GDVRSTLWLFETKPLD 391
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
303-317 3.45e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 38.86  E-value: 3.45e-04
gi 310750378   303 DVSATRWIFETQPLD 317
Cdd:pfam08043    2 DVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
89-104 2.72e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 36.16  E-value: 2.72e-03
gi 310750378    89 GDVQCMRWIFENWRLD 104
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
186-201 3.54e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 35.78  E-value: 3.54e-03
gi 310750378   186 GDVQGTRMLFETRPLD 201
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
266-279 8.62e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 34.62  E-value: 8.62e-03
gi 310750378   266 VRSARWLFETRPLD 279
Cdd:pfam08043    3 VKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Name Accession Description Interval E-value
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
507-522 1.70e-05

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 42.33  E-value: 1.70e-05
gi 310750378   507 GDVQGYRWMFETQPLD 522
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
545-560 9.77e-05

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 40.40  E-value: 9.77e-05
gi 310750378   545 GDVGTARWLFETQPLE 560
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
151-166 1.09e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 40.02  E-value: 1.09e-04
gi 310750378   151 GDVRAARWLFETKPLD 166
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
589-603 2.05e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 39.25  E-value: 2.05e-04
gi 310750378   589 GDVQTIRWLFETCPM 603
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPL 15
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
376-391 3.07e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 38.86  E-value: 3.07e-04
gi 310750378   376 GDVRSTLWLFETKPLD 391
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
303-317 3.45e-04

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 38.86  E-value: 3.45e-04
gi 310750378   303 DVSATRWIFETQPLD 317
Cdd:pfam08043    2 DVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
89-104 2.72e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 36.16  E-value: 2.72e-03
gi 310750378    89 GDVQCMRWIFENWRLD 104
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
186-201 3.54e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 35.78  E-value: 3.54e-03
gi 310750378   186 GDVQGTRMLFETRPLD 201
Cdd:pfam08043    1 GDVKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Xin pfam08043
Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This ...
266-279 8.62e-03

Xin repeat; The repeat has the consensus sequence GDV(K/Q/R)(T/S/G)X(R/K/T) WLFETXPLD. This repeat motif is typically found in the N-terminus of the proteins, with a copy number between 2 and 28 repeats. Direct evidence for binding to and stabilising F-actin has been found in the human protein Swiss:Q702N9. The homologs in mouse and chicken localize in the adherens junction complex of the intercalated disc in cardiac muscle and in the myotendon junction of skeletal muscle. mXin may co-localize with Vinculin which is known to attach the actin to the cytoplasmic membrane. It has been shown that the amino-terminus of human xin (CMYA1) binds the EVH1 domain of Mena/VASP/EVL, and the carboxy-terminus binds the, for the filamin family unique, domain 20 of filaminC. This confirms the proposed role of xin repeat containing proteins as F-actin-binding adapter proteins.

Pssm-ID: 462346  Cd Length: 16  Bit Score: 34.62  E-value: 8.62e-03
gi 310750378   266 VRSARWLFETRPLD 279
Cdd:pfam08043    3 VKTTRWLFETQPLD 16
Blast search parameters
Data Source: Precalculated data, version = cdd.v.3.21
Preset Options:Database: CDSEARCH/cdd   Low complexity filter: no  Composition Based Adjustment: yes   E-value threshold: 0.01


  • Wang J et al. (2023), "The conserved domain database in 2023", Nucleic Acids Res.51(D)384-8.
  • Lu S et al. (2020), "The conserved domain database in 2020", Nucleic Acids Res.48(D)265-8.
  • Marchler-Bauer A et al. (2017), "CDD/SPARCLE: functional classification of proteins via subfamily domain architectures.", Nucleic Acids Res.45(D)200-3.
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