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Conserved domains on  [gi|1958704824|ref|XP_038951653|]

cyclin-dependent kinase 13 isoform X6 [Rattus norvegicus]

Protein Classification

protein kinase family protein( domain architecture ID 229378)

protein kinase family protein may catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to substrates such as serine/threonine and/or tyrosine residues on proteins, or may be a pseudokinase

CATH:  1.10.510.10
PubMed:  16244704
SCOP:  4003661

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List of domain hits

Name Accession Description Interval E-value
PKc_like super family cl21453
Protein Kinases, catalytic domain; The protein kinase superfamily is mainly composed of the ...
697-784 6.59e-54

Protein Kinases, catalytic domain; The protein kinase superfamily is mainly composed of the catalytic domains of serine/threonine-specific and tyrosine-specific protein kinases. It also includes RIO kinases, which are atypical serine protein kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferases, and choline kinases. These proteins catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to hydroxyl groups in specific substrates such as serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues of proteins.

The actual alignment was detected with superfamily member cd07864:

Pssm-ID: 473864 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 302  Bit Score: 188.86  E-value: 6.59e-54
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 777 ALDFKKDK 784
Cdd:cd07864    81 ALDFKKDK 88
Name Accession Description Interval E-value
STKc_CDK12 cd07864
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 12; STKs ...
697-784 6.59e-54

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 12; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK12 is also called Cdc2-related protein kinase 7 (CRK7) or Cdc2-related kinase arginine/serine-rich (CrkRS). It is a unique CDK that contains an RS domain, which is predominantly found in splicing factors. CDK12 is widely expressed in tissues. It interacts with cyclins L1 and L2, and plays roles in regulating transcription and alternative splicing. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK12 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270847 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 302  Bit Score: 188.86  E-value: 6.59e-54
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 777 ALDFKKDK 784
Cdd:cd07864    81 ALDFKKDK 88
Pkinase pfam00069
Protein kinase domain;
705-774 1.34e-20

Protein kinase domain;

Pssm-ID: 459660 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 217  Bit Score: 91.15  E-value: 1.34e-20
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
S_TKc smart00220
Serine/Threonine protein kinases, catalytic domain; Phosphotransferases. Serine or ...
705-776 3.46e-20

Serine/Threonine protein kinases, catalytic domain; Phosphotransferases. Serine or threonine-specific kinase subfamily.

Pssm-ID: 214567 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 254  Bit Score: 90.67  E-value: 3.46e-20
                           10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PLN00009 PLN00009
cyclin-dependent kinase A; Provisional
702-790 1.05e-18

cyclin-dependent kinase A; Provisional

Pssm-ID: 177649 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 294  Bit Score: 87.57  E-value: 1.05e-18
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
gi 1958704824 778 ----LDFKKDKAPPPPF 790
Cdd:PLN00009   81 eyldLDLKKHMDSSPDF 97
SPS1 COG0515
Serine/threonine protein kinase [Signal transduction mechanisms];
702-765 1.67e-08

Serine/threonine protein kinase [Signal transduction mechanisms];

Pssm-ID: 440281 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 482  Bit Score: 57.72  E-value: 1.67e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
Name Accession Description Interval E-value
STKc_CDK12 cd07864
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 12; STKs ...
697-784 6.59e-54

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 12; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK12 is also called Cdc2-related protein kinase 7 (CRK7) or Cdc2-related kinase arginine/serine-rich (CrkRS). It is a unique CDK that contains an RS domain, which is predominantly found in splicing factors. CDK12 is widely expressed in tissues. It interacts with cyclins L1 and L2, and plays roles in regulating transcription and alternative splicing. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK12 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270847 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 302  Bit Score: 188.86  E-value: 6.59e-54
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 777 ALDFKKDK 784
Cdd:cd07864    81 ALDFKKDK 88
STKc_CDK9_like cd07840
Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 9-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs ...
705-777 1.37e-39

Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 9-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of CDK9 and CDK12 from higher eukaryotes, yeast BUR1, C-type plant CDKs (CdkC), and similar proteins. CDK9, BUR1, and CdkC are functionally equivalent. They act as a kinase for the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II and participate in regulating mutliple steps of gene expression including transcription elongation and RNA processing. CDK9 and CdkC associate with T-type cyclins while BUR1 associates with the cyclin BUR2. CDK12 is a unique CDK that contains an arginine/serine-rich (RS) domain, which is predominantly found in splicing factors. CDK12 interacts with cyclins L1 and L2, and participates in regulating transcription and alternative splicing. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK9-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270832 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 291  Bit Score: 148.10  E-value: 1.37e-39
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDK_like cd07829
Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs ...
705-775 2.97e-30

Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. CDKs are partly regulated by their subcellular localization, which defines substrate phosphorylation and the resulting specific function. CDK1, CDK2, CDK4, and CDK6 have well-defined functions in the cell cycle, such as the regulation of the early G1 phase by CDK4 or CDK6, the G1/S phase transition by CDK2, or the entry of mitosis by CDK1. They also exhibit overlapping cyclin specificity and functions in certain conditions. Knockout mice with a single CDK deleted remain viable with specific phenotypes, showing that some CDKs can compensate for each other. For example, CDK4 can compensate for the loss of CDK6, however, double knockout mice with both CDK4 and CDK6 deleted die in utero. CDK8 and CDK9 are mainly involved in transcription while CDK5 is implicated in neuronal function. CDK7 plays essential roles in both the cell cycle as a CDK-Activating Kinase (CAK) and in transcription as a component of the general transcription factor TFIIH. The CDK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270823 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 282  Bit Score: 121.05  E-value: 2.97e-30
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDK9 cd07865
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 9; STKs ...
702-785 8.90e-29

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 9; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK9, together with a cyclin partner (cyclin T1, T2a, T2b, or K), is the main component of distinct positive transcription elongation factors (P-TEFb), which function as Ser2 C-terminal domain kinases of RNA polymerase II. P-TEFb participates in multiple steps of gene expression including transcription elongation, mRNA synthesis, processing, export, and translation. It also plays a role in mediating cytokine induced transcription networks such as IL6-induced STAT3 signaling. In addition, the CDK9/cyclin T2a complex promotes muscle differentiation and enhances the function of some myogenic regulatory factors. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK9 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270848 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 310  Bit Score: 117.47  E-value: 8.90e-29
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 782 KDKA 785
Cdd:cd07865    89 RYKG 92
STKc_CDC2L1 cd07843
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Division Cycle 2-like 1; STKs catalyze ...
700-771 1.21e-28

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Division Cycle 2-like 1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDC2L1, also called PITSLRE, exists in different isoforms which are named using the alias CDK11(p). The CDC2L1 gene produces two protein products, CDK11(p110) and CDK11(p58). CDC2L1 is also represented by the caspase-processed CDK11(p46). CDK11(p110), the major isoform, associates with cyclin L and is expressed throughout the cell cycle. It is involved in RNA processing and the regulation of transcription. CDK11(p58) associates with cyclin D3 and is expressed during the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. It plays roles in spindle morphogenesis, centrosome maturation, sister chromatid cohesion, and the completion of mitosis. CDK11(p46) is formed from the larger isoforms by caspases during TNFalpha- and Fas-induced apoptosis. It functions as a downstream effector kinase in apoptotic signaling pathways and interacts with eukaryotic initiation factor 3f (eIF3f), p21-activated kinase (PAK1), and Ran-binding protein (RanBPM). CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDC2L1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 173741 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 293  Bit Score: 116.55  E-value: 1.21e-28
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDK10 cd07845
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 10; STKs ...
700-774 9.75e-27

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 10; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK10, also called PISSLRE, is essential for cell growth and proliferation, and acts through the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. CDK10 has also been identified as an important factor in endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer. CDK10 silencing increases the transcription of c-RAF and the activation of the p42/p44 MAPK pathway, which leads to antiestrogen resistance. Patients who express low levels of CDK10 relapse early on tamoxifen. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK10 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 173742 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 309  Bit Score: 111.30  E-value: 9.75e-27
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDK1_CdkB_like cd07835
Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 1-like Serine/Threonine Kinases and of ...
711-773 6.43e-24

Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 1-like Serine/Threonine Kinases and of Plant B-type Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of CDK, CDK2, and CDK3. CDK1 is also called Cell division control protein 2 (Cdc2) or p34 protein kinase, and is regulated by cyclins A, B, and E. The CDK1/cyclin A complex controls G2 phase entry and progression while the CDK1/cyclin B complex is critical for G2 to M phase transition. CDK2 is regulated by cyclin E or cyclin A. Upon activation by cyclin E, it phosphorylates the retinoblastoma (pRb) protein which activates E2F mediated transcription and allows cells to move into S phase. The CDK2/cyclin A complex plays a role in regulating DNA replication. Studies in knockout mice revealed that CDK1 can compensate for the loss of the cdk2 gene as it can also bind cyclin E and drive G1 to S phase transition. CDK3 is regulated by cyclin C and it phosphorylates pRB specifically during the G0/G1 transition. This phosphorylation is required for cells to exit G0 efficiently and enter the G1 phase. The plant-specific B-type CDKs are expressed from the late S to the M phase of the cell cycle. They are characterized by the cyclin binding motif PPT[A/T]LRE. They play a role in controlling mitosis and integrating developmental pathways, such as stomata and leaf development. CdkB has been shown to associate with both cyclin B, which controls G2/M transition, and cyclin D, which acts as a mediator in linking extracellular signals to the cell cycle. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270829 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 283  Bit Score: 102.37  E-value: 6.43e-24
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_BUR1 cd07866
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Fungal Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase (CDK), ...
702-782 1.10e-23

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Fungal Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase (CDK), Bypass UAS Requirement 1, and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. BUR1, also called SGV1, is a yeast CDK that is functionally equivalent to mammalian CDK9. It associates with the cyclin BUR2. BUR genes were orginally identified in a genetic screen as factors involved in general transcription. The BUR1/BUR2 complex phosphorylates the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. In addition, this complex regulates histone modification by phosporylating Rad6 and mediating the association of the Paf1 complex with chromatin. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The BUR1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270849 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 311  Bit Score: 102.39  E-value: 1.10e-23
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 782 K 782
Cdd:cd07866    87 R 87
STKc_CDK2_3 cd07860
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 2 and 3; ...
705-787 2.00e-22

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 2 and 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK2 is regulated by cyclin E or cyclin A. Upon activation by cyclin E, it phosphorylates the retinoblastoma (pRb) protein which activates E2F mediated transcription and allows cells to move into S phase. The CDK2/cyclin A complex plays a role in regulating DNA replication. CDK2, together with CDK4, also regulates embryonic cell proliferation. Despite these important roles, mice deleted for the cdk2 gene are viable and normal except for being sterile. This may be due to compensation provided by CDK1 (also called Cdc2), which can also bind cyclin E and drive the G1 to S phase transition. CDK3 is regulated by cyclin C and it phosphorylates pRB specifically during the G0/G1 transition. This phosphorylation is required for cells to exit G0 efficiently and enter the G1 phase. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK2/3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270844 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 284  Bit Score: 97.96  E-value: 2.00e-22
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
gi 1958704824 779 --DFKK--DKAPP 787
Cdd:cd07860    82 hqDLKKfmDASAL 94
Pkinase pfam00069
Protein kinase domain;
705-774 1.34e-20

Protein kinase domain;

Pssm-ID: 459660 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 217  Bit Score: 91.15  E-value: 1.34e-20
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDK5 cd07839
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 5; STKs ...
704-781 1.58e-20

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 5; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK5 is unusual in that it is regulated by non-cyclin proteins, p35 and p39. It is highly expressed in the nervous system and is critical in normal neural development and function. It plays a role in neuronal migration and differentiation, and is also important in synaptic plasticity and learning. CDK5 also participates in protecting against cell death and promoting angiogenesis. Impaired CDK5 activity is implicated in Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and acute neuronal injury. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK5 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 143344 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 284  Bit Score: 92.50  E-value: 1.58e-20
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
S_TKc smart00220
Serine/Threonine protein kinases, catalytic domain; Phosphotransferases. Serine or ...
705-776 3.46e-20

Serine/Threonine protein kinases, catalytic domain; Phosphotransferases. Serine or threonine-specific kinase subfamily.

Pssm-ID: 214567 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 254  Bit Score: 90.67  E-value: 3.46e-20
                           10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDK7 cd07841
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 7; STKs ...
704-765 2.69e-19

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 7; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK7 plays essential roles in the cell cycle and in transcription. It associates with cyclin H and MAT1 and acts as a CDK-Activating Kinase (CAK) by phosphorylating and activating cell cycle CDKs (CDK1/2/4/6). In the brain, it activates CDK5. CDK7 is also a component of the general transcription factor TFIIH, which phosphorylates the C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II when it is bound with unphosphorylated DNA, as present in the pre-initiation complex. Following phosphorylation, the CTD dissociates from the DNA which allows transcription initiation. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK7 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270833 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 298  Bit Score: 89.17  E-value: 2.69e-19
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_CDK1_euk cd07861
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 1 from higher ...
704-771 3.65e-19

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 1 from higher eukaryotes; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK1 is also called Cell division control protein 2 (Cdc2) or p34 protein kinase, and is regulated by cyclins A, B, and E. The CDK1/cyclin A complex controls G2 phase entry and progression. CDK1/cyclin A2 has also been implicated as an important regulator of S phase events. The CDK1/cyclin B complex is critical for G2 to M phase transition. It induces mitosis by activating nuclear enzymes that regulate chromatin condensation, nuclear membrane degradation, mitosis-specific microtubule and cytoskeletal reorganization. CDK1 also associates with cyclin E and plays a role in the entry into S phase. CDK1 transcription is stable throughout the cell cycle but is modulated in some pathological conditions. It may play a role in regulating apoptosis under these conditions. In breast cancer cells, HER2 can mediate apoptosis by inactivating CDK1. Activation of CDK1 may contribute to HIV-1 induced apoptosis as well as neuronal apoptosis in neurodegenerative diseases. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270845 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 285  Bit Score: 88.63  E-value: 3.65e-19
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PLN00009 PLN00009
cyclin-dependent kinase A; Provisional
702-790 1.05e-18

cyclin-dependent kinase A; Provisional

Pssm-ID: 177649 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 294  Bit Score: 87.57  E-value: 1.05e-18
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
gi 1958704824 778 ----LDFKKDKAPPPPF 790
Cdd:PLN00009   81 eyldLDLKKHMDSSPDF 97
STKc_CDKL cd07833
Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs ...
703-769 7.68e-18

Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of CDKL1-5 and similar proteins. Some CDKLs, like CDKL1 and CDKL3, may be implicated in transformation and others, like CDKL3 and CDKL5, are associated with mental retardation when impaired. CDKL2 plays a role in learning and memory. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDKL subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270827 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 288  Bit Score: 84.68  E-value: 7.68e-18
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_CDK4_6_like cd07838
Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 4 and 6-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; ...
705-770 1.27e-17

Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 4 and 6-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK4 and CDK6 partner with D-type cyclins to regulate the early G1 phase of the cell cycle. They are the first kinases activated by mitogenic signals to release cells from the G0 arrested state. CDK4 and CDK6 are both expressed ubiquitously, associate with all three D cyclins (D1, D2 and D3), and phosphorylate the retinoblastoma (pRb) protein. They are also regulated by the INK4 family of inhibitors which associate with either the CDK alone or the CDK/cyclin complex. CDK4 and CDK6 show differences in subcellular localization, sensitivity to some inhibitors, timing in activation, tumor selectivity, and possibly substrate profiles. Although CDK4 and CDK6 seem to show some redundancy, they also have discrete, nonoverlapping functions. CDK6 plays an important role in cell differentiation. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK4/6-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270831 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 287  Bit Score: 83.86  E-value: 1.27e-17
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_CdkB_plant cd07837
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Plant B-type Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase; ...
703-765 1.44e-16

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Plant B-type Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The plant-specific B-type CDKs are expressed from the late S to the M phase of the cell cycle. They are characterized by the cyclin binding motif PPT[A/T]LRE. They play a role in controlling mitosis and integrating developmental pathways, such as stomata and leaf development. CdkB has been shown to associate with both cyclin B, which controls G2/M transition, and cyclin D, which acts as a mediator in linking extracellular signals to the cell cycle. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CdkB subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270830 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 294  Bit Score: 81.03  E-value: 1.44e-16
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_CDK8_like cd07842
Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 8-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs ...
704-776 2.23e-16

Catalytic domain of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 8-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of CDK8, CDC2L6, and similar proteins. CDK8 functions as a negative or positive regulator of transcription, depending on the scenario. Together with its regulator, cyclin C, it reversibly associates with the multi-subunit core Mediator complex, a cofactor that is involved in regulating RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription. CDC2L6 also associates with Mediator in complexes lacking CDK8. In VP16-dependent transcriptional activation, CDK8 and CDC2L6 exerts opposing effects by positive and negative regulation, respectively, in similar conditions. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK8-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270834 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 316  Bit Score: 80.79  E-value: 2.23e-16
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_Pho85 cd07836
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Fungal Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Pho85; ...
711-771 3.18e-16

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Fungal Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Pho85; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Pho85 is a multifunctional CDK in yeast. It is regulated by 10 different cyclins (Pcls) and plays a role in G1 progression, cell polarity, phosphate and glycogen metabolism, gene expression, and in signaling changes in the environment. It is not essential for yeast viability and is the functional homolog of mammalian CDK5, which plays a role in central nervous system development. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The Pho85 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 143341 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 284  Bit Score: 79.83  E-value: 3.18e-16
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_CMGC cd05118
Catalytic domain of CMGC family Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
705-775 1.42e-15

Catalytic domain of CMGC family Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The CMGC family consists of Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinases (CDKs), Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) such as Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERKs), c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs), and p38, and other kinases. CDKs belong to a large subfamily of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. MAPKs serve as important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. They control critical cellular functions including differentiation, proliferation, migration, and apoptosis. They are also implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases including multiple types of cancer, stroke, diabetes, and chronic inflammation. Other members of the CMGC family include casein kinase 2 (CK2), Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinase (DYRK), Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3), among many others. The CMGC family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270688 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 249  Bit Score: 77.27  E-value: 1.42e-15
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDK4 cd07863
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 4; STKs ...
704-788 2.50e-15

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 4; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK4 partners with all three D-type cyclins (D1, D2, and D3) and is also regulated by INK4 inhibitors. It is active towards the retinoblastoma (pRb) protein and plays a role in regulating the early G1 phase of the cell cycle. It is expressed ubiquitously and is localized in the nucleus. CDK4 also shows kinase activity towards Smad3, a signal transducer of TGF-beta signaling which modulates transcription and plays a role in cell proliferation and apoptosis. CDK4 is inhibited by the p21 inhibitor and is specifically mutated in human melanoma. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK4 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 143368 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 288  Bit Score: 77.31  E-value: 2.50e-15
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
                          90       100
gi 1958704824 777 AL---------DFKK--DKAPPP 788
Cdd:cd07863    81 KVtlvfehvdqDLRTylDKVPPP 103
STKc_AMPK-like cd14003
Catalytic domain of AMP-activated protein kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze ...
704-774 5.29e-15

Catalytic domain of AMP-activated protein kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The AMPK-like subfamily is composed of AMPK, MARK, BRSK, NUAK, MELK, SNRK, TSSK, and SIK, among others. LKB1 serves as a master upstream kinase that activates AMPK and most AMPK-like kinases. AMPK, also called SNF1 (sucrose non-fermenting1) in yeasts and SnRK1 (SNF1-related kinase1) in plants, is a heterotrimeric enzyme composed of a catalytic alpha subunit and two regulatory subunits, beta and gamma. It is a stress-activated kinase that serves as master regulator of glucose and lipid metabolism by monitoring carbon and energy supplies, via sensing the cell's AMP:ATP ratio. MARKs phosphorylate tau and related microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), and regulates microtubule-based intracellular transport. They are involved in embryogenesis, epithelial cell polarization, cell signaling, and neuronal differentiation. BRSKs play important roles in establishing neuronal polarity. TSSK proteins are almost exclusively expressed postmeiotically in the testis and play important roles in spermatogenesis and/or spermiogenesis. The AMPK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270905 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 252  Bit Score: 75.63  E-value: 5.29e-15
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_PCTAIRE_like cd07844
Catalytic domain of PCTAIRE-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
708-780 5.58e-15

Catalytic domain of PCTAIRE-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PCTAIRE-like proteins show unusual expression patterns with high levels in post-mitotic tissues, suggesting that they may be involved in regulating post-mitotic cellular events. They share sequence similarity with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), which belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, CDKs and cyclins are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The association of PCTAIRE-like proteins with cyclins has not been widely studied, although PFTAIRE-1 has been shown to function as a CDK which is regulated by cyclin D3 as well as the membrane-associated cyclin Y. The PCTAIRE-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270835 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 286  Bit Score: 76.27  E-value: 5.58e-15
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDKL1_4 cd07847
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like 1 and 4; ...
703-770 8.85e-15

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like 1 and 4; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDKL1, also called p42 KKIALRE, is a glial protein that is upregulated in gliosis. It is present in neuroblastoma and A431 human carcinoma cells, and may be implicated in neoplastic transformation. The function of CDKL4 is unknown. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDKL1/4 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270837 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 286  Bit Score: 75.49  E-value: 8.85e-15
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_PCTAIRE3 cd07871
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PCTAIRE-3 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
708-781 3.34e-14

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PCTAIRE-3 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PCTAIRE-3 shows a restricted pattern of expression and is present in brain, kidney, and intestine. It is elevated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and has been shown to associate with paired helical filaments (PHFs) and stimulate Tau phosphorylation. As AD progresses, phosphorylated Tau aggregates and forms PHFs, which leads to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. In human glioma cells, PCTAIRE-3 induces cell cycle arrest and cell death. PCTAIRE-3 shares sequence similarity with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), which belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, CDKs and cyclins are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The PCTAIRE-3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270853 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 288  Bit Score: 73.89  E-value: 3.34e-14
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_PCTAIRE1 cd07873
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PCTAIRE-1 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
711-781 7.07e-14

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PCTAIRE-1 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PCTAIRE-1 is expressed ubiquitously and is localized in the cytoplasm. Its kinase activity is cell cycle dependent and peaks at the S and G2 phases. PCTAIRE-1 is highly expressed in the brain and may play a role in regulating neurite outgrowth. It can also associate with Trap (Tudor repeat associator with PCTAIRE-2), a physiological partner of PCTAIRE-2; with p11, a small dimeric protein with similarity to S100; and with 14-3-3 proteins, mediators of phosphorylation-dependent interactions in many different proteins. PCTAIRE-1 shares sequence similarity with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), which belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, CDKs and cyclins are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The PCTAIRE-1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270854 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 297  Bit Score: 73.11  E-value: 7.07e-14
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDKL2_3 cd07846
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like 2 and 3; ...
703-775 1.17e-13

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like 2 and 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDKL2, also called p56 KKIAMRE, is expressed in testis, kidney, lung, and brain. It functions mainly in mature neurons and plays an important role in learning and memory. Inactivation of CDKL3, also called NKIAMRE (NKIATRE in rat), by translocation is associated with mild mental retardation. It has been reported that CDKL3 is lost in leukemic cells having a chromosome arm 5q deletion, and may contribute to the transformed phenotype. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDKL2/3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270836 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 286  Bit Score: 72.07  E-value: 1.17e-13
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CCRK cd07832
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Cycle-Related Kinase; STKs catalyze the ...
704-773 1.35e-13

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Cycle-Related Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CCRK was previously called p42. It is a Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK)-Activating Kinase (CAK) which is essential for the activation of CDK2. It is indispensable for cell growth and has been implicated in the progression of glioblastoma multiforme. In the heart, a splice variant of CCRK with a different C-terminal half is expressed; this variant promotes cardiac cell growth and survival and is significantly down-regulated during the development of heart failure. The CCRK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270826 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 287  Bit Score: 71.98  E-value: 1.35e-13
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_STK36 cd14002
Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase 36; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
703-775 1.80e-13

Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase 36; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. STK36, also called Fused (or Fu) kinase, is involved in the Hedgehog signaling pathway. It is activated by the Smoothened (SMO) signal transducer, resulting in the stabilization of GLI transcription factors and the phosphorylation of SUFU to facilitate the nuclear accumulation of GLI. In Drosophila, Fused kinase is maternally required for proper segmentation during embryonic development and for the development of legs and wings during the larval stage. In mice, STK36 is not necessary for embryonic development, although mice deficient in STK36 display growth retardation postnatally. The STK36 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270904 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 253  Bit Score: 71.13  E-value: 1.80e-13
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDKL5 cd07848
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like 5; STKs ...
703-769 3.34e-13

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase Like 5; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Mutations in the gene encoding CDKL5, previously called STK9, are associated with early onset epilepsy and severe mental retardation [X-linked infantile spasm syndrome (ISSX) or West syndrome]. In addition, CDKL5 mutations also sometimes cause a phenotype similar to Rett syndrome (RTT), a progressive neurodevelopmental disorder. These pathogenic mutations are located in the N-terminal portion of the protein within the kinase domain. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDKL5 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270838 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 287  Bit Score: 70.80  E-value: 3.34e-13
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STKc_CDK6 cd07862
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 6; STKs ...
704-778 5.03e-13

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 6; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK6 is regulated by D-type cyclins and INK4 inhibitors. It is active towards the retinoblastoma (pRb) protein, implicating it to function in regulating the early G1 phase of the cell cycle. It is expressed ubiquitously and is localized in the cytoplasm. It is also present in the ruffling edge of spreading fibroblasts and may play a role in cell spreading. It binds to the p21 inhibitor without any effect on its own activity and it is overexpressed in squamous cell carcinomas and neuroblastomas. CDK6 has also been shown to inhibit cell differentiation in many cell types. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK6 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270846 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 290  Bit Score: 70.45  E-value: 5.03e-13
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 776 DAL 778
Cdd:cd07862    82 TKL 84
STKc_PCTAIRE2 cd07872
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PCTAIRE-2 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
711-781 6.84e-13

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PCTAIRE-2 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PCTAIRE-2 is specifically expressed in neurons in the central nervous system, mainly in terminally differentiated neurons. It associates with Trap (Tudor repeat associator with PCTAIRE-2) and could play a role in regulating mitochondrial function in neurons. PCTAIRE-2 shares sequence similarity with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), which belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, CDKs and cyclins are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The PCTAIRE-2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 143377 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 309  Bit Score: 70.41  E-value: 6.84e-13
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_MAP4K3_like cd06613
Catalytic domain of Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase (MAP4K) 3-like ...
704-766 9.38e-13

Catalytic domain of Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase (MAP4K) 3-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily includes MAP4K3, MAP4K1, MAP4K2, MAP4K5, and related proteins. Vertebrate members contain an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal citron homology (CNH) regulatory domain. MAP4K1, also called haematopoietic progenitor kinase 1 (HPK1), is a hematopoietic-specific STK involved in many cellular signaling cascades including MAPK, antigen receptor, apoptosis, growth factor, and cytokine signaling. It participates in the regulation of T cell receptor signaling and T cell-mediated immune responses. MAP4K2 was referred to as germinal center (GC) kinase because of its preferred location in GC B cells. MAP4K3 plays a role in the nutrient-responsive pathway of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) signaling. It is required in the activation of S6 kinase by amino acids and for the phosphorylation of the mTOR-regulated inhibitor of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E. MAP4K5, also called germinal center kinase-related enzyme (GCKR), has been shown to activate the MAPK c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). The MAP4K3-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270788 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 259  Bit Score: 68.87  E-value: 9.38e-13
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PKc cd00180
Catalytic domain of Protein Kinases; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group ...
711-774 1.45e-12

Catalytic domain of Protein Kinases; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine or tyrosine residues on protein substrates. PKs make up a large family of serine/threonine kinases (STKs), protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs), and dual-specificity PKs that phosphorylate both serine/threonine and tyrosine residues of target proteins. Majority of protein phosphorylation occurs on serine residues while only 1% occurs on tyrosine residues. Protein phosphorylation is a mechanism by which a wide variety of cellular proteins, such as enzymes and membrane channels, are reversibly regulated in response to certain stimuli. PKs often function as components of signal transduction pathways in which one kinase activates a second kinase, which in turn, may act on other kinases; this sequential action transmits a signal from the cell surface to target proteins, which results in cellular responses. The PK family is one of the largest known protein families with more than 100 homologous yeast enzymes and more than 500 human proteins. A fraction of PK family members are pseudokinases that lack crucial residues for catalytic activity. The mutiplicity of kinases allows for specific regulation according to substrate, tissue distribution, and cellular localization. PKs regulate many cellular processes including proliferation, division, differentiation, motility, survival, metabolism, cell-cycle progression, cytoskeletal rearrangement, immunity, and neuronal functions. Many kinases are implicated in the development of various human diseases including different types of cancer. The PK family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), and actin-fragmin kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270622 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 215  Bit Score: 67.68  E-value: 1.45e-12
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_MAK_like cd07830
Catalytic domain of Male germ cell-Associated Kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs ...
705-776 5.97e-12

Catalytic domain of Male germ cell-Associated Kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of human MAK and MAK-related kinase (MRK), Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ime2p, Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mei4-dependent protein 3 (Mde3) and Pit1, Caenorhabditis elegans dyf-5, Arabidopsis thaliana MHK, and similar proteins. These proteins play important roles during meiosis. MAK is highly expressed in testicular cells specifically in the meiotic phase, but is not essential for spermatogenesis and fertility. It functions as a coactivator of the androgen receptor in prostate cells. MRK, also called Intestinal Cell Kinase (ICK), is expressed ubiquitously, with highest expression in the ovary and uterus. A missense mutation in MRK causes endocrine-cerebro-osteodysplasia, suggesting that this protein plays an important role in the development of many organs. MAK and MRK may be involved in regulating cell cycle and cell fate. Ime2p is a meiosis-specific kinase that is important during meiotic initiation and during the later stages of meiosis. Mde3 functions downstream of the transcription factor Mei-4 which is essential for meiotic prophase I. The MAK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270824 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 283  Bit Score: 67.17  E-value: 5.97e-12
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_GSK3 cd14137
The catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3; STKs catalyze ...
704-768 6.24e-12

The catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. GSK3 is a mutifunctional kinase involved in many cellular processes including cell division, proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, and apoptosis. In plants, GSK3 plays a role in the response to osmotic stress. In Caenorhabditis elegans, it plays a role in regulating normal oocyte-to-embryo transition and response to oxidative stress. In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, GSK3 regulates flagellar length and assembly. In mammals, there are two isoforms, GSK3alpha and GSK3beta, which show both distinct and redundant functions. The two isoforms differ mainly in their N-termini. They are both involved in axon formation and in Wnt signaling.They play distinct roles in cardiogenesis, with GSKalpha being essential in cardiomyocyte survival, and GSKbeta regulating heart positioning and left-right symmetry. GSK3beta was first identified as a regulator of glycogen synthesis, but has since been determined to play other roles. It regulates the degradation of beta-catenin and IkB. Beta-catenin is the main effector of Wnt, which is involved in normal haematopoiesis and stem cell function. IkB is a central inhibitor of NF-kB, which is critical in maintaining leukemic cell growth. GSK3beta is enriched in the brain and is involved in regulating neuronal signaling pathways. It is implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases including Type II diabetes, obesity, mood disorders, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and some types of cancer, among others. The GSK3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271039 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 293  Bit Score: 67.14  E-value: 6.24e-12
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_MAPK cd07834
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase; STKs ...
704-781 1.31e-11

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MAPKs serve as important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. They control critical cellular functions including differentiation, proliferation, migration, and apoptosis. They are also implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases including multiple types of cancer, stroke, diabetes, and chronic inflammation. Typical MAPK pathways involve a triple kinase core cascade comprising of the MAPK, which is phosphorylated and activated by a MAPK kinase (MAP2K or MKK), which itself is phosphorylated and activated by a MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K or MKKK). Each cascade is activated either by a small GTP-binding protein or by an adaptor protein, which transmits the signal either directly to a MAP3K to start the triple kinase core cascade or indirectly through a mediator kinase, a MAP4K. There are three typical MAPK subfamilies: Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK), and p38. Some MAPKs are atypical in that they are not regulated by MAP2Ks. These include MAPK4, MAPK6, NLK, and ERK7. The MAPK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270828 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 329  Bit Score: 66.78  E-value: 1.31e-11
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 779 DFK 781
Cdd:cd07834    75 EFN 77
PTZ00024 PTZ00024
cyclin-dependent protein kinase; Provisional
711-775 2.89e-11

cyclin-dependent protein kinase; Provisional

Pssm-ID: 240233 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 335  Bit Score: 65.55  E-value: 2.89e-11
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_MST1_2 cd06612
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mammalian STe20-like protein kinase 1 and 2; ...
705-765 3.18e-11

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mammalian STe20-like protein kinase 1 and 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of MST1, MST2, and related proteins including Drosophila Hippo and Dictyostelium discoideum Krs1 (kinase responsive to stress 1). MST1/2 and Hippo are involved in a conserved pathway that governs cell contact inhibition, organ size control, and tumor development. MST1 activates the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) through MKK7 and MEKK1 by acting as a MAPK kinase kinase kinase. Activation of JNK by MST1 leads to caspase activation and apoptosis. MST1 has also been implicated in cell proliferation and differentiation. Krs1 may regulate cell growth arrest and apoptosis in response to cellular stress. The MST1/2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 132943 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 256  Bit Score: 64.59  E-value: 3.18e-11
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_PFTAIRE1 cd07869
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PFTAIRE-1 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
703-775 3.81e-11

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PFTAIRE-1 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PFTAIRE-1 is widely expressed except in the spleen and thymus. It is highly expressed in the brain, heart, pancreas, testis, and ovary, and is localized in the cytoplasm. It is regulated by cyclin D3 and is inhibited by the p21 cell cycle inhibitor. It has also been shown to interact with the membrane-associated cyclin Y, which recruits the protein to the plasma membrane. PFTAIRE-1 shares sequence similarity with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), which belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, CDKs and cyclins are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The PFTAIRE-1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 143374 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 303  Bit Score: 65.10  E-value: 3.81e-11
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_ERK1_2_like cd07849
Catalytic domain of Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase 1 and 2-like Serine/Threonine ...
703-772 4.63e-11

Catalytic domain of Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase 1 and 2-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) ERK1, ERK2, baker's yeast Fus3, and similar proteins. MAPK pathways are important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. ERK1/2 activation is preferentially by mitogenic factors, differentiation stimuli, and cytokines, through a kinase cascade involving the MAPK kinases MEK1/2 and a MAPK kinase kinase from the Raf family. ERK1/2 have numerous substrates, many of which are nuclear and participate in transcriptional regulation of many cellular processes. They regulate cell growth, cell proliferation, and cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase. Although the distinct roles of ERK1 and ERK2 have not been fully determined, it is known that ERK2 can maintain most functions in the absence of ERK1, and that the deletion of ERK2 is embryonically lethal. The MAPK, Fus3, regulates yeast mating processes including mating-specific gene expression, G1 arrest, mating projection, and cell fusion. This ERK1/2-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270839 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 336  Bit Score: 65.02  E-value: 4.63e-11
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_NUAK cd14073
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, novel (nua) kinase family NUAK; STKs catalyze ...
704-775 8.99e-11

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, novel (nua) kinase family NUAK; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. NUAK proteins are classified as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-related kinases, which like AMPK are activated by the major tumor suppressor LKB1. Vertebrates contain two NUAK proteins, called NUAK1 and NUAK2. NUAK1, also called ARK5 (AMPK-related protein kinase 5), regulates cell proliferation and displays tumor suppression through direct interaction and phosphorylation of p53. It is also involved in cell senescence and motility. High NUAK1 expression is associated with invasiveness of nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and breast cancer cells. NUAK2, also called SNARK (Sucrose, non-fermenting 1/AMP-activated protein kinase-related kinase), is involved in energy metabolism. It is activated by hyperosmotic stress, DNA damage, and nutrients such as glucose and glutamine. NUAK2-knockout mice develop obesity, altered serum lipid profiles, hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, and impaired glucose tolerance. The NUAK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270975 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 254  Bit Score: 63.18  E-value: 8.99e-11
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_PFTAIRE2 cd07870
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PFTAIRE-2 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
711-775 9.03e-11

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, PFTAIRE-2 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PFTAIRE-2 is also referred to as ALS2CR7 (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region candidate 7). It may be associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (ALS2), an autosomal recessive form of juvenile ALS. The function of PFTAIRE-2 is not yet known. It shares sequence similarity with Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs), which belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, CDKs and cyclins are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The PFTAIRE-2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270852 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 286  Bit Score: 63.44  E-value: 9.03e-11
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_myosinIII_N_like cd06608
N-terminal Catalytic domain of Class III myosin-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze ...
702-762 1.45e-10

N-terminal Catalytic domain of Class III myosin-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Class III myosins are motor proteins with an N-terminal kinase catalytic domain and a C-terminal actin-binding motor domain. Class III myosins are present in the photoreceptors of invertebrates and vertebrates and in the auditory hair cells of mammals. The kinase domain of myosin III can phosphorylate several cytoskeletal proteins, conventional myosin regulatory light chains, and can autophosphorylate the C-terminal motor domain. Myosin III may play an important role in maintaining the structural integrity of photoreceptor cell microvilli. It may also function as a cargo carrier during light-dependent translocation, in photoreceptor cells, of proteins such as transducin and arrestin. The Drosophila class III myosin, called NinaC (Neither inactivation nor afterpotential protein C), is critical in normal adaptation and termination of photoresponse. Vertebrates contain two isoforms of class III myosin, IIIA and IIIB. This subfamily also includes mammalian NIK-like embryo-specific kinase (NESK), Traf2- and Nck-interacting kinase (TNIK), and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase kinase 4/6. MAP4Ks are involved in some MAPK signaling pathways by activating a MAPK kinase kinase. MAPK signaling cascades are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. The class III myosin-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270785 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 275  Bit Score: 62.70  E-value: 1.45e-10
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Cdc7_like cd06627
Catalytic domain of Cell division control protein 7-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs ...
711-765 2.19e-10

Catalytic domain of Cell division control protein 7-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of this subfamily include Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdc7, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc15, Arabidopsis thaliana mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) epsilon, and related proteins. MAPKKKs phosphorylate and activate MAPK kinases, which in turn phosphorylate and activate MAPKs during signaling cascades that are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. Fission yeast Cdc7 is essential for cell division by playing a key role in the initiation of septum formation and cytokinesis. Budding yeast Cdc15 functions to coordinate mitotic exit with cytokinesis. Arabidopsis MAPKKK epsilon is required for pollen development in the plasma membrane. The Cdc7-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270797 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 254  Bit Score: 61.86  E-value: 2.19e-10
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_PknB_like cd14014
Catalytic domain of bacterial Serine/Threonine kinases, PknB and similar proteins; STKs ...
704-773 2.45e-10

Catalytic domain of bacterial Serine/Threonine kinases, PknB and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily includes many bacterial eukaryotic-type STKs including Staphylococcus aureus PknB (also called PrkC or Stk1), Bacillus subtilis PrkC, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pkn proteins (PknB, PknD, PknE, PknF, PknL, and PknH), among others. S. aureus PknB is the only eukaryotic-type STK present in this species, although many microorganisms encode for several such proteins. It is important for the survival and pathogenesis of S. aureus as it is involved in the regulation of purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis, cell wall metabolism, autolysis, virulence, and antibiotic resistance. M. tuberculosis PknB is essential for growth and it acts on diverse substrates including proteins involved in peptidoglycan synthesis, cell division, transcription, stress responses, and metabolic regulation. B. subtilis PrkC is located at the inner membrane of endospores and functions to trigger spore germination. Bacterial STKs in this subfamily show varied domain architectures. The well-characterized members such as S. aureus and M. tuberculosis PknB, and B. subtilis PrkC, contain an N-terminal cytosolic kinase domain, a transmembrane (TM) segment, and mutliple C-terminal extracellular PASTA domains. The PknB subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270916 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 260  Bit Score: 61.83  E-value: 2.45e-10
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_Nek6_7 cd08224
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related ...
704-788 3.65e-10

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase 6 and 7; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Nek6 and Nek7 are the shortest Neks, consisting only of the catalytic domain and a very short N-terminal extension. They show distinct expression patterns and both appear to be downstream substrates of Nek9. They are required for mitotic spindle formation and cytokinesis. They may also be regulators of the p70 ribosomal S6 kinase. Nek6/7 is part of a family of 11 different Neks (Nek1-11) that are involved in cell cycle control. The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270863 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 262  Bit Score: 61.52  E-value: 3.65e-10
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                          90       100
gi 1958704824 768 KEIVTDKEDALD-------FKKDKAPPP 788
Cdd:cd08224    75 LNIVLELADAGDlsrlikhFKKQKRLIP 102
STKc_ERK5 cd07855
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase 5; ...
703-781 9.02e-10

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase 5; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. ERK5 (also called Big MAPK1 (BMK1) or MAPK7) has a unique C-terminal extension, making it approximately twice as big as other MAPKs. This extension contains transcriptional activation capability which is inhibited by the N-terminal half. ERK5 is activated in response to growth factors and stress by a cascade that leads to its phosphorylation by the MAP2K MEK5, which in turn is regulated by the MAP3Ks MEKK2 and MEKK3. Activated ERK5 phosphorylates its targets including myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), Sap1a, c-Myc, and RSK. It plays a role in EGF-induced cell proliferation during the G1/S phase transition. Studies on knockout mice revealed that ERK5 is essential for cardiovascular development and plays an important role in angiogenesis. It is also critical for neural differentiation and survival. The ERK5 pathway has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases including cancer, cardiac hypertrophy, and atherosclerosis. MAPKs are important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. The ERK5 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270842 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 336  Bit Score: 61.23  E-value: 9.02e-10
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 778 LDFK 781
Cdd:cd07855    80 ADFK 83
STKc_PAK cd06614
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, p21-activated kinase; STKs catalyze the ...
704-767 1.21e-09

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, p21-activated kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PAKs are Rho family GTPase-regulated kinases that serve as important mediators in the function of Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42) and Rac. PAKs are implicated in the regulation of many cellular processes including growth factor receptor-mediated proliferation, cell polarity, cell motility, cell death and survival, and actin cytoskeleton organization. PAK deregulation is associated with tumor development. PAKs from higher eukaryotes are classified into two groups (I and II), according to their biochemical and structural features. Group I PAKs contain a PBD (p21-binding domain) overlapping with an AID (autoinhibitory domain), a C-terminal catalytic domain, SH3 binding sites and a non-classical SH3 binding site for PIX (PAK-interacting exchange factor). Group II PAKs contain a PBD and a catalytic domain, but lack other motifs found in group I PAKs. Since group II PAKs do not contain an obvious AID, they may be regulated differently from group I PAKs. Group I PAKs interact with the SH3 containing proteins Nck, Grb2 and PIX; no such binding has been demonstrated for group II PAKs. The PAK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270789 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 255  Bit Score: 59.53  E-value: 1.21e-09
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STKc_MAPK15-like cd07852
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 15 and ...
695-767 2.16e-09

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 15 and similar MAPKs; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Human MAPK15 is also called Extracellular signal Regulated Kinase 8 (ERK8) while the rat protein is called ERK7. ERK7 and ERK8 display both similar and different biochemical properties. They autophosphorylate and activate themselves and do not require upstream activating kinases. ERK7 is constitutively active and is not affected by extracellular stimuli whereas ERK8 shows low basal activity and is activated by DNA-damaging agents. ERK7 and ERK8 also have different substrate profiles. Genome analysis shows that they are orthologs with similar gene structures. ERK7 and ERK 8 may be involved in the signaling of some nuclear receptor transcription factors. ERK7 regulates hormone-dependent degradation of estrogen receptor alpha while ERK8 down-regulates the transcriptional co-activation androgen and glucocorticoid receptors. MAPKs are important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. The MAPK15 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270841 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 337  Bit Score: 59.88  E-value: 2.16e-09
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
STKc_CNK2-like cd08530
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CNK2 and similar ...
705-769 3.15e-09

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CNK2 and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CNK2 has both cilliary and cell cycle functions. It influences flagellar length through promoting flagellar disassembly, and it regulates cell size, through influencing the size threshold at which cells commit to mitosis. This subfamily belongs to the (NIMA)-related kinase (Nek) family, which includes seven different Chlamydomonas Neks (CNKs 1-6 and Fa2). This subfamily includes CNK1, and -2. The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270869 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 256  Bit Score: 58.56  E-value: 3.15e-09
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_EIF2AK cd13996
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation Factor ...
698-765 4.34e-09

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation Factor 2-Alpha Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. EIF2AKs phosphorylate the alpha subunit of eIF-2, resulting in the downregulation of protein synthesis. eIF-2 phosphorylation is induced in response to cellular stresses including virus infection, heat shock, nutrient deficiency, and the accummulation of unfolded proteins, among others. There are four distinct kinases that phosphorylate eIF-2 and control protein synthesis under different stress conditions: General Control Non-derepressible-2 (GCN2) which is activated during amino acid or serum starvation; protein kinase regulated by RNA (PKR) which is activated by double stranded RNA; heme-regulated inhibitor kinase (HRI) which is activated under heme-deficient conditions; and PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) which is activated when misfolded proteins accumulate in the ER. The EIF2AK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270898 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 273  Bit Score: 58.46  E-value: 4.34e-09
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Aurora cd14007
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Aurora kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of ...
705-767 6.29e-09

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Aurora kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Aurora kinases are key regulators of mitosis and are essential for the accurate and equal division of genomic material from parent to daughter cells. Yeast contains only one Aurora kinase while most higher eukaryotes have two. Vertebrates contain at least 2 Aurora kinases (A and B); mammals contains a third Aurora kinase gene (C). Aurora-A regulates cell cycle events from the late S-phase through the M-phase including centrosome maturation, mitotic entry, centrosome separation, spindle assembly, chromosome alignment, cytokinesis, and mitotic exit. Aurora-A activation depends on its autophosphorylation and binding to the microtubule-associated protein TPX2. Aurora-B is most active at the transition during metaphase to the end of mitosis. It is critical for accurate chromosomal segregation, cytokinesis, protein localization to the centrosome and kinetochore, correct microtubule-kinetochore attachments, and regulation of the mitotic checkpoint. Aurora-C is mainly expressed in meiotically dividing cells; it was originally discovered in mice as a testis-specific STK called Aie1. Both Aurora-B and -C are chromosomal passenger proteins that can form complexes with INCENP and survivin, and they may have redundant cellular functions. The Aurora subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270909 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 253  Bit Score: 57.48  E-value: 6.29e-09
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Pat1_like cd13993
Catalytic domain of Fungal Pat1-like Serine/Threonine kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of ...
704-770 9.47e-09

Catalytic domain of Fungal Pat1-like Serine/Threonine kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Pat1 (also called Ran1), Saccharomyces cerevisiae VHS1 and KSP1, and similar fungal STKs. Pat1 blocks Mei2, an RNA-binding protein which is indispensable in the initiation of meiosis. Pat1 is inactivated and Mei2 activated, which initiates meiosis, under nutrient-deprived conditions through a signaling cascade involving Ste11. Meiosis induced by Pat1 inactivation may show different characteristics than normal meiosis including aberrant positioning of centromeres. VHS1 was identified in a screen for suppressors of cell cycle arrest at the G1/S transition, while KSP1 may be involved in regulating PRP20, which is required for mRNA export and maintenance of nuclear structure. The Pat1-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270895 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 267  Bit Score: 57.36  E-value: 9.47e-09
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PKc_DYRK cd14210
Catalytic domain of the protein kinase, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and ...
705-769 1.03e-08

Catalytic domain of the protein kinase, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinase; Protein Kinases (PKs), Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinase (DYRK) subfamily, catalytic (c) domain. Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (S/T) as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. The DYRK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein S/T PKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). DYRKs autophosphorylate themselves on tyrosine residues and phosphorylate their substrates exclusively on S/T residues. They play important roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, survival, and development. Vertebrates contain multiple DYRKs (DYRK1-4) and mammals contain two types of DYRK1 proteins, DYRK1A and DYRK1B. DYRK1A is involved in neuronal differentiation and is implicated in the pathogenesis of DS (Down syndrome). DYRK1B plays a critical role in muscle differentiation by regulating transcription, cell motility, survival, and cell cycle progression. It is overexpressed in many solid tumors where it acts as a tumor survival factor. DYRK2 promotes apoptosis in response to DNA damage by phosphorylating the tumor suppressor p53, while DYRK3 promotes cell survival by phosphorylating SIRT1 and promoting p53 deacetylation. DYRK4 is a testis-specific kinase that may function during spermiogenesis.

Pssm-ID: 271112 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 311  Bit Score: 57.55  E-value: 1.03e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PKc_MAPKK_plant_like cd06623
Catalytic domain of Plant dual-specificity Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases and ...
705-766 1.46e-08

Catalytic domain of Plant dual-specificity Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases and similar proteins; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (ST) or tyrosine residues on protein substrates. Members of this group include MAPKKs from plants, kinetoplastids, alveolates, and mycetozoa. The MAPKK, LmxPK4, from Leishmania mexicana, is important in differentiation and virulence. Dictyostelium discoideum MEK1 is required for proper chemotaxis; MEK1 null mutants display severe defects in cell polarization and directional movement. Plants contain multiple MAPKKs like other eukaryotes. The Arabidopsis genome encodes for 10 MAPKKs while poplar and rice contain 13 MAPKKs each. The functions of these proteins have not been fully elucidated. There is evidence to suggest that MAPK cascades are involved in plant stress responses. In Arabidopsis, MKK3 plays a role in pathogen signaling; MKK2 is involved in cold and salt stress signaling; MKK4/MKK5 participates in innate immunity; and MKK7 regulates basal and systemic acquired resistance. The MAPKK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 132954 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 264  Bit Score: 56.45  E-value: 1.46e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Nek2 cd08217
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase ...
704-765 1.53e-08

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The Nek2 subfamily includes Aspergillus nidulans NIMA kinase, the founding member of the Nek family, which was identified in a screen for cell cycle mutants prevented from entering mitosis. NIMA is essential for mitotic entry and progression through mitosis, and its degradation is essential for mitotic exit. NIMA is involved in nuclear membrane fission. Vertebrate Nek2 is a cell cycle-regulated STK, localized in centrosomes and kinetochores, that regulates centrosome splitting at the G2/M phase. It also interacts with other mitotic kinases such as Polo-like kinase 1 and may play a role in spindle checkpoint. An increase in the expression of the human NEK2 gene is strongly associated with the progression of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Nek2 is one in a family of 11 different Neks (Nek1-11) that are involved in cell cycle control. It The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270857 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 265  Bit Score: 56.40  E-value: 1.53e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_FA2-like cd08529
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii FA2 and similar ...
705-774 1.54e-08

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii FA2 and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii FA2 was discovered in a genetic screen for deflagellation-defective mutants. It is essential for basal-body/centriole-associated microtubule severing, and plays a role in cell cycle progression. No cellular function has yet been ascribed to CNK4. The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii FA2-like subfamily belongs to the (NIMA)-related kinase (Nek) family, which includes seven different Chlamydomonas Neks (CNKs 1-6 and Fa2). This subfamily contains FA2 and CNK4. The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270868 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 256  Bit Score: 56.27  E-value: 1.54e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
SPS1 COG0515
Serine/threonine protein kinase [Signal transduction mechanisms];
702-765 1.67e-08

Serine/threonine protein kinase [Signal transduction mechanisms];

Pssm-ID: 440281 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 482  Bit Score: 57.72  E-value: 1.67e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PKc_DYRK_like cd14133
Catalytic domain of Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinase-like ...
705-776 2.12e-08

Catalytic domain of Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinase-like protein kinases; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (S/T) as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of the dual-specificity DYRKs and YAK1, as well as the S/T kinases (STKs), HIPKs. DYRKs and YAK1 autophosphorylate themselves on tyrosine residues and phosphorylate their substrates exclusively on S/T residues. Proteins in this subfamily play important roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, survival, growth, and development. The DYRK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271035 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 262  Bit Score: 56.12  E-value: 2.12e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
TyrKc smart00219
Tyrosine kinase, catalytic domain; Phosphotransferases. Tyrosine-specific kinase subfamily.
710-775 2.19e-08

Tyrosine kinase, catalytic domain; Phosphotransferases. Tyrosine-specific kinase subfamily.

Pssm-ID: 197581 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 56.00  E-value: 2.19e-08
                           10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_TDY_MAPK cd07859
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Plant TDY Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases; ...
704-771 2.66e-08

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Plant TDY Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Plant MAPKs are typed based on the conserved phosphorylation motif present in the activation loop, TEY and TDY. This subfamily represents the TDY subtype and is composed of Group D plant MAPKs including Arabidopsis thaliana MPK18 (AtMPK18), Oryza sativa Blast- and Wound-induced MAPK1 (OsBWMK1), OsWJUMK1 (Wound- and JA-Uninducible MAPK1), Zea mays MPK6, and the Medicago sativa TDY1 gene product. OsBWMK1 enhances resistance to pathogenic infections. It mediates stress-activated defense responses by activating a transcription factor that affects the expression of stress-related genes. AtMPK18 is involved in microtubule-related functions. In plants, MAPKs are associated with physiological, developmental, hormonal, and stress responses. Some plants show numerous gene duplications of MAPKs; Arabidopsis thaliana harbors at least 20 MAPKs, named AtMPK1-20 while Oryza sativa contains at least 17 MAPKs. Arabidopsis thaliana contains more TEY-type MAPKs than TDY-type, whereas the reverse is true for Oryza sativa. The TDY MAPK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 143364 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 338  Bit Score: 56.33  E-value: 2.66e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_MOK cd07831
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, MAPK/MAK/MRK Overlapping Kinase; STKs ...
705-774 4.79e-08

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, MAPK/MAK/MRK Overlapping Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MOK, also called Renal tumor antigen 1 (RAGE-1), is widely expressed and is enriched in testis, kidney, lung, and brain. It is expressed in approximately 50% of renal cell carcinomas (RCC) and is a potential target for immunotherapy. MOK is stabilized by its association with the HSP90 molecular chaperone. It is induced by the transcription factor Cdx2 and may be involved in regulating intestinal epithelial development and differentiation. The MOK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270825 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 282  Bit Score: 55.36  E-value: 4.79e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_Rad53_Cds1 cd14098
Catalytic domain of the yeast Serine/Threonine Kinases, Rad53 and Cds1; STKs catalyze the ...
704-775 5.60e-08

Catalytic domain of the yeast Serine/Threonine Kinases, Rad53 and Cds1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Rad53 and Cds1 are the checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) homologs found in budding and fission yeast, respectively. They play a central role in the cell's response to DNA lesions to prevent genome rearrangements and maintain genome integrity. They are phosphorylated in response to DNA damage and incomplete replication, and are essential for checkpoint control. They help promote DNA repair by stalling the cell cycle prior to mitosis in the presence of DNA damage. The Rad53/Cds1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271000 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 265  Bit Score: 54.79  E-value: 5.60e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STYKc smart00221
Protein kinase; unclassified specificity; Phosphotransferases. The specificity of this class ...
710-775 6.10e-08

Protein kinase; unclassified specificity; Phosphotransferases. The specificity of this class of kinases can not be predicted. Possible dual-specificity Ser/Thr/Tyr kinase.

Pssm-ID: 214568 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 54.48  E-value: 6.10e-08
                           10        20        30        40        50        60        70
pknD PRK13184
serine/threonine-protein kinase PknD;
704-775 6.26e-08

serine/threonine-protein kinase PknD;

Pssm-ID: 183880 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 932  Bit Score: 56.32  E-value: 6.26e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_ATG1_ULK_like cd14009
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinases, Autophagy-related protein 1 and Unc-51-like ...
711-775 7.05e-08

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinases, Autophagy-related protein 1 and Unc-51-like kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily includes yeast ATG1 and metazoan homologs including vertebrate ULK1-3. The ATG1/ULK complex is conserved from yeast to humans and it plays a critical role in the initiation of autophagy, the intracellular system that leads to the lysosomal degradation of cellular components and their recycling into basic metabolic units. It is involved in nutrient sensing and signaling, the assembly of autophagy factors and the execution of autophagy. In metazoans, ATG1 homologs display additional functions. Unc-51 and ULKs have been implicated in neuronal and axonal development. The ATG1/ULK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270911 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 251  Bit Score: 54.15  E-value: 7.05e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_NUAK2 cd14161
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, novel (nua) kinase family NUAK 2; STKs ...
704-775 8.19e-08

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, novel (nua) kinase family NUAK 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. NUAK proteins are classified as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-related kinases, which like AMPK are activated by the major tumor suppressor LKB1. Vertebrates contain two NUAK proteins, called NUAK1 and NUAK2. NUAK2, also called SNARK (Sucrose, non-fermenting 1/AMP-activated protein kinase-related kinase), is involved in energy metabolism. It is activated by hyperosmotic stress, DNA damage, and nutrients such as glucose and glutamine. NUAK2-knockout mice develop obesity, altered serum lipid profiles, hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, and impaired glucose tolerance. NUAK2 is implicated in regulating actin stress fiber assembly through its association with myosin phosphatase Rho-interacting protein (MRIP), which leads to an increase in myosin regulatory light chain (MLC) phosphorylation. It is also associated with tumor growth, migration, and oncogenicity of melanoma cells. The NUAK2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271063 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 255  Bit Score: 54.19  E-value: 8.19e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PKc_DYRK2_3 cd14224
Catalytic domain of the protein kinases, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and ...
704-771 8.71e-08

Catalytic domain of the protein kinases, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinases 2 and 3; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (S/T) as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of DYRK2 and DYRK3, and similar proteins. Drosophila DYRK2 interacts and phosphorylates the chromatin remodelling factor, SNR1 (Snf5-related 1), and also interacts with the essential chromatin component, trithorax. It may play a role in chromatin remodelling. Vertebrate DYRK2 phosphorylates and regulates the tumor suppressor p53 to induce apoptosis in response to DNA damage. It can also phosphorylate the transcription factor, nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). DYRK2 is overexpressed in lung adenocarcinoma and esophageal carcinomas, and is a predictor for favorable prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma. DYRK3, also called regulatory erythroid kinase (REDK), is highly expressed in erythroid cells and the testis, and is also present in adult kidney and liver. It promotes cell survival by phosphorylating and activating SIRT1, an NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylase, which promotes p53 deacetylation, resulting in the inhibition of apoptosis. DYRKs autophosphorylate themselves on tyrosine residues and phosphorylate their substrates exclusively on S/T residues. The DYRK2/3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other S/T kinases, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271126 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 380  Bit Score: 55.14  E-value: 8.71e-08
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_SnRK3 cd14663
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Sucrose nonfermenting 1-related protein ...
704-775 1.06e-07

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Sucrose nonfermenting 1-related protein kinase subfamily 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The SnRKs form three different subfamilies designated SnRK1-3. SnRK3 is represented in this cd. The SnRK3 group contains members also known as CBL-interacting protein kinase, salt overly sensitive 2, SOS3-interacting proteins and protein kinase S. These kinases interact with calcium-binding proteins such as SOS3, SCaBPs, and CBL proteins, and are involved in responses to salt stress and in sugar and ABA signaling. The SnRKs belong to a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271133 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 256  Bit Score: 53.95  E-value: 1.06e-07
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_PDK1 cd05581
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1; STKs ...
705-767 1.91e-07

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PDK1 carries an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain that binds phosphoinositides. It phosphorylates the activation loop of AGC kinases that are regulated by PI3K such as PKB, SGK, and PKC, among others, and is crucial for their activation. Thus, it contributes in regulating many processes including metabolism, growth, proliferation, and survival. PDK1 also has the ability to autophosphorylate and is constitutively active in mammalian cells. It is essential for normal embryo development and is important in regulating cell volume. The PDK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270733 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 278  Bit Score: 53.37  E-value: 1.91e-07
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_LKB1_CaMKK cd14008
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinases, Liver Kinase B1, Calmodulin Dependent ...
711-778 2.39e-07

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinases, Liver Kinase B1, Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase Kinase, and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Both LKB1 and CaMKKs can phosphorylate and activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). LKB1, also called STK11, serves as a master upstream kinase that activates AMPK and most AMPK-like kinases. LKB1 and AMPK are part of an energy-sensing pathway that links cell energy to metabolism and cell growth. They play critical roles in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity, cell proliferation, cytoskeletal organization, as well as T-cell metabolism, including T-cell development, homeostasis, and effector function. CaMKKs are upstream kinases of the CaM kinase cascade that phosphorylate and activate CaMKI and CamKIV. They may also phosphorylate other substrates including PKB and AMPK. Vertebrates contain two CaMKKs, CaMKK1 (or alpha) and CaMKK2 (or beta). CaMKK1 is involved in the regulation of glucose uptake in skeletal muscles. CaMKK2 is involved in regulating energy balance, glucose metabolism, adiposity, hematopoiesis, inflammation, and cancer. The LKB1/CaMKK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270910 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 267  Bit Score: 52.94  E-value: 2.39e-07
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 778 L 778
Cdd:cd14008    81 L 81
PKc_DYRK4 cd14225
Catalytic domain of the protein kinase, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and ...
704-769 2.95e-07

Catalytic domain of the protein kinase, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinase 4; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (S/T) as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. DYRK4 is a testis-specific kinase with restricted expression to postmeiotic spermatids. It may function during spermiogenesis, however, it is not required for male fertility. DYRK4 has also been detected in a human teratocarcinoma cell line induced to produce postmitotic neurons. It may have a role in neuronal differentiation. DYRKs autophosphorylate themselves on tyrosine residues and phosphorylate their substrates exclusively on S/T residues. They play important roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, survival, and development. The DYRK4 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271127 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 341  Bit Score: 53.17  E-value: 2.95e-07
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_MEKK1_plant cd06632
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Plant Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP) ...
711-765 3.93e-07

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Plant Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP)/Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) Kinase Kinase 1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of plant MAPK kinase kinases (MAPKKKs) including Arabidopsis thaliana MEKK1 and MAPKKK3. Arabidopsis thaliana MEKK1 activates MPK4, a MAPK that regulates systemic acquired resistance. MEKK1 also participates in the regulation of temperature-sensitive and tissue-specific cell death. MAPKKKs phosphorylate and activate MAPK kinases, which in turn phosphorylate and activate MAPKs during signaling cascades that are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. The plant MEKK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270802 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 259  Bit Score: 52.02  E-value: 3.93e-07
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_WNK cd13983
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, With No Lysine (WNK) kinase; STKs catalyze ...
704-766 6.46e-07

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, With No Lysine (WNK) kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. WNKs comprise a subfamily of STKs with an unusual placement of a catalytic lysine relative to all other protein kinases. They are critical in regulating ion balance and are thus, important components in the control of blood pressure. They are also involved in cell signaling, survival, proliferation, and organ development. WNKs are activated by hyperosmotic or low-chloride hypotonic stress and they function upstream of SPAK and OSR1 kinases, which regulate the activity of cation-chloride cotransporters through direct interaction and phosphorylation. There are four vertebrate WNKs which show varying expression patterns. WNK1 and WNK2 are widely expressed while WNK3 and WNK4 show a more restricted expression pattern. Because mutations in human WNK1 and WNK4 cause PseudoHypoAldosteronism type II (PHAII), characterized by hypertension (due to increased sodium reabsorption) and hyperkalemia (due to impaired renal potassium secretion), there are more studies conducted on these two proteins, compared to WNK2 and WNK3. The WNK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270885 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 51.46  E-value: 6.46e-07
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_MAP3K-like cd13999
Catalytic domain of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) Kinase Kinase-like Serine ...
711-765 6.85e-07

Catalytic domain of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) Kinase Kinase-like Serine/Threonine kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed mainly of MAP3Ks and similar proteins, including TGF-beta Activated Kinase-1 (TAK1, also called MAP3K7), MAP3K12, MAP3K13, Mixed lineage kinase (MLK), MLK-Like mitogen-activated protein Triple Kinase (MLTK), and Raf (Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma) kinases. MAP3Ks (MKKKs or MAPKKKs) phosphorylate and activate MAPK kinases (MAPKKs or MKKs or MAP2Ks), which in turn phosphorylate and activate MAPKs during signaling cascades that are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. Also included in this subfamily is the pseudokinase Kinase Suppressor of Ras (KSR), which is a scaffold protein that functions downstream of Ras and upstream of Raf in the Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) pathway.

Pssm-ID: 270901 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 245  Bit Score: 51.38  E-value: 6.85e-07
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_CaMKI cd14083
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ...
703-775 1.11e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase Type I; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CaMKs are multifunctional calcium and calmodulin (CaM) stimulated STKs involved in cell cycle regulation. There are several types of CaMKs including CaMKI, CaMKII, and CaMKIV. In vertebrates, there are four CaMKI proteins encoded by different genes (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta), each producing at least one variant. CaMKs contain an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal regulatory domain that harbors a CaM binding site. CaMKI proteins are monomeric and they play pivotal roles in the nervous system, including long-term potentiation, dendritic arborization, neurite outgrowth, and the formation of spines, synapses, and axons. In addition, they may be involved in osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. The CaMKI subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270985 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 259  Bit Score: 50.83  E-value: 1.11e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_STK10 cd06644
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, STK10 (also called Lymphocyte-Oriented Kinase ...
692-767 1.20e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, STK10 (also called Lymphocyte-Oriented Kinase or LOK); STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. STK10/LOK is also called polo-like kinase kinase 1 in Xenopus (xPlkk1). It is highly expressed in lymphocytes and is responsible in regulating leukocyte function associated antigen (LFA-1)-mediated lymphocyte adhesion. It plays a role in regulating the CD28 responsive element in T cells, and may also function as a regulator of polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1), a protein which is overexpressed in multiple tumor types. The STK10 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 132975 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 292  Bit Score: 51.19  E-value: 1.20e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PK_Tyr_Ser-Thr pfam07714
Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase; Protein phosphorylation, which plays a key role ...
711-775 1.32e-06

Protein tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase; Protein phosphorylation, which plays a key role in most cellular activities, is a reversible process mediated by protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases. Protein kinases catalyze the transfer of the gamma phosphate from nucleotide triphosphates (often ATP) to one or more amino acid residues in a protein substrate side chain, resulting in a conformational change affecting protein function. Phosphoprotein phosphatases catalyze the reverse process. Protein kinases fall into three broad classes, characterized with respect to substrate specificity; Serine/threonine-protein kinases, tyrosine-protein kinases, and dual specificity protein kinases (e.g. MEK - phosphorylates both Thr and Tyr on target proteins). This entry represents the catalytic domain found in a number of serine/threonine- and tyrosine-protein kinases. It does not include the catalytic domain of dual specificity kinases.

Pssm-ID: 462242 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 50.57  E-value: 1.32e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_TAO cd06607
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Thousand-and-One Amino acids proteins; STKs ...
704-768 1.73e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Thousand-and-One Amino acids proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TAO proteins possess mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase activity. They activate the MAPKs, p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), by phosphorylating and activating the respective MAP/ERK kinases (MEKs, also known as MKKs or MAPKKs), MEK3/MEK6 and MKK4/MKK7. MAPK signaling cascades are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. Vertebrates contain three TAO subfamily members, named TAO1, TAO2, and TAO3. The TAO subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270784 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 50.14  E-value: 1.73e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_CK2_alpha cd14132
Catalytic subunit (alpha) of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Casein Kinase 2; STKs catalyze the ...
684-773 2.13e-06

Catalytic subunit (alpha) of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Casein Kinase 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CK2 is a tetrameric protein with two catalytic (alpha) and two regulatory (beta) subunits. It is constitutively active and ubiquitously expressed, and is found in the cytoplasm, nucleus, as well as in the plasma membrane. It phosphorylates a wide variety of substrates including gylcogen synthase, cell cycle proteins, nuclear proteins (e.g. DNA topoisomerase II), and ion channels (e.g. ENaC), among others. It may be considered a master kinase controlling the activity or lifespan of many other kinases and exerting its effect over cell fate, gene expression, protein synthesis and degradation, and viral infection. CK2 is implicated in every stage of the cell cycle and is required for cell cycle progression. It plays crucial roles in cell differentiation, proliferation, and survival, and is thus implicated in cancer. CK2 is not an oncogene by itself but elevated CK2 levels create an environment that enhances the survival of tumor cells. The CK2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271034 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 306  Bit Score: 50.23  E-value: 2.13e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
gi 1958704824 761 -HQSIINMKEIVTD 773
Cdd:cd14132    71 gGPNIVKLLDVVKD 84
STKc_EIF2AK1_HRI cd14049
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation Factor ...
700-765 2.34e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation Factor 2-Alpha Kinase 2 or Heme-Regulated Inhibitor kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. HRI (or EIF2AK1) contains an N-terminal regulatory heme-binding domain and a C-terminal catalytic kinase domain. It is suppressed under normal conditions by binding of the heme iron, and is activated during heme deficiency. It functions as a critical regulator that ensures balanced synthesis of globins and heme, in order to form stable hemoglobin during erythroid differentiation and maturation. HRI also protects cells and enhances survival under iron-deficient conditions. EIF2AKs phosphorylate the alpha subunit of eIF-2, resulting in the downregulation of protein synthesis. The HRI subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270951 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 284  Bit Score: 50.20  E-value: 2.34e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Sid2p_like cd05600
Catalytic domain of Fungal Sid2p-like Protein Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the ...
705-737 2.41e-06

Catalytic domain of Fungal Sid2p-like Protein Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This group contains fungal kinases including Schizosaccharomyces pombe Sid2p and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dbf2p. Group members show similarity to NDR kinases in that they contain an N-terminal regulatory (NTR) domain and an insert within the catalytic domain that contains an auto-inhibitory sequence. Sid2p plays a crucial role in the septum initiation network (SIN) and in the initiation of cytokinesis. Dbf2p is important in regulating the mitotic exit network (MEN) and in cytokinesis. The Sid2p-like group is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270751 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 386  Bit Score: 50.42  E-value: 2.41e-06
                          10        20        30
PTKc cd00192
Catalytic domain of Protein Tyrosine Kinases; PTKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
710-775 2.46e-06

Catalytic domain of Protein Tyrosine Kinases; PTKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to tyrosine (tyr) residues in protein substrates. They can be classified into receptor and non-receptor tyr kinases. PTKs play important roles in many cellular processes including, lymphocyte activation, epithelium growth and maintenance, metabolism control, organogenesis regulation, survival, proliferation, differentiation, migration, adhesion, motility, and morphogenesis. Receptor tyr kinases (RTKs) are integral membrane proteins which contain an extracellular ligand-binding region, a transmembrane segment, and an intracellular tyr kinase domain. RTKs are usually activated through ligand binding, which causes dimerization and autophosphorylation of the intracellular tyr kinase catalytic domain, leading to intracellular signaling. Some RTKs are orphan receptors with no known ligands. Non-receptor (or cytoplasmic) tyr kinases are distributed in different intracellular compartments and are usually multi-domain proteins containing a catalytic tyr kinase domain as well as various regulatory domains such as SH3 and SH2. PTKs are usually autoinhibited and require a mechanism for activation. In many PTKs, the phosphorylation of tyr residues in the activation loop is essential for optimal activity. Aberrant expression of PTKs is associated with many development abnormalities and cancers.The PTK family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of serine/threonine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270623 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 262  Bit Score: 49.84  E-value: 2.46e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_EIF2AK2_PKR cd14047
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation Factor ...
705-765 2.54e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation Factor 2-Alpha Kinase 2 or Protein Kinase regulated by RNA; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PKR (or EIF2AK2) contains an N-terminal double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) binding domain and a C-terminal catalytic kinase domain. It is activated by dsRNA, which is produced as a replication intermediate in virally infected cells. It plays a key role in mediating innate immune responses to viral infection. PKR is also directly activated by PACT (protein activator of PKR) and heparin, and is inhibited by viral proteins and RNAs. PKR also regulates transcription and signal transduction in diseased cells, playing roles in tumorigenesis and neurodegenerative diseases. EIF2AKs phosphorylate the alpha subunit of eIF-2, resulting in the downregulation of protein synthesis. The PKR subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270949 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 267  Bit Score: 49.80  E-value: 2.54e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_CK1 cd14016
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine protein kinase, Casein Kinase 1; STKs catalyze the ...
704-759 2.74e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine protein kinase, Casein Kinase 1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CK1 phosphorylates a variety of substrates including enzymes, transcription and splice factors, cytoskeletal proteins, viral oncogenes, receptors, and membrane-associated proteins. There are mutliple isoforms of CK1 and in mammals, seven isoforms (alpha, beta, gamma1-3, delta, and epsilon) have been characterized. These isoforms differ mainly in the length and structure of their C-terminal non-catalytic region. Some isoforms have several splice variants such as the long (L) and short (S) variants of CK1alpha. CK1 proteins are involved in the regulation of many cellular processes including membrane transport processes, circadian rhythm, cell division, apoptosis, and the development of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. The CK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270918 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 266  Bit Score: 49.76  E-value: 2.74e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_Bck1_like cd06629
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, fungal Bck1-like Mitogen-Activated Protein ...
710-765 2.90e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, fungal Bck1-like Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of this group include the MAPKKKs Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bck1 and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mkh1, and related proteins. Budding yeast Bck1 is part of the cell integrity MAPK pathway, which is activated by stresses and aggressions to the cell wall. The MAPKKK Bck1, MAPKKs Mkk1 and Mkk2, and the MAPK Slt2 make up the cascade that is important in the maintenance of cell wall homeostasis. Fission yeast Mkh1 is involved in MAPK cascades regulating cell morphology, cell wall integrity, salt resistance, and filamentous growth in response to stress. MAPKKKs phosphorylate and activate MAPK kinases, which in turn phosphorylate and activate MAPKs during signaling cascades that are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. The Bck1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270799 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 270  Bit Score: 49.69  E-value: 2.90e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Twitchin_like cd14114
The catalytic domain of the Giant Serine/Threonine Kinases, Twitchin and Projectin; STKs ...
703-776 2.99e-06

The catalytic domain of the Giant Serine/Threonine Kinases, Twitchin and Projectin; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of Caenorhabditis elegans and Aplysia californica Twitchin, Drosophila melanogaster Projectin, and similar proteins. These are very large muscle proteins containing multiple immunoglobulin (Ig)-like and fibronectin type III (FN3) domains and a single kinase domain near the C-terminus. Twitchin and Projectin are both associated with thick filaments. Twitchin is localized in the outer parts of A-bands and is involved in regulating muscle contraction. It interacts with the myofibrillar proteins myosin and actin in a phosphorylation-dependent manner, and may be involved in regulating the myosin cross-bridge cycle. The kinase activity of Twitchen is activated by Ca2+ and the Ca2+ binding protein S100A1. Projectin is associated with the end of thick filaments and is a component of flight muscle connecting filaments. The kinase domain of Projectin may play roles in autophosphorylation and transphosphorylation, which impact the formation of myosin filaments. The Twitchin-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271016 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 259  Bit Score: 49.50  E-value: 2.99e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PKc_CLK cd14134
Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity protein kinases, CDC-like kinases; Dual-specificity ...
703-759 3.01e-06

Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity protein kinases, CDC-like kinases; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (S/T) as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. CLKs are involved in the phosphorylation and regulation of serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins, which play a crucial role in pre-mRNA splicing by directing splice site selection. SR proteins are phosphorylated first by SR protein kinases (SRPKs) at the N-terminus, which leads to its assembly into nuclear speckles where splicing factors are stored. CLKs phosphorylate the C-terminal part of SR proteins, causing the nuclear speckles to dissolve and splicing factors to be recruited at sites of active transcription. Based on a conserved "EHLAMMERILG" signature motif which may be crucial for substrate specificity, CLKs are also referred to as LAMMER kinases. CLKs autophosphorylate at tyrosine residues and phosphorylate their substrates exclusively on S/T residues. In Drosophila, the CLK homolog DOA (Darkener of apricot) is essential for embryogenesis and its mutation leads to defects in sexual differentiation, eye formation, and neuronal development. In fission yeast, the CLK homolog Lkh1 is a negative regulator of filamentous growth and asexual flocculation, and is also involved in oxidative stress response. Vertebrates contain mutliple CLK proteins and mammals have four (CLK1-4). The CLK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271036 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 332  Bit Score: 49.87  E-value: 3.01e-06
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STKc_SLK_like cd06611
Catalytic domain of Ste20-Like Kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the ...
703-769 3.43e-06

Catalytic domain of Ste20-Like Kinase-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of the subfamily include SLK, STK10 (also called LOK for Lymphocyte-Oriented Kinase), SmSLK (Schistosoma mansoni SLK), and related proteins. SLK promotes apoptosis through apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38. It also plays a role in mediating actin reorganization. STK10 is responsible in regulating the CD28 responsive element in T cells, as well as leukocyte function associated antigen (LFA-1)-mediated lymphocyte adhesion. SmSLK is capable of activating the MAPK Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway in human embryonic kidney cells as well as in Xenopus oocytes. It may participate in regulating MAPK cascades during host-parasite interactions. The SLK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 132942 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 280  Bit Score: 49.36  E-value: 3.43e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PTKc_Jak_rpt2 cd05038
Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinases, Janus kinases; The Jak subfamily ...
711-773 3.59e-06

Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinases, Janus kinases; The Jak subfamily is composed of Jak1, Jak2, Jak3, TYK2, and similar proteins. They are PTKs, catalyzing the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to tyrosine (tyr) residues in protein substrates. Jaks are cytoplasmic (or nonreceptor) PTKs containing an N-terminal FERM domain, followed by a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, a pseudokinase domain, and a C-terminal tyr kinase catalytic domain. Most Jaks are expressed in a wide variety of tissues, except for Jak3, which is expressed only in hematopoietic cells. Jaks are crucial for cytokine receptor signaling. They are activated by autophosphorylation upon cytokine-induced receptor aggregation, and subsequently trigger downstream signaling events such as the phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs). Jaks are also involved in regulating the surface expression of some cytokine receptors. The Jak-STAT pathway is involved in many biological processes including hematopoiesis, immunoregulation, host defense, fertility, lactation, growth, and embryogenesis. The Jak subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other kinases such as protein serine/threonine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270634 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 284  Bit Score: 49.30  E-value: 3.59e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PKc_Mps1 cd14131
Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity Mitotic checkpoint protein kinase, Monopolar spindle ...
705-778 3.80e-06

Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity Mitotic checkpoint protein kinase, Monopolar spindle 1 (also called TTK); Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. TTK/Mps1 is a spindle checkpoint kinase that was first discovered due to its necessity in centrosome duplication in budding yeast. It was later found to function in the spindle assembly checkpoint, which monitors the proper attachment of chromosomes to the mitotic spindle. In yeast, substrates of Mps1 include the spindle pole body components Spc98p, Spc110p, and Spc42p. The TTK/Mps1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein serine/threonine PKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271033 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 271  Bit Score: 49.13  E-value: 3.80e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
STKc_MEKK4 cd06626
Catalytic domain of the Protein Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP) ...
710-765 5.14e-06

Catalytic domain of the Protein Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP)/Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) Kinase Kinase 4; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MEKK4 is a MAPK kinase kinase that phosphorylates and activates the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAPK signaling pathways by directly activating their respective MAPKKs, MKK4/MKK7 and MKK3/MKK6. JNK and p38 are collectively known as stress-activated MAPKs, as they are activated in response to a variety of environmental stresses and pro-inflammatory cytokines. MEKK4 also plays roles in the re-polarization of the actin cytoskeleton in response to osmotic stress, in the proper closure of the neural tube, in cardiovascular development, and in immune responses. The MEKK4 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270796 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 265  Bit Score: 48.84  E-value: 5.14e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50
PKc_DYRK1 cd14226
Catalytic domain of the protein kinase, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and ...
698-774 5.69e-06

Catalytic domain of the protein kinase, Dual-specificity tYrosine-phosphorylated and -Regulated Kinase 1; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (S/T) as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. Mammals contain two types of DYRK1 proteins, DYRK1A and DYRK1B. DYRK1A was previously called minibrain kinase homolog (MNBH) or dual-specificity YAK1-related kinase. It phosphorylates various substrates and is involved in many cellular events. It phosphorylates and inhibits the transcription factors, nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and forkhead in rhabdomyosarcoma (FKHR). It regulates neuronal differentiation by targetting CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein). It also targets many endocytic proteins including dynamin and amphiphysin and may play a role in the endocytic pathway. The gene encoding DYRK1A is located in the DSCR (Down syndrome critical region) of human chromosome 21 and DYRK1A has been implicated in the pathogenesis of DS. DYRK1B, also called minibrain-related kinase (MIRK), is highly expressed in muscle and plays a critical role in muscle differentiation by regulating transcription, cell motility, survival, and cell cycle progression. It is overexpressed in many solid tumors where it acts as a tumor survival factor. DYRKs autophosphorylate themselves on tyrosine residues and phosphorylate their substrates exclusively on S/T residues. The DYRK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271128 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 339  Bit Score: 49.24  E-value: 5.69e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CDC2L6 cd07867
Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Division Cycle 2-like 6; STKs catalyze the ...
711-776 6.54e-06

Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Division Cycle 2-like 6; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDC2L6 is also called CDK8-like and was previously referred to as CDK11. However, this is a confusing nomenclature as CDC2L6 is distinct from CDC2L1, which is represented by the two protein products from its gene, called CDK11(p110) and CDK11(p58), as well as the caspase-processed CDK11(p46). CDK11(p110), CDK11(p58), and CDK11(p46)do not belong to this subfamily. CDC2L6 is an associated protein of Mediator, a multiprotein complex that provides a platform to connect transcriptional and chromatin regulators and cofactors, in order to activate and mediate RNA polymerase II transcription. CDC2L6 is localized mainly in the nucleus amd exerts an opposing effect to CDK8 in VP16-dependent transcriptional activation by being a negative regulator. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDC2L6 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270850 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 318  Bit Score: 48.91  E-value: 6.54e-06
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STKc_DAPK cd14105
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Death-Associated Protein Kinase; STKs ...
703-776 7.92e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Death-Associated Protein Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. DAPKs mediate cell death and act as tumor suppressors. They are necessary to induce cell death and their overexpression leads to death-associated changes including membrane blebbing, cell rounding, and formation of autophagic vesicles. Vertebrates contain three subfamily members with different domain architecture, localization, and function. DAPK1 is the prototypical member of the subfamily and is also simply referred to as DAPK. DAPK2 is also called DAPK-related protein 1 (DRP-1), while DAPK3 has also been named DAP-like kinase (DLK) and zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPk). These proteins are ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues, are capable of cross talk with each other, and may act synergistically in regulating cell death. The DAPK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271007 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 269  Bit Score: 48.25  E-value: 7.92e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_MAP4K5 cd06646
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase ...
705-765 8.53e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 5; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MAP4K5, also called germinal center kinase-related enzyme (GCKR), has been shown to activate the MAPK c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). MAP4K5 also facilitates Wnt signaling in B cells, and may therefore be implicated in the control of cell fate, proliferation, and polarity. MAP4Ks are involved in some MAPK signaling pathways by activating a MAPK kinase kinase. Each MAPK cascade is activated either by a small GTP-binding protein or by an adaptor protein, which transmits the signal either directly to a MAP3K to start the triple kinase core cascade or indirectly through a mediator kinase, a MAP4K. Members of this subfamily contain an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal citron homology (CNH) regulatory domain. The MAP4K5 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270813 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 268  Bit Score: 48.10  E-value: 8.53e-06
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STKc_CDK8 cd07868
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 8; STKs ...
699-776 9.12e-06

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent protein Kinase 8; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. CDK8 can act as a negative or positive regulator of transcription, depending on the scenario. Together with its regulator, cyclin C, it reversibly associates with the multi-subunit core Mediator complex, a cofactor that is involved in regulating RNA polymerase II (RNAP II)-dependent transcription. CDK8 phosphorylates cyclin H, a subunit of the general transcription factor TFIIH, which results in the inhibition of TFIIH-dependent phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of RNAP II, facilitating the inhibition of transcription. It has also been shown to promote transcription by a mechanism that is likely to involve RNAP II phosphorylation. CDK8 also functions as a stimulus-specific positive coregulator of p53 transcriptional responses. CDKs belong to a large family of STKs that are regulated by their cognate cyclins. Together, they are involved in the control of cell-cycle progression, transcription, and neuronal function. The CDK8 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270851 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 333  Bit Score: 48.52  E-value: 9.12e-06
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 776 D 776
Cdd:cd07868    88 D 88
STKc_MAP4K3 cd06645
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase ...
703-765 1.05e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MAP4K3 plays a role in the nutrient-responsive pathway of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) signaling. MAP4K3 is required in the activation of S6 kinase by amino acids and for the phosphorylation of the mTOR-regulated inhibitor of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E. mTOR regulates ribosome biogenesis and protein translation, and is frequently deregulated in cancer. MAP4Ks are involved in MAPK signaling pathways by activating a MAPK kinase kinase. Each MAPK cascade is activated either by a small GTP-binding protein or by an adaptor protein, which transmits the signal either directly to a MAP3K to start the triple kinase core cascade or indirectly through a mediator kinase, a MAP4K. Members of this subfamily contain an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal citron homology (CNH) regulatory domain. The MAP4K3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270812 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 272  Bit Score: 48.12  E-value: 1.05e-05
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STKc_SBK1 cd13987
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, SH3 Binding Kinase 1; STKs catalyze the ...
711-786 1.20e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, SH3 Binding Kinase 1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. SBK1, also called BSK146, is predominantly expressed in the brain. Its expression is increased in the developing brain during the late embryonic stage, coinciding with dramatic neuronal proliferation, migration, and maturation. SBK1 may play an important role in regulating brain development. The SBK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270889 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 259  Bit Score: 47.70  E-value: 1.20e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
PKc_MAPKK cd06605
Catalytic domain of the dual-specificity Protein Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase ...
703-757 1.35e-05

Catalytic domain of the dual-specificity Protein Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (ST) or tyrosine residues on protein substrates. MAPKKs are dual-specificity PKs that phosphorylate their downstream targets, MAPKs, at specific threonine and tyrosine residues. The MAPK signaling pathways are important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. The pathways involve a triple kinase core cascade comprising the MAPK, which is phosphorylated and activated by a MAPK kinase (MAPKK or MKK or MAP2K), which itself is phosphorylated and activated by a MAPKK kinase (MAPKKK or MKKK or MAP3K). There are three MAPK subfamilies: extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38. In mammalian cells, there are seven MAPKKs (named MKK1-7) and 20 MAPKKKs. Each MAPK subfamily can be activated by at least two cognate MAPKKs and by multiple MAPKKKs. The MAPKK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270782 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 265  Bit Score: 47.72  E-value: 1.35e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50
PKc_LIMK_like cd14065
Catalytic domain of the LIM domain kinase-like protein kinases; PKs catalyze the transfer of ...
711-765 1.44e-05

Catalytic domain of the LIM domain kinase-like protein kinases; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine or tyrosine residues on protein substrates. Members of this subfamily include LIMK, Testicular or testis-specific protein kinase (TESK), and similar proteins. LIMKs are characterized as serine/threonine kinases (STKs) while TESKs are dual-specificity protein kinases. Both LIMK and TESK phosphorylate and inactivate cofilin, an actin depolymerizing factor, to induce the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. They are implicated in many cellular functions including cell spreading, motility, morphogenesis, meiosis, mitosis, and spermatogenesis. The LIMK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270967 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 252  Bit Score: 47.49  E-value: 1.44e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_TSSK-like cd14080
Catalytic domain of testis-specific serine/threonine kinases and similar proteins; STKs ...
707-770 1.67e-05

Catalytic domain of testis-specific serine/threonine kinases and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TSSK proteins are almost exclusively expressed postmeiotically in the testis and play important roles in spermatogenesis and/or spermiogenesis. There are five mammalian TSSK proteins which show differences in their localization and timing of expression. TSSK1 and TSSK2 are expressed specifically in meiotic and postmeiotic spermatogenic cells, respectively. TSSK3 has been reported to be expressed in the interstitial Leydig cells of adult testis. TSSK4, also called TSSK5, is expressed in testis from haploid round spermatids to mature spermatozoa. TSSK6, also called SSTK, is expressed at the head of elongated sperm. TSSK1/TSSK2 double knock-out and TSSK6 null mice are sterile without manifesting other defects, making these kinases viable targets for male contraception. The TSSK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270982 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 262  Bit Score: 47.18  E-value: 1.67e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_AMPK_alpha cd14079
Catalytic domain of the Alpha subunit of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, AMP-activated protein ...
707-776 1.69e-05

Catalytic domain of the Alpha subunit of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, AMP-activated protein kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. AMPK, also called SNF1 (sucrose non-fermenting1) in yeasts and SnRK1 (SNF1-related kinase1) in plants, is a heterotrimeric enzyme composed of a catalytic alpha subunit and two regulatory subunits, beta and gamma. It is a stress-activated kinase that serves as master regulator of glucose and lipid metabolism by monitoring carbon and energy supplies, via sensing the cell's AMP:ATP ratio. In response to decreased ATP levels, it enhances energy-producing processes and inhibits energy-consuming pathways. Once activated, AMPK phosphorylates a broad range of downstream targets, with effects in carbohydrate metabolism and uptake, lipid and fatty acid biosynthesis, carbon energy storage, and inflammation, among others. Defects in energy homeostasis underlie many human diseases including Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer. As a result, AMPK has emerged as a therapeutic target in the treatment of these diseases. The AMPK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270981 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 256  Bit Score: 47.26  E-value: 1.69e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_MAPK4_6 cd07854
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases 4 (also ...
711-774 1.73e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases 4 (also called ERK4) and 6 (also called ERK3); STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MAPK4 (also called ERK4 or p63MAPK) and MAPK6 (also called ERK3 or p97MAPK) are atypical MAPKs that are not regulated by MAPK kinases. MAPK6 is expressed ubiquitously with highest amounts in brain and skeletal muscle. It may be involved in the control of cell differentiation by negatively regulating cell cycle progression in certain conditions. It may also play a role in glucose-induced insulin secretion. MAPK6 and MAPK4 cooperate to regulate the activity of MAPK-activated protein kinase 5 (MK5), leading to its relocation to the cytoplasm and exclusion from the nucleus. The MAPK6/MK5 and MAPK4/MK5 pathways may play critical roles in embryonic and post-natal development. MAPKs are important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. The MAPK4/6 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 143359 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 342  Bit Score: 47.85  E-value: 1.73e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_MEKK3_like cd06625
Catalytic domain of Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP)/Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) ...
710-765 1.82e-05

Catalytic domain of Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP)/Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) Kinase Kinase 3-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of MEKK3, MEKK2, and related proteins; all contain an N-terminal PB1 domain, which mediates oligomerization, and a C-terminal catalytic domain. MEKK2 and MEKK3 are MAPK kinase kinases (MAPKKKs or MKKK) that activate MEK5 (also called MKK5), which activates ERK5. The ERK5 cascade plays roles in promoting cell proliferation, differentiation, neuronal survival, and neuroprotection. MEKK3 plays an essential role in embryonic angiogenesis and early heart development. MEKK2 and MEKK3 can also activate the MAPKs, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38, through their respective MAPKKs. The MEKK3-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270795 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 260  Bit Score: 46.96  E-value: 1.82e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PTKc_Tyk2_rpt2 cd05080
Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Tyrosine kinase 2; PTKs catalyze ...
708-776 1.87e-05

Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Tyrosine kinase 2; PTKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to tyrosine (tyr) residues in protein substrates. Tyk2 is widely expressed in many tissues. It is involved in signaling via the cytokine receptors IFN-alphabeta, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, and IL-23. It mediates cell surface urokinase receptor (uPAR) signaling and plays a role in modulating vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) functional behavior in response to injury. Tyk2 is also important in dendritic cell function and T helper (Th)1 cell differentiation. A homozygous mutation of Tyk2 was found in a patient with hyper-IgE syndrome (HIES), a primary immunodeficiency characterized by recurrent skin abscesses, pneumonia, and elevated serum IgE. This suggests that Tyk2 may play important roles in multiple cytokine signaling involved in innate and adaptive immunity. Tyk2 is a member of the Janus kinase (Jak) subfamily of proteins, which are cytoplasmic (or nonreceptor) PTKs containing an N-terminal FERM domain, followed by a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, a pseudokinase domain, and a C-terminal tyr kinase catalytic domain. Jaks are crucial for cytokine receptor signaling. They are activated by autophosphorylation upon cytokine-induced receptor aggregation, and subsequently trigger downstream signaling events such as the phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs). The Tyk2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other kinases such as protein serine/threonine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270664 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 283  Bit Score: 47.20  E-value: 1.87e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_SLK cd06643
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Ste20-Like Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
703-767 2.26e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Ste20-Like Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. SLK promotes apoptosis through apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38. It acts as a MAPK kinase kinase by phosphorylating ASK1, resulting in the phosphorylation of p38. SLK also plays a role in mediating actin reorganization. It is part of a microtubule-associated complex that is targeted at adhesion sites, and is required in focal adhesion turnover and in regulating cell migration. The SLK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270811 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 283  Bit Score: 46.94  E-value: 2.26e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Byr2_like cd06628
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, fungal Byr2-like Mitogen-Activated Protein ...
710-765 2.46e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, fungal Byr2-like Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of this group include the MAPKKKs Schizosaccharomyces pombe Byr2, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Cryptococcus neoformans Ste11, and related proteins. They contain an N-terminal SAM (sterile alpha-motif) domain, which mediates protein-protein interaction, and a C-terminal catalytic domain. MAPKKKs phosphorylate and activate MAPK kinases, which in turn phosphorylate and activate MAPKs during signaling cascades that are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. Fission yeast Byr2 is regulated by Ras1. It responds to pheromone signaling and controls mating through the MAPK pathway. Budding yeast Ste11 functions in MAPK cascades that regulate mating, high osmolarity glycerol, and filamentous growth responses. The Byr2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270798 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 267  Bit Score: 46.76  E-value: 2.46e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PTZ00036 PTZ00036
glycogen synthase kinase; Provisional
710-769 2.48e-05

glycogen synthase kinase; Provisional

Pssm-ID: 173333 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 440  Bit Score: 47.72  E-value: 2.48e-05
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STKc_Chk1 cd14069
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Checkpoint kinase 1; STKs catalyze the ...
705-767 2.68e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Checkpoint kinase 1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Chk1 is implicated in many major checkpoints of the cell cycle, providing a link between upstream sensors and the cell cycle engine. It plays an important role in DNA damage response and maintaining genomic stability. Chk1 acts as an effector of the sensor kinase, ATR (ATM and Rad3-related), a member of the PI3K family, which is activated upon DNA replication stress. Chk1 delays mitotic entry in response to replication blocks by inhibiting cyclin dependent kinase (Cdk) activity. In addition, Chk1 contributes to the function of centrosome and spindle-based checkpoints, inhibits firing of origins of DNA replication (Ori), and represses transcription of cell cycle proteins including cyclin B and Cdk1. The Chk1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270971 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 261  Bit Score: 46.55  E-value: 2.68e-05
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STKc_EIF2AK4_GCN2_rpt2 cd14046
Catalytic domain, repeat 2, of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation ...
705-765 3.76e-05

Catalytic domain, repeat 2, of the Serine/Threonine kinase, eukaryotic translation Initiation Factor 2-Alpha Kinase 4 or General Control Non-derepressible-2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. GCN2 (or EIF2AK4) is activated by amino acid or serum starvation and UV irradiation. It induces GCN4, a transcriptional activator of amino acid biosynthetic genes, leading to increased production of amino acids under amino acid-deficient conditions. In serum-starved cells, GCN2 activation induces translation of the stress-responsive transcription factor ATF4, while under UV stress, GCN2 triggers transcriptional rescue via NF-kB signaling. GCN2 contains an N-terminal RWD, a degenerate kinase-like (repeat 1), the catalytic kinase (repeat 2), a histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS)-like, and a C-terminal ribosome-binding and dimerization (RB/DD) domains. Its kinase domain is activated via conformational changes as a result of the binding of uncharged tRNA to the HisRS-like domain. EIF2AKs phosphorylate the alpha subunit of eIF-2, resulting in the overall downregulation of protein synthesis. The GCN2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270948 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 278  Bit Score: 46.21  E-value: 3.76e-05
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STKc_MAP4K4_6_N cd06636
N-terminal Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase ...
705-765 3.96e-05

N-terminal Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase 4 and 6; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of this subfamily contain an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal citron homology (CNH) regulatory domain. MAP4K4 is also called Nck Interacting kinase (NIK). It facilitates the activation of the MAPKs, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1, ERK2, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), by phosphorylating and activating MEKK1. MAP4K4 plays a role in tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha-induced insulin resistance. MAP4K4 silencing in skeletal muscle cells from type II diabetic patients restores insulin-mediated glucose uptake. MAP4K4, through JNK, also plays a broad role in cell motility, which impacts inflammation, homeostasis, as well as the invasion and spread of cancer. MAP4K4 is found to be highly expressed in most tumor cell lines relative to normal tissue. MAP4K6 (also called MINK for Misshapen/NIKs-related kinase) is activated after Ras induction and mediates activation of p38 MAPK. MAP4K6 plays a role in cell cycle arrest, cytoskeleton organization, cell adhesion, and cell motility. The MAP4K4/6 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270806 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 282  Bit Score: 46.15  E-value: 3.96e-05
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STKc_Chk2 cd14084
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Cell cycle Checkpoint Kinase 2; STKs catalyze ...
703-777 4.71e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Cell cycle Checkpoint Kinase 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Checkpoint Kinase 2 (Chk2) plays an important role in cellular responses to DNA double-strand breaks and related lesions. It is phosphorylated and activated by ATM kinase, resulting in its dissociation from sites of damage to phosphorylate downstream targets such as BRCA1, p53, cell cycle transcription factor E2F1, the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) involved in apoptosis, and CDC25 phosphatases, among others. Mutations in Chk2 is linked to a variety of cancers including familial breast cancer, myelodysplastic syndromes, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and osteosarcomas. Chk2 contains an N-terminal SQ/TQ cluster domain (SCD), a central forkhead-associated (FHA) domain, and a C-terminal catalytic kinase domain. The Chk2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270986 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 275  Bit Score: 45.85  E-value: 4.71e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 774 KEDA 777
Cdd:cd14084    82 AEDD 85
PKc_YAK1 cd14212
Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity protein kinase, YAK1; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze ...
707-759 5.32e-05

Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity protein kinase, YAK1; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (S/T) as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of proteins with similarity to Saccharomyces cerevisiae YAK1 (or Yak1p), a dual-specificity kinase that autophosphorylates at tyrosine residues and phosphorylates substrates on S/T residues. YAK1 phosphorylates and activates the transcription factors Hsf1 and Msn2, which play important roles in cellular homeostasis during stress conditions including heat shock, oxidative stress, and nutrient deficiency. It also phosphorylates the protein POP2, a component of a complex that regulates transcription, under glucose-deprived conditions. It functions as a part of a glucose-sensing system that is involved in controlling growth in yeast. The YAK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271114 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 330  Bit Score: 46.09  E-value: 5.32e-05
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STKc_ULK3 cd14121
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Unc-51-like kinase 3; STKs catalyze the ...
711-775 5.33e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Unc-51-like kinase 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The ATG1/ULK complex is conserved from yeast to humans and it plays a critical role in the initiation of autophagy, the intracellular system that leads to the lysosomal degradation of cellular components and their recycling into basic metabolic units. ULK3 mRNA is up-regulated in fibroblasts after Ras-induced senescence, and its overexpression induces both autophagy and senescence in a fibroblast cell line. ULK3, through its kinase activity, positively regulates Gli proteins, mediators of the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway that is implicated in tissue homeostasis maintenance and neurogenesis. It is inhibited by binding to Suppressor of Fused (Sufu). The ULK3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271023 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 252  Bit Score: 45.74  E-value: 5.33e-05
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STKc_Yank1 cd05578
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Yank1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
705-776 5.59e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Yank1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily contains uncharacterized STKs with similarity to the human protein designated as Yank1 or STK32A. The Yank1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270730 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 45.71  E-value: 5.59e-05
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STKc_PRKX_like cd05612
Catalytic domain of PRKX-like Protein Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of ...
703-767 6.30e-05

Catalytic domain of PRKX-like Protein Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of this group include human PRKX (X chromosome-encoded protein kinase), Drosophila DC2, and similar proteins. PRKX is present in many tissues including fetal and adult brain, kidney, and lung. The PRKX gene is located in the Xp22.3 subregion and has a homolog called PRKY on the Y chromosome. An abnormal interchange between PRKX aand PRKY leads to the sex reversal disorder of XX males and XY females. PRKX is implicated in granulocyte/macrophage lineage differentiation, renal cell epithelial migration, and tubular morphogenesis in the developing kidney. The PRKX-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270763 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 292  Bit Score: 45.50  E-value: 6.30e-05
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STKc_ROCK_NDR_like cd05573
Catalytic domain of Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK)- and Nuclear ...
703-737 6.42e-05

Catalytic domain of Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK)- and Nuclear Dbf2-Related (NDR)-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of this subfamily include ROCK and ROCK-like proteins such as DMPK, MRCK, and CRIK, as well as NDR and NDR-like proteins such as LATS, CBK1 and Sid2p. ROCK and CRIK are effectors of the small GTPase Rho, while MRCK is an effector of the small GTPase Cdc42. NDR and NDR-like kinases contain an N-terminal regulatory (NTR) domain and an insert within the catalytic domain that contains an auto-inhibitory sequence. Proteins in this subfamily are involved in regulating many cellular functions including contraction, motility, division, proliferation, apoptosis, morphogenesis, and cytokinesis. The ROCK/NDR-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270725 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 350  Bit Score: 46.12  E-value: 6.42e-05
                          10        20        30
PTKc_Jak1_rpt2 cd05079
Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Janus kinase 1; PTKs catalyze the ...
711-776 6.78e-05

Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Janus kinase 1; PTKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to tyrosine (tyr) residues in protein substrates. Jak1 is widely expressed in many tissues. Many cytokines are dependent on Jak1 for signaling, including those that use the shared receptor subunits common gamma chain (IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, IL-21) and gp130 (IL-6, IL-11, oncostatin M, G-CSF, and IFNs, among others). The many varied interactions of Jak1 and its ubiquitous expression suggest many biological roles. Jak1 is important in neurological development, as well as in lymphoid development and function. It also plays a role in the pathophysiology of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. A mutation in the ATP-binding site of Jak1 was identified in a human uterine leiomyosarcoma cell line, resulting in defective cytokine induction and antigen presentation, thus allowing the tumor to evade the immune system. Jak1 is a member of the Janus kinase (Jak) subfamily of proteins, which are cytoplasmic (or nonreceptor) PTKs containing an N-terminal FERM domain, followed by a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, a pseudokinase domain, and a C-terminal tyr kinase domain. Jaks are crucial for cytokine receptor signaling. They are activated by autophosphorylation upon cytokine-induced receptor aggregation, and subsequently trigger downstream signaling events such as the phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs). The Jak1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other kinases such as protein serine/threonine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 173644 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 284  Bit Score: 45.69  E-value: 6.78e-05
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STKc_Aurora-B_like cd14117
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Aurora-B kinase and similar proteins; STKs ...
702-767 8.22e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Aurora-B kinase and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Aurora kinases are key regulators of mitosis and are essential for the accurate and equal division of genomic material from parent to daughter cells. Vertebrates contain at least 2 Aurora kinases (A and B); mammals contains a third Aurora kinase gene (C). This subfamily includes Aurora-B and Aurora-C. Aurora-B is most active at the transition during metaphase to the end of mitosis. It associates with centromeres, relocates to the midzone of the central spindle, and concentrates at the midbody during cell division. It is critical for accurate chromosomal segregation, cytokinesis, protein localization to the centrosome and kinetochore, correct microtubule-kinetochore attachments, and regulation of the mitotic checkpoint. Aurora-C is mainly expressed in meiotically dividing cells; it was originally discovered in mice as a testis-specific STK called Aie1. Both Aurora-B and -C are chromosomal passenger proteins that can form complexes with INCENP and survivin, and they may have redundant cellular functions. INCENP participates in the activation of Aurora-B in a two-step process: first by binding to form an intermediate state of activation and the phosphorylation of its C-terminal TSS motif to generate the fully active kinase. The Aurora-B subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271019 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 270  Bit Score: 45.24  E-value: 8.22e-05
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STKc_Cdc7 cd14019
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Division Cycle 7 kinase; STKs catalyze ...
703-768 8.31e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Cell Division Cycle 7 kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Cdc7 kinase (or Hsk1 in fission yeast) is a critical regulator in the initiation of DNA replication. It forms a complex with a Dbf4-related regulatory subunit, a cyclin-like molecule that activates the kinase in late G1 phase, and is also referred to as Dbf4-dependent kinase (DDK). Its main targets are mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins. Cdc7 kinase may also have additional roles in meiosis, checkpoint responses, the maintenance and repair of chromosome structures, and cancer progression. The Cdc7 kinase subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270921 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 252  Bit Score: 44.91  E-value: 8.31e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_TAO3 cd06633
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Thousand-and-One Amino acids 3; STKs catalyze ...
711-768 8.52e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Thousand-and-One Amino acids 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TAO3 is also known as JIK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase inhibitory kinase) or KFC (kinase from chicken). It specifically activates JNK, presumably by phosphorylating and activating MKK4/MKK7. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TAO3 is a component of the RAM (regulation of Ace2p activity and cellular morphogenesis) signaling pathway. TAO3 is upregulated in retinal ganglion cells after axotomy, and may play a role in apoptosis. TAO proteins possess mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase activity. MAPK signaling cascades are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. The TAO3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270803 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 313  Bit Score: 45.41  E-value: 8.52e-05
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STKc_ASK cd06624
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase; STKs ...
710-765 8.54e-05

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Members of this subfamily are mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinases (MAPKKKs or MKKKs) and include ASK1, ASK2, and MAPKKK15. ASK1 (also called MAPKKK5) functions in the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAPK signaling pathways by directly activating their respective MAPKKs, MKK4/MKK7 and MKK3/MKK6. It plays important roles in cytokine and stress responses, as well as in reactive oxygen species-mediated cellular responses. ASK1 is implicated in various diseases mediated by oxidative stress including inschemic heart disease, hypertension, vessel injury, brain ischemia, Fanconi anemia, asthma, and pulmonary edema, among others. ASK2 (also called MAPKKK6) functions only in a heteromeric complex with ASK1, and can activate ASK1 by direct phosphorylation. The function of MAPKKK15 is still unknown. The ASK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270794 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 268  Bit Score: 45.09  E-value: 8.54e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50
PTKc_Fes_like cd05041
Catalytic domain of Fes-like Protein Tyrosine Kinases; Protein Tyrosine Kinase (PTK) family; ...
711-775 8.71e-05

Catalytic domain of Fes-like Protein Tyrosine Kinases; Protein Tyrosine Kinase (PTK) family; Fes subfamily; catalytic (c) domain. Fes subfamily members include Fes (or Fps), Fer, and similar proteins. The PTKc family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other kinases such as protein serine/threonine kinases, RIO kinases, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). PTKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to tyrosine (tyr) residues in protein substrates. Fes subfamily proteins are cytoplasmic (or nonreceptor) tyr kinases containing an N-terminal region with FCH (Fes/Fer/CIP4 homology) and coiled-coil domains, followed by a SH2 domain, and a C-terminal catalytic domain. The genes for Fes (feline sarcoma) and Fps (Fujinami poultry sarcoma) were first isolated from tumor-causing retroviruses. The viral oncogenes encode chimeric Fes proteins consisting of Gag sequences at the N-termini, resulting in unregulated tyr kinase activity. Fes and Fer kinases play roles in haematopoiesis, inflammation and immunity, growth factor signaling, cytoskeletal regulation, cell migration and adhesion, and the regulation of cell-cell interactions. Fes and Fer show redundancy in their biological functions.

Pssm-ID: 270637 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 251  Bit Score: 44.74  E-value: 8.71e-05
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STKc_NAK1_like cd06917
Catalytic domain of Fungal Nak1-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of ...
710-767 9.63e-05

Catalytic domain of Fungal Nak1-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Nak1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kic1p (kinase that interacts with Cdc31p) and related proteins. Nak1 (also called N-rich kinase 1), is required by fission yeast for polarizing the tips of actin cytoskeleton and is involved in cell growth, cell separation, cell morphology and cell-cycle progression. Kic1p is required by budding yeast for cell integrity and morphogenesis. Kic1p interacts with Cdc31p, the yeast homologue of centrin, and phosphorylates substrates in a Cdc31p-dependent manner. The Nak1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270822 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 277  Bit Score: 45.16  E-value: 9.63e-05
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_DCKL cd14095
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Doublecortin-like kinase (also called ...
704-775 1.01e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Doublecortin-like kinase (also called Doublecortin-like and CAM kinase-like); STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. DCKL (or DCAMKL) proteins belong to the doublecortin (DCX) family of proteins which are involved in neuronal migration, neurogenesis, and eye receptor development, among others. Family members typically contain tandem doublecortin (DCX) domains at the N-terminus; DCX domains can bind microtubules and serve as protein-interaction platforms. In addition, DCKL proteins contain a C-terminal kinase domain with similarity to CAMKs. They are involved in the regulation of cAMP signaling. Vertebrates contain three DCKL proteins (DCKL1-3); DCKL1 and 2 also contain a serine, threonine, and proline rich domain (SP), while DCKL3 contains only a single DCX domain instead of tandem domains. The DCKL subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270997 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 44.62  E-value: 1.01e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_LKB1 cd14119
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Liver Kinase B1; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
711-775 1.05e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Liver Kinase B1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. LKB1, also called STK11, was first identified as a tumor suppressor responsible for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, a disorder that leads to an increased risk of spontaneous epithelial cancer. It serves as a master upstream kinase that activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and most AMPK-like kinases. LKB1 and AMPK are part of an energy-sensing pathway that links cell energy to metabolism and cell growth. They play critical roles in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity, cell proliferation, cytoskeletal organization, as well as T-cell metabolism, including T-cell development, homeostasis, and effector function. To be activated, LKB1 requires the adaptor proteins STe20-Related ADaptor (STRAD) and mouse protein 25 (MO25). The LKB1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271021 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 255  Bit Score: 44.56  E-value: 1.05e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_Nek5 cd08225
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase ...
704-765 1.18e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase 5; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Neks are involved in the regulation of downstream processes following the activation of Cdc2, and many of their functions are cell cycle-related. They play critical roles in microtubule dynamics during ciliogenesis and mitosis. The specific function of Nek5 is unknown. Nek5 is one in a family of 11 different Neks (Nek1-11). The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 173765 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 44.56  E-value: 1.18e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_LIMK cd14154
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, LIM domain kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
711-765 1.35e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, LIM domain kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. LIMKs phosphorylate and inactivate cofilin, an actin depolymerizing factor, to induce the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. They act downstream of Rho GTPases and are expressed ubiquitously. As regulators of actin dynamics, they contribute to diverse cellular functions such as cell motility, morphogenesis, differentiation, apoptosis, meiosis, mitosis, and neurite extension. LIMKs contain the LIM (two repeats), PDZ, and catalytic kinase domains. Vertebrate have two members, LIMK1 and LIMK2. The LIMK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271056 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 272  Bit Score: 44.42  E-value: 1.35e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_AGC cd05123
Catalytic domain of AGC family Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
711-768 1.40e-04

Catalytic domain of AGC family Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. AGC kinases regulate many cellular processes including division, growth, survival, metabolism, motility, and differentiation. Many are implicated in the development of various human diseases. Members of this family include cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase (PKA), cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase (PKG), Protein Kinase C (PKC), Protein Kinase B (PKB), G protein-coupled Receptor Kinase (GRK), Serum- and Glucocorticoid-induced Kinase (SGK), and 70 kDa ribosomal Protein S6 Kinase (p70S6K or S6K), among others. AGC kinases share an activation mechanism based on the phosphorylation of up to three sites: the activation loop (A-loop), the hydrophobic motif (HM) and the turn motif. Phosphorylation at the A-loop is required of most AGC kinases, which results in a disorder-to-order transition of the A-loop. The ordered conformation results in the access of substrates and ATP to the active site. A subset of AGC kinases with C-terminal extensions containing the HM also requires phosphorylation at this site. Phosphorylation at the HM allows the C-terminal extension to form an ordered structure that packs into the hydrophobic pocket of the catalytic domain, which then reconfigures the kinase into an active bi-lobed state. In addition, growth factor-activated AGC kinases such as PKB, p70S6K, RSK, MSK, PKC, and SGK, require phosphorylation at the turn motif (also called tail or zipper site), located N-terminal to the HM at the C-terminal extension. The AGC family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270693 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 250  Bit Score: 44.43  E-value: 1.40e-04
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STKc_STK33 cd14097
Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase 33; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
710-770 1.57e-04

Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase 33; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. STK33 is highly expressed in the testis and is present in low levels in most tissues. It may be involved in spermatogenesis and organ ontogenesis. It interacts with and phosphorylates vimentin and may be involved in regulating intermediate filament cytoskeletal dynamics. Its role in promoting the cell viability of KRAS-dependent cancer cells is under debate; some studies have found STK33 to promote cancer cell viability, while other studies have found it to be non-essential. KRAS is the most commonly mutated human oncogene, thus, studies on the role of STK33 in KRAS mutant cancer cells are important. The STK33 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270999 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 266  Bit Score: 44.46  E-value: 1.57e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PKc_PBS2_like cd06622
Catalytic domain of fungal PBS2-like dual-specificity Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases; ...
703-766 1.94e-04

Catalytic domain of fungal PBS2-like dual-specificity Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (ST) or tyrosine residues on protein substrates. Members of this group include the MAPKKs Polymyxin B resistance protein 2 (PBS2) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Wis1 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and related proteins. PBS2 and Wis1 are components of stress-activated MAPK cascades in budding and fission yeast, respectively. PBS2 is the specific activator of the MAPK Hog1, which plays a central role in the response of budding yeast to stress including exposure to arsenite and hyperosmotic environments. Wis1 phosphorylates and activates the MAPK Sty1 (also called Spc1 or Phh1), which stimulates a transcriptional response to a wide range of cellular insults through the bZip transcription factors Atf1, Pcr1, and Pap1. The PBS2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 132953 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 286  Bit Score: 44.07  E-value: 1.94e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_DAPK3 cd14195
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Death-Associated Protein Kinase 3; STKs ...
711-778 2.20e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Death-Associated Protein Kinase 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. DAPKs mediate cell death and act as tumor suppressors. They are necessary to induce cell death and their overexpression leads to death-associated changes including membrane blebbing, cell rounding, and formation of autophagic vesicles. Vertebrates contain three subfamily members with different domain architecture, localization, and function. DAPK3, also called DAP-like kinase (DLK) and zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPk), contains an N-terminal kinase domain and a C-terminal region with nuclear localization signals (NLS) and a leucine zipper motif that mediates homodimerization and interaction with other leucine zipper proteins. It interacts with Par-4, a protein that contains a death domain and interacts with actin filaments. DAPK3 is present in both the cytoplasm and nucleus. Its co-expression with Par-4 results in the co-localization of the two proteins to actin filaments. In addition to cell death, DAPK3 is also implicated in mediating cell motility and the contraction of smooth muscles. The DAPK3 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271097 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 271  Bit Score: 43.84  E-value: 2.20e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
COG2112 COG2112
Predicted Ser/Thr protein kinase [Signal transduction mechanisms];
678-759 2.54e-04

Predicted Ser/Thr protein kinase [Signal transduction mechanisms];

Pssm-ID: 441715 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 225  Bit Score: 43.09  E-value: 2.54e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80

gi 1958704824 758 QL 759
Cdd:COG2112    89 KA 90
STKc_PLK cd14099
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Polo-like kinases; STKs catalyze the ...
711-775 2.57e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Polo-like kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PLKs play important roles in cell cycle progression and in DNA damage responses. They regulate mitotic entry, mitotic exit, and cytokinesis. In general PLKs contain an N-terminal catalytic kinase domain and a C-terminal regulatory polo box domain (PBD), which is comprised by two bipartite polo-box motifs (or polo boxes) and is involved in protein interactions. PLKs derive their names from homology to polo, a kinase first identified in Drosophila. There are five mammalian PLKs (PLK1-5) from distinct genes. There is good evidence that PLK1 may function as an oncogene while PLK2-5 have tumor suppressive properties. PLK1 functions as a positive regulator of mitosis, meiosis, and cytokinesis. PLK2 functions in G1 progression, S-phase arrest, and centriole duplication. PLK3 regulates angiogenesis and responses to DNA damage. PLK4 is required for late mitotic progression, cell survival, and embryonic development. PLK5 was first identified as a pseudogene containing a stop codon within the kinase domain, however, both murine and human genes encode expressed proteins. PLK5 functions in cell cycle arrest.

Pssm-ID: 271001 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 43.70  E-value: 2.57e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Aurora-A cd14116
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Aurora-A kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer ...
701-767 3.65e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Aurora-A kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Aurora kinases are key regulators of mitosis and are essential for the accurate and equal division of genomic material from parent to daughter cells. Vertebrates contain at least 2 Aurora kinases (A and B); mammals contains a third Aurora kinase gene (C). Aurora-A regulates cell cycle events from the late S-phase through the M-phase including centrosome maturation, mitotic entry, centrosome separation, spindle assembly, chromosome alignment, cytokinesis, and mitotic exit. Aurora-A activation depends on its autophosphorylation and binding to the microtubule-associated protein TPX2, which also localizes the kinase to spindle microtubules. Aurora-A is overexpressed in many cancer types such as prostate, ovarian, breast, bladder, gastric, and pancreatic. The Aurora subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271018 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 43.02  E-value: 3.65e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_DAPK2 cd14196
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Death-Associated Protein Kinase 2; STKs ...
703-778 4.24e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Death-Associated Protein Kinase 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. DAPKs mediate cell death and act as tumor suppressors. They are necessary to induce cell death and their overexpression leads to death-associated changes including membrane blebbing, cell rounding, and formation of autophagic vesicles. Vertebrates contain three subfamily members with different domain architecture, localization, and function. DAPK2, also called DAPK-related protein 1 (DRP-1), is a Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-regulated protein containing an N-terminal kinase domain, a CaM autoinhibitory site and a dimerization module. It lacks the cytoskeletal binding regions of DAPK1 and the exogenous protein has been shown to be soluble and cytoplasmic. FLAG-tagged DAPK2, however, accumulated within membrane-enclosed autophagic vesicles. It is unclear where endogenous DAPK2 is localized. DAPK2 participates in TNF-alpha and FAS-receptor induced cell death and enhances neutrophilic maturation in myeloid leukemic cells. It contributes to the induction of anoikis and its down-regulation is implicated in the beta-catenin induced resistance of malignant epithelial cells to anoikis. The DAPK2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271098 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 269  Bit Score: 43.02  E-value: 4.24e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
STKc_MPK1 cd07857
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Fungal Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase MPK1; ...
705-773 4.56e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Fungal Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase MPK1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of the MAPKs MPK1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pmk1 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and similar proteins. MPK1 (also called Slt2) and Pmk1 (also called Spm1) are stress-activated MAPKs that regulate the cell wall integrity pathway, and are therefore important in the maintainance of cell shape, cell wall construction, morphogenesis, and ion homeostasis. MPK1 is activated in response to cell wall stress including heat stimulation, osmotic shock, UV irradiation, and any agents that interfere with cell wall biogenesis such as chitin antagonists, caffeine, or zymolase. MPK1 is regulated by the MAP2Ks Mkk1/2, which are regulated by the MAP3K Bck1. Pmk1 is also activated by multiple stresses including elevated temperatures, hyper- or hypotonic stress, glucose deprivation, exposure to cell-wall damaging compounds, and oxidative stress. It is regulated by the MAP2K Pek1, which is regulated by the MAP3K Mkh1. MAPKs are important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. The MPK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 173750 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 332  Bit Score: 43.16  E-value: 4.56e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_TNIK cd06637
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Traf2- and Nck-Interacting Kinase; STKs ...
705-762 4.97e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Traf2- and Nck-Interacting Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TNIK is an effector of Rap2, a small GTP-binding protein from the Ras family. TNIK specifically activates the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway and plays a role in regulating the actin cytoskeleton. The TNIK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270807 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 296  Bit Score: 42.78  E-value: 4.97e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_SIK cd14071
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Salt-Inducible kinases; STKs catalyze the ...
705-774 5.59e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Salt-Inducible kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. SIKs are part of a complex network that regulates Na,K-ATPase to maintain sodium homeostasis and blood pressure. Vertebrates contain three forms of SIKs (SIK1-3) from three distinct genes, which display tissue-specific effects. SIK1, also called SNF1LK, controls steroidogenic enzyme production in adrenocortical cells. In the brain, both SIK1 and SIK2 regulate energy metabolism. SIK2, also called QIK or SNF1LK2, is involved in the regulation of gluconeogenesis in the liver and lipogenesis in adipose tissues, where it phosphorylates the insulin receptor substrate-1. In the liver, SIK3 (also called QSK) regulates cholesterol and bile acid metabolism. In addition, SIK2 plays an important role in the initiation of mitosis and regulates the localization of C-Nap1, a centrosome linker protein. The SIK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270973 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 253  Bit Score: 42.38  E-value: 5.59e-04
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STKc_Nek4 cd08223
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase ...
705-769 5.86e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase 4; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Nek4 is highly abundant in the testis. Its specific function is unknown. Neks are involved in the regulation of downstream processes following the activation of Cdc2, and many of their functions are cell cycle-related. They play critical roles in microtubule dynamics during ciliogenesis and mitosis. Nek4 is one in a family of 11 different Neks (Nek1-11). The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270862 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 42.42  E-value: 5.86e-04
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STKc_MEKK2 cd06652
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP)/Extracellular ...
710-776 6.18e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP)/Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) Kinase Kinase 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MEKK2 is a MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK or MKKK), that phosphorylates and activates the MAPK kinase MEK5 (or MKK5), which in turn phosphorylates and activates ERK5. The ERK5 cascade plays roles in promoting cell proliferation, differentiation, neuronal survival, and neuroprotection. MEKK2 also activates ERK1/2, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 through their respective MAPKKs MEK1/2, JNK-activating kinase 2 (JNKK2), and MKK3/6. MEKK2 plays roles in T cell receptor signaling, immune synapse formation, cytokine gene expression, as well as in EGF and FGF receptor signaling. The MEKK2 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270818 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 264  Bit Score: 42.34  E-value: 6.18e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_myosinIIIB_N cd06639
N-terminal Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Class IIIB myosin; STKs catalyze ...
703-765 7.77e-04

N-terminal Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Class IIIB myosin; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Class IIIB myosin is expressed highly in retina. It is also present in the brain and testis. The human class IIIB myosin gene maps to a region that overlaps the locus for Bardet-Biedl syndrome, which is characterized by dysmorphic extremities, retinal dystrophy, obesity, male hypogenitalism, and renal abnormalities. Class III myosins are motor proteins containing an N-terminal kinase catalytic domain and a C-terminal actin-binding domain. They may play an important role in maintaining the structural integrity of photoreceptor cell microvilli. They may also function as cargo carriers during light-dependent translocation, in photoreceptor cells, of proteins such as transducin and arrestin. The class III myosin subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270808 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 291  Bit Score: 42.29  E-value: 7.77e-04
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STKc_PDIK1L cd13977
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, PDLIM1 interacting kinase 1 like; STKs ...
704-771 9.03e-04

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, PDLIM1 interacting kinase 1 like; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. PDIK1L is also called STK35 or CLIK-1. It is predominantly a nuclear protein which is capable of autophosphorylation. Through its interaction with the PDZ-LIM protein CLP-36, it is localized to actin stress fibers. The PDIK1L subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K).

Pssm-ID: 270879 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 322  Bit Score: 42.16  E-value: 9.03e-04
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_TTBK cd14017
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine protein kinase, Tau-Tubulin Kinase; STKs catalyze the ...
704-759 1.03e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine protein kinase, Tau-Tubulin Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TTBK is a neuron-specific kinase that phosphorylates the microtubule-associated protein tau and promotes its aggregation. Higher vertebrates contain two TTBK proteins, TTBK1 and TTBK2, both of which have been implicated in neurodegeneration. TTBK1 has been linked to Alzheimer's disease (AD) while TTBK2 is associated with spinocerebellar ataxia type 11 (SCA11). Both AD and SCA11 patients show the presence of neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. The Drosophila TTBK homolog, Asator, is an essential protein that localizes to the mitotic spindle during mitosis and may be involved in regulating microtubule dynamics and function. The TTBK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270919 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 263  Bit Score: 41.86  E-value: 1.03e-03
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STKc_MLK cd14061
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mixed Lineage Kinases; STKs catalyze the ...
710-768 1.14e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Mixed Lineage Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MLKs act as mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinases (MAP3Ks, MKKKs, MAPKKKs), which phosphorylate and activate MAPK kinases (MAPKKs or MKKs or MAP2Ks), which in turn phosphorylate and activate MAPKs during signaling cascades that are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. Mammals have four MLKs (MLK1-4), mostly conserved in vertebrates, which contain an SH3 domain, a catalytic kinase domain, a leucine zipper, a proline-rich region, and a CRIB domain that mediates binding to GTP-bound Cdc42 and Rac. MLKs play roles in immunity and inflammation, as well as in cell death, proliferation, and cell cycle regulation. The MLK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270963 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 258  Bit Score: 41.61  E-value: 1.14e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PKc_Myt1 cd14050
Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity protein kinase, Myt1; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze ...
705-737 1.18e-03

Catalytic domain of the Dual-specificity protein kinase, Myt1; Dual-specificity PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine as well as tyrosine residues on protein substrates. Myt1 is a cytoplasmic cell cycle checkpoint kinase that can keep the cyclin-dependent kinase CDK1 in an inactive state through phosphorylation of N-terminal thr (T14) and tyr (Y15) residues, leading to the delay of meiosis I entry. Meiotic progression is ensured by a two-step inhibition and downregulation of Myt1 by CDK1/XRINGO and p90Rsk during oocyte maturation. In addition, Myt1 targets cyclin B1/B2 and is essential for Golgi and ER assembly during telophase. In Drosophila, Myt1 may be a downstream target of Notch during eye development. The Myt1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein serine/threonine PKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270952 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 249  Bit Score: 41.53  E-value: 1.18e-03
                          10        20        30
STKc_SnRK2 cd14662
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Sucrose nonfermenting 1-related protein ...
704-771 1.23e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Sucrose nonfermenting 1-related protein kinase subfamily 2; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The SnRKs form three different subfamilies designated SnRK1-3. SnRK2 is represented in this cd. SnRK2s are involved in plant response to abiotic stresses and abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent plant development. The SnRK2s subfamily is in turn classed into three subgroups, all 3 of which are represented in this CD. Group 1 comprises kinases not activated by ABA, group 2 - kinases not activated or activated very weakly by ABA (depending on plant species), and group 3 - kinases strongly activated by ABA. The SnRKs belong to a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271132 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 41.29  E-value: 1.23e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_RCK1-like cd14096
Catalytic domain of RCK1-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
705-765 1.37e-03

Catalytic domain of RCK1-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of fungal STKs including Saccharomyces cerevisiae RCK1 and RCK2, Schizosaccharomyces pombe Sty1-regulated kinase 1 (Srk1), and similar proteins. RCK1, RCK2 (or Rck2p), and Srk1 are MAPK-activated protein kinases. RCK1 and RCK2 are involved in oxidative and metal stress resistance in budding yeast. RCK2 also regulates rapamycin sensitivity in both S. cerevisiae and Candida albicans. Srk1 is activated by Sty1/Spc1 and is involved in negatively regulating cell cycle progression by inhibiting Cdc25. The RCK1-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270998 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 295  Bit Score: 41.65  E-value: 1.37e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_NDR_like cd05599
Catalytic domain of Nuclear Dbf2-Related kinase-like Protein Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs ...
703-737 1.51e-03

Catalytic domain of Nuclear Dbf2-Related kinase-like Protein Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. NDR kinases regulate mitosis, cell growth, embryonic development, and neurological processes. They are also required for proper centrosome duplication. Higher eukaryotes contain two NDR isoforms, NDR1 and NDR2. This subfamily also contains fungal NDR-like kinases. NDR kinase contains an N-terminal regulatory (NTR) domain and an insert within the catalytic domain that contains an auto-inhibitory sequence. Like many other AGC kinases, NDR kinase requires phosphorylation at two sites, the activation loop (A-loop) and the hydrophobic motif (HM), for activity. The NDR kinase subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270750 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 324  Bit Score: 41.45  E-value: 1.51e-03
                          10        20        30
STKc_LIMK1 cd14221
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, LIM domain kinase 1; STKs catalyze the ...
711-780 1.93e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, LIM domain kinase 1; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. LIMK1 activation is induced by bone morphogenic protein, vascular endothelial growth factor, and thrombin. It plays roles in microtubule disassembly and cell cycle progression, and is critical in the regulation of neurite outgrowth. LIMK1 knockout mice show abnormalities in dendritic spine morphology and synaptic function. LIMK1 is one of the genes deleted in patients with Williams Syndrome, which is characterized by distinct craniofacial features, cardiovascular problems, as well as behavioral and neurological abnormalities. LIMKs phosphorylate and inactivate cofilin, an actin depolymerizing factor, to induce the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. They act downstream of Rho GTPases and are expressed ubiquitously. As regulators of actin dynamics, they contribute to diverse cellular functions such as cell motility, morphogenesis, differentiation, apoptosis, meiosis, mitosis, and neurite extension. LIMKs contain the LIM (two repeats), PDZ, and catalytic kinase domains. The LIMK1 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271123 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 267  Bit Score: 41.09  E-value: 1.93e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_CaMK_like cd14088
Catalytic domain of an Uncharacterized group of Serine/Threonine kinases with similarity to ...
703-775 2.28e-03

Catalytic domain of an Uncharacterized group of Serine/Threonine kinases with similarity to Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of uncharacterized STKs with similarity to CaMKs, which are multifunctional calcium and calmodulin (CaM) stimulated STKs involved in cell cycle regulation. The CaMK family includes CaMKI, CaMKII, CaMKIV, and CaMK kinase (CaMKK). CaMKs contain an N-terminal catalytic domain followed by a regulatory domain that harbors a CaM binding site. This uncharacterized subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270990 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 265  Bit Score: 40.78  E-value: 2.28e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_SnRK2-3 cd14665
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Sucrose nonfermenting 1-related protein ...
704-771 2.72e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinases, Sucrose nonfermenting 1-related protein kinase subfamily 2, group 3; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. The SnRKs form three different subfamilies designated SnRK1-3. SnRK2 is represented in this cd. SnRK2s are involved in plant response to abiotic stresses and abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent plant development. The SnRK2s subfamily is in turn classed into three subgroups, all 3 of which are represented in this CD. Group 1 comprises kinases not activated by ABA, group 2 - kinases not activated or activated very weakly by ABA (depending on plant species), and group 3 - kinases strongly activated by ABA. The SnRKs belong to a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271135 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 40.35  E-value: 2.72e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PTKc_Jak2_rpt2 cd14205
Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Janus kinase 2; PTKs catalyze the ...
711-770 2.76e-03

Catalytic (repeat 2) domain of the Protein Tyrosine Kinase, Janus kinase 2; PTKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to tyrosine (tyr) residues in protein substrates. Jak2 is widely expressed in many tissues and is essential for the signaling of hormone-like cytokines such as growth hormone, erythropoietin, thrombopoietin, and prolactin, as well as some IFNs and cytokines that signal through the IL-3 and gp130 receptors. Disruption of Jak2 in mice results in an embryonic lethal phenotype with multiple defects including erythropoietic and cardiac abnormalities. It is the only Jak gene that results in a lethal phenotype when disrupted in mice. A mutation in the pseudokinase domain of Jak2, V617F, is present in many myeloproliferative diseases, including almost all patients with polycythemia vera, and 50% of patients with essential thrombocytosis and myelofibrosis. Jak2 is a member of the Janus kinase (Jak) subfamily of proteins, which are cytoplasmic (or nonreceptor) PTKs containing an N-terminal FERM domain, followed by a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, a pseudokinase domain, and a C-terminal catalytic tyr kinase domain. Jaks are crucial for cytokine receptor signaling. They are activated by autophosphorylation upon cytokine-induced receptor aggregation, and subsequently trigger downstream signaling events such as the phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs). The PTKc family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other kinases such as protein serine/threonine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271107 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 284  Bit Score: 40.38  E-value: 2.76e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_MELK cd14078
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Maternal Embryonic Leucine zipper Kinase; ...
711-774 2.86e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Maternal Embryonic Leucine zipper Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. MELK is a cell cycle dependent protein which functions in cytokinesis, cell cycle, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and mRNA processing. It is found upregulated in many types of cancer cells, playing an indispensable role in cancer cell survival. It makes an attractive target in the design of inhibitors for use in the treatment of a wide range of human cancer. The MELK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270980 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 40.44  E-value: 2.86e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
PKc_Pek1_like cd06621
Catalytic domain of fungal Pek1-like dual-specificity Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases; ...
703-765 3.11e-03

Catalytic domain of fungal Pek1-like dual-specificity Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (ST) or tyrosine residues on protein substrates. Members of this group include the MAPKKs Pek1/Skh1 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and MKK2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and related proteins. Both fission yeast Pek1 and baker's yeast MKK2 are components of the cell integrity MAPK pathway. In fission yeast, Pek1 phosphorylates and activates Pmk1/Spm1 and is regulated by the MAPKK kinase Mkh1. In baker's yeast, the pathway involves the MAPK Slt2, the MAPKKs MKK1 and MKK2, and the MAPKK kinase Bck1. The cell integrity MAPK cascade is activated by multiple stress conditions, and is essential in cell wall construction, morphogenesis, cytokinesis, and ion homeostasis. MAPK signaling pathways are important mediators of cellular responses to extracellular signals. The MAPKK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270793 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 287  Bit Score: 40.48  E-value: 3.11e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_TLK cd13990
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Tousled-Like Kinase; STKs catalyze the ...
710-767 3.13e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, Tousled-Like Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TLKs play important functions during the cell cycle and are implicated in chromatin remodeling, DNA replication and repair, and mitosis. They phosphorylate and regulate Anti-silencing function 1 protein (Asf1), a histone H3/H4 chaperone that helps facilitate the assembly of chromatin following DNA replication during S phase. TLKs also phosphorylate the H3 histone tail and are essential in transcription. Vertebrates contain two subfamily members, TLK1 and TLK2. The TLK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270892 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 279  Bit Score: 40.38  E-value: 3.13e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_TSSK3-like cd14163
Catalytic domain of testis-specific serine/threonine kinase 3 and similar proteins; STKs ...
711-771 3.38e-03

Catalytic domain of testis-specific serine/threonine kinase 3 and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TSSK proteins are almost exclusively expressed postmeiotically in the testis and play important roles in spermatogenesis and/or spermiogenesis. There are five mammalian TSSK proteins which show differences in their localization and timing of expression. TSSK3 has been reported to be expressed in the interstitial Leydig cells of adult testis. Its mRNA levels is low at birth, increases at puberty, and remains high throughout adulthood. The TSSK3-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271065 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 257  Bit Score: 39.97  E-value: 3.38e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_MEKK3_like_u1 cd06653
Catalytic domain of an Uncharacterized subfamily of Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP) ...
710-776 4.19e-03

Catalytic domain of an Uncharacterized subfamily of Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP)/Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) Kinase Kinase 3-like Serine/Threonine Kinases; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily is composed of uncharacterized proteins with similarity to MEKK3, MEKK2, and related proteins; they contain an N-terminal PB1 domain, which mediates oligomerization, and a C-terminal catalytic domain. MEKK2 and MEKK3 are MAPK kinase kinases (MAPKKKs or MKKKs), proteins that phosphorylate and activate MAPK kinases (MAPKKs or MKKs), which in turn phosphorylate and activate MAPKs during signaling cascades that are important in mediating cellular responses to extracellular signals. MEKK2 and MEKK3 activate MEK5 (also called MKK5), which activates ERK5. The ERK5 cascade plays roles in promoting cell proliferation, differentiation, neuronal survival, and neuroprotection. MEKK3 plays an essential role in embryonic angiogenesis and early heart development. MEKK2 and MEKK3 can also activate the MAPKs, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38, through their respective MAPKKs. The MEKK3-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270819 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 264  Bit Score: 40.01  E-value: 4.19e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_GAK_like cd13985
Catalytic domain of cyclin G-Associated Kinase-like proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of ...
711-766 5.04e-03

Catalytic domain of cyclin G-Associated Kinase-like proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. This subfamily includes cyclin G-Associated Kinase (GAK), Drosophila melanogaster Numb-Associated Kinase (NAK)-like proteins, and similar protein kinases. GAK plays regulatory roles in clathrin-mediated membrane trafficking, the maintenance of centrosome integrity and chromosome congression, neural patterning, survival of neurons, and immune responses. NAK plays a role in asymmetric cell division through its association with Numb. It also regulates the localization of Dlg, a protein essential for septate junction formation. The GAK-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270887 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 272  Bit Score: 39.62  E-value: 5.04e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_Kin4 cd14076
Catalytic domain of the yeast Serine/Threonine Kinase, Kin4; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
707-774 5.42e-03

Catalytic domain of the yeast Serine/Threonine Kinase, Kin4; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Kin4 is a central component of the spindle position checkpoint (SPOC), which monitors spindle position and regulates the mitotic exit network (MEN). Kin4 associates with spindle pole bodies in mother cells to inhibit MEN signaling and delay mitosis until the anaphase nucleus is properly positioned along the mother-bud axis. Kin4 activity is regulated by both the bud neck-associated kinase Elm1 and protein phosphatase 2A. The Kin4 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270978 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 270  Bit Score: 39.39  E-value: 5.42e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_Nek10 cd08528
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase ...
705-765 6.63e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase 10; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. No function has yet been ascribed to Nek10. The gene encoding Nek10 is a putative causative gene for breast cancer; it is located within a breast cancer susceptibility loci on chromosome 3p24. Nek10 is one in a family of 11 different Neks (Nek1-11) that are involved in cell cycle control. The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270867 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 270  Bit Score: 39.41  E-value: 6.63e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70
STKc_TSSK4-like cd14162
Catalytic domain of testis-specific serine/threonine kinase 4 and similar proteins; STKs ...
711-771 6.79e-03

Catalytic domain of testis-specific serine/threonine kinase 4 and similar proteins; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. TSSK proteins are almost exclusively expressed postmeiotically in the testis and play important roles in spermatogenesis and/or spermiogenesis. There are five mammalian TSSK proteins which show differences in their localization and timing of expression. TSSK4, also called TSSK5, is expressed in testis from haploid round spermatids to mature spermatozoa. It phosphorylates Cre-Responsive Element Binding protein (CREB), facilitating the binding of CREB to the specific cis cAMP responsive element (CRE), which is important in activating genes related to germ cell differentiation. Mutations in the human TSSK4 gene is associated with infertile Chinese men with impaired spermatogenesis. The TSSK4-like subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271064 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 259  Bit Score: 39.20  E-value: 6.79e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_HIPK cd14211
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase; STKs ...
705-763 6.81e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. HIPKs, originally identified by their ability to bind homeobox factors, are nuclear proteins containing catalytic kinase and homeobox-interacting domains as well as a PEST region overlapping with the speckle-retention signal (SRS). They show speckled localization in the nucleus, apart from the nucleoles. They play roles in the regulation of many nuclear pathways including gene transcription, cell survival, proliferation, differentiation, development, and DNA damage response. Vertebrates contain three HIPKs (HIPK1-3) and mammals harbor an additional family member HIPK4, which does not contain a homeobox-interacting domain and is localized in the cytoplasm. HIPK2, the most studied HIPK, is a coregulator of many transcription factors and cofactors and it regulates gene transcription during development and in DNA damage response. The HIPK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 271113 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 329  Bit Score: 39.35  E-value: 6.81e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50
STKc_16 cd13986
Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase 16; STKs catalyze the transfer of the ...
705-765 7.33e-03

Catalytic domain of Serine/Threonine Kinase 16; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. STK16 is associated with many names including Myristylated and Palmitylated Serine/threonine Kinase 1 (MPSK1), Kinase related to cerevisiae and thaliana (Krct), and Protein Kinase expressed in day 12 fetal liver (PKL12). It is widely expressed in mammals with highest levels found in liver, testis, and kidney. It is localized in the Golgi but is translocated to the nucleus upon disorganization of the Golgi. STK16 is constitutively active and is capable of phosphorylating itself and other substrates. It may be involved in regulating stromal-epithelial interactions during mammary gland ductal morphogenesis. It may also function as a transcriptional co-activator of type-C natriuretic peptide and VEGF. The STK16 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270888 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 282  Bit Score: 39.20  E-value: 7.33e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60
STKc_Nek7 cd08229
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase ...
685-782 7.88e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine Kinase, Never In Mitosis gene A (NIMA)-related kinase 7; STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. Nek7 is required for mitotic spindle formation and cytokinesis. It is enriched in the centrosome and is critical for microtubule nucleation. Nek7 is activated by Nek9 during mitosis, and may regulate the p70 ribosomal S6 kinase. It is one in a family of 11 different Neks (Nek1-11) that are involved in cell cycle control. The Nek family is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270866 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 292  Bit Score: 39.24  E-value: 7.88e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
                          90       100
gi 1958704824 764 II---------NMKEIVTDKEDALDFKK 782
Cdd:cd08229    86 VIkyyasfiedNELNIVLELADAGDLSR 113
PKc_MKK4 cd06616
Catalytic domain of the dual-specificity Protein Kinase, Mitogen-activated protein Kinase ...
709-743 8.08e-03

Catalytic domain of the dual-specificity Protein Kinase, Mitogen-activated protein Kinase Kinase 4; PKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine (ST) or tyrosine residues on protein substrates. MKK4 is a dual-specificity PK that phosphorylates and activates the downstream targets, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAPK, on specific threonine and tyrosine residues. JNK and p38 are collectively known as stress-activated MAPKs, as they are activated in response to a variety of environmental stresses and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Their activation is associated with the induction of cell death. Mice deficient in MKK4 die during embryogenesis and display anemia, severe liver hemorrhage, and abnormal hepatogenesis. MKK4 may also play roles in the immune system and in cardiac hypertrophy. It plays a major role in cancer as a tumor and metastasis suppressor. Under certain conditions, MKK4 is pro-oncogenic. The MKK4 subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270790 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 291  Bit Score: 38.89  E-value: 8.08e-03
                          10        20        30
STKc_NIK cd13991
Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, NF-kappaB Inducing Kinase (NIK); STKs ...
709-738 8.92e-03

Catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine kinase, NF-kappaB Inducing Kinase (NIK); STKs catalyze the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl group from ATP to serine/threonine residues on protein substrates. NIK, also called mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14 (MAP3K14), phosphorylates and activates Inhibitor of NF-KappaB Kinase (IKK) alpha, which is a regulator of NF-kB proteins, a family of transcription factors which are critical in many cellular functions including inflammatory responses, immune development, cell survival, and cell proliferation, among others. NIK is essential in the IKKalpha-mediated non-canonical NF-kB signaling pathway, in which IKKalpha processes the IkB-like C-terminus of NF-kB2/p100 to produce p52, allowing the p52/RelB dimer to migrate to the nucleus where it regulates gene transcription. NIK also plays an important role in Toll-like receptor 7/9 signaling cascades. The NIK subfamily is part of a larger superfamily that includes the catalytic domains of other protein STKs, protein tyrosine kinases, RIO kinases, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase, choline kinase, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase.

Pssm-ID: 270893 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 268  Bit Score: 38.65  E-value: 8.92e-03
                          10        20        30
PLN00034 PLN00034
mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase; Provisional
708-765 9.11e-03

mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase; Provisional

Pssm-ID: 215036 [Multi-domain]  Cd Length: 353  Bit Score: 39.04  E-value: 9.11e-03
                          10        20        30        40        50
Blast search parameters
Data Source: Precalculated data, version = cdd.v.3.21
Preset Options:Database: CDSEARCH/cdd   Low complexity filter: no  Composition Based Adjustment: yes   E-value threshold: 0.01


  • Wang J et al. (2023), "The conserved domain database in 2023", Nucleic Acids Res.51(D)384-8.
  • Lu S et al. (2020), "The conserved domain database in 2020", Nucleic Acids Res.48(D)265-8.
  • Marchler-Bauer A et al. (2017), "CDD/SPARCLE: functional classification of proteins via subfamily domain architectures.", Nucleic Acids Res.45(D)200-3.
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