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Taxonomy browser (Viruses)


Taxonomy ID: 10239 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid10239)
current name
NCBI BLAST name: viruses
Rank: superkingdom
Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)
Other names:
heterotypic synonym
heterotypic synonym
blast name
   Entrez records   
Database name Subtree links Direct links
Nucleotide 13,992,195 30
Protein 61,823,925 1
Structure 20,937 -
Conserved Domains 2,679 58
GEO Datasets 17,237 1,100
PubMed Central 439,409 80,424
Gene 748,724 -
SRA Experiments 7,689,555 116
GEO Profiles 271 -
Protein Clusters 6,144 -
Identical Protein Groups 12,140,898 1
BioProject 8,294 38
BioSample 9,614,824 95
Datasets Genome 217,712 -
Genetic Testing Registry 31 -
PubChem BioAssay 47,574 26
Taxonomy 260,017 1

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External Information Resources (NCBI LinkOut)

LinkOut Subject LinkOut Provider
Viruses taxonomy taxonomy/phylogenetic Arctos Specimen Database
Viruses taxonomy/phylogenetic Encyclopedia of life
GOLD: 9 Organisms organism-specific Genomes On Line Database
Show Biotic Interactions taxonomy/phylogenetic Global Biotic Interactions
53 records from this provider organism-specific Integrated Microbial Genomes
6 records from this provider taxonomy/phylogenetic NCBI taxonomy bookmarks
Viruses taxonomy/phylogenetic Ocean Biogeographic Information System
ToL taxonomy/phylogenetic Tree of Life
UCMP taxonomy/phylogenetic UCMP phylogeny exhibit
Viruses taxonomy/phylogenetic World Register of Marine Species
Wikipedia taxonomy/phylogenetic iPhylo
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A list of our current non-bibliographic LinkOut providers can be found here.

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Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information.

Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools. Database (Oxford). 2020: baaa062. PubMed: 32761142 PMC: PMC7408187.

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