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Taxonomy browser (uncultured phototrophic eukaryote)

uncultured phototrophic eukaryote

Taxonomy ID: 172788 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid172788)
current name
uncultured phototrophic eukaryote
NCBI BLAST name: eukaryotes
Rank: species
Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)
Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)
Plastid genetic code: Translation table 11 (Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid)
Other names:
heterotypic synonym
uncultured chloroplast
heterotypic synonym
uncultured photosynthetic eukaryote
heterotypic synonym
uncultured plastid
Lineage( full )
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; environmental samples
   Entrez records   
Database name Direct links
Nucleotide 3,318
Protein 719
Popset 137
PubMed Central 2
Identical Protein Groups 522
BioProject 4
BioSample 2
Taxonomy 1

Information from sequence entries

Organism modifiers

To hide organism modifiers click here
0510C14N [4] 0510C9I [7] 2.1 [9] Alge01 [1 1]
Alge03 [1 1] Alge04 [1 1] Alge05 [1 1] Alge07 [1 1]
Alge08 [1 1] Alge09 [1 1] Alge10 [1 1] Alge11 [1 1]
Alge12 [1 1] Alge13 [1 1] Alge14 [1 1] Alge15 [1 1]
BIOSOPE sample T142 [1 1] BIOSOPE sample T149 [1 1] DGGE Band 3 [2 3] DGGE band 1 [1 3]
DGGE band 10 [1 3] DGGE band 14 [1 3] DGGE band 15 [1 3] DGGE band 21RAL [1 1]
DGGE band 23_B10.2-cya27corr99 [1] DGGE band 24_B2.3corr99 [1] DGGE band 31 [1 1] DGGE band 46LV [1 1]
DGGE band 7 [1 3] DGGE band 7_B1.3gel15 [1] DGGE band 8 [1 3] DGGE band BO4 [1]
DGGE band CBB050 [1 1] DGGE band CBB051 [1 1] DGGE band CBB052 [1 1] DGGE band CBB053 [1 1]
DGGE band ET_E12 [1] DGGE band ET_E15 [1] DGGE band GB02-e1-PA [1 1] DGGE band GB02-e10-FL [1 1]
DGGE band GB03-c6-PA [1 1] DGGE band IH-10 [1] DGGE band IH-2 [1] DGGE band IH-5 [1]
DGGE band IH-6 [1] DGGE band IH-7 [1] DGGE band IH-8 [1] DGGE band IT_E02 [1]
DGGE band IT_E03 [1] DGGE band IT_E04 [1] DGGE band Seawater-184 [1 1] DGGE band Seawater-725 [1 1]
DGGE band Shun2005-A [1] DGGE band TN_E02 [1] DGGE band TN_E03 [1] DGGE band TN_E04 [1]
DGGE band TN_E05 [1] DGGE band TN_E06 [1] DGGE band TN_E07 [1] DGGE band TN_E08 [1]
DGGE band TN_E09 [1] DGGE band TN_E10 [1] DGGE band TN_E11 [1] DGGE band TN_E12 [1]
DGGE band TN_E15 [1] DGGE band TN_E16 [1] DGGE band WETLE-21R [1] DGGE band WETLE-22R [1]
DGGE band WETLE-26R [1] DGGE band WETLE-2R [1] DGGE band WETLE-5R [1] DGGE band: 12 [1 2]
DGGE band: 4 [1 3] DGGE band_2 [1 3] DGGE band_2a [1] DGGE band_3 [2 3]
DGGE gel band 1 [2 3] DGGE gel band 10 [1 2] DGGE gel band 11 [1 1] DGGE gel band 12 [1 2]
DGGE gel band 13 [1 1] DGGE gel band 16S:13:Magdeburg:120 [1 1] DGGE gel band 16S:14:Magdeburg [1 1] DGGE gel band 16S:1:inoculum [1 1]
DGGE gel band 16S:4:Delft:60 [1 1] DGGE gel band 16S:9:Delft:60 [1 1] DGGE gel band 2 [1 3] DGGE gel band 2-3_341f [1 1]
DGGE gel band 3 [1 3] DGGE gel band 33-18-4 [1 1] DGGE gel band 34-18-7 [1 1] DGGE gel band 35-18-8 [1 1]
DGGE gel band 38-19-8 [1 1] DGGE gel band 41-19-11 [1 1] DGGE gel band 5 [1 2] DGGE gel band AOD1-6 [1 1]
DGGE gel band AS06-10PA [1 1] DGGE gel band AS06-12NA [1 1] DGGE gel band AS06-19NA [1 1] DGGE gel band AS06-1PA [1 1]
DGGE gel band AS06-2PA [1 1] DGGE gel band AS06-5PA [1 1] DGGE gel band B2 [1] DGGE gel band B3 [1]
DGGE gel band BBMO_Jan08-SF-2 [1 1] DGGE gel band BL_P2 [1 1] DGGE gel band BP10 [1 1] DGGE gel band BP16 [1 1]
DGGE gel band BP19 [1 1] DGGE gel band CHBn11 [1 1] DGGE gel band CHBn17 [1 1] DGGE gel band CHBn9 [1 1]
DGGE gel band DL1-5 [1 1] DGGE gel band DL27-11 [1 1] DGGE gel band EAMD3 [1 1] DGGE gel band EAMD6 [1 1]
DGGE gel band EAMD7 [1 1] DGGE gel band ESR BR 1 [1 1] DGGE gel band EUB-SW09-5 [1] DGGE gel band FL211 [1 1]
DGGE gel band FL212 [1 1] DGGE gel band GF1_P2 [1 1] DGGE gel band GL_P5 [1 1] DGGE gel band GL_P6 [1 1]
DGGE gel band J [1 1] DGGE gel band MT2_P2 [1 1] DGGE gel band OTU_27 [1 1] DGGE gel band OTU_28 [1 1]
DGGE gel band OTU_29 [1 1] DGGE gel band OTU_30 [1 1] DGGE gel band OTU_5 [1 1] DGGE gel band PL_P2 [1 1]
DGGE gel band SAV01Z05 [1 1] DGGE gel band SAV03Z01 [1 1] DGGE gel band SAV03Z05 [1 1] DGGE gel band SAV04Z06 [1 1]
DGGE gel band SAV07Z03 [1 1] DGGE gel band SAV07Z07 [1 1] DGGE gel band SAV08Z06 [1 1] DGGE gel band SAV08Z07 [1 1]
DGGE gel band SOW-PT4 [1 1] DGGE gel band T1 [1 1] DGGE gel band WF2_P3 [1 1] DGGE gel band dgge_cya23_IFC1 [1]
DGGE gel band dgge_cya24_IFC1 [1] DGGE gel band dgge_cya25_IFC1 [1] Fuku2-SW-H30 [1 1] Fuku2-SW-P12 [1 1]
Fuku2-SW-P13 [1 1] M5B [1] MMA30 [1 1] Pb [5]
PcR [1] S16 [1] S27 [1] SarB3A10c [1]
TGGE gel band 1 A1a [1 1] TGGE gel band 1 A1b [1 1] TGGE gel band 1 A1c [1 1] TGGE gel band 1 S2a [1 1]
TGGE gel band 1 Sp1a [1 1] TGGE gel band 1 Sp2a [1 1] TGGE gel band 1 W1a [1 1] TGGE gel band 1 W1b [1 1]
TGGE gel band 1 W1c [1 1] TGGE gel band 10 W3b [1 1] TGGE gel band 10 W3c [1 1] TGGE gel band 2 Sp2b [1 1]
TGGE gel band 3 Sp1a [1 1] TGGE gel band 3 Sp2b [1 1] TGGE gel band 3 Sp3b [1 1] TGGE gel band 7 W1b [1 1]
PGDB12 [1] PGDB15 [1 1] PGDB6 [1 1]

Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information.

Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools. Database (Oxford). 2020: baaa062. PubMed: 32761142 PMC: PMC7408187.

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