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Taxonomy browser (Rickettsia typhi)

Rickettsia typhi

Taxonomy ID: 785 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid785)
current name
Rickettsia typhi (Wolbach and Todd 1920) Philip 1943
type strain of Rickettsia typhi: personal::Wilmington, ATCC:VR-144
homotypic synonym:
"Dermacentroxenus typhi" Wolbach and Todd 1920, effective name 1)
NCBI BLAST name: a-proteobacteria
Rank: species
Genetic code: Translation table 11 (Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid)
Other names:
heterotypic synonym
"Rickettsia mooseri" Monteiro 1931, effective name 2)
Lineage( full )
cellular organisms; Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Alphaproteobacteria; Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae; Rickettsieae; Rickettsia; typhus group
   Entrez records   
Database name Subtree links Direct links Links from type
Nucleotide 5,485 5,334 142
Protein 4,191 1,087 -
Structure 8 - -
GEO Datasets 3 3 -
PubMed Central 1,184 1,184 -
Gene 3,544 1 -
SRA Experiments 3 2 -
Protein Clusters 779 779 -
Identical Protein Groups 1,139 965 -
BioProject 8 4 -
BioSample 53 49 1
Datasets Genome 54 51 -
Taxonomy 5 1 -


Comments and References:

Monteiro JL (1931)
Monteiro, J.L. "Estudos sobre o typho exanthematico de Sao Paulo." Mem. Inst. Butantan Sao Paulo (1931) 6:3-135. [No PubMed record available.]
Philip CB (1953)
Philip, C.B. "Nomenclature of the Rickettsiaceae pathogenic to vertebrates." Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. (1953) 56:484-494. [No PubMed record available.]
Skerman VBD et al. (1980)
Skerman, V.B.D., McGowan, V., and Sneath, P.H.A. (editors). "Approved lists of bacterial names." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1980) 30:225-420. [No PubMed record available.]
Wolbach SB & Todd JL (1920)
Wolbach, S.B., and Todd, J.L., "Note sur l'etiologie et l'anatomie pathologique du typhus exanthematique au Mexique." Ann. Inst. Pasteur (Paris) (1920) 34:153-158. [No PubMed record available.]

External Information Resources (NCBI LinkOut)

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Rickettsia typhi (Wolbach and Todd 1920) Philip 1943 (Approved Lists 1980) taxonomy/phylogenetic Encyclopedia of life
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Information from sequence entries

Organism modifiers

To hide organism modifiers click here
2020-CO-Texas [4 3] 87-100 [1 1] ATCC VR-144; Wilmington strain ATCC VR-144; Wilmington [2 2 2] of Rickettsia typhi str. Wilmington B1 [4 4]
CDC_AZ357 [1 1 1] CDC_B72 [1 1 1] CDC_NA18PP [1 1 1] CDC_RTB9991PP [5 5 4]
CDC_RtAZ306 [1 1 1] CDC_RtF2(FLA) [1 1 1] CDC_RtGear [1 1 1] CDC_RtGer [1 1 1]
CDC_RtH1268Gear [2 2 2] CDC_RtMuseibov [2 2 2] CDC_RtTH1527 [4 4 3] CDC_RtWilmingtonPP [5 5 4]
CMT001 [1 1] GalvTx19N [3 3] INF20-01 [1 1] InDRE 65-19 [2 2]
KRS3 [1 1 1] KRS5 [1 1 1] PMK [2 2] Rene-Yucatan [1 1]
VR144 [1 1] Wilmington strain Wilmington [1 1 941 141 12 1423] of Rickettsia typhi str. Wilmington Wilmington; ATCC VR-144 strain Wilmington; ATCC VR-144 [4 4 1] of Rickettsia typhi str. Wilmington Yucatan [1 1]
typhi [1 1 1]
010 [1 1] 10.4 [3 3] 17.4 [3 3] 17_6 [1 1 1]
1944 [1 1] 257363 [1 1] 4KIRC4 [1 1] 5.4 [3 3]
7_5 [1 1 1] 8.2 [3 3] AB3169 [2 2 2] AB3658 [2 2 2]
AB3672 [2 2 2] AB3767 [2 2 2] AB3775 [2 2 2] AB3799 [2 2 2]
AB4198 [2 2 2] AB4580 [2 2 2] AE-24oct19-168 [86] AE-24oct19-269 [115]
AH-24oct19-196 [60] AH-24oct19-262 [92] AZ306 [1 1 1] AZ357 [1 1 1]
B72 [1 1 1] B9991PP [5 5 4] CFDVUAM001 [2 1 2] CFDVUAM002 [1 1 1]
CFDVUAM003 [1 1 1] CFDVUAM004 [1 1 1] CMRC12 [1 1] CMTA001 [1 1]
DS1123 [1 1 1] Ethiopian AZ322 [3 4] F2(FLA) [1 1 1] FLBPM010 [1 1]
FLBPM011 [1 1] GH-07nov19-238 [79] Gear [1 1 1] Ger [1 1 1]
H-126 [1 1] H-139 [1 1] H-231 [1 1] H-299 [1 1]
H-380 [1 1] H-404 [2 2] H-465 [1 1] H-493 [1 1]
H1 [1 1] H1268Gear [2 2 2] H2 [1 1] H3 [1 1]
H4 [1 1] HRS-ES1-bin-450 [249] HRS-ES13-bin-184 [296] Jilin [2 2]
KRS13 [1 1] LE-02apr19-142 [98] LH-02apr19-40 [110] LH-05nov19-296 [141]
M12 [1 1 1] M150 [1 1 1] M157 [1 1 1] M180 [1 1 1]
M193 [1 1 1] M8 [1 1 1] ME-08apr19-190 [20] ME-09jul19-104 [75]
ME-09jul19-25 [27] ME-21oct19-15 [38] ME-21oct19-56 [17] ME-21oct19-62 [181]
ME-21oct19-9 [45] MH-09jul19-98 [146] MH-21oct19-264 [23] MH-21oct19-271 [63]
MH-21oct19-275 [55] MH-21oct19-8 [94] MR47MV [1 1] MaE-04nov19-21 [171]
MaE-09apr19-268 [47] MiE-14oct19-158 [116] MiE-16apr19-85 [81] MiE-22jul19-38 [94]
MiH-22jul19-124 [119] MiH-22jul19-381 [156] MoE-02may19-87 [171] MoE-23oct19-109 [144]
MsE-30apr19-280 [23] MsE-30apr19-74 [81] MsH-30apr19-130 [64] MsH-30jul19-137 [22]
MsH-30jul19-198 [96] Museibov [2 2 2] NA18PP [1 1 1] Patient 159 [1 1 1]
Patient 201 [1 1 1] RT/AIIMS/1008/2017 [1 1 1] RT/AIIMS/993/2017 [1 1] RT/AIIMS/999a/2017 [1 1 1]
SIS0021 [1 1 1] SIS0024 [1 1 1] SIS0062 [1 1 1] SIS0079 [1 1 1]
SIS0080 [1 1 1] SIS0111 [1 1 1] SIS0170 [1 1 1] SIS0288 [1 1 1]
SIS0317 [1 1 1] SIS0329 [1 1 1] SIS0388 [1 1 1] SIS0423 [1 1 1]
SIS0479 [1 1 1] SIS0634 [1 1 1] SIS0635 [1 1 1] SS3957 [1 1 1]
TE-08apr19-99 [154] TE-11nov19-156 [169] TE-11nov19-180 [104] TH1527 [4 4 3]
TM2540 [2] TU32X4 [1 1 1] TU33X1 [1 1 1] TU34X5 [1 1 1]
TU45X2 [1 1 1] TrE-03may19-48 [170] TrE-25oct19-174 [140] UADY-061313 [1 1]
WilmingtonPP [1 1] Wilmngton PP [4 4 4] ZE-03apr19-165 [189] ZE-03apr19-87 [67]
ZE-13nov19-109 [167] ZE-13nov19-301 [56] ZH-03apr19-290 [69] ZH-03apr19-303 [197]
ZH-03apr19-31 [63]
CR-159 [1 1 1] CR-201 [1 1 1]

Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information.

Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools. Database (Oxford). 2020: baaa062. PubMed: 32761142 PMC: PMC7408187.

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