Probiotics, beneficial live microorganisms for host health when administered in appropriate doses, offer numerous advantages, particularly Bacillus bacterial species.
More...Probiotics, beneficial live microorganisms for host health when administered in appropriate doses, offer numerous advantages, particularly Bacillus bacterial species. These species possess the ability to form heat-stable, acid-resistant spores, ensuring stability during storage and usage. Moreover, they exhibit the capacity to synthesize high levels of various enzymes and antimicrobial compounds, positively impacting human body systems including the digestive and respiratory tracts, skin, vaginal flora, and immune system. In animals, Bacillus probiotics enhance feed efficiency and improve livestock quality. To proactively enhance Bacillus probiotic production with transparent strain information in product portfolios, achieving high productivity, stability, and quality outputs, ANABIO R&D Company conducted a research project yielding significant results. This initiative included building a Bacillus sp. strain collection at ANABIO R&D Ltd. Company, with detailed profiles for each strain encompassing physiological and biochemical characteristics. Furthermore, the protocol for preparing and storing seed cultures of these Bacillus strains was optimized for subsequent fermentation steps in the probiotic production process.