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Accession: PRJEB19215 ID: 414063

Comprehensive phylogenomic analyses of cnidarian relationships

In this study, we created several datasets using new publicly released as well as newly-generated DNA and RNA-seq data for representatives of all cnidarian classes to test all previously-proposed phylogenetic hypotheses. We explored two popular orthology assessment methods to build gene alignments for phylogenetic purposes, and compared their outcomes regarding both gene representation and phylogenetic signal (aka species trees). Our Cnidaria dataset is the most extensive to date, including sequence-rich datasets for three Staurozoa species and one Ceriantharia.

Cnidarian relationships have been a source of debate for decades with almost every possible combination of sister group relationship between major taxa proposed to date. More...
Data TypeTranscriptome or Gene expression
SubmissionRegistration date: 12-Oct-2017
Smithsonian Institution NMNH
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
Nucleotide (total)588756
TSA master6
SRA Experiments17
Other datasets
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases73
Data volume, Mbytes33087

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  • Comprehensive phylogenomic analyses of cnidarian relationships
    Comprehensive phylogenomic analyses of cnidarian relationships
    In this study, we created several datasets using new publicly released as well as newly-generated DNA and RNA-seq data for representatives of all cnidarian classes to test all previously-proposed phylogenetic hypotheses. We explored two popular orthology assessment methods to build gene alignments for phylogenetic purposes, and compared their outcomes regarding both gene representation and phylogenetic signal (aka species trees). Our Cnidaria dataset is the most extensive to date, including sequence-rich datasets for three Staurozoa species and one Ceriantharia.
  • txid1843199[Organism:noexp] (1)

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