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Links from Nucleotide

Accession: PRJEB40843 ID: 890519

Dixoniella giordanoi sp. nov.

A new cryptic species of the unicellular red algal genus Dixoniella (Rhodellophyceae,Proteorhodophytina): Dixoniella giordanoi

A coccoid, grayish green microalga was collected along the North Adriatic coasts (Mediterranean Sea, Italy) and, based on molecular data (18S rRNA, 23S rRNA, rbcL, psbA loci) and morphological observations (with light microscope and transmission electron microscope), it was recognized as the representative of a new species, here named Dixoniella giordanoi.
SubmissionRegistration date: 14-Oct-2022
Ca Foscari University of Venice
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
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Sequence data
Nucleotide (Genomic DNA)7
Protein Sequences3

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