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Accession: PRJNA15730 ID: 15730

Oryza sativa Japonica Group (Japanese rice)

rice chromosome 3 alternate assembly

See Genome Information for Oryza sativa
Rice chromosome 3 has been sequenced and annotated by The Rice Chromosome 3 Sequencing Consortium. More...
Data TypeGenome sequencing
OrganismOryza sativa Japonica Group[Taxonomy ID: 39947]
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Liliopsida; Poales; Poaceae; BOP clade; Oryzoideae; Oryzeae; Oryzinae; Oryza; Oryza sativa; Oryza sativa Japonica Group
PublicationsBuell CR et al., "Sequence, annotation, and analysis of synteny between rice chromosome 3 and diverged grass species.", Genome Res, 2005 Sep;15(9):1284-91
SubmissionRegistration date: 30-Sep-2005
The Rice Chromosome 3 Sequencing Consortium
- The Rice Chromosome 3 Sequencing Consortium
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
Nucleotide (Genomic DNA)1
Protein Sequences6582

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