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Accession: PRJNA204096 ID: 204096

Choiromyces venosus 120613-1

Choiromyces venosus 120613-1 Genome sequencing and assembly

See Genome Information for Choiromyces venosus
Exploring the genome diversity of mycorrhizal fungi to understand the evolution and functioning of symbiosis in woody shrubs and trees.
Data TypeGenome sequencing and assembly
OrganismChoiromyces venosus 120613-1[Taxonomy ID: 1336337]
Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Pezizomycotina; Pezizomycetes; Pezizales; Tuberaceae; Choiromyces; Choiromyces venosus; Choiromyces venosus 120613-1
PublicationsMurat C et al., "Pezizomycetes genomes reveal the molecular basis of ectomycorrhizal truffle lifestyle.", Nat Ecol Evol, 2018 Dec;2(12):1956-1965
SubmissionRegistration date: 16-Nov-2018
DOE Joint Genome Institute
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RelevanceComparative Analysis
Locus Tag PrefixL873
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
Nucleotide (total)1178
WGS master1
Genomic DNA1
SRA Experiments45
Protein Sequences17934
Other datasets
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases65
Data volume, Mbytes44264

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