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BioSample Attributes

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Attributes describe a BioSample using structured attribute name:value pairs, for example, tissue:liver. BioSample maintains a list of recognized attributes which participate in one or more BioSample packages. In addition to recognized attributes, submitters may provide any number of custom attributes to fully describe a sample.

The following information is stored for recognized BioSample attributes:

  • Name Human-readable display name for the attribute.
  • HarmonizedName Short, canonical attribute name.
  • Synonym Recognized alternative names for the attribute. Only space-delimited synonyms are presented in the table for brevity, but note that we treat dash and underscore characters as a space. Hence "specific_host", "specific-host" and "specific host" are all synonyms for "host".
  • Description Definition of the attribute.
  • Format Suggested format of the attribute value.
Name Harmonized name Synonyms Description Format
API gravity api api,
api gravity
API gravity is a measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API_gravity), e.g. 31.1 API {float} {unit}
EDTA inhibitor tested edta_inhibitor_tested edta inhibitor tested Was carbapenemase activity tested in the presence of EDTA? If carbapenemase activity was tested in the presence of EDTA, the response should be "yes", otherwise "no”. ['', 'yes', 'no', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
FAO classification fao_class fao class,
fao classification,
soil taxonomic/fao classification
soil classification from the FAO World Reference Database for Soil Resources {term}
FDA food industry class name food_industry_class fda food industry class name,
food industry class
The US FDA Class is the second of five elements that comprise a FDA product code. This element is directly related to an Industry and designates the food group, source, product, use, pharmacological action, category or animal species of the product. A Class code is more specific than an Industry; for example, the Fishery/Seafood products Industry may contain Classes such as Smoked, Breaded and such, e.g., Coffee, Decaffeinated {text}
FDA food industry code name food_industry_code fda food industry code name,
food industry code
The US FDA Industry Code is the first of five elements that comprise an FDA product code. An Industry code determines the broadest area into which a product falls, e.g., 31 Coffee and Tea {text}
Food harvesting process food_harvest_proc food harvest proc,
food harvesting process
A harvesting process is a process which takes in some food material from an individual or community of plant or animal organisms in a given context and time, and outputs a precursor or consumable food product. This may include a part of an organism or the whole, and may involve killing the organism {text}
GISAID accession gisaid_accession gisaid accession The GISAID accession assigned to the sequence. GISAID Accession Numbers are used as unique and permanent identifiers for each virus beginning with the letters EPI and followed by numbers, to identify viruses and/or segments; https://www.gisaid.org/; e.g., EPI_ISL_1091361 {term}
GISAID virus name gisaid_virus_name gisaid virus name The full virus name submitted to GISAID (https://www.gisaid.org/), e.g., hCoV-19/Belgium/rega-3187/2021 {text}
HIV status hiv_stat hiv stat,
hiv status
HIV status of subject, if yes HAART initiation status should also be indicated as [YES or NO] {boolean};{boolean}
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) guide food safety term haccp_term haccp term,
hazard analysis critical control points (haccp) guide food safety term
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety terms; This field accepts terms listed under HACCP guide food safety term (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03530221) {termLabel} {[termID]}
Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration (IFSAC) category ifsac_category ifsac category,
ifsac+ category,
interagency food safety analytics collaboration (ifsac) category
The IFSAC food categorization scheme has five distinct levels to which foods can be assigned, depending upon the type of food. First, foods are assigned to one of four food groups (aquatic animals, land animals, plants, and other). Food groups include increasingly specific food categories; dairy, eggs, meat and poultry, and game are in the land animal food group, and the category meat and poultry is further subdivided into more specific categories of meat (beef, pork, other meat) and poultry (chicken, turkey, other poultry). Finally, foods are differentiated by differences in food processing (such as pasteurized fluid dairy products, unpasteurized fluid dairy products, pasteurized solid and semi-solid dairy products, and unpasteurized solid and semi-solid dairy products. An IFSAC food category chart is available from https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/ifsac/projects/food-categorization-scheme.html PMID: 28926300, e.g., Plants:Produce:Vegetables:Herbs:Dried Herbs {text}
NARMS isolate number narms_isolate_number narms id,
narms isolate number
isolate identifier for the collection of isolates in the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, authority http://www.cdc.gov/narms/about/index.html, e.g., CVM N6429 {text}
Omics Observatory ID omics_observ_id omics observ id,
omics observatory id
A unique identifier of the omics-enabled observatory (or comparable time series) your data derives from. This identifier should be provided by the OMICON ontology; if you require a new identifier for your time series, contact the ontology's developers. Information is available here: https://github.com/GLOMICON/omicon. This field is only applicable to records which derive from an omics time-series or observatory. {term}
Population Description population_description population description The full, unabbreviated population descriptor from the Coriell Institute {text}
SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic gene name 1 sars_cov_2_diag_gene_name_1 sars cov 2 diag gene name 1,
sars cov 2 diagnostic gene name 1
The name of the gene used in the first diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test. ['', 'E (orf4)', 'M (orf5)', 'N (orf9)', 'spike (orf2)', 'ORF1ab (rep)', 'ORF1a (pp1a)', 'nsp11', 'nsp1', 'nsp2', 'nsp3', 'nsp4', 'nsp5', 'nsp6', 'nsp7', 'nsp8', 'nsp9', 'nsp10', 'nsp12 (RdRp)', 'nsp13 (Hel)', 'nsp14 (ExoN)', 'nsp15', 'nsp16', 'ORF3a', 'ORF3b', 'ORF6 (ns6)', 'ORF7a', 'ORF7b (ns7b)', 'ORF8 (ns8)', 'ORF9b', 'ORF9c', 'ORF10', 'ORF14']
SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic gene name 2 sars_cov_2_diag_gene_name_2 sars cov 2 diag gene name 2,
sars cov 2 diagnostic gene name 2
The name of the gene used in the second diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test. ['', 'E (orf4)', 'M (orf5)', 'N (orf9)', 'spike (orf2)', 'ORF1ab (rep)', 'ORF1a (pp1a)', 'nsp11', 'nsp1', 'nsp2', 'nsp3', 'nsp4', 'nsp5', 'nsp6', 'nsp7', 'nsp8', 'nsp9', 'nsp10', 'nsp12 (RdRp)', 'nsp13 (Hel)', 'nsp14 (ExoN)', 'nsp15', 'nsp16', 'ORF3a', 'ORF3b', 'ORF6 (ns6)', 'ORF7a', 'ORF7b (ns7b)', 'ORF8 (ns8)', 'ORF9b', 'ORF9c', 'ORF10', 'ORF14']
SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic pcr Ct value 1 sars_cov_2_diag_pcr_ct_value_1 sars cov 2 diag pcr ct value 1,
sars cov 2 diagnostic pcr ct value 1
The cycle threshold (CT) value result from the first diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test, e.g., 21 {integer}
SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic pcr Ct value 2 sars_cov_2_diag_pcr_ct_value_2 sars cov 2 diag pcr ct value 2,
sars cov 2 diagnostic pcr ct value 2
The cycle threshold (CT) value result from the second diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test, e.g., 36 {integer}
Super Population Code super_population_code super population code The 3 letter super population abbreviation from the Coriell Institute indicating ancestry ['', 'AFR', 'AMR', 'EAS', 'EUR', 'SAS']
Super Population Description super_population_description super population description The full, unabbreviated super population descriptor from the Coriell Institute ['', 'African', 'Ad Mixed American', 'East Asian', 'European', 'South Asian']
WGA amplification approach wga_amp_appr wga amp appr,
wga amplification approach
method used to amplify genomic DNA in preparation for sequencing. Examples: MDR, WGA-X, MDA
absolute air humidity abs_air_humidity abs air humidity actual mass of water vapor - mh20 - present in the air water vapor mixture {float} {unit} [kg|lb]
additional info additional_info Information that doesn't fit anywhere else {text}
address address The street name and building number where the sampling occurred {integer}{text}
adjacent rooms adj_room adj room List of rooms (room number, room name) immediately adjacent to the sampling room {text};{integer}
aerospace structure aero_struc aero struc Aerospace structures typically consist of thin plates with stiffeners for the external surfaces, bulkheads and frames to support the shape and fasteners such as welds, rivets, screws and bolts to hold the components together, e.g., plane, glider {text}
affection status affection_status dbgap_public dictionary
age age age at the time of sampling; relevant scale depends on species and study, e.g. could be seconds for amoebae or centuries for trees {float} {unit}
agrochemical additions agrochem_addition agrochem addition,
history/agrochemical additions
addition of fertilizers, pesticides, etc. - amount and time of applications {text};{float} {unit};{timestamp}
air particulate matter concentration air_pm_concen air pm concen,
resp part matter,
respirable particulate matter
concentration of substances that remain suspended in the air, and comprise mixtures of organic and inorganic substances (PM10 and PM2.5); can report multiple PM's by entering numeric values preceded by name of PM {text};{float} {unit}
air temperature air_temp air temp temperature of the air at the time of sampling {float} {unit} [deg C]
air temperature regimen air_temp_regm air temp regm information about treatment involving an exposure to varying temperatures; should include the temperature, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include different temperature regimens {float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
alkalinity alkalinity alkalinity, the ability of a solution to neutralize acids to the equivalence point of carbonate or bicarbonate {float} {unit}
alkalinity method alkalinity_method Method used for alkalinity measurement {text}
alkyl diethers alkyl_diethers concentration of alkyl diethers {float} {unit}
altitude altitude alt The altitude of the sample is the vertical distance between Earth's surface above Sea Level and the sampled position in the air. {float} m
aluminium saturation al_sat al sat,
al saturation,
extreme unusual properties/al saturation
aluminum saturation (esp. for tropical soils) {float} {unit}
aluminium saturation method al_sat_meth al sat meth,
al saturation method,
extreme unusual properties/al saturation method
reference or method used in determining Al saturation {PMID|DOI|URL}
aminopeptidase activity aminopept_act aminopept act measurement of aminopeptidase activity {float} {unit}
ammonium ammonium concentration of ammonium {float} {unit}
amniotic fluid color amniotic_fluid_color amniotic fluid/color specification of the color of the amniotic fluid sample {text}
amount of light amount_light amount light The unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area {float} {unit}
analyte type analyte_type dbgap_public dictionary
anamorph anamorph Genus and species of the asexually reproducing stage of fungi - note that anamorph and teleomorph forms of the same taxon may have used taxonomic different names.
ancestral data ances_data ances data Information about either pedigree or other ancestral information description, e.g., parental variety in case of mutant or selection, A/3*B (meaning [(A x B) x B] x B) {text}
animal environment animal_env animal env The environment from which the animal sample was taken, e.g., veterinary clinic {text}
animal feeding equipment animal_feed_equip animal feed equip Description of the feeding equipment used for livestock. This field accepts terms listed under feed delivery (http://opendata.inra.fr/EOL/EOL_0001757). Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes {termLabel} {[termID]}
animal housing system host_housing animal housing,
host housing
Description of the housing system of the livestock. This field encourages terms listed under terrestrial management housing system (http://opendata.inra.fr/EOL/EOL_0001605), e.g., pen [EOL:0001902] {text}
animal intrusion near sample source animal_intrusion animal intrusion Identification of animals intruding on the sample or sample site including invertebrates (such as pests or pollinators) and vertebrates (such as wildlife or domesticated animals). This field encourages terms under organism (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14250). This field also encourages identification numbers from NCBI under https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, e.g., large flies {text}
animal water delivery method anim_water_method anim water method Description of the equipment or method used to distribute water to livestock. This field accepts terms listed under water delivery equipment (http://opendata.inra.fr/EOL/EOL_0001653). Multiple terms can be separated by pipes {termLabel} {[termID]}
annual and seasonal precipitation annual_season_precpt annual season precpt,
mean annual and seasonal precipitation
mean annual and seasonal precipitation (mm) {float} {unit}
annual and seasonal temperature annual_season_temp annual season temp,
mean annual and seasonal temperature
mean annual and seasonal temperature (oC) {float} {unit}
antibiotic regimen antibiotic_regm antibiotic regm information about treatment involving antibiotic administration; should include the name of antibiotic, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple antibiotic regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
antimicrobial name host_am animal am,
food animal antimicrobial,
host am
The class(es) or name(s) (generic or brand) of the antimicrobial(s) given to the food animal within the last 30 days, e.g., tetracycline [CHEBI:27902] {text}
antimicrobial phenotype of spike-in bacteria spikein_amr antimicrobial phenotype of spike in bacteria,
spikein amr
Qualitative description of a microbial response to antimicrobial agents. Bacteria may be susceptible or resistant to a broad range of antibiotic drugs or drug classes, with several intermediate states or phases. This field accepts terms under antimicrobial phenotype (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ARO_3004299) {float} {unit};{termLabel} {[termID]}
antiviral treatment agent antiviral_treatment_agent What was the antiviral treatment agent? {text}
architectural structure arch_struc arch struc An architectural structure is a human-made, free-standing, immobile outdoor construction, e.g., building, shed, home {text}
area sampled size area_samp_size area samp size The total amount or size (volume (ml), mass (g) or area (m2) ) of sample collected {integer} {unit} x {integer} {unit}
aromatics wt% aromatics_pc aromatics pc Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that divides crude oil components according to their polarizability and polarity. There are three main methods to obtain SARA results. The most popular one is known as the Iatroscan TLC-FID and is referred to as IP-143 (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturate,_aromatic,_resin_and_asphaltene) {text};{float} {unit}
asphaltenes wt% asphaltenes_pc asphaltenes pc Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that divides crude oil components according to their polarizability and polarity. There are three main methods to obtain SARA results. The most popular one is known as the Iatroscan TLC-FID and is referred to as IP-143 (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturate,_aromatic,_resin_and_asphaltene) {text};{float} {unit}
atmospheric data atmospheric_data measurement of atmospheric data; can include multiple data {text};{float} {unit}
authority authority Authority for the species identification.
average daily occupancy avg_occup avg occup Daily average occupancy of room. Indicate the number of person(s) daily occupying the sampling room {float}
average dew point avg_dew_point avg dew point The average of dew point measures taken at the beginning of every hour over a 24 hour period on the sampling day {float} {unit}
average temperature avg_temp avg temp The average of temperatures taken at the beginning of every hour over a 24 hour period on the sampling day {float} {unit}
bacterial carbon production bacteria_carb_prod bacteria carb prod measurement of bacterial carbon production {float} {unit}
bacterial density bacterial_density Number of bacteria in sample, as defined by bacteria density (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENEPIO_0000043) {float} {unit}
bacterial production bac_prod bac prod bacterial production in the water column measured by isotope uptake {float} {unit}
bacterial respiration bac_resp bac resp measurement of bacterial respiration in the water column {float} {unit}
barometric pressure barometric_press barometric press force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of air above that surface {float} {unit}
basin name basin_name Name of the basin, e.g. Campos {text}
bathroom count bathroom_count The number of bathrooms in the building {integer}
bedroom count bedroom_count The number of bedrooms in the building {integer}
benzene benzene Concentration of benzene in the sample {float} {unit}
beta-lactamase family beta_lactamase_family beta lactamase family Specify the beta-lactamase family for this gene. ['', 'ACC', 'ACT', 'ADC', 'BEL', 'CARB', 'CBP', 'CFE', 'CMY', 'CTX-M', 'DHA', 'FOX', 'GES', 'GIM', 'KPC', 'IMI', 'IMP', 'IND', 'LAT', 'MIR', 'MOX', 'NDM', 'OXA', 'PER', 'PDC', 'SHV', 'SME', 'TEM', 'VEB', 'VIM', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
biochemical oxygen demand biochem_oxygen_dem biochem oxygen dem a measure of the relative oxygen-depletion effect of a waste contaminant {float} {unit}
biocide administration biocide_admin biocide admin List of biocides (commercial name of product and supplier) and date of administration {text};{text};{timestamp}
biocide administration method biocide_admin_method biocide admin method Method of biocide administration (dose, frequency, duration, time elapsed between last biociding and sampling), e.g., 150 mg/l; weekly; 4 hr; 3 days {float} {unit};{Rn/start_time/end_time/duration};{duration}
biocide used biocide_used biocide Substance intended for preventing, neutralizing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating the effects of any pest or microorganism; that inhibits the growth, reproduction, and activity of organisms, including fungal cells; decreases the number of fungi or pests present; deters microbial growth and degradation of other ingredients in the formulation. Indicate the biocide used on the location where the sample was taken. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, e.g., Quaternary ammonium compound|SterBac {text}
biological material bio_material bio material,
Identifier for the biological material from which the nucleic acid sequenced was obtained.
biological sample replicate samp_rep_biol samp rep biol Measurements of biologically distinct samples that show biological variation {float} {unit}
biological status biol_stat biol stat The level of genome modification, e.g., wild, natural, semi-natural, inbred line, breeder's line, hybrid, clonal selection, mutant {text}
biomass biomass amount of biomass; should include the name for the part of biomass measured, e.g. microbial, total. can include multiple measurements {text};{float} {unit}
biomaterial provider biomaterial_provider name and address of the lab or PI, or a culture collection identifier
biospecimen repository biospecimen_repository dbgap_public dictionary
biospecimen repository sample id biospecimen_repository_sample_id dbgap_public dictionary
biotic regimen biotic_regm biotic regm Information about treatment(s) involving use of biotic factors, such as bacteria, viruses or fungi {text}
biovar biovar A biovar is a variant prokaryotic strain that differs physiologically and/or biochemically from other strains in a particular species.
birth control birth_control specification of birth control medication used {text}
birth date birth_date
birth location birth_location
bishomohopanol bishomohopanol concentration of bishomohopanol {float} {unit}
blood disorder blood_blood_disord blood blood disord,
blood/blood disorder
history of blood disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
blood pressure diastolic blood_press_diast blood press diast resting diastolic blood pressure, measured as mm mercury {float} {unit}
blood pressure systolic blood_press_syst blood press syst resting systolic blood pressure, measured as mm mercury {float} {unit}
body habitat body_habitat original body habitat where the sample was obtained from {term}
body mass index body_mass_index bmi body mass index, calculated as weight/(height)squared {float} {unit}
body product body_product substance produced by the body, e.g. stool, mucus, where the sample was obtained from {text}
breed breed breed name - chiefly used in domesticated animals or plants
breeding history breeding_history
breeding method breeding_method
broad-scale environmental context env_broad_scale biome,
broad scale environmental context,
env biome,
env broad range,
env broad scale,
environment (biome),
environment biome
Add terms that identify the major environment type(s) where your sample was collected. Recommend subclasses of biome [ENVO:00000428]. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes e.g.:  mangrove biome [ENVO:01000181]|estuarine biome [ENVO:01000020] {term}
bromide bromide concentration of bromide {float} {unit}
building occupancy type build_occup_type build occup type primary function for which a building or discrete part of a building is intended to be used ['', 'office', 'market', 'restaurant', 'residence', 'school', 'residential', 'commercial', 'low rise', 'high rise', 'wood framed', 'health care', 'airport', 'sports complex', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
building setting building_setting location (geography) where a building is set ['', 'urban', 'suburban', 'exurban', 'rural', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
built structure age built_struc_age built struc age The age of the built structure since construction {float} {unit}
built structure setting built_struc_set built struc set The characterization of the location of the built structure as high or low human density, e.g., urban, rural {text}
built structure type built_struc_type built struc type A physical structure that is a body or assemblage of bodies in space to form a system capable of supporting loads {text}
calcium calcium concentration of calcium {float} {unit}
carbapenemase carbapenemase Does the enzyme exhibit carbapenemase activity? If the enzyme does exhibit carbapenemase activity, the response should be "yes", otherwise "no." ['', 'yes', 'no', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
carbon dioxide carb_dioxide carb dioxide carbon dioxide (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling {float} {unit}
carbon monoxide carb_monoxide carb monoxide carbon monoxide (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling {float} {unit}
carbon/nitrogen ratio carb_nitro_ratio carb nitro ratio ratio of amount or concentrations of carbon to nitrogen {float} {unit}
ceiling area ceil_area ceil area The area of the ceiling space within the room {float} {unit}
ceiling condition ceil_cond ceil cond The physical condition of the ceiling at the time of sampling, e.g., new, visible wear, needs repair, damaged, rupture {text}
ceiling finish material ceil_finish_mat ceil finish mat The type of material used to finish a ceiling, e.g., drywall, mineral fibre, tiles, PVC, plasterboard, metal, fiberglass, stucco, mineral wool/calcium silicate, wood {text}
ceiling signs of water/mold ceil_water_mold ceil water mold Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on the ceiling, e.g., presence of mold visible, no presence of mold visible {text}
ceiling structure ceil_struc ceil struc The construction format of the ceiling, e.g., wood frame, concrete {text}
ceiling texture ceil_texture ceil texture The feel, appearance, or consistency of a ceiling surface, e.g., crows feet, crows-foot stomp, double skip, hawk and trowel, knockdown, popcorn, orange peel, rosebud stomp, Santa-Fe texture, skip trowel, smooth, stomp knockdown, swirl {text}
ceiling thermal mass ceil_thermal_mass ceil thermal mass The ability of the ceiling to provide inertia against temperature fluctuations. Generally this means concrete that is exposed. A metal deck that supports a concrete slab will act thermally as long as it is exposed to room air flow {float} {unit}
ceiling type ceil_type ceil type The type of ceiling according to the ceiling's appearance or construction, e.g., cathedral, dropped, concave, barrel-shaped, coffered, cove, stretched {text}
cell line cell_line cell,
cell l ine,
cell line specifics,
cell line/clone,
cell lineage,
cell lines,
cell loine,
celll line,
tissue/cell lines
Name of the cell line.
cell subtype cell_subtype
cell type cell_type celltype,
developmental stage/cell type,
disease/cell type,
tissue/cell type
Type of cell of the sample or from which the sample was obtained.
chemical administration chem_administration chem administration list of chemical compounds administered to the host or site where sampling occurred, and when (e.g. antibiotics, N fertilizer, air filter); can include multiple compounds. For Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology (CHEBI) (v1.72), please see http://bioportal.bioontology.org/visualize/44603 {term}; {timestamp}
chemical mutagen chem_mutagen chem mutagen treatment involving use of mutagens; should include the name of mutagen, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple mutagen regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
chemical oxygen demand chem_oxygen_dem chem oxygen dem a measure of the relative oxygen-depletion effect of a waste contaminant {float} {unit}
chemical treatment chem_treatment chem treatment List of chemical compounds administered upstream the sampling location where sampling occurred, e.g., glycols, H2S scavenger, corrosion and scale inhibitors, demulsifiers, and other production chemicals. The commercial name of the product and name of the supplier should be provided. The date of administration should also be included {text};{text};{timestamp}
chemical treatment method chem_treat_method chem treat method Method of chemical administration, dose, frequency, duration, time elapsed between administration and sampling, e.g., 50 mg/l; twice a week; 1 hr; 0 days {float} {unit};{Rn/start_time/end_time/duration};{duration};{duration}
child of child_of indicates parentage; only applicable to sexual organisms, for bacteria use 'derived from'
chloride chloride concentration of chloride {float} {unit}
chlorophyll chlorophyll concentration of chlorophyll {float} {unit}
climate environment climate_environment treatment involving an exposure to a particular climate; can include multiple climates {text};{period};{interval};{period}
clone clone Name for the clone or subculture from which the sample was taken.
clone lib clone_lib Formal identifier that points to source institute and clone library identifier.
collected by collected_by collectedby Name of persons or institute who collected the sample
collection date collection_date colection date,
collection date (yyyymmdd),
collection year,
date of collection,
date sample collected,
isolation year,
sample collection date,
sample date,
sampling date,
time of sample collection,
year isolated
the date on which the sample was collected; date/time ranges are supported by providing two dates from among the supported value formats, delimited by a forward-slash character; collection times are supported by adding "T", then the hour and minute after the date, and must be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), otherwise known as "Zulu Time" (Z); supported formats include "DD-Mmm-YYYY", "Mmm-YYYY", "YYYY" or ISO 8601 standard "YYYY-mm-dd", "YYYY-mm", "YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"; e.g., 30-Oct-1990, Oct-1990, 1990, 1990-10-30, 1990-10, 21-Oct-1952/15-Feb-1953, 2015-10-11T17:53:03Z; valid non-ISO dates will be automatically transformed to ISO format {timestamp}
collection device collection_device Instrument or container used to collect sample, e.g., swab {text}
collection method collection_method collection method,
samp collec method
Process used to collect the sample, e.g., bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) {text}
collection site geographic feature coll_site_geo_feat coll site geo feat Text or terms that describe the geographic feature where the food sample was obtained by the researcher. This field encourages selected terms listed under the following ontologies: anthropogenic geographic feature (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000002), for example agricultural fairground [ENVO:01000986]; garden [ENVO:00000011} or any of its subclasses; market [ENVO:01000987]; water well [ENVO:01000002]; or human construction (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000070), e.g., grocery store [GENEPIO:0001020] {text}
component organism component_organism a component organism of the mixed sample; use the full taxonomic name, eg, "Bordetella pertussis"
compound compound agent
conductivity conduc conduc electrical conductivity of water {float} {unit}
cooling system identifier cool_syst_id cool syst id The cooling system identifier {integer}
corrosion rate at sample location samp_loc_corr_rate samp loc corr rate Metal corrosion rate is the speed of metal deterioration due to environmental conditions. As environmental conditions change corrosion rates change accordingly. Therefore, long term corrosion rates are generally more informative than short term rates and for that reason they are preferred during reporting. In the case of suspected MIC, corrosion rate measurements at the time of sampling might provide insights into the involvement of certain microbial community members in MIC as well as potential microbial interplays {float} - {float} {unit}
crop rotation crop_rotation history/crop rotation whether or not crop is rotated, and if yes, rotation schedule {boolean};Rn/{timestamp}/{period}
crop yield crop_yield Amount of crop produced per unit or area of land {float}{unit}
cultivar cultivar cultivar acc,
cultivar name - cultivated variety of plant
culture collection culture_collection culturecollection Name of source institute and unique culture identifier. See the description for the proper format and list of allowed institutes, http://www.insdc.org/controlled-vocabulary-culturecollection-qualifier
culture isolation date cult_isol_date cult isol date A culture isolation date is a date-time entity marking the end of a process in which a sample yields a positive result for the target microbial analyte(s) in the form of an isolated colony or colonies, e.g., 5/24/2020 {text}
culture result cult_result cult result Any result of a bacterial culture experiment reported as a binary assessment, e.g., absent, active, inactive, negative, no, present, positive, yes {text}
culture result organism cult_result_org cult result org Taxonomic information about the cultured organism(s) {termLabel} {[termID]}|{integer}
culture rooting medium cult_root_med cult root med Name or reference for the hydroponic or in vitro culture rooting medium; can be the name of a commonly used medium or reference to a specific medium, e.g., Murashige and Skoog medium. If the medium has not been formally published, use the rooting medium descriptors {text}|{PMID}|{DOI}|{URL}
culture target microbial analyte cult_target cult target The target microbial analyte in terms of investigation scope. This field accepts terms under organism (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14250). This field also accepts identification numbers from NCBI under https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy {termLabel} {[termID]}|{integer}
current land use cur_land_use cur land use present state of sample site ['', 'cities', 'farmstead', 'industrial areas', 'roads/railroads', 'rock', 'sand', 'gravel', 'mudflats', 'salt flats', 'badlands', 'permanent snow or ice', 'saline seeps', 'mines/quarries', 'oil waste areas', 'small grains', 'row crops', 'vegetable crops', 'horticultural plants (e.g. tulips)', 'marshlands (grass,sedges,rushes)', 'tundra (mosses,lichens)', 'rangeland', 'pastureland (grasslands used for livestock grazing)', 'hayland', 'meadows (grasses,alfalfa,fescue,bromegrass,timothy)', 'shrub land (e.g. mesquite,sage-brush,creosote bush,shrub oak,eucalyptus)', 'successional shrub land (tree saplings,hazels,sumacs,chokecherry,shrub dogwoods,blackberries)', 'shrub crops (blueberries,nursery ornamentals,filberts)', 'vine crops (grapes)', 'conifers (e.g. pine,spruce,fir,cypress)', 'hardwoods (e.g. oak,hickory,elm,aspen)', 'intermixed hardwood and conifers', 'tropical (e.g. mangrove,palms)', 'rainforest (evergreen forest receiving >406 cm annual rainfall)', 'swamp (permanent or semi-permanent water body dominated by woody plants)', 'crop trees (nuts,fruit,christmas trees,nursery trees)']
current vegetation cur_vegetation cur vegetation vegetation classification from one or more standard classification systems, or agricultural crop {text}
current vegetation method cur_vegetation_meth cur vegetation meth reference or method used in vegetation classification {PMID|DOI|URL}
date last rain date_last_rain The date of the last time it rained {timestamp}
date of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination date_of_sars_cov_2_vaccination date of sars cov 2 vaccination Date of the 1st dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, e.g., 2021-03-30 {timestamp}
date of prior SARS-CoV-2 antiviral treatment date_of_prior_antiviral_treat date of prior antiviral treat,
date of prior sars cov 2 antiviral treatment
Date of the SARS-CoV-2 antiviral treatment, e.g., 2021-03-30 {timestamp}
date of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection date_of_prior_sars_cov_2_infection date of prior sars cov 2 infection Date of the prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, e.g., 2021-03-30 {timestamp}
death date death_date
degree of plant part maturity plant_part_maturity plant part maturity A description of the stage of development of a plant or plant part based on maturity or ripeness. This field accepts terms listed under degree of plant maturity (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03530050) {term label}{term ID}
density density density of sample {float} {unit}
depositional environment depos_env depos env Main depositional environment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depositional_environment), e.g., continental - alluvial, continental - aeolian, continental - fluvial, continental - lacustrine, transitional - deltaic, transitional - tidal, transitional - lagoonal, transitional - beach, transitional - lake, marine - shallow, marine - deep, marine - reef, other - evaporite, other - glacial, other - volcanic {text}
depth depth Depth is defined as the vertical distance below surface, e.g. for sediment or soil samples depth is measured from sediment or soil surface, respectivly. Depth can be reported as an interval for subsurface samples. {float} m
depth (TVDSS) of hydrocarbon resource pressure tvdss_of_hcr_press depth (tvdss) of hydrocarbon resource pressure,
tvdss of hcr press
True vertical depth subsea (TVDSS) of the hydrocarbon resource where the original pressure was measured, e.g., 1578 m {float} {unit}
depth (TVDSS) of hydrocarbon resource temperature tvdss_of_hcr_temp depth (tvdss) of hydrocarbon resource temperature,
tvdss of hcr temp
True vertical depth subsea (TVDSS) of the hydrocarbon resource where the original temperature was measured, e.g., 1345 m {float} {unit}
derived from derived_from Indicates when one BioSample was derived from another BioSample. Value should include BioSample accession number(s) (SAMNxxxxxxxx).
dermatology disorder dermatology_disord dermatology disord history of dermatology disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
description description sample description
design, construction, and operation documents build_docs build docs The building design, construction and operation documents, e.g., building information model, commissioning report, complaint logs, contract administration, cost estimate, janitorial schedules or logs, maintenance plans, schedule, sections, shop drawings, submittals, ventilation system, windows {text}
development stage dev_stage dev stage,
development point,
development stages,
developmental point,
developmental stage,
developmental stages,
tissue/dev stage,
tissue/development stage,
tissue/developmental stage
Developmental stage at the time of sampling.
dew point dew_point temperature to which a given parcel of humid air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into water. {float} {unit} [deg C]
diet diet
dietary claim or use dietary_claim_use dietary claim use These descriptors are used either for foods intended for special dietary use as defined in 21 CFR 105 or for foods that have special characteristics indicated in the name or labeling. This field accepts terms listed under dietary claim or use (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03510023). Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes, but please consider limiting this list to the most prominent dietary claim or use {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
diether lipids diether_lipids concentration of diether lipids; can include multiple types of diether lipids {text};{float} {unit}
disease disease disease stat,
disease state,
disease status,
list of diseases diagnosed; can include multiple diagnoses. the value of the field depends on host; for humans the terms should be chosen from DO (Disease Ontology), free text for non-human. For DO terms, please see http://gemina.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gemina/trunk/Gemina/ontologies/gemina_symptom.obo?view=log {term}
disease stage disease_stage diseasestage stage of disease at the time of sampling.
dissolved carbon dioxide diss_carb_dioxide diss carb dioxide concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide {float} {unit}
dissolved hydrogen diss_hydrogen diss hydrogen concentration of dissolved hydrogen {float} {unit}
dissolved inorganic carbon diss_inorg_carb diss inorg carb dissolved inorganic carbon concentration {float} {unit}
dissolved inorganic nitrogen diss_inorg_nitro diss inorg nitro concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen {float} {unit}
dissolved inorganic phosphorus diss_inorg_phosp diss inorg phosp concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus {float} {unit}
dissolved iron diss_iron diss iron Concentration of dissolved iron in the sample {float} {unit}
dissolved organic carbon diss_org_carb diss org carb concentration of dissolved organic carbon {float} {unit}
dissolved organic nitrogen diss_org_nitro diss org nitro dissolved organic nitrogen concentration measured as; total dissolved nitrogen - NH4 - NO3 - NO2 {float} {unit}
dissolved oxygen diss_oxygen diss oxygen concentration of dissolved oxygen {float} {unit}
dissolved oxygen in fluids diss_oxygen_fluid diss oxygen fluid Concentration of dissolved oxygen in the oil field produced fluids as it contributes to oxgen-corrosion and microbial activity, e.g. Mic {float} {unit}
dominant hand dominant_hand dominant hand of the subject ['', 'left', 'right', 'ambidextrous']
door area or size door_size door size The size of the door {float} {unit}
door condition door_cond door cond The physical condition of the door, e.g., damaged, needs repair, new, rupture, visible wear {text}
door direction of opening door_direct door direct The direction the door opens, e.g., inward, outward, sideways {text}
door location door_loc door loc The relative location of the door in the room, e.g., north, south, east, west {text}
door material door_mat door mat The material the door is composed of, e.g., aluminum, cellular PVC, engineered plastic, fiberboard, fiberglass, metal, thermoplastic alloy, vinyl, wood, wood/plastic composite {text}
door movement door_move door move The type of movement of the door, e.g., collapsible, folding, revolving, rolling shutter, sliding, swinging {text}
door signs of water/mold door_water_mold door water mold Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on a door, e.g., presence of mold visible, no presence of mold visible {text}
door type door_type The type of door material, e.g., composite, metal, wooden {text}
door type, composite door_comp_type door comp type The composite type of the door, e.g., metal covered, revolving, sliding, telescopic {text}
door type, metal door_type_metal door type metal The type of metal door, e.g., collapsible, corrugated steel, hollow, rolling shutters, steel plate {text}
door type, wood door_type_wood door type wood The type of wood door, e.g., bettened and ledged, battened, ledged and braced, battened, ledged and framed, battened, ledged, braced and frame, framed and paneled, glashed or sash, flush, louvered, wire gauged {text}
dose dose
douche douche date of most recent douche {timestamp}
downward PAR down_par down par,
downward par
visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column {float} {unit}
drainage classification drainage_class drainage class drainage classification from a standard system such as the USDA system ['', 'very poorly', 'poorly', 'somewhat poorly', 'moderately well', 'well', 'excessively drained']
drawings drawings The buildings architectural drawings, e.g., operation, as built, construction, bid, design, building navigation map, diagram, sketch {text}
drug usage drug_usage any drug used by subject and the frequency of usage; can include multiple drugs used {text};{integer}/[year|month|week|day|hour]
dry mass dry_mass measurement of dry mass {float} {unit}
duration of association with the host association_duration association duration Time spent in host of the symbiotic organism at the time of sampling; relevant scale depends on symbiotic organism and study {float} {unit}
ecotype ecotype a population within a given species displaying genetically based, phenotypic traits that reflect adaptation to a local habitat, e.g., Columbia
efficiency percent efficiency_percent percentage of volatile solids removed from the anaerobic digestor {float} {unit}
elevation elev elev The elevation of the sampling site as measured by the vertical distance from mean sea level. {float} {unit}
elevator count elevator elevator The number of elevators within the built structure {integer}
emulsions emulsions amount or concentration of substances such as paints, adhesives, mayonnaise, hair colorants, emulsified oils, etc.; can include multiple emulsion types {text};{float} {unit}
encoded traits encoded_traits Traits like antibiotic resistance/xenobiotic degration phenotypes/converting phage genes {text}
enrichment protocol enrichment_protocol The microbiological workflow or protocol followed to test for the presence or enumeration of the target microbial analyte(s). Please provide a PubMed or DOI reference for published protocols {text}|{PMID}|{DOI}|{URL}
environment adjacent to site adjacent_environment adjacent environment Description of the environmental system or features that are adjacent to the sampling site. This field accepts terms under ecosystem (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01001110) and human construction (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000070). Multiple terms can be separated by pipes {termLabel}{[termID]}
environmental feature adjacent water source water_source_adjac water source adjac Description of the environmental features that are adjacent to the farm water source. This field accepts terms under ecosystem (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01001110) and human construction (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000070). Multiple terms can be separated by pipes {text}
environmental medium env_medium env material,
env medium,
environment (material),
environment material,
Add terms that identify the material displaced by the entity at time of sampling. Recommend subclasses of environmental material [ENVO:00010483]. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes e.g.: estuarine water [ENVO:01000301]|estuarine mud [ENVO:00002160] {term}
environmental package env_package env package MIGS/MIMS/MIENS extension for reporting of measurements and observations obtained from one or more of the environments where the sample was obtained. All environmental packages listed here are further defined in separate subtables. By giving the name of the environmental package, a selection of fields can be made from the subtables and can be reported 'air', 'host-associated', 'human-associated', 'human-skin', 'human-oral', 'human-gut', 'human-vaginal', 'microbial', 'miscellaneous', 'plant-associated', 'sediment', 'soil', 'wastewater', 'water'
equipment shared with other farms farm_equip_shared farm equip shared List of planting, growing or harvesting equipment shared with other farms {text}
escalator count escalator escalator The number of escalators within the built structure {integer}
estimated size estimated_size Estimated size of genome {integer} bp
ethnicity ethnicity ihmc ethnicity ethnicity of the subject {integer|text}
ethylbenzene ethylbenzene Concentration of ethylbenzene in the sample {float} {unit}
experimental factor experimental_factor Variable aspect of experimental design {term|text}
exposed ductwork exp_duct exp duct The amount of exposed ductwork in the room {float} {unit}
exposed pipes exp_pipe exp pipe The number of exposed pipes in the room {integer}
exposure event exposure_event Event leading to exposure, e.g., mass gathering {text}
exterior door count ext_door ext door The number of exterior doors in the built structure {integer}
extrachromosomal elements extrachrom_elements extrachrom elements Plasmids that have significance phenotypic consequence {integer}
extreme event extreme_event history/extreme events unusual physical events that may have affected microbial populations {timestamp}
extreme salinity extreme_salinity extreme unusual properties/salinity measured salinity {float} {unit}
extreme weather date date_extr_weath date extr weath Date of unusual weather events that may have affected microbial populations. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, listed in reverse chronological order {timestamp}
extreme weather event extr_weather_event extr weather event Unusual weather events that may have affected microbial populations. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, listed in reverse chronological order, e.g., hail {text}
facility type facility_type Establishment details about the type of facility where the sample was taken. This is independent of the specific product(s) within the facility, e.g., manufacturing-processing {text}
family id family_id familyid
family role family_relationship family member,
family relationship,
relationship type,
relationships to other samples in the same study; can include multiple relationships {text};{text}
farm equipment sanitization farm_equip_san farm equip san Method used to sanitize growing and harvesting equipment including type and concentration of sanitizing solution and frequency of sanitization {text}
farm equipment sanitization frequency farm_equip_san_freq farm equip san freq The number of times farm equipment is cleaned. Frequency of cleaning might be on a daily basis, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually {text}
farm equipment used farm_equip farm equip List of relevant equipment used for planting, fertilization, harvesting, irrigation, land levelling, residue management, weeding or transplanting during the growing season. This field encourages terms listed under agricultural implement (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/AGRO_00000416). Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, e.g., combine harvester [AGRO:00000473] {text}
farm watering water source farm_water_source farm water source Source of water used on the farm for irrigation of crops or watering of livestock, e.g., water well {text}
fermentation chemical additives ferm_chem_add ferm chem add Any chemicals that are added to the fermentation process to achieve the desired final product {float} {unit}
fermentation chemical additives percentage ferm_chem_add_perc ferm chem add perc The amount of chemical added to the fermentation process {float} percentage
fermentation headspace oxygen ferm_headspace_oxy ferm headspace oxy The amount of headspace oxygen in a fermentation vessel {float} percentage
fermentation medium ferm_medium ferm medium The growth medium used for the fermented food fermentation process, which supplies the required nutrients. Usually this includes a carbon and nitrogen source, water, micronutrients and chemical additives {text}
fermentation pH ferm_ph ferm ph,
fermentation ph
The pH of the fermented food fermentation process {float}
fermentation relative humidity ferm_rel_humidity ferm rel humidity The relative humidity of the fermented food fermentation process {float} {unit}
fermentation temperature ferm_temp ferm temp The temperature of the fermented food fermentation process {float} {unit}
fermentation time ferm_time ferm time The time duration of the fermented food fermentation process duration
fermentation vessel ferm_vessel ferm vessel The type of vessel used for containment of the fermentation {text}
fertilizer administration fertilizer_admin fertilizer admin Type of fertilizer or amendment added to the soil or water for the purpose of improving substrate health and quality for plant growth. This field encourages terms listed under agronomic fertilizer (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/AGRO_00002062). Multiple terms may apply and can be separated by pipes, listing in reverse chronological order, e.g., fish emulsion [AGRO:00000082] {text}
fertilizer administration date fertilizer_date fertilizer date Date of administration of soil amendment or fertilizer. Multiple terms may apply and can be separated by pipes, listing in reverse chronological order {timestamp}
fertilizer regimen fertilizer_regm fertilizer regm information about treatment involving the use of fertilizers; should include the name fertilizer, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple fertilizer regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
fetal health status foetal_health_stat amniotic fluid/fetal health status,
amniotic fluid/foetal health status,
fetal health stat,
foetal health stat,
foetal health status
specification of foetal health status, should also include abortion {text}
field name field field Name of the hydrocarbon field, e.g., Albacora {text}
filter type filter_type device which removes solid particulates or airborne molecular contaminants ['', 'particulate air filter', 'chemical air filter', 'low-MERV pleated media', 'HEPA', 'electrostatic', 'gas-phase or ultraviolet air treatments', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
fire fire history/fire historical and/or physical evidence of fire {timestamp}
fireplace type fireplace_type A firebox with chimney, e.g., gas burning, wood burning {text}
flooding flooding history/flooding historical and/or physical evidence of flooding {timestamp}
floor age floor_age The time period since installment of the carpet or flooring {float} {unit}
floor area floor_area The area of the floor space within the room {float} {unit}
floor condition floor_cond floor cond The physical condition of the floor at the time of sampling, e.g., new, visible wear, needs repair, damaged, rupture {text}
floor count floor_count The number of floors in the building, including basements and mechanical penthouse {integer}
floor finish material floor_finish_mat floor finish mat The floor covering type; the finished surface that is walked on, e.g., tile, wood strip or parquet, carpet, rug, laminate wood, lineoleum, vinyl composition tile, sheet vinyl, stone, bamboo, cork, terrazo, concrete, none;specify unfinished, sealed, clear finish, paint {text}
floor signs of water/mold floor_water_mold floor water mold Signs of the presence of mold or mildew in a room, e.g., mold odor, wet floor, water stains, wall discoloration, floor discoloration, ceiling discoloration, peeling paint or wallpaper, bulging walls, condensation {text}
floor structure floor_struc floor struc Refers to the structural elements and subfloor upon which the finish flooring is installed, e.g., balcony, floating floor, glass floor, raised floor, sprung floor, wood-framed, concrete {text}
floor thermal mass floor_thermal_mass The ability of the floor to provide inertia against temperature fluctuations {float} {unit}
fluorescence fluor fluor raw or converted fluorescence of water {float} {unit}
food additive food_additive A substance or substances added to food to maintain or improve safety and freshness, to improve or maintain nutritional value, or improve taste, texture and appearance. This field encourages terms listed under food additive (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03412972). Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes, but please consider limiting this list to the top 5 ingredients listed in order as on the food label. See also, https://www.fda.gov/food/food-ingredients-packaging/overview-food-ingredients-additives-colors, e.g., xanthan gum [FOODON:03413321] {text}
food allergen labeling food_allergen_label food allergen label A label indication that the product contains a recognized allergen. This field accepts terms listed under dietary claim or use (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03510213) {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
food animal antimicrobial duration animal_am_dur animal am dur The duration of time (days) that the antimicrobial was administered to the food animal {float} {day}
food animal antimicrobial frequency animal_am_freq animal am freq The frequency per day that the antimicrobial was adminstered to the food animal {float} {unit}
food animal antimicrobial intended use animal_am_use animal am use The prescribed intended use of or the condition treated by the antimicrobial given to the food animal by any route of administration {text}
food animal antimicrobial route of administration animal_am_route animal am route The route by which the antimicrobial is adminstered into the body of the food animal {text}
food animal body condition animal_body_cond animal body cond Body condition scoring is a production management tool used to evaluate overall health and nutritional needs of a food animal, e.g., normal, over conditioned, under conditioned {text}
food animal group size host_group_size animal group size,
host group size
The number of food animals of the same species that are maintained together as a unit, i.e. a herd or flock, e.g., 80 {text}
food animal source diet animal_diet animal diet If the isolate is from a food animal, the type of diet eaten by the food animal. Please list the main food staple and the setting, if appropriate. For a list of acceptable animal feed terms or categories, please see http://www.feedipedia.org. Multiple terms may apply and can be separated by pipes. Food product for animal covers foods intended for consumption by domesticated animals. Consult http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03309997. If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the food type. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes. If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the food product type {text}
food animal source sex category animal_sex animal sex The sex and reproductive status of the food animal, e.g., castrated female, castrated male, intact female, intact male {text}
food cleaning process food_clean_proc food clean proc The process of cleaning food to separate other environmental materials from the food source. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, e.g., rinsed with water|scrubbed with brush {text}
food contact surface food_contact_surf food contact surf The specific container or coating materials in direct contact with the food. Multiple values can be assigned. This field encourages terms listed under food contact surface (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03500010), e.g., aluminum surface [FOODON:03500042] {text}
food container or wrapping food_contain_wrap food contain wrap Type of container or wrapping defined by the main container material, the container form, and the material of the liner lids or ends. Also type of container or wrapping by form; prefer description by material first, then by form. This field encourages terms listed under food container or wrapping (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03490100), e.g., bottle or jar [FOODON:03490203] {text}
food cooking process food_cooking_proc food cooking proc The transformation of raw food by the application of heat. This field encourages terms listed under food cooking (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03450002), e.g., food blanching [FOODON:03470175] {text}
food distribution point geographic location food_dis_point food dis point A reference to a place on the Earth, by its name or by its geographical location that refers to a distribution point along the food chain. This field accepts terms listed under geographic location (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448). Reference: Adam Diamond, James Barham. Moving Food Along the Value Chain: Innovations in Regional Food Distribution. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service. Washington, DC. March 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.9752/MS045.03-2012 {term}: {term}, {text}
food distribution point geographic location (city) food_dis_point_city food dis point city A reference to a place on the Earth, by its name or by its geographical location that refers to a distribution point along the food chain. This field accepts terms listed under geographic location (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448). Reference: Adam Diamond, James Barham. Moving Food Along the Value Chain: Innovations in Regional Food Distribution. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service. Washington, DC. March 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.9752/MS045.03-2012 {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
food ingredient food_ingredient In this field, please list individual ingredients for multi-component food [FOODON:00002501] and simple foods that is not captured in food_type. Please use terms that are present in FoodOn. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes, but please consider limiting this list to the top 5 ingredients listed in order as on the food label. See also, https://www.fda.gov/food/food-ingredients-packaging/overview-food-ingredients-additives-colors {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
food package capacity food_pack_capacity food pack capacity The maximum number of product units within a package {float} {unit}
food packing integrity food_pack_integrity food pack integrity A term label and term id to describe the state of the packing material and text to explain the exact condition. This field encourages terms listed under food packing medium integrity (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03530218), e.g., food packing medium compromised [FOODON:00002517] {text}
food packing medium food_pack_medium food pack medium The medium in which the food is packed for preservation and handling or the medium surrounding homemade foods, e.g., peaches cooked in sugar syrup. The packing medium may provide a controlled environment for the food. It may also serve to improve palatability and consumer appeal. This includes edible packing media (e.g. fruit juice), gas other than air (e.g. carbon dioxide), vacuum packed, or packed with aerosol propellant. This field encourages terms under food packing medium (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03480020). Multiple terms may apply and can be separated by pipes, e.g., vacuum-packed [FOODON:03480027] {text}
food preservation process food_preserv_proc food preserv proc The methods contributing to the prevention or retardation of microbial, enzymatic or oxidative spoilage and thus to the extension of shelf life. This field encourages terms listed under food preservation process (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03470107), e.g., food fermentation [FOODON:00001304] {text}
food processing method food_processing_method Methods for processing food, e.g., food (blanched) [FOODON:00002767] {text}
food product by quality food_product_qual food product qual Descriptors for describing food visually or via other senses, which is useful for tasks like food inspection where little prior knowledge of how the food came to be is available. Some terms like "food (frozen)" are both a quality descriptor and the output of a process. This field accepts terms listed under food product by quality (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_00002454) {termLabel} {[termID]}
food product name legal status food_name_status food name status A datum indicating that use of a food product name is regulated in some legal jurisdiction. This field accepts terms listed under food product name legal status (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03530087) {termLabel} {[termID]}
food product origin geographic location food_origin food origin A reference to a place on the Earth, by its name or by its geographical location that describes the origin of the food commodity, either in terms of its cultivation or production. This field encourages terms listed under geographic location (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GAZ_00000448), e.g., Thailand {text}
food product synonym food_prod_synonym food prod synonym Other names by which the food product is known by (e.g., regional or non-English names), e.g., pinot gris {text}
food product type food_product_type A food product type is a class of food products that is differentiated by its food composition (e.g., single- or multi-ingredient), processing and/or consumption characteristics. This does not include brand name products but it may include generic food dish categories. This field encourages terms under food product type (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON:03400361). For terms related to food product for an animal, consult food product for animal (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03309997). If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the food type. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes, e.g., multi-component food product [FOODON:00002501] {text}
food production characteristics food_prod_char food prod char Descriptors of the food production system such as wild caught, free-range, organic, free-range, industrial, dairy, beef {text}
food production environmental monitoring zone env_monitoring_zone env monitoring zone An environmental monitoring zone is a formal designation as part of an environmental monitoring program, in which areas of a food production facility are categorized, commonly as zones 1-4, based on likelihood or risk of foodborne pathogen contamination. This field accepts entries of zones 1-4, e.g., Zone 1 ['', 'Zone 1', 'Zone 2', 'Zone 3', 'Zone 4', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
food production system food_prod food prod Descriptors of the food production system or of the agricultural environment and growing conditions related to the farm production system. This field encourages terms listed under food production (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03530206). Multiple terms may apply and can be separated by pipes, e.g., restaurant food preparation process [FOODON:03530110] {text}
food quality date food_quality_date The date recommended for the use of the product while at peak quality, this date is not a reflection of safety unless used on infant formula this date is not a reflection of safety and is typically labeled on a food product as ""best if used by,"" best by,"" ""use by,"" or ""freeze by"", e.g., 5/24/2020 {text}
food shipping transportation method food_trav_mode food trav mode A descriptor for the method of movement of food commodity along the food distribution system. This field accepts terms listed under travel mode (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENEPIO_0001064). If the proper descrptor is not listed please use text to describe the mode of travel. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes {termLabel} {[termID]}
food shipping transportation vehicle food_trav_vehic food trav vehic A descriptor for the mobile machine which is used to transport food commodities along the food distribution system. This field accepts terms listed under vehicle (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000604). If the proper descrptor is not listed please use text to describe the mode of travel. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
food source food_source Individual organism or category of organisms from which the food product or its major ingredient is derived, e.g., giant tiger prawn [FOODON:03412612] {text}
food source age food_source_age The age of the food source host organim. Depending on the type of host organism, age may be more appropriate to report in days, weeks, or years {float} {unit}
food stored by consumer (storage duration) cons_food_stor_dur cons food stor dur The storage duration of the food commodity by the consumer, prior to onset of illness or sample collection. Indicate the timepoint written in ISO 8601 format {timepoint}
food stored by consumer (storage temperature) cons_food_stor_temp cons food stor temp Temperature at which food commodity was stored by the consumer, prior to onset of illness or sample collection {float} {unit}|{text}
food traceability list category food_trace_list food trace list The FDA is proposing to establish additional traceability recordkeeping requirements (beyond what is already required in existing regulations) for persons who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods the Agency has designated for inclusion on the Food Traceability List. The Food Traceability List (FTL) identifies the foods for which the additional traceability records described in the proposed rule would be required. The term ""Food Traceability List"" (FTL) refers not only to the foods specifically listed (https://www.fda.gov/media/142303/download), but also to any foods that contain listed foods as ingredients, e.g., tropical tree fruits {text}
food treatment process food_treat_proc food treat proc Used to specifically characterize a food product based on the treatment or processes applied to the product or any indexed ingredient. The processes include adding, substituting or removing components or modifying the food or component, e.g., through fermentation. Multiple values can be assigned. This fields accepts terms listed under food treatment process (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03460111) {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
food type processed in facility food_type_processed food type processed Food type processed in facility, e.g., dairy {text}
forma forma Taxonomy level below subspecies (or variety in botany). Use is similar to ecotype etc.
forma specialis forma_specialis Usually applied to fungus adapted to a specific host.
formation water salinity hcr_fw_salinity hcr fw salinity Original formation water salinity (prior to secondary recovery e.g. Waterflooding) expressed as TDS {float} {unit}
frequency of cleaning freq_clean freq clean The number of times the sample location is cleaned, e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually {text}
frequency of cooking freq_cook freq cook The number of times a meal is cooked per week {integer}
fungicide regimen fungicide_regm fungicide regm information about treatment involving use of fungicides; should include the name of fungicide, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple fungicide regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
furniture furniture The types of furniture present in the sampled room, e.g., cabinet, chair, desks {text}
gap accession gap_accession technical dictionary
gap change status gap_change_status technical dictionary
gap consent code gap_consent_code technical dictionary
gap consent short name gap_consent_short_name technical dictionary
gap sample id gap_sample_id technical dictionary
gap study version gap_study_version technical dictionary
gap subject id gap_subject_id technical dictionary
gaseous environment gaseous_environment use of conditions with differing gaseous environments; should include the name of gaseous compound, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple gaseous environment regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
gaseous substances gaseous_substances amount or concentration of substances such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane, etc.; can include multiple substances {text};{float} {unit}
gastrointestinal tract disorder gastrointest_disord gastrointest disord history of gastrointestinal tract disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
gender of restroom gender_restroom gender restroom The gender type of the restroom, e.g., all gender, female, gender neutral, male, male and female, unisex {text}
genetic modification genetic_mod genetic mod Genetic modifications of the genome of an organism, which may occur naturally by spontaneous mutation, or be introduced by some experimental means, e.g. specification of a transgene or the gene knocked-out or details of transient transfection {text}|{PMID}|{DOI}|{URL}
genotype genotype genetic variation,
observed genotype {text}
geo loc exposure geo_loc_exposure The country where the host was likely exposed to the causative agent of the illness. This location pertains to the country the host was believed to be exposed, and may not be the same as the host's country of residence, e.g., Canada {term}:{term}:{text}
geographic location geo_loc_name country,
geo loc name,
geographic location (country and/or sea region),
geographic location (country and/or sea),
geographic location (country and/or sea, region),
geographic location (country and/or sea,region),
geographic location (country),
geographic location (country:region,area),
geographic location (locality),
geographic location country and or sea,
geographic locations,
geographic origin,
geographical location,
geographical location (country:region, location),
Geographical origin of the sample; use the appropriate name from this list http://www.insdc.org/documents/country-qualifier-vocabulary. Use a colon to separate the country or ocean from more detailed information about the location, eg "Canada: Vancouver" or "Germany: halfway down Zugspitze, Alps" {term}:{term}:{text}
gestation state gestation_state amniotic fluid/gestation state specification of the gestation state {text}
glucosidase activity glucosidase_act glucosidase act measurement of glucosidase activity {float} {unit}
gravidity gravidity whether or not subject is gravid, and if yes date due or date post-conception, specifying which is used {boolean};{timestamp}
gravity gravity information about treatment involving use of gravity factor to study various types of responses in presence, absence or modified levels of gravity; can include multiple treatments {float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
growth facility growth_facil growth facil Type of facility where the sampled plant was grown; controlled vocabulary: growth chamber, open top chamber, glasshouse, experimental garden, field. Alternatively use Crop Ontology (CO) terms, see http://www.cropontology.org/ontology/CO_715/Crop%20Research {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
growth habit growth_habit Characteristic shape, appearance or growth form of a plant species, e.g., erect, semi-erect, spreading, prostrate {text}
growth hormone regimen growth_hormone_regm growth hormone regm information about treatment involving use of growth hormones; should include the name of growth hormone, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple growth hormone regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
growth media growth_med growth med information about growth media for growing the plants or tissue cultured samples {text}
growth medium growth_medium A liquid or gel containing nutrients, salts, and other factors formulated to support the growth of microorganisms, cells, or plants (National Cancer Institute Thesaurus). The name of the medium used to grow the microorganism {text}
growth protocol growth_protocol
gynecological disorder gynecologic_disord gynecologic disord history of gynecological disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
hallway/corridor count hall_count hall count The total count of hallways and cooridors in the built structure {integer}
handidness handidness The handidness of the individual sampled, e.g., ambidexterity, left handedness, mixed-handedness, right handedness {text}
haplotype haplotype Name of the haplotype. Primarily used for identification. A combination of alleles at multiple loci on the same chromosome that are closely linked and tend to be inherited as a unit.
health state health_state health disease stat,
health disease status
Health or disease status of sample at time of collection {term}
heating and cooling system type heat_cool_type heat cool type methods of conditioning or heating a room or building ['', 'radiant system', 'heat pump', 'forced air system', 'steam forced heat', 'wood stove', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
heating delivery locations heat_deliv_loc heat deliv loc The location of heat delivery within the room, e.g., north, south, east, west {text}
heating system delivery method heat_sys_deliv_meth heat sys deliv meth The method by which the heat is delivered through the system, e.g., conductive, radiant {text}
heating system identifier heat_system_id heat system id The heating system identifier {integer}
heavy metals heavy_metals extreme unusual properties/heavy metals heavy metals present and concentrationsany drug used by subject and the frequency of usage; can include multiple heavy metals and concentrations {text};{float} {unit}
heavy metals method heavy_metals_meth extreme unusual properties/heavy metals method,
heavy metals meth
reference or method used in determining heavy metals {PMID|DOI|URL}
height carpet fiber mat height_carper_fiber height carper fiber The average carpet fiber height in the indoor environment {float} {unit}
height or length height_or_length measurement of height or length {float} {unit}
herbicide regimen herbicide_regm herbicide regm information about treatment involving use of herbicides; information about treatment involving use of growth hormones; should include the name of herbicide, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
histological type histological_type dbgap_public dictionary
horizon method horizon_meth horizon meth reference or method used in determining the horizon {PMID|DOI|URL}
host host host (scientific name),
host name,
host organism,
host scientific name,
host species,
host speciess,
nat host,
specific host,
The natural (as opposed to laboratory) host to the organism from which the sample was obtained. Use the full taxonomic name, eg, "Homo sapiens".
host HIV status host_hiv_stat host hiv stat,
host hiv status
HIV status of subject, if yes HAART initiation status should also be indicated as [YES or NO] {boolean};{boolean}
host age host_age Age of host at the time of sampling
host anatomical material host_anatomical_material Host anatomical material or substance produced by the body where the sample was obtained, e.g., stool, mucus, saliva {text}
host anatomical part host_anatomical_part Anatomical part of the host organism (e.g. tissue) that was sampled, e.g., nasopharynx {text}
host animal breed host_animal_breed The animal breed of the host organism. Used mainly for animal hosts, e.g., duroc, angus, mixed breed {text}
host blood pressure diastolic host_blood_press_diast host blood press diast resting diastolic blood pressureof the host, measured as mm mercury {float} {unit}
host blood pressure systolic host_blood_press_syst host blood press syst,
host blood press systolic
resting systolic blood pressure of the host, measured as mm mercury {float} {unit}
host body habitat host_body_habitat original body habitat where the sample was obtained from {term}
host body mass index host_body_mass_index host bmi body mass index of the host, calculated as weight/(height)squared {float} {unit}
host body product host_body_product substance produced by the host, e.g. stool, mucus, where the sample was obtained from {text}
host body temperature host_body_temp host body temp core body temperature of the host when sample was collected {float} {unit}
host cellular location host_cellular_loc host cellular loc The localization of the symbiotic host organism within the host from which it was sampled, e.g., intracellular, extracellular {text}
host color host_color the color of host {text}
host common name host_common_name The natural language (non-taxonomic) name of the host organism, e.g., mouse {text}
host dependence host_dependence Type of host dependence for the symbiotic host organism to its host., e.g., facultative, obligate {text}
host description host_description Additional information not included in other defined vocabulary fields
host diet host_diet type of diet depending on the sample for animals omnivore, herbivore etc., for humans high-fat, meditteranean etc.; can include multiple diet types {text}
host disease host_disease host disease stat Name of relevant disease, e.g. Salmonella gastroenteritis. Controlled vocabulary, http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/1009 or http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh
host disease outcome host_disease_outcome Final outcome of disease, e.g., death, chronic disease, recovery
host disease stage host_disease_stage Stage of disease at the time of sampling
host dry mass host_dry_mass measurement of dry mass {float} {unit}
host family relationship host_family_relationship
host genotype host_genotype
host growth conditions host_growth_cond host growth cond literature reference giving growth conditions of the host {PMID|DOI|URL}
host health state host_health_state host status Information regarding health state of the individual sampled at the time of sampling
host height host_height the height of subject {float} {unit}
host infra specific name host_infra_specific_name taxonomic information subspecies level {text}
host infra specific rank host_infra_specific_rank taxonomic rank information below subspecies level, such as variety, form, rank etc. {text}
host last meal host_last_meal content of last meal and time since feeding; can include multiple values {text};{period}
host length host_length the length of subject {float} {unit}
host life stage host_life_stage description of host life stage {text}
host number individual host_number host number Number of symbiotic host individuals pooled at the time of collection {float} m
host occupation host_occupation most frequent job performed by subject
host of the symbiont role symbiont_host_role symbiont host role Role of the host in the life cycle of the symbiotic organism, e.g., accidental, dead-end, definitive, intermediate, paratenic, reservoir, single host {text}
host of the symbiotic host common name host_of_host_name host of host name Common name of the host of the symbiotic host organism {text}
host of the symbiotic host disease status host_of_host_disease host of host disease List of diseases with which the host of the symbiotic host organism has been diagnosed; can include multiple diagnoses. The value of the field depends on host; for humans the terms should be chosen from the DO (Human Disease Ontology) at https://www.disease-ontology.org, non-human host diseases are free text {termLabel} {[termID]}|{text}
host of the symbiotic host environemental medium host_of_host_env_med host of host env med Report the environmental material(s) immediately surrounding the symbiotic host organism at the time of sampling. This usually will be a tissue or substance type from the host, but may be another material if the symbiont is external to the host. We recommend using classes from the UBERON ontology, but subclasses of 'environmental material' (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00010483) may also be used. EnvO documentation about how to use the field: https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/wiki/Using-ENVO-with-MIxS. Terms from other OBO ontologies are permissible as long as they reference mass/volume nouns (e.g., air, water, blood) and not discrete, countable entities (e.g., intestines, heart) {termLabel} {[termID]}
host of the symbiotic host family relationship host_of_host_fam_rel host of host fam rel Familial relationship of the host of the symbiotic host organisms to other hosts of symbiotic host organism in the same study; can include multiple relationships {text};{text}
host of the symbiotic host genotype host_of_host_geno host of host geno Observed genotype of the host of the symbiotic host organism {text}
host of the symbiotic host gravidity host_of_host_gravid host of host gravid Whether or not the host of the symbiotic host organism is gravid, and if yes date due or date post-conception, specifying which is used {boolean};{timestamp}
host of the symbiotic host infra-specific name host_of_host_infname host of host infname,
host of the symbiotic host infra specific name
Taxonomic name information of the host of the symbiotic host organism below subspecies level {text}
host of the symbiotic host infra-specific rank host_of_host_infrank host of host infrank,
host of the symbiotic host infra specific rank
Taxonomic rank information about the host of the symbiotic host organism below subspecies level, such as variety, form, rank {text}
host of the symbiotic host local environmental context host_of_host_env_loc host of host env loc For a symbiotic host organism the local anatomical environment within its host may have causal influences. Report the anatomical entity(s) which are in the direct environment of the symbiotic host organism being sampled and which you believe have significant causal influences on your sample or specimen. For example, if the symbiotic host organism being sampled is an intestinal worm, its local environmental context will be the term for intestine from UBERON (http://uberon.github.io/) {termLabel} {[termID]}
host of the symbiotic host phenotype host_of_host_pheno host of host pheno Phenotype of the host of the symbiotic host organism. For phenotypic quality ontology (PATO) terms, see http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/pato {term}
host of the symbiotic host subject id host_of_host_sub_id host of host sub id A unique identifier by which each host of the symbiotic host organism subject can be referred to, de-identified, e.g. #H14 {text}
host of the symbiotic host taxon id host_of_host_taxid host of host taxid NCBI taxon id of the host of the symbiotic host organism {integer}
host of the symbiotic host total mass host_of_host_totmass host of host totmass Total mass of the host of the symbiotic host organism at collection, the unit depends on the host {float} {unit}
host phenotype host_phenotype
host pulse host_pulse resting pulse of the host, measured as beats per minute {float} {unit}
host recent travel location host_recent_travel_loc host recent travel loc The name of the country that was the destination of most recent travel. Specify the countries (and more granular locations if known) travelled, e.g., United Kingdom. Can include multiple travels; separate multiple travel events with a semicolon. {term}:{term}:{text}
host recent travel return date host_recent_travel_return_date The date of a person's most recent return to some residence from a journey originating at that residence, e.g., 2021-03-30 {timestamp}
host sex host_sex host gender Gender or physical sex of the host ['', 'male', 'female', 'pooled male and female', 'neuter', 'hermaphrodite', 'intersex', 'not determined', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
host shape host_shape morphological shape of host {text}
host specificity host_specificity Level of specificity of symbiont-host interaction, e.g., family-specific, generalist, genus-specific, species-specific {text}
host specimen voucher host_specimen_voucher Identifier for the physical specimen. Include a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) in the form of a URL providing a direct link to the physical host specimen. If the specimen was destroyed in the process of analysis, electronic images (e-vouchers) are an adequate substitute for a physical host voucher specimen. If a URI is not available, a museum-provided globally unique identifier (GUID) can be used. URI example: http://portal.vertnet.org/o/fmnh/mammals?id=33e55cfe-330b-40d9-aaae-8d042cba7542; INSDC triplet example: UAM:Mamm:52179 {text}
host subject id host_subject_id a unique identifier by which each subject can be referred to, de-identified, e.g. #131 {text}
host subspecific genetic lineage host_subspecf_genlin host subspecf genlin Information about the genetic distinctness of the host organism below the subspecies level e.g., serovar, serotype, biotype, ecotype, variety, cultivar, or any relevant genetic typing schemes like Group I plasmid. Subspecies should not be recorded in this term, but in the NCBI taxonomy. Supply both the lineage name and the lineage rank separated by a colon, e.g., biovar:abc123 {rank name}:{text}
host substrate host_substrate the growth substrate of the host {text}
host taxonomy ID host_taxid host id,
host ids,
host spec range,
host specificity or range,
host tax id,
host taxid,
host taxon id,
host taxonomy id
NCBI taxonomy ID of the host, e.g. 9606 {integer}
host tissue sampled host_tissue_sampled host body site name of body site where the sample was obtained from, such as a specific organ or tissue, e.g., tongue, lung. For foundational model of anatomy ontology (fma) (v 4.11.0) or Uber-anatomy ontology (UBERON) (v releases/2014-06-15) terms, please see http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/FMA or http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/UBERON
host total mass host_tot_mass host tot mass total mass of the host at collection, the unit depends on host {float} {unit}
host variety or cultivar host_variety host variety The variety or cultivar of the host organism; the name given to a particular variety of organism to distinguish it from otherwise similar organisms of the same species, e.g., romaine lettuce; Athena melons; Patio Snacker cucumbers {text}
host wet mass host_wet_mass measurement of wet mass {float} {unit}
hrt hrt whether subject had hormone replacement theraphy, and if yes start date {timestamp}
humidity humidity amount of water vapour in the air, at the time of sampling {float} {unit}
humidity regimen humidity_regm humidity regm information about treatment involving an exposure to varying degree of humidity; information about treatment involving use of growth hormones; should include amount of humidity administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple regimens {float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
hydrocarbon resource geological age hcr_geol_age hcr geol age Geological age of hydrocarbon resource (additional info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Period_(geology)), e.g., archean, cambrian, carboniferous, cenozoic, cretaceous, devonian, jurassic, mesozoic, neogene, ordovician, paleogene, paleozoic, permian, precambrian, proterozoic, silurian, triassic {text}
hydrocarbon resource original pressure hcr_pressure hcr pressure Original pressure of the hydrocarbon resource {float} - {float} {unit}
hydrocarbon resource original temperature hcr_temp hcr temp Original temperature of the hydrocarbon resource {float} - {float} {unit}
hydrocarbon resource type hcr hcr Main hydrocarbon resource type. The term Hydrocarbon Resource is defined as a natural environmental feature containing large amounts of hydrocarbons at high concentrations potentially suitable for commercial exploitation, e.g., oil reservoir, gas reservoir, oil sand, coalbed, shale, tight oil reservoir, tight gas reservoir {text}
hydrocarbon type produced hc_produced hc produced Main hydrocarbon type produced from resource, e.g., oil, gas-condensate, gas, bitumen, coalbed methane {text}
hygienic food production area hygienic_area hygienic area The subdivision of areas within a food production facility according to hygienic requirements. This field accepts terms listed under hygienic food production area (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO). Please add a term that most accurately indicates the hygienic area your sample was taken from according to the definitions provided {termLabel} {[termID]}
hysterectomy hysterectomy specification of whether hysterectomy was performed {boolean}
identified by identified_by name of the taxonomist who identified the specimen
image file image_file technical dictionary
indoor sampling surface or structure subpart indoor_surf_subpart indoor surf subpart The subpart of the object(s) that was swabbed, like a cart, drain, counter, etc., e.g., wheel {text}
indoor space indoor_space a distinguishable space within a structure, the purpose for which discrete areas of a building is used ['', 'bedroom', 'office', 'bathroom', 'foyer', 'kitchen', 'locker room', 'hallway', 'elevator', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
indoor surface indoor_surf indoor surf type of indoor surface ['', 'counter top', 'window', 'wall', 'cabinet', 'ceiling', 'door', 'shelving', 'vent cover', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
industrial effluent percent indust_eff_percent indust eff percent percentage of industrial effluents received by wastewater treatment plant {float} {unit}
infra specific name infra_specific_name taxonomic information subspecies level {text}
infra specific rank infra_specific_rank taxonomic rank information below subspecies level, such as variety, form, rank etc. {text}
injection water breakthrough date of specific well iw_bt_date_well iw bt date well Injection water breakthrough date per well following a secondary and/or tertiary recovery {timestamp}
injection water fraction iwf iwf Proportion of the produced fluids derived from injected water at the time of sampling, e.g., 87% {float} {unit}
inorganic particles inorg_particles inorg particles concentration of particles such as sand, grit, metal particles, ceramics, etc.; can include multiple particles {text};{float} {unit}
inside lux light inside_lux inside lux The recorded value at sampling time (power density) {float} {unit}
intended consumer intended_consumer Food consumer type, human or animal, for which the food product is produced and marketed, e.g., human ['', 'human as food consumer', 'animal as food consumer', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
interior wall condition int_wall_cond int wall cond The physical condition of the wall at the time of sampling, e.g., new, visible wear, needs repair, damaged, rupture {text}
investigation type investigation_type Nucleic Acid Sequence Report is the root element of all MIGS/MIMS compliant reports as standardized by Genomic Standards Consortium. This field is either eukaryote,bacteria,virus,plasmid,organelle, metagenome, miens-survey or miens-culture ['', 'eukaryote', 'bacteria_archaea', 'plasmid', 'virus', 'organelle', 'metagenome', 'miens-survey', 'miens-culture']
is tumor is_tumor dbgap_public dictionary
isolate isolate isolate name identification or description of the specific individual from which this sample was obtained
isolate name alias isolate_name_alias strain name alias Other IDs associated with this isolate or strain. Separate with '; ' if more than one
isolation and growth condition isol_growth_condt isol growth condt PMID or url for isolation and growth condition specifications {PMID|DOI|URL}
isolation source isolation_source isolate source,
source of isolate
Describes the physical, environmental and/or local geographical source of the biological sample from which the sample was derived.
karyotype karyotype
kidney disorder kidney_disord kidney disord history of kidney disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
lab host lab_host labhost Scientific name and description of the laboratory host used to propagate the source organism or material from which the sample was obtained, e.g., Escherichia coli DH5a, or Homo sapiens HeLa cells
label label a label for sample, or name of an individual animal (e.g., Clint)
labeling claims label_claims label claims Descriptors of the food production system such as wild caught, free-range, organic, free-range, industrial, hormone-free, antibiotic free, cage free, e.g., wild caught {text}
last meal last_meal
last time swept/mopped/vacuumed last_clean last clean The last time the floor was cleaned (swept, mopped, vacuumed) {timestamp}
latitude and longitude lat_lon geographic location (latitude and longitude),
geographic location (latitude, longitude),
geographical location (lat lon),
geographical location (longitude and longitude),
lat lon,
The geographical coordinates of the location where the sample was collected. Specify as degrees latitude and longitude in format "d[d.dddd] N|S d[dd.dddd] W|E", eg, 38.98 N 77.11 W {float} {float}
life stage life_stage description of life stage {text}
light intensity light_intensity measurement of light intensity {float} {unit}
light regimen light_regm light regm Information about treatment(s) involving exposure to light, including both light intensity and quality {text};{float} {unit};{float} {unit}
light type light_type application of light to achieve some practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting includes the use of both artificial light sources such as lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by capturing daylight. Can also include absence of light ['', 'natural light', 'electric light', 'no light', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
link to classification information link_class_info link class info link to digitized soil maps or other soil classification information {PMID|DOI|URL}
link to climate information link_climate_info link climate info link to climate resource {PMID|DOI|URL}
links to additional analysis link_addit_analys link addit analys {PMID|DOI|URL}
lithology lithology Hydrocarbon resource main lithology (Additional information: http://petrowiki.org/Lithology_and_rock_type_determination), e.g., basement, chalk, chert, coal, conglomerate, diatomite, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, shale, siltstone, volcanic {text}
liver disorder liver_disord liver disord history of liver disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
local air flow impediments air_flow_impede air flow impede Presence of objects in the area that would influence or impede air flow through the air filter, e.g., obstructed, unobstructed {text}
local classification local_class local class,
soil taxonomic/local classification
soil classification based on local soil classification system {text}
local classification method local_class_meth local class meth,
soil taxonomic/local classification method
reference or method used in determining the local soil classification {PMID|DOI|URL}
local-scale environmental context env_local_scale env feature,
env local range,
env local scale,
environment (feature),
environment feature,
local scale environmental context
Add terms that identify environmental entities having causal influences upon the entity at time of sampling, multiple terms can be separated by pipes, e.g.:  shoreline [ENVO:00000486]|intertidal zone [ENVO:00000316] {term}
location or room in facility location_in_facility location in facility Name of the location or room in the facility where the sampling occurred, e.g., ripening room {text}
lot number lot_number batch number A distinctive alpha-numeric identification code assigned by the manufacturer or distributor to a specific quantity of manufactured material or product within a batch. The submitter should provide lot number of the item followed by the item name for which the lot number was provided {integer}, {text}
magnesium magnesium concentration of magnesium {float} {unit}
major diet change in last six months diet_last_six_month diet last six month specification of major diet changes in the last six months, if yes the change should be specified {boolean};{text}
material condition material_condition Condition of material sampled, e.g., rusted {text}
material of contact prior to food packaging food_prior_contact food prior contact The material the food contacted (e.g., was processed in) prior to packaging. This field accepts terms listed under material of contact prior to food packaging (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03530077). If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the material of contact prior to food packaging {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
maternal health status maternal_health_stat amniotic fluid/maternal health status,
maternal health stat
specification of the maternal health status {text}
mating type mating_type
maximum occupancy max_occup max occup The maximum amount of people allowed in the indoor environment {integer}
mean annual precipitation annual_precpt annual precpt The average of all annual precipitation values known, or an estimated equivalent value derived by such methods as regional indexes or Isohyetal maps {float} {unit}
mean annual temperature annual_temp annual temp Mean annual temperature {float} {unit}
mean friction velocity mean_frict_vel mean frict vel measurement of mean friction velocity {float} {unit}
mean peak friction velocity mean_peak_frict_vel mean peak frict vel measurement of mean peak friction velocity {float} {unit}
mean seasonal humidity season_humidity season humidity Average humidity of the region throughout the growing season {float} {unit}
mean seasonal precipitation season_precpt season precpt The average of all seasonal precipitation values known, or an estimated equivalent value derived by such methods as regional indexes or Isohyetal maps {float} {unit}
mean seasonal temperature season_temp season temp Mean seasonal temperature {float} {unit}
mechanical damage mechanical_damage information about any mechanical damage exerted on the plant; can include multiple damages and sites {text};{text}
mechanical structure mech_struc mech struc Mechanical structure: a moving structure, e.g., subway, coach, carriage, elevator, escalator, boat, train, car, bus {text}
medical history performed medic_hist_perform medic hist perform whether full medical history was collected {boolean}
medication code ihmc_medication_code ihmc medication code can include multiple medication codes {integer}
menarche menarche date of most recent menstruation {timestamp}
menopause menopause date of onset of menopause {timestamp}
metagenome source metagenome_source describes the original source of a metagenome assembled genome (MAG). Examples: soil metagenome, gut metagenome
methane methane methane (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling {float} {unit}
microbial biomass microbial_biomass the part of the organic matter in the soil that constitutes living microorganisms smaller than 5-10 µm. IF you keep this, you would need to have correction factors used for conversion to the final units, which should be mg C (or N)/kg soil). {float} {unit}
microbial biomass method microbial_biomass_meth microbial biomass meth reference or method used in determining microbial biomass {PMID|DOI|URL}
microbial starter microb_start microb start Any type of microorganisms used in food production. This field accepts terms listed under live organisms for food production (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_0344453) {term label} {[termID]}|{text}
microbial starter NCBI taxonomy ID microb_start_taxid microb start taxid,
microbial starter ncbi taxonomy id
Please include Genus species and strain ID, if known of microorganisms used in food production. For complex communities, pipes can be used to separate two or more microbes {termLabel} {[termID]}|{integer}
microbial starter inoculation microb_start_inoc microb start inoc The amount of starter culture used to inoculate a new batch {float} {unit}
microbial starter organism count microb_start_count microb start count Total cell count of starter culture per gram, volume or area of sample and the method that was used for the enumeration (e.g. qPCR, atp, mpn, etc.) should also be provided, e.g., total prokaryotes; 3.5e7 cells per ml; qPCR {text};{float} {unit};[ATP|MPN|qPCR|spread plate|other]
microbial starter preparation microb_start_prep microb start prep Information about the protocol or method used to prepare the starter inoculum {text}
microbial starter source microb_start_source microb start source The source from which the microbial starter culture was sourced. If commercially supplied, list supplier {text}
microbiological culture medium microb_cult_med microb cult med A culture medium used to select for, grow, and maintain prokaryotic microorganisms. Can be in either liquid (broth) or solidified (e.g. with agar) forms. This field accepts terms listed under microbiological culture medium (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MICRO_0000067). If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the culture medium {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
mineral nutrient regimen mineral_nutr_regm mineral nutr regm information about treatment involving the use of mineral supplements; should include the name of mineral nutrient, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple mineral nutrient regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
miscellaneous parameter misc_param misc param any other measurement performed or parameter collected, that is not listed here {text};{float} {unit}
mode of transmission mode_transmission mode transmission The process through which the symbiotic host organism entered the host from which it was sampled, e.g., horizontal:castrator, horizontal:directly transmitted, horizontal:micropredator, horizontal:parasitoid, horizontal:trophically transmitted, horizontal:vector transmitted, vertical {text}
molecular data type molecular_data_type Type of molecular (omics) data tied to this sample {text}
morphology morphology
n alkanes n_alkanes concentration of n-alkanes; can include multiple n-alkanes {text};{float} {unit}
negative control type neg_cont_type neg cont type The substance or equipment used as a negative control in an investigation, e.g., distilled water, phosphate buffer, empty collection device, empty collection tube, DNA-free PCR mix, sterile swab, sterile syringe {text}
nitrate nitrate concentration of nitrate {float} {unit}
nitrite nitrite concentration of nitrite {float} {unit}
nitrogen nitro nitro concentration of nitrogen (total) {float} {unit}
non mineral nutrient regimen non_mineral_nutr_regm non mineral nutr regm information about treatment involving the exposure of plant to non-mineral nutrient such as oxygen, hydrogen or carbon; should include the name of non-mineral nutrient, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple non-mineral nutrient regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
nose throat disorder nose_throat_disord nose throat disord history of nose-throat disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
nose/mouth/teeth/throat disorder nose_mouth_teeth_throat_disord nose mouth teeth throat disord history of nose/mouth/teeth/throat disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
number of houseplants number_plants number plants The number of plant(s) in the sampling space {integer}
number of pets number_pets number pets The number of pets residing in the sampled space {integer}
number of replicons num_replicons num replicons Number of replicons in nuclear genome {integer}
number of residents number_resident number resident The number of individuals currently occupying in the sampling location {integer}
number of samples collected num_samp_collect num samp collect The number of samples collected during the current sampling event {float} {unit}
observed biotic relationship biotic_relationship biotic relationship Free-living or from host (define relationship) ['', 'free living', 'parasite', 'commensal', 'symbiont']
observed coinfecting organisms in host of host host_of_host_coinf host of host coinf The taxonomic name of any coinfecting organism observed in a symbiotic relationship with the host of the sampled host organism, e.g. where a sample collected from a host trematode species (A) which was collected from a host_of_host fish (B) that was also infected with a nematode (C), the value here would be (C) the nematode {species name} or {common name}. Multiple co-infecting species may be added in a comma-separated list. For listing symbiotic organisms associated with the host (A) use the term Observed host symbiont {text}
observed host symbionts host_symbiont host symbiont The taxonomic name of the organism(s) found living in mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic symbiosis with the specific host {text}
occupancy at sampling occup_samp occup samp number of occupants present at time of sample within the given space {integer}
occupancy documentation occup_document occup document The type of documentation of occupancy, e.g., automated count, estimate, manual count, videos {text}
occupant density at sampling occupant_dens_samp occupant dens samp average number of occupants at time of sampling per square footage {float}
occupation occupation most frequent job performed by subject
oil water contact depth owc_tvdss owc tvdss Depth of the original oil water contact (OWC) zone (average) (m TVDSS) {float} {unit}
organic carbon org_carb org carb concentration of organic carbon {float} {unit}
organic matter org_matter org matter concentration of organic matter {float} {unit}
organic nitrogen org_nitro org nitro concentration of organic nitrogen {float} {unit}
organic particles org_particles org particles concentration of particles such as faeces, hairs, food, vomit, paper fibers, plant material, humus, etc. {text};{float} {unit}
organism count organism_count total count of any organism per gram or volume of sample,should include name of organism followed by count; can include multiple organism counts {text};{float} {unit}
organism count qPCR information org_count_qpcr_info org count qpcr info,
organism count qpcr information
If qpcr was used for the cell count, the target gene name, the primer sequence and the cycling conditions should also be provided, e.g., 16S rrna; FWD:ACGTAGCTATGACGT REV:GTGCTAGTCGAGTAC; initial denaturation:90C_5min; denaturation:90C_2min; annealing:52C_30 sec; elongation:72C_30 sec; 90 C for 1 min; final elongation:72C_5min; 30 cycles {text}
organism modifier note orgmod_note orgmod note
orientations of exterior wall ext_wall_orient ext wall orient The orientation of the exterior wall, e.g., north, south, east, west, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest {text}
orientations of exterior window ext_window_orient ext window orient The compass direction the exterior window of the room is facing, e.g., north, south, east, west, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest {text}
original subject id original_subject_id dbgap_public dictionary
outbreak outbreak Submitter designated name for an occurrence of more cases of disease than expected in a given area or among a specific group of people over a particular period of time.
outside relative humidity rel_humidity_out rel humidity out The recorded outside relative humidity value at the time of sampling {float} {unit}
oxygen oxygen oxygen (gas) amount or concentration at the time of sampling {float} {unit}
oxygenation status of sample oxy_stat_samp oxy stat samp oxygenation status of sample ['', 'aerobic', 'anaerobic']
pH ph ph pH measurement {float} {unit}
pH method ph_meth ph meth,
ph method
reference or method used in determining pH {PMID|DOI|URL}
pH regimen ph_regm ph regimen,
ph regm
information about treatment involving exposure of plants to varying levels of pH of the growth media; can include multiple regimen {float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
part of plant or animal part_plant_animal part plant animal The anatomical part of the organism being involved in food production or consumption; e.g., a carrot is the root of the plant (root vegetable). This field accepts terms listed under part of plant or animal (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03420116) {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
particle classification particle_class particle class particles are classified, based on their size, into six general categories:clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders; should include amount of particle preceded by the name of the particle type; can include multiple values {text};{float} {unit}
particulate organic carbon part_org_carb part org carb concentration of particulate organic carbon {float} {unit}
particulate organic nitrogen part_org_nitro part org nitro concentration of particulate organic nitrogen {float} {unit}
passage history passage_history Number of passages and passage method
passage method passage_method Description of how the organism was passaged. Provide a short description, e.g., AVL buffer+30%EtOH lysate received from Respiratory Lab. P3 passage in Vero-1 via bioreactor large-scale batch passage. P3 batch derived from the SP-2/reference lab strain. If not passaged, put ""not applicable"". {text}
passage number passage_number The number of known passages, e.g., 3. If not passaged, put ""not applicable"". {integer}{text}
pathogenicity pathogenicity known pathogenicity To what is the entity pathogenic {term}
pathotype pathotype Some bacterial specific pathotypes (example Eschericia coli - STEC, UPEC)
pathovar pathovar Taxonomy below subspecies; a variety (in bacteria, fungi or virus) usually based on its pathogenic properties. Sometimes used as equivalent to subspecies.
permeability permeability Measure of the ability of a hydrocarbon resource to allow fluids to pass through it. Additional information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permeability_(earth_sciences) {integer} - {integer} {unit}
perturbation perturbation type of perturbation, e.g. chemical administration, physical disturbance, etc., coupled with time that perturbation occurred; can include multiple perturbation types {text};{interval}
pesticide regimen pesticide_regm pesticide regm information about treatment involving use of insecticides; should include the name of pesticide, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple pesticide regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
petroleum hydrocarbon petroleum_hydrocarb petroleum hydrocarb concentration of petroleum hydrocarbon {float} {unit}
phaeopigments phaeopigments concentration of phaeopigments; can include multiple phaeopigments {text};{float} {unit}
phenotype phenotype Phenotype of sampled organism. For Phenotypic quality Ontology (PATO) (v1.269) terms, please see http://bioportal.bioontology.org/visualize/44601 {term}
phosphate phosphate concentration of phosphate {float} {unit}
phospholipid fatty acid phosplipid_fatt_acid phosplipid fatt acid concentration of phospholipid fatty acids; can include multiple values {text};{float} {unit}
photon flux photon_flux measurement of photon flux {float} {unit}
photosynthetic activity photosynt_activ photosynt activ Measurement of photosythetic activity (i.e. leaf gas exchange / chlorophyll fluorescence emissions / reflectance / transpiration) Please also include the term method term detailing the method of activity measurement {float} {unit}
photosynthetic activity method photosynt_activ_meth photosynt activ meth Reference or method used in measurement of photosythetic activity {text}|{PMID}|{DOI}|{URL}
plant body site plant_body_site name of body site that the sample was obtained from. For Plant Ontology (PO) (v 20) terms, see http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/PO {term}
plant growth medium plant_growth_med plant growth med Type of the media used for growing sampled plants, e.g., soil [ENVO:00001998] {text}
plant product plant_product substance produced by the plant, where the sample was obtained from {text}
plant reproductive part plant_reprod_crop plant reprod crop Plant reproductive part used in the field during planting to start the crop, e.g., plant cutting, pregerminated seed, ratoon, seed, seedling, whole mature plant {text}
plant sex plant_sex Sex of the reproductive parts on the whole plant, e.g., androdioecious, androecious, androgynous, androgynomonoecious, andromonoecious, bisexual, dichogamous, diclinous, dioecious, gynodioecious, gynoecious, gynomonoecious, hermaphroditic, imperfect, monoclinous, monoecious, perfect, polygamodioecious, polygamomonoecious, polygamous, protandrous, protogynous, subandroecious, subdioecious, subgynoecious, synoecious, trimonoecious, trioecious, unisexual {text}
plant structure plant_struc plant struc Name of plant structure the sample was obtained from; for Plant Ontology (PO) (v releases/2017-12-14) terms, see http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/PO, e.g., petiole epidermis (PO_0000051). If an individual flower is sampled, the sex of it can be recorded here {termLabel} {[termID]}
plant water delivery method plant_water_method plant water method Description of the equipment or method used to distribute water to crops. This field encourages terms listed under irrigation process (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/AGRO_00000006). Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, e.g., drip irrigation process [AGRO:00000056] {text}
ploidy ploidy Ploidy level of genome (eg., haploid, diploid) {term}
pollutants pollutants pollutant types and, amount or concentrations measured at the time of sampling; can report multiple pollutants by entering numeric values preceded by name of pollutant {text};{float} {unit}
pooling of DNA extracts pool_dna_extracts pool dna extracts,
pooling of dna extracts,
pooling of dna extracts (if done)
were multiple DNA extractions mixed? how many? {boolean};{float} {unit}
population population for human: ; for plants: filial generation, number of progeny, genetic structure
porosity porosity porosity of deposited sediment is volume of voids divided by the total volume of sample {float} {unit}
positive control type pos_cont_type pos cont type The substance, mixture, product, or apparatus used to verify that a process which is part of an investigation delivers a true positive {term} or {text}
potassium potassium concentration of potassium {float} {unit}
pour point pour_point Temperature at which a liquid becomes semi solid and loses its flow characteristics. In crude oil a high pour point is generally associated with a high paraffin content, typically found in crude deriving from a larger proportion of plant material (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pour_point) {float} {unit}
pregnancy pregnancy date due of pregnancy {timestamp}
presence of pets or farm animals pet_farm_animal pet farm animal specification of presence of pets or farm animals in the environment of subject, if yes the animals should be specified; can include multiple animals present {boolean};{text}
presence of pets, animals, or insects pres_animal_insect pres animal insect The type and number of animals or insects present in the sampling space, e.g., cat 10, dog 2, rodent 100, snake 1 {text}
preservative added to sample samp_preserv samp preserv Preservative added to the sample, e.g. Rnalater, alcohol, formaldehyde. Where appropriate include volume added, e.g. Rnalater; 2 ml {text};{float} {unit}
pressure pressure pressure to which the sample is subject, in atmospheres {float} {unit}
pretreatment pre_treatment pre treatment the process of pre-treatment removes materials that can be easily collected from the raw wastewater {text}
previous land use previous_land_use history/previous land use previous land use and dates {text};{timestamp}
previous land use method previous_land_use_meth history/previous land use method,
previous land use meth
reference or method used in determining previous land use and dates {PMID|DOI|URL}
primary production primary_prod primary prod measurement of primary production {float} {unit}
primary treatment primary_treatment the process to produce both a generally homogeneous liquid capable of being treated biologically and a sludge that can be separately treated or processed {text}
prior SARS-CoV-2 antiviral treatment prior_sars_cov_2_antiviral_treat prior sars cov 2 antiviral treat,
prior sars cov 2 antiviral treatment
Has the host received SARS-CoV-2 antiviral treatment? ['', 'no', 'yes']
prior SARS-CoV-2 infection prior_sars_cov_2_infection prior sars cov 2 infection Did the host have a prior SARS-CoV-2 infection? ['', 'no', 'yes']
prior SARS-CoV-2 vaccination prior_sars_cov_2_vaccination prior sars cov 2 vaccination Has the host received a SARS-CoV-2 vaccination? ['', 'no', 'yes - completed', 'yes - partially completed']
production labeling claims prod_label_claims prod label claims Labeling claims containing descriptors such as wild caught, free-range, organic, free-range, industrial, hormone-free, antibiotic free, cage free {text}
production rate prod_rate prod rate Oil and/or gas production rates per well, e.g., 524 m3/day {float} {unit}
production start date prod_start_date prod start date Date of field's first production {timestamp}
profile position profile_position cross-sectional position in the hillslope where sample was collected.sample area position in relation to surrounding areas ['', 'summit', 'shoulder', 'backslope', 'footslope', 'toeslope']
project name project_name A concise name that describes the overall project, for example "Analysis of sequences collected from Antarctic soil" {text}
propagation propagation phage: lytic/lysogenic/temperate/obligately lytic; plasmid: incompatibility group; eukaryote: asexual/sexual {term}
pulmonary disorder pulmonary_disord pulmonary disord history of pulmonary disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
pulse pulse resting pulse, measured as beats per minute {float} {unit}
purchase date cons_purch_date cons purch date The date a food product was purchased by consumer {timestamp}
purpose of sampling purpose_of_sampling samp purpose,
sample purpose
the reason that the sample was collected, e.g., active surveillance in response to an outbreak, active surveillance not initiated by an outbreak, clinical trial, cluster investigation, environmental assessment, farm sample, field trial, for cause, industry internal investigation, market sample, passive surveillance, population based studies, research, research and development {text}
purpose of sequencing purpose_of_sequencing purpose of seq The reason the sample was sequenced, e.g., baseline surveillance (random sampling) {text}
purpose of wastewater sampling purpose_of_ww_sampling purpose of ww sampling The reason the sample was collected ['', 'public health surveillance community-level', 'public health surveillance institution-level', 'public health surveillance building-level', 'research', 'other', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
purpose of wastewater sequencing purpose_of_ww_sequencing purpose of ww sequencing The reason the sample was sequenced, e.g., identification of mutations within a specific region, presence of clinically known mutations, or diversity of mutations across entire genome {text}
quadrant position quad_pos quad pos The quadrant position of the sampling room within the building, e.g., north side, west side, south side, east side {text}
quantity purchased cons_qty_purchased cons qty purchased The quantity of food purchased by consumer {integer} {unit}
race race
radiation regimen radiation_regm radiation regm information about treatment involving exposure of plant or a plant part to a particular radiation regimen; should include the radiation type, amount or intensity administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple radiation regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
rainfall regimen rainfall_regm rainfall regm information about treatment involving an exposure to a given amount of rainfall; can include multiple regimens {float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
reactor type reactor_type anaerobic digesters can be designed and engineered to operate using a number of different process configurations, as batch or continuous, mesophilic, high solid or low solid, and single stage or multistage {text}
redox potential redox_potential redox potential, measured relative to a hydrogen cell, indicating oxidation or reduction potential {float} {unit}
reference for biomaterial ref_biomaterial ref biomaterial Primary publication or genome report {PMID|DOI|URL}
reference material reference_material Indicates that a standards body or external group asserts this sample is reference material, eg, 'NIST reference material for genome sequencing validation'. {text}
relationship to oxygen rel_to_oxygen rel to oxygen Is this organism an aerobe, anaerobe? Please note that aerobic and anaerobic are valid descriptors for microbial environments, eg, aerobe, anaerobe, facultative, microaerophilic, microanaerobe, obligate aerobe, obligate anaerobe, missing, not applicable, not collected, not provided, restricted access ['', 'aerobe', 'anaerobe', 'facultative', 'microaerophilic', 'microanaerobe', 'obligate aerobe', 'obligate anaerobe', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
relative air humidity rel_air_humidity rel air humidity partial vapor and air pressure, density of the vapor and air, or by the actual mass of the vapor and air {float} {unit} [%]
relative location of sample rel_location rel location,
soil rel location
Location of sample to other parts of the farm, e.g. under crop plant, near irrigation ditch, from the dirt road, from air above crops, nearby river, e.g., furrow {text}
relative sampling location rel_samp_loc rel samp loc The sampling location within the train car, e.g., edge of car, center of car, under a seat {text}
repository repository the name of the institution where the sample or DNA extract is held or "sample not available" if the sample was used in its entirety for analysis or otherwise not retained
reservoir name reservoir_name Name of the reservoir, e.g., Carapebus {text}
resins wt% resins_pc resins pc Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that divides crude oil components according to their polarizability and polarity. There are three main methods to obtain SARA results. The most popular one is known as the Iatroscan TLC-FID and is referred to as IP-143 (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturate,_aromatic,_resin_and_asphaltene) {text};{float} {unit}
risk group risk_group
room air exchange rate room_air_exch_rate room air exch rate The rate at which outside air replaces indoor air in a given space measurement value
room architectural elements room_architec_elem room architec elem The unique details and component parts that, together, form the architecture of a distinguisahable space within a built structure {text}
room condition room_condt room condt The condition of the room at the time of sampling, e.g., new, visible wear, needs repair, damaged, rupture, visible signs of mold/mildew {text}
room count room_count The total count of rooms in the built structure including all room types {integer}
room dimensions room_dim room dim The length, width and height of sampling room {integer} {unit} x {integer} {unit} x {integer} {unit}
room door distance room_door_dist room door dist Distance between doors (meters) in the hallway between the sampling room and adjacent rooms {integer} {unit}
room location in building room_loc room loc The position of the room within the building, e.g., corner room, interior room, exterior wall {text}
room moisture damage or mold history room_moist_dam_hist room moist dam hist The history of moisture damage or mold in the past 12 months. Number of events of moisture damage or mold observed {integer}
room net area room_net_area The net floor area of sampling room. Net area excludes wall thicknesses {integer} {unit}
room occupancy room_occup room occup Count of room occupancy at time of sampling {integer}
room sampling position room_samp_pos room samp pos The horizontal sampling position in the room relative to architectural elements, e.g., north corner, south corner, west corner, east corner, northeast corner, northwest corner, southeast corner, southwest corner, center {text}
room type room_type The main purpose or activity of the sampling room. A room is any distinguishable space within a structure, e.g., attic, bathroom, closet, conference room, elevator, examining room, hallway, kitchen, mail room, private office, open office, stairwell,restroom, lobby, vestibule, mechanical or electrical room, data center, laboratory_wet, laboratory_dry, gymnasium, natatorium, auditorium, lockers, cafe, warehouse {text}
room volume room_vol room vol Volume of sampling room {integer} {unit}
room window count room_window_count Number of windows in the room {integer}
rooms connected by a doorway room_connected room connected List of rooms connected to the sampling room by a doorway, e.g., attic, bathroom, closet, conference room, elevator, examining room, hallway, kitchen, mail room, office, stairwell {text}
rooms that are on the same hallway room_hallway room hallway List of room(s) (room number, room name) located in the same hallway as sampling room {text};{integer}
rooms that share a door with sampling room room_door_share room door share List of room(s) (room number, room name) sharing a door with the sampling room {text};{integer}
rooms that share a wall with sampling room room_wall_share room wall share List of room(s) (room number, room name) sharing a wall with the sampling room {text};{integer}
rooting conditions root_cond root cond Relevant rooting conditions such as field plot size, sowing density, container dimensions, number of plants per container {text}|{PMID}|{DOI}|{URL}
rooting medium carbon root_med_carbon root med carbon Source of organic carbon in the culture rooting medium, e.g., sucrose {text};{float} {unit}
rooting medium macronutrients root_med_macronutr root med macronutr Measurement of the culture rooting medium macronutrients (N,P, K, Ca, Mg, S), e.g., KH2PO4 (170mg/L) {text};{float} {unit}
rooting medium micronutrients root_med_micronutr root med micronutr Measurement of the culture rooting medium micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, Mo), e.g., H3BO3 (6.2mg/L) {text};{float} {unit}
rooting medium organic supplements root_med_suppl root med suppl Organic supplements of the culture rooting medium, such as vitamins, amino acids, organic acids, antibiotics activated charcoal, e.g., nicotinic acid (0.5 mg/L) {text};{float} {unit}
rooting medium pH root_med_ph root med ph,
rooting medium ph
pH measurement of the culture rooting medium, e.g., 5.5 {float}
rooting medium regulators root_med_regl root med regl Growth regulators in the culture rooting medium such as cytokinins, auxins, gybberellins, abscisic acid, e.g., 0.5 mg/L NAA {text};{float} {unit}
rooting medium solidifier root_med_solid root med solid Specification of the solidifying agent in the culture rooting medium, e.g., agar {text}
route of transmission route_transmission route transmission Description of path taken by the symbiotic host organism being sampled in order to establish a symbiotic relationship with the host (with which it was observed at the time of sampling) via a mode of transmission (specified in mode_transmission), e.g., environmental:faecal-oral, transplacental, vector-borne:vector penetration {text}
salinity salinity salinity measurement {float} {unit}
salinity method salinity_meth extreme unusual properties/salinity method,
salinity meth
reference or method used in determining salinity {PMID|DOI|URL}
salt regimen salt_regm salt regm information about treatment involving use of salts as supplement to liquid and soil growth media; should include the name of salt, amount administered, treatment duration, interval and total experimental duration; can include multiple salt regimens {text};{float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
same as same_as indicates that the same physical sample has multiple BioSample records
sample capture status samp_capt_status samp capt status Reason for the sample, e.g., active surveillance in response to an outbreak, active surveillance not initiated by an outbreak, farm sample, market sample {text}
sample collection device or method samp_collect_device samp collect device,
sampling device
Method or device employed for collecting sample {text}
sample collection method samp_collect_method samp collect method The method employed for collecting the sample {text}|{PMID}|{DOI}|{URL}
sample collection point samp_collect_point samp collect point Sampling point on the asset where sample was collected, e.g., well, test well, drilling rig, wellhead, separator, storage tank {text}
sample disease stage samp_dis_stage samp dis stage Stage of the disease at the time of sample collection, e.g., dissemination, growth and reproduction, infection, inoculation, penetration {text}
sample location condition samp_loc_condition samp loc condition The condition of the sample location at the time of sampling, e.g., damaged, new, rupture, visible signs of mold-mildew, visible weariness repair {text}
sample material processing samp_mat_process samp mat process Processing applied to the sample during or after isolation {text|term}
sample material type (host or environmental context) samp_mat_type samp mat type The type of material from which the sample was obtained. For the Hydrocarbon package, samples include types like core, rock trimmings, drill cuttings, piping section, coupon, pigging debris, solid deposit, produced fluid, produced water, injected water, swabs, etc. For the Food Package, samples are usually categorized as food, body products or tissues, or environmental material. This field accepts terms listed under environmental specimen (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENEPIO_0001246) {termLabel} {[termID]}
sample measured depth samp_md samp md In non deviated well, measured depth is equal to the true vertical depth, TVD (TVD=TVDSS plus the reference or datum it refers to). In deviated wells, the MD is the length of trajectory of the borehole measured from the same reference or datum. Common datums used are ground level (GL), drilling rig floor (DF), rotary table (RT), kelly bushing (KB) and mean sea level (MSL). If "other" is specified, please propose entry in "additional info" field {float} {unit};[GL|DF|RT|KB|MSL|other]
sample name sample_name sample name in source database
sample pooling samp_pooling samp pooling Physical combination of several instances of like material, e.g., RNA extracted from samples or dishes of cell cultures into one big aliquot of cells. Please provide a short description of the samples that were pooled {text}
sample salinity samp_salinity samp salinity
sample size samp_size samp size Amount or size of sample (volume, mass or area) that was collected {float} {unit}
sample size sorting method samp_sort_meth samp sort meth method by which samples are sorted {text}
sample source material category samp_source_mat_cat samp source mat cat This is the scientific role or category that the subject organism or material has with respect to an investigation. This field accepts terms listed under specimen source material category (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENEPIO_0001237 or http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0100051) {termLabel} {[termID]}
sample storage device samp_stor_device samp stor device The container used to store the sample. This field accepts terms listed under container (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C43186). If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the storage device {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
sample storage duration samp_store_dur samp stor dur,
samp store dur
sample storage location samp_store_loc samp stor loc,
samp store loc
sample storage media samp_stor_media samp stor media The liquid that is added to the sample collection device prior to sampling. If the sample is pre-hydrated, indicate the liquid media the sample is pre-hydrated with for storage purposes. This field accepts terms listed under microbiological culture medium (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MICRO_0000067). If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the sample storage media {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
sample storage solution samp_store_sol samp store sol Solution within which sample was stored, if any {text}
sample storage temperature samp_store_temp samp stor temp,
samp store temp
sample subtype samp_subtype samp subtype Name of sample sub-type, e.g., oil phase, water phase, biofilm, not applicable {text}
sample surface moisture samp_surf_moisture samp surf moisture Degree of water held on a sampled surface, e.g., intermittent moisture, not present, submerged {text}
sample transport conditions samp_transport_cond samp transport cond Sample transport duration (in days or hrs) and temperature the sample was exposed to (e.g., 5.5 days; 20C) {float} {unit};{float} {unit}
sample transport container samp_transport_cont samp transport cont Container in which the sample was stored during transport. Indicate the location name, e.g., bottle, cooler, glass vial, plastic vial, vendor supplied container {text}
sample transport duration samp_transport_dur samp transport dur The duration of time from when the sample was collected until processed. Indicate the duration for which the sample was stored written in ISO 8601 format {float} {unit}
sample transport temperature samp_transport_temp samp transport temp Temperature at which sample was transported, e.g., -20 or 4 degree Celsius {float} {unit} {text}
sample true vertical depth subsea samp_tvdss samp tvdss Depth of the sample i.e. The vertical distance between the sea level and the sampled position in the subsurface. Depth can be reported as an interval for subsurface samples e.g., 1325.75-1362.25 m {float}-{float} {unit}
sample type sample_type Sample type, such as cell culture, mixed culture, tissue sample, whole organism, single cell, metagenomic assembly
sample use sample_use dbgap_public dictionary
sample volume or weight for DNA extraction samp_vol_we_dna_ext samp vol we dna ext,
sample volume or weight for dna extraction
volume (mL) or weight (g) of sample processed for DNA extraction {float} {unit}
sample well name samp_well_name samp well name Name of the well where sample was taken, e.g., BXA1123 {text}
sampling day weather samp_weather samp weather The weather on the sampling day, e.g., clear sky, cloudy, foggy, hail, rain, snow, sleet, sunny, windy {text}
sampling floor samp_floor samp floor The floor of the building, where the sampling room is located, e.g., 1st floor, 2nd floor, basement, lobby {text}
sampling room ID or name samp_room_id samp room id,
sampling room id or name
Sampling room number. This ID should be consistent with the designations on the building floor plans {integer}
sampling room sterilization method ster_meth_samp_room ster meth samp room The method used to sterilize the sampling room. This field accepts terms listed under electromagnetic radiation (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01001026). If the proper descriptor is not listed, please use text to describe the sampling room sterilization method. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
sampling time outside samp_time_out samp time out The recent and long term history of outside sampling {float}
sanitizer used during postharvest cleaning sanitizer_used_postharvest sanitizer used postharvest Substance intended for preventing, neutralizing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating the effects of any pest or microorganism; indicate the sanitizer used during the postharvest cleaning process. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes, e.g., chlorine bleach {text}
saturates wt% saturates_pc saturates pc Saturate, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene (SARA) is an analysis method that divides crude oil components according to their polarizability and polarity. There are three main methods to obtain SARA results. The most popular one is known as the Iatroscan TLC-FID and is referred to as IP-143 (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturate,_aromatic,_resin_and_asphaltene) {text};{float} {unit}
season season The season when sampling occurred. Any of the four periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices. This field accepts terms listed under season (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C94729) {termLabel} {[termID]}
seasonal environment season_environment season environment treatment involving an exposure to a particular season (e.g. winter, summer, rabi, rainy etc.) {text};{period};{interval};{period}
seasonal use season_use season use The seasons the space is occupied, e.g., spring, summer, fall, winter {text}
secondary and tertiary recovery methods and start date add_recov_method add recov method Additional (i.e. secondary, tertiary, etc.) recovery methods deployed for increase of hydrocarbon recovery from resource and start date for each one of them, e.g., water injection {timestamp}, dump flood {timestamp}, gas injection {timestamp}, wag immiscible injection {timestamp}, polymer addition {timestamp}, surfactant addition {timestamp} {text}
secondary treatment secondary_treatment the process for substantially degrading the biological content of the sewage {text}
sediment type sediment_type information about the sediment type based on major constituents ['', 'biogenous', 'cosmogenous', 'hydrogenous', 'lithogenous']
sequenced by sequenced_by The name of the agency that generated the sequence, e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention {text}
serogroup serogroup
serotype serotype Taxonomy below subspecies; a variety (in bacteria, fungi or virus) usually based on its antigenic properties. Same as serovar and serogroup. e.g. serotype="H1N1" in Influenza A virus CY098518.
serovar serovar Taxonomy below subspecies; a variety (in bacteria, fungi or virus) usually based on its antigenic properties. Same as serovar and serotype. Sometimes used as species identifier in bacteria with shaky taxonomy, e.g. Leptospira, serovar saopaolo S76607 (65357 in Entrez).
serovar or serotype serovar_or_serotype A characterization of a cell or microorganism based on the antigenic properties of the molecules on its surface. Indicate the name of a serovar or serotype of interest. This field accepts terms under organism (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14250). This field also accepts identification numbers from NCBI under https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy {termLabel} {[termID]}|{integer}
sewage type sewage_type type of wastewater treatment plant as municipial or industrial {text}
sex sex donor sex,
experimental factor: sex,
sample gender,
sample sex
physical sex of sampled organism ['', 'male', 'female', 'pooled male and female', 'neuter', 'hermaphrodite', 'intersex', 'not determined', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
sexual activity sexual_act sexual act current sexual partner and frequency of sex {text}
shading device condition shading_device_cond shading device cond The physical condition of the shading device at the time of sampling, e.g., damaged, needs repair, new, rupture, visible wear {text}
shading device location shading_device_loc shading device loc The location of the shading device in relation to the built structure, e.g., exterior, interior {text}
shading device material shading_device_mat shading device mat The material the shading device is composed of {text}
shading device signs of water/mold shad_dev_water_mold shad dev water mold Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on the shading device, e.g., presence of mold visible, no presence of mold visible {text}
shading device type shading_device_type The type of shading device, e.g., bahama shutters, exterior roll blind, gambrel awning, hood awning, porchroller awning, sarasota shutters, slatted aluminum, solid aluminum awning, sun screen, tree, trellis, venetian awning {text}
sieving sieving composite design/sieving (if any) collection design of pooled samples and/or sieve size and amount of sample sieved {{text}|{float} {unit}};{float} {unit}
silicate silicate concentration of silicate {float} {unit}
size fraction selected size_frac size frac Filtering pore size used in sample preparation, e.g., 0-0.22 micrometer {term}
size-fraction lower threshold size_frac_low size frac low,
size fraction lower threshold
Refers to the mesh/pore size used to pre-filter/pre-sort the sample. Materials larger than the size threshold are excluded from the sample {float} {unit}
size-fraction upper threshold size_frac_up size frac up,
size fraction upper threshold
Refers to the mesh/pore size used to retain the sample. Materials smaller than the size threshold are excluded from the sample {float} {unit}
slope aspect slope_aspect the direction a slope faces. While looking down a slope use a compass to record the direction you are facing (direction or degrees); e.g., NW or 315°. This measure provides an indication of sun and wind exposure that will influence soil temperature and evapotranspiration. {float} {unit}
slope gradient slope_gradient commonly called “slope.” The angle between ground surface and a horizontal line (in percent). This is the direction that overland water would flow. This measure is usually taken with a hand level meter or clinometer. {float} {unit}
sludge retention time sludge_retent_time sludge retent time the time activated sludge remains in reactor {float} {unit}
smoker smoker specification of smoking status {boolean}
sodium sodium sodium concentration {float} {unit}
soil conductivity soil_conductivity Conductivity of soil at time of sampling {float} {unit}
soil cover soil_cover Description of the material covering the sampled soil. This field accepts terms under ENVO:00010483, environmental material {termLabel} {[termID]}
soil depth soil_depth The vertical distance below local surface, e.g., for sediment or soil samples depth is measured from sediment or soil surface, respectively. Depth can be reported as an interval for subsurface samples {float} {unit}
soil horizon soil_horizon horizon specific layer in the land area which measures parallel to the soil surface and possesses physical characteristics which differ from the layers above and beneath ['', 'O horizon', 'A horizon', 'E horizon', 'B horizon', 'C horizon', 'R layer', 'Permafrost']
soil pH soil_ph soil ph The pH of soil at time of sampling {float}
soil sediment porosity soil_porosity soil porosity Porosity of soil or deposited sediment is volume of voids divided by the total volume of sample {percentage}
soil temperature soil_temp soil temp Temperature of soil at the time of sampling {float}{unit}
soil texture classification soil_texture_class soil texture class One of the 12 soil texture classes use to describe soil texture based on the relative proportion of different grain sizes of mineral particles [sand (50 um to 2 mm), silt (2 um to 50 um), and clay (<2 um)] in a soil, e.g., clay, clay loam, loam, loamy sand, sand, sandy clay, sandy clay loam, sandy loam, silt, silty clay, silty clay loam, silt loam {text}
soil texture measurement soil_text_measure soil text measure,
the relative proportion of different grain sizes of mineral particles in a soil, as described using a standard system; express as % sand (50 um to 2 mm), silt (2 um to 50 um), and clay (<2 um) with textural name (e.g., silty clay loam) optional. {float} {unit}
soil texture method soil_texture_meth soil texture meth,
texture meth,
texture method
reference or method used in determining soil texture {PMID|DOI|URL}
soil type soil_type soil type name soil series name or other lower-level classification {text}
soil type method soil_type_meth soil type meth reference or method used in determining soil series name or other lower-level classification {PMID|DOI|URL}
solar irradiance solar_irradiance the amount of solar energy that arrives at a specific area of a surface during a specific time interval {float} {unit}
soluble inorganic material soluble_inorg_mat soluble inorg mat concentration of substances such as ammonia, road-salt, sea-salt, cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, thiocyanates, thiosulfates, etc. {text};{float} {unit}
soluble organic material soluble_org_mat soluble org mat concentration of substances such as urea, fruit sugars, soluble proteins, drugs, pharmaceuticals, etc. {text};{float} {unit}
soluble reactive phosphorus soluble_react_phosp soluble react phosp concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus {float} {unit}
source material identifiers source_material_id source mat id,
source material id
unique identifier assigned to a material sample used for extracting nucleic acids, and subsequent sequencing. The identifier can refer either to the original material collected or to any derived sub-samples. {text}
source name source_name Sample source name or description
source of UViGs source_uvig source of uvigs,
source uvig
Type of dataset from which the UViG was obtained ['', 'metagenome (not viral targeted)', 'viral fraction metagenome (virome)', 'sequence-targeted metagenome', 'metatranscriptome (not viral targeted)', 'viral fraction RNA metagenome (RNA virome)', 'sequence-targeted RNA metagenome', 'microbial single amplified genome (SAG)', 'viral single amplified genome (vSAG)', 'isolate microbial genome', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
source rock depositional environment sr_dep_env sr dep env Source rock depositional environment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_rock), e.g., lacustine, fluvioldeltaic, fluviomarine, marine {text}
source rock geological age sr_geol_age sr geol age Geological age of source rock (Additional info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Period_(geology)), e.g., archean, cambrian, carboniferous, cenozoic, cretaceous, devonian, jurassic, mesozoic, neogene, ordovician, paleogene, paleozoic, permian, precambrian, proterozoic, silurian, triassic {text}
source rock kerogen type sr_kerog_type sr kerog type Origin of kerogen. Type I: Algal (aquatic), Type II: planktonic and soft plant material (aquatic or terrestrial), Type III: terrestrial woody/ fibrous plant material (terrestrial), Type IV: oxidized recycled woody debris (terrestrial) (additional information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerogen), e.g., type I, type II, type III, type IV {text}
source rock lithology sr_lithology sr lithology Lithology of source rock (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_rock), e.g., clastic, carbonate, coal, biosilicieous {text}
source type source_type Controlled vocabulary describing the isolation_source. Choose the best fit term: Human, Animal, Food, Environmental, Other, e.g., Food ['', 'human', 'animal', 'food', 'environmental', 'other', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
space typical state space_typ_state space typ state customary or normal state of the space ['', 'typical occupied', 'typically unoccupied', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
special diet special_diet specification of special diet; can include multiple special diets ['', 'low carb', 'reduced calorie', 'vegetarian', 'other(to be specified)']
specific humidity specific_humidity The mass of water vapour in a unit mass of moist air, usually expressed as grams of vapour per kilogram of air, or, in air conditioning, as grains per pound {float} {unit}
specific intended consumer spec_intended_cons spec intended cons Food consumer type, human or animal, for which the food product is produced and marketed. This field encourages terms listed under food consumer group (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FOODON_03510136), e.g., infant or toddler as food consumer [FOODON:03510020] ['', 'animal as food consumer', 'laboratory animal as food consumer', 'non-food animal as food consumer', 'pet animal as consumer', 'pet fish as consumer', 'pet cat as consumer', 'pet bird as consumer', 'pet dog as consumer', 'sheep or goat as consumer', 'food animal as consumer', 'food fish as consumer', 'poultry as consumer', 'pig as consumer', 'game as consumer', 'rabbit as consumer', 'cattle as consumer', 'horse as consumer', 'human as food consumer', 'adult human as food consumer', 'man as food consumer', 'woman as food consumer', 'senior as food consumer', 'athlete as food consumer', 'bodybuilder as food consumer', 'weight-reducer as food consumer', 'human as food consumer, four years and above', 'teenager as food consumer', 'child as food consumer, less than four years', 'infant or toddler as food consumer', 'toddler as food consumer, 12 months and onwards', 'infant as food consumer', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
specifications specific specific The building specifications, e.g., operation, as built, construction, bid, design, photos {text}
specimen voucher specimen_voucher specimenvoucher Identifier for the physical specimen. Use format: "[<institution-code>:[<collection-code>:]]<specimen_id>", eg, "UAM:Mamm:52179". Intended as a reference to the physical specimen that remains after it was analyzed. If the specimen was destroyed in the process of analysis, electronic images (e-vouchers) are an adequate substitute for a physical voucher specimen. Ideally the specimens will be deposited in a curated museum, herbarium, or frozen tissue collection, but often they will remain in a personal or laboratory collection for some time before they are deposited in a curated collection. There are three forms of specimen_voucher qualifiers. If the text of the qualifier includes one or more colons it is a 'structured voucher'. Structured vouchers include institution-codes (and optional collection-codes) taken from a controlled vocabulary maintained by the INSDC that denotes the museum or herbarium collection where the specimen resides, please visit: http://www.insdc.org/controlled-vocabulary-specimenvoucher-qualifier.
spike in organism spikein_org spikein org Taxonomic information about the spike-in organism(s). This field accepts terms under organism (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14250). This field also accepts identification numbers from NCBI under https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes {termLabel} {[termID]}|{integer}
spike-in bacterial serovar or serotype spikein_serovar spike in bacterial serovar or serotype,
spikein serovar
Taxonomic information about the spike-in organism(s) at the serovar or serotype level. This field accepts terms under organism (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14250). This field also accepts identification numbers from NCBI under https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes {termLabel} {[termID]}|{integer}
spike-in growth medium spikein_growth_med spike in growth medium,
spikein growth med
A liquid or gel containing nutrients, salts, and other factors formulated to support the growth of microorganisms, cells, or plants (National Cancer Institute Thesaurus). A growth medium is a culture medium which has the disposition to encourage growth of particular bacteria to the exclusion of others in the same growth environment. In this case, list the culture medium used to propagate the spike-in bacteria during preparation of spike-in inoculum. This field accepts terms listed under microbiological culture medium (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MICRO_0000067). If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the spike in growth media {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
spike-in microbial strain spikein_strain spike in microbial strain,
spikein strain
Taxonomic information about the spike-in organism(s) at the strain level. This field accepts terms under organism (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C14250). This field also accepts identification numbers from NCBI under https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy. Multiple terms can be separated by pipes {termLabel} {[termID]}|{integer}
spike-in organism count spikein_count spike in organism count,
spikein count
Total cell count of any organism (or group of organisms) per gram, volume or area of sample, should include name of organism followed by count. The method that was used for the enumeration (e.g., qPCR, atp, mpn, etc.) should also be provided, e.g., total prokaryotes; 3.5e7 cells per ml; qPCR {text};{float} {unit};[ATP|MPN|qPCR|other]
spike-in with antibiotics spikein_antibiotic spike in with antibiotics,
spikein antibiotic
Antimicrobials used in research study to assess effects of exposure on microbiome of a specific site. Please list antimicrobial, common name and/or class and concentration used for spike-in {text} {integer}
spike-in with heavy metals spikein_metal spike in with heavy metals,
spikein metal
Heavy metals used in research study to assess effects of exposure on microbiome of a specific site. Please list heavy metals and concentration used for spike-in {text} {integer}
standing water regimen standing_water_regm standing water regm treatment involving an exposure to standing water during a plant's life span, types can be flood water or standing water; can include multiple regimens {text};{period};{interval};{period}
storage conditions store_cond storage conditions (fresh/frozen/other),
store cond
explain how and for how long the soil sample was stored before DNA extraction. {text};{period}
strain strain organism strain,
strain id,
strain or line
microbial or eukaryotic strain name
stud book number stud_book_number
study completion status study_complt_stat study complt stat specification of study completion status, if no the reason should be specified {boolean};[adverse event|non-compliance|lost to follow up|other-specify]
study design study_design Epidemiological or omics reseach design context that this biosample was used in.
study disease study_disease dbgap_public dictionary
study incubation duration study_inc_dur study inc dur Sample incubation duration if unpublished or unvalidated method is used. Indicate the timepoint written in ISO 8601 format {float} {unit}
study incubation temperature study_inc_temp study inc temp Sample incubation temperature if unpublished or unvalidated method is used {float} {unit}
study name study_name dbgap_public dictionary
study treatment study_tmnt study tmnt A process in which the act is intended to modify or alter some other material entity. From the study design, each treatment is comprised of one level of one or multiple factors. This field accepts terms listed under treatment (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MCO_0000866). If the proper descriptor is not listed please use text to describe the study treatment. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes {text}|{termLabel} {[termID]}
sub species sub_species subsp,
subclone subclone sub clone Name for the derived clone or subculture from which the sample was taken.
subgroup subgroup Taxonomy below subspecies; sometimes used in viruses to denote subgroups taken from a single isolate.
subject is affected subject_is_affected Case vs control status for the subject of this sample, for case-control studies
submitted sample id submitted_sample_id dbgap_public dictionary
submitted subject id submitted_subject_id dbgap_public dictionary
submitter handle submitter_handle dbgap_public dictionary
submitter-asserted type strain type_strain submitter asserted type strain,
type strain
subsource note subsrc_note subsrc note
subspecific genetic lineage subspecf_gen_lin subspecf gen lin Information about the genetic distinctness of the lineage (eg., biovar, serovar) {text}
substrain substrain sub strain One level below strain.
substrate substrate
substructure type substructure_type substructure or under building is that largely hidden section of the building which is built off the foundations to the ground floor level ['', 'crawlspace', 'slab on grade', 'basement']
subtype subtype sub type Used as classifier in viruses (e.g. HIV type 1, Group M, Subtype A).
sulfate sulfate concentration of sulfate {float} {unit}
sulfate in formation water sulfate_fw sulfate fw Original sulfate concentration in the hydrocarbon resource {float} {unit}
sulfide sulfide concentration of sulfide {float} {unit}
surface humidity surf_humidity surf humidity surfaces: water activity as a function of air and material moisture {float} {unit} [%]
surface material surf_material surf material surface materials at the point of sampling ['', 'concrete', 'wood', 'stone', 'tile', 'plastic', 'glass', 'vinyl', 'metal', 'carpet', 'stainless steel', 'paint', 'cinder blocks', 'hay bales', 'stucco', 'adobe', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
surface moisture surf_moisture surf moisture water held on a surface {float} {unit}
surface moisture pH surf_moisture_ph surf moisture ph,
surface moisture ph
pH measurement of surface {integer [0-14]}
surface orientation surface_orientation Describe which surface of the object is swabbed. (e.g underside, top, corner), e.g., underside {text}
surface temperature surf_temp surf temp temperature of the surface at the time of sampling {float} {unit} [deg C]
surface-air contaminant surf_air_cont surf air cont,
surface air contaminant
contaminant identified on surface ['', 'dust', 'organic matter', 'particulate matter', 'volatile organic compounds', 'biological contaminants', 'radon', 'nutrients', 'biocides']
suspended particulate matter suspend_part_matter suspend part matter concentration of suspended particulate matter {float} {unit}
suspended solids suspend_solids suspend solids concentration of substances including a wide variety of material, such as silt, decaying plant and animal matter, etc,; can include multiple substances {text};{float} {unit}
symbiotic host organism life cycle type sym_life_cycle_type sym life cycle type Type of life cycle of the symbiotic host species (the thing being sampled). Simple life cycles occur within a single host, complex ones within multiple different hosts over the course of their normal life cycle, e.g., complex life cycle, simple life cycle {text}
technical sample replicate samp_rep_tech samp rep tech Repeated measurements of the same sample that show independent measures of the noise associated with the equipment and the protocols {float} {unit}
teleomorph teleomorph Genus and species of the sexual (fruiting) form of fungi - note that anamorph and teleomorph forms of the same taxon may have used taxonomic different names.
temperature temp temp temperature of the sample at time of sampling {float} {unit}
temperature outside house temp_out temp out The recorded temperature value at sampling time outside {float} {unit}
tertiary treatment tertiary_treatment the process providing a final treatment stage to raise the effluent quality before it is discharged to the receiving environment {text}
tidal stage tidal_stage stage of tide ['', 'low', 'high']
tillage tillage history/tillage note method(s) used for tilling ['', 'drill', 'cutting disc', 'ridge till', 'strip tillage', 'zonal tillage', 'chisel', 'tined', 'mouldboard', 'disc plough']
time since last toothbrushing time_last_toothbrush time last toothbrush specification of the time since last toothbrushing {timestamp}
time since last wash time_since_last_wash specification of the time since last wash {timestamp}
time-course duration study_timecourse study timecourse,
time course duration
For time-course research studies involving samples of the food commodity, indicate the total duration of the time-course study {float} {unit}
timepoint timepoint Time point at which a sample or observation is made or taken from a biomaterial as measured from some reference point. Indicate the timepoint written in ISO 8601 format {float}
tissue tissue body site,
organism part,
source tissue,
tissue origin,
tissue type,
Type of tissue the sample was taken from.
tissue culture growth media tiss_cult_growth_med tiss cult growth med description of plant tissue culture growth media used {PMID|DOI|URL}
tissue lib tissue_lib Formal identifier that points to source institute and tissue library identifier.
toluene toluene Concentration of toluene in the sample {float} {unit}
total N method tot_n_meth tot n meth,
total n method
reference or method used in determining the total N {PMID|DOI|URL}
total acid number tan tan Total Acid Number (TAN) is a measurement of acidity that is determined by the amount of potassium hydroxide in milligrams that is needed to neutralize the acids in one gram of oil. It is an important quality measurement of crude oil. (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_acid_number) {float} {unit}
total carbon tot_carb tot carb total carbon content {float} {unit}
total depth of water column tot_depth_water_col tot depth water col measurement of total depth of water column {float} {unit}
total dissolved nitrogen tot_diss_nitro tot diss nitro total dissolved nitrogen concentration, reported as nitrogen, measured by: total dissolved nitrogen = NH4 + NO3NO2 + dissolved organic nitrogen {float} {unit}
total inorganic nitrogen tot_inorg_nitro tot inorg nitro total inorganic nitrogen content {float} {unit}
total iron tot_iron tot iron Concentration of total iron in the sample {float} {unit}
total mass tot_mass tot mass
total nitrogen tot_nitro tot n,
tot nitro,
total n
total nitrogen content of the sample {float} {unit}
total nitrogen content method tot_nitro_cont_meth tot nitro cont meth Reference or method used in determining the total nitrogen {text}|{PMID}|{DOI}|{URL}
total organic carbon tot_org_carb tot org carb Definition for soil: total organic C content of the soil units of g C/kg soil. Definition otherwise: total organic carbon content {float} {unit}
total organic carbon method tot_org_c_meth tot org c meth,
total organic c method
reference or method used in determining total organic C {PMID|DOI|URL}
total particulate carbon tot_part_carb tot part carb total particulate carbon content {float} {unit}
total phosphate tot_phosphate tot phosphate total amount or concentration of phosphate {float} {unit}
total phosphorus tot_phosp tot phosp total phosphorus concentration, calculated by: total phosphorus = total dissolved phosphorus + particulate phosphorus. Can also be measured without filtering, reported as phosphorus {float} {unit}
total sulfur tot_sulfur tot sulfur Concentration of total sulfur in the sample {float} {unit}
train line train_line The subway line name, e.g., red, green, orange {text}
train station collection location train_stat_loc train stat loc The train station collection location, e.g., south station above ground, south station underground, south station amtrak, forest hills, riverside {text}
train stop collection location train_stop_loc train stop loc The train stop collection location, e.g., end, mid, downtown {text}
travel outside the country in last six months travel_out_six_month travel out six month specification of the countries travelled in the last six months; can include multiple travels {text}
treatment treatment treatment protocol
trophic level trophic_level Feeding position in food chain (eg., chemolithotroph) ['', 'autotroph', 'carboxydotroph', 'chemoautotroph', 'chemoheterotroph', 'chemolithoautotroph', 'chemolithotroph', 'chemoorganoheterotroph', 'chemoorganotroph', 'chemosynthetic', 'chemotroph', 'copiotroph', 'diazotroph', 'facultative', 'heterotroph', 'lithoautotroph', 'lithoheterotroph', 'lithotroph', 'methanotroph', 'methylotroph', 'mixotroph', 'obligate', 'chemoautolithotroph', 'oligotroph', 'organoheterotroph', 'organotroph', 'photoautotroph', 'photoheterotroph', 'photolithoautotroph', 'photolithotroph', 'photosynthetic', 'phototroph']
turbidity turbidity turbidity measurement {float} {unit}
twin sibling existence twin_sibling twin sibling,
twin sibling presence
specification of twin sibling presence {boolean}
type of symbiosis type_of_symbiosis Type of biological interaction established between the symbiotic host organism being sampled and its respective host, e.g., commensalistic, mutualistic, parasitic {text}
type status type_status
typical occupant density typ_occupant_dens typ occupant dens customary or normal density of occupants {float}
upstream intervention upstream_intervention List any known health-related interventions (prophylactic, therapeutic, and/or metaphylactic) administered to the host, i.e. vaccinations, hormonal patches, antibiotics, injections in feed, etc., e.g., prophylactic/metaphylactic antibiotics {text}
urine collection method urine_collect_meth urine collect meth specification of urine collection method ['', 'clean catch', 'catheter']
urogenital disorder urogenit_disord urogenit disord history of urogenital disorders, can include multiple disorders {text}
urogenital tract disorder urogenit_tract_disor urogenit tract disor history of urogenitaltract disorders; can include multiple disorders {text}
vaccine received vaccine_received Which vaccine did the host receive, e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine {text}
variety variety
ventilation rate ventilation_rate ventilation rate of the system in the sampled premises {float} {unit}
ventilation type ventilation_type ventilation system used in the sampled premises {text}
vfa in formation water vfa_fw vfa fw Original volatile fatty acid concentration in the hydrocarbon resource {float} {unit}
virus enrichment approach virus_enrich_appr virus enrich appr Approach used to enrich the sample for viruses, if any. If more than one approach was used, include multiple ‘virus_enrich_appr’ fields. ['', 'filtration', 'ultrafiltration', 'centrifugation', 'ultracentrifugation', 'PEG Precipitation', 'FeCl Precipitation', 'CsCl density gradient', 'DNAse', 'RNAse', 'targeted sequence capture', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
virus isolate of prior infection virus_isolate_of_prior_infection Specific isolate of SARS-CoV-2 in prior infection (if known), e.g., SARS-CoV-2/human/USA/CA-CDPH-001/2020 {text}
viscosity viscosity A measure of oil's resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress (e.g., 3.5 cp; 100C) {float} {unit};{float} {unit}
visual media vis_media vis media The building visual media, e.g., photos, videos, commonly of the building, site context (adjacent buildings, vegetation, terrain, streets), interiors, equipment, 3D scans {text}
volatile fatty acids vfa vfa Concentration of Volatile Fatty Acids in the sample {float} {unit}
volatile organic compounds volatile_org_comp volatile org comp concentration of carbon-based chemicals that easily evaporate at room temperature; can report multiple volatile organic compounds by entering numeric values preceded by name of compound {text};{float} {unit}
wall area wall_area The total area of the sampled room's walls {float} {unit}
wall construction type wall_const_type wall const type The building class of the wall defined by the composition of the building elements and fire-resistance rating, e.g., frame construction, joisted masonry, light noncombustible, masonry noncombustible, modified fire resistive, fire resistive {text}
wall finish material wall_finish_mat wall finish mat The material utilized to finish the outer most layer of the wall, e.g., plaster, gypsum plaster, veneer plaster, gypsum board, tile, terrazzo, stone facing, acoustical treatment, wood, metal, masonry {text}
wall height wall_height The average height of the walls in the sampled room {float} {unit}
wall location wall_loc wall loc The relative location of the wall within the room, e.g., north, south, east, west {text}
wall signs of water/mold wall_water_mold wall water mold Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on a wall, e.g., presence of mold visible, no presence of mold visible {text}
wall surface treatment wall_surf_treatment wall surf treatment The surface treatment of interior wall, e.g., painted, wall paper, no treatment, paneling, stucco, fabric {text}
wall texture wall_texture The feel, appearance, or consistency of a wall surface, e.g., crows feet, crows-foot stomp, double skip, hawk and trowel, knockdown, popcorn, orange peel, rosebud stomp, Santa-Fe texture, skip trowel, smooth, stomp knockdown, swirl {text}
wall thermal mass wall_thermal_mass The ability of the wall to provide inertia against temperature fluctuations. Generally this means concrete or concrete block that is either exposed or covered only with paint {float} {unit}
wastewater endogenous control 1 ww_endog_control_1 ww endog control 1 The name of an organism, gene, or compound used as an endogenous wastewater control, e.g., pepper mild mottle virus {text}
wastewater endogenous control 1 concentration ww_endog_control_1_conc ww endog control 1 conc The concentration of the endogenous control specified in 'ww_endog_control_1' on a per wastewater unit basis, e.g., 700000000 {integer}
wastewater endogenous control 1 protocol ww_endog_control_1_protocol ww endog control 1 protocol The protocol used to quantify 'ww_endog_control_1'. Specify a reference, website, or brief description. {text}
wastewater endogenous control 1 units ww_endog_control_1_units ww endog control 1 units The units of the value specified in 'ww_endog_control_1_conc', e.g., copies/L wastewater {text}
wastewater endogenous control 2 ww_endog_control_2 ww endog control 2 The name of an organism, gene, or compound used as an endogenous wastewater control, e.g., crassphage {text}
wastewater endogenous control 2 concentration ww_endog_control_2_conc ww endog control 2 conc The concentration of the endogenous control specified in 'ww_endog_control_2' on a per wastewater unit basis, e.g., 140000000 {integer}
wastewater endogenous control 2 protocol ww_endog_control_2_protocol ww endog control 2 protocol The protocol used to quantify 'ww_endog_control_2'. Specify a reference, website, or brief description. {text}
wastewater endogenous control 2 units ww_endog_control_2_units ww endog control 2 units The units of the value specified in 'ww_endog_control_2_conc', e.g., copies/L wastewater {text}
wastewater flow ww_flow ww flow Daily volumetric flow through collection site, in units of liters per day, e.g., 110000000. {integer}
wastewater industrial effluent percent ww_industrial_effluent_percent ww industrial effluent percent Percentage of industrial effluents received by wastewater treatment plant, e.g., 10 {integer}
wastewater pH ww_ph wastewater ph,
ww ph
pH measurement of the sample, or liquid portion of sample, or aqueous phase of the fluid, e.g., 7.2 {integer}
wastewater population ww_population ww population Number of persons contributing wastewater to this sample collection site; if unknown, estimate to the nearest order of magnitude, e.g., 10000. If no estimate is available, input NA. {integer}
wastewater population source ww_population_source ww population source Source of value specified in 'ww_population', e.g., wastewater utility billing records, population of jurisdiction encompassing the wastewater service area, census blocks clipped to wastewater service area polygon {text}
wastewater pre-treatment ww_pre_treatment wastewater pre treatment,
ww pre treatment
Describe any process of pre-treatment that removes materials that can be easily collected from the raw wastewater, e.g., flow equilibration basin promotes settling of some solids {text}
wastewater primary sludge retention time ww_primary_sludge_retention_time ww primary sludge retention time The time primary sludge remains in tank, in hours, e.g., 4. {integer}
wastewater processing protocol ww_processing_protocol ww processing protocol The protocol used to process the wastewater sample. Processing includes laboratory procedures prior to and including nucleic acid purification (e.g., pasteurization, concentration, extraction, etc). Specify a reference, website, or brief description. {text}
wastewater sample duration ww_sample_duration ww sample duration Duration of composite sample collected, in units of hours, e.g., 24. Specify integer values. If the sample is not a composite sample, use 0. {integer}{text}
wastewater sample matrix ww_sample_matrix ww sample matrix The wastewater matrix that was sampled ['', 'raw wastewater', 'sewer pipeline sediments', 'post grit removal', 'primary sludge', 'primary effluent', 'secondary sludge', 'secondary effluent', 'other', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
wastewater sample salinity ww_sample_salinity ww sample salinity Salinity is the total concentration of all dissolved salts in a liquid or solid (in the form of an extract obtained by centrifugation) sample or derived from the conductivity measurement (practical salinity) in milligrams per liter, e.g., 100. {integer}
wastewater sample site ww_sample_site ww sample site The type of site where the wastewater sample was collected ['', 'correctional facility', 'long-term care facility', 'hospital', 'child day care', 'school', 'college or university', 'social services shelter', 'other residential building', 'ship', 'airplane', 'airport', 'septic tank', 'other holding tank', 'wastewater treatment plant', 'wastewater lagoon', 'sewer pipeline', 'food or meat processing plant', 'other', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
wastewater sample type ww_sample_type ww sample type Type of wastewater sample collected ['', 'grab', 'composite', 'swab-grab', 'swab-composite', 'missing', 'not applicable', 'not collected', 'not provided', 'restricted access']
wastewater surveillance jurisdiction ww_surv_jurisdiction ww surv jurisdiction A jurisdiction identifer that can be used to support linking the sample to a public health surveillance system, e.g., va {text}
wastewater surveillance system sample ID ww_surv_system_sample_id wastewater surveillance system sample id,
ww surv system sample id
The sample ID used for submission to a public health surveillance system (e.g., CDC's National Wastewater Surveillance System), e.g., s123456 {text}
wastewater surveillance target 1 ww_surv_target_1 ww surv target 1 Taxonomic name of the surveillance target. For the COVID-19 response, use 'SARS-CoV-2'. {text}
wastewater surveillance target 1 conc unit ww_surv_target_1_conc_unit ww surv target 1 conc unit The units of the value specified in 'ww_surv_target_1_conc', e.g., copies/L wastewater {text}
wastewater surveillance target 1 concentration ww_surv_target_1_conc ww surv target 1 conc The concentration of the wastewater surveillance target specified in 'ww_surv_target_1' on a per wastewater unit basis, e.g., 200000 {integer}
wastewater surveillance target 1 extract ww_surv_target_1_extract ww surv target 1 extract Measured amount of surveillance target in the nucleic acid extract that was sequenced; on a per extract unit basis, rather than on a per wastewater sample unit basis, e.g., 100000 {integer}
wastewater surveillance target 1 extract unit ww_surv_target_1_extract_unit ww surv target 1 extract unit The units of the value specified in 'ww_surv_target_1_extract', e.g., copies/microliter extract {text}
wastewater surveillance target 1 gene ww_surv_target_1_gene ww surv target 1 gene The name of the gene quantified for the the surveillance target specified in 'ww_surv_target_1', e.g., N gene {text}
wastewater surveillance target 1 known present ww_surv_target_1_known_present ww surv target 1 known present Is genetic material of the surveillance target(s) known to the submitter to be present in this wastewater sample? Presence defined as microbiological evidence of the target organism in the wastewater sample, such as genetic- or culture-based detection. ['', 'no', 'yes']
wastewater surveillance target 1 protocol ww_surv_target_1_protocol ww surv target 1 protocol The protocol used to quantify 'ww_surv_target_1'. Specify a reference, website, or brief description. {text}
wastewater surveillance target 2 ww_surv_target_2 ww surv target 2 Taxonomic name of the surveillance target, eg, Norovirus {text}
wastewater surveillance target 2 conc ww_surv_target_2_conc ww surv target 2 conc The concentration of the wastewater surveillance target specified in 'ww_surv_target_2' on a per wastewater unit basis, e.g., 24000 {integer}
wastewater surveillance target 2 conc unit ww_surv_target_2_conc_unit ww surv target 2 conc unit The units of the value specified in 'ww_surv_target_2_conc', e.g., copies/L wastewater {text}
wastewater surveillance target 2 extract ww_surv_target_2_extract ww surv target 2 extract Measured amount of surveillance target in the nucleic acid extract that was sequenced; on a per extract unit basis, rather than on a per wastewater sample unit basis, e.g., 12000 {integer}
wastewater surveillance target 2 extract unit ww_surv_target_2_extract_unit ww surv target 2 extract unit The units of the value specified in 'ww_surv_target_2_extract', e.g., copies/microliter extract {text}
wastewater surveillance target 2 gene ww_surv_target_2_gene ww surv target 2 gene The name of the gene quantified for the the surveillance target specified in 'ww_surv_target_2', e.g., ORF1-ORF2 junction {text}
wastewater surveillance target 2 known present ww_surv_target_2_known_present ww surv target 2 known present Is genetic material of the surveillance target(s) known to the submitter to be present in this wastewater sample? Presence defined as microbiological evidence of the target organism in the wastewater sample, such as genetic- or culture-based detection. ['', 'no', 'yes']
wastewater surveillance target 2 protocol ww_surv_target_2_protocol ww surv target 2 protocol The protocol used to quantify 'ww_surv_target_2'. Specify a reference, website, or brief description. {text}
wastewater temperature ww_temperature ww temperature Temperature of the wastewater sample at the time of sampling in Celsius, e.g., 25. {integer}
wastewater total suspended solids ww_total_suspended_solids ww total suspended solids Total concentration of solids in raw wastewater influent sample including a wide variety of material, such as silt, decaying plant and animal matter in milligrams per liter, e.g., 500. {integer}
wastewater type wastewater_type the origin of wastewater such as human waste, rainfall, storm drains, etc. {text}
water content water_content water content measurement {float} {unit}
water content of soil water_content_soil water content soil water content (g/g or cm3/cm3) {float} [g/g|cm3/cm3]
water content of soil method water_content_soil_meth water content soil meth reference or method used in determining the water content of soil {PMID|DOI|URL}
water current water_current current measurement of magnitude and direction of flow within a fluid {float} {unit}
water cut water_cut Current amount of water (%) in a produced fluid stream; or the average of the combined streams {float} {unit}
water delivery frequency water_frequency water frequency Number of water delivery events within a given period of time {float}{unit}
water feature size water_feat_size water feat size The size of the water feature {float} {unit}
water feature type water_feat_type water feat type The type of water feature present within the building being sampled, e.g., fountain, pool, standing feature, stream, waterfall {text}
water pH water_ph water ph The pH measurement of the sample, or liquid portion of sample, or aqueous phase of the fluid {float}
water production rate water_prod_rate water prod rate Water production rates per well, e.g., 987 m3/day {float} {unit}
water source shared water_source_shared Other users sharing access to the same water source, e.g., multiple users, agricutural, multiple users, no sharing {text}
water temperature regimen water_temp_regm water temp regm information about treatment involving an exposure to water with varying degree of temperature; can include multiple regimens {float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
watering regimen watering_regm watering regm information about treatment involving an exposure to watering frequencies; can include multiple regimens {float} {unit};{period};{interval};{period}
weekday weekday The day of the week when sampling occurred, e.g., monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday {text}
weight loss in last three months weight_loss_3_month weight loss 3 month specification of weight loss in the last three months, if yes should be further specified to include amount of weight loss {boolean};{float} {unit}
well identification number win win A unique identifier of a well or wellbore. This is part of the Global Framework for Well Identification initiative which is compiled by the Professional Petroleum Data Management Association (PPDM) in an effort to improve well identification systems. (Supporting information: https://ppdm.org/ and http://dl.ppdm.org/dl/690) {text}
wet mass wet_mass measurement of wet mass {float} {unit}
wind direction wind_direction wind direction is the direction from which a wind originates {text}
wind speed wind_speed speed of wind measured at the time of sampling {float} {unit}
window area/size window_size window size The window's length and width {float} {unit} x {float} {unit}
window condition window_cond window cond The physical condition of the window at the time of sampling, e.g., damaged, needs repair, new, rupture, visible wear {text}
window covering window_cover window cover The type of window covering, e.g., blinds, curtains, none {text}
window horizontal position window_horiz_pos window horiz pos The horizontal position of the window on the wall, e.g., left, middle, right {text}
window location window_loc window loc The relative location of the window within the room, e.g., north, south, east, west {text}
window material window_mat window mat The type of material used to finish a window, e.g., clad, fiberglass, metal, vinyl, wood {text}
window open frequency window_open_freq window open freq The number of times windows are opened per week {integer}
window signs of water/mold window_water_mold window water mold Signs of the presence of mold or mildew on the window, e.g., presence of mold visible, no presence of mold visible {text}
window status window_status Defines whether the windows were open or closed during environmental testing, e.g., closed, open {text}
window type window_type The type of windows, e.g., single-hung sash window, horizontal sash window, fixed window {text}
window vertical position window_vert_pos window vert pos The vertical position of the window on the wall, e.g., bottom, middle, top, low, middle, high {text}
xylene xylene Concentration of xylene in the sample {float} {unit}
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