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Batch Sample Submission

Batch sample submission allows users to submit information about multiple samples in a single table. To submit batch samples, take the following steps in the BioSample Submission Portal:

  1. Click the 'New submission' button to initiate the BioSample wizard.
  2. On the Submitter tab, make sure the submitter information is correct.
  3. On the General info tab, specify when you want the BioSample records released, and select the 'Batch/Multiple BioSamples' option.
  4. On the Sample type tab, select the package that best describes your samples.
    • BioSample packages represent broad categories of sample types and are merely intended to guide you into providing appropriate attributes by which to describe your samples. It is also possible to Preview packages in advance.
  5. On the Attributes tab, download the BioSample submission template in either Excel or TSV format (most users prefer the Excel option). Alternatively, templates can be downloaded in advance from the Preview packages page.
  6. Create your sample attribute table by completing the template.
    • The first few lines of the template provide instructions for how to complete the table.
    • The row that starts with *sample_name represents the attribute header row. Information about each sample should be provided in rows below the header. You should have one row for each physical sample, and each must have differentiating information (excluding sample name, title, and description).
    • The description of each attribute is seen either by hovering over the cell in Excel, or by following the 'Definition' button on the on the Preview packages page.
    • Some attributes are mandatory, these are indicated with an asterisk (*) and green color in Excel. Your submission will fail if any mandatory attributes are not completed. If information is unavailable for any mandatory attribute, please enter 'not collected', 'not applicable' or 'missing' as appropriate.
    • Some attributes are part of a group where at least one of those attributes is mandatory, for example, either 'strain' or 'isolate' may be required. These are indicated in blue color in Excel. Your submission will fail if at least one of those mandatory attributes is not completed. If information is unavailable for any mandatory attribute, please enter 'not collected', 'not applicable' or 'missing' as appropriate.
    • All other attributes are optional, these are indicated in yellow color in Excel. Leave optional attributes empty (or delete them) if no information is available.
    • You can insert any number of additional custom attributes to fully describe your samples. Provide enough information that will allow users to fully interpret your study.
    • Save the entire worksheet as a Text (Tab-delimited) file (in Excel, use 'File, Save as, Save as type: Text (Tab delimited)').
  7. On the Attributes tab, use the 'Browse' button to select your completed tab-delimited table. When you click 'Continue', your file will be validated. If your table contains any validation problems, the errors and warnings will be reported to you at this time. Correct your file accordingly then use the 'Delete' button to delete the invalid file, and the 'Browse' button to select the corrected file. If you realize you have chosen an inappropriate package for your samples, go back to the Sample type tab and select another package. If you have difficulty understanding the validation reports, please either see the BioSample Validation Rules page, or write to biosamplehelp@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov for assistance.
  8. A separate Antibiogram table (for pathogen and beta-lactamase samples only) can also be uploaded on the Attributes tab.
  9. On the Overview tab, check the details of your submission. If you need to make changes, go back by clicking the relevant tab and make the edit. If everything is correct, click the 'Submit' button. You can expect to receive an email listing the BioSample accession numbers assigned to your samples. Please reference those accession numbers as necessary when making subsequent sequence data submissions. If you are submitting data for an unrecognized organism, you will be sent the accession numbers after the taxonomy consult is complete.
  10. To update an existing record or recent submission, please email your request to biosamplehelp@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
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