Publication Details


The development of the original course, “Promoting breast-feeding in health facilities: A short course for administrators and policy-makers”, was a collaborative effort among staff at the World Health Organization (WHO) and Wellstart International.

The revision of this course was coordinated by Ann Brownlee, Clinical Professor at University of California, San Diego ( ude.dscu@eelnworba), as a consultant of the World Health Organization. The Course has been re-titled “Strengthening and sustaining the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative: A course for decision-makers” and integrated with the other updated BFHI documents. Revisions of various course sessions were prepared by Ann Brownlee; Randa Saadeh at the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development at WHO; Mary Kroeger, formerly at the Academy of Education Development; and Wendelin Slusser at UCLA. Carol Guenther assisted with the design of the document layout and the development of the graphics for the slides. Carmen Casanovas at the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development at WHO conducted the final review of the revised Course, in collaboration with colleagues at the Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development.

Acknowledgement is given to all the BFHI decision-makers, health professionals, and field workers, who, through their diligence and caring, have implemented and improved the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative through the years, and thus contributed to the content of this revised course.

Members of various national BFHI coordination groups used the original version of the course through the years and have provided valuable feedback that contributed to the revision of the course. Constanza Vallenas and Peggy Henderson at the Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development at WHO and Ellen Piwoz at the Academy for Educational Development also provided valuable feedback and new information and results for the new HIV-related sessions.

These multi-country and multi-organizational contributions were invaluable in helping to fashion a course designed to provide decision-makers with the understanding and commitment needed to encourage their health facilities to attain and sustain Baby-friendly status, thus providing the best support possible for the mothers and babies using their maternity services.

Course guide

Session 1. The national infant feeding situation

Session 2. Benefits of breastfeeding

Session 3. The baby-friendly Hospital Initiative

Session 4. The scientific basis for the “Ten steps to successful breastfeeding”

Session 4. The scientific basis for the “Ten steps to successful breastfeeding” for settings with high HIV prevalence

Session 5. Becoming “Baby-friendly”

Session 5. Becoming “baby-friendly” in settings with high HIV prevalence

Session 6. Costs and savings

Session 7. Appraising policies and practices

Session 8. Developing action plans