10Providing information and support to patients

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Patients are often left bewildered following a suspected allergic reaction to a drug. Many questions are asked and too often few are answered: Was the reaction predictable? Should I have been prescribed the drug? Will I have a more severe reaction next time? Which drugs do I need to avoid? Am I at risk when taking a new drug in future? How will this impact on my future treatment?

Fear of experiencing a further reaction can be heightened by a lack of information and worsened if the original reaction was severe. If the patient's record of the details of the allergic reaction is incomplete or the patient is not provided with written information, then the patient may either remain at risk of inappropriately receiving the same or a cross-reacting drug again, sometimes with catastrophic consequences, or a different drug may be incorrectly and unnecessarily avoided in the future, compromising the quality of future medical treatment. A drug allergy may not have been responsible for the original reaction, and so if drug allergy is excluded it is equally important that this information is conveyed to the individual in order to provide reassurance and enable optimal treatment to be prescribed in future.

Written information given to the patient at the time of the reaction, with details of drug, number of doses and the nature and severity of the reaction will avoid uncertainty and in many cases allow prescription of an alternative drug not known to cross-react with the original compound. Details of the drug and reaction are invaluable if the same drug is needed again and will also increase the accuracy of diagnosis if the patient requires referral for specialist drug allergy investigation.

10.1. Review question 1: What information and support should individuals with suspected drug allergy or their parents and carers receive?

10.2. Review question 2: What information and support should individuals who have had specialist investigations or their parents and carers receive?

Table 24. Summary of protocol characteristics of review question.

Table 24

Summary of protocol characteristics of review question.

A single search was conducted for the 2 review questions relating to patient information. The studies identified are presented in a single review, as the information was applicable to both questions.

Qualitative studies were identified as the main source of evidence for this review. The analysis of qualitative studies involves a search for common themes in participants' discourse. The themes from each study were extracted and it was then investigated how many studies identified the same theme or different themes. This evidence is summarised in Table 26.

For full details see the review protocol in Appendix C and study selection flow chart in Appendix E.

10.3. Clinical evidence

Eight qualitative studies were identified.6,21,22,50,68, 88,90,101 Studies which addressed adverse drug reactions were included if they discussed patients with drug allergies as a subgroup of the study population. Of the 8 studies, 16 directly applies to children; all other studies refer to adults with drug allergies. Summaries of study characteristics are presented in Table 25. In Table 26 common and individual themes are identified and summarised. Study quality is assessed according to criteria specific to qualitative research methods. These include clearly specified aims, study design, data collection and rigour of analysis. The complete list of quality characteristics is provided in the footnote to Table 25.

10.3.1. Study summary and quality

In Table 25 the included studies are briefly described. See Appendix H for full details of the studies. The numbers in the quality characteristics column refer to those characteristics, from a list of 14 items, which were assessed to be adequate or good.

Table 25. Summary of studies included in the review: study quality

10.3.2. Summary of themes

All themes identified by the authors of the included studies were extracted. Adverse drug reactions were not always separated from the subset ‘drug allergy’ but were included if the theme could be extrapolated to allergy. Nine themes are summarised in Table 26 below.

Table 26. Summary of themes and related studies

Table 26 indicates that the most frequently reported themes were ‘non-medical sources of information’, ‘implications of poor communication’, and ‘how to communicate’.

10.4. Economic evidence

Published literature

No relevant economic evaluations were identified.

See also the economic article selection flow chart in Appendix F.

10.5. Evidence statements


  • Moderate quality evidence from 8 qualitative studies (n=1927) using semi-structured interviews, web posts, surveys and focus groups, identified 9 themes relating to patients' concerns about their own information sourcing, what their information requirements are and the consequences of poor communication. The 9 themes were:
    1. Poor explanations of possible adverse events or side effects of medications.
    2. Non-medical sources of information.
    3. Management and communication with regards to ADRs.
    4. Implications of poor communication for patients and carers.
    5. Feelings about the experience of having an ADR.
    6. Information needs.
    7. Communication skills.
    8. Linking signs and symptoms to a possible ADR.
    9. Problems with patient information literature.
    The themes that were identified by 4 out of 8 studies were ‘non-medical sources of information’, ‘implications of poor communication’, and ‘communication skills’. All other themes were reported in only 1 or 2 studies.


  • No relevant economic evaluations were identified.

10.6. Recommendations and link to evidence



Discuss the person's suspected drug allergy with them (and their family members or carers as appropriate) and provide structured written information (see recommendation 10). Record who provided the information and when. Provide information in line with (more...)