Appendix CDeclarations of interest

Publication Details

C.1. Introduction

All members of the GDG and all members of the NCGC staff were required to make formal declarations of interest at the outset of each meeting, and these were updated at every subsequent meeting throughout the development process. No interests were declared that required actions.

C.2. GDG members

C.2.1. Ali: Khalid

C.2.2. Bird: Martin

C.2.3. Cant: Robin

C.2.4. Chambers: Sandra

C.2.5. Clark: Louise

C.2.6. Drummond: Avril

C.2.7. Forster: Anne

C.2.8. Head: Kathryn

C.2.9. Holmes: Pamela

C.2.10. Hunter: Helen

C.2.11. Khan-Bourne: Najma

C.2.12. Mac Dermott: Keith

C.2.13. O’Connor: Rory

C.2.14. Playford: Diane

C.2.15. Thelwell: Sue

C.3. Cooptee Members

C.3.1. Parnaby: Julia Co-optee

C.3.2. Pound: Carole Co-optee

C.3.3. Rowe: Fiona co-optee N/A – Cooptee

C.3.4. White: Ronald Barney Co-optee

C.4. Delphi Survey External Team

C.4.1. Davie: Charles

C.4.2. Skrypak: Mirek