NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

ECRI Health Technology Assessment Group. Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2001 Jun. (Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 32.)

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Evidence Tables

Evidence Table 1. Reporting of Patient Signs, Symptoms, and Other Characteristics Related to Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Randomized Controlled Trials of Conservative Treatments

First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialMean AgeDuration of Illness Prior to TreatmentPrior SurgeryClaudicationBack PainLeg PainBack and Leg PainLeg WeaknessSensory DysfunctionRelief of Pain by FlexionIncontinence of Bowel or BladderExtent of StenosisPatients with Hip DisorderPatients with Knee DisorderPatients with ArthritisPatients with Herniated Disks
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 53YesYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 39YesYesYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 37YesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 48YesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting44411111000010000

Evidence Table 2. Reporting of Patient Signs, Symptoms, and Other Characteristics Related to Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Trials of Surgical Treatments

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with CentralLumbar Stenosis
First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialMean AgeDuration of Illness Prior to TreatmentMean Number of Vertebral Levels InvolvedPrior SurgeryClaudicationBack PainLeg PainBack and Leg PainLeg WeaknessSensory DysfunctionRelief of Pain by FlexionIncontinence of Bowel or BladderExtent of StenosisPatients with Hip DisorderPatients with Knee DisorderPatients with ArthritisPatients with Herniated Disks
Randomized Controlled Trials
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 45YesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 92YesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 80YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 164NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 38YesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNo
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 34YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Ray, 1982 65YesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 22YesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 27YesNoYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Prospective Trials without Controls
Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000 54YesNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999 30YesYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 35YesNoYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 65YesNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoYes
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 27YesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 497YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesNo
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 72YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 34YesNoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 43YesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNo
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 100YesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Dhar and Porter, 1992 36NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 32YesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoYes
Rosomoff, 1981 50NoNoYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
Getty, 1980 35YesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 37YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoYes
Verbiest, 1977 116NoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 32NoNoNoYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 12YesNoNoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 68YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 24NoNoYesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Weir and De Leo, 1981 81YesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 27YesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Verbiest, 1979 11YesNoYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Salibi, 1976 20YesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYes
Number of Trials Reporting3327111913211414712152684329
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized Controlled Trials
Lee and deBari, 1986 24YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Controlled Trials
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 94YesYesNoYesNoNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 85YesYesNoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYes
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 66YesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 31YesNoYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 32YesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 28NoNoNoNoNoYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoYes
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 15NoNoNoNoNoYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting863322460561200002
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Centralor Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes bothtypes of stenosis
Controlled Trials
Yone and Sakou, 1999 60YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1999 21YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Javid and Hadar, 1998 170YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 148NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Pai and Kumar, 1996 55YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 36YesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 50YesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Little and MacDonald, 1994 94YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 57YesNoNoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 39NoNoNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Nasca, 1989 114YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Nather and Thomas, 1985 34YesNoNoYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNo
Paine, 1976 143NoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 49YesNoNoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 26NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trials with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 34YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 248YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 88YesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesNo
Ganz, 1990 36YesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYes
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 70YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 50YesNoYesNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYes
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 72YesYesNoNoYesNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoYesNoYesNo
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 62YesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 50YesYesYesNoNoYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 35YesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 29YesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoYes
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 88YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 96YesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 230YesNoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 119YesNoYesYesNoYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 193YesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 40YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 92NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 61YesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 36NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 31YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 19YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 25YesNoNoYesYesNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Hood and Weigl, 1983 21NoNoYesNoYesYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 27YesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 35YesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Scapinelli, 1978 23NoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Vestad and Naca, 1977 80YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
McKinley and Davis, 1976 32YesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 29NoNoYesNoNoYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 29NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1960 14NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting4736172217222320720205951047
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized Controlled Trials
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 75YesNoYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 41YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 43YesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 50YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 106YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 2684YesNoYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 41YesYesNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 47YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 23YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 18YesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trials with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 35YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 58YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 37YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 30YesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 39YesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 39YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 49YesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
McCulloch, 1998 21YesNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1998b 28YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 10YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1998a 290YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 18YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Herron and Trippi, 1989 24YesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Chang and McAfee, 1989 17YesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 36YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 15YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Hanley, 1986 20YesNoYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 54YesNoYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 50YesNoYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Dall and Rowe, 1985 26YesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 60YesYesNoYesYesNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesYesYes
Richardson and Brown, 1980 21NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 26NoNoYesNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 20NoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting3431421111412112551351126
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with LumbarStenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trials
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 117YesYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 272YesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 81YesYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 60YesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 34YesYesYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 33YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 70YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 53YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 99NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Prospective Trials
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 105YesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNo
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 88YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trials with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 80YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 64NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 28YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting141261134221330041101
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 55YesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 37YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 76YesYesYesYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundsen T, Weber H, Nordal HJ et al., 2000 100NoNoNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 134YesNoNoYesNoYesYesNoNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 148YesNoNoYesYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Swezey, 1996 47YesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 100YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 57YesYesNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 43YesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Rosenberg, 1976 200YesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Number of Trials Reporting11104355460230050001
Summary of All Surgical Trials Reporting Signs, Symptoms, and Patient CharacteristicsRelated to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Total Number Reporting1471224579526859591747529202775826
Percentage of Trials Reporting100%83%31%54%35%46%40%40%12%32%35%6%14%18%5%3%5%18%

Evidence Table 3. Reporting of Patient Signs, Symptoms, and Other Characteristics Related to Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Trials Describing Only the Natural History of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Patients

First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialMean AgeDuration of Illness Prior to TreatmentMean Number of Vertebral Levels InvolvedPrior SurgeryClaudicationBack PainLeg PainBack and Leg PainLeg WeaknessSensory DysfunctionRelief of Pain by FlexionIncontinence of Bowel or BladderExtent of StenosisPatients with Hip DisorderPatients with Knee DisorderPatients with ArthritisPatients with Herniated Disks
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Hamdan and Al-Kaissie, 1994 75YesYesNoNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNo
Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993b 100YesYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Matsunaga, Sakou, Morizono et al., 1990 40YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Sato, Wakamatsu, Yoshizumi et al., 1989 355NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis
Radu and Menkes, 1998 62YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Amundsen, Weber, Lilleas et al., 1995 100YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoYes
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1992 32YesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting764226652453330001

Evidence Table 4. Reporting of Outcomes in Randomized Controlled Trials of Conservative Treatment

First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialMeasured Back PainMeasured Back Pain ReliefMeasured Leg PainMeasured Leg Pain ReliefMeasured Walking CapacityMeasured Global Success of TreatmentMeasured Ability to WorkMeasured Quality of LifeMeasured Mental StatusMeasured Disability or DependencyMeasured Activities of Daily Living
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 53NoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 39YesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 37NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 48YesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting420002210000

Evidence Table 5. Reporting of Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Trials of Surgical Treatment

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialMeasured Back PainMeasured Back Pain ReliefMeasured Leg PainMeasured Leg Pain ReliefMeasured Walking CapacityMeasured Global Success of TreatmentMeasured Ability to WorkMeasured Quality of LifeMeasured Mental StatusMeasured Disability or DependencyMeasured Activities of Daily Living
Randomized Controlled Trials
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 45YesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 92YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoYesNo
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 80NoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoYesNo
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 164YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 38NoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 34YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Ray, 1982 65NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 22NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 27NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Prospective Trials without Controls
Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000 54NoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999 30NoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 35YesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 65YesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 27YesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 497NoNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoYesNo
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 72NoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 34NoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 43NoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 100NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Dhar and Porter, 1992 36NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 32NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Rosomoff, 1981 50NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Getty, 1980 35NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 37NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Verbiest, 1977 116NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 32NoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 12NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 68NoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoYesNo
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 24NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Weir and De Leo, 1981 81NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 27YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Verbiest, 1979 11NoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Salibi, 1976 20NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting338465162710020
Randomized Controlled Trials
Lee and deBari, 1986 24NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Controlled Trials
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 94NoNoYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 85NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 66NoNoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNo
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 31NoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 32NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 28YesNoYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 15NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting811312830000
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Controlled Trials
Yone and Sakou, 1999 60YesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1999 21NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Javid and Hadar, 1998 170YesNoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNo
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 148NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Pai and Kumar, 1996 55NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 36YesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 50NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Little and MacDonald, 1994 94NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 57NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoYes
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 39NoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Nasca, 1989 114NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Nather and Thomas, 1985 34NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Paine, 1976 143NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 49NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 26NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trials with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 34NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 248NoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoYes
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 88YesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Ganz, 1990 36NoYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 70NoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 50NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 72NoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 62YesNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 50YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 35YesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 29NoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 88YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 96NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 230NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 119NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 193YesYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoYes
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 40YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 92NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 61NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 36NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 31NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 19NoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 25NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Hood and Weigl, 1983 21NoYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 27NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 35NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Scapinelli, 1978 23NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Vestad and Naca, 1977 80NoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
McKinley and Davis, 1976 32NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 29NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 29NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1960 14NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting4710106374130013
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized controlled Trials
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 75YesNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 41NoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYesNoYes
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 43NoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 50YesNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 106NoYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 2684NoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 41YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 47NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 23NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 18NoYesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYes
Retrospective Trials with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 35YesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 58YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 37NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 30NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 39NoNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYes
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 39YesNoYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNo
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 49YesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoYesYesYes
McCulloch, 1998 21NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1998b 28NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 10NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, 1998a 290NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 18YesNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNo
Herron and Trippi, 1989 24NoYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Chang and McAfee, 1989 17NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 36YesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYes
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 15NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Hanley, 1986 20NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 54NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 50NoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Dall and Rowe, 1985 26YesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 60NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Richardson and Brown, 1980 21NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 26NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 20NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting34147372441216
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trials
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 117YesYesNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYes
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 272YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 81YesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 60YesNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 34NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 33NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 70NoYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 53NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 99NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Prospective Trials
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 105YesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 88NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Retrospective Trials with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 80NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 64NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 28NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting14532131100002
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 55YesNoYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 37YesNoYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNo
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 76YesNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoNoNo
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundse, Weber, Nordal et al., 2000 100NoNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 134NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 148NoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesYes
Swezey, 1996 47NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 100NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 57NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 43NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Rosenberg, 1976 200NoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Number of Trials Reporting11313131012032
Summary of All Surgical Trials Reporting Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Total Number Reporting14737232714381221232713
Percentage of Trials Reporting100%25%16%18%10%26%83%8%2%1%5%9%

Evidence Table 6. General Study Design Information for Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized Controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialYears When Trial was ConductedNumber of Trial CentersInstitution of First AuthorCountry Where Trial was ConductedFunding Source for Trial
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 53SingleNagasaki Rosai HospitalJapanNot Stated
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 39SingleThe Orthopaedic Hospital of the Invalid Foundation, Helsinki, FinlandFinlandNot Stated
Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 37Pennsylvania HospitalUnited States
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 48SingleMayo ClinicUnited States
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 451989-1990SingleSchulthess HospitalSwitzerlandNo funds were received in support of this study.
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 921985-1988SingleKuopio University HospitalFinlandNot reported
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 801982-1984SingleKuopio University HospitalFinlandNot reported
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 1641990-1998SingleShizuoka Gneral HospitalJapanNot reported
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 381990-1992SingleOhio State UniversityUnited Statesnot reported
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 341988-1992SingleKagoshima UniversityJapanNot reported
Ray, 1982 651978-1980SingleInstitute for Low Back Care, Sister Kenny Institute, MinnesotaUnited StatesNot reported
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 221974-1980SingleCentral Hospital, Boras, SwedenSweden
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 271977-1980SingleMiyazaki Medical CollegeJapanNot reported
Prospective Trials
Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000 541992-1995SingleNew Hampshire Spine InstituteUnited StatesNot reported
Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999 301996-1997SingleSpinal Unit, Northeastern Ohio Universities, College of MedicineUnited StatesNot reported
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 351990-1992SingleVirginia Neurological Institute, University of Virginia Health Sciences CenterUnited StatesNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 651990-1996SingleUniversity of Louisville School of MedicineUnited StatesNot reported
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 271984-1992SingleToyama Medical and Pharmaceutical UniversityJapanNot reported
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 4971974-1988SingleKuopio University HospitalFinlandNot reported
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 721986-1990SingleThe Ohio State UniversityUnited StatesNot reported
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 341979-1994SingleTeaching Hospital Angers FranceFranceNot reporting
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 431991-1992SingleUniversity Hospital LundSwedenSewdish Medical Research Council
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 1001980-1984SingleGeorgetown University Medical CenterUnited StatesNot reported
Dhar and Porter, 1992 361980-1984SingleDoncaster Royal InfirmaryEnglandNot reported
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 321978-1980SingleArmed Forces Medical CollegeIndiaNot reported
Rosomoff, 1981 501972-1980SingleUniversity of Miami School of MedicineUnited StatesNot reported
Getty, 1980 351968-1978SingleNordolk and Norwich HospitalEnglandNot reported
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 371974-1976SingleUniversity of SienaItalyNot reported
Verbiest, 1977 1161948-1976SingleUniversity of UtrechtNetherlandsNot reported
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 32Multiple <5National Neurosurgery Centre and Richmond Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, EireIreland
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 121966-1984SingleKobe Rosai Hospital, Kobe, JapanJapan
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 681978-1980SingleMayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN, United StatesUnited States
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 241976-1980SingleRush-Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical CenterUnited StatesNot reported
Weir and De Leo, 1981 811968-1980SingleUniversity of AlbertaCanadaNot reported
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 271973-1980SingleMalmo General Hospital, SwedenSweden
Verbiest, 1979 111960-1976SingleState University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The NetherlandsNetherlands
Salibi, 1976 201970-1974SingleMarshfield Clinic and Marshfield Medical Foundation, Inc., Marshfield, Wisconsin, United StatesUnited States
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Lee and deBari, 1986 241977-1984SingleNew Jersey Medical SchoolUnited StatesNot reported
Controlled Trials
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 941967-1978SingleUniversity Hospital, SaskatoonCanadaNot reported
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 851976-1980SingleEvanston Hospital, Northwestern UniversityUnited StatesNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 661982-1988SingleNorthern General HospitalEnglandNot reported
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 311988-1996SingleFuku Medical SchoolJapanNot reported
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 321985-1988SingleJohn Hopkins HospitalUnited StatesNot reported
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 281974-1976SingleDerbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby, EnglandEngland
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 151967-1972SingleLong Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, New York, United StatesUnited States
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes bothtypes of stenosis
Controlled Trial
Yone and Sakou, 1999 601986-1996Kagoshima University, Jakgshima, JapanJapan
Epstein, 1999 211986-1996SingleNorth Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY, United StatesUnited States
Javid and Hadar, 1998 1701984-1996SingleUniversity of Wisconsin Hospital and ClinicsUnited StatesNot reported
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 148SingleInselspital, Bern, SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Pai and Kumar, 1996 551980-1984SingleKasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka, IndiaIndia
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 361990-1996SingleKagoshima UniversityJapan
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 50Multiple <5Orthoaedic Clinic, University of RomeItaly and the United StatesNo funds from commercial party.
Little and MacDonald, 1994 941987-1992SingleSydney Adventist HospitalAustraliaNot reported
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 571982-1988SingleTuckahoe Orthopaedic Associates and The Rothman Institute, Pennsylvania HospitalUnited StatesNo funds were received in support of this study.
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 39SingleUniversity Hospital LundSwedenSwedish Medical Research Council, Medical Faculty of Lund, the Thelma Aoegas Fund
Nasca, 1989 1141979-1986SingleUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, United StatesUnited States
Nather and Thomas, 1985 341973-1980SingleSingapore General HospitalSingapore
Paine, 1976 143SingleUniversity Hospital, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 491968-1972SingleEpiscopal HospitalUnited StatesNot reported
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 261957-1974SingleSt. Joseph's HospitalCanadaNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 341988-1992SingleSpinal Disorder Unit, Cromwell HospitalUnited KingdomNot reported
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 2481978-1992SingleSouthtowns Neurological Surgeons Association, Buffalo, NYUnited StatesNot reported
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 881983-1986SingleBringham and Women's Hospital, Robert B. Brigham Multipurpose Arthritis CenterUnited StatesNIH grant
Ganz, 1990 361981-1986SingleHaukeland HospitalNorwayNot reported
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 701996-1996SingleUniversity of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, United StatesUnited States
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 50Hospital Beaujon, Clichy, FranceFrance
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 721987-1990SingleFree University of BerlinGermany
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 62SingleGarfield Medical Center, Monterey Park, CA, United StatesUnited States
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 501992-1996SingleStobhill Hospital, Glasgow, UKUK
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 351993-1994Multiple <5Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, United StatesUnited States
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 29SingleTechnical University of Aachen, Aachen, Federal Republic of GermanyGermany
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 881983-1986Multiple <5Brigham and Women's HospitalUnited StatesNIH Grant#AR36308, a Summer Medical Student Research Grant from the American College of Rheumatology
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 961980-1988SingleTampere University, Tampere, FinlandFinland
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 230Multiple <5University of Zurich, Zurich, SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 3801983-1990Multiple <5University of Michigan HospitalUnited States
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 1931980-1992Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, United StatesUnited States
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 40SingleBuffalo General HospitalUnited StatesNot reported
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 921979-1986Multiple <5University Hospital, Bonn, GermanyGermany
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 611972-1986Malmo General Hospital, Lund University, Malmo, SwedenSweden
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 36SingleBaylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United StatesUnited States
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 311978-1982SingleUniversity of Oulu, FinlandFinland
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 191980-1984Multiple <5Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv, IsraelIsrael
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 251977-1981SingleTraumatical and Orthopaedic Centre, BolognaItaly
Hood and Weigl, 1983 211975-1980SingleHasharon HospitalIsrael
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 271977-1980SingleRush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical CenterUnited StatesNot reported
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 351966-1976SingleUpstate Medical Center, Syracuse, NY, United StatesUnited States
Scapinelli, 1978 231966-1978SingleUnicersita degli Studi di Chieti, Chieti, ItalyItaly
Vestad and Naca, 1977 801955-1970SingleSophies Minde Orthopaedic Hospital, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayNorway
McKinley and Davis, 1976 321963-1972SingleOchsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA, United StatesUnited States
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 29SingleThe Kaiser Foundation HospitalsUnited States
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 29SingleLong Island Jewish Hospital, New Hyde Park, NY, United StatesUnited States
Epstein, 1960 14SingleLong Island Jewish Hospital, New Hyde Park, NY, United StatesUnited States
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized controlled Trial
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 75SingleWilliam Beaumont HospitalMichigan, United StatesNo funds were received in support of this study.
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 411992-1994Multiple <5University Hospital of AarhusDenmarkThe Danish Rheumatism Association and Arosia Spine Research Foundation
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 431985-1990SingleWashington University School of Medicine, St. LouisUnited StatesNo outside funding
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 50SingleWilliam Beaumont HospitalUnited StatesNo funds were received in support of this study
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 1061979-1992Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 26841990-1992Multiple >5State University of New YorkUnited States, Canada, EuropeFDA
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 411981-1988SingleKeio University School of MedicineJapanNot reported
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 471971-1984SingleMemorial Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach, California, United StatesUnited States
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 231986-1992SingleFujita Health UniversityJapanNot reported
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 181989-1990Multiple <5Florida Orthopedic InstituteUnited StatesSofamor Danek United States; maker of the pedicle/screw system used in the trial
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 351986-1994SingleBack Treatment Center, Deaconess Hospital, CincinnatiUnited StatesNot reported
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 581982-1992SingleKeio University School of MedicineJapanNot reported
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 371981-1992SingleDepartment of Surgery, Augusta-KrankenanstallenGermanyNot reported
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 301984-1988Multiple <5University of BernSwitzerland and United States
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 391958-1988SingleChiba University School of MedicineJapanNot reported
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 391983-1988SingleOrthopaedic Surgery and Neurosurgery, University of PittsburghUnited StatesNot reported
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 49SingleWashington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, United StatesUnited States
McCulloch, 1998 211993-1996SingleNortheastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH, United StatesUnited States
Epstein, 1998b 281991-1996SingleNorth Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY, United StatesUnited States
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 101990-1996SingleTokai University School of Medicine, Kanagawa, JapanJapan
Epstein, 1998a 2901966-1996Multiple <5Cornell University Medical College, Ithaca, NY, United StatesUnited States
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 181987-1992SingleSchulthess Hospital, Zurich, SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Herron and Trippi, 1989 241980-1986SingleCentral Coast Spine Institute, San Luis Obispo, CA, United StatesUnited States
Chang and McAfee, 1989 17Single803 Army General Hospital, Taiwan, R.O.C.United States
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 361958-1984SingleSchool of Medicine, Chiba University, Chiba, JapanJapan
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 15SingleState University of New York at Buffalo and Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, NY, United StatesUnited States
Hanley, 1986 20University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesUnited States
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 541978-1984SingleHokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo, JapanJapan
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 501972-1984SingleBowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, United StatesUnited States
Dall and Rowe, 1985 261977-1980Multiple <5Michigan State University, Kalamazoo, MI, United StatesUnited States
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 601971-1982SingleLong Island Jewish-Hillside Medical CenterUnited StatesNot reported
Richardson and Brown, 1980 211976-1980SinglePiedmont Hospital and Georgia Baptist HospitalUnited StatesNot reported
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 26SingleClinique Orthopedique de l'Hopital Boujon. Faculte de Medecine Xavier Bichat, Universite de Paris, VIII, Paris, FranceFrance
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 201965-1974SingleLong Island Jewish Hospital, New Hyde Park, NY, United StatesUnited States
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trial
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 1171987-1992SingleJohannes Gutenberg Medical SchoolGermanyNot reported
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 2721989-1992Multiple >5Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MassachusettsUnited StatesNIH grant and an Arthritis Foundation Investigator award to Dr. Katz
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 811989-1996SingleFukushima Medical College, JapanJapanFukushima Society for the Promotion of Medicine
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 601986-1992SingleJohannes Gutenberg University Hospital, Mainz, Federal Republic of GermanyGermany
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 341984-1988SingleWrightington HospitalEnglandNot reported
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 33Multiple <5McClure Musculoskeletal Research Center, Spine Institute of New EnglandUnited StatesSpine Institute of New England Surgeons Research Fund, Arthritis Foundation, NIH grant
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 701987-1992SingleUniversity of ModenaItalyNot reported
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 531986-1988SingleKantoh Rosai HospitalJapanNot reported
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 99SingleWilliam Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, United StatesUnited States
Prospective Trials
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 1051986-1992SingleLund University Hospital, Lund, SwedenSwedenSwedish Medical Research Council
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 881972-1984SingleUniversity of ModenaItalyNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 801983-1990SingleFukui Medical SchoolJapanNot reported
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 641972-1988Multiple <5University of ModenaItalyNot reported
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 281984-1988SingleHospital BeaujonFranceNot reported
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 551992-1998SinglePhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, Hospital for Special Surgery, NYUnited StatesNot reported
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 371994-1996SingleUniversity of Catanzaro Magna Graecia School of MedicineItalyNot reported
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 761974-1984SingleMalmo General Hospital, Lund UniversitySwedenHerman Jamhardt, Greta and Johan Kock, and Alfred Osterlund Foundation
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundsen T, Weber H, Nordal HJ et al., 2000 1001984-1996SingleUlleval Hospital, Oslo, NorwayNorwayClinical Research Forum, Ulleval University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 1341978-1982SingleOrthopaedic Hospital of the Invalid FoundationFinlandNot reported
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 1481990-1992Multiple >5Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolUnited StatesAgency for Health Care Policy and Research grant
Atlas, Keller, Robson et al., 2000 119Four year followup of Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Swezey, 1996 471986-1988SingleArthritis and Back Pain Center, Swezey InstituteUnited StatesNot Reported
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 1001980-1983SingleThe New York Hospital - Cornell UniversityUnited StatesNot reported
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 571980-1988SingleKuopio University HospitalFinlandNot reported
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 431953-1970SingleSpinal Research Unit, Royal National Orthopaedic HospitalEnglandNot reported
Rosenberg, 1976 2001956-1968SingleMount Sinai Hospital, ClevelandUnited StatesNot reported
Trials Describing Only the Natural History of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Patients
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Hamdan and Al-Kaissie, 1994 751990-1992SingleBasrah University HospitalIraqNot reported
Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993b 1001986-1992SingleLund University HospitalSwedenSwedish Medical Research Council
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Matsunaga, Sakou, Morizono et al., 1990 401975-1990SingleKagoshima UniversityJapanNot reported
Sato, Wakamatsu, Yoshizumi et al., 1989 3551983-1984SingleAkita University School of MedicineJapanNot reported
Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis
Radu and Menkes, 1998 621995-1996SingleSchool of Medicine of the Sao Paulo UniversityFranceConselho Nacional de desenvolvimento Cientifico e tecnologico CNPq
Amundsen, Weber, Lilleas et al., 1995 1001984-1988SingleUlleval Hospital, OsloNorwayNot reported
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1992 321981-1988SingleMalmo General Hospital, Lund University, Malmo, SwedenSweden

Evidence Table 7. Specific Study Design Information for Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialImaging Method Used in StudyRandomization MethodBlinding MethodDescribed Dropouts and WithdrawalsReported Prior Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 53MRI/CTNot StatedInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 39X-ray Myelography and CTMen and women were randomized separately. Method not stated.DoubleNoNot reported
Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 37Not StatedDoubleNoAt least 2 weeks
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 48Plain radiographNot reportedOpenNoNot reported
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 45Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRIRandomly assigned on the basis of the day of admission to the hospital.Investigator onlyYesNot reported
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 92Computerized Tomography CTNoneDoubleNoNot reported
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 80X-ray Myelography and CTNoneDoubleYesNot reported
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 164Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 38Plain radiograph and MRINoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 34X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Ray, 1982 65Computerized Tomography CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 22X-ray MyelographynonenoneNoNot reported
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 27Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Prospective Trials
Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000 54MRI/CTNoneInvestigator onlyYesYes
Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999 30MRI/CTNoneInvestigator onlyYesYes
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 35X-ray Myelography and CTNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 65Plain radiograph and X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesAdequate trial
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 27Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 497X-ray Myelography and CTNoneDoubleYesNot reported
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 72Plain radiographNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 34X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 43Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 100X-ray MyelographyNoneInvestigator onlyYes1 month to 12 years
Dhar and Porter, 1992 36Plain radiograph and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 32Plain radiograph and X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoSome months
Rosomoff, 1981 50Plain radiograph, and X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Getty, 1980 35Plain radiograph and X-ray MyelographyINoneOpenYesSome period of conservative treatment
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 37X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Verbiest, 1977 116X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 32X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 12Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 68X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 24Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneInvestigator onlyNoNot reported
Weir and De Leo, 1981 81X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 27Plain X-ray, X-ray Myelography, and CTnonenoneNoNot reported
Verbiest, 1979 11Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Salibi, 1976 20X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Lee and deBari, 1986 24Plain radiographNo method reportedOpenNoNot reported
Controlled Trials
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 94Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 85Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Retrospective Trials with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 66Computerized Tomography CTNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 31Plain radiograph, CT, and MRINoneInvestigator onlyNoNot reported
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 32MRI/CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 28X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 15X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Centralor Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Controlled Trial
Yone and Sakou, 1999 60X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINone. Patients with instability received fusion or not by their own choice.OpenNoNot reported
Epstein, 1999 21X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Javid and Hadar, 1998 170CT myelography scanning and/or MRINoneOpenYesNot reported
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 148X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesNot reported
Pai and Kumar, 1996 55Plain radiographNoneOpenYesAt least 3 months
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 36X-ray Myelography and myeloscopynonenoneNoReported but no time period provided.
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 50X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesAt least 3 months
Little and MacDonald, 1994 94NoneOpenNoNot reported
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 39Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesNot required
Nasca, 1989 114X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Nather and Thomas, 1985 34X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Paine, 1976 143X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 49X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 26Plain radiographNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 34Plain radiograph and MRINoneOpenNoAll patients failed to respond, not time reported
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 57X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 248X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYes1 month to several years
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 88Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography and CTNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Ganz, 1990 36X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 70NoneOpenNoNot reported
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 50X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 72X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 62X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 50X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesNot reported
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 35X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 29X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 88X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesNot reported
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 96X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 230X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesNot reported
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 380MRI/CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 193X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 40Plain radiographNoneOpenYesNot reported
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 92X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 61X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 36Computerized Tomography CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 31X-ray Myelography and CTnonenoneNoNot reported
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 19X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 25X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Hood and Weigl, 1983 21X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 27X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 35X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Scapinelli, 1978 23X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Vestad and Naca, 1977 80Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
McKinley and Davis, 1976 32X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 29X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 29X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Epstein, 1960 14X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized controlled Trial
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 75Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRIWithdrawal of card from envelope performed by assistant not the treating physician.Investigator onlyYesAt least 3 months
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 41Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRI20 number per block randomization procedure with two surgical procedures concealed in two envelopes.DoubleYesNot reported
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 43X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINot described.DoubleNoNot reported
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 50Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRIAssigned alternatelyOpenYesNot reported
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 106X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 2684Plain radiographNoneOpenYesNot reported
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 41Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 47X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 23Plain radiographNoneOpenYesNot reported
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 18Plain radiographNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 35Plain radiograph and CTNoneInvestigator onlyNo6 weeks to 16 years
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 58Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 37Plain radiograph, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesAt least 1 year
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 30Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 39Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 39Plain radiograph and X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 49Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
McCulloch, 1998 21MRI/CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Epstein, 1998b 28X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 10X-ray MyelographynoneOpenNoNot reported
Epstein, 1998a 290X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 18X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Herron and Trippi, 1989 24X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Chang and McAfee, 1989 17X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 36X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 15X-ray Myelography and CTNot StatedOpenNoNot reported
Hanley, 1986 20X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 54X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 50X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Dall and Rowe, 1985 26X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 60Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Richardson and Brown, 1980 21Plain radiographNoneOpenYesNot reported
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 26X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 20X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trial
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 117X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesNot reported
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 272X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 81NoneNoneNoNot reported
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 60Computerized Tomography CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 34X-ray Myelography and CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 70X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRIAlternate assignmentInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 33MRI/CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 53X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoNot reported
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 99X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Prospective Trial
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 105X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneInvestigator only radiologist onlyYesNot reported
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 88Plain X-ray, CT, and MRINoneOpenYesNot reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 80X-ray MyelographyNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 64Plain X-ray, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 28Plain radiograph and CTNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 55CT and MRINoneOpenYesAt least 6 weeks
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 37Plain X-ray, CT, and MRINoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 76X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenYesNot reported
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundsen, Weber, Nordal et al., 2000 100Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTBlock randomization using tables of random numbersOpenYesNo
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 134X-ray MyelographyNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 148NoneOpenYesAt least 2 weeks
Atlas, Keller, Robson et al., 2000 119Four year followup to Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Swezey, 1996 47MRI/CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 100Computerized Tomography CTNoneOpenYesNot reported
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 57X-ray MyelographyNoneInvestigator onlyYesNot reported
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 43Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Rosenberg, 1976 200Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot reported
Trials Describing Only the Natural History of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Patients
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Hamdan and Al-Kaissie, 1994 75Plan X-ray and X-ray MyelographyNoneOpenNoReported but no time period was given
Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993b 100Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot reported
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Matsunaga, Sakou, Morizono et al., 1990 40Plain radiographNoneOpenNoNot required
Sato, Wakamatsu, Yoshizumi et al., 1989 355Plain X-ray and Computerized Tomography CTNoneOpenNoNot reported
Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis
Radu and Menkes, 1998 62Plain radiograph, CT, and MRINoneOpenNoNot required
Amundsen, Weber, Lilleas et al., 1995 100Plain radiograph, X-ray Myelography, and CTNoneInvestigator onlyNoNot reported
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1992 32X-ray MyelographyNoneNoneYesNot required

Evidence Table 8. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria and Comments on Study Design for Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
First Author and Year of PublicationNumber of Patients in the TrialInclusion CriteriaExclusion CriteriaComments
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 53Lumbar spinal stenosis with pseudoclaudicationVascular claudication
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 39Back pain and pain radiating to the lower extremities, inability to walk more than 1500 meters on a treadmill.Sagittal diameter of lumbar spinal canal <10mm.Vascular claudication. Patients receiving hormones, cardiovascular or hypertensive medication.Trial originally included 40 patients.One was given the wrong dose of calcitonin at the beginning of treatment, and was excluded. Study has poor design. 2-month washout period was insufficient. Patient scores had not reverted to baseline.
Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 37Neurogenic claudication, relieved by change in posture. Unrelieved by 2 weeks of bed rest and NSAIDS. Findings on tomography epidural veinography or myelography consistent with symptoms.Evidence of compression of cauda equina or a progressive neural deficit. Patients with prior lumbar surgery excluded unless symptoms clearly different from pre-surgery and there was a 6-month symptom-free period.Many 7-14 of 17 patients in the placebo group actually received treatment. Numbers are inconsistently reported.
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 48Nonsurgical patients with nontraumatic back pain and lumbar spondylolisthesis.None Stated3-month data is the same as Gramse, Sinaki, and Ilstrup, 1980 not in database, except for dropouts. No indication of whether all patients were reviewed, or just selected ones. Patient pain ratings were significantly different at baseline between groups.
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 45Degenerative spinal stenosis on the basis of history and clinical examination as well as CT scans after myelography or MRI.Patients with obvious lumbar spine instability diagnosed on the basis of slip of a vertebrae more than 5 mm, spondylolysis with an osseous defect of the pars interarticularis, or previous operation on the lumbar spine.Pain was measured but the location, back or leg, was not defined. The pain data was entered in the Back Pain Table. The levels of surgery were presented for the entire group of patients 5 single, 30 at two levels, and 10 at three levels.
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 92Preoperative diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis based on the patient's symptoms and signs leg pain, limited walking, neural deficits and confirmed by CT or myelography. Patients with no previous back surgery and had pre and post operative CT scans.None reported.Patients were divided post surgically into Stenosis and No Stenosis patients based on CT.
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 80Patients treated surgically for lumbar spinal stenosis for the first time during the period 1982-1984 at Kuopio Hospital in Finland.None reported80 patients were operated on from 1982-1984, but only 56 patients were available for followup ten years later.These 56 patients were divided into Stenosis and No Stenosis groups based on an MRI evaluation at the 10 year followup.
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 164Patients with lumbar canal stenosis surgically treated at the Department of Neurosurgery, Shizuoka General Hospital between 1990 and 1998. Patients received laminectomy plus fusion if the slip distance was over 10 mm or the slip angle was over 15 degrees.None reported.Too few patients older than 64 were included in the partial hemilaminectomy and laminectomy plus fusion groups to be extracted into the database. No preoperative patient information, including average ages, were reported.The age range was 19 to 84 years.76% of patients responded to the followup questionnaire, but dropouts are not reported for each patient group.The mean followup time for each patient group is not reported. The followup time could be anywhere from 1 to 8 years.
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 38Diagnosed as having acquired lumbar spinal stenosis and subsequently underwent surgery between 1990 and 1993.Significant degenerative spondylolisthesis requiring stabilization using pedicle or facet screws, underwent simultaneous lumbar discectomies, previous surgery for stenosis, prisoners, or history of schizophrenia.This is a retrospective trial comparing two surgical approaches. Of 38 potential patients, 12 were not able to enter the study 3 dead, 7 distance or health problems, 2 not located.
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 34Patients 60 years or older at time of surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis and were followed for more than 2 years.Patients who had undergone multiple lumbar operations and those with spondylolysis or spondylolytic spondylolisthesis.The study had three groups of patients based on preoperative instability and the type of surgery performed.The fusion group contained 10 patients, the nonfusion instability group had 7 patients, and the nonfusion noninstability group had 17 patients.
Ray, 1982 65Patients in which the "wedge" procedures had been performed.None reported.
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 22Patients operated on for lumbar spinal stenosis who were available for followup 22 of 33 patients; one patients died prior to followup.Patients with previous lumbar spine surgery and spondylitic isthmic spondylolisthesisPatients were group by degree of stenosis; Group 1: Marked AP diameter < or =10 mm, Group 2: AP diameter 11-14 mm. The number of surgical levels was not stratified by patient group: single level n=4, 2 levels n=12, more than 2 levels n=6.
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 27Patients who had been surgically operated for lumbar disease at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of the Nagasaki Mitsubishi Hospital.Patients with tumors, inflammatory diseases, and traumas.Average age was estimated from data in a histogram.Patient data are part of a larger study examining the ligamentum flavum and spinal canal stenosis.Only immediate post-op results at approximately 3 months were reported.
Prospective Trials
Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000 54Each patient had 1 neurogenic claudication as defined by leg pain limiting standing, ambulation, or both; 2 a history of exercise intolerance; 3 MRI or CT confirmation of compressive central stenosis with or without lateral recess stenosis; 4 failure of conservative therapy after an adequate trial.Patients with 1 previous spinal surgery at the same level; 2 isthmic spondylolisthesis; 3 congenital spinal stenosis caused by short pedicles; and 4 an active workers' compensation claim or other litigation.Prospective evaluation of the outcome of a decompressive procedure for lumbar spinal stenosis designed to preserve spinal stability. Procedure classified in the data base as a partial laminectomy. These patients could be considered severe based on their symptoms.
Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999 30Symptoms of neurogenic claudication referable to the lumbar spine brought on by walking or standing, relieved by sitting or flexing in the absence of vascular or neuropathic pathology.Failure of a minimum of 3 months of conservative treatment. MRI demonstrating neurological compression by hypertrophied ligamentum flavum, osteophytic facet joints, and annular bulging. Absence of associated pathology such as congenital stenosis, disc herniation, or spondylolisthesis.None specifiedThis study describes a microdecompression technique categorized in the database as a partial laminectomy.
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 35Symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis, complained of low-back pain in addition to neurogenic claudication and/or radicular pain.None had obtained relief from conservative therapy.None reported
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 65Patients older than 75 years of age who underwent surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis secondary to spondylolisthesis at Norton Hospital in Louisville from November 1990 to May 1996.None reportedAll patients were older than 75 years.50 of 65 cases of decompression with fusion, 15 decompression only.
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 27Patients with degenerative lumbar stenosis who received expansive laminoplasty at the University Hospital between 1984 and 1995.Patients whose age at operation was over 70 and patients with less than 2 years followup time.
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 497Patients that under went surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis between 1974 and 1987 at Kuopio University Hospital.None Reported14 patients had developmental stenosis and 115 patients had a combination of developmental and degenerative stenosis.Extent of disease based on AP diameter of spinal canal.
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 72Patients who had undergone decompressive lumbar laminectomy with medial facetectomy for lumbar spinal stenosis between 1986 and 1990.None reported72 patients could have entered the study, but losses due to death, medical reasons, and lost to followup prevented all but 37 from returning. Of these 37, 13 patients were excluded for undergoing a fusion at the time of the operation or subsequently. This left 24 in the study.
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 34Patients 80 years or older who underwent surgery for spinal stenosis between 1979 and 1994.Patients less than 80 years old.All patients were 80 years or older.
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 43Patients older than 70 years who underwent decompressive surgery for central lumbar stenosis.None
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 100Patients who underwent surgery for symptoms of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis at Georgetown University Hospital from 1980-1985.None reported
Dhar and Porter, 1992 36Patients who had spinal surgery between January 1980 and December 1984 at Doncaster Royal Infirmary.None reported.Very little patient information. Only patients reported as poor were examined in depth.
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 32Patients presented with low back pain, were diagnosed and operated on for lumbar canal stenosis.None reported
Rosomoff, 1981 50A series of 50 patients with continuing observation since the inception of the study in 1972 using neural arch resection.None reported
Getty, 1980 35Surgically treated for lumbar spinal stenosis at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital between 1968 and 1978None reportedMean age of onset of symptoms was 52 years which included 3 young patients 10-30 year.
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 37Patients who have undergone surgery for congenital stenosis of the lumbar spinal canal.Spondylolisthesis, root cyst, and iatrogenic stenosis of the canal were excluded because there were too few cases.Part of a larger study comparing spinal stenosis patients to spondylosis patients and disk herniation patients.
Verbiest, 1977 116Patients operated on for developmental lumbar spinal stenosis between 1948 and 1975 and in whom the mid-sagittal diameters of the whole area of stenosis was measured.Patients with less than 1 year followup.This study failed to give the mean age of patients, only the youngest and oldest. Other details on patient characteristics are also missing.The study is not clearly reported.
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 32Lumbar canal stenosisNot Stated
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 12Hyperostotic lumbar spinal stenosisNot Stated
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 68Myelographic demonstration of total or subtotal obstruction to the passage of contrast medium in the lumbar spinePrevious lumbar surgery, tumor, abscess, predominant disk protrusion or extrusion as a cause of symptoms.
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 24Only the spinal stenosis patients who had surgical decompression, had more than 1 year since surgical treatment, and were willing to return for reexamination by a second examiner.Not reported.
Weir and De Leo, 1981 81Clinical-radiological diagnosis of lumbar stenosisNone reported
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 27Patients who underwent laminectomies and extensive facetectomiesNone reported
Verbiest, 1979 11Not StatedNone reportedPatients had spondylolytic, isthmic and congenital spondylolisthesis. Most had spina bifida.
Salibi, 1976 20Not StatedPatients with herniated disks and no evidence of stenosis were excluded from analysis.Six patients had disk herniation requiring disk removal as well as stenosis. 16 patients received wide bilateral laminectomy while 3 others received unilateral laminectomy. One patient refused surgery. No followup period is reported.
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Lee and deBari, 1986 24Diagnosis of multiple level foraminal stenosisNot reportedSeparate patient characteristics by treatment groups are not reported.
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 94Patients who had 1 isolated lateral stenosis 2 lateral stenosis with disk herniation 3 lateral and central stenosis and 4 lateral and central stenosis with disk herniation. Only patients who did not respond to conservative therapy were operated on.Spondylolisthesis or had undergone a previous spinal surgery.
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 85Patients with lateral recess stenosis.Asymptomatic patients are not described.None reported50 symptomatic patients are not described. Very little patient data on lateral recess stenosis patients are reported.The only patient described as poor was diabetic and had multiple prior laminectomies. Mean age and duration are presented for all patients.
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 66Patients undergoing partial undercutting facetectomy for lumbar lateral recess stenosis between 1982 and 1988 at Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, England.None reported.
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 31Patients who had undergone microsurgical nerve root canal widening for lumbosacral foraminal stenosis with a minimum of 1 year followup.Patients presenting with symptomatic spondylolysis and isthmic or degenerative spondylolisthesis showing osteocartilaginous nerve root compression with the neural foramen were excluded.
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 32Those patients with radiographic evidence of multilevel lateral canal stenosis that correlated with their symptoms and who lacked a significant central of pan-stenosis were considered appropriate candidates for multilevel decompressive laminotomies.History of previous spinal surgery
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 28Lateral lumbar stenosis. Diagnostic guidelines were given, but these were not inclusion criteria.Overt Central stenosis.
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 15Sciatic pain with no surgical evidence of herniated disk.Not StatedFinal diagnosis was made when exploratory surgery could find no disk herniations.
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Centralor Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Controlled Trial
Yone and Sakou, 1999 60Lumbar spinal stenosis. Classification as stable/unstable by Posner scale.Patients who had undergone multiple lumbar operations and those with spondylolysis or spondylolytic spondylolisthesis were excluded.This study compares outcomes among patients with instability who got fusion with those who didn't. Also reports on patients without instability who just received decompression.
Epstein, 1999 21Ossification of the Yellow Ligament or the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament with vertebral canal intrusion.Not StatedOne patient in each group was excluded from analysis because of thoracic stenosis.Data for followup time includes these patients. Outcomes, Age and Sex data do no include these patients.
Javid and Hadar, 1998 170All patients from January 1984 who underwent decompressive laminectomy for stenosis confirmed by CT and/or MRI.Patients who had undergone previous surgery for stenosis were excluded.3 patient groups: Central Stenosis, Central Stenosis and Herniated Disk, Lateral Stenosis. Dropouts were reported for the entire group at the long-term followup: 10 patients died of unrelated diseases, and 14 patients were lost to followup.
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 148Over age 70Patients undergoing simultaneous removal of a herniated disk were excluded.Three different operations, depending on symptoms.Outcomes were reported separately.Patient characteristics are present for the entire group of patients. Average number of vertebral levels receiving surgery was 1.78.
Pai and Kumar, 1996 55Claudication pain which caused significant functional disability, not relieved by conservative treatment, progressive neurological deficit, and cauda equina syndrome.Not StatedSex distribution 44 Men and 9 Women and age ranges 20-68 were reported only for combined groups. First followup was by examine, later followup by questionnaire.Two patients were lost to followup at 1st followup, 7 more at 2nd followup.
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 36Patients with LSS whose symptoms had not been improved by conservative treatmentNone reportedPatients were grouped according to degree of adhesive arachnoiditis of the cauda equina slight, moderate, marked.Patient diagnosis: degeneration LSS n=17 [10 with spondylolisthesis], combined type LSS n=15, and 4 with post-traumatic causes.
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 50Clinical symptoms of lumbar stenosis not improved by conservative treatment for more than 3 months with imaging evidence of a central or lateral stenosis.Patients with diabetes type 1 or 2 were excluded if not requiring insulin or oral medication which started at least 3 years before the surgery.Nondiabetic patients compared to diabetic patients.
Little and MacDonald, 1994 94Patients who completed the Oswestry Low Back Pain Questionnaire both pre and post surgery.Patients were excluded if a pre and post disability index was not recorded.Part of a larger series of back surgery patients who had filled out the Oswestry Low Back Pain Questionnaire.Central and lateral stenosis patients were reported to have had decompressive laminectomy and fusion but the numbers in the tables do not match for diagnosis groups and surgery groups.Mean age is for the larger group.Very little information on patient characteristics is reported.
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 57Preoperative diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and spinal stenosis. All patients had failed to improved adequately after nonoperative management.Workers' Compensation or involved in litigation.This is a retrospective study comparing patients with diabetes and spinal stenosis with age and sex matched nondiabetic patients with spinal stenosis. Herniated disk patients were reported separately except for mean ages and range.
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 39Patients had at least one previous lumbar spinal surgery and underwent a second operation for persistence or recurrence of back and leg pain.None reported.Trial was specifically designed to examine patients with recurrence of back and leg pain after at least one previous lumbar spinal operation. Patient characteristics are reported for a combined previous disk and stenosis surgery patients.
Nasca, 1989 114Patients surgically treated for lumbar spinal stenosis.Not Stated
Nather and Thomas, 1985 34Must have signs of stenosis at surgery and have either clinical or radiological features of stenosis.Not StatedSeveral diagnoses and several treatments.Outcomes are reported separately by diagnosis. Complications and ability to work are reported for entire patient group. Only two diagnoses had sufficient number of patients to include in the database.
Paine, 1976 143Not StatedNot StatedOne patient died from complications of surgery, but the inclusion of this patientin one of the categories included in this analysis is not know.
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 49Spinal stenosis patients incapacitated with intractable pain and had not responded to other therapeutic measures.Patients with soft disk herniations in addition to spondylosis were excluded.Patients were divided according to prior surgery or no prior surgery. The 21 patients with prior surgery had been operated on for herniated disks.
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 26Spinal stenosis cases from St. Joseph Hospital in Toronto, Canada.None reported.Some surgical patients may have received fusion as well as standard wide laminectomy but results were reported as similar.No separate patients characteristics were reported for the stenosis surgery group.
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 34Patients with congenital or advanced degenerative central and lateral lumbar stenosis in which 3 or more inter-laminal spaces were decompressed. Patients had a combined central and lateral stenosis and bilateral foraminal and nerve root canal decompressions.Not reportedThis is a special group of patients in which 3 or more inter-laminal spaces were decompressed.
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 248All patients received conservative therapy prior to surgery but had inconsistent responses. Lumbar myelography correlated with the clinical finding of neurogenic claudication and failure to respond to conservative therapy resulted in a recommendation for laminectomy.None reported.Long-term followup had 120 dropouts from 244 patients in the short-term followup. 26 patients were involved in worker's compensation claims.
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 88Patients 55 and over who had a laminectomy with or without fusion for degenerative lumbar stenosis at Brigham and Women's' Hospital between 1983 and 1986.Patients with prior laminectomy or spinal arthrodesis of both were excluded.22 patients had degenerative spondylolisthesis with at least 5 mm of forward slip.
Ganz, 1990 36Patients who underwent surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis between January 1981 and December 1986. Selection criteria for surgery included a marked clinical disturbance and a myelogram showing the changes of spinal stenosis.None reported29 patients had standard wide laminectomy, 3 patients had hemilaminectomy with disk removal, and 1 had unilateral hemilaminectomy.The group is recorded in the database as standard wide laminectomy.
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 70Chronic at least 6 months lumbar stenosis.Multilevel lumbar decompression, instrumentation and fusion.Stenosis from acute fractures, infectious processes or neoplastic disease.This study is primarily concerned with somatosensory evoked potential recordings.
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 50Consecutive patients operated on for lumbar spinal stenosis with severe motor deficit.Not StatedVarious types of stenosis, treated with various types of surgery. Outcomes not separately reported.
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 72Neuroradiological and intraoperative findings suggested stenosisNot StatedFollowup was provided by examination 2.5 years after surgery, and by mailed questionnaire at 8 years. 25 patients were lost to followup at 8 years.
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 62Symptomatic degeneration. LS, include. Patients with mild deformity w/o gross instability degenerative scoliosis of <20deg., grade 1 spondylolisthesis w/o segmental instability, i.e., <4mm translation or <11deg. Angulation on flex./extension.Prior back surgery, pure disk protrusion, cauda equina syndrome, congenital or developmental stenosis, Paget's disease, achondroplasia, total block on myelogram, <100mm^2 of canal area, scoliosis>20deg., grade 2 or + stenosis, segmental instability.Data is provided only for the 50 patients not lost to followup.
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 50All patients presented with symptoms and signs consistent with nerve root entrapment. CT, MRI or myelogram was obtained to confirm the diagnosis.Not Stated
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 35Degenerative Conditions of the Lumbar SpineNot Stated
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 29Patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis who were operated on by a unilateral and bilateral decompression.Not StatedTwo patients received discectomy as well as decompressive laminotomy. All patients were examined at discharge and at 8-10 weeks. Final evaluation was by telephone at 6 to 26 months, mean 18 months.
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 88Clinical and radiographic evidence of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis, underwent decompressive laminotomy with or without arthrodesis from 1983-1986, were older than 55 at time of surgery, had no prior surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis.Not statedNo useful pretreatment data.
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 96Symptomatic Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.Not StatedMixed diagnoses, mixed surgeries, all reported together.
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 230Age>50years, pain in the low back, buttock and lower extremity exacerbated by lumbar extension, and evidence of central or central-lateral compression of the cauda equina by a degenerative lesion of the facet joint, disk, or ligamentum flavum.Patients unable to complete questionnaires because of cognitive or language difficulties were excluded.
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 380Patients who underwent decompressive lumbar laminectomy in Washentaw county, MI between July 1983 and July, 1990.Must have a radiographically confirmed diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis.Incomplete documentation, previous lumbar surgery, interlaminar decompression, total facetectomy, fusion, or instrumentation. Patients excluded for incomplete documentation would be more properly considered lost to followup.An unknown and possibly large number of patients were excluded because they did not have sufficient pretreatment data.These patients should be marked lost to followup greater than 75%. Provides data as percentages which, due to rounding, do not account for all patients in each group. Patients which form a sub-group of 119 are presented in the database.
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 193Patient received decompressive surgery for stenosis after cons. Treatment Failed, imaging shows compression consistent with symptoms.Pending litigation, Pending workers' comp. Claims, infection, tumor previous spine surgery, dementia, stroke, requiring complete facetectomy.Combined various etiologies and various surgeries.Some data on prognostic factors is reported.
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 40Patients having a significant lumbar scoliosis associated with spinal stenosis with symptoms of neurogenic claudication and having been treated with posterior decompression and pedicular screw fixation.None reported
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 92Lumbar stenosisNot statedMixed diagnoses, mixed treatments, and sparse descriptions. 49% of patients did not receive conservative treatment prior to surgery.
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 61Patients operated on for lumbar spinal stenosis.Patients with an AP diameter of the dural sack of more than 11cm and patients with impaired circulation in the legs.
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 36Not StatedNot StatedAlmost no information is provided.
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 31Myelographic demonstration of total or subtotal obstruction s to the passage of the contrast medium in the lumbar spinal canal.Patients with spondylolytic spondylolisthesis, prior lumbar surgery, tumor, infection, and lumbar disk herniationTwo patients had prior intervention lumbar sympathectomy. Degree of stenosis was measured by myelography as the midsagittal diameter at the most constricted level. Number of surgical levels involved: single level n=11, 2 levels n=7, more than 2 levels n=13.
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 19Patients with spinal stenosis who were "found suitable for surgery".Not Stated, but 41 patients apparently were found unsuitable for surgery.
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 25Lumbar stenosis, including developmental, degenerative and mixed.Spondylolisthesis
Hood and Weigl, 1983 21Patients over age 50 with lumbar spinal stenosis requiring surgery.Not Stated
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 27Lumbar spinal stenosisNone reported.
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 35Patients with lumbar stenosis operated on between 1966 and 1976.Not StatedTwo patients categorized as having "miscellaneous" stenosis were excluded by us because 1 had stenosis due to giant-cell tumor. Another 5 were excluded because they may have had herniated disks. This is in addition to the 8 patients already lost to followup.
Scapinelli, 1978 23Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.Patients found to have disk protrusions at operation.Patient information is given for all 42 patients with stenosis. Only 23 had surgery.Etiology of stenosis varied, but treatment was the same.
Vestad and Naca, 1977 80SpondylolisthesisNot StatedIncludes multiple etiologies, some patients were fused while others were not.
McKinley and Davis, 1976 32Narrow Lumbar Spinal Canal or Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.Not StatedPoor study with a large dropout rate 44%.Only 18 of 32 Patients followed up.No useful outcome measures were reported.
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 29Lumbar spondylosis with Compression of Cauda EquinaNot StatedOne patient had discectomy and laminotomy.28 had laminectomy.
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 29Symptoms of nerve root compression causally related to narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal.Not StatedDifferent patients received different surgery: Interlaminar laminotomy, Complete hemilaminectomy, Total laminectomy.
Epstein, 1960 14Spondylosis of the lumbar spine.Not Stated
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized controlled Trial
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 75All patients had a clinical diagnosis of single-level degenerative spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis.Prior lumbar surgery.
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 41All patients had lumbar or lumbosacral instability, defined by severe, chronic motion-induced back painAge less than 20 or greater than 70. Metabolic bone disease osteoporosis, comorbidity, and psychosocial instability.The 41 patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis were part of a larger study of spondylolisthesis in 130 patients.Patient characteristics were only available for the larger group. Patients were excluded if over 70 years of age.Data on fusion levels were presented for the entire larger patient group.
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 43Patients with primary surgery for spinal claudication caused by spinal stenosis at the level of the degenerative spondylolisthesis.Prior surgery.Patients with pathological motion were automatically randomized to fusion and instrumentation. Patient group 1, no fusion, has only 9 patients, but data was entered for completeness. Analysis can be performed between Group 2, fusion, and Group 3, fusion and instrumentation.
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 50Clinical diagnosis of degenerative spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis, symptoms unresponsive to an adequate trial of nonoperative treatment, single level of Spondylolisthesis, imaging studies consisting of plain x-ry and either myelogram, CT, or MRI.None reported
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 106One or two vertebrae slipped forward at least 5% of their diameter.Not StatedDifferent numbers of patients age given for different outcomes. Patients who had 2nd surgery not included in analysis, except the global outcome, in which they were called "Worse". Most patient data given for combined groups only. Average slippage reported for all patients, 20%, range 12.5% to 44%.
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 2684Any patient with a diagnosis of degenerative spondylolisthesis, no prior fusion or instrumentation surgery at the same level, and posterior fixation and fusion surgery. Patient must have radicular pain and/or neurogenic claudication.Prior fusion attempts at the operative site, involvement of more than 2 levels, surgery involving anterior fixation. Dysplastic, Isthmic, or Pathological etiology.Data on exact followup times are not presented.This is a large cohort study with patient data provided by 314 surgeons. Data was provided by each surgeon on a standardized questionnaire.
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 41Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis who exhibited displacement greater than 5% by the Marique-Taillard method and were treated surgically.None reported.This study used the Japanese Orthopaedic Association JOA Questionnaire. Severity was based on Grades 1 no indention of dural sac, 2, and 3 complete block spondylolisthesis.
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 47Degenerative Spondylolisthesis treated conservatively for an adequate period.Previous surgery, involvement in litigation, significant lesions at other spinal levels, inadequate followup.One group of 6 patients was too small to be included.
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 23Patients with spondylolisthesis who had undergone posterior lumbar intervertebral fusion.None reported
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 18Patients with grade I or II degenerative spondylolisthesis treated with the ISF system and using 100% autogenous bone graft. Subluxation of one vertebra over another in the lateral radiographs, causing spinal stenosis or claudication and pain.Older than 17.No slip noted on radiograph, a stable motion segment unit, and an asymptomatic condition.
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 35Cases of lumbosacral transpedicular screw fixation between 1986 and 1994. All cases had conservative and/or nonoperative care including bed rest, limited activities, physiotherapy, nonsteroidal AI, muscle relaxants, narcotics, epidural steroids and other treatments.None reportedPart of a larger group of patients who received decompression, fusion, and instrumentation for variousback disorders. Mean age is from the larger study.
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 58Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis who underwent anterior lumbar interbody fusion from 1982 through 1993 and who were followed a minimum of 2 years.None reported48 of 58 patients received screws as well as fusion.
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 37Patients treated at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Ruhr University of Bochum for the treatment of degenerative lumbar spine diseases. Unsuccessful intensive conservative treatment for at least 1 year including local injections and physiotherapy and were trained in the back school.Patients showing nerve root compression signs on EMG, evoked potentials, CT, or MRI were excluded.Part of a larger study that included failed-back surgery and lumbar instability patients. Mean age is for the entire group of 147 patients.
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 30Patients treated with AO spinal internal fixation system for nontraumatic indications at the author's institutions.None reportedPart of a larger study. Not all spondylolisthesis patients are degenerative.
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 39Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis who underwent anterior interbody fusion.None reportedCT was used in 22 patients.
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 39Included all patients treated with bilateral laminectomy, fusion, and Luque rectangle for degenerative spondylolisthesis from 1983 to 1988. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medication, corsetry, and physical therapy did not generally provide relief.None reportedPatient's levels of satisfaction have 3 "improved" levels and 1 level for "same or not improved".
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 49Degenerative spondylolisthesis, No prior surgery, severe neurogenic claudication, treated similarly.Not StatedReporting of back or leg pain not the pain scale was entered as Back Pain.
McCulloch, 1998 21Patients had leg pain dominant over back pain, failed conservative care, were <80 years old, in reasonable health, had single or 2 level microsurgical laminotomy with single level uninstrumented intertransverse fusion using soft tissue envelope techniqueNot StatedMeasured back and leg pain on analog scale, but did not report results.
Epstein, 1998b 28"Unstable" Degen. Spondylo.: More than 4mm of translation and >10-12 degrees of angulation at the level of olisthy.Not StatedThese patients had "Unstable" degenerative spondylolisthesis.
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 10Unstable lumbar spinePatients with less than 2 years followup were excluded.Patients with degenerative canal stenosis and herniated disks were also reported on, but did not have at least 10 patients/group. Another 4 patients were excluded for getting a different treatment.
Epstein, 1998a 290Not StatedNot Stated
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 18Anterior slippage of at least 25% in the olisthetic segment and advanced stage of disk resorption with reduction of disk height by at least 75%.Not described
Herron and Trippi, 1989 24Patients with L4-5 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis with slip of at least 4mm or 10%, Followup at least 18 months.Death before 1-year followup, Compensation or litigation issues, prior surgery at L4-5 level.
Chang and McAfee, 1989 17Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis or scoliosis with at least 1 year of followup. None had previous lumbar surgery, but it is not clear if this was a requirement.Not StatedThree of the patients had degenerative scoliosis, not spondylolisthesis and were not reported separately. Some patients may have been rejected because the followup was not long enough.
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 36Degenerative spondylolisthesisNot statedPatients were given fusion, but no mention is made of decompression.
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 15A select high-risk group of patients with a primary diagnosis of degenerative spondylolisthesis.Not StatedNo useful treatment outcomes were measured.
Hanley, 1986 20Localized L4-5 degenerative spondylolisthesis treated with the same technique, having at least 2 years of followup.Evidence of disk herniation.An additional 19 patients were treated the same way for the same condition. These patients may have been lost to followup or they may have had less than the required 2 years of followup at the time of publication.
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 54Degenerative unstable spondylolisthesisNot Stated
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 50Intact Arch SpondylolisthesisNot StatedOutcomes are not reported for 5 patients because they were operated on within 4 months of publication.
Dall and Rowe, 1985 26Treated for degenerative Spondylolisthesis at Bronson and Borgess hospitals.Not Stated
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 60Degenerative spondylolisthesis patients were selected after having shown no response to prolonged conservative care.None reported.Multiple decompression techniques were used over a 12 year period. Patients had no response to prolonged conservative care. Followup for 40 patients was 1-12 mo, and for 20 patients 13 mo to 7.5 years.
Richardson and Brown, 1980 21Patients who underwent decompression and fusion for spondylolisthesis between 1976 and 1979.Nor reportedPoorly reported study. Does not provide patient ages except to say they were adults.
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 26Degenerative SpondylolisthesisNot Stated
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 20Not StatedNot StatedStudy did not provide outcomes of surgical treatment.
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trial
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 117Age greater than or equal to 45; presence of back, buttock and/or leg pain; radiographic evidence of degenerative spinal stenosis; surgeon's opinion that the patient suffered from clinically significant degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis.Previous lumbar spine surgery.Patients were asked about pain and did not distinguish between back and leg separately. Pain scores are reported in the back pain outcomes table.
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 272Age >49 and the presence of one of the following: 1 back, buttock and/or lower extremity pain; 2 radiographic evidence of compression of the cauda equina or exiting nerve roots by ligamentum flavum, facet joints, osteophytes, and/or disk material; and 3 the surgeon's judgment that patients had significant degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis.Patients with previous back surgery for stenosis.Patients who could not answer questionnaires because of language or cognitive limitations were excluded.Dropouts are reported for the entire study patient population and not for the three treatment groups. 310 consecutive patients were initially eligible, 38 refused and 272 entered the study. At 6 months 2 patients had died and 34 refused to continue; 236 patients completed 6 months. At 24 months 8 patients had died and 29 refused to continue; 199 patients continued. Within the treatment groups, the patients receiving fusion had significantly fewer levels decompressed and greater frequency of spondylolisthesis.
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 81Consecutive patients with neurogenic intermittent claudication NIC induced by spinal canal stenosis due to spondylosis and degenerative spondylolisthesis of the L4 vertebra.Not reportedPatient grouping based on number of levels involved; Group 1= 2-levels; Group 2 = 1-level; Preoperative patient were stratified by type of claudication: radicular n=7, Gp1; n=25, Gp2, caudal n=5, Gp1; n=9, Gp2, and mixed n=16, Gp1, n=19, Gp2
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 60Degenerative stenosis of the central lumbar spinal canal.Patients with previous lumbar surgery, vascular disease of the legs, or compensation issues.Two diagnoses and 2 types of surgery.Patients were reported separately, grouped by diagnosis. Patients in either group may have received either treatment. Some outcomes were reported separately for the 2 surgeries.
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 34Patients aged 65 and over who received decompressive surgery for degenerative spinal stenosis at Wrightington Hospital between 1984 and 1989.None reportedReported central, lateral, and spondylolisthesis patients. Central and lateral patients were combined due to small sample size.
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 33Undergoing spinal decompression without fusion for symptomatic spinal stenosis at L4-5.None reported.
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 70Patients with central lumbar stenosis requiring surgery.None reportedPatients had one of four types of stenosis: developmental, degenerative, combined developmental and degenerative, degenerative spondylolisthesis. Patients were shifted from multiple laminotomy to total laminectomy for a would not allow adequate neural decompression, b risk of neural damage because of severe narrowing of the spinal canal, and c an inadequate bony bridge remained between laminotomies risking mobility of the residual laminae and spinous process.
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 53Patients who underwent surgery using the Cotrel-Dubousset pedicle screw system at Kantoh Rosai Hospital between August 1986 and November 1989.None reportedPart of a larger study. Mean age and range are based on the larger study.
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 99Patients who had decompression for symptomatic and myelographically confirmed spinal stenosis.Not StatedMost of the patient information is for all groups, including those with scoliosis.
Prospective Trial
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 105Consecutive patients for surgical decompression for central lumbar spinal stenosisNoneStudy reported mean anterior-posterior diameter of dural sac v. walking, v. stenosis/stenosis + spondylolisthesis. Study reported the number of levels with anterior-posterior diameter < or =10 mm.
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 88Surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis at the Orthopaedic Clinic of La Sapienza University of Rome between 1972 and 1985.None reported.Development, degenerative, and combined stenosis patients were evaluated. 48 patients out of 88 were not available for followup. 16 patients had spondylolisthesis. Total laminectomy 32 patients and bilateral laminotomy 8 patients were combined. 10 patients were fused. 21 patients were not examined because they did not have an immediate postoperative radiograph.
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 80Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis who underwent decompressive surgery at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Fukui Medical School between 1983 and 1990.Patients with diseases such as diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.Several forms of stenosis and several surgical treatments. 15 degenerative stenosis, 13 combined degenerative and developmental stenosis, 14 degenerative spondylolisthesis, and 6 isthmic spondylolisthesis. 13 total laminectomy, 35 partial laminectomy.
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 64Patients who received surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis between 1972 and 1988 at the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Modena and the Orthopedic Clinic of the University of Rome.Patients were followed at least 6 months.None reported.Development, degenerative, and combined stenosis patients were evaluated. 25 patients had spondylolisthesis. Total laminectomy 28 patients and bilateral laminotomy 19 patients were combined.17 patients were fused.Study did not report patient ages.
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 28Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis who underwent decompressive surgery between November 1984 and January 1988 in the authors' department Orthopaedic Department, Hospital Beaujon, Clichy, France.None reported.Outcomes are not reported per type of spinal stenosis or type of surgery. 17 patients had degenerative lumbar stenosis without spondylolisthesis and 6 patients had degenerative lumbar stenosis with spondylolisthesis.2 patients had fusion.Randomly selected 28 patients from a pool of 76 patients.
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 55Only patients over 50 years of age were included.Diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis based on radiographic and clinical findings. All patients had disabling back, buttock, or leg pain with at least one level of central lumbar spinal stenosis.Patients with previous back surgery.This is a cohort study of originally nonoperated patients. 6 patients dropped out one died during the study, 9 needed surgery, and 40 remained on conservative therapy.
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 37Radicular pain with or without low back pain, stenosis classified as degenerative or combined, age more than 40 years, and narrowing of the central portion of the spinal canal with the area of the dural sac less than 130 mm2 at one or more intervertebral levels.Congenital or constitutional stenosis, pure lateral stenosis, previous back surgery, and age less than 40 years.The patient characteristics are reported for the entire group before dividing into operated and nonoperated patients.Each of the outcomes is part of the scoring system for the Beaujon Scoring System.
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 76Patients who from 1974 to 1985 were treated surgically because of spinal stenosis and patients not so treated because the anesthesiologist refused to administer anesthesia because of advance cardiovascular disease 2 patients or the patients refused surgery 18 patients.The only untreated patient with severe stenosis was not reported in order to obtain comparable patient groups untreated with moderate stenosis, surgery with moderate stenosis, surgery with severe stenosis. Patients who had undergone previous spinal surgery, had impaired circulation in the legs, or had a minimal midsagittal diameter of the dural sac of greater than or equal to 12 mm.Whether the study was performed prospectively or retrospectively is unclear. Walking capacity in meters was subjectively assessed at diagnosis and at followup suggesting that the study was prospectively conducted.None of the untreated patients were lost to followup, but 7 of the surgical patients died, and 5 patients did not participate. The dropouts from the surgical group were not distinguished as moderate or severe stenosis.
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundsen, Weber, Nordal et al., 2000 100Participants had sciatic pain in the leg s, with or without pain in the back, together with radiologic signs of stensosis and compression of the clinically afflicted nerve root sPatients were excluded if they had a bulging or herniated disk, spondylolysis, coxarthosis, gonarthosis, arterial insufficiency in the legs, polyneuropathy, concomitant serious disease, or previous surgery on the backStudy randomized patients with moderate symptoms to either conservative or surgical treatment. Patients with severe symptoms were given surgery and patients with mild symptoms were given conservative treatmen
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 134Functional myelography diagnostic of spinal stenosis between 1978 and 1982 and interviewed by telephone in 1993.Based on the narrowest sagittal diameter on functional myelography, the diameter must be 10.5 mm or less.Those with narrow dural sac without indentations were excluded, because they were considered to represent a constitutional form of narrow dural sac.Of the original 134 patients, 48 died during the 12 year followup period, and 9 could not be traced.
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 148Diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis based on appropriate symptoms and radiographic findings consistent with spinal stenosis, including patients with spina stenosis associated with a herniated lumbar disk.Exclusion criteria included prior lumbar spine surgery, cauda equina syndrome, developmental spinal deformities, vertebral fractures, spine infection or tumor, inflammatory spondylopathy, pregnancy, or age younger than 18 years.Practices of orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons from Maine were recruited to provide patient information.No estimate of potential patients who did not enter the study. 71 of 81 surgery patients received laminectomy; the other 10 had open discectomy only 7 or laminectomy and fusion 3. 60% of surgical patients and 68% of nonsurgical patients had comorbid illnesses, but specific incidences were not reported. Patients with spinal stenosis due to herniated disk were included.
Atlas, Keller, Robson et al., 2000 119Four year followup to Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Swezey, 1996 47Sequential patients diagnosed in 1986-1987 who met the clinical criteria of neurogenic claudication secondary to lumbar spinal stenosis and were available for telephone interview or reexamination in 1993.4 of 51 patients had mild stenosis by CT or MRI and were excluded.Patient characteristics are only available for the entire patient group and are not listed by treatment. A surgical group 11 patients and a nonsurgical group 36 patients were examined. Within the nonsurgical group are patients given pelvic traction.
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 100All patients diagnosed as having lumbar spinal stenosis who attended the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the New York Hospital - Cornell University Medical Center form January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1983. Inclusion in the study required clinical symptoms at the time of initial evaluation of pain, numbness, and weakness in the lower back and extremities which was typically worse with standing or walking and which was relieved by sitting or lying, and a positive CT scan and/or myelogram. Surgical patients were a selected group with fewer concomitant medical problems.Patient were excluded if they had a predominant extrusion or protrusion of a disk as the cause of their symptoms.Of an original 100 patients only 80 could be contacted for followup information. No individual patient signs and symptoms were reported. The anterior-posterior diameter of the lumbar spinal canal was measured and the mean reported according to improvement aftertreatment not by treatment groups: Excellent n=12, 10.00 mm; Good n=13, 10.08 mm; Fair n=6, 10.48 mm; Slight n=4, 10.32 mm; Same n=7, 10.00 mm.
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 57Nonoperative lumbar spinal stenosis patients who had undergone myelography were identified.Prior back surgery.The conservatively treated patients were selected as patched pairs to surgical patients. The surgical patients were part of a larger group of patients undergoing surgery that are reported elsewhere in this database.
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 43Patients referred initially to a special back clinic with symptomatic degenerative spondylolisthesis.None reportedThis is a retrospective trial in which the control conservatively treated group has a less severe condition than the surgical group.
Rosenberg, 1976 200Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis examined between 1956 and 1968.Patients with less than 5% slipping were excluded.Retrospective study of nonsurgical and surgical patients with little actual patient information or outcome measurements.Of 200 patients, 159 were female, mean age 61 years, range 44 to 89.
Trials Describing Only the Natural History of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Patients
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Hamdan and Al-Kaissie, 1994 7550 patients were selected at random method not defined from 1500 cases attending the orthopedic clinic in Basrah University Hospital. All had back ache and/or sciatica. 25 patients with lumbar canal stenosis were included for comparison and seem to have come from the 50 randomly selected patients. 50 normal patients were selected from patients attending the radiological departments with complaints other than back problems.Not reported.Surgical outcome data were not extracted because only 17 of 25 patients received surgery and the patient conditions/characteristics were not defined. Several different surgical approaches were used. 50 normal patients were used for spinal measurements only and no patient characteristics data are available. Only range data is provided for the canal ratio measurement and this only for the normal group.
Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993b 100First 100 patients from 1986 admitted for decompressive surgery of the lumbar spine and had lateral stenosis.None reported.Only the lateral stenosis patients were extracted.The central stenosis patients were probably part of an update published in 1997 Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a; Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997b that also described patient characteristics prior to surgery for central stenosis patients only from 1986 to 1991.
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Matsunaga, Sakou, Morizono et al., 1990 40Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis and slippage of 5% or more for the past 15 years without surgery or long-term conservative therapy.None reported40 patients were followed who did not have surgery or long-term conservative therapy. 3 patients were trauma cases.
Sato, Wakamatsu, Yoshizumi et al., 1989 355Patients with a forward slip of L4 onto L5 of more than 3 mm on lateral radiographs.Patients with transitional vertebrae were excluded.Little information is available on the control group of patients who had low-back pain but no spondylolisthesis.
Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis
Radu and Menkes, 1998 62Patients admitted to the Cochin Teaching Hospital Rheumatology Unit between July 1995 and June 1996 for lumbar spinal stenosis.A 12 year old with congenital lumbar spinal stenosis was excluded.Comorbidity was high. Duration was given per years, 21% less than 1 year, 21% greater than 5 years. Of 62 patients only 8 went on to surgery.
Amundsen, Weber, Lilleas et al., 1995 100Sciatic pain with or without pain in the back.Radiologic signs of compression on the clinically afflicted nerve root s.Excluded if nerve root compression was primarily caused by a bulging or herniated disk, tumor, or infection. Previous back surgery, Spondylolysis or lytic spondylolisthesis, arterial insufficiency, polyneuropathy, concomitant serious disease.Pretreatment data only. Distribution of conditions: 51 lateral and 49 central stenosis; 72 degenerative, 13 developmental, and 15 combined. 12 patients had degenerative spondylolisthesis.No correlation between degree of stenosis and degree of pain Chi-square P value of 0.6
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1992 32Patients with spinal stenosis who were observed only i.e.., no surgery during the study period.Prior spinal surgery; impaired circulation in the legs; canal AP diameter >11 mmObservational study of a "no treatment" group of spinal stenosis patients; Reported pre- post symptoms for all patients followed and also stratified by anterior-posterior canal diameter, pain level and walking distance by outcomes.

Evidence Table 9. Patient Treatment Information for Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
First Author and Year of PublicationPatient GroupNTreatmentDescription of Treatment
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 116Epidural SalineThree epidural injections of 8ml saline over 1 week as a control treatment.
218Epidural AnestheticsThree epidural injections of 8ml of 1% mepivacaine over 1 week.
319Epidural Anesthetics and SteroidsThree epidural injections of 1% mepivacaine and 40mg methylprednisolone over 1 week.
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 120Calcitonin InjectionsPatients were injected with 100 IU of calcitonin every 2 days for 4 weeks. After a 2-month washout, patients were injected with placebo on the same schedule.Blind, cross over design.
219Calcitonin InjectionsPatients were injected with placebo every 2 days for 4 weeks. After a 2-month washout, patients were injected with 100 IU of calcitonin on the same schedule. Blind, cross over design.
Cuckler, 1985 Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 120Epidural Anesthetics and Steroids7 ml of fluid was injected into the epidural space between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae containing
2 ml with 80 mg of methylprednisolone acetate and 5 ml of 1% procaine.
217Epidural Anesthetics7 ml of fluid was injected into the epidural space between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae containing
2 ml of sterile water and 5 ml of 1% procaine.
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 129Exercise/flexionFlexion exercises- Abdominal Strengthening, Pelvic Tilt, Chest-to-thigh position.
219Exercise/extensionExtension exercises- Upper back extension from prone position, Hip extension from prone position.
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with CentralLumbar Stenosis
First Author and Year of PublicationPatient GroupNTreatment and Specific or Unique ConditionType of FusionType of InstrumentationConcurrent Therapy
Randomized controlled Trial
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 115Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneIf necessary herniated disk were removed.
215Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation for single levelArthrodesis of the most stenotic segment, autologous bone graft from the iliac crestFixed with a translaminar screwIf necessary herniated disk were removed.
315Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation for multiple levelsArthrodesis of multiple segments, autologous bone graft from the iliac crestCotrel-Dubousset instrumentation with screws in 8 patients, the AO system in 7 patients.If necessary herniated disk were removed.
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 135Mixed Decompression Techniques - no post-surgery stenosisNoneNoneNone
257Mixed Decompression Techniques - post-surgery stenosisNoneNoneNone
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 141Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy post surgery stenosisNoneNoneNone
2Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy no post surgery stenosisNoneNoneNone
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 159Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy SWDLNoneNoneNone
261Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
316Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneNone
420SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisNoneNoneNone
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 112Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 110SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationPosterior-lateral fusionSteffee plate and Diapason in 5 patients, Knodt distraction rod in 5 patientsNone
Ray, 1982 148Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
217Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 115Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - marked stenosisNoneNoneNone
27Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - moderate stenosisNoneNoneNone
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 113Mixed Decompression Techniques11 patients given wide laminectomy, 2 patients given laminectomy and fusionNoneNone reported
214Mixed Decompression Techniques - disk lesion6 patients with laminectomy only, 5 patients with laminectomy and fusion, 3 patients with Love's methodNoneAll patients had a herniated disk.No other therapies were reported.
Prospective Trials
Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999 154Partial LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 130Partial LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 135Hemilaminectomy and fusionContralateral fusion using bone chips from the hemilaminectomyNoneIn-house physical therapy and outpatient physical therapy.
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 165Mixed Decompression TechniquesPosterior spinal fusionPedicle screw fixationNone
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 127SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisBone graft harvested from the spinous process are placed on the open gap and tied with a steel wire. Bone graft and chips from the posterior ilium are placed on the laminae and facet joint surfaces.NoneBody cast for 1 month and soft brace for 2-3 months.
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 1497Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 172Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 134Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 143Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 1100Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Dhar and Porter, 1992 136Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 132Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Rosomoff, 1981 150Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Getty, 1980 135Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 137Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - congenital stenosisNoneNoneNone
Verbiest, 1977 1116Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - congenital stenosisNoneNoneNone
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 132Decompressive SurgeryNoneNoneNone
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 112Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - hyperostotic stenosisNoneNoneNone
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 168Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 124Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1 patient required supplemental posterolateral fusionNoneNone
Weir and De Leo, 1981 181Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 127Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Verbiest, 1979 111SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis - congenital lumbar stenosisAnterior console lumbosacral fusionNoneNone
Salibi, 1976 119Standard wide laminectomy 16 patients and unilateral laminectomy 3 patientsNoneNoneNone
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trials
Lee and deBari, 1986 112SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisBilateral-lateral fusion from L3 to the sacrumNoneProgressive ambulation training and physical therapy.Some patients were allowed to wear elastic lumbosacral corsets postoperatively, but no rigid braces were allowed.
212SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationBilateral-lateral fusion from L3 to the sacrumKnodt distraction rodsProgressive ambulation training and physical therapy.Some patients were allowed to wear elastic lumbosacral corsets postoperatively, but no rigid braces were allowed.
Controlled Trials
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 120Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneNone
232Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - with disk herniationNoneNoneNone
321Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - Lateral and Central StenosisNoneNoneNone
421Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - Lateral and Central Stenosis and disk herniationNoneNoneNone
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 135Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 166LaminotomyNoneNoneNone
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 131LaminotomyNoneNoneNone
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 132LaminotomyNoneNoneNone
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 128Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneIf a disk prolapse was found it was removed.
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 115Foraminotomy/nerve root decompressionNoneNoneNone
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes bothtypes of stenosis
Controlled Trial
Yone and Sakou, 1999 114Laminotomy - patients with instabilityNoneNoneNone
219Laminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with instabilityPosterolateral spinal fusion16 Diapason pedicle screw system, and 3 Knodt distraction rod.None
327Laminotomy - patients without instabilityNoneNoneNone
Epstein, 1999 110Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal LigamentNoneNoneNone
211Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with Ossification of the Yellow LigamentNoneNoneNone
Javid and Hadar, 1998 186Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central stenosis9 patients received fusion.NoneNone
261Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central stenosis and herniated disksNoneNoneNone
323Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lateral stenosisNoneNoneNone
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 193Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without instabilityNoneNoneNone
246Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with mild instabilityNoneNoneNote: Patients in this group had low grade Meyerding grade 0 or 1 spondylolisthesis; no fusion was done.
39Partial laminectomy and fusion - patients with high instabilityNot describedNoneNote: Patients in this group had high grade Meyerding grade 2 or higher spondylolisthesis. Fusion was done.
Pai and Kumar, 1996 130Decompressive Surgery - patients with congenital stenosisNoneNoneNone
223Decompressive Surgery - patients with degenerative stenosisNoneNoneNone
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 17Partial laminectomy and fusion - patients with slight adhesionsNoneNoneNone
216Partial laminectomy and fusion- patients with moderate adhesionsNoneNoneNone
313Partial laminectomy and fusion- patients with marked adhesionsNoneNoneNone
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 125Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with diabetesNoneNoneNone
225Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without diabetesNoneNoneNone
Little and MacDonald, 1994 160SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisNot describedNoneNone
234SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisNot describedNoneNone
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 120Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with central stenosisNoneNoneNone
219Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with lateral stenosisNoneNoneNone
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 133Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with diabetesNoneNoneThese are diabetic patients treated with insulin or oral anti-diabetic medications.
224Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without diabetesNoneNoneNone
Nasca, 1989 115Decompressive Surgery - patients with lateral lumbar stenosis2 patients required posterior-lateral fusion 1 and 3 years later.NoneNone
229Decompressive Surgery - patients with central or combined lumbar stenosisNoneNoneNone
316Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with central or combined lumbar stenosisPosterior-lateral fusion7 had Knodt rods, the rest had no instrumentation
421Decompressive Surgery - patients with postsurgical stenosisNoneNoneNone
522Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with instabilityPosterior-lateral16 had instrumentation. Type not stated.
611Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with degenerative stenosis and scoliosisHarrington-Moe rods. 2 patients had no instrumentation.
Nather and Thomas, 1985 111Decompressive surgery with or without fusion - patients with degenerative lumbar stenosis
214Decompressive surgery with or without fusion - patients with combined degenerative and congenital lumbar stenosis
Paine, 1976 195Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative stenosis
248Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy- patients with degenerative stenosis and disk herniation
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 149Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with no prior surgeryNoneNoneNone
221Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with prior surgery for herniated diskNoneNoneNone
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 126Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with lumbar stenosis2 patients were fused.
218Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with congenital stenosis
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 134Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneLow dose aspirin 75 mg aspirin or 100 mg dispirin CV was prescribed to be taken daily fro 3-4 months following the operation to facilitate the micro-circulation of the cauda equina and nerve roots.
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 1248Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyTwo patients had fusionNoneNone
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 188Mixed Decompression Techniques8 patients had bilateral lateral arthrodesis, supplemented by grafting of autogenous cancellous bone from the iliac crestNoneNone
Ganz, 1990 136Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 170Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentationNot ReportedNot ReportedNone
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 150Decompressive surgeryNoneNoneNone
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 172Decompressive SurgeryNoneNoneNone
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 162LaminotomyNoneNoneNone
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 150Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNo patient received fusion.NoneNone
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 135SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationSequential anterior and posterior fusionTitanium cagesNone
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 129LaminotomyNoneNoneNone
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 188Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5 patients received arthrodesis by grafting autogenous cancellous bone from the iliac crest.NoneNone
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 196Decompressive SurgeryNoneNoneNone
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 1203Decompressive SurgeryNo description of actual surgery was reported.
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 1119Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 1193Decompressive SurgeryNoneNoneRest, Physiotherapy, and antiinflammatory medication.
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 140SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationBilateral posterolateral with bone grafting with the use of autogenous and allograft boneZielke 24 patients, Cotrel-Dubousset 8 patients, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital 8 patientsNone
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 192Decompressive surgery with or without fusionNot describedNoneNone
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 161Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 134FusionNot describedNoneNone
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 131Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 119Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1 patient received a bilateral lateral fusion
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 125Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Hood and Weigl, 1983 121Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 127Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 135Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomySurgery poorly described. All patients received wide and thorough decompression, including foraminotomy when indicated. No fusion was attempted.
Scapinelli, 1978 123Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyLumbo-sacral support and physical therapy
Vestad and Naca, 1977 180Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy16 posterior intercorporal, intertransversal, or dorsal, 1 anterior fusion.
McKinley and Davis, 1976 132Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 129SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyOne patient is included in the patient information despite not having undergone any surgery. He or she is still under conservative care, which was not described.
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 129Mixed Decompression Techniques
Epstein, 1960 114Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized controlled Trial
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 140SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationAutogenous bilateral lateral intertransverse process arthrodesisPedicle screws, VSP, Acromed, Cleveland, OhioNone
235SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisAutogenous bilateral lateral intertransverse process arthrodesisNoneNone
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 120Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentationPosterolateral intertransverse fusion with autologous bone transplantation from the right iliac wingCotrel-Dubousset system for pedicle screw fixation.None
221Partial laminectomy and fusionPosterolateral intertransverse fusion with autologous bone transplantation from the right iliac wingNoneNone
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 19Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneNone
210Partial laminectomy and fusionPosterolateral transverse processes, autogenous iliac bone graftNoneNone
324Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentationPosterolateral transverse processes, autogenous iliac bone graftPedicle fixation using Steffee platesNone
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 125SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
225SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisSingle level bilateral intertransverse-process arthrodesis with autologous bone from the iliac crestNoneNone
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 117Decompressive Surgery without fusion
218Decompressive Surgery with fusion and Translaminar Screw FixationTranslaminar Screw Fixation
371Decompressive Surgery with fusion and AO Internal FixatorAO Internal Fixator of Dick
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 12177Fusion and Pedical Screw FixationPosterior autograftScrews or bolts that could be inserted into spinal pedicles for the fixation of the spineNone
2456FusionPosterior autograftNoneNone
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 127Fusion and instrumentationAnterior lumbar interbody fusion21 of 27 patients received AO screwing and wiringNone
214Mixed Decompression Techniques8 interlaminal fenestration, 5 laminectomy, 1 fusion and Luque rods.NoneNone
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 120SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
221SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 123Fusion onlyPosterior lumbar intervertebral fusion without laminectomy preserving the interspinous process ligament.
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 118SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentationtransverse processes posterolateral autogenous bone graftsInterpedicular Segmental Fixation system from Sofamor Danek United StatesNone
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 135SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationAutogenous bone graft with some fresh frozen allographic augmentationWide variety of pedicular screw fixation and instrumentationCustom-molded thoracolumbosacral brace
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 158Fusion and instrumentationAnterior lumbar interbody fusion, grafts of cortico-cancellous bone were taken from the anterior iliac crestA-O screws and wire were used in 48 of 58 patientsBody cast for 27 to 43 days, corset for 3 to 9 months
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 137FusionPosterolateral fusion with an autologous corticocancellous H-graft from the iliac crest wedged between the spinous processesL4 and S1.NoneA lumbar brace was used for an average of 4.9 months.Patients had intense isometric training to strengthen the trunk muscles.
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 130SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationNot describedAO internal fixation system using screwsSome patients were put in braces
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 139FusionAnterior interbody fusionNoneNone
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 139SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationAutogenous iliac crest bone graft16 -gauge wire and Luque rectangleCorset was worn for 3 months. Of the final 24 that were available to return and fill out questionnaires 13 were women and 11 were men.
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 149Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentationIntertransverse process fusionConstrained pedicle screw-plate or rod systems
McCulloch, 1998 121Partial laminectomy and fusionUnilateral fusion with autograft bon
Epstein, 1998b 128SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationTexas Scottish Rite Hospital Instrumented FusionNot Stated
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 110Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentationPosterior Lumbar Interbody FusionLeeds-Keio artificial ligament
Epstein, 1998a 1290Mixed Decompression Techniques
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 118SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentationposterolateral fusion with bone graft from the iliac crest.Two 6.5mm spongious screwsPhysiotherapy, epidural injection, brace, anti-inflammatory medication. Soft brace for 3 months.
Herron and Trippi, 1989 124Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Chang and McAfee, 1989 117SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentationbilateral posterolateral fusioncombination segmental rod-plate and transpedicular spinal fixator3 patients had scoliosis rather than spondylolisthesis.
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 136Fusion
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 115SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationBilateral posterolateral bone graft of the instrumented segmentsZielke screws and rods.
Hanley, 1986 120SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationAutologous iliac crest bone graft over the decorticated transverse process and lateral aspects of the pedicles and facet joints at the operated segmentsHarrington distraction rods with #1254 hooks inferiorly and #1253 hooks superiorly
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 154SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationPosterolateralCombined distraction and compression rod instrumentation.
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 150Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4 patients had undescribed fusion.
Dall and Rowe, 1985 126SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 160Mixed Decompression Techniques
Richardson and Brown, 1980 121SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisPosterolateral fusionNoneNone
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 126SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNot described. Text stated that conservative care was adequate for some patients.
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 120Mixed Decompression Techniques2 patients had fusionNoneNone
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with LumbarStenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trial
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 139Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosisNoneNoneNone
251SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosisNoneNoneNone
327SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesisIntertransverse autogenous bone graftCotrel-Dubousset-pedicle screw fixation.None
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 1194Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
237SWDL with Fusion ArthrodesisIntertransverse autogenous bone graft.NoneNone
341SWDL with Fusion and InstrumentationIntertransverse autogenous bone graft.Several typesNone
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 128Laminotomy - 2 level stenosis
253Laminotomy - 1 level stenosis
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 124SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis4 patients with posterior fusion and supplemental bone grafting4 patients with Cotrel-Dubousset-Instrumentation pedicle screwsNone
224Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lumbar stenosisNoneNoneNone
312SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis and spondylolisthesisposterior fusion9 patients with Cotrel-Dubousset-Instrumentation pedicle screws, 3 patients with hook systemNone
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 119Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with Degenerative SpondylolisthesisNoneNoneNone
212SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lumbar spinal stenosisNoneNoneNone
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 122SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosisNoneNoneNone
211SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesisNoneNoneNone
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 126Laminotomy - patients with congenital or degenerative stenosis, combined, or degenerative spondylolisthesis4 patients with deg. spondylolisthesis had intertransverse fusionNone
241Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis8 patients with deg. spondylolisthesis had intertransverse fusionNone
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 132SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesisposterior lumbar interbody fusionCotrel-Dubousset pedicle screw systemNone
221SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosisposterior lumbar interbody fusionCotrel-Dubousset pedicle screw systemNone
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 158Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative stenosis
241Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis
Prospective Trial
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 1105Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisNone
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 188Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined, with or without Spondylolisthesis10 patients had intertransverse fusion
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 180Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined stenosis, or degenerative or isthmic spondylolisthesis20 patients with spondylolisthesis had a intertransverse fusion8 patients had Cotrel Dubousset transpedicular fixationNone
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 164Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined, with or without spondylolisthesis17 patients with intertransverse fusionNoneNone
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 128SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2 patients had posterolateral fusionNoneNone
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 140Conservative - various treatment1 to 2 weeks of bed rest for patients with acute motor weakness, oral corticosteroids on a 7-day tapering schedule for significant radiculopathy, epidural corticosteroid injections for nonresponding patients, NSAIDs for less severe patients. All patients were placed in a physical rehabilitation program with a physical therapist and instructed to perform a flexion-biased lumbar stabilization exercise on a daily basis.
29Surgery - not describedConservative therapy lasted a mean of 13 months, range 2 to 41 before these 9 patients needed surgery. All patients were placed in a physical rehabilitation program with a physical therapist and instructed to perform a flexion-biased lumbar stabilization exercise on a daily basis.
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 120Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 120Conservative-not describedNoneNoneNot described
230Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with moderate stenosisNoneNoneNone
314Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with severe stenosisNoneNoneNone
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundsen, Weber, Nordal et al., 2000 119Standard wide decompressive laminectomyNoneAfter 1 to 2 days patients received a brace; rehabilitation lasted 1 month followed by back school
250Conservative - various treatmentsPatients were fitted with a brace, given rehabilitation for 1 month, and "back school" training; after 2 months physiotherapy was started, including general physical training
313Standard wide decompressive laminectomyNoneAfter 1 to 2 days patients received a brace; rehabilitation lasted 1 month followed by back school
418Conservative - various treatmentsPatients were fitted with a brace, given rehabilitation for 1 month, and "back school" training; after 2 months physiotherapy was started, including general physical training
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 157SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
218Conservative-not describedNoneNoneThe conservative treatment was not described and referred to only as nonoperative treatment.
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 181SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3 patients received fusionNoneNone
267Conservative-manyNoneNoneBed rest 27%, back exercises 39%, Traction 4%, Brace 14%, TENS 14%, Physical Therapy 23%, Spinal Manipulation 23%, Other therapies 5%, Epidural Steroids 18%, Narcotic analgesics use in past week 21%.
Atlas, Keller, Robson et al., 2000 167SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyFour year followup for Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Swezey, 1996 112Exercise/stretching and flexibilityNoneNoneErgonomics and flexion exercises plus analgesic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
211Physical Therapy/massage, ultrasound, heat, ice, tractionNoneNoneOutpatient pelvic traction using static traction on a split-traction table given once or twice weekly for 20 minutes at 50% of body weight. Ergonomics and flexion exercises plus analgesic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
313Epidural Steroid InjectionsNoneNoneEpidural corticosteroid injections when other measures were not providing sufficient relief from neurogenic claudication.Maximum of 3 injections at no less than 1-2 week intervals. Ergonomics and flexion exercises plus analgesic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
411Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 141Conservative-various typesNoneNoneAnalgesics, electrical stimulation, ice, heat, hydrotherapy, ultrasound, muscle relaxation techniques, stretching and strengthening exercises, and treadmill training.
239Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 154Conservative-not describedNoneNoneConservative therapy was not described.Patients were considered nonoperative.
Data from surgical patients used for comparison were obtained from a larger previously published study.
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 129Rigid BraceNoneNoneLumbo-sacral corset
214Mixed Decompression TechniquesPostero-lateral grafts over the transverse processes and adjoining outer parts of the facets and pedicles.NoneNone
Rosenberg, 1976 111Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomyNoneNoneNone
215Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyNoneNoneNone
3170Conservative-not describedNoneNonePatients received analgesics, anti-inflammatory medication, bracing, bed rest, exercise, traction and different thermal modalities with unpredictable ability to relief pain.Symptomatic therapy was adequate in 90% of patients.

Evidence Table 10. Patient Characteristics Information for Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
First Author and Year of PublicationPatient GroupNTreatmentMalesFemalesDropoutsAge yearsDuration of Condition monthsLevels InvolvedPriorSurgery
TotalDeathsLost to FollowupMeanSDYoungestOldestMeanSDMinimumMaximumSingleMultipleMean
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 116Epidural Saline1240007082.632000
218Epidural Anesthetics1350006992.732.27000
319Epidural Anesthetics and Steroids1360007273.132.63000
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 120Calcitonin Injections101000056.3267468.4241200000
219Calcitonin Injections10900055.7387175.4241440000
Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 120Epidural Anesthetics and Steroids1010048.51.336.612.5
217Epidural Anesthetics107049.52.829.414.3
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 129Exercise/flexion121430344.514.546.870.8000
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 115Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy690664872166370
215Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation for single level10507156871663715010
315Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation for multiple levels510071587916637150
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 135Mixed Decompression Techniques - no post-surgery stenosis161952.9400
257Mixed Decompression Techniques - post-surgery stenosis282951.42.40
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 141Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy post surgery stenosis251655.11.7
215Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy no post surgery stenosis69521.6
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 159Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy SWDL64
261Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy65
316Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy64
420SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis64
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 112Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy6840860
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 110SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation46686089371.7
Ray, 1982 148Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy301854.317325231.67
217Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy12545.583981.65
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 115Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - marked stenosis139000644776418
27Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - moderate stenosis139644776418
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 113Mixed Decompression Techniques11246.93555671.5
214Mixed Decompression Techniques - disk lesion12249.33555951.4
Prospective Trials
Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000 154Partial Laminectomy302460671518618362.020
Weiner, Wlaker, Brower et al., 1999 130Partila Laminectomy1416000684181243969212.07
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 135Hemilaminectomy and fusion11186066433800292.939
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 165Mixed Decompression Techniques2243447815502.520
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 127SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis20753.337690273.2
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 1497Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2551835933265310841.599
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 172Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1684863.111.83178
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 134Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2113083808761333
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 143Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy31271844812312.39
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 1100Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy46546743846114421794
Dhar and Porter, 1992 136Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 132Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy221042.8217051324013191.75
Rosomoff, 1981 150Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy20302575612010402.236
Getty, 1980 135Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy161570458307569.62.5
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 137Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - congenital stenosis271040452.53075
Verbiest, 1977 1116Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - congenital stenosis241242285
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 132Decompressive Surgery17152
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 112Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - hyperostotic stenosis66564272
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 168Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy531563363328332112036530
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 124Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3
Weir and De Leo, 1981 181Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy572453.33080
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 127Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy22500061.39488025221844232.4
Verbiest, 1979 111SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis - congenital lumbar stenosis3819.310.51142741.45
Salibi, 1976 119Standard wide laminectomy 16 patients and unilateral laminectomy 3 patients17316036763172
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Lee and deBari, 1986 112SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis45.7286512
212SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation45.7286512
Controlled Trials
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 120Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy54641521321081560
232Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - with disk herniation64641521321081560
321Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - Lateral and Central Stenosis34641521321081560
421Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - Lateral and Central Stenosis and disk herniation4641521321081560
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 135Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy51486120
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 166Laminotomy24339365636746561805161.1
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 131Laminotomy191249.13776311
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 132Laminotomy82466318392320
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 128Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1991761
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 115Foraminotomy/nerve root decompression871751
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Controlled Trial
Yone and Sakou, 1999 114Laminotomy - patients with instability104634579681.93
219Laminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with instability1276155761181.58
327Laminotomy - patients without instability17105832765222.15
Epstein, 1999 110Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament5562.513.23877193.2
211Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with Ossification of the Yellow Ligament4769.27.75278473.36
Javid and Hadar, 1998 186Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central stenosis434364.72789422.50
261Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central stenosis and herniated disks392259.12382792.160
323Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lateral stenosis14953.62579380
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 193Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without instability0767088
246Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with mild instability0767088
39Partial laminectomy and fusion - patients with high instability11767088
Pai and Kumar, 1996 130Decompressive Surgery - patients with congenital stenosis36
223Decompressive Surgery - patients with degenerative stenosis52
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 17Partial laminectomy and fusion - patients with slight adhesions241200060.639784621327010
216Partial laminectomy and fusion- patients with moderate adhesions241200060.6397846213216010
313Partial laminectomy and fusion- patients with marked adhesions241200060.6397846213213010
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 125Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with diabetes1411068378419
225Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without diabetes1312071588416
Little and MacDonald, 1994 160SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis50.6
234SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis50.6
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 133Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with diabetes9633284
224Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without diabetes2633284
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 120Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with central stenosis11020
219Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with lateral stenosis1119
Nasca, 1989 115Decompressive Surgery -patients with lateral lumbar stenosis9647
229Decompressive Surgery - patients with central or combined lumbar stenosis236
316Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with central or combined lumbar stenosis975679
421Decompressive Surgery - patients with postsurgical stenosis
522Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with instability101255
611Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with degenerative stenosis and scoliosis01163
Nather and Thomas, 1985 111Decompressive surgery with or without fusion - patients with degenerative lumbar stenosis
214Decompressive surgery with or without fusion - patients with combined degenerative and congenital lumbar stenosis
Paine, 1976 195Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative stenosis395610
248Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy- patients with degenerative stenosis and disk herniation
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 149Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with no prior surgery27223359.445840
221Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with prior surgery for herniated disk1110055.7337521
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 126Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with lumbar stenosis
218Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with congenital stenosis
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 134Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1519064298853240343.560
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 1248Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy97147440650.6308721.63.304801081401.8247
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 188Mixed Decompression Techniques26621881069.355891916722.40
Ganz, 1990 136Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2943115714.721842.5
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 170Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation4613.10
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 150Decompressive surgery222860318514362.26
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 172Decompressive Surgery324059.772
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 162Laminotomy31191266358579148013371.880
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 150Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy24262261368133.6624023271.6
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 135SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation191645.311.2267613221.829
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 129Laminotomy1415446234834231802271.28
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 188Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy33201369.3558816722.38
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 196Decompressive Surgery4650317245926872.721659371.4841
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 1203Decompressive Surgery4684100689.1
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 1119Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy635661.81146806602.50
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 1193Decompressive Surgery42767575694691391148091092.8123
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 140SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1525061.53877
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 192Decompressive surgery with or without fusion264913604943
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 161Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4021165388027301180
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 134Fusion2
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 131Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1912000523779721212014171.80
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 119Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy91067508012400
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 125Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1876149736
Hood and Weigl, 1983 121Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy156115075603600203.4
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 127Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1215257.1267511624568173.12
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 135Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy27815857.52882361224010
Scapinelli, 1978 123Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy0002560
Vestad and Naca, 1977 180Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy39.61565
McKinley and Davis, 1976 132Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy15171451177549321
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 129SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2283772024022.7
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 129Mixed Decompression Techniques1514
Epstein, 1960 114Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy8629661480
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized controlled Trial
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 140SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation728556953863510
235SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis627226652803510
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 120Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation462067
221Partial laminectomy and fusion43.52066
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 19Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy27072.3910
210Partial laminectomy and fusion46065.61010
324Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation424064.22311.040
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 125SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy9160655383251
225SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis520063.55284251
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 117Decompressive Surgery without fusion215644585
218Decompressive Surgery with fusion and Translaminar Screw Fixation810675783
371Decompressive Surgery with fusion and AO Internal Fixator215674583
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 12177Fusion and Pedical Screw Fixation817136057.818683091.1738
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 127Fusion and instrumentation051.1366546
214Mixed Decompression Techniques068.66081104
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 120SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy654981
221SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis654981
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 123Fusion only2165252.87.44268231
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 118SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation41405513.433741081.6714
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 135SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation52.21885
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 158Fusion and instrumentation134505328685621.03
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 137Fusion42.82162371
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 130SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation181245.81371
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 139Fusion53443151347429101.3
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 139SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1524153645380243802041.163
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 149Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation1229138566.752791.270
McCulloch, 1998 121Partial laminectomy and fusion6152116551791471.33
Epstein, 1998b 128SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation15136438820284
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 110Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation4656.56.848661001
Epstein, 1998a 1290Mixed Decompression Techniques941966738823.2
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 118SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation51321154357724601801
Herron and Trippi, 1989 124Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5196752871537214101.461
Chang and McAfee, 1989 117SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation51259.44473
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 136Fusion63048.13460
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 115SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation645670
Hanley, 1986 120SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation21858.239752010
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 154SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation213353407529251.5
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 150Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy12389136647874911.048
Dall and Rowe, 1985 126SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy41394560.5477313001251.44
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 160Mixed Decompression Techniques204065449048260020404
Richardson and Brown, 1980 121SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis1830
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 126SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy81850847191.96
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 120Mixed Decompression Techniques3175458418240
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trial
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 139Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis192014638.1216.61.50
251SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis272425597.92051.50
327SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis14136648.83061.60
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 1194Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy91103708.130282.60
237SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis1027649.2273020
341SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation932668.733291.80
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 128Laminotomy - 2 level stenosis1996425.22801
253Laminotomy - 1 level stenosis28256425.25301
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 124SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis131100058.9457956.491801951.70
224Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lumbar stenosis121200065.6468656.491801591.30
312SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis and spondylolisthesis6600065.1507456.491802.10
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 119Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis51472.2658196121921901
212SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lumbar spinal stenosis8472.265819612192931.3
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 122SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis69.78.25690221
211SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis69.78.25690111
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 126Laminotomy - patients with congenital or degenerative stenosis, combined, or degenerative spondylolisthesis57437912141.7
241Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis57437919221.7
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 132SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis5319763021.1
221SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis53197610111.8
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 158Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative stenosis
241Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis
Prospective Trial
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 1105Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative Spondylolisthesis60451715265378357148021842.2
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 188Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined, with or without Spondylolisthesis241648543871
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 180Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined stenosis, or degenerative or isthmic spondylolisthesis30183265407520282
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 164Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined, with or without spondylolisthesis3826
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 128SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy815555331797162.2
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 140Conservative - various treatments132761572538713272.10
29Surgery - not described27000675880092.6
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 120Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy81206141834261420
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 120Conservative-not described15510609428022244960000
230Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with moderate stenosis6294578333521800
314Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with severe stenosis698558026204720
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundsen T, Weber H, Nordal HJ et al., 2000 119SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy11822021710
250Conservative - various2723199016710
313SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy9422021710
418Conservative - various711101021710
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 157SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy000501112
218Conservative-not described00047104
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 181SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy24579967.630870
Atlas, Keller, Robson et al., 2000 167SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyFour year followup to Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Swezey, 1996 112Exercise/stretching and flexibility00766190966276
211Physical Therapy/massage, ultrasound, heat, ice, traction00766190966276
313Epidural Steroid Injections00766190966276
411Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy7400766190966276
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 141Conservative-various172456.42682
239Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy172257.42878
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 154Conservative-not described3321549307352181480
Data from surgical patients used for comparison were obtained from a larger previously published study.
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 129Rigid Brace614374
214Mixed Decompression Techniques614374
Rosenberg, 1976 111Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy614489
215Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy614489
3170Conservative-not described614489

Evidence Table 11. Patient Signs and Symptoms for Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
First Author and Year of PublicationPatient GroupNTreatmentBack PainLeg PainBack and Leg PainLeg WeaknessNeurogenic ClaudicationSensory DysfunctionRelief of Pain by FlexionIncontinenceExtent of Stenosis
Total Bilateral Unilateral Total Bilateral Unilateral Total Bilateral Unilateral Total Bilateral Unilateral Total Bilateral Unilateral Total Bilateral Unilateral Mild Moderate Severe
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis
Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998 116Epidural Saline1616
218Epidural Anesthetics1818
319Epidural Anesthetics and Steroids1919
Eskola, Pohjolainen, Alaranta et al., 1992 120Calcitonin Injections2020
219Calcitonin Injections1919
Cuckler, Bernini, Wiesel et al., 1985 120Epidural Anesthetics and Steroids
217Epidural Anesthetics
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989 129Exercise/flexion29
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995 115Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
215Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation for single level
315Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation for multiple levels
Controlled Trials
Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999 135Mixed Decompression Techniques - no post-surgery stenosis1287
257Mixed Decompression Techniques - post-surgery stenosis2518
Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999 141Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy post surgery stenosis
215Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy no post surgery stenosis
Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999 159Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy SWDL
261Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
316Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
420SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997 112Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy10
Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996 110SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Ray, 1982 148Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
217Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982 115Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - marked stenosis1230015
27Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - moderate stenosis23070
Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980 113Mixed Decompression Techniques136487
214Mixed Decompression Techniques - disk lesion1110116
Prospective Trials
Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000 154Partial Laminectomy4651375432
Weiner, Wlaker, Brower et al., 1999 130Partial Laminectomy30
diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996 135Hemilaminectomy and fusion293192210626
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999 165Mixed Decompression Techniques5863433244363
Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997 127SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis27
Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997 1497Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy425410183218137
Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996 172Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy18
Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996 134Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy103416
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994 143Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992 1100Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy47
Dhar and Porter, 1992 136Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982 132Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3212135141227204
Rosomoff, 1981 150Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy35301227281323216
Getty, 1980 135Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy211810312182
Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978 137Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - congenital stenosis17187
Verbiest, 1977 1116Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - congenital stenosis8287
Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988 132Decompressive Surgery231814112318
Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988 112Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - hyperostotic stenosis512712
Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985 168Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy446329644356
Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983 124Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy24
Weir and De Leo, 1981 181Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1212
Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981 127Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy272710225157
Verbiest, 1979 111SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis - congenital lumbar stenosis10888511
Salibi, 1976 119Standard wide laminectomy 16 patients and unilateral laminectomy 3 patients1817
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Randomized controlled Trial
Lee and deBari, 1986 112SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
212SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Controlled Trials
Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982 120Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy2075
232Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - with disk herniation3212174
321Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - Lateral and Central Stenosis211112
421Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - Lateral and Central Stenosis and disk herniation211081
Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981 135Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy181721354354
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Sanderson and Getty, 1996 166Laminotomy576519
Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996 131Laminotomy2620161717
Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990 132Laminotomy
Choudhury and Taylor, 1977 128Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy282822213213
Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972 115Foraminotomy/nerve root decompression91531286
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Centralor Lateral Lumbar Stenosis type of stenosis unspecified or includes bothtypes of stenosis
Controlled Trial
Yone and Sakou, 1999 114Laminotomy - patients with instability
219Laminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with instability
327Laminotomy - patients without instability
Epstein, 1999 110Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
211Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with Ossification of the Yellow Ligament
Javid and Hadar, 1998 186Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central stenosis8384316544
261Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central stenosis and herniated disks6160253533
323Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lateral stenosis2322121315
Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998 193Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without instability
246Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy- patients with mild instability
39Partial laminectomy and fusion - patients with high instability
Pai and Kumar, 1996 130Decompressive Surgery - patients with congenital stenosis2618924100
223Decompressive Surgery - patients with degenerative stenosis23111012182
Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996 17Partial laminectomy and fusion - patients with slight adhesions151
216Partial laminectomy and fusion- patients with moderate adhesions178
313Partial laminectomy and fusion- patients with marked adhesions274
Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994 125Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with diabetes112121
225Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without diabetes101925
Little and MacDonald, 1994 160SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
234SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993 133Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with diabetes21123313
224Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients without diabetes14102412
Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a 120Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with central stenosis20
219Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with lateral stenosis19
Nasca, 1989 115Decompressive Surgery -patients with lateral lumbar stenosis
229Decompressive Surgery - patients with central or combined lumbar stenosis
316Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with central or combined lumbar stenosis
421Decompressive Surgery - patients with postsurgical stenosis
522Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with instability2
611Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation - patients with degenerative stenosis and scoliosis
Nather and Thomas, 1985 111Decompressive surgery with or without fusion - patients with degenerative lumbar stenosis
214Decompressive surgery with or without fusion - patients with combined degenerative and congenital lumbar stenosis
Paine, 1976 195Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative stenosis
248Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy- patients with degenerative stenosis and disk herniation
Shenkin and Hash, 1976 149Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with no prior surgery721092149
221Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with prior surgery for herniated disk31141221
Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976 126Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with lumbar stenosis
218Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with congenital stenosis
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995 134Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy34342862191223114
Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993 1248Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2442282188321324
Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991 188Mixed Decompression Techniques37252888
Ganz, 1990 136Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1523
Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999 170Decompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation702970
Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998 150Decompressive surgery50394010
Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998 172Decompressive Surgery682557
Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998 162Laminotomy49454482325101318
Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998 150Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy50361647
Whitecloud, Castro Jr, Brinker et al., 1998 135SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation35
Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997 129Laminotomy2627152
Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996 188Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Lehto and Honkanen, 1995 196Decompressive Surgery91718475
Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995 1203Decompressive Surgery699811198
Tuite, Stern, Doran et al., 1994 1119Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy9211256602
McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994 1193Decompressive Surgery2612
Simmons and Simmons, 1992 140SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation353440
Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989 192Decompressive surgery with or without fusion
Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989 161Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989 134Fusion
Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989 131Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2231180625
Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985 119Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1919147
Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984 125Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy23149871151394
Hood and Weigl, 1983 121Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy20182204162020
Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981 127Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy272028192
Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979 135Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Scapinelli, 1978 123Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Vestad and Naca, 1977 180Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
McKinley and Davis, 1976 132Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy28281018172218
Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963 129SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy27261626
Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962 129Mixed Decompression Techniques1
Epstein, 1960 114Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1414114
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Randomized controlled Trial
Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997 140SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation3840
235SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis3335
Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997 120Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
221Partial laminectomy and fusion
Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993 19Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy9
210Partial laminectomy and fusion10
324Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation24
Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991 125SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
225SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
Controlled Trials
Plotz and Benini, 1998 117Decompressive Surgery without fusion
218Decompressive Surgery with fusion and Translaminar Screw Fixation
371Decompressive Surgery with fusion and AO Internal Fixator
Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994 12177Fusion and Pedical Screw Fixation21212125
Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992 127Fusion and instrumentation2724689810
214Mixed Decompression Techniques101493239
Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985 120SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
221SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
Prospective Trials
Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999 123Fusion only
Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996 118SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1170
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Stambough, 1999 135SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997 158Fusion and instrumentation191524
Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992 137Fusion23140
Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991 130SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation99164
Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990 139Fusion32
Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989 139SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation21221722
Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999 149Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation49
McCulloch, 1998 121Partial laminectomy and fusion21
Epstein, 1998b 128SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997 110Partial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
Epstein, 1998a 1290Mixed Decompression Techniques
Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996 118SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation185
Herron and Trippi, 1989 124Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy24111324131812210
Chang and McAfee, 1989 117SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation17
Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988 136Fusion36362436
Simmons and Capicotto, 1988 115SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Hanley, 1986 120SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation2020
Kaneda and Kazama, 1986 154SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation4736453439
Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985 150Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy431528
Dall and Rowe, 1985 126SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy15
Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983 160Mixed Decompression Techniques11164932
Richardson and Brown, 1980 121SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis
Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976 126SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy211261441
Epstein, Epstein, Lavine et al., 1976 120Mixed Decompression Techniques207975
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with LumbarStenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Controlled Trial
Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999 139Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis392316
251SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis512418
327SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis271114
Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997 1194Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5445
237SWDL with Fusion Arthrodesis1511
341SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation169
Sato and Kikuchi, 1997 128Laminotomy - 2 level stenosis280028
253Laminotomy - 1 level stenosis530530
Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995 124SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis249101724
224Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lumbar stenosis24158624
312SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis and spondylolisthesis1258612
Sanderson and Wood, 1993 119Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis81110127
212SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with lumbar spinal stenosis666
Robertson, Grobler, Novotny et al., 1993 122SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis
211SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis
Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993 126Laminotomy - patients with congenital or degenerative stenosis, combined, or degenerative spondylolisthesis
241Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with central lumbar stenosis
Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991 132SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis
221SWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation - patients with lumbar stenosis
Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989 158Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative stenosis
241Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis
Prospective Trials
Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a 1105Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy - patients with Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative Spondylolisthesis9110569101
Postacchini and Conotti, 1992 188Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined, with or without Spondylolisthesis
Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994 180Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined stenosis, or degenerative or isthmic spondylolisthesis16266
Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993 164Mixed Decompression Techniques - patients with Developmental, degenerative, or combined, with or without spondylolisthesis
Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999 128SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj et al., 2000 140Conservative - various treatments61915
29Surgery - not described027
Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000 120Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1817101812
Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991 120Conservative-not described216191
230Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with moderate stenosis52330
314Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy - patients with severe stenosis21214
Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis Unspecified
Amundsen T, Weber H, Nordal HJ et al., 2000 119Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy192125
250Conservative - various treatments5082517
313Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy13472
418Conservative - various treatments18657
Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998 157SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5647383126
218Conservative-not described18138126
Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996 181SWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy6266185612
Swezey, 1996 112Exercise/stretching and flexibility12
211Physical Therapy/massage, ultrasound, heat, ice, traction11
313Epidural Steroid Injections13
411Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1174
Nagler and Bodack, 1993 141Conservative-various
239Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996 154Conservative-not described3713504
Data from surgical patients used for comparison were obtained from a larger previously published study.
Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976 129Rigid Brace29
214Mixed Decompression Techniques1054
Rosenberg, 1976 111Partial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
215Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
3170Conservative-not described

Evidence Table 12. Ability to Work Outcomes from Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized Controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
Randomized Controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
Patient Condition: Spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels. Working, or Limited or unable to work.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Degenerative SpondylolisthesisExercise/flexion283318
219Degenerative SpondylolisthesisExercise/extension19336
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Reported before and after surgery.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1497Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide
Decompressive Laminectomy
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Ex: Same, Gd: Lighter, Pr: None
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Lateral Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy153612013672
232Lateral Lumbar Stenosis with disk herinationPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy2636120251871
321Lateral and Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1836120161152
421Lateral and Central Lumbar or Stenosis with disk herniationPartial laminectomy hemilaminectomy183612018162
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Sanderson and Getty, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels based on patients opinion on ability to work. Excellent: heavy work, Good: light work, Poor: unable to work.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
166Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy5700046182415
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Choudhury and Taylor, 1977
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Full Capacity, Reduced capacity, Incapacitated.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
128Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2822428
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Javid and Hadar, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Percentage of patients working who had been working prior to surgery.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
186Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy57.21213256
261Central Lumbar Stenosis and Herniated DiskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy56.61213274
323Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy86.61213243
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Vestad and Naca, 1977
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Incapable of working, partial capacity, full capacity.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
180Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy80020
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of patients working before surgery who returned to work.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
118Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1438243
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of patients returned to work
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1221.34559
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 levels of work/school-related activity: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation340771154
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of patients eligible to work who returned to work.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
118Degenerative/spondylolytic SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation800
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patient Condition: Central lumbar stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Complete information was only available for the untreated nonsurgery group.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Number Working Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-not described14317512

Evidence Table 13. Back Pain Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized Controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
Randomized Controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
Patient Condition: Spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Good: None or mild pain, and Poor: Moderate or severe pain.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Degenerative SpondylolisthesisExercise/flexion260026
219Degenerative SpondylolisthesisExercise/extension180612
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Visual analog scale of 0 to 10. Values are not reported separately for back and leg but as a combined Pain score.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
115Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy150007.8
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - single levelPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation150007.8
315Central Lumbar Stenosis - multiple segmentsPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation150008.8
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Gd: Improved, Fr: Unchanged, Pr: Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
159Central Lumbar Stenosis - younger than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy36129624102
261Central Lumbar Stenosis - older than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2912961784
316Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy121296930
420Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)111296920
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Score from 0 (no pain) - 10 (severe pain). Also reported number of patients with no pain at followup.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy and fusion290009.2
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. No change, Improved, and Resolved
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
165Central Lumbar StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques5819.616338106
Authors and Year: Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Japanese Orthopaedic Association evaluation system. Scored from 0 (frequent severe pain) to 3 (no pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)270001.40.5
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of patients with back and leg pain
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy27223791612
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with LateralLumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Choudhury and Taylor, 1977
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Absent, Mild (Occasional), Recurring
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
128Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy28224
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Yone and Sakou, 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: JOA score
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
114Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy1401.4
119Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation1901.4
327Mixed Stenosis without instabilityLaminotomy2701.3
Authors and Year: Javid and Hadar, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 levels. Ex: None, Gd: Rarely, Fr: Sometimes, Pr: most times, VPr: constant
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
186Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy7257.212132121327128
261Central Lumbar Stenosis and Herniated DiskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5256.6121321491676
323Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2286.61213224655
Authors and Year: Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Japanese Orthopedic Association for low back pain score (JOA score)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
17Mixed Stenosis - slight adhesionPartial laminectomy and fusion7014.12.604300
216Mixed Stenosis - moderate adhesionPartial laminectomy and fusion16011.45.506820
313Mixed Stenosis - marked adhesionPartial laminectomy and fusion13012.84.802470
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 6 levels. 1: Very Severe, 2: Severe, 3: Moderate, 4: Mild, 5: Very Mild, 6: None
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
188Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques70503482111622156
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Yes or no, pre and post
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
150Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy50050
Authors and Year: Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Analog scale 0-20
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
162Mixed StenosisLaminotomy6227154814.45.8
Authors and Year: Whitecloud, Castro, Brinker et al., 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Analog Scale, 0-10
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation3507.21.5
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Severe or very severe, Moderate or mild, Very Mild or none.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
188Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5584120182710
Authors and Year: McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 levels: Patient has Back and leg pain Never, occasionally, frequently, very frequently, Constantly.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1193Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery1185524142333228192
Authors and Year: Simmons and Simmons, 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. None, Mild (minimal disruption of lifestyle), Moderate (significant disruption of lifestyle, Severe (constant pain and problems
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation40442461328
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Visual analog scale from 0 (no pain) to 5 (severe pain).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation350004
235Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)330004
Authors and Year: Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Scale of no pain (0) to severe pain (5).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
125Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy250002.9
225Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)250003.3
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA score 0 (severe pain)-3 (no pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation270001.2522
214Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques140001.9284
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Stambough, 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Visual analog scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (severe pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation350006
Authors and Year: Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997
Method: JOA score: 0 (severe pain) to 3 (no pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
158Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation580001.1
Authors and Year: Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Scale of 0 (none) to 10 (severe)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation240007.4
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Analog Scale, 0-9. 5 levels of experience back or leg pain: Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Very Often.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation360007.352.36335718
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: VAS 0-10 scale
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
118Degenerative/spondylolytic SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation160007.6
Authors and Year: Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988
Method: 4-level score on JOA scale
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
136Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion3601
Authors and Year: Dall and Rowe, 1985
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels: Yes or No, pre- and post.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
126Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy17015
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Pain severity from 1 (no pain) to 5 (very severe). Also the Turner Score- Good to Excellent: back and leg pain absent, minimal.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy390003.80.7
251Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy510003.50.8
327Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation270003.60.8
Authors and Year: Sato and Kikuchi et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: pretreatment-op JOA Score (extrapolate from graph)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
128Spondylosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisLaminotomy - 2 level stenosis2800013
253Spondylosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisLaminotomy - 1 level stenosis5300015
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Pain rating 0-4
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
124Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation2402.83
224Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2403.1
312Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1202.9
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of patients with back pain
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1105Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy86124442
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj, et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: None or mild pain, Fair: Moderate pain, Poor: Very severe or severe pain
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-various treatments4033165516177
29Central Lumbar StenosisSurgery - not described9331655711
Authors and Year: Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 0, 1, 2, 3 scale: 0- continuous severe pain, 1- occasional severe pain, 2- occasional mild pain, 3- none
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2001.11
217Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None1701.21.1
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels passed on a 0-100 visual analog scale. Good: 0-37.5, Fair: 37.6-62.5, Poor: 62.6-100. These groups were considered Mild,
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-not described19317514141
230Central Lumbar Stenosis - moderate stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3050510913143
314Central Lumbar Stenosis - severe stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy14583120662

Evidence Table 14. Back Pain Relief Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Based on increase or decrease in pain postsurgery and on difference in VAS score.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
115Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy152824326
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - single levelPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation152824325.8
315Central Lumbar Stenosis - multiple segmentsPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation152824325.8
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels: Resolved, Better, Same, Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
154Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy46301351331710
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Reported relief of symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
134Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy100.20037
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Verbiest, 1979
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Cured or Residual Symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
111Congenital Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)111233620462
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Reported number of patients with back pain before and after surgery.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
131Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy263812881313
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Centralor Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Yone and Sakou, 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Percent change in JOA score
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
114Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy1437245219
219Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation1943246075
327Mixed Stenosis without instabilityLaminotomy2733245482
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Excellent and Good were combined as a successful outcome.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1248Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2448.418222717
Authors and Year: Ganz, 1990
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. 0- No improvement, 1-Some improvement, 2-Almost normal, 3-No symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
136Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3336127220.93
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Norcross-Nechay, Mathew, Simmons et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of patients reporting complete pain relief
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
170Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation7011.844
Authors and Year: Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: No pain, Improved pain, Unimproved pain.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Mixed StenosisLaminotomy25186267135
Authors and Year: McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 Levels: Is the back and/or leg pain Gone, Much better, Better, Worse, Much Worse?
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1193Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery118373228192
Authors and Year: Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Stated that back pain was milder after surgery.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
119Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy19231236
Authors and Year: Hood and Weigl, 1983
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels: complete or partial relief
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
121Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy201860164
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Plotz and Benini, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Improved, Unchanged, Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
117Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery without fusion6459120211
218Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and Translaminar Screw Fixation145412100611
371Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and AO Internal Fixator642891003225
Authors and Year: Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Improved, No change, Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
12177Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and Pedical Screw Fixation212112151194116515
2456Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion44912151391582
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5-point scale used to determine improvement. Severe, Moderate-to-severe, Moderate, Mild, None.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
118Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation182424241611
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Herron and Trippi, 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Average % relief, number of patients with complete relief.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
124Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2434187184
Authors and Year: Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Pain Free = Excellent, Much Less Pain = Good, No Improvement = Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
150Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4136613126114
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patients were asked to estimate the percentage decrease in pain.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy2588.84436.8
251Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy269640.734.2
327Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation2188.846.232
Authors and Year: Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Improvement based on a 0-100 scale with 0 meaning greatest disability.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
126Congenital or Degenerative Stenosis, Combined, or Deg. SpondylolisthesisLaminotomy2644.4266463
241Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4144.4266442
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Gd: Better, Fr: Same, Pr: Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy721256133
267Mixed StenosisConservative-many5812242212
Authors and Year: Atlas, Keller, Robson, et al. 2000
Method: See Atlas, Deyo, Keller, et al. 1996
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
167Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy674842187
252Mixed StenosisConservative-not described5248201814

Evidence Table 15. Disability and Dependency Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Oswestry questionnaire for low back pain disability.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
141Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4113311315731.2
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - no post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1512211315728.7
Authors and Year: Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Oswestry disability questionnaire
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Central Lumbar Stenosis - no postsurgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques354728.4
257Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques574726.4
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels and mean. Based on an Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Score. 0-40 was good to excellent and 41-100 was poor to very
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1497Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy438523418273165
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Little and MacDonald, 1994
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Oswestry Low Back Pain Questionnaire was used to calculate a percentage change in the disability index.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
160Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)60651032.751.4
234Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)34651038.839.8
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Limited a lot, Limited a little, not limited.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation34010519
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Oswestry Questionnaire for disability due to low-back pain (0-100).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
157Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5714434.1
218Mixed StenosisConservative-not described1814428.9
Authors and Year: Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Score based on the Roland score for back disability. Lower score mean less disability.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy81016
267Mixed StenosisConservative-many67012
Authors and Year: Atlas, Keller, Robson, et al. 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: See Atlas, Deyo, Keller, et al. 1996
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
167Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy67488.1
2Mixed StenosisConservative-not described52489.6
Authors and Year: Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Oswestry score for back pain related disability
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
154Mixed StenosisConservative-not described5437.816

Evidence Table 16. Global Success Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized Controlled Trials of Patient Receiving Conservative Treatments
Authors and Year: Sinaki, Lutness, Ilstrup et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels. "Recovered" based on only rare episodes of mild pain, able to perform job and leisure activities w/o restriction, no need for back support.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Degenerative SpondylolisthesisExercise/flexion26315
219Degenerative SpondylolisthesisExercise/extension1831
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels: Very good = 75% relief, no analgesics or restrictions; Good = 50-74% relief, some analgesics & restrictions; Fair = <50% relief; Poor = pain worse than before surgery.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
115Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy15282432852
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - single levelPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation15282432753
315Central Lumbar Stenosis - multiple segmentsPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation152824324632
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: Cured, Gd: Better, Fr: Unchanged, Pr: Worse plus no comment
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
159Central Lumbar Stenosis - younger than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy471296181847
261Central Lumbar Stenosis - older than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4412961514213
316Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1212964323
420Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)1412964811
Authors and Year: Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels. Patients were asked whether their condition during the past 5 years had remained the same or improve (no-change group) or had worsened (final-change group).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
141Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy411331131572912
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - no post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy15122113157114
Authors and Year: Ray, 1982
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels: Nil, Minimum, Moderate, Excellent base on questionnaire addressing daily pain intensity, percentage of time in pain, activity level, and behavioral factors.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
148Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4810.1122574
1217Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1712.65462
Authors and Year: Surin, Hedelin, and Smith, 1982
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Ex: symptom-free, resumed all previous activities; Gd: resumed normal activities, recurrent back or leg pain; Fair and Poor combined: reduced previous activities due to pain, frankly disabled and pain not reduced.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
115Central Lumbar Stenosis - marked stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy15291470393
27Central Lumbar Stenosis - moderate stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy72914705200
Authors and Year: Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: symptoms disappeared, no restrictions for daily life and work, Fair: occasional low back pain, no inconveniences in daily life, Poor: not improved or slightly aggravated.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
113Central Lumbar StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques133112
214Central Lumbar Stenosis and disk lesionMixed Decompression Techniques143122
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels: Very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, very dissatisfied
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
154Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy51301351361340
Authors and Year: Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Neurogenic Claudication Outcome Score (max = 100 asymptomatic with full function. 5 level surgical success scale: Ex: complete relief, Gd: a good deal of relief, Fr: only a little relief, Pr: no relief, VPr: worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
130Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy30671313310
Authors and Year: diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patient satisfied or not satisfied with surgery
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy and fusion2930209
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Japanese Orthopaedic Association evaluation system. Scored from 0-29. % recovery rate of pre- and post-op scores determined Excellent (>75&), Good (50-75), Fair (25-50), Poor (<25).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)27000113.9
Authors and Year: Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good (Ex): no symptoms and resumption of former activities, Acceptable (Gd) alleviation of symptoms, normal daily activities, Poor (Pr): no change, worsening of symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
134Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy341218115
Authors and Year: Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 level functional rating. V Pr: bedridden, Pr: self-care with aid, Fr: self-care alone, Gd: most desired activities, Ex: all desired activities.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
172Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2400034862
Authors and Year: Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patient rated success or failure of surgery
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1100Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy961212128610
Authors and Year: Dhar and Porter, 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: No pain or functional limitation, Gd: Intermittent pain, no functional limitation, Fr: Intermittent pain affecting function, Pr: Constant pain.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
136Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3612121247187
Authors and Year: Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good, Fair, and Poor undefined.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
132Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy326302273
Authors and Year: Rosomoff, 1981
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good to Excellent: pain-free or full activity with some pain, Fair: moderately restricted, Poor and Very Poor: severely restricted to totally disabled.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
150Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy506120251213
Authors and Year: Getty, 1980
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: pain relieved, Fair: partial pain relief with recurrence after heavy work, Poor: no relief or pain increased
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2842121201585
Authors and Year: Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels/ Ex: patients goes back to work and is free or nearly free from pain, Gd: patient has gone back to work but has to rest now and again, Pr: all other conditions even if patient has improved.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
137Congenital StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy331915810
Authors and Year: Verbiest, 1977
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 2 levels. Complete relief of symptoms and signs v. permanent residual or new symptoms.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1116Congenital StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy9188122406229
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 2 Levels. Satisfactory or unsatisfactory, also described as good or fair. Not defined.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
112Hyperostotic stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy12111
Authors and Year: Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Good, Fair, Marginal, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
132Central Lumbar StenosisDecompressive Surgery3239.8175821641
Authors and Year: Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels: Very good to excellent, Lesser degrees of satisfaction, little or no use.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
168Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy62483565381410
Authors and Year: Weinstein, Scafuri, and McNeill, 1983
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Back Analysis Form sections converted to a numerical ranking for Excellent (85-100), Good (71-84), Fair (60-70), Poor (0-60)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
124Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2423135078.29733
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: no symptoms, Gd: slight residual pain, Unchanged (Fr): no relief of symptoms, Worse (Pr): increased pain. Also Improved and No Change/Worse. Individual data is presented for walking.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy272237910656
Authors and Year: Weir and De Leo, 1981
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Cured, Better, Unchanged, Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
181Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy813144176022
Authors and Year: Salibi, 1976
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Good: Full return to premorbid activities; Fair: partial return; Poor: Became more comfortable, but not rehabilitated. No followup time period is reported.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy191441
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Lee and deBari, 1986
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Scoring system from 0-100 to evaluate patient pain and degree of tolerable activities of daily living.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
112Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)1200021.49.23
212Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1200018.98.7
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: great improvement, Gd: slight improvement, Fr: no improvement, Pr: worsening
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Lateral Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1536120366
232Lateral Lumbar Stenosis with disk herniationPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy263612018521
321Lateral and Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy18361201134
421Lateral and Central Lumbar Stenosis with disk herniationPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1836120162
Authors and Year: Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: Disabling low back and leg pain disappeared; Gd: Occasional slight backache or rarely paresthesia of the leg; Fr: Mild symptoms persisted or recurred; Pr: Gradually worsened.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy35124024641
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels: Excellent and Good: complete recovery or improved with minimal leg discomfort, Fair and Poor: residual radicular symptoms or symptoms and signs unchanged or worsened.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
131Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy31381288256
Authors and Year: Sanderson and Getty, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels based on patient satisfaction with leg pain. Good: improved, Fair: no Change, Poor: worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
166Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy571212124710
Authors and Year: Aryanpur and Ducker, 1990
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: complete relief of symptoms, No change, Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
132Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy3224122921
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Choudhury and Taylor, 1977
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Excellent: Pain free, unrestricted activity. Good: Occasional pain, but normal activities. Fair: Improved capacity, but not full activity. Poor: No Improvement.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
128Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2824220
Authors and Year: Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Excellent: Regained and maintained normal activity; Good: Minimal residual discomfort and disability. Able to return to work; Fair: Improved, but still had significant functional impairment.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
115Lateral Lumbar StenosisForaminotomy/nerve root decompression156601131
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type ofstenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Epstein, 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Odom's Criteria, 4 Levels, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
110Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal LigamentSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1044.461325221
211Ossification of the Yellow LigamentSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy118412132542
Authors and Year: Yone and Sakou, 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 Levels, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, based on percent improvement. Presumable this is % improvement in overall JOE score, but this is not explicitly stated.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
114Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminectomy143724522417
219Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation1943246010630
327Mixed Stenosis without instabilityLaminotomy2733245413950
Authors and Year: Javid and Hadar, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels. Good: Successful; Poor: Unsuccessful.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
186Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy851.57510
261Central Lumbar Stenosis and Herniated DiskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy611.54912
323Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy211.5129
Authors and Year: Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 6-level scale. 1=Pain Free, 2= mild pain, 3=Fair pain, 4=slight pain relief, 5=unchanged, 6=worsened. No one got a 6.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
193Mixed Stenosis - without instabilitySWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy93234435761
246Mixed Stenosis - mild instabilityPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy46232212732
39Mixed Stenosis - high instabilityPartial laminectomy and fusion82361010
Authors and Year: Kawauchi, Yone, and Sakou, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Stauffer's criteria (relief of back and leg pain, return to employment, restriction of physical activities, use of analgesic) [Good/Fair/Poor]
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
17Mixed Stenosis - slight adhesionPartial laminectomy and fusion733246143
216Mixed Stenosis - moderatePartial laminectomy and fusion16332416682
Authors and Year: Pai and Kumar, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4-Level rating, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
130Congenital StenosisDecompressive Surgery3042246021990
223Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery2342246021542
Authors and Year: Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Excellent: no leg pain, full normal activities. Good: some leg pain, normal activities. Fair: moderate pain, mild restriction of activities. Poor: little or no improvement, seriously restricted activities.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
125Mixed Stenosis - diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2541248841452
24Mixed Stenosis - no diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2541248851532
Authors and Year: Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Based on patient symptoms, clinical results were rated as Excellent: no recurrence, no low-back dysfunction; Good: occasional pain; Fair: persistent symptoms with some limitations; Poor: condition same or worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
133Mixed Stenosis - diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide
Decompressive Laminectomy
224Mixed Stenosis - no diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide
Decompressive Laminectomy
Authors and Year: Nasca, 1989
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels: Good Fair Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
115Lateral Lumbar StenosisDecompressive Surgery15241081050
229Central-mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery29241082630
316Central-mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation16241081132
421Post-surgical stenosisDecompressive Surgery2124841353
522Mixed Stenosis with instabilityDecompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation2224841543
611Degenerative Stenosis and scoliosisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation112484740
Authors and Year: Nather and Thomas, 1985
Method: Patient reports 4 levels: Excellent, partial, same, worse. Doctor reports 4 levels: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Both are stratified by diagnosis.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
111Mixed StenosisDecompressive surgery with or without fusion14
214Mixed Stenosis and Congenital combinedDecompressive surgery with or without fusion14

Authors and Year: Paine, 1976
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels. Excellent: Returned to normal activities with little or no discomfort. Good: Minimal restrictions, occasional pain. Fair: Lighter or part-time employment, occasional debilitating pain. Poor: No work, limited activities.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
195Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy954630118
248Degenerative stenosis with disk herniationSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4831656
Authors and Year: Shenkin and Hash, 1976
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 level. Excellent: all pain has been relieved and resumed normal activity; Good: normal activities are resumed but has occasional complaints; Poor: all other results even though patient may have improved.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
149Mixed Stenosis - no prior surgerySWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy46303853
221Mixed Stenosis - prior surgery for herniated diskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2124721353
Authors and Year: Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor not defined.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
126Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques26602424091511
218Congenital StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1860242408712
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: complete relief of symptoms, Gd: pain improved, walking increased, Fr: Symptoms unchanged, Pr: deterioration in any on the of the three major symptoms (pain, bladder dysfunction, walking).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
134Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy34381472141640
Authors and Year: Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patient satisfaction with surgery was scored as: yes, yes with some limitation, and no. Success was the sum of the first 2 scores.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1248Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy12856.441749632
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. 1: very satisfied, 2: Somewhat satisfied, 3: Somewhat dissatisfied, 4: Very dissatisfied
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
188Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques695034823315813
Authors and Year: Ganz, 1990
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Combined back and leg pain scores. Good: 4 to 6; Poor 0 to 3.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
136Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy33361272276
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Provided pre- and postoperative mean scores from a questionnaire.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
150Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery50



Authors and Year: Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 5 Levels: Excellent: pain free; Good: pain improved; Fair: pain improved but occasional medication; Marginal: pain improved but requires frequent medication; Poor: pain unimproved or worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
150Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy5032124916141424
Authors and Year: Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Two measures: One had 4 levels: A, no pain or complaints. B, improved. C, Unimproved. D, deteriorated. The other had 3 levels: Excellent or good, Indifferent, Not Satisfied.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
172Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery72


Authors and Year: Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998
Method: Doctors rated Excellent, Good, Fair Poor. Patients rated Very satisfied, somewhat sat., Somewhat dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
162Mixed StenosisLaminotomy62
Authors and Year: Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Excellent: Complete relief; Good: mild pain, normal activity and relief of claudication; Fair: Some improvement; Poor: Unchanged or worsened.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Mixed StenosisLaminotomy251862671530
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Two 4-level scales: Very satisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied or Would patient have the operation again? Definitely, Probably, probably not, definitely not.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
188Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy55
Authors and Year: Lehto and Honkanen, 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels, Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
196Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery6566361329281414
Authors and Year: Stucki, Liang, Fossel et al., 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4-Level Likert scale: Very satisfied, 1 point. Somewhat satisfied, 2 patients, Somewhat dissatisfied, 3pts. Very dissatisfied, 4 points.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1230Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery130620.85
Authors and Year: McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994
Method: Patient reports 5 Levels: Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied. Physician reports 3 Levels: Good, Fair, Poor.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1193Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery118
Authors and Year: Brodsky, Hendricks, Khalil et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Good to Excellent or Fair to Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
134Mixed StenosisFusion3455.26390304
Authors and Year: Jalovaara, Lahde, Iikko et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels, Good (Ex): none or slight pain, Fair (Gd): residual symptoms, Unchanged (Fr): no relief of symptoms, Worse (Pr): increased pain.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
131Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3144.4108491453
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Good, or poor.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
161Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy6151121563625
Authors and Year: Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Improved, unimproved, worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
192Mixed StenosisDecompressive surgery with or without fusion6612845376
Authors and Year: Boccanera, Pellicioni, and Laus, 1984
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels- Good, Fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
125Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy253624728116
Authors and Year: Hood and Weigl, 1983
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels: Good, Fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
121Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2018601910
Authors and Year: Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 100 point scale based on pain, function, and physical findings. Excellent: 85-100; Good: 71-84; Fair: 60-70; Poor: less than 60.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy25




Authors and Year: Echeverria and Lockwood, 1979
Reporting: Both Patient and
Method: 4 Levels: Excellent, complete resolution; Good, Some disability and reduced activity; Fair, slight improvement; Poor, No improvement or worsened.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3545.61216851023
Authors and Year: Scapinelli, 1978
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 Levels. Excellent: complete relief of pain and neurological features of lower limbs. Good: improvement of symptoms. Poor: no benefit.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
123Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2321742
Authors and Year: Vestad and Naca, 1977
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Excellent, Fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
180Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy8056.4402020
Authors and Year: McKinley and Davis, 1976
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Successful or Not.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
132Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy181444162
Authors and Year: Teng and Papatheodorou, 1963
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Asymptomatic, Improved Slightly Improved, Unimproved.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy29126618832
Authors and Year: Epstein, Epstein, and Lavine, 1962
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques291242131024
Authors and Year: Epstein, 1960
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Excellent, Good, Modest (Fair) and Failure (Poor)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
114Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy146844433
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Plotz and Benini, 1998
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 5 Levels: Excellent: Pain at least 90% reduced; Good: Pain at least 70% Reduced; Fair: Pain at least 50% reduced requiring mild analgesics; Poor: Pain at least 50% reduced requiring strong analgesics or opiates; Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
117Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery without fusion17212111
Authors and Year: Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA score from −6 to 15.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation270007.9
214Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques140007.1
Authors and Year: Lombardi, Wiltse, Reynolds et al., 1985
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 5 Levels: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Failure
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2032.42484610130
221Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)2132.42484118011
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patient reported pain and requirement for medication.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
123Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion only18946014485
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Excellent (unrestricted and pain free), good (unrestricted and improved), fair (restricted and some pain), poor (no postsurgical improvement and still in pain).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
235Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)
Authors and Year: Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Excellent: unrestricted activity, complete relief of pain, Good: occasional discomfort, major improvement, unrestricted, Fair: intermittent discomfort, improvement, restrictions, Poor: major discomfort, no improvement.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
125Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
225Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA score: maximum 15
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
158Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation
Authors and Year: Moller, Wittenberg, Nolte et al., 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels based on a questionnaire with 0-100 points accumulated for back pain, leg pain, Laseque sign, pain-free walking distance, use of analgesics, and need of braces or crutches. Ex 0-15, Gd 16-34, Acceptable 35-49, Fr 50-65, Pr >65.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
137Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion
Authors and Year: Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: 75% back and leg pain relief, Fair: 25-75% back and leg pain relief, Poor: 25% back and leg pain relief.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
130Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Authors and Year: Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Total score from the Japanese Orthopaedic Association, maximum 29 points, Satisfactory was 25 points or more
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion
Authors and Year: Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels of satisfaction. Very satisfied (no symptoms), Satisfied (much better), Somewhat satisfied (somewhat better), Unsatisfied (same or worse)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 Levels of Patient satisfaction.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation3678601293010033
Authors and Year: Epstein, 1998a
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4-Level Scale: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1290Mixed Stenosis MixedDecompression Techniques29012012324200383517
Authors and Year: Epstein, 1998b
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4-Level scale: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
128Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation283896720431
Authors and Year: McCulloch, 1998
Method: Patient reported satisfaction yes/no, Physician reported success Yes/No
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
123Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion21382456165
Authors and Year: Mochida, Toh, Suzuki et al., 1997
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: JOA score, which was neither referenced nor defined. At least 12 out of 15 points was considered a satisfactory response.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
110Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation1030243813.30.9
Authors and Year: Chang and McAfee, 1989
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Excellent, Good, fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
117Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1715.3121813220
Authors and Year: Herron and Trippi, 1989
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels: Good, Fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
124Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy243418712031
Authors and Year: Hanley, 1986
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation2031.6244613421
Authors and Year: Kaneda and Kazama, 1986
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4-level outcome based on a 12-point scale
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
154Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation54




Authors and Year: Dall and Rowe, 1985
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Better or Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
126Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy



Authors and Year: Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Excellent: full/minimal restrictions, Good: moderate restriction, Poor: no improvement to worsening.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
160Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques601619041127
Authors and Year: Richardson and Brown, 1980
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 5 levels. Ex: no pain with full activity, Satisfactory (Gd): minimal pain not incapacitated, Fr: residual pain but improved, Pr: not working, minor improvement, Failure: no improvement or not working.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
121Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)21113602
Authors and Year: Cauchoix, Benoist, and Chassaing, 1976
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Free from pain (Excellent), Slight and temporary sciatica (Good), Not Improved (Poor), Recurrence of pain after increasing of slipping (Very Poor). Terms in parentheses are by ECRI and did not appear in the published study.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
126Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2615713
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Patients were asked if they were Satisfied, Moderately satisfied, or Unsatisfied.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy2588.88710
251Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy26968810
327Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation2188.8597
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels. Satisfied of Not Satisfied. Based on questions regarding improvement in pain, relief of sensory dysfunction, ability to do recreational activities, satisfaction with overall results.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1194Mixed Stenosis / SponsylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy194614450
237Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)376289
341Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4162615
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels: Good-to-excellent, Fair, Poor.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
124Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation2021.612481651
224Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2425.912501851
312Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1225.61250930
Authors and Year: Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex 81-100, Gd 61-80, Fr41-60, Pr0-40. Score is passed on points for subjective opinion of back and leg pain, physician rating of nerve-root tension, motor deficit, analgesics, ability to work, ADL, and walking ability.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
126Congenital or Degenerative Stenosis, Combined, or Deg. SpondylolisthesisLaminotomy2644.4266481332
241Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4144.42664151745
Authors and Year: Sanderson and Wood, 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Ex: no leg pain, Gd: less leg pain and could walk further, Pr: continued leg pain and no improvement in walking.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
119Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy194224841333
212Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy12422484723
Authors and Year: Hirabayashi, Kumano, and Kuroki, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels but reported as 2. Excellent and Good: no postoperative complaints or improved with some complaints, Fair and Poor: no improvement or worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
132Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation32331554275
231Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation21331554147
Authors and Year: Herkowitz and Garfin, 1989
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 2 levels: Good to excellent or poor.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
158Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy582584508
241Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy412584329
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: pain-free, Fair (Gd): improved but residual pain, Unchanged (Fr), Worse (Pr)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1105Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy8645418104
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Postacchini, Cinotti, Gumina et al., 1993
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 2 levels, Ex & Gd, Fr & Pr. Determined from subjective pain score (0-50) each for back and leg pain, and examiner assessment of range of motion, nerve root tension, muscle strength, medication, work, walking, and ADL.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
164Developmental, degenerative, or combined, with or without spondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques6465410
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Guigui, Barre, Benoist et al., 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 2 levels, improved v. not improved. Clinical evaluation based on the Beaujon Scoring System using claudication, radiculalgia, low back pain, motor and sensory deficit, medication, and quality of life, was used to determine level of improvement.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
128Stenosis and/or SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy233185
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and PatientsReceiving Conservative Treatment
Patient Condition: Central lumbar stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj, et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patients were asked how satisfied they were with the overall results of treatment. 4 levels. Ex: very satisfied, Gd: somewhat satisfied, Fr: somewhat dissatisfied, Pr: very dissatisfied.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-various treatments40331555161653
29Central Lumbar StenosisSurgery - not described93316553330
Authors and Year: Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 0-20 score from the Beaujon Scoring System. Measures walking, leg pain at rest and exertion, low back pain, neurological deficit, medications required, and quality of life.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2008.12.7
217Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None170112.4
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels determined by a 0-100 visual analog scale. Good (improved) 56-100, Fair (unchanged) 46-55, Poor (worse) 0-45.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-not described19317516112
230Central Lumbar Stenosis - moderate stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy305051091776
314Central Lumbar Stenosis - severe stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy14583120905
Patient Condition: Mixed lumbar stenosis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Amundsen, Weber, Nordal, et al. 2000
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Excellent: full or almost full resolution of pain and return to normal physical activity; Fair: partial resolution, with lesser problems clear improvement; Unchanged (Poor): no change in the clinical condition; Worse (V Poor): worsening clinical condition
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
119Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1967822
250Mixed StenosisConservative-various5061817510
313Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1364810
418Mixed StenosisConservative-various18634110
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Hurri, Slatis, Soini et al., 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Patients were asked if condition were much better and improved (Good), unchanged (Fair), worse (Poor)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
157Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy57144361110
218Mixed StenosisConservative-not described18144882
Authors and Year: Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels. Gd: Satisfied, Pr: Unsatisfied
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy72125022
267Mixed StenosisConservative-many58122137
Authors and Year: Atlas, Keller, Robson, et al. 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: See Atlas, Deyo, Keller, et al. 1996
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
167Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy67484225
2Mixed StenosisConservative-not described52482230
Authors and Year: Swezey, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Improved, Unchanged, Worsened since initial diagnoses.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
112Mixed StenosisExercise/stretching and flexibility12606060750
211Mixed StenosisPhysical Therapy/massage, ultrasound, heat, ice, traction11606060722
313Mixed StenosisEpidural Steroid Injections1360606067
411Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy116060601100
Authors and Year: Nagler and Bodack, 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 levels. Based on the ratio of original symptoms and symptoms at one year. Ex: 76-100%, Gd: 51-75%, Fr: 26-50%, Slight: 1-25%, Same or worse: 0%. Symptoms were pain, functioning, medication, and bladder problems.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
141Mixed StenosisConservative-various41121210757
239Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy39121012548
Patient Condition: Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 2 levels. Patients were asked if they were better, unchanged, or worse as a result of treatment and classified as satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
129Degenerative SpondylolisthesisRigid Brace29706216272
214Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques14706216104
Authors and Year: Rosenberg, 1976
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels. Patient reported satisfactory or unsatisfactory relief of pain and symptoms after therapy.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
111Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1111265
215Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy15
3170Degenerative SpondylolisthesisConservative-not described170031215317

Evidence Table 17. Leg Pain Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Gd: Improved, Fr: Unchanged, Pr: Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
159Central Lumbar Stenosis - younger than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy40129626113
261Central Lumbar Stenosis - older than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy37129622123
316Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy111296740
420Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)1412961211
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. No change, Improved, and Resolved
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
165Central Lumbar StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques5919.616338106
Authors and Year: Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: pain-free, Gd: improved but residual pain, Unchanged (Fr), Worse (Pr).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
143Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy40242488
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of patients with back and leg pain
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy27223791314
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. None, Mild, Moderate, Severe
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Lateral Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1536120762
232Lateral Lumbar Stenosis with disk herniationPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy26361204139
321Lateral and Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy18361204752
421Lateral and Central Lumbar Stenosis with disk herniationPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy183612031032
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Sanderson and Getty, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: No analgesia, Fair: Occasional analgesia, Poor: Continual analgesia
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
166Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy57000552
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Choudhury and Taylor, 1977
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Absent, Mild (Occasional), Recurring
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
128Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy28224
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Yone and Sakou, 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: JOA score
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
114Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy1401
219Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation1901
327Mixed Stenosis without instabilityLaminotomy2701.1
Authors and Year: Javid and Hadar, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 levels. Ex: None, Gd: Rarely, Fr: Sometimes, Pr: most times, VPr: constant
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
186Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy7257.212132131125158
261Central Lumbar Stenosis and Herniated DiskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5256.61213218416104
323Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2286.61213257244
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Yes or no, pre and post
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
150Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy5001436
Authors and Year: Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Analog scale 0-20
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
162Mixed StenosisLaminotomy6227154815.25.7
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Severe or very severe, Moderate or mild, Very Mild or none.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
188Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5584120111628
Authors and Year: Simmons and Simmons, 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. None, Mild (minimal disruption of lifestyle), Moderate (significant disruption of lifestyle, Severe (constant pain and problems with all activities).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation40442461382
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Visual analog scale from 0 (no pain) to 5 (severe pain).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation350004
235Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)330004
Authors and Year: Herkowitz and Kurz, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Scale of no pain (0) to severe pain (5).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
125Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy250004
225Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)250004.3
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA score 0 (severe pain)-3 (no pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation270001.332211
214Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques1400011112
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Stambough, 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Visual analog scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (severe pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation350008.5
Authors and Year: Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA score: 0 (severe pain) to 3 (no pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
158Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation580001.3
Authors and Year: Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Scale of 0 (none) to 10 (severe)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation240006.4
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988
Method: 4-Level score on JOA scale
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
136Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion360001.1
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being no pain and 5 being very severe pain.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1194Mixed Stenosis / SponsylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy19403.41
237Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)3703.41.1
341Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4103.61
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj, et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: None or mild pain, Fair: Moderate pain, Poor: Very severe or severe pain
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-various treatments4033165519138
29Central Lumbar StenosisSurgery - not described9331655621
Authors and Year: Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 0, 1, 2, 3 scale: 0- continuous severe pain, 1- occasional severe pain, 2- occasional mild pain, 3- none
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2001.41.1
217Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None1701.70.9

Evidence Table 18. Leg Pain Relief Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Reported relief of symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
134Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy340.2313
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels: Resolved, Better, Same, Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
154Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy51301351331710
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988
Method: 2 levels- Relieved or not. Also 3 levels- relieved of claudication, significantly improved, not improved.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
132Central Lumbar StenosisDecompressive Surgery3239.81758
Authors and Year: Verbiest, 1979
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Cured or Residual Symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
111Congenital Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)111233620461
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Reported number of patients with leg pain before and after surgery.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
131Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy20381288173
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type ofstenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Yone and Sakou, 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Percent change in JOA score
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
114Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy1437245225
219Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation1943246045
327Mixed Stenosis without instabilityLaminotomy2733245463
Authors and Year: Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1993a
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Excellent: pain-free, Fair: improved but with residual pain, Unchanged, Poor: deteriorated.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy192424247741
219Lateral Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy1824242412420
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Ganz, 1990
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. 0- No improvement, 1-Some improvement, 2-Almost normal, 3-No symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
136Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy333612722.451
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Plotz and Benini, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 Levels: Improved, Unchanged, Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
117Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery without fusion64591201
218Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and Translaminar Screw Fixation145412100211
371Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and AO Internal Fixator642891003225
Authors and Year: Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Improved, No change, Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
12177Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and Pedical Screw Fixation21251215119451764
2456Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion45112151398512
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Herron and Trippi, 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Average % relief, number of patients with complete relief.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
124Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2434187192
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Improvement based on a 0-100 scale with 0 meaning greatest disability.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
126Congenital or Degenerative Stenosis, Combined, or Deg. SpondylolisthesisLaminotomy2644.4266471
241Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4144.4266484
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Amundsen, Weber, Nordal, et al. 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels of pain were recorded: Good: No or Light pain, Fair: Moderate pain, and Poor: Severe pain
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
119Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy1900514
250Mixed StenosisConservative-various50022424
313Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy130067
418Mixed StenosisConservative-various1800513
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Gd: Better, Fr: Same, Pr: Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy721257114
267Mixed StenosisConservative-many581226257
Authors and Year: Atlas, Keller, Robson, et al. 2000
Method: See Atlas, Deyo, Keller, et al. 1996
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
167Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy674851142
2Mixed StenosisConservative-not described524825189

Evidence Table 19. Mental Status Outcomes from Clinical Trials of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Dallas Pain Questionnaire. 3 questions measure anxiety-depression.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
221Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 levels: Much Better, Better, Same, Worse, Much Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: Time in Months Rating Category
N Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation

Evidence Table 20. Physical Function and Activities of Daily Living Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Centralor Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type of stenosis unspecified or includes bothtypes of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patient reported motor weakness as absent or present at long term followup.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
133Mixed Stenosis - diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy24602481
224Mixed Stenosis - no diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy228466120
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Excellent and Good were combined as a successful outcome.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1248Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy12856.441747256
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 Levels: Does activity have No limits, Few Limits, Some Limits, Many Limits, Disabling.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1193Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery1185524142392221306
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Dallas Pain Questionnaire. 10 questions measure daily activities and work-leisure activities.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation202448
221Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion212422
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 3 levels. Improved, No change, Worse
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
12177Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and Pedical Screw Fixation213212151192719213
2456Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion45112151391582
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5-point scale used to determine improvement. Bedridden, Rare activity, Limited activity, Moderate daily activity, Normal daily activity.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
118Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation182424241242
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 7 activities of daily living with a maximum of 14 points.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion190006.2
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 Levels of activity: Bedridden, Primarily no activity, Light labor, Moderate labor, No restrictions.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation3406131151
Authors and Year: Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 14 point JOA scale
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
136Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion360004.9
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Low Back Outcome Scale. Ex (65-75), Gd (50-64), F (30-49), P (0-29) Score based on physical activities and activities of daily living.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy2588.83778
251Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy269635810
327Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation2188.83297
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Chen, Baba, Kamitani et al., 1994
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels, Japanese Orthopaedic Association Assessment Scoring System. Based on back pain, leg pain, walking, sensory disturbance, motor disturbance, ADL (48% of score) urinary function. Ex: improvement >80%, Gd: 65-80%, Fr: 50-65%, Pr:<50%.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
180Developmental, degenerative, or combined stenosis, or degenerative or isthmic spondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques48542484118920
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Score based on Short Form 36 score. The higher the score the better the physical function.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy81027.6
267Mixed StenosisConservative-many67044.7
Authors and Year: Herno, Airaksinen, Saari et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Patient's functional status was evaluated during the clinical examination. Good: normal or near normal activities such as walking, dressing, turning around; Poor: difficulty performing activities
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
154Mixed StenosisConservative-not described54513

Evidence Table 21. Quality of Life Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Dallas Pain Questionnaire. 3 questions measure social concerns.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation202413
221Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion21248
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patient Condition: Central lumbar stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 0, 1, 2, 3 scale: 0- completely incapacitated, 1- very limited, 2- slightly limited, 3- normal
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2001.30.7
217Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None1701.80.8
Patient Condition: Mixed lumbar stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels. Number of patients reporting moderate or better improvement in quality of life
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy72125814
267Mixed StenosisConservative-many58122830
Authors and Year: Atlas, Keller, Robson, et al. 2000
Method: See Atlas, Deyo, Keller, et al. 1996
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Mean SD Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
167Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy67484324
252Mixed StenosisConservative-not described52482527

Evidence Table 22. Walking Capacity Outcomes Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Randomized Controlled Trials of Patients Receiving Conservative Treatments
Patient Condition: Mixed lumbar stenosis
Study Design: Randomized Control Trial
Authors and Year: Fukusaki, Kobayashi, Hara et al., 1998
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Observation by blinded physical therapist of walking distance provoking intolerable pain. Mean and SD of distance walked and a 3-level success rating were reported. Excellent =>100M, Good=20-100M, Poor =<20M.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
116Mixed StenosisEpidural Saline160108
218Mixed StenosisEpidural Anesthetics180119
319Mixed StenosisEpidural Anesthetics and Steroids19097
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Average distance in meters that the patient could walk without pain.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
115Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy150001400
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - single levelPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation15000400
315Central Lumbar Stenosis - multiple segmentsPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation15000200
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Hanakita, Suwa, and MIzuno, 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Gd: Improved, Fr: Unchanged, Pr: Worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
159Central Lumbar Stenosis - younger than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2412962040
261Central Lumbar Stenosis - older than 64 yearsSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy3312962391
316Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy51296500
420Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)61296600
Authors and Year: Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: The walking capacity was evaluated on a treadmill with a speed of 3600 m/h and a maximum time of 15 minutes (900m).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
141Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy41133113157470
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - no post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy15122113157515
Authors and Year: Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: The walking capacity was evaluated on a treadmill with a speed of 3600 m/h and a maximum time of 15 minutes (900m).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
135Central Lumbar Stenosis - no postsurgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques3547706
257Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques5747602
Authors and Year: Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Visual analog scale of 0 (mild) -10 (severe) pain. Also graded for number of city blocks walked without pain Ex: >3, Gd: 1-3, Fr: 1/2-1, Pr: 1/4-1/2, VPr: <1/4.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
112Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy120006.82.72235
214Central Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy1400016124
Authors and Year: Yone, Sakou, Kawauchi et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA scale of 0 (< 100 m then pain) to 3 (normal walking).
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
110Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation1000.3
217Central Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy1700.4
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Endurance in minutes up to unlimited
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
154Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy5107.4000150
Authors and Year: Weiner, Walker, Brower et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Meter walked
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
130Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy300109
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Stage 1: minimal or no limitation, 2: mild-to moderate limitation, 3: severe limitation, 4: bedridden or wheelchair bound.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
165Central Lumbar StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques650001125227
Authors and Year: Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Excellent = could walk a mile; Good = could walk without assistance; Poor = could walk with crutch; Very Poor = could only crawl.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1497Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy43852171241224
Authors and Year: Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: 4 levels. Resolved, Improved, Unchanged, Worsened
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
134Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy290.22162
Authors and Year: Mullin, Rea, Irsik et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 level rating scale. Ex: walks normally, Gd: walks unaided but with difficulty, Fr: needs aid to climb stairs, Pr: needs aid to walk on flat surface, V Pr: unable to walk.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
172Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy24000115134
Authors and Year: Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 levels. Ex: more than 5 km, Gd: 1-5 km, Fr: 0.5-1 km, Pr: less than .5 km.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
143Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy40004729
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Distance walked
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
168Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy68000180
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Distance in meters until pain starts.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy27000262579
Authors and Year: Verbiest, 1979
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 Levels: Claudication Cured or Residual Symptoms
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
111Congenital Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)11123362048
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lateral Lumbar Stenosis
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Baba, Uchida, Maezawa et al., 1996
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Reported number of patients who could walk 500 meters or less before and after surgery.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
131Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy17381288152
Authors and Year: Sanderson and Getty, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: unrestricted walking > 1 hr, Fair: 30 minutes to 1 hour, Poor: < 30 minutes.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
166Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy570000453
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Central or Lateral Lumbar Stenosis (type of stenosis unspecified or includes both types of stenosis)
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Yone and Sakou, 1999
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: JOA score
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
114Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy1400.6
219Mixed Stenosis with instabilityLaminotomy with Fusion and Instrumentation1900.7
327Mixed Stenosis without instabilityLaminotomy2700.9
Authors and Year: Javid and Hadar, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 5 levels. Ex: Much better, Gd: Somewhat better, Fr: no different, Pr: Somewhat worse, VPr: Much worse.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
186Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy7257.2121323218787
261Central Lumbar Stenosis and Herniated DiskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy5256.612132238966
323Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2286.61213278232
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 6 levels. 1: more than 3 km, 2: more than 2km, 3: 2 blocks to 2km, 4: less than 2 blocks but more than 15 m, 5: less than 15m, 6: bed-bound
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
188Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques70503482811191715
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Claudication Yes or no, pre and post
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
150Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy5001733
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 4 Levels: Over 1 mile, 2 blocks to 1 mile, 50 feet to 2 blocks, less than 50 feet.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
188Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy558412014121514
Authors and Year: Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Stated that claudication was relieved by surgery in all but 1 patient.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
119Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy19231236
Authors and Year: Hood and Weigl, 1983
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 2 levels: Distance improved or not
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
121Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy201860
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Patients were asked if the surgery had improved (+), not changed (0), or worsened (-) their ability to walk.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
19Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy934333
210Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion1045352
324Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation2436204
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Satomi, Hirabayashi, Toyama et al., 1992
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA score 0 (severe pain)-3 (no pain)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
127Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation270001.641346
214Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques140001329
Study Design: Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Authors and Year: Nishizawa and Fujimura, 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: JOA score: 0 (Unable to walk) to 3 (Normal walking)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
158Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and instrumentation580001.2
Authors and Year: Takahashi, Kitahara, Yamagata et al., 1990
Reporting: Physician-reported
Method: Presence or absence of neurogenic claudication
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion321516360284
Authors and Year: Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Number of blocks walked and Pain Scale of 0 (none) to 10 (severe)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation240001.1
Study Design: Case-series
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Distance that could be walked was measured
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
118Degenerative/spondylolytic SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation160
Trials Examining Surgical Patients with Lumbar Stenosis and/or Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Zollner et al., 1999
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patients rated walking capacity from 1 (best) to 5 (worst)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
139Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy390003.61
251Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy510003.51.1
327Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation270003.50.8
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being no difficulty and 5 being very severe difficulty.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1194Mixed Stenosis / SponsylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy19403.50.7
237Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)3703.60.6
341Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy4103.70.6
Study Design: Prospective Trial
Authors and Year: Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Patients reported ability to walk (<0.5 km, 0.5-1 km, 1-5 km, >5 km)
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
1105Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy860491360
Trials Examining Surgical Patients and Patients Receiving Conservative Treatment
Patient Condition: Central lumbar stenosis
Study Design: Controlled Trial
Authors and Year: Simotas, Dorey, Hansraj, et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 3 levels. Good: more than 10 blocks (200 ft per block), Fair: 2 to 10 blocks, Poor: less than 2 blocks
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
140Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-various treatments4033165518139
29Central Lumbar StenosisSurgery - not described9331655405
Authors and Year: Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: 0, 1, 2, 3 scale: 0-only able to walk <100 m, 1-able to walk 100-500 m, 2- can walk >500 m, 3- no restriction in walking
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy2000.61
217Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None1700.90.8
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991
Reporting: Patient-reported
Method: Two measurements are reported. A subjective assessment in meters before onset of symptoms and based on a 0-100 visual analog scale where Poor (Worse), Fair (Unchanged), and Good (Improved) were 0-45, 46-55, and 56-1000.
Patient Group #: N at start of trial Specific Disorder: Treatment: N Time in Months Score Rating Category
Mean Min. Max. Mean SD Ex Gd Fr Pr VP
120Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-not described1900013553081
230Central Lumbar Stenosis - moderate stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy30000186203
314Central Lumbar Stenosis - severe stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy14000120114

Evidence Table 23. Spinal Canal Measurements Related to Low Back Pain and Lumbar Spinal Stenosis All measurements are in millimeters

Patient Condition Back ache
Authors and Year: Drinkall, Porter, Hibbert et al., 1984
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter Ultrasound
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
1132Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
2193Back PainControl/Placebo/None
Patient Condition Back Pain
Authors and Year: Uden, Johnsson, Jonsson et al., 1985
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter X-ray Myelography
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
214Atypical symptomsControl/Placebo/None
333Sciatic painControl/Placebo/None
410Suspicion of claudicationControl/Placebo/None
523Spinal ClaudicationControl/Placebo/None
Patient Condition Central lumbar stenosis
Authors and Year: Mariconda, Zanforlino, Celestino et al., 2000
Study Design Controlled Trial
Imaging Method for Diameter
Imaging Method for Cross-section Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
120Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyMean
217Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None
Authors and Year: Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999
Study Design Controlled Trial
Imaging Method for Diameter
Imaging Method for Cross-section Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
141Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyMean
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - no post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive LaminectomyMean
Authors and Year: Prasarirha, Suntisathaporn, Vathana et al., 1997
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter Plain X-ray
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
123Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
223Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPretreatment data only
Authors and Year: Hamdan and Al-Kaissie, 1994
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio Plain X-ray
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
125Central Lumbar StenosisConservativeMean
251Low back pain onlyControl/Placebo/NoneMean
315Control (other conditions)Control/Placebo/NoneMean
Authors and Year: Yoshida, Shima, Taniguchi et al., 1992
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter
Imaging Method for Cross-section Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
110Control (herniated disk)Control/Placebo/NoneMean
215Central Lumbar StenosisPretreatment data onlyMean
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991
Study Design Controlled Trial
Imaging Method for Diameter X-ray Myelography
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
120Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-not described
230Central Lumbar Stenosis - moderate stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
314Central Lumbar Stenosis - severe stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Authors and Year: Schonstrom, Bolender, and Spengler, 1985
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Cross-section Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
124Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None
213Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
Authors and Year: Sandhu, Lakhanpal, and Gupta, 1976
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter Plain X-ray
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio Plain X-ray
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
150Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
210Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/NoneMean
Authors and Year: Jones and Thomson, 1968
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio Plain X-ray
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
150Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/NoneMean
213Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/NoneMean
Patient Condition Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Kim and Lee, 1995
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter Plain X-ray
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
125Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
248Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPretreatment data only
Authors and Year: Sato, Wakamatsu, Yoshizumi et al., 1989
Study Design Controlled Trial
Imaging Method for Diameter Plain X-ray
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
1257Low-back pain controlsControl/Placebo/None
298Degenerative SpondylolisthesisControl/Placebo/None
Patient Condition Lateral lumbar stenosis
Authors and Year: Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981
Study Design Controlled Trial
Imaging Method for Diameter Plain X-ray
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
135Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
250Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
Patient Condition Low back pain
Authors and Year: Anderson, Adcock, Chovil et al., 1988
Study Design Controlled Trial
Imaging Method for Diameter Ultrasound
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
116Back PainControl/Placebo/None
233Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
Patient Condition Mixed lumbar stenosis
Authors and Year: Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Cross-section Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
129Mixed StenosisLaminotomy
Patient Condition None
Authors and Year: Hultman, Saraste, and Ohlsen, 1992
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Cross-section Computed Tomography (CT)
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
138Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
291Recurrent Back PainControl/Placebo/None
321Chronic Back PainControl/Placebo/None
Patient Condition Stenosis/Spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a
Study Design Prospective Trial
Imaging Method for Diameter X-ray Myelography
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
1105Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1992
Study Design Case-series
Imaging Method for Diameter X-ray Myelography
Imaging Method for Cross-section
Imaging Method for Ratio
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment: Canal Diameter Canal Cross Section Canal Ratio
132Spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesisNo treatment

Evidence Table 24. Complications of Surgery Related to Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Authors and Year Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
Total Complications1Dural TearsThrombosisInfection1Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
135Central Lumbar Stenosis - no post-surgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
Total Complications3Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
257Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
Total Complications6Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Nakai, Yoshizawa, and Kobayashi, 1999
Study Design Prospective Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
123Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion only
Total Complications3Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability3
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
165Central Lumbar StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
Total Complications7Dural TearsThrombosisInfection3Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction4Multiple serious complications
Authors and Year Epstein, 1998b
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
128Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications1Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction11 Patient required instrument removal for pain.
Authors and Year Javid and Hadar, 1998
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
186Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications1Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
261Central Lumbar Stenosis and Herniated DiskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications3Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfection2Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Kalbarczyk, Lukes, and Seiler, 1998
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
3 groups148Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy and fusion
Total Complications11Dural TearsThrombosis4InfectionInstability
Deaths1FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological DisorderNote: Complications were not separately reported for each treatment group. It is known that the death from thrombosis was in group 3.
Adverse Reaction73 Cardiac disturbances, 2 TIAs, 1 urinary tract infection, 1 wound abscess.
Authors and Year McCulloch, 1998
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
123Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion
Total Complications2Dural TearsThrombosis1Infection0Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1 Minor myocardial infarct
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Plotz and Benini, 1998
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
117Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery without fusion
Total Complications0Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
218Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and Translaminar Screw Fixation
Total Complications0Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
371Degenerative SpondylolisthesisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and AO Internal Fixator
Total Complications8Dural Tears5ThrombosisInfection3Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
162Mixed StenosisLaminotomy
Total Complications6Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction2 patients had urinary retention. 3 patients needed reoperation for recurrent symptoms.
Authors and Year Whitecloud, Castro, Brinker et al., 1998
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
135Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications30Dural TearsThrombosis0Infection2Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder4Not described.
Adverse Reaction1 venous puncture, 1 pneumothorax, 2 peritoneal rent, 1 abdominal hernia, 1 pulmonary embolism, etc.
Authors and Year Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
1497Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications48Dural Tears13Thrombosis20Infection15Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Fischgrund, Mackay, Herkowitz et al., 1997
Study Design Randomized Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
140Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications0Dural TearsThrombosisInfection0Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0
Adverse Reaction
235Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)
Total Complications0Dural TearsThrombosisInfection0Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
129Mixed StenosisLaminotomy
Total Complications3Dural Tears1Thrombosis1Infection1Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
112Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications0Dural Tears0ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0
Adverse Reaction
214Central Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy
Total Complications2Dural Tears0ThrombosisInfectionInstability0
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0
Adverse Reaction21 patient with pneumonia, 1 patient with urinary tract infection.
Authors and Year Thomsen, Christensen, Eiskjaer et al., 1997
Study Design Randomized Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
120Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
Total Complications1Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
221Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion
Total Complications0Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications10Dural Tears8ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder21 neuropraxia and 1 hematoma
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996
Study Design Prospective Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
135Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy and fusion
Total Complications4Dural TearsThrombosisInfection2Instability0
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction2Cerebrospinal fluid leak
Authors and Year Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1996
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
118Degenerative/spondylolytic SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications3Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1 Patient had a postoperative seroma requiring revision. One had a screw that was too long and had to be replaced.
Authors and Year Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
134Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications3Dural TearsThrombosisInfection1Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegia1IncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1Foot drop
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Rechtine, Sutterlin, Wood et al., 1996
Study Design Prospective Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
118Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications4Dural Tears3ThrombosisInfection0Instability
Deaths0Fractures0Paraplegia0IncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0
Adverse Reaction1"stripped screw"
Authors and Year Sanderson and Getty, 1996
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
166Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy
Total Complications6Dural TearsThrombosis4Infection2Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegia0IncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
134Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
Total ComplicationsDural Tears1ThrombosisInfection2Instability0
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1Unilateral foot drop.
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995
Study Design Randomized Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
115Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
Total Complications2Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinence1Collapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - single levelPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
Total Complications3Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction2Screws were removed because of persistent local pain.
315Central Lumbar Stenosis - multiple segmentsPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
Total Complications4Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1Diffuse motor weakness of the left lower limb.
Adverse Reaction3Loose internal fixator in one patient. Broken screws in two patients.
Authors and Year Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
124Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications3Dural Tears2ThrombosisInfectionInstability1
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
224Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications10Dural Tears8ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths1FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction1Pulmonary embolism
312Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications2Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1Paraparesis
Adverse Reaction1Persistent disturbance of wound healing
Authors and Year Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
143Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
Total Complications3Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfection1Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction1cauda equina syndrome
Authors and Year Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
12177Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and Pedical Screw Fixation
Total Complications381Dural Tears161ThrombosisInfection56Instability
Deaths0Fractures26ParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder13811 cord or root injury; 127 new radicular pain
Adverse Reaction
2456Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion
Total Complications59Dural Tears26ThrombosisInfection11Instability
Deaths0Fractures0ParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder22New radicular pain
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Bridwell, Sedgewick, O'Brien et al., 1993
Study Design Randomized Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
19Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
Total Complications0Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0No peripheral neurologic deficits.
Adverse Reaction
210Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion
Total Complications1Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0No peripheral neurologic deficits.
Adverse Reaction1Postoperative cerebrovascular accident.
324Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
Total Complications3Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfection1Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder0No peripheral neurologic deficits.
Adverse Reaction1One patient with poor lateral screw placement
Authors and Year Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
126Congenital or Degenerative Stenosis, Combined, or Deg. SpondylolisthesisLaminotomy
Total Complications3Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability4
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder3Moderate to complete deficit of a single nerve root.
Adverse Reaction
241Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications1Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability2
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1Increase in a preoperative deficit of the L5 root
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
1248Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications57Dural Tears32Thrombosis3Infection3Instability
Deaths2FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1Severe paraparesis
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Simmons and Simmons, 1992
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
140Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications8Dural TearsThrombosisInfection1Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder32 paresthesia, 1 extensor hallucis longus weakness
Adverse Reaction41 wound edge necrosis, 1 myocardial infarction, 2 urinary tract infections
Authors and Year Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
130Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications1Dural TearsThrombosisInfection1Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Chang and McAfee, 1989
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
117Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications5Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction55 urinary tract infections
Authors and Year Herron and Trippi, 1989
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
124Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications2Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction21 intraoperative cardiac pacemaker malfunction, 1 postoperative acute ethanol withdrawal.
Authors and Year Johnsson, Redlund-Johnell, Uden et al., 1989
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
161Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total ComplicationsDural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths1FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse ReactionOne patient died of sepsis shortly after the operation.
Authors and Year Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications4Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction31 wound dehiscence, 1 iliac crest bone graft site infection, 1 upper gastrointestinal bleed
Authors and Year Mauersberger and Nietgen, 1989
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
192Mixed StenosisDecompressive surgery with or without fusion
Total ComplicationsDural TearsThrombosisInfection1Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinence1Collapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse ReactionThe pt with postop incontinence required further surgery for resection of another lumbar segment.
Authors and Year Nasca, 1989
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
115Lateral Lumbar StenosisDecompressive Surgery
Total Complications2Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction2 patients required fusion 1 and 3 years later.
522Mixed Stenosis with instabilityDecompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation
Total Complications4Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinence1Collapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction22 postop hematomas
611Degenerative Stenosis and scoliosisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation
Total Complications3Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability1
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction21 wound dishescence, 1 diffuse-intravascular coagulopathy
Authors and Year Young, Veerapen, and O'Laoire, 1988
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
132Central Lumbar StenosisDecompressive Surgery
Total Complications9Dural Tears3ThrombosisInfection3Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder1 pseudomeningocele, 1 root damage
Adverse Reaction1 hematoma
Authors and Year Lee and deBari, 1986
Study Design Randomized Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
112Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)
Total Complications0Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
212Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
Total Complications5Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction55 patients with Knodt rods had subsequent operations to remove the rods due to local irritation.
Authors and Year Hall, Bartleson, Onofrio et al., 1985
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
168Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total ComplicationsDural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths1FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Rosomoff, 1981
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
150Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications7Dural TearsThrombosisInfection6Instability1
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Scafuri and Weinstein, 1981
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
127Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications3Dural Tears1ThrombosisInfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction21 patient with urinary tract infection. 1 patient with dural cutaneous fistula.
Authors and Year Weir and De Leo, 1981
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
181Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications9Dural TearsThrombosis0Infection1Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinence2Collapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder43 transient neurologic deficit, 1 permanent increase in neurological deficit
Adverse Reaction2pulmonary complications
Authors and Year Getty, 1980
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
135Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications12Dural TearsThrombosis4Infection2Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinence6Collapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
137Congenital StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications5Dural TearsThrombosisInfection2Instability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction32 epiduritis, 1 spondylitis
Authors and Year Choudhury and Taylor, 1977
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
128Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications8Dural Tears1Thrombosis1InfectionInstability
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction66 patients had temporary urinary retention, requiring catheterization for 12-48 hours.
Authors and Year Verbiest, 1977
Study Design Retrospective Trial with Consecutive Patients
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
1116Congenital StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications8Dural TearsThrombosis1InfectionInstability0
Deaths1FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder7Radicular deficits characterized as 3 bilateral peroneal weakness, 2 disturbance of micturition, and 2 increase in bilateral sensory deficit.
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Vestad and Naca, 1977
Study Design Case-series
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
180Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications2Dural TearsThrombosisInfection2Instability
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Fitzgerald and Newman, 1976
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
214Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques
Total Complications2Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability2
DeathsFracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Paine, 1976
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
195Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications8Dural TearsThrombosis1Infection2Instability
Deaths1FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder2Increased cauda equina lesion. Complications reported for all 457 patients, not just the 95 with LSS. Length of FU not correctly reported.
Adverse Reaction32 pulmonary embolus, on fatal. 1 postoperative hemorrhage.
Authors and Year Rosenberg, 1976
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
215Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
Total Complications5Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability5
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction
Authors and Year Tile, McNeil, Zarins et al., 1976
Study Design Controlled Trial
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder: Treatment:
126Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
Total Complications7Dural TearsThrombosisInfectionInstability7
Deaths0FracturesParaplegiaIncontinenceCollapsed Fusion
Neurological Disorder
Adverse Reaction

Evidence Table 25. Reported Co-morbidities of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Patient Condition: Backache
Authors and Year: Splithoff, 1953
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1100Healthy ControlControl/Placebo/None
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity30
Spondylolisthesis n=8, Osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral junction n=22
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Spondylolisthesis n=2, Osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral junction n=26.
Patient Condition: Central lumbar stenosis
Authors and Year: Kleeman, Hiscoe, and Berg, 2000
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
154Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidities
Heart36KneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes6Arthritis4Degenerative Spine15
Other Comorbidities Osteoporosis19
Authors and Year: Herno, Partanen, Talaslahti et al., 1999
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
141Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity15
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Only the number of patients with co-existing diseases was reported.
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - no post surgery stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity6
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Only the number of patients with co-existing diseases was reported.
Authors and Year: Herno, Saari, Suomalainen et al., 1999
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
135Central Lumbar Stenosis - no postsurgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity18
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Comorbidity were reported as a total number and not defined.
257Central Lumbar Stenosis - post surgery stenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity38
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Comorbidity were reported as a total number and not defined.
Authors and Year: Vitaz, Raque, Shields et al., 1999
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
165Central Lumbar StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart37KneeHerniated Disk33
Diabetes11ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity hypothyroid11
Authors and Year: Airaksinen, Herno, Turunen et al., 1997
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1497Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity255
Heart38Knee21Herniated Disk
Diabetes13Arthritis8Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity hypothyroid35
35 patients not described.
Authors and Year: Matsui, Kanamori, Ishihara et al., 1997
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk7
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity5
Authors and Year: Thomas, Rea, Pikul et al., 1997
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
112Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart1KneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
214Central Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart1KneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity1
Authors and Year: diPierro, Helm, Shaffrey et al., 1996
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
135Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy and fusion
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine3
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Ishac, Alhayek, Fournier et al., 1996
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
134Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine1
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Grob, Humke, and Dvorak, 1995
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
115Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart1KneeHerniated Disk3
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
215Central Lumbar Stenosis - single levelPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk6
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
315Central Lumbar Stenosis - multiple segmentsPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk7
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Hamdan and Al-Kaissie, 1994
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
125Central Lumbar StenosisConservative
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity12
3 patients with spondylolisthesis, 9 patients with arthritis of the spine
Authors and Year: Jonsson and Stromqvist, 1994
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
143Central Lumbar StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart7Knee5Herniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity13
Authors and Year: Caputy and Luessenhop, 1992
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1100Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart25Knee5Herniated Disk14
Diabetes9ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity11
Authors and Year: Yoshida, Shima, Taniguchi et al., 1992
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
110Control (herniated disk)Control/Placebo/None
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk10
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Uden, and Rosen, 1991
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
120Central Lumbar StenosisConservative-not described
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart2KneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity5
Degenerative olisthesis
314Central Lumbar Stenosis - severe stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity7
Degenerative Olisthesis
Authors and Year: Kurihara, Tanaka, Tsumura et al., 1988
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
112Hyperostotic stenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine4
Other Comorbidity
At least 4 patients also had stenosis of the thoracic and/or cervical spine.
Authors and Year: Schonstrom, Bolender, and Spengler, 1985
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
124Central Lumbar StenosisControl/Placebo/None
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk7
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Chahal, Mundkur, Sancheti et al., 1982
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
132Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk12
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine19
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Johnsson, Willner, and Pettersson, 1981
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
127Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity6
Authors and Year: Weir and De Leo, 1981
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
181Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart17KneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Tajima, Fukazawa, and Ishio, 1980
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
113Central Lumbar StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
214Central Lumbar Stenosis and disk lesionMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity0
HeartKneeHerniated Disk14
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Reale, Deifini, Gambacona et al., 1978
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
137Congenital StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk12
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Verbiest, 1977
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1116Congenital StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk62
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Salibi, 1976
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
120Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk16
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity1
Patient Condition: Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Booth, Bridwell, Eisenberg et al., 1999
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
149Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy with fusion and instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Patients had an average of 2.7 +/- 1.8 comorbidity.
Authors and Year: Epstein, 1998a
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1290Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk59
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: McCulloch, 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
123Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy and fusion
No Reported Comorbidity19
Heart1KneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Yuan, Garfin, Dickman et al., 1994
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
12177Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion and Pedical Screw Fixation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes321ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity610
2456Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes68ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity128
Authors and Year: Marchesi, Thalgott, and Aebi, 1991
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
130Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity8
Authors and Year: Knox, Harvell, Nelson et al., 1989
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
139Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart2KneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritis11Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity1
rheumatoid arthritis
Authors and Year: Inoue, Watanabe, Goto et al., 1988
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
136Degenerative SpondylolisthesisFusion
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk8
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Kaneda and Kazama, 1986
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
154Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk8
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Alexander Jr, Kelly Jr, Davis Jr et al., 1985
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
150Degenerative SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk7
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
7 herniated disks, 11 protruding or bulging disks, 7 extruded disks.
Authors and Year: Epstein, Epstein, Carras et al., 1983
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
160Degenerative SpondylolisthesisMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart1Knee7Herniated Disk2
Diabetes6Arthritis1Degenerative Spine1
Other Comorbidity4
Authors and Year: Rosenberg, 1976
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
111Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk4
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Patient Condition: Lateral lumbar stenosis
Authors and Year: Sanderson and Getty, 1996
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
166Lateral Lumbar StenosisLaminotomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk18
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Kirkaldy-Willis, Wedge, Yong-Hing et al., 1982
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
232Lateral Lumbar Stenosis with disk herniationPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity0
HeartKneeHerniated Disk32
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
421Lateral and Central Lumbar Stenosis with disk herniationPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity0
HeartKneeHerniated Disk21
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Mikhael, Ciric, Tarkington et al., 1981
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
135Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk7
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity5
Degenerative spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Choudhury and Taylor, 1977
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
128Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk4
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity bulging disks5
Authors and Year: Epstein, Epstein, Rosenthal et al., 1972
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
115Lateral Lumbar StenosisForaminotomy/nerve root decompression
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Patient Condition: Mixed lumbar stenosis
Authors and Year: Guigui, Benoist, Delecourt et al., 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
150Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk23
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Javid and Hadar, 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
186Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity6
Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
261Central Lumbar Stenosis and Herniated DiskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk61
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
323Lateral Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Mackay and Wheelwright, 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
150Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk4
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Scholz, Firsching, and Lanksch, 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
172Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart3KneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes9Arthritis1Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
3 cervical myelopathy, 3 cancer
Authors and Year: Tsai, Yang, and Bray, 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
162Mixed StenosisLaminotomy
No Reported Comorbidity21
Heart5KneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes4Arthritis11Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity2
Not described
Authors and Year: Whitecloud, Castro, Brinker et al., 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
135Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk5
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine10
Other Comorbidity25
Either overweight or obese.
Authors and Year: Spetzger, Bertalanffy, Reinges et al., 1997
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
129Mixed StenosisLaminotomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk2
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Atlas, Deyo, Keller et al., 1996
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
181Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
60.5% of patients had self-reported chromic pulmonary disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer, or diabetes.
267Mixed StenosisConservative-many
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
68.2% of patients had self-reported chromic pulmonary disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer, or diabetes.
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Chang et al., 1996
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
188Degenerative StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritis9Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Crock, Shiraishi, and Crock, 1995
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
134Mixed StenosisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart5KneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes1ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity11
5 patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis of 20% slippage.6 patients with scoliosis.
Authors and Year: Lehto and Honkanen, 1995
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
196Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity61
61 patients were overweight (BMI>25)
Authors and Year: Cinotti, Postacchini, and Weinstein, 1994
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
125Mixed Stenosis - diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart5KneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes25ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Cumulative Illness Rating Scale with three classes: 5 patients with less than 2 patients; 6 patients with 3 to 5 points, and 14 patients with more than 6 points.
225Mixed Stenosis - no diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart1KneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes0ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Cumulative Illness Rating Scale with three classes: 7 patients with less than 2 patients; 9 patients with 3 to 5 points, and 9 patients with more than 6 points.
Authors and Year: McCullen, Bernini, Bernstein et al., 1994
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1193Mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes19ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Silvers, Lewis, and Asch, 1993
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1248Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk42
Diabetes13ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Simpson, Silveri, Balderston et al., 1993
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
133Mixed Stenosis - diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity0
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes33ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
224Mixed Stenosis - no diabetesSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes0ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Larson et al., 1991
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
188Mixed StenosisMixed Decompression Techniques
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart20KneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritis28Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity9
rheumatoid arthritis
Authors and Year: Ganz, 1990
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
136Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk3
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Nasca, 1989
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
115Lateral Lumbar StenosisDecompressive Surgery
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk4
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity4
4 patients had herniated disks.
229Central-mixed StenosisDecompressive Surgery
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritis1Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
611Degenerative Stenosis and scoliosisDecompressive Surgery with fusion and instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritis2Degenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity8
8 had osteoporosis
Authors and Year: Fast, Robin, and Floman, 1985
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
119Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Hood and Weigl, 1983
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
121Mixed StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
Heart2KneeHerniated Disk
Diabetes2ArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
1 multiple arthroplasties, 1 peripheral vascular disease- this patient died and is not otherwise reported on.
Authors and Year: Paine, 1976
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
248Degenerative stenosis with disk herniationSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk48
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Shenkin and Hash, 1976
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
149Mixed Stenosis - no prior surgerySWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
221Mixed Stenosis - prior surgery for herniated diskSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Patient Condition: Stenosis/Spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Radu and Menkes, 1998
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
162Central Lumbar StenosisConservative
No Reported Comorbidity7
HeartKneeHerniated Disk14
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity38
20 Spondylolisthesis, 18 Scoliosis
Authors and Year: Jonsson, Annertz, Sjoberg et al., 1997a
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1105Central Spinal Stenosis and Degenerative SpondylolisthesisPartial laminectomy or hemilaminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity19
Heart3Knee6Herniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
Authors and Year: Katz, Lipson, Lew et al., 1997
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1194Mixed Stenosis / SponsylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
45 with spondylolisthesis, and 14 with scoliosis
237Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion (Arthrodesis)
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
26 with spondylolisthesis, and 1 with scoliosis
341Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
22 with spondylolisthesis, and 5 with scoliosis
Authors and Year: Amundsen, Weber, Lilleas et al., 1995
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
1100Mixed StenosisControl/Placebo/None
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk9
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
56 patients had scoliosis and 12 patients had degenerative spondylolisthesis.
Authors and Year: Rompe, Eysel, Hopf et al., 1995
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
124Mixed StenosisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk14
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity3
Degenerative spondylolisthesis
312Mixed Stenosis and SpondylolisthesisSWDL with Fusion and Instrumentation
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine3
Other Comorbidity9
Degenerative spondylolisthesis
Authors and Year: Postacchini, Cinotti, Perugia et al., 1993
Patient Group # N Specific Disorder Treatment Number of Patients with each Disease or Co-morbidity
126Congenital or Degenerative Stenosis, Combined, or Deg. SpondylolisthesisLaminotomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk0
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity
241Central Lumbar StenosisSWDL-Standard Wide Decompressive Laminectomy
No Reported Comorbidity
HeartKneeHerniated Disk4
DiabetesArthritisDegenerative Spine
Other Comorbidity