1. Design: (Circle one) |
RCT | 1 |
CCT | 2 |
Other | 3 (STOP)
(If not RCT or CCT, change study design on cover sheet and STOP)
2 What topic(s) does the study report on? (check all that apply) |
Vitamin C | □ |
Vitamin E | □ |
Co-Q10 | □ |
None of the above | □ (STOP)
2. What condition(s) does the study report on? (circle one) |
Cardiovascular | 1 |
Cancer | 2 |
Both | 3 |
None | 4 (STOP)
3. Is the study described as randomized? (circle one) |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
4. If the study was randomized, was method of randomization appropriate? (circle one) |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Method not described | 8 |
Not applicable | 9 |
5. Is the study described as: (circle one) |
Double blind | 1 |
Single blind, patient | 2 |
Single blind, outcome assessment | 3 |
Open | 4 |
Blinding not described | 8 |
Not applicable | 9 |
6. If reported, was the method of double blinding appropriate? (circle one) |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Double blinding method not described | 8 |
Not applicable | 9 |
7. If study was randomized, did the method of randomization provide for concealment of allocation? (circle one) |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Concealment not described | 8 |
Not applicable | 9 |
8. Are withdrawals (W) and dropouts (D) described? (circle one) |
Yes, reason described for all W and D | 1 |
Yes, reason described for some W and D | 2 |
Not described | 8 |
Not applicable | 9 |
9. Is this a cross-over study design? (circle one) |
Yes | 1 |
No | 2 |
Not described | 8 |
10. Does the study population include a purposefully selected group of individuals chosen because they have any of the following characteristics? (check all that apply) |
Race: |
| African-American | □ (01) |
| Asian | □ (02) |
| Hispanic | □ (03) |
Gender: |
| Male | □(04) |
| Female | □ (05) |
Age: |
| Children (under 18) | □ (06) |
| Elderly (over 65) | □ (07) |
Miscellaneous: |
| Smokers | □ (08) |
Other: |
| (Enter code: ____ ____, ____ ____, ____ ___, ____ ____, ____ ____ ) |
None of the above | □ (97) |
11. Does the study population include a purposefully selected group of individuals chosen because they have any of the following comorbidities? (enter code or circle) |
Code: ____ ____, ____ ____, ____ ___, ____ ____, ____ ____ |
Not applicable | 99 |
12. Does the study population include a purposefully selected group of individuals chosen because they have any of the following predisposing factors? (enter code or circle) |
Code: ____ ____, ____ ____, ____ ___, ____ ____, ____ ____ |
Not applicable | 99 |
13. If this study is from a larger trial, please note the name of original trial. (circle one or enter code) |
ADMT | □ (01) |
ATBC | □ (02) |
CGPPP | □ (03) |
CHAOS | □ (04) |
GISSI/GIZZI | □ (05) |
HOPE | □ (06) |
MRC/BHF | □ (07) |
PHS II | □ (08) |
SPACE | □ (09) |
SUVIMAX | □ (10) |
WHI | □ (11) |
WHS | □ (12) |
Code: ____ ____ |
Not from a larger trial | □ (99) |
Patient Characteristics - CARDIOVASCULAR |
14. What type of cardiovascular disease did the study report on? (check all that apply and/or add code) |
CAD | π (01) |
CVA/TIA | ρ (02) |
PVD | ρ (03) |
CHF | ρ (04) |
Angina | ρ (05) |
Code: ____ ____ |
____ ____ |
____ ____ |
____ ____ |
Not Applicable | ρ (99) |
15. What was the severity of the disease? |
Enter code: ____ ____ (enter 99 if not applicable) |
Patient Characteristics - CANCER |
16. What type of cancer did the study report on? (check all that apply and/or add code) |
Breast | ρ (01) |
Lung | ρ (02) |
Prostate | ρ (03) |
Oral | ρ (04) |
Cervix | ρ (05) |
Gastric | ρ (06) |
Colon | ρ (07) |
Code: ____ ____ |
____ ____ |
____ ____ |
____ ____ |
Not Applicable | 99 |
17. What was the severity of the disease? (check all that apply and/or add code) |
Pre-cancerous | ρ (01) |
Localized | ρ (02) |
Metastatic | ρ (03) |
Other code: ____ ____ |
Not Applicable | 99 |
If the study has a control/usual care arm, enter that data in arm 1. Otherwise, enter data for the groups in order of first mention. |