Box 7.1Potential stakeholders to include in the planning process

  • Programme experts, managers and health-care workers from the following fields in both the public and private sectors: HIV programmes and clinics (HIV testing and counselling, ART and PMTCT, sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health, mental health, hepatology and TB services, drug dependence and harm reduction services, and prison health programmes;
  • civil society, including people living with HIV, women's and youth groups, religious leaders, people with disabilities;
  • technical specialists in specific areas, such as laboratory services, pharmacology, drug resistance, toxicity management, supply chain and community health;
  • government partners, including representatives of relevant ministries, such as health, justice and law enforcement, internal affairs, finance and planning, and regional (such as provincial) authorities;
  • nongovernmental organizations, including international agencies, faith-based organizations, other local nongovernmental and community-based organizations, and private-sector service organizations;
  • finance and budget experts, such as programme budget officers and health economists;
  • academic institutions, including experts in operational research, implementation science, ethics, training and supervision;
  • professional associations of various cadres of health workers (such as physicians, nurses and community health workers).


Cover of Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for Key Populations – 2016 Update
Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for Key Populations – 2016 Update.
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