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National Guideline Alliance (UK). Mental Health Problems in People with Learning Disabilities: Prevention, Assessment and Management. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2016 Sep. (NICE Guideline, No. 54.)

Cover of Mental Health Problems in People with Learning Disabilities: Prevention, Assessment and Management

Mental Health Problems in People with Learning Disabilities: Prevention, Assessment and Management.

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Appendix HSearch strategies for the identification of clinical studies



Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature


Cochrane Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects


Excerpta Medica Database


Health Technology Assessment


Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online


National Health Service


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence


in-process and other non-indexed citations from MEDLINE


Psychological Information Database


randomised controlled trial


systematic review

H.1. Scoping searches

A broad preliminary search of the literature was undertaken in September 2014 to obtain an overview of the issues likely to be covered by the scope, and to help define key areas. Searches were restricted to clinical guidelines, Health Technology Assessment (HTA) reports, key systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials (RCTs).

  • BMJ Clinical Evidence
  • Canadian Medical Association Infobase (Canadian guidelines)
  • Clinical Policy and Practice Program of the New South Wales Department of Health (Australia)
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines (Australian Guidelines)
  • Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
  • Cochrane Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
  • Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
  • Excerpta Medica Database (Embase)
  • Guidelines International Network
  • Health Evidence Bulletin Wales
  • Health Management Information Consortium
  • HTA database (technology assessments)
  • Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE/MEDLINE In-Process)
  • National Health and Medical Research Council
  • National Library for Health Guidelines Finder
  • New Zealand Guidelines Group
  • NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
  • Organizing Medical Networked Information Medical Search
  • Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
  • Turning Research Into Practice
  • United States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • Websites of NICE – including NHS Evidence - and the National Institute for Health Research HTA Programme for guidelines and HTAs in development.

Further information about this process can be found in the Developing NICE guidelines: the manual.

H.2. Systematic search

Each search was constructed using the groups of terms set out in Text Box 1. The selection of search terms was kept broad to maximise retrieval of evidence in a wide range of areas of interest to the Guideline Committee.

Text Box 1. Summary of systematic search strategies: search strategy construction.

Text Box 1

Summary of systematic search strategies: search strategy construction.

TopicIdentification and assessment
Review question 1.1 What is the incidence and prevalence of mental health disorders in people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities?

H.2.1. Search 1

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

1exp *developmental disorder/or *intellectual impairment/or exp *mental deficiency/or exp *learning disorder/
21 use emez
3developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual disability/or exp learning disorders/or mentally disabled persons/
43 use mesz, prem
5exp developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual development disorder/or “intellectual development disorder (attitudes toward)”/or exp learning disabilities/
65 use psyh
7((intellect* adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (low*2 adj2 intellect*) or (learning adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or handicap* or impair* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (mental* adj (deficien* or disab* or handicap* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or retard* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*))).ti,ab.
8((subaverage or sub*1 average or subnormal or sub*1 normal*) adj3 (child* or cognit* or intel*)).tw.
9((development* or neurodevelopment*) adj disab*).tw.
10(education* adj5 subnorm*).tw.
11(cretin* or feeble-minded* or imbecil* or moron*).tw.
12(multipl* handicap* or sever* handicap* or handicap* child* or multiple disabilit* or developmental delay*).ti,ab.
13*down syndrome/
1413 use emez
15angelman syndrome/or down syndrome/or fragile x syndrome/
1615 use mesz, prem
17down’s syndrome/
1817 use psyh
19(((angelman or happy puppet) adj2 syndrom*) or (down*1 adj (disease or syndrome*)) or bell martin or fragile x or gillian turner or martin bell or turner gillian or x chromosome fragility or (escalante* adj (disease or syndrome*))).ti,ab.
20(special* adj2 (educat* or need*)).ti,ab,hw.
22*mental disease/
2322 use emez
24mental disorders/
2524 use mesz, prem
26mental disorders/
2726 use psyh
28((mental* or psychologic*) adj2 (health or disorder* or disease* or deficien* or illness or problem*)).ti,ab,sh.
30(*attention deficit disorder/use emez or exp “attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders”/use mesz, prem or exp attention deficit disorder/use psyh or ((attenti* or disrupt* or impulsiv* or inattenti*).sh. or ((((attenti* or disrupt*) adj3 (adolescen* or adult* or behav* or child* or class or classes or classroom* or condition* or difficult* or disorder* or learn* or people or person* or poor or problem* or process* or youngster*)) or (attenti* adj3 deficit*) or (hyper adj1 activ*) or (hyper adj1 kin*) or (minimal adj1 brain) or (over adj1 activ*) or ad hd or addh or adhd or hkd or hyperactiv* or hyperkin* or impulsiv* or inattentiv* or overactiv*).ti,ab. or disruptive*.tw,it,tm.))) not overactive bladder*.ti.
31*child behavior/use emez or exp child behavior/use mesz, prem
32exp behavior problems/or conduct disorder/or oppositional defiant disorder/
3332 use psyh
34((behav* adj2 (agnostic or challeng* or dangerous or destructive or difficult* or disorder* or disrupt* or disturb* or externali* or problem*)) or (child* adj3 (behav* or conduct*)) or (conduct* adj2 (defian* or difficult* or disorder* or disturb* or problem*)) or (oppositional adj3 (defiant* or disorder*))).ti,ab.
36exp *mood disorder/use emez or exp mood disorders/use mesz, prem or exp affective disorders/use psyh or (affective psychosis or schizoaffective disorder).sh.
37(((bipolar or bipolar or bi polar) adj5 (disorder* or depress*)) or ((cyclothymi* or rapid or ultradian) adj5 cycl*) or hypomani* or mania* or manic* or mixed episode* or rcbd).ti,ab.
38(depres* or seasonal affective disorder* or dysthym* or melancholi*).ti,ab.
40exp *psychosis/use emez or exp “schizophrenia and disorders with psychotic features”/use mesz, prem or exp psychosis/use psyh or (borderline states or paranoid schizophrenia).sh.
41(akathisia or akathisia, drug-induced or auditory hallucinations or delusions or dyskinesia or dyskinesia, drug-induced or dyskinesias or hallucinations or hypnagogic hallucinations or neuroleptic malignant syndrome or thought disorder or thought disturbances or visual hallucinations).sh. or (akathisi* or acathisi* or delusion* or hallucinat* or hebephreni* or (neuroleptic* and ((malignant and syndrome) or (movement adj2 disorder))) or oligophreni* or paranoi* or psychotic* or psychosis or psychoses or schizo* or (tardiv* and dyskine*)).ti,ab.
43exp *eating disorder/use emez or exp eating disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or binge eating.sh.
44(anorexi* or bing* or bulimi* or (compulsive adj2 (eat* or vomit*)) or (eating adj2 disorder*) or overeat* or (restrict* adj2 eat*) or (self induc* adj2 vomit*)).ti,ab.
46exp *anxiety disorder/use emez or exp anxiety disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or anxiety.sh. or (anxiet* or anxious* or ((chronic* or excessiv* or intens* or (long* adj2 last*) or neuros* or neurotic* or ongoing or persist* or serious* or sever* or uncontrol* or un control* or unrelent* or un relent*) adj2 worry)).ti,ab.
47(body dysmorphic disorder or compulsions or compulsive behavior or obsessive behavior).sh. or (clean* response* or compulsional or compulsions or obsession or obsessional or obsessions or (obsessive compulsive adj (disorder* or neuros*)) or ocd or osteochondr* compulsion or (recurr* adj (obsession* or thought))).ti,ab. or (body dysmorphi* or dysmorphophobi* or imagine* ugl* or obsess* ruminat* or scrupulosity or ((symmetr* or count* or arrang* or order* or wash* or repeat* or hoard* or clean* or check*) adj compulsi*)).mp.
48panic.sh. or panic*.ti,ab.
49(acrophob* or agoraphob* or claustrophob* or emetophob* or homophob* or kinesiophob* or lesbophob* or neophob* or neurophob* or phobi* or transphob* or trypanophob* or xenophob* or ((acute* or chronic* or extreme* or intense* or irrational* or persistent* or serious) adj2 fear*) or (fear* adj4 (air travel or animal* or blood* or buses or ((closed or public) adj2 space*) or crowd* or dark* or dental* or dentist* or dog*1 or dying or falls or falling or fly or flying or height* or hypochondriacal or injection* or injur* or laughed or leaving home or lightening or movement* or needle* or night* or panic* or plane* or reinjure* or school* or snake* or space* or spider* or test* or thunder* or train* or travel* or water)) or specific fear*).ti,ab.
50(critical incident stress or emotional trauma or psychological stress or stress, psychological or traumatic neurosis).sh. or (acute stress or asd or combat neuros* or combat syndrome or concentration camp syndrome or desnos or extreme stress or flash back* or flashback* or hypervigilan* or hypervigilen* or posttraumatic* or post- traumatic* or psych* stress or psych* trauma* or psycho trauma* or psychotrauma* or ptsd or railway spine or (rape adj2 trauma*) or re experienc* or reexperienc* or stress disorder* or torture syndrome or traumatic neuros* or traumatic stress or (trauma* and (avoidance or death* or emotion* or grief or horror or nightmare* or night mare*))).ti,ab.
51(blushing or hyperhidrosis or mutism or performance anxiety or shyness or social anxiety or sweating or timidity).sh. or (((anxiet* or anxious* or phobia* or phobic*) adj2 (performance or social*)) or socioanxi* or sociophobi* or ((blush* or sweat* or trembl*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or chronic* or excessiv* or fear* or severe)) or ((interpersonal or inter personal or social* or socio*) adj2 (aversion* or aversiv* or confiden* or difficult* or disorder* or distress* or fear*)) or hyperhydrosis or hyperperspirat* or (hyper adj (hydrosis or perspirat*)) or ((mute* or mutism) adj2 (elective* or selective*)) or ((negative evaluation or speak*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or distress* or fear*)) or paruresis or (((personalit* or phobi* or social* or socio*) adj2 avoid*) or avoidant disorder) or (phobi* adj2 neuros*) or phobic disorder* or (school* adj2 (anxiet* or anxious* or phobi* or refuse or refusal)) or (shy or shyness) or specific phobia*).ti,ab.
53exp *personality disorder/use emez or exp personality disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh
54(borderline state or borderline person* or character disorder).sh. or ((borderline* adj3 (disorder* or person* or pd*1 or state*)) or (emotion* adj2 (instabil* or unstable) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*1 or personalit* or state*)) or (personalit* adj (disorder* or dysfunction*))).ti,ab. or (apd*1.tw. and (asocial* or anti social* or antisocial* or character* or dissocial* or dis social* or person*).mp.) or (aspd*1 or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*)) or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) and personalit*) or neuropsychopath* or psychopath*3 or psycho path*3 or sociopath* or socio path*).ti,ab. or ((borderline* and personalit*) or (borderline* and cluster b) or (dsm and (axis and ii))).mp.
56*automutilation/or exp *suicide behavior/
5756 use emez
58self-injurious behavior/or self mutilation/or suicide/or suicidal ideation/or suicide, attempted/
5958 use mesz, prem
60suicide/or attempted suicide/or exp self injurious behavior/or suicidal ideation/or suicide prevention/or suicidology/
6160 use psyh
62(autoaggress* or auto aggress* or automutilat* or auto mutilat* or cutt* or overdose* or (self adj2 cut*) or selfdestruct* or self destruct* or selfharm* or self harm* or selfimmolat* or self immolat* or selfinflict* or self inflict* or selfinjur* or self injur* or selfmutilat* or self mutilat* or selfpoison* or self poison* or suicid*).ti,ab.
64exp *alcohol abuse/or exp *drug dependence/or exp *drug abuse/or *substance abuse/
6564 use emez
66drug seeking behavior/or exp substance-related disorders/
6766 use mesz, prem
68addiction/or exp drug abuse/or drug overdoses/or sobriety/
6968 use psyh
70(alcoholi* or (alcohol* and (abstinence or detoxification or intoxicat* or rehabilit* or withdraw*))).hw.
71(alcoholi* or drinker*1 or (drink* adj2 use*1) or ((alcohol* or drink*) adj5 (abstinen* or abstain* or abus* or addict* or attenuat* or binge* or crav* or dependen* or detox* or disease* or disorder* or excessiv* or harm* or hazard* or heavy or high risk or intoxicat* or misus* or overdos* or (over adj dos*) or problem* or rehab* or reliance or reliant or relaps* or withdraw*)) or (control* adj2 drink*) or sobriet*).ti,ab.
72(((acetomorphine or amphetamine* or amphetamine* or analeptic* or cannabis or cocaine or crack or crank or dextroamphetamine* or diacephine or diacetylmorphine or diacetylmorphine or diamorphin* or diamorphine or diaphorin or drug or hashish or heroin or marihuana or marijua* or methadone* or methamphetamine* or morfin* or morphacetin or morphin* or naltrexone or narcotic* or opioid* or opium or polydrug* or psychostimulant* or speed or stimulant* or stimulant* or substance or uppers) adj3 (abstain* or abstinen* or abus* or addict* or (excessive adj use*) or dependen* or (inject* adj2 drug*) or intoxicat* or misus* or over dos* or overdos* or (use* adj (disorder* or illicit)) or withdraw*)) or drug user*).ti,ab.
74*abuse/or *acting out/or *agitation/or exp *aggression/or exp *anger/or *assault/or exp *child abuse/or *disruptive behavior/or *emotional abuse/or *impulse control disorder/or *intermittent explosive disorder/or *patient abuse/or *physical abuse/or exp *sexual abuse/or *verbal hostility/or exp *violence/
7574 use emez
76acting out/or exp domestic violence/or exp aggression/or exp anger/or dangerous behavior/or hate/or hostility/or impulse control disorders/or sexual harassment/or torture/or violence/
7776 use mesz, prem
78abuse reporting/or acting out/or exp aggressive behavior/or aggressiveness/or agitation/or exp anger/or anger control/or battered females/or exp child abuse/or dangerousness/or elder abuse/or emotional abuse/or exposure to violence/or exp harrassment/or hate/or exp impulse control disorders/or patient abuse/or exp partner abuse/or rebelliousness/or retaliation/or exp sexual abuse/or threat/or threat postures/or torture/or verbal abuse/or exp violence/
7978 use psyh
80(abus* or aggress* or agitat* or agonistic or anger or angry or assault* or attack* or bizarre or challenging behav* or combative or danger* or disrupt* or disturb* or (explosive adj2 disorder) or harass* or hostil* or (impulse control adj disorder*) or intimidat* or rage* or threat* or untoward or violen*).ti,ab.
82exp *dementia/or exp dementia/use mesz, prem,psyh or (alzheimer’s disease or creutzfeldt jakob syndrome or picks disease).sh.
83(alzheim* or binswanger* or dement* or kluver or lewy bod* or pick diseas*).ti,ab,hw.
85(masturbat* or ((psychosexual or sexual) adj (abus* or behavior or harass* or offenc*))).hw. or (fondling or genital* or masturbat* or nudity or (inappropriate adj2 (grab* or touch*)) or (sex* adj2 (abus* or act* or behav* or proposition* or disinhibit* or harass* or offenc* or touch* or view*))).ti,ab.
86dysexecutive syndrome.hw,tw.
87*autism/or *childhood disintegrative disorder/or *infantile autism/or *rett syndrome/or “*pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified”/
8887 use emez
89child development disorders, pervasive/or autistic disorder/or rett syndrome/
9089 use mesz, prem
91autism/or pervasive developmental disorders/or autistic thinking/
9291 use psyh
93asperger*.sh. or (asperger* or autis* or cerebroatrophic hyperammonemia* or (kanners adj (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (rett* adj (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (pervasive adj2 developmental disorder*) or pdd nos).ti,ab.
9621 and 95
97((assessment adj2 dual diagnosis) or child behaviour checklist* or (clinical outcomes adj2 routine evaluation adj3 learning disabilities) or (diagnostic assessment adj3 severely handicapped) or (psychopathology adj2 autism checklist*) or (psychopathology checklist* adj2 adults with intellectual disability) or psychiatric assessment schedule for adults with developmental disabilities checklist* or (reiss screen for maladaptive adj behav*) or (strength adj2 difficulties questionnaire*) or (psychiatric assessment schedule adj2 adults adj3 developmental disability) or psychopathology instrument for mentally retarded adults or health of the nation outcome scales for people with learning disabilities).ti,ab.
98((add*1 or cbcl or core-ld or coreld or dash or dash-ii or pac or p-aid or paid or pas- add*1 or pasadd or rsmb or sdq or pas-add*1 or pimra or honos-ld or honosld) adj3 (assessment* or checklist* or interview* or inventor* or questionnaire* or scale* or screen*)).ti,ab.
99((anxiety adj2 depression adj2 mood scale*) or children* depression inventor* or (glasgow depression scale* adj2 carer*) or (mood adj2 anxiety semi-structured interview*) or (mood adj2 interest adj2 pleasure questionnaire*) or intellectual disability depression scale* or beck depression inventor* or (glasgow depression scale for*1 people adj2 learning disability) or (hospital anxiety adj2 depression scale*) or self-report depression questionnaire* or zung self-rating depression scale*).ti,ab.
100((adams or cdi or cda or gas-cs or gascs or mass or mipq or evans or bdi or gas-ld or gasld or hads or srdq) adj3 (assessment* or checklist* or interview* or inventor* or questionnaire* or scale* or screen*)).ti,ab.
101((anxiety adj2 depression adj2 mood scale*) or (fear survey adj2 adults with mental retardation) or (mood adj2 anxiety adj (semistruc* or semi-structured) adj interview*) or glasgow anxiety scale* or (hospital anxiety adj2 depression scale*) or zung anxiety scale*).ti,ab.
102((adams or fsamr or mass or gas-id or hads) adj3 (assessment* or checklist* or interview* or inventor* or questionnaire* or scale* or screen*)).ti,ab.
103((adaptive adj (behavior or behaviour) adj assessment system) or adaptive behav* dementia questionnaire* or adapted behav* scale* or cambridge cognitive examination* or dementia questionnaire for mentally retarded persons or (dementia questionnaire for people adj2 learning disabilities) or down syndrome dementia scale* or dementia screening questionnaire for individuals with intellectual disabilities or ((early signs of dementia checklist* or short informant questionnaire*) adj2 cognitive decline in the elderly) or (modified cambridge examination for mental disorders adj3 elderly) or dalton* brief praxis test* or (neuropsychological assessment adj2 dementia adj2 adults with intellectual disabilities) or test for severe impairment or severe impairment battery or dementia rating scale* or evaluation of mental status or down syndrome mental status examination or cued recall test*).ti,ab.
104((aamh or abas-ii or abdq or dmr or dld or dsds or dsqiid or ds qiid or iqcode or iq code or camcog* or cam cog* or camdex* or cam dex* or bpt ordbpt or naid or tsi or sib or drs or dsmse or crt) adj3 (assessment* or checklist* or interview* or inventor* or questionnaire* or scale* or screen*)).ti,ab.
105(interpersonal adjective scale* or neo personality inventory personality disorder characteristics checklist* or (psychopathy checklist* adj2 revised) or standardised assessment of personality or standardised assessment of personality abbreviated scale* or (brief adj (nonverbal or non-verbal) adj personality questionnaire*) or edward zigler personality questionnaire*).ti,ab.
106((ias or pdcc or pcl-r or pcl-sv or pclr or pclsv or sap or sapas or ff-npq or ffnpq or ezpq or ezp or ezp q) adj3 (assessment* or checklist* or interview* or inventor* or questionnaire* or scale* or screen*)).ti,ab.
107(novaco anger scale* or provocation inventor* or modified overt aggression scale*).ti,ab.
108((nas or pdi or moas) adj3 (assessment* or checklist* or interview* or inventor* or questionnaire* or scale* or screen*)).ti,ab.
109(bangor life events schedule for intellectual disabilities or (lancaster adj2 northgate trauma scale*)).ti,ab.
110((blesid or lant*) adj3 (assessment* or checklist* or interview* or inventor* or questionnaire* or scale* or screen*)).ti,ab.
112(21 or 94) and 111

H.2.2. Search 2 (updates: Buckles and colleagues [2013])

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

((comorbid* or mental*-ill* or dual-diagnosis or mental disorder* or psychopathology*) and (mental retardation or intellectual disability or learning disability) and prevalence).ti,ab,hw.

H.2.3. Search 3 (updates: Einfeld and colleagues [2011])

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

((intellectual disabilit* or mental* retard* or learning disabilit* or mental* handicap*) and (mental* illness* or mental disorder* or psychopathology or psychiatric disorder*) and prevalence).ti,ab,hw.
TopicIdentification and assessment
Review question 1.2 What are the most appropriate methods/instruments for case identification of mental health problems in people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities?
Review question 1.3 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, what are the key components of, and the most appropriate structure for, an assessment of mental health problems?

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

1(interpersonal adjective scale* or circumplex or circum plex or international personality disorder examination*1 or ipde or neo personality inventor* or neo pi* or five factor*1 model*1 or personality disorder*1 characteristic* checklist* or pdcc or psychopathy checklist* or pcl-r or pclr or pclsv or pcl-sv or standardised assessment of personality or sapas or ((non-verbal or nonverbal) adj personality questionnaire*) or ff-npq or ffnpq or ((edward zigler or ez) adj2 personality questionnaire*) or ezpq or ez pq or provocation inventor* or modified overt aggression scale* or bangor life event*1 schedule*1 for intellectual disabilit*4 or (lancaster adj2 northgate adj trauma scale*) or impact of event scale* or ((posttraumatic or post traumatic) adj3 diagnostic scale*) or (anxiety adj2 depression adj2 mood adj scale*) or fear survey*1 for adults with mental retardation or fsamr or fs amr or (mood adj2 anxiety adj (semi-structured or semistructured) adj interview*1) or glasgow anxiety scale* or gas-id or gasid or (hospital anxiety adj2 depression scale*) or hads or (zung adj4 anxiety scale*) or sasid).ti,ab.
2((anxiety adj2 depression adj2 mood adj scale*) or children*1 depression inventor*3 or cdi2 or (glasgow depression scale* and carer supplement*1) or gas-cs or gascs or (mood adj2 anxiety adj (semi-structured or semistructured) adj interview*1) or (mood adj interest adj2 pleasure questionnaire*) or mipq or intellectual disability*3 depression scale* or beck depression inventor*3 or bdi-ii or glasgow depression scale*1 or gas-ld or gasld or gdsld or gds ld or (hospital anxiety adj2 depression scale*) or hads or ((selfreport or self-report) adj depression questionnaire*) or srdq or (zung adj (self-rating or selfrating) adj depression scale*) or assessment*1 of dual diagnosis or (child adj (behavior or behaviour) adj checklist) or cbcl or (clinical outcomes adj2 routine evaluation*1) or coreld or core ld or (developmental adj (behaviour or behavior) adj checklist*1) or dbca or dbcc or (diagnostic assessment adj3 severely handicapp*3) or dash or dash-ii or dashiii or psychopathology in*1 autism checklist*1 or psychopathology checklist * for adults with intellectual disabilit*3 or p-aid or pas-add or pasadd or (reiss screen*1 for maladaptive adj (behavior or behaviour)) or rsmb).ti,ab.
3(reiss scale* or (strength*1 adj2 difficulties questionnaire*) or brief symptom inventor*3 or (psychiatric assessment*1 schedule* adj2 adults adj3 developmental disabilit*) or pas-add or pasadd or (psychopathology instrument*1 for adj2 mentally retarded) or pimr or pimra or health of the nation outcome scale*1 for people with learning disabilities or honos-ld or honosld or (assessment*1 of comprehension adj2 expression) or ace 6–11 or (test for adj3 reception of grammar) or trog or sentence comprehension test*1 or routes for learning or pragmatics profile or preverbal schedule*1 or preverbal communication schedule*1 or clinical evaluation of language fundamental*1 or celf or celf5 or british picture vocabulary scale* or bpvs3 or bpvs3).ti,ab.
4((adaptive adj (behaviour or behavior) adj scale*) or (adaptive adj (behaviour or behavior) adj assessment*1 system*1) or abas or (clinical global adj (impression or improvement)) or communication assessment profile or casp or global assessment*1 of function or health of the nation outcome scale* or honos-ld or honosld or guernsey scale* or historical clinical risk management or hcr20 or hcr 20 or structured assessment of protective factors for violence risk or saprof or (short term assessment of risk adj2 treatability) or (vineland adaptive adj (behavior or behaviour) adj scale*1) or vineland-ii or (adaptive adj (behavior or behaviour) adj dementia questionnaire*1) or abdq or screening questionnaire*1 for dementia in*1 alzheimer*1 disease in adults with down syndrome or dementia questionnaire*1 for mentally retarded person*1 or dementia questionnaire*1 for people with learning disabilit*3 or down syndrome dementia scale* or dementia scale* for down syndrome or dsds or dementia screening questionnaire*1 for individuals with intellectual disabilit*3 or dsqiid).ti,ab.
5(early signs of dementia checklist or esdc or edsc40 or informant questionnaire* on cognitive decline in*1 the elderly or iqcode or iq code or cambridge cognitive examination*1 or camcog or camcogds or cambridge examination*1 for mental disorders of the elderly or camdex or camdexds or dalton*1 brief praxis test*1 or (assessment*1 of dementia in*1 adj (adults or individuals) adj2 intellectual disabilities) or naid or (assessment*1 of motor adj2 process skills) or amps).ti,ab.
6(cued recall test*1 or crt or dementia rating scale*1 or drs2 or down syndrome mental status examination*1 or dsmse or evaluation of mental status or staff support levels assessment*1 or severe impairment batter*3 or test*1 for severe impairment or mini mental state examination* or mmse).ti,ab.
7((abs or ace or adams or add*1 or bdi or bpt or bsi or cdi or cgi or crt or dbc or dld or dmr or drs or evans or gaf or ies or ias or mass or mipq or nas or pac or pds or pi or pvc or rfl or sap or sas or sct or sdq or sds or sib or tsi or start*1 or vineland or zas) adj5 (assess* or course or detect* or diagnos* or evaluat* or identif* or monitor* or predict* or prognos* or psychodiagnos* or recogni* or screen*)).ti,ab.
8exp *developmental disorder/or *intellectual impairment/or exp *mental deficiency/or exp *learning disorder/
98 use emez
10developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual disability/or exp learning disorders/or mentally disabled persons/
1110 use mesz, prem
12exp developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual development disorder/or “intellectual development disorder (attitudes toward)”/or exp learning disabilities/
1312 use psyh
14((intellect* adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (low*2 adj2 intellect*) or (learning adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or handicap* or impair* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (mental* adj (deficien* or disab* or handicap* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or retard* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*))).ti,ab.
15((subaverage or sub*1 average or subnormal or sub*1 normal*) adj3 (child* or cognit* or intel*)).tw.
16((development* or neurodevelopment*) adj disab*).tw.
17(education* adj5 subnorm*).tw.
18(cretin* or feeble-minded* or imbecil* or moron*).tw.
19(multipl* handicap* or sever* handicap* or handicap* child* or multiple disabilit* or developmental delay*).ti,ab.
20*down syndrome/
2120 use emez
22angelman syndrome/or down syndrome/or fragile x syndrome/
2322 use mesz, prem
24down’s syndrome/
2524 use psyh
26(((angelman or happy puppet) adj2 syndrom*) or (down*1 adj (disease or syndrome*)) or bell martin or fragile x or gillian turner or martin bell or turner gillian or x chromosome fragility or (escalante* adj (disease or syndrome*))).ti,ab.
27(special* adj2 (educat* or need*)).ti,ab,hw.
29*mental disease/
3029 use emez
31mental disorders/
3231 use mesz, prem
33mental disorders/
3433 use psyh
35((mental* or psychologic*) adj2 (health or disorder* or disease* or deficien* or illness or problem*)).ti,ab,sh.
37(*attention deficit disorder/use emez or exp “attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders”/use mesz, prem or exp attention deficit disorder/use psyh or ((attenti* or disrupt* or impulsiv* or inattenti*).sh. or ((((attenti* or disrupt*) adj3 (adolescen* or adult* or behav* or child* or class or classes or classroom* or condition* or difficult* or disorder* or learn* or people or person* or poor or problem* or process* or youngster*)) or (attenti* adj3 deficit*) or (hyper adj1 activ*) or (hyper adj1 kin*) or (minimal adj1 brain) or (over adj1 activ*) or ad hd or addh or adhd or hkd or hyperactiv* or hyperkin* or impulsiv* or inattentiv* or overactiv*).ti,ab. or disruptive*.tw,it,tm.))) not overactive bladder*.ti.
38*child behavior/use emez or exp child behavior/use mesz, prem
39exp behavior problems/or conduct disorder/or oppositional defiant disorder/
4039 use psyh
41((behav* adj2 (agnostic or challeng* or dangerous or destructive or difficult* or disorder* or disrupt* or disturb* or externali* or problem*)) or (child* adj3 (behav* or conduct*)) or (conduct* adj2 (defian* or difficult* or disorder* or disturb* or problem*)) or (oppositional adj3 (defiant* or disorder*))).ti,ab.
43exp *mood disorder/use emez or exp mood disorders/use mesz, prem or exp affective disorders/use psyh or (affective psychosis or schizoaffective disorder).sh.
44(((bipolar or bipolar or bi polar) adj5 (disorder* or depress*)) or ((cyclothymi* or rapid or ultradian) adj5 cycl*) or hypomani* or mania* or manic* or mixed episode* or rcbd).ti,ab.
45(depres* or seasonal affective disorder* or dysthym* or melancholi*).ti,ab.
47exp *psychosis/use emez or exp “schizophrenia and disorders with psychotic features”/use mesz, prem or exp psychosis/use psyh or (borderline states or paranoid schizophrenia).sh.
48(akathisia or akathisia, drug-induced or auditory hallucinations or delusions or dyskinesia or dyskinesia, drug-induced or dyskinesias or hallucinations or hypnagogic hallucinations or neuroleptic malignant syndrome or thought disorder or thought disturbances or visual hallucinations).sh. or (akathisi* or acathisi* or delusion* or hallucinat* or hebephreni* or (neuroleptic* and ((malignant and syndrome) or (movement adj2 disorder))) or oligophreni* or paranoi* or psychotic* or psychosis or psychoses or schizo* or (tardiv* and dyskine*)).ti,ab.
50exp *eating disorder/use emez or exp eating disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or binge eating.sh.
51(anorexi* or bing* or bulimi* or (compulsive adj2 (eat* or vomit*)) or (eating adj2 disorder*) or overeat* or (restrict* adj2 eat*) or (self induc* adj2 vomit*)).ti,ab.
53exp *anxiety disorder/use emez or exp anxiety disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or anxiety.sh. or (anxiet* or anxious* or ((chronic* or excessiv* or intens* or (long* adj2 last*) or neuros* or neurotic* or ongoing or persist* or serious* or sever* or uncontrol* or un control* or unrelent* or un relent*) adj2 worry)).ti,ab.
54(body dysmorphic disorder or compulsions or compulsive behavior or obsessive behavior).sh. or (clean* response* or compulsional or compulsions or obsession or obsessional or obsessions or (obsessive compulsive adj (disorder* or neuros*)) or ocd or osteochondr* compulsion or (recurr* adj (obsession* or thought))).ti,ab. or (body dysmorphi* or dysmorphophobi* or imagine* ugl* or obsess* ruminat* or scrupulosity or ((symmetr* or count* or arrang* or order* or wash* or repeat* or hoard* or clean* or check*) adj compulsi*)).mp.
55panic.sh. or panic*.ti,ab.
56(acrophob* or agoraphob* or claustrophob* or emetophob* or homophob* or kinesiophob* or lesbophob* or neophob* or neurophob* or phobi* or transphob* or trypanophob* or xenophob* or ((acute* or chronic* or extreme* or intense* or irrational* or persistent* or serious) adj2 fear*) or (fear* adj4 (air travel or animal* or blood* or buses or ((closed or public) adj2 space*) or crowd* or dark* or dental* or dentist* or dog*1 or dying or falls or falling or fly or flying or height* or hypochondriacal or injection* or injur* or laughed or leaving home or lightening or movement* or needle* or night* or panic* or plane* or reinjure* or school* or snake* or space* or spider* or test* or thunder* or train* or travel* or water)) or specific fear*).ti,ab.
57(critical incident stress or emotional trauma or psychological stress or stress, psychological or traumatic neurosis).sh. or (acute stress or asd or combat neuros* or combat syndrome or concentration camp syndrome or desnos or extreme stress or flash back* or flashback* or hypervigilan* or hypervigilen* or posttraumatic* or post- traumatic* or psych* stress or psych* trauma* or psycho trauma* or psychotrauma* or ptsd or railway spine or (rape adj2 trauma*) or re experienc* or reexperienc* or stress disorder* or torture syndrome or traumatic neuros* or traumatic stress or (trauma* and (avoidance or death* or emotion* or grief or horror or nightmare* or night mare*))).ti,ab.
58(blushing or hyperhidrosis or mutism or performance anxiety or shyness or social anxiety or sweating or timidity).sh. or (((anxiet* or anxious* or phobia* or phobic*) adj2 (performance or social*)) or socioanxi* or sociophobi* or ((blush* or sweat* or trembl*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or chronic* or excessiv* or fear* or severe)) or ((interpersonal or inter personal or social* or socio*) adj2 (aversion* or aversiv* or confiden* or difficult* or disorder* or distress* or fear*)) or hyperhydrosis or hyperperspirat* or (hyper adj (hydrosis or perspirat*)) or ((mute* or mutism) adj2 (elective* or selective*)) or ((negative evaluation or speak*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or distress* or fear*)) or paruresis or (((personalit* or phobi* or social* or socio*) adj2 avoid*) or avoidant disorder) or (phobi* adj2 neuros*) or phobic disorder* or (school* adj2 (anxiet* or anxious* or phobi* or refuse or refusal)) or (shy or shyness) or specific phobia*).ti,ab.
60exp *personality disorder/use emez or exp personality disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh
61(borderline state or borderline person* or character disorder).sh. or ((borderline* adj3 (disorder* or person* or pd*1 or state*)) or (emotion* adj2 (instabil* or unstable) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*1 or personalit* or state*)) or (personalit* adj (disorder* or dysfunction*))).ti,ab. or (apd*1.tw. and (asocial* or anti social* or antisocial* or character* or dissocial* or dis social* or person*).mp.) or (aspd*1 or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*)) or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) and personalit*) or neuropsychopath* or psychopath*3 or psycho path*3 or sociopath* or socio path*).ti,ab. or ((borderline* and personalit*) or (borderline* and cluster b) or (dsm and (axis and ii))).mp.
63*automutilation/or exp *suicide behavior/
6463 use emez
65self-injurious behavior/or self mutilation/or suicide/or suicidal ideation/or suicide, attempted/
6665 use mesz, prem
67suicide/or attempted suicide/or exp self injurious behavior/or suicidal ideation/or suicide prevention/or suicidology/
6867 use psyh
69(autoaggress* or auto aggress* or automutilat* or auto mutilat* or cutt* or overdose* or (self adj2 cut*) or selfdestruct* or self destruct* or selfharm* or self harm* or selfimmolat* or self immolat* or selfinflict* or self inflict* or selfinjur* or self injur* or selfmutilat* or self mutilat* or selfpoison* or self poison* or suicid*).ti,ab.
71exp *alcohol abuse/or exp *drug dependence/or exp *drug abuse/or *substance abuse/
7271 use emez
73drug seeking behavior/or exp substance-related disorders/
7473 use mesz, prem
75addiction/or exp drug abuse/or drug overdoses/or sobriety/
7675 use psyh
77(alcoholi* or (alcohol* and (abstinence or detoxification or intoxicat* or rehabilit* or withdraw*))).hw.
78(alcoholi* or drinker*1 or (drink* adj2 use*1) or ((alcohol* or drink*) adj5 (abstinen* or abstain* or abus* or addict* or attenuat* or binge* or crav* or dependen* or detox* or disease* or disorder* or excessiv* or harm* or hazard* or heavy or high risk or intoxicat* or misus* or overdos* or (over adj dos*) or problem* or rehab* or reliance or reliant or relaps* or withdraw*)) or (control* adj2 drink*) or sobriet*).ti,ab.
79(((acetomorphine or amphetamine* or amphetamine* or analeptic* or cannabis or cocaine or crack or crank or dextroamphetamine* or diacephine or diacetylmorphine or diacetylmorphine or diamorphin* or diamorphine or diaphorin or drug or hashish or heroin or marihuana or marijua* or methadone* or methamphetamine* or morfin* or morphacetin or morphin* or naltrexone or narcotic* or opioid* or opium or polydrug* or psychostimulant* or speed or stimulant* or stimulant* or substance or uppers) adj3 (abstain* or abstinen* or abus* or addict* or (excessive adj use*) or dependen* or (inject* adj2 drug*) or intoxicat* or misus* or over dos* or overdos* or (use* adj (disorder* or illicit)) or withdraw*)) or drug user*).ti,ab.
81*abuse/or *acting out/or *agitation/or exp *aggression/or exp *anger/or *assault/or exp *child abuse/or *disruptive behavior/or *emotional abuse/or *impulse control disorder/or *intermittent explosive disorder/or *patient abuse/or *physical abuse/or exp *sexual abuse/or *verbal hostility/or exp *violence/
8281 use emez
83acting out/or exp domestic violence/or exp aggression/or exp anger/or dangerous behavior/or hate/or hostility/or impulse control disorders/or sexual harassment/or torture/or violence/
8483 use mesz, prem
85abuse reporting/or acting out/or exp aggressive behavior/or aggressiveness/or agitation/or exp anger/or anger control/or battered females/or exp child abuse/or dangerousness/or elder abuse/or emotional abuse/or exposure to violence/or exp harrassment/or hate/or exp impulse control disorders/or patient abuse/or exp partner abuse/or rebelliousness/or retaliation/or exp sexual abuse/or threat/or threat postures/or torture/or verbal abuse/or exp violence/
8685 use psyh
87(abus* or aggress* or agitat* or agonistic or anger or angry or assault* or attack* or bizarre or challenging behav* or combative or danger* or disrupt* or disturb* or (explosive adj2 disorder) or harass* or hostil* or (impulse control adj disorder*) or intimidat* or rage* or threat* or untoward or violen*).ti,ab.
89exp *dementia/or exp dementia/use mesz, prem,psyh or (alzheimer’s disease or creutzfeldt jakob syndrome or picks disease).sh.
90(alzheim* or binswanger* or dement* or kluver or lewy bod* or pick diseas*).ti,ab,hw.
92(masturbat* or ((psychosexual or sexual) adj (abus* or behavior or harass* or offenc*))).hw. or (fondling or genital* or masturbat* or nudity or (inappropriate adj2 (grab* or touch*)) or (sex* adj2 (abus* or act* or behav* or proposition* or disinhibit* or harass* or offenc* or touch* or view*))).ti,ab.
93dysexecutive syndrome.hw,tw. or exp *autism/use emez or exp child development disorders, pervasive/use mesz, prem or rett syndrome/use mesz, prem or exp pervasive developmental disorders/use psyh or (autis* or asperger* or pervasive development* disorder* or rett syndrome*).ti,ab.
9428 and (or/36–37,42,46,49,52,59,62,70,80,88,91–93)
95(or/1–7) and (28 or autis*.ti,ab,sh.)
96*checklist/or *clinical assessment/or *clinical evaluation/or exp *computer assisted diagnosis/or *functional assessment/or *geriatric assessment/or *measurement/or *needs assessment/or *nursing assessment/or *outcome assessment/or *patient assessment/or *predictive value/or *risk assessment/or *scoring system/or *self evaluation/or *semi structured interview/or “*speech and language assessment”/or *structured interview/or *structured questionnaire/
9796 use emez
98checklist/or exp diagnosis, computer-assisted/or diagnostic, self evaluation/or geriatric assessment/or interview, psychological/or mass screening/or needs assessment/or exp nursing assessment/or “outcome and process assessment (health care)”/or “outcome assessment (health care)”/or exp personality assessment/or exp questionnaires/or risk assessment/
9998 use mesz, prem
100attitude measurement/or exp attitude measures/or comprehension tests/or computer assisted diagnosis/or geriatric assessment/or group testing/or individual testing/or measurement/or needs assessment/or exp perceptual measures/or pretesting/or exp psychiatric evaluation/or exp psychodiagnostic interview/or exp psychological assessment/or exp questionnaires/or risk assessment/or exp selection tests/or self evaluation/or sensorimotor measures/
101100 use psyh
102(battery or batteries or checklist* or check list* or index or instrument* or interview* or inventor* or item* or measure*1 or questionnaire* or rate or rating or scale* or score* or screen* or (self adj (assess* or report*)) or subscale* or survey* or tool* or test form*).tw.
104di.fs. or exp *diagnosis/or exp *mass screening/or *screening test/
105104 use emez
106di.fs. or exp diagnosis/or mass screening/or nursing diagnosis/
107106 use mesz, prem
108exp diagnosis/or exp health screening/or screening/or exp screening tests/
109108 use psyh
110(assess* or course or detect* or diagnos* or evaluat* or identif* or monitor* or predict* or prognos* or psychodiagnos* or recogni* or screen*).tw.
112103 and 111
113*clinical assessment tool/or exp *diagnostic test/or exp *psychologic test/or *psychometry/or *rating scale/or *screening test/or *summated rating scale/
114113 use emez
115diagnostic tests, routine/or “predictive value of tests”/or exp psychiatric status rating scales/or exp psychological tests/
116115 use mesz, prem
117exp inventories/or performance tests/or exp personality measures/or exp preference measures/or psychometrics/or exp rating scales/or exp reading measures/or exp retention measures/or exp screening tests/or sociometric tests/or “speech and hearing measures”/or standardized tests/or subtests/or symptom checklists/or exp testing/or testing methods/or exp test scores/or verbal tests/
118117 use psyh
119(casefind* or ((case or tool*) adj (find* or identif*))).tw.
121“*area under the curve”/or *predictive validity/or *receiver operating characteristic/or *reliability/or “*sensitivity and specificity”/or *test retest reliability/or *validity/
122121 use emez
123“area under curve”/or “predictive value of tests”/or “reproducibility of results”/or roc curve/or “sensitivity and specificity”/or validation studies/
124123 use mesz, prem
125test reliability/or test validity/
126125 use psyh
127(accurac* or accurat* or area under curve or auc value* or clinical utilit* or (likelihood adj3 ratio*) or (diagnostic adj2 odds ratio*) or ((pretest or pre test or posttest or post test) adj2 probabilit*) or (predict* adj3 value*) or receiver operating characteristic or (roc adj2 curv*) or reliabil* or sensititiv* or specificit* or valid*).tw.
12994 and 120 and 128
13095 or 129
TopicInterventions to prevent mental health problems
Review question 2.1 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do psychological interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.2 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do social and physical environmental interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.3 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do personal and support strategies in community and residential settings which are aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.4 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do pharmacological interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.5 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do dietary interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.6 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do other multidisciplinary therapies aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.7 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do combined interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.8 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do occupational interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.9 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do community interventions (for example, to reduce stigma or hate crimes) aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.10 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, does psychoeducation aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.11 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do annual health checks aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.12 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, does family carer or staff training aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.13 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do exercise interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
TopicInterventions to treat and manage mental health problems
Review question 3.1 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do psychological interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.2 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do social and physical environmental interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.3 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do personal and support strategies in community and residential settings which are aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.4 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do pharmacological interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.5 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do dietary interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.6 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do other multidisciplinary therapies aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.7 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do combined interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.8 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do occupational interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.9 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do community interventions (for example, to reduce stigma or hate crimes) aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.10 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, does psychoeducation aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.11 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do exercise interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
TopicApproaches for service access, coordination and communication, and engagement and empowerment
Review question 4.1 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do interventions aimed at improving accessibility of services (e.g., by removing barriers) produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 4.3 What is the best approach with regard to the coordination and communication with key persons and services in the life of the person with learning disabilities and mental health problems?
Review question 4.4 What are the most appropriate strategies to engaging the family and staff/advocate of people with learning disabilities in the design, implementation and monitoring of interventions for that person’s mental health problems?
Review question 4.5 What are the most appropriate strategies to engage and empower service users with learning disabilities in the design, implementation and monitoring of interventions for that person’s mental health problems?
TopicModels for transition between services
Review question 4.2 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, what are the effective models or support for transition between services (for example, young person to adult, adult to older adult, NHS to social care/residential)?
TopicService structures, training and supervision to support practitioners in delivery effective interventions
Review question 4.6 What are the most appropriate service structures, training and supervision to support practitioners in the effective delivery of interventions for people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems?
TopicInterventions, training, support to improve health and wellbeing of family carers and staff
Review question 5.1 In family carers and staff caring for people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, which interventions, training and support improve the health and well-being of the family and staff as well as that of the person with learning disabilities when compared to an alternative approach?

H.2.4. Search 1

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

1exp *developmental disorder/or *intellectual impairment/or exp *mental deficiency/or exp *learning disorder/
21 use emez
3developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual disability/or exp learning disorders/or mentally disabled persons/
43 use mesz, prem
5exp developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual development disorder/or “intellectual development disorder (attitudes toward)”/or exp learning disabilities/
65 use psyh
7((intellect* adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (low*2 adj2 intellect*) or (learning adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or handicap* or impair* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (mental* adj (deficien* or disab* or handicap* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or retard* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*))).ti,ab.
8((subaverage or sub*1 average or subnormal or sub*1 normal*) adj3 (child* or cognit* or intel*)).tw.
9((development* or neurodevelopment*) adj disab*).tw.
10(education* adj5 subnorm*).tw.
11(cretin* or feeble-minded* or imbecil* or moron*).tw.
12(multipl* handicap* or sever* handicap* or handicap* child* or multiple disabilit* or developmental delay*).ti,ab.
13*down syndrome/
1413 use emez
15angelman syndrome/or down syndrome/or fragile x syndrome/
1615 use mesz, prem
17down’s syndrome/
1817 use psyh
19(((angelman or happy puppet) adj2 syndrom*) or (down*1 adj (disease or syndrome*)) or bell martin or fragile x or gillian turner or martin bell or turner gillian or x chromosome fragility or (escalante* adj (disease or syndrome*))).ti,ab.
20(special* adj2 (educat* or need*)).ti,ab,hw.
22*mental disease/
2322 use emez
24mental disorders/
2524 use mesz, prem
26mental disorders/
2726 use psyh
28((mental* or psychologic*) adj2 (health or disorder* or disease* or deficien* or illness or problem*)).ti,ab,sh.
30(*attention deficit disorder/use emez or exp “attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders”/use mesz, prem or exp attention deficit disorder/use psyh or ((attenti* or disrupt* or impulsiv* or inattenti*).sh. or ((((attenti* or disrupt*) adj3 (adolescen* or adult* or behav* or child* or class or classes or classroom* or condition* or difficult* or disorder* or learn* or people or person* or poor or problem* or process* or youngster*)) or (attenti* adj3 deficit*) or (hyper adj1 activ*) or (hyper adj1 kin*) or (minimal adj1 brain) or (over adj1 activ*) or ad hd or addh or adhd or hkd or hyperactiv* or hyperkin* or impulsiv* or inattentiv* or overactiv*).ti,ab. or disruptive*.tw,it,tm.))) not overactive bladder*.ti.
31*child behavior/use emez or exp child behavior/use mesz, prem
32exp behavior problems/or conduct disorder/or oppositional defiant disorder/
3332 use psyh
34((behav* adj2 (agnostic or challeng* or dangerous or destructive or difficult* or disorder* or disrupt* or disturb* or externali* or problem*)) or (child* adj3 (behav* or conduct*)) or (conduct* adj2 (defian* or difficult* or disorder* or disturb* or problem*)) or (oppositional adj3 (defiant* or disorder*))).ti,ab.
36exp *mood disorder/use emez or exp mood disorders/use mesz, prem or exp affective disorders/use psyh or (affective psychosis or schizoaffective disorder).sh.
37(((bipolar or bipolar or bi polar) adj5 (disorder* or depress*)) or ((cyclothymi* or rapid or ultradian) adj5 cycl*) or hypomani* or mania* or manic* or mixed episode* or rcbd).ti,ab.
38(depres* or seasonal affective disorder* or dysthym* or melancholi*).ti,ab.
40exp *psychosis/use emez or exp “schizophrenia and disorders with psychotic features”/use mesz, prem or exp psychosis/use psyh or (borderline states or paranoid schizophrenia).sh.
41(akathisia or akathisia, drug-induced or auditory hallucinations or delusions or dyskinesia or dyskinesia, drug-induced or dyskinesias or hallucinations or hypnagogic hallucinations or neuroleptic malignant syndrome or thought disorder or thought disturbances or visual hallucinations).sh. or (akathisi* or acathisi* or delusion* or hallucinat* or hebephreni* or (neuroleptic* and ((malignant and syndrome) or (movement adj2 disorder))) or oligophreni* or paranoi* or psychotic* or psychosis or psychoses or schizo* or (tardiv* and dyskine*)).ti,ab.
43exp *eating disorder/use emez or exp eating disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or binge eating.sh.
44(anorexi* or bing* or bulimi* or (compulsive adj2 (eat* or vomit*)) or (eating adj2 disorder*) or overeat* or (restrict* adj2 eat*) or (self induc* adj2 vomit*)).ti,ab.
46exp *anxiety disorder/use emez or exp anxiety disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or anxiety.sh. or (anxiet* or anxious* or ((chronic* or excessiv* or intens* or (long* adj2 last*) or neuros* or neurotic* or ongoing or persist* or serious* or sever* or uncontrol* or un control* or unrelent* or un relent*) adj2 worry)).ti,ab.
47(body dysmorphic disorder or compulsions or compulsive behavior or obsessive behavior).sh. or (clean* response* or compulsional or compulsions or obsession or obsessional or obsessions or (obsessive compulsive adj (disorder* or neuros*)) or ocd or osteochondr* compulsion or (recurr* adj (obsession* or thought))).ti,ab. or (body dysmorphi* or dysmorphophobi* or imagine* ugl* or obsess* ruminat* or scrupulosity or ((symmetr* or count* or arrang* or order* or wash* or repeat* or hoard* or clean* or check*) adj compulsi*)).mp.
48panic.sh. or panic*.ti,ab.
49(acrophob* or agoraphob* or claustrophob* or emetophob* or homophob* or kinesiophob* or lesbophob* or neophob* or neurophob* or phobi* or transphob* or trypanophob* or xenophob* or ((acute* or chronic* or extreme* or intense* or irrational* or persistent* or serious) adj2 fear*) or (fear* adj4 (air travel or animal* or blood* or buses or ((closed or public) adj2 space*) or crowd* or dark* or dental* or dentist* or dog*1 or dying or falls or falling or fly or flying or height* or hypochondriacal or injection* or injur* or laughed or leaving home or lightening or movement* or needle* or night* or panic* or plane* or reinjure* or school* or snake* or space* or spider* or test* or thunder* or train* or travel* or water)) or specific fear*).ti,ab.
50(critical incident stress or emotional trauma or psychological stress or stress, psychological or traumatic neurosis).sh. or (acute stress or asd or combat neuros* or combat syndrome or concentration camp syndrome or desnos or extreme stress or flash back* or flashback* or hypervigilan* or hypervigilen* or posttraumatic* or post- traumatic* or psych* stress or psych* trauma* or psycho trauma* or psychotrauma* or ptsd or railway spine or (rape adj2 trauma*) or re experienc* or reexperienc* or stress disorder* or torture syndrome or traumatic neuros* or traumatic stress or (trauma* and (avoidance or death* or emotion* or grief or horror or nightmare* or night mare*))).ti,ab.
51(blushing or hyperhidrosis or mutism or performance anxiety or shyness or social anxiety or sweating or timidity).sh. or (((anxiet* or anxious* or phobia* or phobic*) adj2 (performance or social*)) or socioanxi* or sociophobi* or ((blush* or sweat* or trembl*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or chronic* or excessiv* or fear* or severe)) or ((interpersonal or inter personal or social* or socio*) adj2 (aversion* or aversiv* or confiden* or difficult* or disorder* or distress* or fear*)) or hyperhydrosis or hyperperspirat* or (hyper adj (hydrosis or perspirat*)) or ((mute* or mutism) adj2 (elective* or selective*)) or ((negative evaluation or speak*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or distress* or fear*)) or paruresis or (((personalit* or phobi* or social* or socio*) adj2 avoid*) or avoidant disorder) or (phobi* adj2 neuros*) or phobic disorder* or (school* adj2 (anxiet* or anxious* or phobi* or refuse or refusal)) or (shy or shyness) or specific phobia*).ti,ab.
53exp *personality disorder/use emez or exp personality disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh
54(borderline state or borderline person* or character disorder).sh. or ((borderline* adj3 (disorder* or person* or pd*1 or state*)) or (emotion* adj2 (instabil* or unstable) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*1 or personalit* or state*)) or (personalit* adj (disorder* or dysfunction*))).ti,ab. or (apd*1.tw. and (asocial* or anti social* or antisocial* or character* or dissocial* or dis social* or person*).mp.) or (aspd*1 or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*)) or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) and personalit*) or neuropsychopath* or psychopath*3 or psycho path*3 or sociopath* or socio path*).ti,ab. or ((borderline* and personalit*) or (borderline* and cluster b) or (dsm and (axis and ii))).mp.
56*automutilation/or exp *suicide behavior/
5756 use emez
58self-injurious behavior/or self mutilation/or suicide/or suicidal ideation/or suicide, attempted/
5958 use mesz, prem
60suicide/or attempted suicide/or exp self injurious behavior/or suicidal ideation/or suicide prevention/or suicidology/
6160 use psyh
62(autoaggress* or auto aggress* or automutilat* or auto mutilat* or cutt* or overdose* or (self adj2 cut*) or selfdestruct* or self destruct* or selfharm* or self harm* or selfimmolat* or self immolat* or selfinflict* or self inflict* or selfinjur* or self injur* or selfmutilat* or self mutilat* or selfpoison* or self poison* or suicid*).ti,ab.
64exp *alcohol abuse/or exp *drug dependence/or exp *drug abuse/or *substance abuse/
6564 use emez
66drug seeking behavior/or exp substance-related disorders/
6766 use mesz, prem
68addiction/or exp drug abuse/or drug overdoses/or sobriety/
6968 use psyh
70(alcoholi* or (alcohol* and (abstinence or detoxification or intoxicat* or rehabilit* or withdraw*))).hw.
71(alcoholi* or drinker*1 or (drink* adj2 use*1) or ((alcohol* or drink*) adj5 (abstinen* or abstain* or abus* or addict* or attenuat* or binge* or crav* or dependen* or detox* or disease* or disorder* or excessiv* or harm* or hazard* or heavy or high risk or intoxicat* or misus* or overdos* or (over adj dos*) or problem* or rehab* or reliance or reliant or relaps* or withdraw*)) or (control* adj2 drink*) or sobriet*).ti,ab.
72(((acetomorphine or amphetamine* or amphetamine* or analeptic* or cannabis or cocaine or crack or crank or dextroamphetamine* or diacephine or diacetylmorphine or diacetylmorphine or diamorphin* or diamorphine or diaphorin or drug or hashish or heroin or marihuana or marijua* or methadone* or methamphetamine* or morfin* or morphacetin or morphin* or naltrexone or narcotic* or opioid* or opium or polydrug* or psychostimulant* or speed or stimulant* or stimulant* or substance or uppers) adj3 (abstain* or abstinen* or abus* or addict* or (excessive adj use*) or dependen* or (inject* adj2 drug*) or intoxicat* or misus* or over dos* or overdos* or (use* adj (disorder* or illicit)) or withdraw*)) or drug user*).ti,ab.
74*abuse/or *acting out/or *agitation/or exp *aggression/or exp *anger/or *assault/or exp *child abuse/or *disruptive behavior/or *emotional abuse/or *impulse control disorder/or *intermittent explosive disorder/or *patient abuse/or *physical abuse/or exp *sexual abuse/or *verbal hostility/or exp *violence/
7574 use emez
76acting out/or exp domestic violence/or exp aggression/or exp anger/or dangerous behavior/or hate/or hostility/or impulse control disorders/or sexual harassment/or torture/or violence/
7776 use mesz, prem
78abuse reporting/or acting out/or exp aggressive behavior/or aggressiveness/or agitation/or exp anger/or anger control/or battered females/or exp child abuse/or dangerousness/or elder abuse/or emotional abuse/or exposure to violence/or exp harrassment/or hate/or exp impulse control disorders/or patient abuse/or exp partner abuse/or rebelliousness/or retaliation/or exp sexual abuse/or threat/or threat postures/or torture/or verbal abuse/or exp violence/
7978 use psyh
80(abus* or aggress* or agitat* or agonistic or anger or angry or assault* or attack* or bizarre or challenging behav* or combative or danger* or disrupt* or disturb* or (explosive adj2 disorder) or harass* or hostil* or (impulse control adj disorder*) or intimidat* or rage* or threat* or untoward or violen*).ti,ab.
82exp *dementia/or exp dementia/use mesz, prem,psyh or (alzheimer’s disease or creutzfeldt jakob syndrome or picks disease).sh.
83(alzheim* or binswanger* or dement* or kluver or lewy bod* or pick diseas*).ti,ab,hw.
85(masturbat* or ((psychosexual or sexual) adj (abus* or behavior or harass* or offenc*))).hw. or (fondling or genital* or masturbat* or nudity or (inappropriate adj2 (grab* or touch*)) or (sex* adj2 (abus* or act* or behav* or proposition* or disinhibit* or harass* or offenc* or touch* or view*))).ti,ab.
86dysexecutive syndrome.hw,tw.
87*autism/or *childhood disintegrative disorder/or *infantile autism/or *rett syndrome/or “*pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified”/
8887 use emez
89child development disorders, pervasive/or autistic disorder/or rett syndrome/
9089 use mesz, prem
91autism/or pervasive developmental disorders/or autistic thinking/
9291 use psyh
93asperger*.sh. or (asperger* or autis* or cerebroatrophic hyperammonemia* or (kanners adj (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (rett* adj (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (pervasive adj2 developmental disorder*) or pdd nos).ti,ab.
9621 and 95



mesh descriptor: [developmental disabilities] this term only


mesh descriptor: [intellectual disability] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [learning disorders] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [mentally disabled persons] this term only


mesh descriptor: [angelman syndrome] this term only


mesh descriptor: [down syndrome] this term only


mesh descriptor: [fragile x syndrome] this term only


((intellect* near/1 (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or “sub* average” or “sub* average” or “sub* norm*”)) or (low* near/2 intellect*) or (learning near/1 (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or handicap* or impair* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or “sub* average” or “sub* average” or “sub* norm*”)) or (mental* near/1 (deficien* or disab* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or retard* or subnorm* or “sub* average” or “sub* average” or “sub* norm*”)) or ((subaverage or “sub* average” or subnormal or “sub* normal*”) near/3 (child* or cognit* or intel*)) or ((development* or neurodevelopment*) near/1 disab*) or (education* near/5 subnorm*) or cretin* or “feeble-minded*” or imbecil* or moron* or handicap* or “multiple disabilit*” or “developmental delay*” or ((angelman or “happy puppet”) near/2 syndrom*) or (down* near/1 (disease or syndrome*)) or “bell martin” or “fragile x” or “gillian turner” or “martin bell” or “turner gillian” or “x chromosome fragility” or (escalante* near/1 (disease or syndrome*)) or “cerebroatrophic hyperammonemia*” or (kanners near/1 (disorder* or syndrome*)) or handicap*):ti,ab,kw


(special* near/2 (educat* or need*)):ti,ab,kw,ab,kw


#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9


mesh descriptor: [mental disorders] this term only


mesh descriptor: [mentally ill persons] explode all trees


((mental* or psychologic*) near/2 (deficien* or disease* or disorder* or disturbance* or dysfunction* or health or illness* or problem*)):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [anxiety] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [dental anxiety] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [performance anxiety] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [anxiety disorders] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [blushing] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [hyperhidrosis] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [mutism] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [shyness] explode all trees


(anxiet* or anxious* or ((chronic* or excessiv* or intens* or (long* near/2 last*) or neuros* or neurotic* or ongoing or persist* or serious* or sever* or uncontrol* or “un control*” or unrelent* or “un relent*”) near/2 worry)):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [body dysmorphic disorders] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [compulsive behavior] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [obsessive behavior] explode all trees


(“clean* response*” or compulsion* or obsession* or (“obsessive compulsive” near/1 (disorder* or neuros*)) or ocd or osteochondr* or compulsion or (recurr* near/1 (obsession* or thought)) or “body dysmorphi*” or dysmorphophobi* or “imagine* ugl*” or “obsess* ruminat*” or scrupulosity or ((arrang* or check* or clean* or count* or hoard* or order* or repeat* or symmetr* or wash*) near/1 compulsi*)):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [panic] explode all trees




(acrophob* or agoraphob* or claustrophob* or emetophob* or enfantaphob* or homophob* or infantaphob* or kinesiophob* or lesbophob* or neophob* or neurophob* or phobi* or transphob* or tokophobi* or trypanophob* or xenophob* or ((acute* or chronic* or extreme* or intens* or irrational* or persistent* or serious*) near/2 fear*) or (fear* near/4 (“air travel” or animal* or birth* or blood* or buses or ((closed or public) near/2 space*) or childbirth* or crowd* or dark* or dental* or dentist* or dog* or dying or falls or falling or fly or flying or height* or hypochondriacal or injection* or injur* or laughed or “leaving home” or lightening or movement* or needle* or night* or panic* or plane* or pregnan* or reinjure* or school* or snake* or space* or spider* or test* or thunder* or tokophob* or tocophob* or train* or travel* or water)) or “specific fear*”):ti,ab,kw


(((anxiet* or anxious* or phobia* or phobic*) near/2 (performance or social*)) or anthropophobi* socioanxi* or sociophobi* or ((blush* or sweat* or trembl*) near/3 (anxiet* or anxious* or chronic* or excessiv* or fear* or severe)) or ((interpersonal or “inter personal” or social* or socio*) near/2 (aversion* or aversiv* or confiden* or difficult* or disorder* or distress* or fear*)) or hyperhydrosis or hyperperspirat* or (hyper near/1 (hydrosis or perspirat*)) or ((mute* or mutism) near/2 (elective* or selective*)) or ((negative evaluation or speak*) near/3 (anxiet* or anxious* or distress* or fear*)) or paruresis or (((personalit* or phobi* or social* or socio*) near/2 avoid*) or “avoidant disorder”) or ((phobi* or social) near/2 neuros*) or “phobic disorder*” or (shy or shyness) or “specific phobia*”):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [stress, psychological] explode all trees


(“acute stress” or asd or “combat neuros*” or “combat syndrome” or “concentration camp syndrome” or desnos or “extreme stress” or “flash back*” or flashback* or hypervigilan* or hypervigilen* or posttrauma* or “post trauma*” or (psycho* near/1 (stress* or trauma*)) or ptsd or “railway spine” or (rape near/2 trauma*) or “re experienc*” or reexperienc* or “stress disorder*” or “torture syndrome” or (traumatic near/1 (neuros* or stress)) or (trauma* and (avoidance or death* or emotion* or grief or horror or nightmare* or “night mare*”))):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [eating disorders] explode all trees


(anorexi* or bing* or bulimi* or (compulsive* near/2 (eat* or vomit*)) or (eating near/2 disorder*) or hyperorexia or “over eat*” or overeat* or ((forced or “self induc*” or selfinduc*) near/2 (purg* or vomit*)) or (restrict* near/2 eat*)):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [depression] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [mood disorders] explode all trees


((affective or mood) near/1 (disorder* or disturbance* or dysfunction*)):ti,ab,kw


(cyclothym* or depres* or dysthym* or (low near/2 mood) or melanchol* or “seasonal affective disorder*”):ti,ab,kw


(((bipolar or “bi polar”) near/5 (disorder* or depress*)) or ((cyclothymi* or rapid or ultradian) near/5 cycl*) or hypomani* or mania* or manic* or “mixed episode*” or rcbd):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [schizophrenia and disorders with psychotic features] explode all trees


(akathisi* or hebephreni* or oligophreni* or psychotic* or psychos* or schizo*):ti,ab,kw


parkinsoni* or “neuroleptic induc*” or psychiatric*:ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [personality disorders] explode all trees


(((aggressiv* or anxious* or borderline* or dependent* or eccentric* or emotional* or immature or passiv* or psychoneurotic or “psycho neurotic” or unstable) near/5 personalit*) or (anal* near/1 (personalit* or character* or retentiv*)) or aspd or “character disorder*” or (personalit* near/5 disorder*)):ti,ab,kw


(anankastic* or asocial* or avoidant* or antisocial* or “anti social*” or compulsiv* or dissocial* or histrionic* or narciss* or neuropsychopath* or obsessiv* or paranoi* or psychopath* or sadist* or schizoid* or schizotyp* or sociopath* or (moral near/2 insanity)):ti,ab,kw


(“cluster a” or “cluster b” or “cluster c” or (dsm and (axis and ii)) or (icd and (f60 or f61 or f62)) or ((anxious* or dramatic* or eccentric* or emotional* or fearful* or odd*) near/5 cluster*)):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [drug-seeking behavior] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [substance-related disorders] explode all trees


alcohol* and (abstinence or detoxification or intoxicat* or rehabilit* or withdraw*):kw




(alcoholi* or drinker* or (drink* near/2 use*) or ((alcohol* or drink*) near/5 (abstinen* or abstain* or abus* or addict* or attenuat* or binge* or crav* or dependen* or detox* or disease* or disorder* or excessiv* or harm* or hazard* or heavy or “high risk” or intoxicat* or misus* or overdos* or “over dos*” or problem* or rehab* or reliance or reliant or relaps* or withdraw*)) or (control* near/2 drink*) or sobriet*):ti,ab,kw


cannabis or cocaine or hashish or heroin or marihuana or marijua*:kw


((acetomorphine or amphetamine* or amphetamine* or analeptic* or cannabis or cocaine or crack or crank or dextroamphetamine* or diacephine or diacetylmorphine or diacetylmorphine or diamorphin* or diamorphine or diaphorin or drug or methadone* or methamphetamine* or morfin* or morphacetin or morphin* or naltrexone or narcotic* or opioid* or opium or polydrug* or psychostimulant* or speed or stimulant* or stimulant* or substance or uppers) near/3 (abstain* or abstinen* or abus* or addict* or (excessive near/1 use*) or dependen* or (inject* near/2 drug*) or intoxicat* or misus* or “over dos*” or overdos* or (use* near/1 (disorder* or illicit)) or withdraw*)) or ((drug or substance) near/1 use*):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [delirium] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [korsakoff syndrome] explode all trees


(“amnesic syndrome*” or catatoni* or deliri* or “dissociative disorder*” or hallucinosis or korsakof* or (organic near/1 (mental or brain))):ti,ab,kw


(adhd or addh or ad hd or ((adult* or child*) near/2 add*) or (attenti* near/3 deficit*) or hyperactiv* or (hyper near/1 activ*) or hyperkin* or hyper kin* or hkd or minimal brain or (brain dysfunction and (ritalin or methylphenidate)) or ((child* or adult*) near/3 (disrupt* or attention* or inattent* or impulsiv* or overactiv*))):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [conduct disorder] this term only


(child* near/3 (behav* or conduct*)) or (conduct* near/2 (defian* or difficult* or disorder* or disturb* or problem*)) or (oppositional near/3 (defiant* or disorder*)):ti,ab,kw


(behav* near/2 (agnostic or challeng* or dangerous or destructive or difficult* or disorder* or disrupt* or disturb* or externali* or problem*) near/5 (adolescen* or boy* or child* or delinquen* or girl* or graders or infant* or junior* or juvenile* or kindergarten or minors or paediatric* or pediatric* or postpubert* or postpubescen* or preadolescen* or prepubert* or prepubescen* or preschool* or preteen* or pubert* or pubescen* or school* or teen* or toddler* or (young* near/1 (people or person* or patient* or population*)) or youngster* or youth*)):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [acting out] this term only


mesh descriptor: [domestic violence] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [aggression] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [anger] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [dangerous behavior] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [hate] this term only


mesh descriptor: [hostility] this term only


mesh descriptor: [sexual harassment] this term only


mesh descriptor: [torture] this term only


mesh descriptor: [violence] this term only


(aggress* or agitat* or agonistic or anger or angry or assault* or attack* or bizarre or “challenging behav*” or “combative or danger*” or disrupt* or disturb* or (explosive near/2 disorder) or harass* or hostil* or (“impulse control” near/1 disorder*) or intimidat* or rage* or threat* or untoward or “un toward” or violen*):ti,ab,kw


“dysexecutive syndrome”:ti,ab,kw,ab,kw


(masturbat* or ((psychosexual or sexual) near/1 (abus* or behavior or harass* or offenc*))):kw


(fondling or genital* or masturbat* or nudity or (inappropriate near/2 (grab* or touch*)) or (sex* near/2 (abus* or act* or behav* or proposition* or disinhibit* or harass* or offenc* or touch* or view*))):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [self-injurious behavior] this term only


mesh descriptor: [self mutilation] this term only


mesh descriptor: [suicide] this term only


mesh descriptor: [suicidal ideation] this term only


(autoaggress* or “auto aggress*” or automutilat* or “auto mutilat*” or cutt* or overdose* or (self near/2 cut*) or selfdestruct* or “self destruct*” or selfharm* or “self harm*” or selfimmolat* or “self immolat*” or selfinflict* or “self inflict*” or selfinjur* or “self injur*” or selfmutilat* or “self mutilat*” or selfpoison* or “self poison*” or suicid*):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [dementia] explode all trees


(alzheim* or binswanger* or dement* or kluver or “lewy bod*” or “pick diseas*”):ti,ab,kw


(alzheim* or binswanger* or dement* or kluver or “lewy bod*” or “pick diseas*”):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [child development disorders, pervasive] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [rett syndrome] this term only


(asperger* or autis* or “cerebroatrophic hyperammonemia*” or (kanners near/1 (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (rett* near/1 (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (pervasive near/2 “developmental disorder*”) or “pdd nos”):ti,ab,kw


mesh descriptor: [child development disorders, pervasive] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [aggression] explode all trees


mesh descriptor: [anger] explode all trees


fraud or “firesetting behavior” or homicide or “juvenile delinquency” or rape or sex offences or “social behavior disorders” or theft or torture or violence:kw


((adjust* near/2 (difficult* or problem*)) or aggressi* or angry or anger* or antisocial* or “anti social*” or asbo or asocial or bully* or bullie* or callous* or delinquen* or deviant* or hostile or hostility or maladjust* or maladjust* or psychopath* or shoplift* or “shop lift*” or steal* or temper* or theft* or “unemotional trait*” or vandali* or violen* or (cruel* near/2 animal*) or “sex* offen*” or ((social or unemotional) near/1 (difficult* or problem*)) or ((noncomplian* or “non complian*”) near/3 (adolescen* or boy* or child* or delinquen* or girl* or graders or infant* or junior* or juvenile* or kindergarten or minors or paediatric or pediatric* or postpubert* or postpubescen*or preadolescen* or prepubert* or prepubescen* or preschool* or preteen* or pubert* or pubescen* or school* or teen* or toddler* or (young* near/1 (people or person* or patient* or population*)) or youngster* or youth*))):ti,ab,kw (word variations have been searched)


#11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 or #39 or #40 or #41 or #42 or #43 or #44 or #45 or #46 or #47 or #48


#49 or #50 or #51 or #52 or #53 or #54 or #55 or #56 or #57 or #58 or #59 or #60 or #61 or #62 or #63 or #64 or #65 or #66 or #67 or #68 or #69 or #70 or #71 or #72 or #73 or #74 or #75 or #76 or #77 or #78 or #79 or #80 or #81 or #82 or #83 or #84 or #85 or #86 or #87 or #88 or #89 or #90


#91 or #92


#10 and #93

TopicInterventions to prevent mental health problems
Review question 2.1 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do psychological interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.12 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, does family carer or staff training aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
TopicInterventions to treat and manage mental health problems
Review question 3.1 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do psychological interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?

H.2.5. Search 2 (updates: Vereenooghe and Langdon [2013])

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

1(((mental* adj2 (handicap* or retard* or disab* or impair*)) or ((learning or intellect* or develop*) adj2 (difficult* or disab* or impair*)) or imbecile or subnormal) and (training or management or counsel* or psychotherap*)).ti,ab,sh.
TopicInterventions to prevent mental health problems
Review question 2.1 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do psychological interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.2 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do social and physical environmental interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.3 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do personal and support strategies in community and residential settings which are aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.6 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do other multidisciplinary therapies aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.7 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do combined interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.8 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do occupational interventions aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.9 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, do community interventions (for example, to reduce stigma or hate crimes) aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.10 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, does psychoeducation aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 2.12 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities, does family carer or staff training aimed at preventing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
TopicInterventions to treat and manage mental health problems
Review question 3.1 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do psychological interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.2 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do social and physical environmental interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.3 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do personal and support strategies in community and residential settings which are aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.6 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do other multidisciplinary therapies aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.7 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do combined interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.8 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do occupational interventions aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.9 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, do community interventions (for example, to reduce stigma or hate crimes) aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?
Review question 3.10 In people (children, young people and adults) with learning disabilities and mental health problems, does psychoeducation aimed at treating and managing mental health problems produce benefits that outweigh possible harms when compared to an alternative approach?

H.2.6. Search 3

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

1exp *developmental disorder/or *intellectual impairment/or exp *mental deficiency/or exp *learning disorder/
21 use emez developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual disability/or exp learning
3disorders/or mentally disabled persons/
43 use mesz, prem
5exp developmental disabilities/or exp intellectual development disorder/or “intellectual development disorder (attitudes toward)”/or exp learning disabilities/
65 use psyh
7((intellect* adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (low*2 adj2 intellect*) or (learning adj (deficien* or difficult* or disab* or disorder* or handicap* or impair* or incapacit* or handicap* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*)) or (mental* adj (deficien* or disab* or handicap* or impair* or handicap* or incapacit* or retard* or subnorm* or sub*1 average or sub*1 average or sub*1 norm*))).ti,ab.
8((subaverage or sub*1 average or subnormal or sub*1 normal*) adj3 (child* or cognit* or intel*)).tw.
9((development* or neurodevelopment*) adj disab*).tw.
10(education* adj5 subnorm*).tw.
11(cretin* or feeble-minded* or imbecil* or moron*).tw.
12(multipl* handicap* or sever* handicap* or handicap* child* or multiple disabilit* or developmental delay*).ti,ab.
13*down syndrome/
1413 use emez
15angelman syndrome/or down syndrome/or fragile x syndrome/
1615 use mesz, prem
17down’s syndrome/
1817 use psyh
19(((angelman or happy puppet) adj2 syndrom*) or (down*1 adj (disease or syndrome*)) or bell martin or fragile x or gillian turner or martin bell or turner gillian or x chromosome fragility or (escalante* adj (disease or syndrome*))).ti,ab.
20(special* adj2 (educat* or need*)).ti,ab,hw.
22*mental disease/
2322 use emez
24mental disorders/
2524 use mesz, prem
26mental disorders/
2726 use psyh
28((mental* or psychologic*) adj2 (health or disorder* or disease* or deficien* or illness or problem*)).ti,ab,sh.
30(*attention deficit disorder/use emez or exp “attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders”/use mesz, prem or exp attention deficit disorder/use psyh or ((attenti* or disrupt* or impulsiv* or inattenti*).sh. or ((((attenti* or disrupt*) adj3 (adolescen* or adult* or behav* or child* or class or classes or classroom* or condition* or difficult* or disorder* or learn* or people or person* or poor or problem* or process* or youngster*)) or (attenti* adj3 deficit*) or (hyper adj1 activ*) or (hyper adj1 kin*) or (minimal adj1 brain) or (over adj1 activ*) or ad hd or addh or adhd or hkd or hyperactiv* or hyperkin* or impulsiv* or inattentiv* or overactiv*).ti,ab. or disruptive*.tw,it,tm.))) not overactive bladder*.ti.
31*child behavior/use emez or exp child behavior/use mesz, prem
32exp behavior problems/or conduct disorder/or oppositional defiant disorder/
3332 use psyh
34((behav* adj2 (agnostic or challeng* or dangerous or destructive or difficult* or disorder* or disrupt* or disturb* or externali* or problem*)) or (child* adj3 (behav* or conduct*)) or (conduct* adj2 (defian* or difficult* or disorder* or disturb* or problem*)) or (oppositional adj3 (defiant* or disorder*))).ti,ab.
36exp *mood disorder/use emez or exp mood disorders/use mesz, prem or exp affective disorders/use psyh or (affective psychosis or schizoaffective disorder).sh.
37(((bipolar or bipolar or bi polar) adj5 (disorder* or depress*)) or ((cyclothymi* or rapid or ultradian) adj5 cycl*) or hypomani* or mania* or manic* or mixed episode* or rcbd).ti,ab.
38(depres* or seasonal affective disorder* or dysthym* or melancholi*).ti,ab.
40exp *psychosis/use emez or exp “schizophrenia and disorders with psychotic features”/use mesz, prem or exp psychosis/use psyh or (borderline states or paranoid schizophrenia).sh.
41(akathisia or akathisia, drug-induced or auditory hallucinations or delusions or dyskinesia or dyskinesia, drug-induced or dyskinesias or hallucinations or hypnagogic hallucinations or neuroleptic malignant syndrome or thought disorder or thought disturbances or visual hallucinations).sh. or (akathisi* or acathisi* or delusion* or hallucinat* or hebephreni* or (neuroleptic* and ((malignant and syndrome) or (movement adj2 disorder))) or oligophreni* or paranoi* or psychotic* or psychosis or psychoses or schizo* or (tardiv* and dyskine*)).ti,ab.
43exp *eating disorder/use emez or exp eating disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or binge eating.sh.
44(anorexi* or bing* or bulimi* or (compulsive adj2 (eat* or vomit*)) or (eating adj2 disorder*) or overeat* or (restrict* adj2 eat*) or (self induc* adj2 vomit*)).ti,ab.
46exp *anxiety disorder/use emez or exp anxiety disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh or anxiety.sh. or (anxiet* or anxious* or ((chronic* or excessiv* or intens* or (long* adj2 last*) or neuros* or neurotic* or ongoing or persist* or serious* or sever* or uncontrol* or un control* or unrelent* or un relent*) adj2 worry)).ti,ab.
47(body dysmorphic disorder or compulsions or compulsive behavior or obsessive behavior).sh. or (clean* response* or compulsional or compulsions or obsession or obsessional or obsessions or (obsessive compulsive adj (disorder* or neuros*)) or ocd or osteochondr* compulsion or (recurr* adj (obsession* or thought))).ti,ab. or (body dysmorphi* or dysmorphophobi* or imagine* ugl* or obsess* ruminat* or scrupulosity or ((symmetr* or count* or arrang* or order* or wash* or repeat* or hoard* or clean* or check*) adj compulsi*)).mp.
48panic.sh. or panic*.ti,ab.
49(acrophob* or agoraphob* or claustrophob* or emetophob* or homophob* or kinesiophob* or lesbophob* or neophob* or neurophob* or phobi* or transphob* or trypanophob* or xenophob* or ((acute* or chronic* or extreme* or intense* or irrational* or persistent* or serious) adj2 fear*) or (fear* adj4 (air travel or animal* or blood* or buses or ((closed or public) adj2 space*) or crowd* or dark* or dental* or dentist* or dog*1 or dying or falls or falling or fly or flying or height* or hypochondriacal or injection* or injur* or laughed or leaving home or lightening or movement* or needle* or night* or panic* or plane* or reinjure* or school* or snake* or space* or spider* or test* or thunder* or train* or travel* or water)) or specific fear*).ti,ab.
50(critical incident stress or emotional trauma or psychological stress or stress, psychological or traumatic neurosis).sh. or (acute stress or asd or combat neuros* or combat syndrome or concentration camp syndrome or desnos or extreme stress or flash back* or flashback* or hypervigilan* or hypervigilen* or posttraumatic* or post-traumatic* or psych* stress or psych* trauma* or psycho trauma* or psychotrauma* or ptsd or railway spine or (rape adj2 trauma*) or re experienc* or reexperienc* or stress disorder* or torture syndrome or traumatic neuros* or traumatic stress or (trauma* and (avoidance or death* or emotion* or grief or horror or nightmare* or night mare*))).ti,ab.
51(blushing or hyperhidrosis or mutism or performance anxiety or shyness or social anxiety or sweating or timidity).sh. or (((anxiet* or anxious* or phobia* or phobic*) adj2 (performance or social*)) or socioanxi* or sociophobi* or ((blush* or sweat* or trembl*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or chronic* or excessiv* or fear* or severe)) or ((interpersonal or inter personal or social* or socio*) adj2 (aversion* or aversiv* or confiden* or difficult* or disorder* or distress* or fear*)) or hyperhydrosis or hyperperspirat* or (hyper adj (hydrosis or perspirat*)) or ((mute* or mutism) adj2 (elective* or selective*)) or ((negative evaluation or speak*) adj3 (anxiet* or anxious* or distress* or fear*)) or paruresis or (((personalit* or phobi* or social* or socio*) adj2 avoid*) or avoidant disorder) or (phobi* adj2 neuros*) or phobic disorder* or (school* adj2 (anxiet* or anxious* or phobi* or refuse or refusal)) or (shy or shyness) or specific phobia*).ti,ab.
53exp *personality disorder/use emez or exp personality disorders/use mesz, prem,psyh
54(borderline state or borderline person* or character disorder).sh. or ((borderline* adj3 (disorder* or person* or pd*1 or state*)) or (emotion* adj2 (instabil* or unstable) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*1 or personalit* or state*)) or (personalit* adj (disorder* or dysfunction*))).ti,ab. or (apd*1.tw. and (asocial* or anti social* or antisocial* or character* or dissocial* or dis social* or person*).mp.) or (aspd*1 or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) adj3 (character* or difficult* or disorder* or dysfunction* or pd or person*)) or ((asocial* or antisocial* or anti social* or dissocial* or dis social*) and personalit*) or neuropsychopath* or psychopath*3 or psycho path*3 or sociopath* or socio path*).ti,ab. or ((borderline* and personalit*) or (borderline* and cluster b) or (dsm and (axis and ii))).mp.
56*automutilation/or exp *suicide behavior/
5756 use emez
58self-injurious behavior/or self mutilation/or suicide/or suicidal ideation/or suicide, attempted/
5958 use mesz, prem
60suicide/or attempted suicide/or exp self injurious behavior/or suicidal ideation/or suicide prevention/or suicidology/
6160 use psyh
62(autoaggress* or auto aggress* or automutilat* or auto mutilat* or cutt* or overdose* or (self adj2 cut*) or selfdestruct* or self destruct* or selfharm* or self harm* or selfimmolat* or self immolat* or selfinflict* or self inflict* or selfinjur* or self injur* or selfmutilat* or self mutilat* or selfpoison* or self poison* or suicid*).ti,ab.
64exp *alcohol abuse/or exp *drug dependence/or exp *drug abuse/or *substance abuse/
6564 use emez
66drug seeking behavior/or exp substance-related disorders/
6766 use mesz, prem
68addiction/or exp drug abuse/or drug overdoses/or sobriety/
6968 use psyh
70(alcoholi* or (alcohol* and (abstinence or detoxification or intoxicat* or rehabilit* or withdraw*))).hw.
71(alcoholi* or drinker*1 or (drink* adj2 use*1) or ((alcohol* or drink*) adj5 (abstinen* or abstain* or abus* or addict* or attenuat* or binge* or crav* or dependen* or detox* or disease* or disorder* or excessiv* or harm* or hazard* or heavy or high risk or intoxicat* or misus* or overdos* or (over adj dos*) or problem* or rehab* or reliance or reliant or relaps* or withdraw*)) or (control* adj2 drink*) or sobriet*).ti,ab.
72(((acetomorphine or amphetamine* or amphetamine* or analeptic* or cannabis or cocaine or crack or crank or dextroamphetamine* or diacephine or diacetylmorphine or diacetylmorphine or diamorphin* or diamorphine or diaphorin or drug or hashish or heroin or marihuana or marijua* or methadone* or methamphetamine* or morfin* or morphacetin or morphin* or naltrexone or narcotic* or opioid* or opium or polydrug* or psychostimulant* or speed or stimulant* or stimulant* or substance or uppers) adj3 (abstain* or abstinen* or abus* or addict* or (excessive adj use*) or dependen* or (inject* adj2 drug*) or intoxicat* or misus* or over dos* or overdos* or (use* adj (disorder* or illicit)) or withdraw*)) or drug user*).ti,ab.
74*abuse/or *acting out/or *agitation/or exp *aggression/or exp *anger/or *assault/or exp *child abuse/or *disruptive behavior/or *emotional abuse/or *impulse control disorder/or *intermittent explosive disorder/or *patient abuse/or *physical abuse/or exp *sexual abuse/or *verbal hostility/or exp *violence/
7574 use emez
76acting out/or exp domestic violence/or exp aggression/or exp anger/or dangerous behavior/or hate/or hostility/or impulse control disorders/or sexual harassment/or torture/or violence/
7776 use mesz, prem
78abuse reporting/or acting out/or exp aggressive behavior/or aggressiveness/or agitation/or exp anger/or anger control/or battered females/or exp child abuse/or dangerousness/or elder abuse/or emotional abuse/or exposure to violence/or exp harrassment/or hate/or exp impulse control disorders/or patient abuse/or exp partner abuse/or rebelliousness/or retaliation/or exp sexual abuse/or threat/or threat postures/or torture/or verbal abuse/or exp violence/
7978 use psyh
80(abus* or aggress* or agitat* or agonistic or anger or angry or assault* or attack* or bizarre or challenging behav* or combative or danger* or disrupt* or disturb* or (explosive adj2 disorder) or harass* or hostil* or (impulse control adj disorder*) or intimidat* or rage* or threat* or untoward or violen*).ti,ab.
82exp *dementia/or exp dementia/use mesz, prem,psyh or (alzheimer’s disease or creutzfeldt jakob syndrome or picks disease).sh.
83(alzheim* or binswanger* or dement* or kluver or lewy bod* or pick diseas*).ti,ab,hw.
85(masturbat* or ((psychosexual or sexual) adj (abus* or behavior or harass* or offenc*))).hw. or (fondling or genital* or masturbat* or nudity or (inappropriate adj2 (grab* or touch*)) or (sex* adj2 (abus* or act* or behav* or proposition* or disinhibit* or harass* or offenc* or touch* or view*))).ti,ab.
86dysexecutive syndrome.hw,tw.
87autism/or asperger syndrome/or childhood disintegrative disorder/or infantile autism/or rett syndrome/or “pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified”/
8887 use emez
89child development disorders, pervasive/or asperger syndrome/or autistic disorder/or rett syndrome/
9089 use mesz, prem
91autism/or pervasive developmental disorders/or aspergers syndrome/or autistic thinking/
9291 use psyh
93(asperger* or autis* or cerebroatrophic hyperammonemia* or (kanners adj (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (rett* adj (disorder* or syndrome*)) or (pervasive adj2 developmental disorder*) or pdd nos).ti,ab.
9521 and (or/29–30,35,39,42,45,52,55,63,73,81,84–86,94)
96exp *behaviour therapy/or exp *cognitive therapy/or (counseling.sh. and exp *counseling/) or *group therapy/or *mindfulness/or *problem solving/or *psychotherapy/or *reality therapy/or *relaxation training/or *social adaption/or (*virtual reality/and *exposure/)
97*friends/or *group process/or *group therapy/or exp *peer group/or *social network/or *support group/or *voluntary worker/
98or/96–97 use emez
99exp behaviour therapy/or exp counseling/or implosive therapy/or mindfulness/or patient centered care/or problem solving/or psychotherapy*.sh. or exp psychotherapy, group/or reality therapy/or relaxation therapy/or virtual reality exposure therapy/
100education, nonprofessional/or friends/or group processes/or hotlines/or peer group/or exp psychotherapy, group/or self-help groups/or voluntary workers/or self-administration/
101or/99–100 use mesz, prem
102exp behavior therapy/or client centered therapy/or exp cognitive behavior therapy/or exp counselling/or exp group psychotherapy/or mindfulness/or exp problem solving/or psychotherapy/or reality therapy/or exp relaxation therapy/or reminiscence/or social skills/or social skills training/
103exp group psychotherapy/or exp peer relations/or exp social networks/or friendship/or group dynamics/or hot line services/or outreach programs/or peer counseling/or peer evaluation/or peer relations/or peers/or social group work/or support groups/or volunteers/
104or/102–103 use psyh
105(((psychological* or psychosocial) adj2 (intervention* or therap* or treat*)) or psychotherap*).ti,ab.
106(((behaviour* or behavior*) adj2 cognitiv*) or cbt or ccbt or ((behav* or cognitive*) adj3 (intervention* or manag* or program* or therap* or treat*)) or (behav* adj2 activat*)).ti,ab.
107((aggressive* or anger*) adj3 (intervention* or manag* or program* or therap* or treat*)).ti,ab.
109((graded adj2 exposure) or exposure therap* or virtual reality or vr based or vrget).ti,ab.
110(relaxation* adj3 (intervention* or manag* or program* or therap* or treat*)).ti,ab.
111(mindfullness or mindfulness).ti,ab.
112(participant* adj2 (modeling or modelling)).ti,ab.
113problem* solv*.ti,ab.
114(person centred adj (care or therap*)).ti,ab.
115reality therap*.ti,ab.
116(reminis* adj3 (intervention* or manag* or program* or therap* or treat*)).ti,ab.
117(self determination skill* or ((psychosocial or social*) adj (competence* or skil*) adj5 (educat* or intervention* or learn* or program* or instruct* or teach* or train*)) or social intervention* or teach* skill*).ti,ab.
119(befriend* or be*1 friend* or buddy or buddies or ((community or lay or paid or support) adj (person or worker*))).ti,ab.
120(((consumer* or famil* or friend* or lay or mutual* or peer* or social* or voluntary or volunteer*) adj3 (assist* or advice* or advis* or counsel* or educat* or forum* or help* or mentor* or network* or support* or visit*)) or ((consumer* or famil* or peer* or self help or social* or support* or voluntary or volunteer*) adj2 group*) or ((consumer* or famil* or friend* or lay or mutual* or peer* or self help or social* or support* or voluntary or volunteer*) adj3 (intervention* or program* or rehab* or therap* or service* or skill* or treat*)) or (((consumer* or famil* or friend* or lay* or peer* or user* or support* or voluntary or volunteer*) adj (based or counsel* or deliver* or interact* or led or mediat* or operated or provides or provider* or run*)) or ((consumer* or famil* or friend* or lay* or peer* or relation* or support*) adj3 trust*) or voluntary work*)).ti,ab.
121(((lay or peer*) adj3 (advis* or consultant or educator* or expert* or facilitator* or instructor* or leader* or mentor* or person* or tutor* or worker*)) or expert patient* or mutual aid).ti,ab.
122(peer* adj3 (assist* or counsel* or educat* or program* or rehab* or service* or supervis*)).ti,ab.
123((psychoeducat* or psycho educat*) adj3 (group or network* or service*)).ti,ab.
124((emotion* adj (focus* or friend* or relation*)) or ((dyadic or loneliness or psychosocial* or psycho social*) adj2 (assist* or counsel* or intervention* or program* or support* or therap* or treat*)) or ((emotion* or one to one or transition*) adj support*) or (lay adj (led or run)) or ((emotion* or network* or organisation* or organization* or social or psychosocial) adj (adapt* or reintegrat* or support*)) or (coping adj (behav* or skill*))).ti,ab.
125(support* adj3 (approach* or educat* or instruct* or interven* or learn* or module* or network* or program* or psychotherap* or strateg* or technique* or therap* or train* or workshop* or work shop*)).ti,ab.
126(((group adj (intervention* or therap*)) or (group*1 adj2 (advocacy or approach* or assist* or coach* or counsel* or educat* or help* or instruct* or learn* or module* or network* or participat* or program* or psychotherap* or rehab* or skill* or strateg* or support* or teach* or train* or workshop* or work shop*))) or supportive treatment).ti,ab.
127(((group* or network* or peer*1) adj2 (discuss* or exchang* or interact* or meeting*))
or support group* or (groupwork or (group adj2 work))).ti,ab.
129(helpline or help line or ((phone* or telephone*) adj3 (help* or instruct* or interact* or interven* or mediat* or program* or rehab* or strateg* or support* or teach* or therap* or train* or treat* or workshop*)) or ((phone or telephone*) adj2 (assist* or based or driven or led or mediat*))).ti,ab.
130(helpseek* or ((search* or seek*) adj4 (care or assistance or counsel* or healthcare or help* or support* or therap* or treat*))).ti,ab.
131((self adj (administer* or assess* or attribut* or care or change or directed or efficacy or help* or guide* or instruct* or manag* or medicat* or monitor* or regulat* or reinforc* or re inforc* or support* or technique* or therap* or train* or treat*)) or selfadminister* or selfassess* or selfattribut* or selfcare or selfchange or selfdirected or selfefficacy or selfhelp* or selfguide* or selfinstruct* or selfmanag* or selfmedicat* or selfmonitor* or selfregulat* or selfreinforc* or self re inforc* or selfsupport* or selftechnique* or selftherap* or selftrain* or selftreat*).ti,ab.
13495 and 133
135“*acceptance and commitment therapy”/or *behaviour modification/or *behavior therapy/
136135 use emez
137behavior therapy/
138137 use mesz, prem
139“acceptance and commitment therapy”/or exp behavior analysis/or exp behavior modification/
140139 use psyh
141(acceptance or commitment or defusion or compassion or mindfulness or loving kindness or meditation or detachment or person based cognitive therapy or act).ti,ab.
142(compliance or adherence or concordance).ti,ab.
144exp *animal assisted therapy/or *pet animal/
145144 use emez
146exp animal assisted therapy/or animals domestic/or bonding, human-pet/
147146 use mesz, prem
148animal assisted therapy/or pets/
149148 use psyh
150(((animal or cat or dog*1) adj (assisted or based)) or ((animal* or cat*1 or dog*1) adj2 (intervention* or program* or therap*)) or animal use*1 or (((cat*1 or dog*1 or human) adj2 companion*) or friend*) or (pet adj (animals or dogs or companion* or ownership*)) or pets).ti,ab.
152*aversion therapy/or *reinforcement/
153152 use emez
154aversive therapy/or “reinforcement (psychology)”/or exp token economy/or exp reward/
155154 use mesz, prem
156exp aversion therapy/or exp contingency management/or exp social reinforcement/
157156 use psyh
158((applied adj (behaviour or behavior) adj analysis) or aversion therap* or cue exposure or (contingen* adj2 (management or reinforc* or re inforc*)) or (contingen* and (voucher* or incentive* or prize)) or (reinforcement adj2 contract*)).ti,ab.
159((cognitive adj3 (analy* or enhanc* or modif* or rehab* or remediat* or re mediat* or stimulat*)) or reality orientation).ti,ab.
162*family therapy/or *marital therapy/
163162 use emez
164couples therapy/or family therapy/or marital therapy/or psychotherapy, group/
165164 use mesz, prem
166couples therapy/or conjoint therapy/or exp marriage counseling/or exp family therapy/or family intervention/or exp family life education/or multisystemic therapy/or network therapy/
167166 use psyh
168(((conjoint or con joint or couple*1 or family or families or marital or husband* or marriage or partner* or spous* or wife or wives) adj7 (counsel* or intervention* or program* or support* or therap* or treat*)) or (couple*1 adj (based or orientated)) or systems therap*).ti,ab.
170*caregiver/ed or *education/or exp *family/ed or *health education/or *education program/or exp *parent/ed or *parent counseling/or *patient education/or *exp parent child relation/
171170 use emez
172caregivers/ed or exp family/ed or exp health education/
173172 use mesz, prem
174client education/or educational programs/or family life education/or health education/or exp parent child relations/or parenting skills/or parent training/
175174 use psyh
176((carer* or caregiv* or care giv* or classroom* or conjoint or con joint or couples or family or families or father* or friend* or husband* or marital) adj7 (educat* or intervention* or program* or support* or taught or teach* or train*)).ti,ab.
177((marriage or maternal* or mother* or parent* or partner* or paternal or school* or (significant adj (other* or people)) or spous* or teacher* or wife or wives) adj7 (educat* or intervention* or program* or support* or taught or teach* or train*)).ti,ab.
178meriden model*.ti,ab.
179(famil* adj2 (engag* or interact* or relationship* or support*)).ti,ab.
181exp *health care personnel/ed or *staff training/
182181 use emez
183exp health personnel/ed or exp inservice training/
184183 use mesz, prem
185(exp health personnel/and education*.hw.) or exp personnel training/
186185 use psyh
187((doctor* or gp or medic* or nurs* or practitioner* or psychologist* or psychiatrist* or staff*) adj7 (educat* or intervention* or program* or taught or teach* or train*)).ti,ab.
188((augmented adj2 alternative communication) or individualised sensory environment or individualized sensory environment or intensive interaction or (picture exchange communication system* or pecs) or social stories or stepping stones or talking mat*).ti,ab.
190dialectical behavior therapy/use psyh
191(dialectic* or dbt).ti,ab.
193exp desensitization, psychologic/use mesz, prem
194eye movement desensitization therapy/use psyh
195(eye movement or emdr).ti,ab.
197(psychoeducat* or psycho educat*).ti,ab,hw.
198psychotherapy, rational-emotive/use mesz, prem
199rational emotive behavior therapy/use psyh
200(rational emotive or rational thinking or ret or rebt).ti,ab.
202*systematic desensitization/use emez
203desensitization, psychologic/use mesz, prem
204systematic desensitization therapy/use psyh
205(desensitisation or de sensitisation).ti,ab.
207*art therapy/or *dance therapy/or *gardening/or *horticultural therapy/or *music therapy/or *play therapy/or *role playing/
208207 use emez
209gardening/or horticultural therapy/or exp sensory art therapies/
210209 use mesz, prem
211creative arts therapy/or horticulture therapy/
212211 use psyh
213(((auditory or acoustic) adj5 (stimulat* or cue*)) or (compose or composing or guitar* or earing modalit* or improvis* or improviz* or music* or rhythmic* or melod* or piano* or sing or sings or singing or song* or (listen* adj2 (reminisc* or orientat*)))).ti,ab.
214(art*1 or artist* or drawing* or painting*).ti,ab.
215(drama* or psychodrama* or psychodrama or ((game*1 or play back or playback) adj2 theatre*) or mime* or roleplay* or role play* or theraplay* or thera play*).ti,ab.
216(dance* or dancing or (movement adj2 therap*)).ti,ab.
217((creativ* or expressive or recreation*) adj2 (intervention* or therap* or treat*)).ti,ab.
218(gardening or horticultur*).ti,ab.
219(jocotherap* or joko therap* or masks or puppet*3 or (play* adj2 (filial or course* or curricul* or educat* or intervention* or learn* or module* or program* or rehab* or scheme* or skill* or teach* or therap* or tool* or train* or treat* or workshop* or work shop*))).ti,ab.
220(((rebound or re bound*) adj therap*) or trampolin*).ti,ab.
222exp *alternative medicine/use emez
223exp complementary therapies/use mesz, prem
224exp alternative medicine/use psyh
225(aromatherap* or hypnotherp* or hypnos* or mesmerism* or imagery* or autohypnos* or auto hypnos*).ti,ab.
226(body mind* or breathing exercises or chi kung or chundosunbup or imagery or kundalini or massag* or meditat* or mind body or mindfulness-based or mbsr or mbct or pranayama or qigong or qi-gong or reiki or relax* or sudarshan or tai chi or vipassana or visualisation or visualization or yoga or yogic or zen).ti,ab.
228exp *physical activity/or *physical education/or exp *sports/
229228 use emez
230exp exercise/or physical exertion/or exp “physical education and training”/or exp sports/
231230 use mesz, prem
232exp physical activity/or physical education/or exp sports/
233232 use psyh
234(aerobic train* or exercis* or gym* or jog* or (physical adj (activit* or fit)) or resistance train* or sport* or strength train* or (swim* not rat*) or walk* or weight lift*).ti,ab.
236exp *employment/or exp *occupational health/or *occupational therapy/or exp *return to work/or vocational education/or *vocational rehabilitation/or *work/or *work resumption/
237239 use emez
238employment, supported/or occupational health/or occupational medicine/or occupational therapy/or rehabilitation, vocational/or return to work/or vocational education/or work/or (employment/and rh.fs.)
239238 use mesz, prem
240exp vocational rehabilitation/or exp employee skills/or independent living programs/or occupational health/or occupational therapy/or reemployment/or (employment and rehabilitation).hw. or vocational education/or sheltered workshops/or work adjustment training/
241240 use psyh
242(club house* or clubhouse* or fountain house* or work therap*).ti,ab.
243((employ* or job*1 or occupat* or reemploy* or vocation* or work*) adj3 (advice or advis* or assist* or coach* or counsel* or educat* or experience or integrat* or interven* or liaison* or placement* or program* or rehab* or reintegrat* or retrain* or scheme* or support* or service* or skill* or teach* or therap* or train* or transitional* or vocat*)).ti,ab.
244((individual placement adj2 support) or ips model).ti,ab.
245((permitted or voluntary or rehab*) adj3 work*).ti,ab.
246((psychiatric or psychosocial or psycho social or social) adj2 rehab*).ti,ab.
247rehabilitation counsel*.ti,ab.
248sheltered workshop*.ti,ab.
249((prevocat* or vocat*) adj3 (advice* or advis* or assist* or casework* or case work* or counsel* or educat* or integrat* or interven* or liaison* or mentor* or network* or program* or rehab* or reintegrat* or service* or setting* or skill* or support* or retrain* or teach* or therap* or train* or treat* or specialist*)).ti,ab.
250vocational outcome*.ti,ab.
252*daily life activity/use emez
253exp *activities of daily living/or exp self care/or exp *daily life activity/
254253 use mesz, prem
255“activities of daily living”/or daily activities/or independent living programs/
256255 use psyh
257(occupation* adj3 (intervention* or program* or therap*)).ti,ab.
258((benefits* or bills or budget* or computer* or diet* or financ* or money or nutrition* or relationship*) adj3 (advice* or assist* or coach* or educat* or interven* or program* or skill* or support* or service* or teach* or tool*)).ti,ab.
259((healthy living adj (intervention* or program*)) or exercise program* or harm reduction program*).ti,ab.
260((advice* or assist* or coach* or educat* or interven* or program* or skill* or support* or service* or teach* or tool*) adj2 (living or life or social or self care or independen* or survival)).ti,ab.
261(transition* adj2 (adult* or support* or service*)).ti,ab.
262(independen* adj2 (live* or living)).ti,ab.
264assertive training/or exp *interpersonal communication/or *social adaption/
265264 use emez
266*interpersonal relations/or social skills/
267266 use mesz, prem
268assertiveness training/or communication skills training/or human relations training/or exp skill learning/or social skills/or social skills training/
269268 use psyh
270(assertiveness training or communication skills training).ti,ab.
271(((psychosocial or social) adj3 skill*) or ((communication* or psychosocial or social) adj2 (learn* or train*)) or ((psychosocial or social) adj3 competen*) or roleplay* or role play* or ((peer* or social* or psychosocial or support*) adj2 (group* or network*)) or ((group* or peer* or social* or psychosocial) adj2 (network* or support*)) or social relationship*).ti,ab.
273*psychosocial rehabilitation/use emez
274((exp rehabilitation/or exp rehabilitation centers/or rehab*.ti,ab. or rh.fs.) and (communit* or social*).sh,ti,ab.) or social adjustment/
275274 use mesz, prem
276psychosocial readjustment/or exp psychosocial rehabilitation/or rehabilitation counseling/
277276 use psyh
278(supportive adj (intervention* or program* or therap*)).ti,ab.
281exp *child parent relation/use emez
282exp parent-child relations/use mesz, prem
283exp parent child relations/or exp parent child communication/
284286 use psyh
285(((maternal or mother*) adj3 (baby or babies or child* or infant*)) and (attachment* or intervention* or program* or relationship* or therap* or treat*)).ti,ab.
286(network therap* or social behav* or sbnt).ti,ab.
287(communit* and (reinforc* or re inforc*)).ti,ab.
288(social system* adj2 (intervention* or program* or therap*)).ti,ab.
290*problem solving/use emez
291problem solving/use mesz, prem
292problem solving/or solution focused therapy/
293292 use psyh
294((solution adj (based or focused)) or sfbt).ti,ab.
295((problem* or solution*) adj3 (based or educat* or focus* or orientated* or solv* or skill* or train*)).ti,ab.
297((communit* or social* or environment*) adj3 (intervention* or program* or therap* or treat*)).ti,ab.
298((communit* or social* or environment*) adj (based or orientated)).ti,ab.
300or/143,151,161,169,180,189,192,196,201,206,221,227,235,251,263,272,279,2 80,289,296,299
30195 and 300

Study design filters

Systematic review study design filters

Embase, MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, PsycINFO – Ovid SP

  1. meta analysis/or systematic review/
  2. 1 use emez
  3. meta analysis.sh,pt. or “meta-analysis as topic”/or “review literature as topic”/
  4. 3 use mesz, prem, prem
  5. (literature review or meta analysis).sh,id,md. or systematic review.id,md.
  6. 5 use psyh
  7. (exp bibliographic database/or (((electronic or computer* or online) adj database*) or bids or cochrane or embase or index medicus or isi citation or medline or psyclit or psychlit or scisearch or science citation or (web adj2 science)).ti,ab.) and (review*.ti,ab,sh,pt. or systematic*.ti,ab.)
  8. 7 use emez
  9. (exp databases, bibliographic/or (((electronic or computer* or online) adj database*) or bids or cochrane or embase or index medicus or isi citation or medline or psyclit or psychlit or scisearch or science citation or (web adj2 science)).ti,ab.) and (review*.ti,ab,sh,pt. or systematic*.ti,ab.)
  10. 9 use mesz, prem, prem
  11. (computer searching.sh,id. or (((electronic or computer* or online) adj database*) or bids or cochrane or embase or index medicus or isi citation or medline or psyclit or psychlit or scisearch or science citation or (web adj2 science)).ti,ab.) and (review*.ti,ab,pt. or systematic*.ti,ab.)
  12. 11 use psyh
  13. ((analy* or assessment* or evidence* or methodol* or quantitativ* or systematic*) adj2 (overview* or review*)).tw. or ((analy* or assessment* or evidence* or methodol* or quantitativ* or systematic*).ti. and review*.ti,pt.) or (systematic* adj2 search*).ti,ab.
  14. (metaanal* or meta anal*).ti,ab.
  15. (research adj (review* or integration)).ti,ab.
  16. reference list*.ab.
  17. bibliograph*.ab.
  18. published studies.ab.
  19. relevant journals.ab.
  20. selection criteria.ab.
  21. (data adj (extraction or synthesis)).ab.
  22. (handsearch* or ((hand or manual) adj search*)).ti,ab.
  23. (mantel haenszel or peto or dersimonian or der simonian).ti,ab.
  24. (fixed effect* or random effect*).ti,ab.
  25. ((pool* or combined or combining) adj2 (data or trials or studies or results)).ti,ab.
  26. or/2,4,6,8,10,12–25

CINAHL – Ebsco

s33s1 or s2 or s3 or s4 or s5 or s6 or s7 or s8 or s9 or s10 or s11 or s12 or s13 or s14 or s15 or s16 or s22 or s23 or s26 or s27 or s28 or s29 or s30 or s31 or s32
s32ti ( analy* n5 review* or assessment* n5 review* or evidence* n5 review* or methodol* n5 review* or quantativ* n5 review* or systematic* n5 review* ) or ab ( analy* n5 review* or assessment* n5 review* or evidence* n5 review* or methodol* n5 review* or quantativ* n5 review* or systematic* n5 review* )
s31ti ( analy* n5 overview* or assessment* n5 overview* or evidence* n5 overview* or methodol* n5 overview* or quantativ* n5 overview* or systematic* n5 overview* ) or ab ( analy* n5 overview* or assessment* n5 overview* or evidence* n5 overview* or methodol* n5 overview* or quantativ* n5 overview* or systematic* n5 overview* )
s30ti ( pool* n2 results or combined n2 results or combining n2 results ) or ab ( pool* n2 results or combined n2 results or combining n2 results )
s29ti ( pool* n2 studies or combined n2 studies or combining n2 studies ) or ab ( pool* n2 studies or combined n2 studies or combining n2 studies )
s28ti ( pool* n2 trials or combined n2 trials or combining n2 trials ) or ab ( pool* n2 trials or combined n2 trials or combining n2 trials )
s27ti ( pool* n2 data or combined n2 data or combining n2 data ) or ab ( pool* n2 data or combined n2 data or combining n2 data )
s26s24 and s25
s25ti review* or pt review*
s24ti analy* or assessment* or evidence* or methodol* or quantativ* or systematic*
s23ti “systematic* n5 search*” or ab “systematic* n5 search*”
s22(s17 or s18 or s19) and (s20 or s21)
s21ti systematic* or ab systematic*
s20tx review* or mw review* or pt review*
s19(mh “cochrane library”)
s18ti ( bids or cochrane or index medicus or “isi citation” or psyclit or psychlit or scisearch or “science citation” or web n2 science ) or ab ( bids or cochrane or index medicus or “isi citation” or psyclit or psychlit or scisearch or “science citation” or web n2 science )
s17ti ( “electronic database*” or “bibliographic database*” or “computerised database*” or “computerized database” or “online database*” ) or ab ( “electronic database*” or “bibliographic database*” or “computerised database*” or “computerized database” or “online database*” )
s16(mh “literature review”)
s15pt systematic* or pt meta*
s14ti ( “fixed effect*” or “random effect*” ) or ab ( “fixed effect*” or “random effect*” )
s13ti ( “mantel haenszel” or peto or dersimonian or “der simonian” ) or ab ( “mantel haenszel” or peto or dersimonian or “der simonian” )
s12ti ( handsearch* or “hand search*” or “manual search*” ) or ab ( handsearch* or “hand search*” or “manual search*” )
s11ab “data extraction” or “data synthesis”
s10ab “selection criteria”
s9ab “relevant journals”
s8ab “published studies”
s7ab bibliograph*
s6ab “reference list*”
s5ti ( “research review*” or “research integration” ) or ab ( “research review*” or “research integration” )
s4ti ( metaanal* or “meta anal*”) or ab ( metaanal* or “meta anal*”)
s3(mh “meta analysis”)
s2(mh “systematic review”)
s1(mh “literature searching+”)

Randomised controlled trials study design filter

Embase, MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, PsycINFO – Ovid

  1. exp “clinical trial (topic)”/or exp clinical trial/or crossover procedure/or double blind procedure/or placebo/or randomization/or random sample/or single blind procedure/
  2. 1 use emez
  3. exp clinical trial/or exp “clinical trials as topic”/or cross-over studies/or double-blind method/or placebos/or random allocation/or single-blind method/
  4. 3 use mesz, prem, prem
  5. (clinical trials or placebo or random sampling).sh,id.
  6. 5 use psyh
  7. (clinical adj2 trial*).ti,ab.
  8. (crossover or cross over).ti,ab.
  9. (((single* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) adj2 blind*) or mask* or dummy or doubleblind* or singleblind* or trebleblind* or tripleblind*).ti,ab.
  10. (placebo* or random*).ti,ab.
  11. treatment outcome*.md. use psyh
  12. animals/not human*.mp. use emez
  13. animal*/not human*/use mesz, prem, prem
  14. (animal not human).po. use psyh
  15. (or/2,4,6–11) not (or/12–14)

CINAHL – Ebsco

s10s9 not s8
s9s1 or s2 or s3 or s4 or s5 or s6 or s7
s8(mh “animals”) not (mh “human”)
s7(pt “clinical trial”) or (pt “randomized controlled trial”)
s6ti ( placebo* or random* ) or ab ( placebo* or random* )
s5ti ( “single blind*” or “double blind*” or “treble blind*” or mask* or dummy* or singleblind* or doubleblind* or trebleblind* ) or ab ( “single blind*” or “double blind*” or “treble blind*” or mask* or dummy* or singleblind* or doubleblind* or trebleblind* )
s4ti ( crossover or “cross over “) or ab ( crossover or “cross over” )
s3ti clinical n2 trial* or ab clinical n2 trial*
s2(mh “crossover design”) or (mh “placebos”) or (mh “random assignment”) or (mh “random sample”)
s1(mh “clinical trials+”)
Copyright © National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 2016.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK401806


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