Box 17.4Antenatal clinic testing for hepatitis B infection

Antenatal testing is a key opportunity to prevent MTCT with neonatal vaccination and use of HBIG and antiviral therapy.

Yunnan AIDS Initiative in China. This nongovernmental organization implemented a combined HIV, HBV and syphilis testing campaign in ANC, labour and delivery units throughout the province. An opt-out testing model for the women was used and partners were also offered testing. The Chinese government has recently adopted routine HIV, HBV and syphilis testing in ANC in over 1000 counties nationwide after the success of the Yunnan AIDS Initiative and several other demonstration projects.

Source: Hepatitis Testing Innovation Contest, 2016


Cover of WHO Guidelines on Hepatitis B and C Testing
WHO Guidelines on Hepatitis B and C Testing.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 Feb.
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