NameGenderExpertiseDisclosure of interestConflict of interest and management
Dr Salih Saad Al-AnsariMaleAdvocate in health promotion and education to combat NCDs through physical activity and walkingOwner and Chief Executive Officer of the Health Promotion CenterNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Stuart BiddleMalePhysical activity in youthResearch funds and paid consultancyNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Katja BorodulinFemalePhysical activity in pregnancyEmployment at National Institute for Health and Welfare and Age Institute; research fundsNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Matthew BumanMaleSleep and physical activity in people living with chronic conditionsNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Greet CardonFemalePhysical activity in youthNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Ms Catherine CartyFemalePhysical activity in people living with disabilityResearch fundsNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Jean-Philippe ChaputMaleSleepNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Sebastien ChastinMalePhysical activity and health, objective measurement of physical activityResearch fundsNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Paddy DempseyMalePhysical activity and sedentary behaviour in adults and people living with chronic conditionsEmployment and research fundsNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Loretta DiPietroFemalePhysical activity in older adultsNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Ulf EkelundMaleSedentary behaviour and physical activity in youthNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Joseph FirthMalePhysical activity and mental healthNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Christine FriedenreichFemalePhysical activity in people living with chronic conditions, physical activity and cancer riskNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Leandro GarciaMalePhysical activity and mental healthEmployment and paid consultancyNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Muthoni GichuFemalePolicy implementation (national government)None declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Russ JagoMalePhysical activity in youthNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Peter KatzmarzykMalePhysical activity and sedentary behaviour in youthTravel support to assist guideline committeesNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Estelle V. LambertFemalePhysical activity and obesityNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Michael LeitzmannMaleSedentary behaviour and chronic conditionsNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Karen MiltonFemaleTranslating recommendations into practiceTravel support to assist guideline committeeNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Francisco OrtegaMalePhysical activity in youth, mental health and objective measurementNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Chathuranga RanasingheMalePromotion of physical activity and health in the community, workplace and school settingsResearch fundsNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Emmanuel StamatakisMalePhysical activity and multiple health outcomes in adultsGrant for technology company for objective measurement of physical activityNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Anne TiedemannFemalePhysical activity and health outcomes in older adultsNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Richard TroianoMalePolicy developmentNone declaredNo conflict of interest identified
Dr Hidde van der PloegMalePhysical activity, sedentary behaviour and health outcomes in adultsTravel support to assist 2017 Dutch Physical Activity Guidelines committee and research fundsNo conflict of interest identified
Ms Vicky WariFemalePolicy implementation (national government)Shares (not relevant to guideline)No conflict of interest identified


Cover of WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour.
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