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National Guideline Centre (UK). Cirrhosis in Over 16s: Assessment and Management. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2016 Jul. (NICE Guideline, No. 50.)

Cover of Cirrhosis in Over 16s

Cirrhosis in Over 16s: Assessment and Management.

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Appendix OUnit costs

O.1. Risk factors and risk assessment tools


O.2. Diagnostic tests

See Table 63 in Appendix N.

O.3. Severity risk tools

Table 91Unit costs of severity risk tools

Risk toolUnit costComments
Child-Pugh£7.42(a)Includes bilirubin, albumin, INR, ascites events, hepatic encephalopathy events
MELD£10.42(a)Includes creatinine, bilirubin, INR
Transient elastography£68.00Imaging technique

Sources: Donnan 2009, NHS hospital trust (GDG source)


MELD and Child-Pugh are inflated to 2013–14 prices

O.4. Surveillance for the early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

See Table 64 in Appendix N.

O.5. Surveillance for the detection of varices

See Table 64 in Appendix N.

O.6. Prophylaxis of variceal haemorrhage

Table 92Unit costs of variceal haemorrhage prophylaxis – band ligation

TreatmentUnit costDetails
Band ligation£1,326£530 per procedure; assuming 2.5 procedures

Source: NHS Hospital trust; GDG assumption

Table 93Unit costs of variceal haemorrhage prophylaxis – beta blockers

TreatmentDaily doseCost per dayCost per year
Propranolol(a)60–120 mg£0.08–0.16£28.37–56.74
Carvedilol(b)6.25–12.5 mg£0.05, £0.04£17.86, £16.42

Sources: NHS Drug Tariff July 2015


Starting dose 20 mg three times per day, adjusted up to 40 mg three times per day, according to drug response


Starting dose 6.25 mg, adjusted up to 12.5 mg according to drug response; note that 12.5 mg tablets are cheaper than 6.25 mg tablets

O.7. Primary prevention of bacterial infections in cirrhosis and gastrointestinal bleeding

Table 94Unit costs of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections

AntibioticDaily doseCost per dayCost of 5-day course
Ceftriaxone (IV)1 g£9.58£47.90
Ceftriaxone (IV)2 g£19.18£95.90
Ciprofloxacin (oral)500 mg ×2£0.21£1.05
Norfloxacin (oral)(a)400 mg ×2(b)£1.71£8.57
Norfloxacin (oral)(a) + ceftriaxone (IV)400 mg ×2 + 2 g£20.89£104.47
Ofloxacin (oral)400 mg ×2£4.36£21.8

Sources: NHS Drug Tariff July 2015, BNF August 2014


Norfloxacin is currently unavailable in the UK


Note that the Spanish group study used 1x 400 mg dosage

O.8. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) versus large-volume paracentesis (LVP) for ascites

Table 95Unit costs of TIPS and LVP procedures

ProceduresUnit costDetails
TIPS£2,904Average procedure costs of 28 patients
LVP£672Cost per single procedure, includes 1 elective day case admission, 100 ml of 20% albumin, catheter system use

Sources: TIPS: Parker 2013; LVP: NHS reference costs 2013–14, Parker 2013, GDG

O.9. Primary prevention of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in people with cirrhosis and ascites

Table 96Unit costs of antibiotics used for the primary prevention of SBP

AntibioticDaily doseCost per dayCost per year
Ciprofloxacin (oral)500 mg£0.11£40
Ciprofloxacin (oral)750 mg£0.80(a)£292(a)
Norfloxacin (oral)(b)400 mg£0.86£313

Sources: NHS Drug Tariff 2015, BNF August 2014


Or £0.11 per day (£40 per year) if one and a half 500 mg tablets are used instead


Norfloxacin is not currently available in the UK

Table 97Unit costs of managing SBP related complications

Cost typeUnit costDetails
7 day hospital stay£1,561GB03D (excess days), Intermediate, Endoscopic or Percutaneous, Hepatobiliary or Pancreatic Procedures, with CC Score 5-7
Tazocin£237.30Piperacillin 4 g/tazobactam 500 mg IV every 8 hours for 5 days

Sources: NHS reference costs 2013–14, NHS Drug Tariff July 2015, Parker 2013, GDG

O.10. Volume replacers in hepatorenal syndrome

Table 98Unit costs of IV volume replacers

IV fluid typeUnit cost for 100 ml bagUnit cost for 250 ml bagUnit cost for 500 ml bagUnit cost for 1000 ml bag
IV albumin
Albumin (4.5%)£17.03
Albumin (5%)£30.52
Albumin (20%)£35–50
IV crystalloids
Ringer's lactate solution£1.25
0.9% sodium chloride (saline)£0.63£0.70
Hartmann's solution£0.70£0.85
Dextrose (5%)£0.63£0.70
IV polygels, plasma, colloids
Plasmalyte 148ph 7.4£0.92
Dextran 70 (RescueFlow)£28.50
Mannitol (10%)£3.20
Mannitol (20%)£3.78£5.80

Sources: BNF July 2015, NICE CG174 Intravenous fluid therapy in adults in hospital, personal communication with NHS hospitals

O.11. Management of an episode of acute hepatic encephalopathy

Table 99Unit costs of drugs used to manage acute hepatic encephalopathy

DrugCost per day(a)Dosage
BCAANo cost information
Flumazenil (IV)£81.00One 5 ml ampule, 6x per day
Lactulose (oral solution)£0.3210–30 ml, 2–3x per day (average 50 ml)
LactitolNot prescribable
LOLA£34.410 ml ampoules, 4× per day
Metronidazole£0.22One 400 mg tablet, 3× per day
MARSNo cost information
Neomycin sulphate£0.50One 500 mg tablet, 2× per day
Rifaximin£9.26One 550 mg tablet, 2× per day

Sources: NHS Drug Tariff July 2015, BNF July 2015, NHS hospital trust (GDG source)


Costs would apply for the duration of acute care (up to 5 days)

Copyright © National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 2016.
Bookshelf ID: NBK385228