barium swallow

(BAYR-ee-um SWAH-loh) Speaker

A series of x-ray pictures of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including the throat, esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine (duodenum). The x-ray pictures are taken after the patient drinks a liquid that contains barium sulfate (a silver-white metallic compound). The barium sulfate coats and outlines the inner walls of the upper GI tract so they can be seen on the x-ray pictures. Also called upper gastrointestinal series and upper GI series.

Barium swallow for esophageal cancer


Barium swallow for esophageal cancer. The patient drinks a liquid that contains barium (a silver-white metallic compound). The barium coats and outlines the inside of the esophagus and stomach. This allows abnormal areas, such as esophageal cancer, to (more...)

Barium swallow for stomach cancer


Barium swallow for stomach cancer. The patient drinks a liquid that contains barium (a silver-white metallic compound). The barium coats and outlines the inside of the esophagus and stomach. This allows abnormal areas, such as stomach cancer, to be seen (more...)