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Walton M, Wade R, Claxton L, et al. Selective internal radiation therapies for unresectable early-, intermediate- or advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review, network meta-analysis and economic evaluation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2020 Sep. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 24.48.)

Cover of Selective internal radiation therapies for unresectable early-, intermediate- or advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review, network meta-analysis and economic evaluation

Selective internal radiation therapies for unresectable early-, intermediate- or advanced-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review, network meta-analysis and economic evaluation.

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Appendix 4Search strategies for resource use and cost evidence

The aim of the search was to identify published studies relating to costs or resource use in patients with HCC. A search strategy was developed in MEDLINE (Ovid), comprising a set of terms for HCC combined with terms relating to costs or resource use. The terms included for costs were based on a search strategy developed by the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH).157 Retrieval was restricted to studies published from 2010 onwards in any language. The MEDLINE strategy was translated to run appropriately on the other databases searched.

The following databases were searched on 7 March 2019: MEDLINE all (Ovid) and EMBASE (Ovid). The previous results obtained for the health utilities search from the HTA database and NHS EED were added to the results from MEDLINE and EMBASE.

Search results were imported into EndNote X9 and deduplicated.


Via Ovid (http://ovidsp.ovid.com/).

Date range searched: 1946 to 6 March 2019.

Date searched: 7 March 2019.

Records retrieved: 2153.

Lines 7–19 below are based on a search strategy developed by CADTH to identify studies about costs/economics.157

Search strategy

  1. Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/ (77,885)
  2. Liver Neoplasms/ (138,136)
  3. ((liver or hepato$ or hepatic$) adj3 (carcinoma$ or cancer$ or neoplas$ or tumour$ or tumor$ or malign$)).ti,ab. (132,179)
  4. hepatocarcinoma$.ti,ab. (3767)
  5. hepatoma$.ti,ab. (27,406)
  6. or/1-5 (207,882)
  7. economics/ (27,006)
  8. exp “costs and cost analysis”/ (222,429)
  9. economics, dental/ (1901)
  10. exp “economics, hospital”/ (23,378)
  11. economics, medical/ (9002)
  12. economics, nursing/ (3986)
  13. economics, pharmaceutical/ (2843)
  14. exp “Fees and Charges”/ (29,616)
  15. exp Budgets/ (13,465)
  16. budget*.ti,ab,kf. (27,124)
  17. (economic* or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing or pharmacoeconomic* or pharmaco-economic* or expenditure or expenditures or expense or expenses or financial or finance or finances or financed).ti,kf. (209,622)
  18. (economic* or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing or pharmacoeconomic* or pharmaco-economic* or expenditure or expenditures or expense or expenses or financial or finance or finances or financed).ab./freq = 2 (258,034)
  19. or/7-18 (523,885)
  20. 6 and 19 (1325)
  21. Health Resources/ (12,010)
  22. Healthcare Financing/ (695)
  23. (resource$ adj2 (“use” or utilis$ or utiliz$ or consum$ or usage)).ti,ab. (25,314)
  24. ((healthcare or health-care) adj2 (“use” or utilis$ or utiliz$ or consum$ or usage)).ti,ab. (25,383)
  25. 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 (56,988)
  26. 6 and 25 (134)
  27. Length of Stay/ (80,203)
  28. (cost$ adj2 (illness$ or disease$ or sickness$)).ti,ab. (4600)
  29. (burden$ adj2 (disease$ or illness$ or sickness$)).ti,ab. (22,257)
  30. ((length or hospital$ or duration) adj2 stay$).ti,ab. (120,889)
  31. ((extended or prolonged) adj stay$).ti,ab. (1013)
  32. ((hospitali?ation$ or hospitali?ed) adj3 (economic$ or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing)).ti,ab. (6753)
  33. economic consequenc$.ti,ab. (3229)
  34. or/27-33 (190,256)
  35. 6 and 34 (2349)
  36. 20 or 26 or 35 (3467)
  37. exp animals/not humans/ (4,553,712)
  38. 36 not 37 (3454)
  39. limit 38 to yr = “2010 -Current” (2153).


  • / = indexing term (MeSH)
  • exp = exploded indexing term (MeSH)
  • $ = truncation
  • ? = optional wild card – stands for zero or one character within a word
  • ti,ab = terms in either title or abstract fields
  • ab./freq = 2 = frequency operator – term must appear at least twice in the abstract for the record to be retrieved
  • kf = author keywords field
  • adj3 = terms within three words of each other (any order).


Via Ovid (http://ovidsp.ovid.com/).

Date range searched: 1974 to 6 March 2019.

Date searched: 7 March 2019.

Records retrieved: 3913.

Lines 7–14 below are based on a search strategy developed by CADTH to identify studies about costs/economics.158

Search strategy

  1. liver cell carcinoma/ (136,950)
  2. liver cancer/ (28,936)
  3. ((liver or hepato$ or hepatic$) adj3 (carcinoma$ or cancer$ or neoplas$ or tumour$ or tumor$ or malign$)).ti,ab. (185,215)
  4. hepatocarcinoma$.ti,ab. (5000)
  5. hepatoma$.ti,ab. (30,696)
  6. or/1-5 (242,760)
  7. Economics/ (231,508)
  8. Cost/ (56,142)
  9. exp Health Economics/ (783,424)
  10. Budget/ (26,815)
  11. budget*.ti,ab,kw. (35,333)
  12. (economic* or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing or pharmacoeconomic* or pharmaco-economic* or expenditure or expenditures or expense or expenses or financial or finance or finances or financed).ti,kw. (253,689)
  13. (economic* or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing or pharmacoeconomic* or pharmaco-economic* or expenditure or expenditures or expense or expenses or financial or finance or finances or financed).ab./freq = 2 (357,407)
  14. or/7-13 (1,153,032)
  15. 6 and 14 (4962)
  16. health care utilization/ (63,300)
  17. health care financing/ (12,931)
  18. (resource$ adj2 (“use” or utilis$ or utiliz$ or consum$ or usage)).ti,ab. (39,541)
  19. ((healthcare or health-care) adj2 (“use” or utilis$ or utiliz$ or consum$ or usage)).ti,ab. (36,926)
  20. 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 (122,638)
  21. 6 and 20 (501)
  22. disease burden/ (8049)
  23. Length of Stay/ (159,340)
  24. (cost$ adj2 (illness$ or disease$ or sickness$)).ti,ab. (6874)
  25. (burden$ adj2 (disease$ or illness$ or sickness$)).ti,ab. (33,648)
  26. ((length or hospital$ or duration) adj2 stay$).ti,ab. (204,289)
  27. ((extended or prolonged) adj stay$).ti,ab. (1581)
  28. ((hospitali?ation$ or hospitali?ed) adj3 (economic$ or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing)).ti,ab. (11,727)
  29. economic consequenc$.ti,ab. (4245)
  30. or/22-29 (313,622)
  31. 6 and 30 (3966)
  32. 15 or 21 or 31 (8470)
  33. (animal/or animal experiment/or animal model/or animal tissue/or nonhuman/) not exp human/ (5,667,672)
  34. 32 not 33 (8389)
  35. limit 34 to yr = “2010 -Current” (6403)
  36. limit 35 to conference abstracts (2490)
  37. 35 not 36 (3913)


  • / = indexing term (Emtree heading)
  • exp = exploded indexing term (Emtree heading)
  • $ = truncation
  • ? = optional wild card – stands for zero or one character within a word
  • ti,ab = terms in either title or abstract fields
  • ab./freq = 2 = frequency operator – term must appear at least twice in the abstract for a record to be retrieved
  • kw = terms in the author keywords field
  • adj3 = terms within three words of each other (any order).

Health Technology Assessment database

Via www.crd.york.ac.uk/CRDWeb/.

Date range searched: inception to 31 March 2018.

Date searched: 26 February 2019.

Records retrieved: 188.

To view the search strategy, see under HRQoL search strategies in Appendix 3.

NHS Economic Evaluations Database

Via www.crd.york.ac.uk/CRDWeb/.

Date range searched: inception to 31 March 2015.

Date searched: 26 February 2019.

Records retrieved: 352.

To view the search strategy, see under HRQoL search strategies in Appendix 3.

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2020. This work was produced by Walton et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Bookshelf ID: NBK562669


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