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Lamb EJ, Barratt J, Brettell EA, et al. Accuracy of glomerular filtration rate estimation using creatinine and cystatin C for identifying and monitoring moderate chronic kidney disease: the eGFR-C study. Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research; 2024 Jul. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 28.35.)

Cover of Accuracy of glomerular filtration rate estimation using creatinine and cystatin C for identifying and monitoring moderate chronic kidney disease: the eGFR-C study

Accuracy of glomerular filtration rate estimation using creatinine and cystatin C for identifying and monitoring moderate chronic kidney disease: the eGFR-C study.

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Appendix 2Health economics systematic review

Systematic review of economic evaluations

A systematic review was conducted to identify previous studies that have assessed the cost-effectiveness of test-based strategies for CKD (including screening, diagnostic and monitoring-based strategies) using a decision-analytic model (e.g. decision tree, Markov model or microsimulation model). An original version of this review was conducted towards the beginning of the project (searches run February 2015) and published in PLOS ONE.112 The review has since been updated for this report (searches run February 2020). The objective was not to draw conclusions about the cost-effectiveness of different testing strategies – rather the aim was to examine how economic models have been implemented in this setting to date. This section reports the methods and findings of the review.


An initial search was conducted on 17 February 2015 and published in PLOS ONE.112 This review was subsequently updated (searches conducted on 4 February 2020) to ensure that the latest research in this area was captured before finalising the de novo economic model. As far as possible, the same methods (i.e. search strategies, screening and data extraction processes) were used in both the original and updated searches; however, it should be noted that different researchers were involved in the original and updated reviews, due to a change of research group undertaking the health economic analysis over the course of this project. Any differences in the methods employed in the original and update reviews are highlighted in the sections below.


Articles were identified through searches of electronic databases and hand-searching of the bibliographies of the included studies. In the original review (February 2015), the following databases were searched:

  • CINAHL (EBSCO) 1981–present
  • EconLit (EBSCO) 1886–present
  • EMBASE Classic + EMBASE (Ovid) 1947–present
  • Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations and Daily 1946–present
  • PsycInfo (Ovid) 1806–present
  • The HTA database, accessed via the Cochrane Library (Wiley)
  • The NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED), accessed via the Cochrane Library (Wiley).

In the updated review (February 2020), all the above databases were searched except for NHS EED, which stopped having new content added to it in January 2015. The original search of NHS EED in February 2015 would therefore have already identified any relevant records available in NHS EED for this review.

The search strategy was customised for each database and included free-text terms and medical subject headings (MeSH) terms where appropriate. The following concepts were covered: CKD, diabetes, hypertension, GFR type markers, albumin type markers and economic evaluations. For the updated review in 2020, the original search strategies from 2015 were checked for changes to subject heading such as MeSH. The strategies for CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycInfo remained the same. Additional subject headings for CKD were found and added to the EMBASE strategies (CKD-mineral and bone disorder/and renal osteodystrophy/). The 2015 search strategy used in EconLit was a copy of the CINAHL strategy and used CINAHL headings that are not recognised in EconLit – a new search strategy was therefore devised for EconLit in the update review, based on the original search but without CINAHL subject headings applied. The HTA database stopped having new content added to it in March 2018, and in February 2020 (when the update searches were run) HTA database records were only available via searching the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) database platform and limiting results to ‘HTA’. It was therefore not possible to replicate the original HTA search which identified records having both a relevant MeSH and a relevant text word in any field; instead, a more sensitive strategy was adopted in 2020, to search for relevant text words in any fields, without limiting results to those containing specified MeSH.

All searches were limited to English-only studies. The original February 2015 searches were not limited by date. The updated February 2020 searches were limited to studies published from 2014 onwards, to ensure that any studies from 2014 or 2015 that were added to the databases after February 2015 would be identified. For the HTA database, the updated search was run from 2014 to 31 March 2018, since new content stopped being added to that database in March 2018. The full search strategies are provided in Economic evaluation review search strategies.

The results of the database searches were stored and de-duplicated in an EndNote library. Further relevant studies were sought by hand-searching of the bibliographies of the included studies.

Inclusion criteria

The review inclusion and exclusion criteria are outlined in Table 42. Studies were included if they reported a peer-reviewed, de novo, model-based economic evaluation, which included test-based strategies (using albuminuria and/or eGFR tests), on patients with possible or confirmed CKD, and reported an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Studies were excluded if they: reported on non-CKD cohorts or patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) only; did not report a full cost-effectiveness evaluation (e.g. focused on costs alone); did not use a decision-analytic model (e.g. clinical trial-based analyses); were not primary research (i.e. reviews or opinion pieces); or were published as a conference proceeding only (i.e. abstracts or posters).

Table Icon


Systematic review of model-based economic evaluations: inclusion and exclusion criteria

A two-stage screening process was undertaken to determine which studies should be included in the review. First, records were screened by title and abstract and were included if they were considered to possibly meet the above inclusion criteria. Second, the full-text reports for records were retrieved, and final inclusions were determined based on a full review of the study report. Each screening stage was undertaken in duplicate by two independent reviewers: in the original review, Andrew Sutton and Katie Breheny conducted the screening, while in the updated review, Bethany Shinkins (BS) and Alison Smith (AFS) completed the screening. Any disagreements were resolved via discussion.

Data extraction and quality assessment

For each study included in the review, data extraction was conducted by a single reviewer (AFS) to collate information on the study characteristics and methodology. The data extraction form is provided in Economic evaluation review data extraction form. In particular, data extraction focused on addressing the following research questions:

  • How was test diagnostic accuracy considered in the analysis? Was the accuracy of each test defined, justified and incorporated in the analysis? How was the accuracy of any repeated-testing scenarios characterised? Were the parameters that define the test accuracy subjected to sensitivity analysis? How did test accuracy (e.g. FP and/or FN results) impact on patient outcomes in the model?
  • What approach was used to model disease progression? What type of model was used (e.g. Markov, decision tree)? How was progression of the chronic nature of CKD described in the analysis? Were any additional clinical events, risks, or treatment side effects captured in the model?
  • Were the impacts of any delays on the testing and treatment pathway considered? Were patient outcomes in the model impacted by delays in testing, diagnosis and/or treatment? Did the analysis explore the impact of changing the timing of testing, decision-making or treatment on patient outcomes?
  • Which testing resources and costs were captured in the analyses and how? How were the testing costs derived, and what elements of resource use (e.g. test kit, laboratory personnel, GP/physician visits, confirmatory tests) were captured in the cost? Were the costs incurred by the patients (societal costs) along the testing pathway incorporated into the analysis?

Any uncertainties regarding the data extraction were discussed and checked with the second reviewer (BS). Due to the change in reviewers completing the initial versus updated review, all items in the data extraction table produced from the initial review were subsequently double checked by the primary reviewer in the updated review (AFS), to ensure consistency in the data extraction and reporting. All findings were narratively synthesised.

The methodological quality of each paper was also assessed using the 10-item checklist originally proposed by Drummond et al.193,194 The aim of this systematic review was to examine the methods used in describing testing and diagnostic pathways in economic evaluations in this field and not to comment regarding the results and conclusions drawn from these studies. Consequently, no studies were excluded from this review due to issues regarding quality.


Study selection

Figures 32 and 33 summarise the initial and update review findings respectively. For clarity, the findings of the original and updated review are shown separately.

FIGURE 32. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses diagram of studies included in the initial systematic review of model-based economic evaluations.


Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses diagram of studies included in the initial systematic review of model-based economic evaluations.

FIGURE 33. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses diagram of studies included via the updated review.


Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses diagram of studies included via the updated review.

The initial search strategy of the databases conducted in February 2015 identified 2671 records, of which 908 were duplicate records. Based on title and abstract screening, 74 reports were selected for full-text review, of which 20 studies were included (reported across 21 reports). One further study was identified via citation checking, giving a total of 21 studies reported across 22 reports.

The updated search strategy conducted in February 2020 identified 1357 records, of which 342 were duplicate studies. Based on title and abstract screening, 12 reports were selected for full-text review, of which 7 studies (reported across 7 reports) were included. No studies were identified via citation checking in the update review. In total, across the initial and updated searches, 28 studies were included in the review, reported across 29 reports.

Study characteristics

A summary of the included studies is provided in Table 43. Nine studies originated from USA, four studies were from Canada, three from the Netherlands, two from China, and one each from Australia, Europe, France, Germany, Iran, Japan, Korea, UK, Switzerland and Thailand.

Table Icon


Summary table of studies included in the systematic review of model-based economic evaluations

The majority of studies (n = 24) considered proteinuria or albuminuria tests: 8 specified the evaluated test(s) as reagent strip (or ‘dipstick’) tests;195202 11 referred to urine albumin excretion, urine albumin concentration or urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio tests;203214 and 5 evaluated both dipstick and standard albuminuria tests.215219 Six studies meanwhile evaluated eGFR testing: two of which incorporated both dipstick and eGFR tests; and one of which incorporated both albuminuria and eGFR tests.200,202,211,220222 Of those studies evaluating eGFR-based strategies, four specified the equation underpinning the eGFR calculation: three used the MDRD equation, while one used the CKD-EPI equation. A final study evaluated a novel biomarker for CKD – described as a capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry-based urinary peptide classifier (CKD273).223

All of the identified studies evaluated screening strategies in at-risk groups or general populations not currently diagnosed with CKD. No studies were identified which assessed test-based monitoring strategies for patients with known CKD (i.e. matching the role of monitoring being considered in this HTA). Half of the studies (n = 14) focused on screening strategies for patients with diabetes195,201,203,204,210,215219 or patients with diabetes and/or hypertension197,212,214,223 (both known risk-factors for CKD). Note in the initial 2015 review, these screening studies (conducted in diabetic and hypertensive populations) were listed as monitoring studies. In the updated review, it was decided that for clarity these studies should be listed as screening studies. Although repeated screening within high-risk populations can be classified as a type of early-stage monitoring for disease onset, in the context of this report (where the focus is on monitoring within patients already known to have CKD), we believe it is more appropriate to identify such studies as ‘screening’ studies. This terminology also aligns with that used by the original study authors. The other half focused on screening strategies in the general population,196,198,200,202,205209,213,220222 with one study considering school children,199 and a further study focusing on screening within a rural indigenous population.211 Of those studies focusing on population-based screening strategies, several also included subgroups or scenario analyses restricting screening to patients with diabetes and/or hypertension.196,198,202,207,209,221 Testing was most often administered in primary care,195197,199,203,205,207210,218,219 or had no clearly-defined setting.200,202,204,213,214,216,217,220,221,223 Less commonly explored settings included community care and secondary care settings.

The time horizons adopted in these studies were based either on the final age of the patient population or on a specific period of time. The vast majority of studies adopted long-term time horizons to capture downstream cost and health outcomes: 5 studies adopted a lifetime horizon until all the patients had died;195,202,203,210,221 10 studies ran the model analysis until the patient population had reached 90 years old or more;198,200,207209,213,214,218,219,223 2 studies ran the analysis until the patient population had reached age 75 years;196,201 3 studies adopted a time horizon of 45–60 years;211,216,217 and 5 studies adopted a 25- to 30-year time horizon.197,204,210,212,215 Only two studies implemented time horizons of < 20 years.205,220 A further study did not incorporate a time horizon – this study adopted a decision tree approach and considered the cost-per-case of CKD detected for urine dipsticks targeting school-aged children.199 One final study failed to report the time horizon.222

Study methods

How was test diagnostic accuracy considered in the analysis?

Eight studies did not incorporate any measure of diagnostic accuracy into the model, despite evaluating test-based strategies.195,200,203,204,211,214,221,222 Of these, most did not mention or discuss the topic of accuracy at all. Only one explicitly reported their assumptions: in their analysis of annual screening for albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes, Golan and colleagues explained that the evaluated test for micro-albuminuria was assumed to have perfect diagnostic sensitivity in the model (which would favour the testing arm compared to the ‘treat all’ comparator), and that the outcomes for any FP cases resulting from testing were assumed to be captured within clinical trial data used to inform subsequent CKD progression rates within the model.203

Table 44 summarises the methods employed across the 20 studies that did explicitly incorporate diagnostic accuracy into their models. Fourteen studies incorporated the possibility of both FP and FN test results (typically using diagnostic sensitivity and specificity metrics).196,197,201,202,207,209,210,212,213,215,220,223 Six studies meanwhile only considered the possibility of FP test results (mostly modelled using either PPV or diagnostic specificity metrics);199,205,216219 of those, three studies explained that FN test results were not considered since the evaluated test was assumed to have perfect diagnostic sensitivity218,219 or NPV,199 without providing any justification for this assumption, while two studies did not mention or discuss the possibility of FN results.216,217 A final study indirectly captured FPs by calculating the number of subjects needed to be screened and tested to identify and treat 1000 subjects with confirmed albuminuria.205

Table Icon


Summary of approaches to incorporating test diagnostic accuracy for studies included in the systematic review of model-based economic evaluations

In the majority of studies, diagnostic accuracy values were informed by a single published study;197199,201,207209,213,218,219,223 in two cases, the cited study was a systematic review.218,219 Two studies cited multiple publications informing the diagnostic accuracy estimates,196,220 one of which reported taking averages of the published values to derive the model diagnostic accuracy parameters.220 No studies reported conducting a formal literature review or meta-analysis to inform the model diagnostic accuracy values. Two studies derived accuracy values from a primary diagnostic accuracy study,212,215 and a further study derived values from insurance claims data.202 One study utilised individual-level data from available data sets of repeated test values, to construct linear random-effects models of longitudinal log-ACR values (for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes) incorporating: (1) between-subject variation in baseline ACR (i.e. the intercept); (2) the average change in ACR over time; and (3) the difference between observed ACR and the underlying ‘true’ ACR for an individual, described as the within-person variability in ACR measurement arising from assay variability and short-term biological variability.210 The FP and FN rates in this case were then calculated based on classification errors resulting in differences between the true and measured ACR values over different time points, based on the regression simulation models. Two final studies failed to report any source for the reported accuracy values.216,217

In terms of modelling the impact of test inaccuracies, patients with FN results were assumed to remain in ‘untreated’ health states, and thereby could not benefit from treatment for CKD (typically corresponding to ACE inhibitor or A2RB therapy) until future screening rounds. Most often the consequence of missed treatment was modelled as higher risks of progression to later CKD stages (which in turn could be associated with higher mortality risks and lower health-related quality of life values);196198,201,202,207210,213,220,223 two studies also included higher risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events for patients with FN results.198,202 One of the earlier studies identified quantified the impact of FN results in terms of patient lost ‘quality of life days’, based on an expert elicitation exercise conducted with 30 physicians.215

In the case of FP results, the most common consequence modelled was the unnecessary cost of additional/confirmatory testing.196,199,205,207210,213,215,220 In most cases, confirmatory testing was assumed to have perfect accuracy, thus removing all FP cases at this stage (although this was typically not clearly reported). In several studies, FP cases were stated to undergo unnecessary treatment.197,201,210,212,216,217,223 However, in general it was not clear how long patients were assumed to remain on unnecessary treatment. In two studies, the consequences for FP cases were not reported.198,202

Of those studies that evaluated repeated testing scenarios and explicitly accounted for diagnostic accuracy in the model, the majority assumed that the same diagnostic accuracy values would apply over time.196198,201,202,207209,213,215220,223 While no study explicitly stated this assumption, it may be inferred from the fact that single values of diagnostic accuracy were reported, and that no considerations concerning accuracy over repeated tests were discussed. Two studies meanwhile did attempt to account for changes in test diagnostic accuracy that could result from sampling at different time points.210,212 The study conducted by Wang and colleagues included a primary diagnostic accuracy study, in which the impact of within-patient biological variability and assay variability was explored by evaluating different repeated-sampling strategies over a 3-month period – consisting of different combinations of five samples taken at the first day ante meridiem of each month (labelled DAY-1, MONTH-2, MONTH-3), the second day in the first month (DAY-2) and a random spot urine sample taken in the afternoon of the first day (RANDOM-1).212 Farmer and colleagues meanwhile constructed random-effects linear regression models to simulate the trajectory of log-ACR values over time for two separate populations (type 1 and type 2 diabetes), which accounted for errors in measured ACR values resulting from within-patient biological variation and assay imprecision.210 Using these simulation models, the authors were able to model changing rates of FP and FN values over time.

What approach was used to model disease progression?

The majority of studies used a cohort Markov model approach to model disease progression. Four studies applied a microsimulation approach to a Markov model structure.207209,213 This means that the model followed patients individually as they passed through different states of the Markov model rather than monitoring the average probability of events for a representative cohort of patients. An additional study, which included two separate cost-effectiveness models (one for each of type 1 and type 2 diabetes), utilised an individual based model structure in which a series of risk equations were run within each model cycle (dependant on individual patient characteristics), to predict the timing of a series of cardiovascular and mortality events, in addition to renal failure.210 Only one study did not model disease progression and instead used a decision tree approach to establish the cost-effectiveness of identifying cases of CKD amongst school children.199

Amongst those studies that described the progression of CKD (prior to ESKD), this was implemented through the use of progressive albuminuria195,201,203,204,210,214219,223 or GFR states.202,222 In addition, four studies modelled CKD progression based on both albuminuria and GFR states:207209,213 all of these were based on the ‘CKD Health Policy Model’, originally published by Hoerger and colleagues in 2010.206,207 Of those studies that tracked progression via albuminuria levels, health states were typically divided into ‘normal albuminuria’, ‘microalbuminuria’ and ‘macroalbuminuria’, before progression to end-stage disease states. Of those studies that tracked progression according to GFR levels, the stages of CKD were most often split into five GFR levels. Most studies assumed a step-by-step process of disease progression (i.e. patients could only move up one health state in the ladder of progression per model cycle), and only a minority explicitly allowed for the possibility of the reversibility in CKD severity.201,205,211

For the later stages of disease, the majority of studies included a single health state for ESKD, followed by death. Several others delineated this stage of disease, most often including states for ESKD with and without renal replacement therapy; and before and after kidney transplantation. In addition, beyond the modelled CKD health states, several studies also captured cardiovascular complications associated with CKD (including events such as ‘heart attack’, ‘stroke’, ‘cardiovascular disease’ and ‘coronary artery disease’) either in the form of separate health states or additional risks applied to CKD health states.195,198,202,205,207210,213,223 One study also captured additional outcomes for patients with diabetes (blindness and amputation).210

Were the impacts of any delays on the testing and treatment pathway considered?

Since the focus of the included studies was on screening, the most common type of delay considered was in correctly identifying disease positive patients. The most frequently evaluated screening strategy involved annual screening.196198,201,203,204,207210,213220,223 Several studies also explored increasing the screening interval beyond 1 year up to a maximum of 10 years, thereby implying that a patient who becomes eligible may have to wait up to 10 years before diagnosis and treatment is offered (although several studies allowed for the possibility of clinical presentations and diagnoses, or opportunistic screening, between scheduled screening intervals).207210,213 Interestingly, only one study considered the possibility of a screening interval of < 1 year.195 It is noted that among the studies included in this review, screening interventions tended to be cost-effective among patients with diabetes and/or hypertension but were typically not cost-effective within general populations unless restricted to higher-risk groups or adopting a longer screening interval.

No studies considered the possibility of a delay in receiving results following testing. While it is acknowledged that for the modern healthcare systems considered in this review, these delays will be minimal, delays in the communication of abnormal test results to patients can still occur. In addition, receiving immediate treatment following a confirmed positive test seems to have been an implicit assumption made in all of the studies where testing and treatment were considered.

Which testing costs were captured in the analyses and how?

The cost of testing related to screening activities captured in the included studies was typically limited to the unit cost of the screening test alone.195,198,199,201205,208,212,214219,223 Eight studies also included the cost of a physician/GP visit associated with the initial screening test(s) undertaken.196,197,207,209211,213,221 One study included additional screening costs (including transportation of equipment and personnel, advertisement, human resources and dissemination) related to undertaking screening within a remote indigenous population.211 One study provided no specific details regarding screening test costs,222 while another assumed that no screening costs would be incurred due to the fact that the tests evaluated were assumed to already be reported routinely in standard care.220 One study applied the cost of a physician visit only, without explicitly including the cost of the screening test.213

Of those studies that provided information on the included screening costs, the most commonly cited sources related to national costing tariffs such as the Medicare and Medicaid fee schedule or reimbursement rates in the USA,196,203,207,208,213,220 and similar costing resources across other jurisdictions.198,212,218,221 Two studies reported that the test costs were based on a ‘recommended retail price’223 or ‘notified fee’202 but did not provide specific sources for these costs. Four studies meanwhile reported that they based screening costs on local institution (e.g. hospital)199,204,214 or national215 cost data, but failed to provide specific details. Of the remaining studies, five based the costs on previous studies including cost-effectiveness models,205,209211,219 while one derived costs from a survey of health service providers, based on the respondents quoted prices to add the evaluated screening test to standard care (specific details about what this cost was assumed to include were not reported).200 Five studies failed to provide a source for the included test costs,197,201,216,217,222 while one study stated that the reported test costs were based on assumed values.195

Six studies reported adopting a societal perspective,196,200203,212 with the remainder using a healthcare provider/insurer perspective. Of those studies stating that a societal perspective was adopted, half of them did not provide any specific details.200,203,212 One study included societal costs relating to lost wages alone: Boulware et al. incorporated lost wages resulting from patients aged < 65 years unable to work in the ESKD health state.196 The two remaining studies captured additional elements of societal costs. Srisubat et al. included nonmedical costs relating to food and travel expenditure in addition to lost earnings, based on a cross-sectional survey of patients with normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, macroalbuminuria and ESKD;201 Go and colleagues based their model health state costs on a previously published costing study, which captured productivity loss, transportation and caregiver costs associated with hospital inpatient and outpatient visits.202 None of the identified studies specifically discussed societal costs resulting from having to attend testing (and re-testing) – rather the focus tended to be on societal costs associated with long-term treatment of disease.

Study quality

The most common issue apparent from the study quality assessment concerned a failure of all but four studies to discuss all the issues relevant to users, which in this case meant that studies did not include any discussion regarding the impact of testing diagnostic accuracy on the modelled outcomes, or the impact of testing from the patient perspective (e.g. costs incurred, anxiety, etc.).

In terms of determining the validity of the models, the most common approach was to address the cross-validity of the model results, by comparing them to results obtained from other, similar studies within the study discussion sections.196,198201,205,207,210,211,214,218,219,221 Seven studies took a more formal approach to model validation, and assessed the external validity of their models by comparing key model outcomes (most commonly, mortality) against external data not used in the model itself.196,202,206,207,210,211,216,223 Only one study reported having conducted internal validation checks of the model coding.223 Ten studies did not appear to conduct any validation exercises.195,203,208,209,212,215217,220,222

Economic evaluation review search strategies

All searches were conducted on 4 February 2020.

CINAHL (EBSCO) 1981–present

  • S23 S13 AND S16 AND S20 Limiters – Published Date: 20140101 150
  • S22 S13 AND S16 AND S20 Limiters – Language: English 353
  • S21 S13 AND S16 AND S20 356
  • S20 S17 OR S18 OR S19 306,573
  • S19 ((MH ‘Renal Insufficiency, Chronic’) OR (MH ‘Kidney Failure, Chronic’)) OR ‘Chronic kidney disease’ 31,469
  • S18 (MH ‘Diabetes Mellitus+’) OR ‘diabetes’ OR (MH ‘Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1+’) OR (MH ‘Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2’) 201,556
  • S17 (MH ‘Hypertension, Renal+’) OR (MH ‘Hypertension+’) OR ‘hypertension’ OR (MH ‘Masked Hypertension’) OR (MH ‘Hypertension, Renovascular’) 105,989
  • S16 S14 OR S15 32,022
  • S15 AB glomerular filtration rate or gfr or egfr or microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or albuminuria or proteinuria or urine albumin electrolyte or UAE or albumin creatinine ratio or ACR or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease or MDRD or dipstick or serum creatinine or Cystatin C or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation or CKD-EPI 27,306
  • S14 TI glomerular filtration rate or gfr or egfr or microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or albuminuria or proteinuria or urine albumin electrolyte or UAE or albumin creatinine ratio or ACR or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease or MDRD or dipstick or serum creatinine or Cystatin C or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation or CKD-EPI 9247
  • S13 s7 not s12 256,118
  • S12 S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 711,380
  • S11 (MH ‘Animals+’) not (MH ‘Human’) 77,363
  • S10 PT commentary 264,411
  • S9 PT letter 278,709
  • S8 PT editorial 263,811
  • S7 S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 274,668
  • S6 TI (cost or costs or economic* or pharmacoeconomic* or price* or pricing*) OR AB (cost or costs or economic* or pharmacoeconomic* or price* or pricing*) 206,333
  • S5 (MH ‘Health Resource Utilization’) 16,908
  • S4 (MH ‘Health Resource Allocation’) 8503
  • S3 S1 not S2 95,952
  • S2 (MH ‘Financial Management+’) OR (MH ‘Financial Support+’) OR (MH ‘Financing, Organized+’) OR (MH ‘Business+’) 766,422
  • S1 (MH ‘Economics+’) 770,281

CRD Database (University of York)

Search ALL FIELDS: (glomerular filtration rate or gfr or egfr or microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or albuminuria or proteinuria or urine albumin electrolyte or UAE or albumin creatinine ratio or ACR or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease or MDRD or dipstick or serum creatinine or Cystatin C or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation or CKD-EPI)

Limit to: HTA

Limit to: 2014 TO 2020

29 records

EconLit (EBSCO) 1886–present

  • S3 S1 AND S29
  • S2 TX (kidney or renal) OR TX diabetes OR TX hypertension1030
  • S1 TX glomerular filtration rate or gfr or egfr or microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or albuminuria or proteinuria or urine albumin electrolyte or UAE or albumin creatinine ratio or ACR or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease or MDRD or dipstick or serum creatinine or Cystatin C or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation or CKD-EPI3192

EMBASE Classic + EMBASE (Ovid) 1947 to 3 February 2020

  1. exp chronic kidney failure/ (96540)
  2. testing.mp. (877236)
  3. test.mp. (3158854)
  4. 1 or 2 or 3 (3794963)
  5. (glomerular filtration rate or gfr or egfr or microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or albuminuria or proteinuria or urine albumin electrolyte or UAE or albumin creatinine ratio or ACR or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease or MDRD or dipstick or serum creatinine or Cystatin C or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation or CKD-EPI).mp. (357113)
  6. health economics/ (37526)
  7. exp economic evaluation/ (302308)
  8. exp Health Care Cost/ (290317)
  9. pharmacoeconomics/ (7284)
  10. 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 (537767)
  11. (econom$ or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing or pharmacoeconomic$).ti,ab. (1057908)
  12. (expenditure$ not energy).ti,ab. (40339)
  13. (value adj2 money).ti,ab. (2413)
  14. budget$.ti,ab. (38477)
  15. 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 (1094602)
  16. 10 or 15 [Economic Evaluations] (1323184)
  17. letter.pt. (1106184)
  18. editorial.pt. (642779)
  19. note.pt. (792819)
  20. 17 or 18 or 19 (2541782)
  21. 16 not 20 (1219885)
  22. (metabolic adj cost).ti,ab. (1523)
  23. ((energy or oxygen) adj cost).ti,ab. (4565)
  24. ((energy or oxygen) adj expenditure).ti,ab. (31751)
  25. 22 or 23 or 24 (36709)
  26. 21 not 25 (1212209)
  27. animal/ (1946633)
  28. exp animal experiment/ (2501074)
  29. nonhuman/ (6063266)
  30. (rat or rats or mouse or mice or hamster or hamsters or animal or animals or dog or dogs or cat or cats or bovine or sheep).ti,ab,sh. (6490855)
  31. 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 (9609463)
  32. exp human/ (21886995)
  33. human experiment/ (484426)
  34. 32 or 33 (21888608)
  35. 31 not (31 and 34) (7168250)
  36. 26 not 35 (1101886)
  37. conference abstract.pt. (3694392)
  38. 36 not 37 [Econ Evaluations with exclusions removed] (906391)
  39. 4 and 5 and 38 [(Chronic Kidney Failure or test) and CKF marker and Economic Evaluation] (1671)
  40. limit 39 to english language (1557)
  41. limit 40 to yr=‘2014 -Current’ (727)

Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations and Daily 1946 to February 03, 2020

  1. chronic kidney disease.mp. or Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/ (55137)
  2. Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/ or diabetes.mp. or Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/ or Diabetes Mellitus/ (603783)
  3. Hypertension, Renal/ or Hypertension/ or hypertension.mp. (478207)
  4. 1 or 2 or 3 (1037198)
  5. (glomerular filtration rate or gfr or egfr or microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or albuminuria or proteinuria or urine albumin electrolyte or UAE or albumin creatinine ratio or ACR or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease or MDRD or dipstick or serum creatinine or Cystatin C or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation or CKD-EPI).mp. (210479)
  6. Economics/ (27127)
  7. exp ‘costs and cost analysis’/ (232285)
  8. Economics, Dental/ (1910)
  9. exp economics, hospital/ (24201)
  10. Economics, Medical/ (9054)
  11. Economics, Nursing/ (3996)
  12. Economics, Pharmaceutical/ (2913)
  13. (economic$ or cost or costs or costly or costing or price or prices or pricing or pharmacoeconomic$).ti,ab. (766016)
  14. (expenditure$ not energy).ti,ab. (28921)
  15. value for money.ti,ab. (1643)
  16. budget$.ti,ab. (28480)
  17. 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 (916045)
  18. ((energy or oxygen) adj cost).ti,ab. (4028)
  19. (metabolic adj cost).ti,ab. (1375)
  20. ((energy or oxygen) adj expenditure).ti,ab. (24472)
  21. 18 or 19 or 20 (28903)
  22. 17 not 21 (909395)
  23. letter.pt. (1060967)
  24. editorial.pt. (516776)
  25. historical article.pt. (356566)
  26. 23 or 24 or 25 (1915078)
  27. 22 not 26 (873818)
  28. exp animals/ not humans/ (4669954)
  29. 27 not 28 (818401)
  30. 4 and 5 and 29 (1269)
  31. limit 30 to english language (1180)
  32. limit 31 to yr=‘2014 -Current’ (440)

PsycInfo (Ovid) 1806 to January Week 4 2020

  1. chronic kidney disease.mp. (829)
  2. exp Diabetes Insipidus/ or diabetes.mp. or exp Diabetes/ or exp Diabetes Mellitus/ (30318)
  3. exp Hypertension/ or exp Essential Hypertension/ or hypertension.mp. (17966)
  4. 1 or 2 or 3 (44050)
  5. (glomerular filtration rate or gfr or egfr or microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria or albuminuria or proteinuria or urine albumin electrolyte or UAE or albumin creatinine ratio or ACR or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease or MDRD or dipstick or serum creatinine or Cystatin C or Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation or CKD-EPI).mp. (2044)
  6. ‘costs and cost analysis’/ (16418)
  7. ‘Cost Containment’/ (588)
  8. (economic adj2 evaluation$).ti,ab. (1668)
  9. (economic adj2 analy$).ti,ab. (1519)
  10. (economic adj2 (study or studies)).ti,ab. (788)
  11. (cost adj2 evaluation$).ti,ab. (333)
  12. (cost adj2 analy$).ti,ab. (3638)
  13. (cost adj2 (study or studies)).ti,ab. (862)
  14. (cost adj2 effective$).ti,ab. (15030)
  15. (cost adj2 benefit$).ti,ab. (3438)
  16. (cost adj2 utili$).ti,ab. (1241)
  17. (cost adj2 minimi$).ti,ab. (366)
  18. (cost adj2 consequence$).ti,ab. (115)
  19. (cost adj2 comparison$).ti,ab. (186)
  20. (cost adj2 identificat$).ti,ab. (26)
  21. (pharmacoeconomic$ or pharmaco-economic$).ti,ab. (314)
  22. or/6-21 (34293)
  23. (task adj2 cost$).ti,ab,id. (625)
  24. (switch$ adj2 cost$).ti,ab,id. (1309)
  25. (metabolic adj cost).ti,ab,id. (100)
  26. ((energy or oxygen) adj cost).ti,ab,id. (285)
  27. ((energy or oxygen) adj expenditure).ti,ab,id. (2686)
  28. 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 (4720)
  29. (animal or animals or rat or rats or mouse or mice or hamster or hamsters or dog or dogs or cat or cats or bovine or sheep or ovine or pig or pigs).ab,ti,id,de. (350338)
  30. editorial.dt. (43579)
  31. letter.dt. (21932)
  32. dissertation abstract.pt. (487548)
  33. 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 (881656)
  34. 22 not (28 or 33) (29682)
  35. 4 and 5 and 34 (6)
  36. limit 35 to english language (6)
  37. limit 36 to yr=‘2014 -Current’ (2)

Economic evaluation review data extraction form

For those papers included in this systematic review, information was extracted using the following form, copied into an Excel spreadsheet.

Study information
Study objective
Type of testing (e.g. monitoring/screening)
Timing of test (e.g. annually, one-off, etc.)
Testing strategies evaluated
Comparators evaluated
Specific patient group
Type of economic evaluation (cost-utility, cost-effectiveness etc.)
Source of data to parameterise model
Setting (e.g. primary care, secondary care)
Modelling methodology
What type of model is used (e.g. Markov model, decision tree)?
How is the progression of CKD described in the analysis?
Does the model allow for reversibility (i.e. disease regression)?
What model structures have been used to describe the different model states?
Time horizon
Test accuracy
Is test accuracy considered in the analysis?
How is the accuracy of repeated testing captured?
Is the possibility of inaccurate (e.g. TN/FP, incorrect prognosis), indeterminate or test failure considered in the analysis?
What was the impact of FP test results in the model?
What was the impact of FN test results in the model?
Is the test accuracy subjected to any sensitivity analysis?
Was confirmatory testing conducted follow test positives?
Patient outcomes
What patient outcomes are considered in the analysis (clinical events, quality of life, etc.)?
Can patient outcomes be influenced by time delay as a result of patients not receiving prompt treatment?
Can patient outcomes be influenced by the timing of testing, decision-making and treatment?
Economic outcomes
Perspective (healthcare provider, societal)
If societal, what societal costs are incorporated in the analysis?
What/how were test costs captured?
What/how were CKD treatment costs captured?
What/how were other costs captured? (e.g. cardiovascular events)
What was concluded from the analysis with respect to the cost-effectiveness of the tests?

Economic evaluation review quality assessment criteria

The following criteria were used in the systematic review of model-based economic evaluations, to assess the quality of the included economic evaluations.

Criteria for quality assessment of economic evaluations
1Was a well-defined question posed in an answerable form?
2Was a comprehensive description of the competing alternatives given?
3Was the effectiveness of the programmes of services established?
4Were all the important and relevant costs and consequences for each alternative established?
5Were costs and consequences measured accurately in appropriate physical units?
6Were costs and consequences valued credibly?
7Were costs and consequences adjusted for differential timing?
8Was an incremental analysis of costs and consequences of alternatives performed?
9Was allowance made for uncertainty in the estimates of costs and consequences?
10Did the presentation and discussion of study results include all issues of concern to users?
Copyright © 2024 Lamb et al.

This work was produced by Lamb et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This is an Open Access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction and adaptation in any medium and for any purpose provided that it is properly attributed. See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. For attribution the title, original author(s), the publication source – NIHR Journals Library, and the DOI of the publication must be cited.

Bookshelf ID: NBK605812


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