Since the release of the consolidated guidelines in 2015, new evidence has emerged. Consequently, in an effort to further support countries, programme managers, health workers and other stakeholders seeking to achieve national and international HIV goals, this 2016 update issues new recommendations and additional guidance on HIV self-testing (HIVST) and assisted HIV partner notification services.
These new guidelines aim to:
Support the implementation and scale-up of ethical, effective, acceptable and evidence-based approaches to HIVST and assisted HIV partner notification.
Support the routine offer of voluntary assisted HIV partner notification services as part of a public health approach to delivering HTS.
Provide guidance on how HIVST and assisted HIV partner notification services could be integrated into both community-based and facility-based HTS approaches and be tailored to specific population groups.
Support the introduction of HIVST as a formal HTS intervention using quality-assured products that are approved by WHO and official local and international bodies.
Position HIVST and assisted HIV partner notification services as HTS approaches that will contribute to closing the testing gap and achieving the UN’s 90 –90 –90 and 2030 global goals.
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