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WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020.

Cover of WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour

WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour.

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Guiding Questions


What is the association between physical activity and health-related outcomes?

  1. Is there a dose response association (volume, duration, frequency, intensity)?
  2. Does the association vary by type or domain of physical activity?

Inclusion Criteria

Population: Adults over 64 years of age

Exposure: Greater volume, duration, frequency or intensity of physical activity

Comparison: No physical activity or lesser volume, duration, frequency, or intensity of physical activity

Falls and fall-related injuriesCritical
Functional ability (e.g., frailty (sarcopenia), balance, strength, mobility, gait speed, activities of daily living)Critical
Psychosocial outcomes (e.g., social isolation, social participation)Important

Evidence identified

Twenty-one reviews (published from 2017 to 2019) were initially identified that examined the association between physical activity and health-related outcomes among older adults (121). Six reviews were subsequently excluded from further evaluation given the study design, populations, exposures, or outcomes that were out-of-scope. Table C1.1 presents the reviews that were excluded and their reason for exclusion.

In general, these reviews were of moderate quality based on the AMSTAR 2 instrument. One review was rated as having high credibility, 7 were rated as having moderate credibility, 3 were rated as having low credibility, and the remaining 4 reviews were rated as having critically low credibility. Given concerns regarding the comprehensiveness and the validity of the results presented in these reviews, they were not incorporated into the final Evidence Profiles. Table C1.2 presents the ratings for each review according to all the AMSTAR 2 main domains.

Table C1.1Excluded Systematic Reviews, with Reasons for Exclusion

Author, YearReason for ExclusionRationale
Dillon 2018 (7)PopulationReview limited to older adults with visual impairment
Gordt 2017 (9)ExposureExposure not applicable (wearable sensor balance and gait training)
Hart 2019 (10)OutcomeOutcome not applicable (health-related quality of life subscale)
Kauppi 2017 (12)RelevanceCohort study that addresses the association between social network size (exposure) and levels of health risk behaviours (outcome)
Vancampfort 2019 (20)DesignCross-sectional study
Yoshimura 2017 (21)Population, ExposurePopulation limited to adults with sarcopenia; only one included study was an exercise-only intervention

After appropriate exclusions, 2 reviews were included that reported falls-related injuries, 8 reviews were included that reported a measure of physical function (variably defined), and one review was included that measured social support (and was included in the outcome of social isolation) (Table C1.3). Only one review searched for evidence through 2019; several of the reviews only searched through 2014 or 2015. Extracted data for each included review is presented in Appendix A. A link to the summary of the U.S. Physical Activity Guidelines evidence relevant to these subgroups is provided in the Evidence Profiles.

Table C1.2Credibility Ratings (based on AMSTAR 2 (22))

Author, YearPICO1Apriori Methods2Study Design Selection3Lit Search Strategy4Study Selection5Data Extraction6Excluded Studies7Included Studies8RoB Assessment9Funding Sources10Statistical Methods11Impact of RoB12RoB Results13Heterogeneity14Publication Bias15COI16Overall Rating17
Binkley 2019 (1)YNYPYYNPYPYPYNN/AN/ANNN/ANCritically Low
Bruderer-Hofstetter 2018 (2)YPYNPYYYPYYPYNYYYYYYModerate
Bueno de Souza 2018 (3)YPYNPYYNPYYYNYNYYNYLow
Burton 2019 (4)YNNPYYNPYPYYNYYYYNYCritically Low
da Rosa Orssatto 2019 (5)YPYNPYYNYPYPYNYNYYYYModerate
de Souto Barreto 2018 (6)YYNPYYYPYPYYNYYYYYNModerate
Falck 2019 (8)YPYNPYYYPYPYYNNYYYYYCritically Low
Hita-Contreras 2018 (11)YPYNPYYYPYPYYNYNNYYYLow
Lindsay Smith 2017 (15)YPYNPYYYPYPYPYNN/AN/AYNN/AYModerate
McMullan 2018 (16)NPYNPYYYYPYYNNYYYYYCritically Low
Sherrington 2019 (17)YYNPYYYYYYYYYYYYYHigh
Sivaramakrishnan 2019 (18)YYNPYYYPYPYYNYYYYYYModerate

Abbreviations: COI = conflict of interest; N = no; N/A = not applicable; PICO = population, intervention, comparator, outcome; PY = partial yes; RoB = risk of bias; Y = yes


Did the research questions and inclusion criteria for the review include the components of PICO?


Did the report of the review contain an explicit statement that the review methods were established prior to the conduct of the review and did the report justify any significant deviations from the protocol?


Did the review authors explain their selection of the study designs for inclusion in the review?


Did the review authors use a comprehensive literature search strategy?


Did the review authors perform study selection in duplicate?


Did the review authors perform data extraction in duplicate?


Did the review authors provide a list of excluded studies and justify the exclusions?


Did the review authors describe the included studies in adequate detail?


Did the review authors use a satisfactory technique for assessing the risk of bias (RoB) in individual studies that were included in the review?


Did the review authors report on the sources of funding for the studies included in the review?


If meta-analysis was performed did the review authors use appropriate methods for statistical combination of results?


If meta-analysis was performed, did the review authors assess the potential impact of RoB in individual studies on the results of the meta-analysis or other evidence synthesis?


Did the review authors account for RoB in individual studies when interpreting/ discussing the results of the review?


Did the review authors provide a satisfactory explanation for, and discussion of, any heterogeneity observed in the results of the review?


If they performed quantitative synthesis did the review authors carry out an adequate investigation of publication bias (small study bias) and discuss its likely impact on the results of the review?


Did the review authors report any potential sources of conflict of interest, including any funding they received for conducting the review?


Shea et al. 2017. AMSTAR 2: a critical appraisal tool for systematic reviews that include randomised or non-randomised studies of healthcare interventions, or both.

Table C1.3Systematic Reviews Assessed, by Author

Author, YearOutcomesLast Search Date# of included studiesAMSTAR 2
Falls-related InjuriesPhysical FunctionSocial Isolation
Binkley 2019 (1)Jan 201515Critically Low
Bruderer-Hofstetter 2018 (2)May 201717Moderate
Bueno de Souza 2018 (3)Mar 20179Low
Burton 2019 (4)Aug 201818Critically Low
da Rosa Orssatto 2019 (5)Jan 201914Moderate
de Souto Barreto 2018 (6)Mar 201840Moderate
Falck 2019 (8)Nov 201844Critically Low
Hita-Contreras 2018 (11)Apr 20187Low
Kidd 2019 (13)Mar 201710Moderate
Labott 2019 (14)Dec 201824Moderate
Lindsay Smith 2017 (15)Aug 201427Moderate
McMullan 2018 (16)Jul 201630Critically Low
Sherrington 2019 (17)May 2018108High
Sivaramakrishnan 2019 (18)Sep 201716Moderate
Taylor 2018 (19)Apr 201518Low

C. Older Adults

C.1. Physical Activity

Table C.1.a. Falls-related Injuries*: Association between physical activity and falls-related injuries among older adults (in alphabetical order by author) (PDF, 105K)

See the Supplementary materials for description of evidence that informed the US PAGAC by outcome

Table C.1.b. Physical Function: Association between physical activity and physical function among older adults (in alphabetical order by author) (PDF, 88K)

See the Supplementary materials for description of evidence that informed the US PAGAC by outcome

Table C.1.c. Social Isolation: Association between physical activity and social isolation among older adults (in alphabetical order by author) (PDF, 63K)

See the Supplementary materials for description of evidence that informed the US PAGAC by outcome

Table C.1.d. Falls prevention (PDF, 102K)

Table C.1.e. Sarcopenia (PDF, 80K)

Appendix A. Data Extractions of Included Reviews

Download PDF (153K)


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Bruderer-Hofstetter M, Rausch-Osthoff AK, Meichtry A, Munzer T, Niedermann K. Effective multicomponent interventions in comparison to active control and no interventions on physical capacity, cognitive function and instrumental activities of daily living in elderly people with and without mild impaired cognition - A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Ageing research reviews. 2018;45:1–14. [PubMed: 29679658]
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