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WHO guideline for screening and treatment of cervical pre-cancer lesions for cervical cancer prevention: Use of mRNA tests for human papillomavirus (HPV) [Internet]. 2nd edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021.

Cover of WHO guideline for screening and treatment of cervical pre-cancer lesions for cervical cancer prevention

WHO guideline for screening and treatment of cervical pre-cancer lesions for cervical cancer prevention: Use of mRNA tests for human papillomavirus (HPV) [Internet]. 2nd edition.

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Web AnnexEvidence-to-decision framework for mRNA testing for HPV

Evidence-to-decision table

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Summary of judgements

DESIRABLE EFFECTS Trivial SmallModerateLargeVariesDon’t know
UNDESIRABLE EFFECTSLargeModerateSmall Trivial VariesDon’t know
CERTAINTY OF EVIDENCEVery low Low ModerateHighNo included studies
VALUESImportant uncertainty or variabilityPossibly important uncertainty or variability Probably no important uncertainty or variability No important uncertainty or variability
BALANCE OF EFFECTSFavours the comparisonProbably favours the comparison Does not favour either the intervention or the comparison Probably favours the interventionFavours the interventionVariesDon’t know
RESOURCES REQUIREDLarge costsModerate costs Negligible costs and savings Moderate savingsLarge savingsVariesDon’t know
CERTAINTY OF EVIDENCE OF REQUIRED RESOURCESVery lowLowModerateHigh No included studies
COST EFFECTIVENESSFavours the comparisonProbably favours the comparison Does not favour either the intervention or the comparison Probably favours the interventionFavours the interventionVariesNo included studies
EQUITYReducedProbably reducedProbably no impact Probably increased IncreasedVariesDon’t know
ACCEPTABILITYNoProbably no Probably yes YesVariesDon’t know
FEASIBILITYNoProbably no Probably yes YesVariesDon’t know

Type of recommendation

Strong recommendation against the intervention

Conditional recommendation against the intervention

Conditional recommendation for either the intervention or the comparison

Conditional recommendation for the intervention

Strong recommendation for the intervention



In the general population of women, HPV DNA is the recommended primary screening test, but HPV mRNA detection may also be used.

When providing HPV mRNA testing, WHO suggests:

  • providing it with or without triage;
  • using samples taken by the health-care provider; and
  • 5-year screening intervals.

[Conditional recommendation, low-certainty evidence]


  • HPV DNA is the recommended screening test. Choosing the alternative option of HPV mRNA testing implies having the capacity to provide follow-up screening at 5-year intervals.

Note: No recommendation was made for using HPV mRNA in women living with HIV because evidence on the outcomes of using HPV mRNA detection applicable to this population was not identified.


Despite the similar cross-sectional sensitivity and specificity of HPV mRNA testing compared with HPV DNA testing, a conditional recommendation was made for the use of HPV mRNA as a primary screening test because the longitudinal evidence on HPV mRNA test performance is uncertain. Modelling data suggest that there may be similar reductions in cervical cancer cases and deaths when using HPV mRNA testing with or without triage compared with HPV DNA testing with or without triage. In addition, there may be fewer treatments for pre-cancerous lesions when using HPV mRNA testing. However, the evidence from the mathematical model is uncertain, as the predicted reductions in cases and deaths when using HPV mRNA testing overlap with the uncertainty intervals for those with HPV DNA testing, and the model validation was performed against limited longitudinal data. Some longitudinal data with follow-up of more than five years and a model trial validation exercise (based on follow-up at 4–7 years) suggest that the incidence of CIN3+ may be higher in women who were negative for HPV mRNA compared with those who were negative for HPV DNA. There also do not appear to be other reasons related to feasibility or resources in favour of selecting HPV mRNA testing rather than HPV DNA testing.

The evidence available did not include women living with HIV, and data from the general population of women was not applicable to that population. Therefore, no recommendation was made for women living with HIV.

© World Health Organization 2021.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK576605


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