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Anthrax in Humans and Animals. 4th edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2008.

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Anthrax in Humans and Animals. 4th edition.

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7Treatment and prophylaxis

7.1. Overview

7.1.1. Background

In a review of treatment in the early days of antibiotics half a century ago, Herman Gold (1955) wrote: “penicillin and the broad spectrum antibiotics … have simplified the management of anthrax so that one can safely say that, in man, this disease has lost its serious connotations”. Since that time, it has become well established that prompt and timely antibiotic therapy usually results in dramatic recovery of the individual or animal infected with anthrax. Any fresh isolate of B. anthracis from naturally acquired cases of anthrax in animals or humans can be assumed to have a very high probability of being sensitive to penicillin and, being cheap and readily available almost everywhere, this remains the basis of treatment schedules in animals and in humans in developing countries.

The organism is also sensitive to numerous other broad-spectrum antibiotics. Should the use of penicillin be contraindicated, a wide range of alternative choices exist from among the aminoglycosides, macrolides, quinolones and tetracyclines. Chloramphenicol has been stated to be a satisfactory alternative and shows in vitro sensitivity but, in early experimental studies, Lincoln et al. (1964) found that it was not effective in mice or monkeys. Vancomycin, clindamycin, clarithromycin, rifampin, levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, imipenem, cefazolin and linezolid have, in papers published after the anthrax letter events, been named as meriting consideration on the basis of in vitro sensitivities (Editorial Note, 2001a; Inglesby et al., 2002; Sejvar et al., 2005). Published MICs (minimum inhibitory concentrations) are available for some of these (Table 4).

TABLE 4. Comparison of reports on MICs for B. anthracis.


Comparison of reports on MICs for B. anthracis.

As discussed in section 5.5, the basis of death in anthrax is the toxin. This was first demonstrated conclusively by Smith & Keppie (1954) when they showed that, if bacteraemia in experimentally infected animals was cleared with streptomycin after a certain critical stage of the infection, the animals still died. The importance of early administration of antibiotics still needs to be stressed; administered too late, they may clear the infection but still fail to save the patient or animal.

7.1.2. β-lactamases and “penicillin resistance”

The ability of B. anthracis to elaborate penicillinase was recognized over half a century ago (Barnes, 1947b; Turnbull et al., 2004a). Inducible β-lactamase production in a number of strains was demonstrated by Lightfoot et al. (1990) following exposure to a subinhibitory level of flucloxacillin. Induction of β-lactamase was again noted in relation to the anthrax letter events in the USA, leading to published statements that penicillins are not recommended for treatment of anthrax (Anon., 2001a, 2001c; Editorial Note, 2001a), “particularly if the number of organisms present is high, as appears typical with inhalational disease” (Bell et al., 2002). A second reason given for concerns about the use of penicillin was the poor penetration of β-lactams into macrophages, the site where B. anthracis spores germinate (Bell et al., 2002).

In reality, reports of naturally-occurring resistance to penicillin among fresh patient or animal isolates are exceedingly rare and, again reviewed by Turnbull et al. (2004a), appear to number just 5 cases, not all of which were well substantiated with further studies. The proportion (11.5%) of penicillin-resistant isolates of B. anthracis recorded by Cavallo et al. (2002) in their series is surprisingly high, but the culture histories are not given, apart from the information that 67 (70%) were isolated from environmental sources. It is possible that some of the isolates were related to each other and that this may account for this high percentage. The report highlights the problem discussed by Turnbull et al. (2004a) of defining precisely what is meant by “strain” when it comes to B. anthracis, and how one knows for certain that two cultures are unrelated. This becomes relevant when concluding that a particular proportion of a set of B. anthracis cultures are resistant to penicillin. It is also not known if the dependence on culture collection strains for these types of analysis adversely affects the proportions of resistant strains recorded. There was some discrepancy between the results of Turnbull et al. (2004a) and those of Coker et al. (2002) on the same strains; Turnbull et al. did not observe penicillin resistance in two of the three strains constituting Coker et al.’s 12% resistant strains, all culture collection strains.

It is important that penicillin should be judged by its performance in the field, and faith in it should not be lost on the basis of surmise and remote laboratory experiments. It has withstood the test of time as the first choice of treatment in those parts of the world where anthrax is or has been common, and being cheap and readily available almost everywhere, it needs to remain the recommended antibiotic in both animals and humans, at least in developing countries (Tasyaran & Erol, 2002). Probably the fundamental principle is that adequate doses should be administered when penicillin is being used for treatment (see also section It is reasonable to add a second drug in cases showing signs of systemic involvement (Tasyaran & Erol, 2002). This is treated more extensively in section

With the recent completion of sequencing of the B. anthracis genome, it has become apparent that the gene for penicillinase is an example of a significant number of genes shared with close relative B. cereus which, though present, have become inactivated in recent evolutionary history and are not normally expressed (see section 6.4.1). The genes for the second β-lactamase, a cephalosporinase, are expressed by virtually all B. anthracis strains, inactivating second- and third-generation cephalosporins. Chen et al. (2003) noted that functional β-lactamases were encoded but that gene expression was usually not sufficient to confer resistance to β-lactam agents. The underlying genetic basis of β-lactamase expression in B. anthracis is being elucidated further (Chen et al., 2004).

7.1.3. Supportive care

In pulmonary or gastrointestinal anthrax or cutaneous disease with systemic signs, symptomatic treatment in an intensive care unit in addition to antibiotic therapy may save the patient’s life. The availability of supportive care, including mechanical ventilatory support, probably enhanced the survival rate in the 2001 anthrax letter cases (see also section As covered in section, the value of corticosteroids is debatable. The possible value of immune therapy is discussed in sections 7.3.4 and

7.1.4. Vaccines

Anthrax in its natural state being primarily a disease of herbivorous animals (section 1.1), its control in both animals and humans depends to a very great extent on its prevention in livestock (principally cattle, sheep, goats and horses), good hygienic practices when an animal dies of anthrax and antibiotic treatment when a case occurs, at least in a human. Livestock anthrax vaccines are available in almost all countries that experience outbreaks or sporadic cases on an annual basis. These are comprised of live spores of attenuated strains (Annex 5).

Analogous live spore vaccines are produced for human use in China and in the Russian Federation. Cell-free vaccines containing anthrax protective antigen are produced and licensed for human use in the United Kingdom and the USA. Fundamentally, these vaccines are targeted at persons in occupations with a high risk of exposure to the disease. In former years, these were workers in factories that processed hides, bones, wool, hair and other materials of animal origin imported from endemic regions of the world, and vaccination was associated with a major reduction of anthrax in such individuals (Turnbull, 2000). There has been a notable shift in recent years to the administration of these vaccines to personnel in occupations related to defence. Their availability has become correspondingly more restricted.

7.2. Response to outbreaks in animals

7.2.1. General principles and approaches Early treatment for animals

Following the first incident of anthrax in a herd, the remaining animals should be moved immediately from the field or area where the index case died, and regularly checked at least three times a day for two weeks for signs of illness (rapid breathing, elevated body temperature), or of submandibular or other oedema. Any animal showing these signs should be separated from the herd and given immediate treatment. Where such close observation and individual animal handling is difficult or not possible or likely to be stressful, the whole herd should be treated with long-acting antibiotic that provides at least 72-hours cover.

Clinical experience has frequently demonstrated that animals, especially cattle, will respond favourably to treatment even though apparently in the terminal stages of anthrax. Even if they go on to die (death in anthrax results from the effect of the toxin – section 7.1.1), the infecting load of B. anthracis will have been greatly reduced, if not entirely eliminated, thereby significantly reducing the chance of subsequent transmission from the carcass to other animals.

In certain countries, antibiotic treatment is not permitted and slaughter policies are in place (section Vaccination for animals

In endemic areas, or if there is concern that the outbreak may spread, the herd should be vaccinated (section 8.7). Further anthrax deaths can be expected to cease within 8 to 14 days of vaccination.

Decontamination of the site(s) where the index case or other case(s) died should be carried out (see section 8.3 and Annex 3). Subject to local regulations giving different instructions, herd quarantine can be lifted 21 days after the last death (see Annex 4).

Where animals are scheduled to be moved for local or international livestock and meat trade purposes, it is important to check whether there are local advisories in place specifying a withholding period following vaccination before which animals may be moved to other premises, or sent to slaughter. OIE standards are given in Annex 4.

More information on animal vaccines is given in section 8.6.2 and in Annex 5, section 2. Treatment and vaccination in animals

Where the response to an outbreak consists of treatment first, followed by vaccination, it should be remembered that, in those animals that are treated, a suitable period of time should be allowed between the end of treatment and the start of vaccination, otherwise the treatment will prevent the live vaccine taking effect. The precise time lapse will depend on the antibiotic used but, in the absence of specific studies on the minimum withdrawal times before the vaccine can be administered, 8–12 days would appear logical for long-acting antibiotics. It should also not be forgotten that if the livestock are consuming feedstuffs containing antibiotics, or are being individually treated (e.g. intramammary antibiotics for mastitis), this is likely to render the vaccine ineffective (Lee et al., 1961; Webster, 1973).

Long intervals between outbreaks in a given area despite a lack of vaccination programmes are a notable feature in animal anthrax epidemiology (Fox et al., 1973, 1977). As implied in section, treatment alone can halt an outbreak and further cases may not occur on cessation of treatment.

7.2.2. Specific procedures Antimicrobial therapy in animals

The recommended procedure for treating animals showing clinical illness in which anthrax is thought to be the likely or possible cause is immediate intravenous administration of sodium benzylpenicillin as directed by the manufacturer’s instructions (usually in the range 12 000–22 000 units per kg of body weight) followed 6–8 hours later by intramuscular injection of long-acting benethamine penicillin (manufacturers’ instructions usually recommend a dose within the range of 6000–12 000 units per kg of body weight) or other appropriate preparation such as Clamoxyl® (15 mg/kg), a long–acting preparation of amoxycillin. If long-acting preparations are unavailable, procaine penicillin (the dose recommended by manufacturers is usually 6000–12 000 units/kg) can be used for intramuscular injection, but should be administered again after 24 and 48 hours.

Streptomycin acts synergically with penicillin (Lincoln et al., 1964) and penicillin/streptomycin mixtures are available commercially. Recommended doses of streptomycin to be administered together with penicillin intramuscularly are 5–10 mg per kg body weight in large animals and 25–100 mg per kg body weight in small animals.

Lincoln et al. (1964) noted in studies with rhesus monkeys that, for penicillin, the route of administration was important, with intramuscular injection being more effective than intravenous.

Veterinary experience in the United Kingdom is that, in contrast to advice frequently found in textbooks, treatment with tetracyclines may not be fully effective (Taylor, personal communication, 1997).

Attention should be paid to manufacturers’ recommendations regarding precautions and limitations of use of their antibiotics, including aspects relating to withdrawal periods after use in food animals.

Cost and availability are likely to be major considerations in the choice of treatment. For example, combined penicillin and streptomycin treatment can be expected to cost twice as much as penicillin alone. Supportive therapy for animals

Symptomatic treatment may also be useful, and a range of possible agents is available. Supportive therapy with an agent such as flunixin (an analgesic with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti- endotoxic properties) may be advantageous although it will add significantly to the cost of the therapy. As with steroids (section, it is, with current understanding of the pathogenesis of anthrax, difficult to see a scientific basis for efficacy with this type of therapeutic agent. Hyperimmune serum therapy for animals

Hyperimmune serum has been used in the past for treating anthrax cases (Sterne, 1959) and it was generally considered that homologous sera (e.g. serum prepared in cattle for bovine use, etc.) were more effective than heterologous sera, although in rabbits equine antisera were twice as effective as bovine antisera (Spears, 1955). In Spears’s experiments, substantially increased time to death was a notable feature in animals that were not fully protected, indicating that serum therapy could only be regarded as supportive rather than a stand-alone action. This appeared to be understood in 1935 (Gochenour et al., 1935) when it was found that antiserum in combination with spore vaccine was more effective over time than antiserum alone.

Serum treatment of livestock is still practised in the Russian Federation at a rate of approximately 5 cases a year (Cherkasskiy, personal communication, 2002). The antiserum is produced in horses hyper-immunized with vaccine strain 55-VNIIVVM (see Annex 5, section 4.1). As far as could be ascertained, antiserum for this purpose is not produced or routinely used elsewhere for therapy against anthrax in animals.

The protective effect of immune serum administered therapeutically was demonstrated in monkeys (Henderson et al., 1956; Lincoln et al., 1964). These were challenged by the inhalation route and, in Henderson et al.’s experiments, once the effects of the immune serum wore off at about 20 days, the animals began to die of anthrax from continued uptake into the lymphatics of spores that still remained in the lungs. The possibility of relapse after the effect of this therapy has worn off was thereby illustrated. Lincoln et al. (1964), anticipating this outcome, administered the forerunner to the United States and United Kingdom human vaccines on day 8 and had no deaths. Lincoln et al. also found that intramuscular and intravenous administration of antiserum were equally effective. Countries prohibiting treatment in livestock

It should be noted that treatment of animals is forbidden in some countries. Veterinary requirements in these countries are that, in a herd that has experienced a case of anthrax, other animals showing signs of illness must be killed without spilling of blood or exsanguinations, and the unopened carcass must be disposed of appropriately (section 8.3.2). It is understood that certain countries require the slaughter of the entire herd following a case of anthrax; this draconian approach is unnecessary and wasteful. Anthrax is not a chronic infection; if treated, animals will certainly recover. Killing sick animals instead of treating them is costly and alienates owners, even if compensated, and may leave them unwilling to report illness in their animals in the future. This is counterproductive. Therapy in wildlife

While the use of antibiotics for controlling anthrax in wildlife is, generally speaking, unlikely to be feasible, it has reportedly been done with success in an outbreak in the United Republic of Tanzania where a single treatment of roan, sable antelope and kudu, 50 animals in total, by direct darting, appeared to arrest an outbreak (Jiwa, personal communication, 1995). In September 2002, a number of lions in the Etosha National Park (Namibia) were observed with severely swollen heads. Anthrax was confirmed in two of these but a third was captured and treated with a single dose of 15 ml (2250 mg) of procain benzylpenicillin (long acting) and lived (Jago, personal communication, 2006). The second lion that died was the mother of two cubs and was lactating heavily. The cubs were apparently healthy.

7.3. Treatment of humans

7.3.1. Developing countries, naturally acquired anthrax Mild uncomplicated cases

Penicillin G is still the drug of choice in the therapy of naturally-occurring anthrax in most parts of the world. In mild uncomplicated cases of cutaneous anthrax, the treatment usually recommended is intramuscular procaine penicillin, 500 to 600 mg (800 000 to 1 million units) every 12–24 hours for 3–7 days (procaine penicillin is frequently marketed in vials containing 800 000 units in developing countries). Intravenous antibiotic therapy is not recommended in mild cases. If the patient rejects intramuscular injection, penicillin V (500 mg taken orally every 6 hours) or amoxicillin (500 mg orally every 8 hours for 3–7 days) are acceptable alternatives. Cutaneous lesions usually become sterile within the first 24 hours of such regimens and the accompanying oedema usually subsides within 24 to 48 hours but, although early treatment will limit the size of the lesion, it will not alter the evolutionary stages it must go through (Gold, 1955; Kobuch et al., 1990). Severe or potentially life-threatening cases

In patients exhibiting signs of systemic involvement, such as with inhalational or gastrointestinal anthrax, meningoencephalitis, sepsis, or cutaneous anthrax with extensive oedema, antibiotics should be given intravenously. Penicillin G is generally the first choice, 2400 mg (4 million units) every 4–6 hours by infusion (total daily dose should be 20–24 million units) until the patient’s symptoms resolve with the temperature returning to normal. At this point consideration may be given to switching to the intramuscular procaine penicillin regimen described in section Also in severe cases, penicillin or another chosen antibiotic, e.g., ciprofloxacin, may be combined with another appropriate agent, preferably one that penetrates well to the central nervous system (CNS) (see also section Penicillin G may be combined with clindamycin or clarithromycin in treating inhalational anthrax, or with an aminoglycoside (streptomycin is suggested) in gastrointestinal anthrax. The synergistic action of streptomycin when combined with penicillin has already been noted in relation to treatment of animals (section In the USA, the most up-to-date recommendation for anthrax meningoencephalitis (Sejvar et al., 2005) is a fluoroquinolone (levofloxacin has also been shown to be effective in an animal model – Deziel et al., 2005) with two additional agents that penetrate well to the CSF (see section

Use of more than one antibiotic is discussed further in section Suggested doses are given in Table 5. As a general principle, in life-threatening infection with B. anthracis, low doses of antibiotics should not be used.

TABLE 5. Suggested antibiotic administration regimens for anthrax.


Suggested antibiotic administration regimens for anthrax.

General measures for treatment of shock may be life-saving since death is caused, at least in part, by toxin-induced shock. Intubation, tracheotomy or ventilatory support may be required in the event of respiratory problems, for example in cases where compression on the neck from oedema is leading to danger of tracheal obstruction; once oedema is extensive it can be difficult to find the trachea at operation. Vasomotor support may be called for when there is haemodynamic instability. If administration of the appropriate volume of intravenous fluid fails to raise the systolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg, a vasoactive drug such as dopamine or dobutamine can be given. Primary haematological, renal or liver function disorders are not generally seen. Therapy in children

Penicillin is again the antibiotic of choice for treatment of anthrax in children. Generally the approach taken at least in Africa has been to give half-adult doses to children of less than 10 years of age (Martin, 1975; Turnbull, personal observations).

In mild uncomplicated paediatric cases of cutaneous anthrax, penicillin V should be given by the oral route at a dosage of 25–50 mg/kg/day in 3–4 doses, or amoxicillin according to the following formulae:

  • weight > 20 kg, 500 mg orally every 8 hours for 3–7 days;
  • weight < 20 kg, 40 mg/kg orally every 8 hours or intramuscular procaine penicillin (25 000 to 50 000 units/kg/day divided into 1–2 doses) for 3–7 days.

In severe or life-threatening cases, penicillin G should be administered intravenously in a dose of 300 000 to 400 000 units/kg/day for systemic anthrax and for cutaneous anthrax if (i) there are signs of systemic toxicity, (ii) the lesion(s) is/are located on the head and neck, and (iii) extensive oedema is present. As with adults (section, consideration should be given to combining the penicillin with rifampicin or vancomycin (Sejvar et al., 2005). Penicillin combined with streptomycin may be given in gastrointestinal anthrax, and penicillin combined with clindamycin or clarithromycin may be given in inhalation anthrax. Suggested doses are given in Table 5. As with severe cases in adults, once the patient’s temperature returns to normal, consideration may be given to switching to the regimen described for mild cases.

According to Sejvar et al. (2005), in view of the recognized potential of ciprofloxacin to cause arthropathy in children, the United States Working Group on Civilian Biodefense has recommended the use of ciprofloxacin in anthrax-related emergencies in children owing to the severity of the disease.

See section for a discussion of alternatives to penicillin and section for a discussion of postexposure prophylaxis. Adequate doses of penicillin

The possibility that subinhibitory concentrations of penicillins may induce β-lactamase and the importance of using adequate doses of penicillin when this is chosen for treatment is covered in section 7.1.2. This needs to be appreciated in developing country situations, where there may be a temptation to economize. Duration of treatment

The appropriate duration of treatment is a subject for debate. B. anthracis cannot be isolated from cutaneous lesions 24–48 hours after commencement of antibiotic therapy (Ellingson et al., 1946) and Kobuch et al. (1990) could see no advantage to continuing treatment of cutaneous anthrax beyond 4 days. A report from Ethiopia (Martin, 1975) records that 100 patients with cutaneous anthrax were treated with a single intramuscular dose of procaine penicillin, 600 000 units, and 99 of these were sent home with the invitation to return if complications occurred. Only 5 returned on account of further developments. Continuation of treatment for 7–14 days or longer has become standard, but frequently it is not appreciated that the lesions, or other toxin-related systemic damage, will continue to progress through their cycles of development and resolution regardless of the elimination of the infecting B. anthracis. Excessive antibiotic treatment may be wasteful and counterproductive, possibly giving rise to adverse side-effects. Supportive therapy becomes more important after the first few days. For guidance, it is suggested that the duration of antibiotic therapy in uncomplicated cutaneous anthrax be 3–7 days but, in the absence of clinical experience with short-course antibiotic therapy in systemic anthrax, therapy in cases of systemic anthrax should be continued for 10–14 days.

The same reasoning applies to treatment of alimentary tract cases; after the first 24 to 72 hours of antibiotic treatment, which can be expected to have eliminated viable anthrax bacilli, patient survival becomes dependent on supportive therapy while systemic damage caused by the toxin is overcome.

The topic of postexposure prophylaxis following substantial aerosol exposure in deliberate release events is covered in section Use of more than one antibiotic

The concept of using two antibiotics is not a new one. Forty years ago, Lincoln et al. (1964), following animal studies showing that penicillin together with streptomycin was more effective than either antibiotic alone, recommended that streptomycin should be administered together with penicillin in the treatment of septicaemic anthrax.

Recently, in the aftermath of the anthrax letter events in the USA in 2001, it was felt that the use of more than one antibiotic may have been life-saving in the 6 of 11 individuals who survived inhalational anthrax infection (Inglesby et al., 2002; Jernigan, 2001) and, while acknowledging that controlled studies to support a multidrug approach are not available, multidrug regimens were recommended for cases with signs of systemic involvement. As stated in section 7.1.2, it is certainly reasonable to add a second drug in cases showing signs of systemic involvement, utilizing two antibiotics to which B. anthracis is typically sensitive initially, with at least one of these able to penetrate well to the CNS. It may be appropriate to revert to one drug when progression of symptoms ceases, temperature returns to normal and the sensitivity profiles of any isolate have been established. Suggested antibiotic combinations for severe or life-threatening anthrax infections are given in section Alternatives to penicillin

In the event of allergy to penicillin, effective alternatives that are likely to be available in developing countries are tetracyclines and erythromycin (see also section 7.1.1). If ciprofloxacin or doxycycline are available, these are now accepted as best alternatives, although it needs to be remembered that doxycycline penetrates poorly to the CNS (see section For uncomplicated cases, suggested doses are given in Table 5.

In severe, potentially life-threatening cases, ciprofloxacin or doxycycline (also see section should be given intravenously, preferably together with another antibiotic having good CNS penetrability (see section until the patient’s clinical condition permits switching to oral therapy. For adults, the recommended dose of intravenous ciprofloxacin is 400 mg every 12 hours and the recommended intravenous dose for doxycycline is 100 mg every 12 hours. The intravenous form of doxycycline is not available in some developing countries.

Ciprofloxacin and doxycycline are normally considered not ideal for children owing to their potential side-effects. Doxycycline is generally not recommended for use in children < 8 years old, owing to staining of teeth and the inhibition of bone growth associated with tetracyclines, and ciprofloxacin has been shown to cause cartilage toxicity in immature animals. However, as discussed in section, ciprofloxacin is recommended in anthrax-related emergencies in children owing to the severity of the disease.

The topic of prolonged postexposure prophylaxis for children following substantial aerosol exposure in a deliberate release event is covered in section Pregnancy

There are few reports of anthrax during pregnancy both in humans and animals. Kadanali et al. (2003) found only four human cases reported in the literature; three of these occurred before the availability of antibiotics and all three patients died. The fourth patient, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, went into labour within 48 hours after the appearance of the lesion; she died shortly after admission to hospital from massive oedema of head and neck, which interfered with her breathing. The neonate had no evidence of congenital infection and lived.

All the reports and Kadanali et al.’s own two (cutaneous anthrax) cases were in the last trimester of pregnancy. Kadanali et al. considered it advisable to use penicillin instead of more fetotoxic drugs, such as ciprofloxacin. Treatment was successful in both mothers, though both delivered preterm babies; neither of these showed any evidence of congenital infection. The authors concluded that anthrax during pregnancy could be successfully managed with penicillin, but preterm delivery could be a complication.

Sejvar et al. (2005) support the use of penicillin G (in combination with rifampicin or vancomycin) to treat naturally-occurring anthrax meningitis in pregnant women in endemic countries. As with children (section, while recognizing that ciprofloxacin has the potential to cause arthropathy in children, owing to the severity of anthrax meningitis, they state that ciprofloxacin should still be considered for pregnant women under such circumstances.

Published recommendations from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) following the anthrax letter events were generally careful to specify that the recommendations were for postexposure prophylaxis for prevention of inhalational anthrax after exposure to intentionally released anthrax spores, and specified the same regimen of ciprofloxacin or doxycycline for pregnant women under such circumstances as for non-pregnant ones (Anon., 2001c). For cutaneous anthrax, Carucci et al. (2002) similarly recommend the same doses of ciprofloxacin or doxycycline for pregnant and non-pregnant women, adding that ciprofloxacin is favoured over doxycycline. Carucci et al. do not state that this is related to bioterrorism, but their recommendation that duration of treatment should be 60 days indicates that it was.

Further discussion of prolonged postexposure prophylaxis for pregnant women and nursing mothers following substantial aerosol exposure in a deliberate release event is given in section Treatment of anthrax meningoencephalitis

Anthrax meningoencephalitis is a life-threatening infection, and mortality is very high. Currently, the first-choice treatment is penicillin G or a fluoroquinolone combined with rifampicin. These have the dual benefits of effective activity against B. anthracis and rapid penetration into the CSF. The intravenous form of rifampicin is not yet available in some developing countries. Another choice would be penicillin G or a fluoroquinolone in combination with vancomycin, but vancomycin is costly. For patients allergic to penicillin, a combination of a fluoroquinolone with two additional agents that penetrate well to the CSF, such as a β-lactam (penicillin, ampicillin or meropenem), rifampicin or vancomycin is recommended (Sejvar et al., 2005). A regime of vancomycin, 1 g intravenously every 12 hours, combined with rifampicin (600–1200 mg/day) for 10–14 days is another alternative.

Lessons from the few recorded instances of survival in cases of anthrax meningoencephalitis suggest that the doses of penicillin G should be 20–24 million units/day divided for intravenous administration every 2–4 hours, and a daily dose of rifampicin, 600–1200 mg/day (intravenous administration is suggested but it may also be given via an enteral tube).

The suggestion given in the third edition of these guidelines (1998) that penicillin may be replaced by chloramphenicol for patients who are hypersensitive to penicillin has now been withdrawn. Chloramphenicol has been stated to be a satisfactory alternative but, in early experimental studies, Lincoln et al. (1964) found that chloramphenicol was not effective in mice or monkeys. It is bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal against B. anthracis, and some strains may be resistant to it (Athamna et al., 2004). Furthermore, chloramphenicol has the potential for serious side-effects on bone marrow. In vivo data regarding its effectiveness in the treatment of severe anthrax infections is lacking, and there is a wide availability of more effective alternatives (Sejvar et al., 2005).

Doxycycline should not be used if meningitis is suspected because of its lack of adequate central nervous system penetration (Bell et al., 2002; Sejvar et al., 2005).

It should be stressed that the therapy failure rate is very high in cases of anthrax meningoencephalitis; in 47 cases covered by four reports (Levy et al., 1981; George et al., 1994; Lalitha et al., 1996; Kanungo et al., 2002), there were only two survivors. Delayed suspicion of the true cause of illness, with initial diagnoses ranging from cerebral malaria to subarachnoid haemorrhage, was considered by Kanungo et al. to be responsible in part for the high treatment failure rate.

Supportive therapy is very important in anthrax meningoencephalitis; respiratory support and anti-oedema therapy for the brain may be required. Essential supportive therapy includes the early institution of assisted respiration, fluid and electrolyte supplement and anticerebral oedema measures, such as 100 ml of 20% mannitol intravenously every 8 hours and hydrocortisone, 100 mg every 6 hours. Dexamethasone is generally suggested.

Useful references concerning anthrax meningoencephalitis are given in section 4.4.5. Immuno- or otherwise compromised individuals

Although written with the deliberate release event in mind, recommended therapy for the immunocompromised individual was the same as that for immunocompetent persons in Anon. (2001c) and Carucci et al. (2002). Special consideration may be needed for patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency. Corticosteroids

The swelling seen in an anthrax infection is caused by the action of oedema toxin, and inflammation is fairly minimal. As discussed in section 5.5.3, the EF component of the toxin is anti-inflammatory in nature. Theoretically, therefore, steroids should be of little value. In practice, some reports indicate that these have been administered with evidence of benefit, but others (Kobuch et al., 1990) have concluded that they were ineffective, discontinuing their use. In experimental studies on therapy in rhesus monkeys, Lincoln et al. (1964) concluded that hydrocortisone did not have a statistically significant effect on survival. In section, hydrocortisone is suggested as part of supportive treatment in the event of the very dangerous meningoencephalitic complication. In such situations, it is reasonable to give corticosteroids the benefit of the doubt on the basis that any help they may offer is welcome. Surgery in gastrointestinal anthrax

It should be pointed out that some value a surgical approach to management of advanced intestinal anthrax (Binkley et al., 2002; Kanafani et al., 2003). Kanafani et al. propose that the management of cases of gastrointestinal anthrax should consist of:

  • initiation of intensive intravenous antibiotic therapy as soon as diagnosis is made;
  • in patients not improving with medical therapy, wide resection into seemingly healthy tissue with primary anastomosis;
  • continuous drainage of the ascites, as fluid will continue to accumulate for several days after surgery;
  • aggressive replacement of protein and electrolyte losses.

7.3.2. Treatment in high-economy (developed) countries Reaction to bioterrorism

Fear resulting from increasing numbers of anthrax hoaxes, especially in the USA, and then the 2001 anthrax letter events, also in the USA, have led to recommended treatment schedules that would frequently not be possible in developing countries.

Postexposure prophylaxis

Normal adults. Fundamentally, these schedules involve prolonged treatment (duration up to 60 days) with ciprofloxacin or doxycycline for “postexposure prophylaxis” where exposure to aerosolized anthrax spores is known to have, or suspected of having occurred (Bell et al., 2002). This is based on the understanding of the possible persistence of inhaled spores in the lungs resulting from demonstrations that anthrax spores may remain lodged for many weeks in the lungs of monkeys exposed by the aerosol route and kept on antibiotics, and that the animals succumb to the disease once the antibiotic treatment is stopped (Henderson et al., 1956; Friedlander et al., 1993). It became accepted wisdom that, in cases where known or suspected inhalation of anthrax spores had taken place, especially if this was likely to have been substantial, simultaneous administration of vaccine and antibiotic treatment should be considered, with the treatment continued for about 6 weeks to allow for development of adequate vaccine-induced immunity.

At the time of the 2001 anthrax letter events in the USA, the situation was complicated by lack of availability of vaccine, but as this became available, potentially exposed persons were offered extended antibiotic treatment with or without three doses of anthrax vaccine through an investigational new drug (IND) protocol (Shepard et al., 2002). In theory, it remains logical to consider simultaneous administration of a non-live vaccine and antimicrobial therapy where there is strong evidence that inhalation of substantial numbers of anthrax spores has taken place, with the antibiotic treatment being continued for about 6 weeks to allow for development of adequate vaccine-induced immunity. In practice, these vaccines are only available on a restricted basis in the United Kingdom and the United States (see section 7.1.4 and Annex 5, section 3).

The approach would have to be somewhat different in the case of the live human vaccines in China and the Russian Federation (Pomerantsev et al., 1996; Stepanov, Mikshis & Bolotnikova, 1996). The situation here is analogous to the livestock vaccine (see section

In the USA, in response to biopreparedness initiatives, ciprofloxacin and doxycycline were approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 and 2001, respectively, for use in antimicrobial prophy laxis against anthrax (Shepard et al., 2002).

Children, nursing mothers, pregnancy. This subsection should be read in conjunction with sections,, and

Initially following the anthrax letter events of 2001 in the USA, the recommendation made (Anon., 2001c) was that, for infants and children (age not clearly defined), amoxicillin may be used for the 60-day prophylaxis proposed in the event of inhalation of spores following a deliberate release incident, when the incriminated B. anthracis was determined to be susceptible to penicillin, but that initial treatment of infants and children with inhalational or systemic anthrax should consist of intravenous ciprofloxacin or doxycycline plus one or two additional antimicrobial agents. Subsequently, because of safety concerns in relation to ciprofloxacin and doxy cycline (see section, amoxicillin (in three daily doses) was to be offered to children and nursing mothers for postexposure prophylaxis, although this was not an FDA-approved protocol (Bell et al., 2002; Shepard et al., 2002).

After the anthrax letter events, the Committee on Obstetric Practice of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued an opinion paper on the management of (asymptomatic) pregnant or lactating women who had been exposed to anthrax spores (ACOG, 2002). Confining treatment to those for whom a high risk of exposure had been confirmed, prophylaxis would be 500 mg of ciprofloxacin every 12 hours for 60 days. Women taking ciprofloxacin when they discover they are pregnant should continue the course for 60 days, but once the bacteria are confirmed as penicillin-sensitive, the patient should be switched to amoxicillin, 500 mg orally every 8 hours for 60 days. Doxycycline should be used in the event of allergy to penicillin and ciprofloxacin, although penicillin desensitization should be considered.

Adherence and adverse events with prolonged therapy

Adherence rates and records of adverse events in prolonged antibiotic therapy have now been analysed (Jefferds et al., 2002; Shepard et al., 2002; Williams et al., 2002).

More than 2000 workers in the Washington D.C. Processing and Distribution Center of the United States Postal Service were advised to complete 60 days of postexposure prophylaxis following the anthrax letter events. Of 245 workers surveyed, 98 (40%) reported full adherence, 45 (18%) discontinued and never restarted, and 102 (42%) were classified as intermediate (Jefferds et al., 2002). Adverse effects and concern over possible long-term adverse effects were cited as major influencing factors for discontinuing prophylaxis. It proved impossible, however, to distinguish the effects of stress from adverse effects of the antibiotics in many cases. Adherence was heavily dependent on frequent visits by public health staff.

In a survey of 100 individuals from a similar group of 1122 potentially exposed persons in Connecticut offered long-term antibiotic prophylaxis, 94 acquired antibiotics but only 68 actually started taking them; of these 21 discontinued early (Williams et al., 2002). As a result of the literature on treatment associated with the anthrax letter events, 85 individuals who came into contact with infected carcasses during the large wildlife outbreak in the Malilangwe Trust area (Zimbabwe) in August to November 2004, were put on what at the outset was to be a 60-day course of doxycycline. This was discontinued after 2 weeks in all but those who were exposed on a daily basis to infected carcasses; they continued to take it for approximately 35 days. A few of these individuals suffered side-effects which included moderate to severe sunburn depending on fairness of skin, and three persons suffered blackening and lifting of nails exposed to the sun, as well as loss of appetite; administration of the antibiotic was discontinued in these persons (Clegg et al., 2006b).

On a broader basis, Shepard et al. (2002) recorded the overall adherence as “poor” (44%), ranging from 21% of persons regarded as potentially exposed in the New York Morgan postal facility to 64% in the Washington Brentwood facility. A total of approximately 10 000 persons across the eastern USA were offered > 60 days of postexposure antimicrobial prophylaxis. The rate of serious adverse effects was low, with no deaths, although mild adverse events that did not fulfil criteria as serious were common. Some of these were attributed to above-average symptom awareness and anxiety.

None of these papers made recommendations for the future, nor was simultaneous vaccination discussed. Treatment for naturally acquired anthrax in high-economy countries

The issue of treatment of occasional cases of naturally acquired anthrax that still occur periodically in developed countries has not been raised in the vast amount of recent literature resulting from the bioterrorist threats and events of recent years. Unless there is reason to believe that the infection represents possible exposure to substantial numbers of inhaled spores, it is suggested that simple regimens of limited duration be adhered to, but possibly utilizing two antibiotics to which B. anthracis is typically sensitive initially, reverting to one when progression of oedema ceases in the case of uncomplicated cutaneous anthrax, or when the temperature has returned to normal in systemic cases, and the sensitivity profiles of any isolate have been established (sections, Antibiotic prophylaxis in natural anthrax scenarios

Prolonged antibiotic prophylaxis is only a recommendation for persons known to have been, or strongly suspected of having been, exposed to very substantial doses of aerosolized spores in a deliberate release scenario. Antibiotics should not be administered in that way for other situations. Antibiotics should only be used for treatment, not prophylaxis, unless there is a real danger of a very substantial exposure having taken place. This is almost certainly not the case in any natural exposure scenario (as opposed to a human-made situation). Where sufficient fear of a substantial exposure in a natural situation exists (e.g. consumption of meat from a poorly cooked anthrax carcass), antibiotic prophylaxis may be considered but should only be of ± 10 day duration. In other suspected natural exposure situations, the relevant medical personnel should be notified, and the individual(s) concerned should report to them immediately for treatment should a spot/pimple/boil-like lesion develop, especially on exposed areas, or flulike symptoms appear.

Where possible exposure is anticipated, but has not yet happened (e.g. preparing to dispose of carcasses in an outbreak), use of proper personal protection methods (Annex 1, section 7.1.2) is the correct approach, not antibiotic prophylaxis. Again, however, the persons concerned should consult their medical practitioner without delay should any unusual lesion or flulike illness develop within 3 or 4 weeks of the exposure.

7.3.3. Vaccination for humans

See sections 7.1.4, 8.6.3, and Annex 5, section 3.

7.3.4. Immunotherapy (hyperimmune serum therapy)

The use of serum therapy for treatment of anthrax predates by several decades the realization that death was caused by toxin action. In 1930, Eurich & Hewlett wrote that “as regards malignant pustule, serum treatment is now the method of choice, taking the place of excision”.

A couple of anecdotes concerning Professor Eurich that appeared in the Sunday Telegraph (United Kingdom) in June 1992 may be of interest. The first states: “Professor F.W. Eurich, a German immigrant, settled in Bradford and devoted much of his life to seeking a cure for anthrax, or woolsorter’s disease, so prevalent in the city at the turn of the century. ... He liked to recall how at Heidelberg he had watched one student challenge another to a duel at dinner with the accusation: you have been staring at my sausage”. In another, a letter, Mrs E.G. Croisdale, Hereford, United Kingdom, wrote: “My late father, J.W. Hillas, was one of Professor Eurich’s patients to be cured of anthrax in the early years of this century. … My father owed his life to Professor Eurich ... thus I owe my life to this great man”.

At the time Eurich was working, antisera were developed in asses, sheep and oxen (horses are not named) and standardized by a protection test in rats. Doses and routes varied from 30–40 ml daily by the subcutaneous route, or occasionally intravenously, to single intravenous doses of 100 ml. Efficacies were widely acclaimed. Gold (1955) refers to treatment (apparently in the 1930s) of 21 cases with “an optimum dose [of anti-anthrax serum] that varied from 250 to > 1000 ml given intravenously. This therapy, although effective, resulted in prolonged morbidity from the severe horse sensitivity reactions that ensued”. According to Lincoln et al. (1964), “the cures effected by antiserum alone in the 1920s and 1930s appear to be more numerous than those following use of modern antibiotics in the 1940s and 1950s”. In the former Soviet Union, recommendations on treatment of any type of anthrax infection put primary emphasis on use of antiserum (Shlyakov, 1957, cited by Klein et al., 1962). Klein et al. (1962) appreciated that the role of antiserum was to neutralize the toxin. Lincoln et al. (1964) were demonstrating the greater efficacy of a combination of antibiotics, antiserum and active immunization over any one of these approaches alone in the treatment of late-stage inhalational anthrax in rhesus monkeys.

Despite the history, the use of anti-anthrax serum for treatment of human anthrax appears to have been abandoned by about 1950 in most western countries. However, purified immunoglobulin fractions from hyperimmune horse serum are still prepared for human treatment in China (Dong, 1990; Dong, personal communication, 2002) and the Russian Federation (Anon., 1996; Cherkasskiy, personal communication, 2002) (see Annex 5, section 4). According to Cherkasskiy (personal communication, 2002), this treatment is administered to approximately 2–3 persons each year in the Russian Federation.

The topic was revisited scientifically by Little et al. (1997), who found in protection tests in guinea-pigs that only antibodies to the PA component of the anthrax toxin (section 5.5.3) provided passive protection against live spore challenge. Antibodies to the lethal and oedema factor components did not. One monoclonal antibody to PA of several monoclonal antibodies tested provided a delay in time to death.

Following the anthrax letter events in the USA in 2001, a call was made for a biological defence initiative based on developing, producing and stockpiling specific antibody reagents, for use in protection against biological warfare threats including anthrax (Casadevall, 2002). Certainly one response to this has been the development of clinical-grade hyperimmunoglobulin from donor persons immunized with the United States anthrax vaccine.1 At the research level, reports have appeared on toxin-neutralizing Fabs from human donors vaccinated against anthrax (Wild et al., 2003), human monoclonal anti-PA antibodies (Maynard et al., 2002; Sawada-Hirai et al., 2004; Cui et al., 2005; Mohamed et al., 2005; Peterson et al., 2006) and murine anti-LF monoclonal antibodies (Lim et al., 2005). The protective effects in all but the tests of Mohamed et al. (2005) and Peterson et al. (2006) were based on antitoxic activities. In live spore challenge tests, Mohamed et al. (2005) and Peterson et al. (2006) obtained good protection in rabbits when they were combined with low doses of ciprofloxacin, and also in mice and guinea-pigs. Mohamed et al. (2005) found their antibody still protected 50% of animals when administered 36 hours after challenge, In Peterson et al.’s case, the antibody had to be administered within 12 hours of challenge to be highly effective. Kozel et al. (2004) targeted their monoclonal antibodies to capsular antigen, obtaining a high degree of protection in mice against virulent B. anthracis infection in a pulmonary model.

The value of these types of antibodies for amelioration of infection once symptoms have commenced has yet to be demonstrated. Nevertheless, they remain important for potential situations in which the infecting agent has been engineered to be multiresistant to antibiotics. Novel immune and other therapies

Antibiotics are only effective against anthrax if administered early enough in the course of the infection (section 7.1.1). After a certain point, enough toxin has been formed to cause death of the host even if the antibiotic treatment has killed all the B. anthracis. Among other aftermaths of the 2001 anthrax letter events in the USA have been some intense efforts to develop therapies that will continue to be effective after antibiotics can offer no hope. Among the approaches being taken are therapies targeting:

  • one or more of the points of interaction between the toxin components and the host cell, such as the host-cell receptors, or the receptors on PA63 for LF and EF (see 5.5.3 and Fig. 7);
  • the toxin-induced events within the host cell;
  • other virulence factor entities.

Probably among the most advanced in their development are humanized monoclonal antibodies targeting toxin-component interactions. For example, the toxin-neutralizing antibodies mentioned by Maynard et al. (2002), referred to in 7.3.4, operated by competing with the host-cell receptor for PA binding. Similarly, the Fab fragments developed by Wild et al. (2003) functioned by binding in a manner that inhibited the interaction of LF with PA. EluSys Therapeutics2 reports on the Web the development of a heteropolymer system using two monoclonal antibodies chemically joined together; one binds to anthrax toxin and the other to red blood cells which then carry the bound toxin to the liver for destruction. Human Genome Sciences, Inc.3 also has a product well into its development stage based on human or humanized neutralizing anti-PA monoclonal antibodies. A non-immunologically based approach is illustrated in the report of Sarac et al. (2004) that furin inhibitor, hexa-D-arginine, might be an effective therapeutic agent by preventing cleavage of PA to its active form.

An example of therapy targeting toxin-induced events within the host cell is the observation by Shen et al. (2004) that adefovir diphosphate, a drug approved to treat chronic hepatitis B virus infection, inhibits the adenylyl cyclase activity of EF and thereby EF-induced cAMP accumulation (see section 5.5.3).

Illustrating other virulence factor entities are the reports of Gold et al. (2004) suggesting that interferon may have a benefit as an immunoadjuvant therapy and of Kozel et al. (2004) on their monoclonal antibodies to capsular antigen (sections 7.3.4). An intriguing suggestion for novel therapy was the proposed use of gamma phage lysin by Schuch et al. (2002) that lysed B. anthracis cells from without in in vitro tests, and protected mice against infection with a phage-sensitive B. cereus used as a simulant for B. anthracis. Success in this case for real anthrax treatment would depend on the lysin’s ability to penetrate the B. anthracis capsule in genuine anthrax infections. Direct phage therapy, an idea that has been considered from time to time in the past for anthrax, has to overcome the fact that the phage does not attack capsulated B. anthracis cells (section

7.3.5. Recurrence after treatment; second infections

Recurrence of disease on termination of treatment is very rare, but convalescent cases should remain under observation for at least a week after treatment has been discontinued.

Equally rare are reports of second infections, although Martin (1975) states: “Reinfection of the skin was seen not infrequently at Rassa (Ethiopia), and the second lesion was usually noted to be less severe than the intial one. This accords with the observations of Sinderson (1933) and Hodgson (1941)”. Hodgson’s case was a veterinarian who was infected on three occasions. Shlyakhov (1996) records observing three cases of a second cutaneous anthrax infection occurring respectively 8, 15 and 20 years after the first attack. Two of the individuals were veterinarians and, in one of them, the carbuncle was located in the same place on the arm as 15 years previously.



Pine Brook, New Jersey, USA.


Maryland, USA.


Developments in this field may be followed by consulting the USDA site: http://www​.fda.gov/cber/summaries.htm.

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