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WHO Policy on Collaborative TB/HIV Activities: Guidelines for National Programmes and Other Stakeholders. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012.

Cover of WHO Policy on Collaborative TB/HIV Activities

WHO Policy on Collaborative TB/HIV Activities: Guidelines for National Programmes and Other Stakeholders.

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2Goal and objectives of collaborative TB/HIV activities

The goal of collaborative TB/HIV activities is to decrease the burden of TB and HIV in people at risk of or affected by both diseases. The objectives are:

  1. To establish and strengthen the mechanisms of collaboration and joint management between HIV programmes and TB-control programmes for delivering integrated TB and HIV services preferably at the same time and location;
  2. To reduce the burden of TB in people living with HIV, their families and communities by ensuring the delivery of the Three I's for HIV/TB and the early initiation of ART in line with WHO guidelines;
  3. To reduce the burden of HIV in patients with presumptive and diagnosed TB, their families and communities by providing HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Copyright © 2012, World Health Organization.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK131894


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