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Molecular Structure Image for cl00354

KOW: KOW: an acronym for the authors' surnames (Kyrpides, Ouzounis and Woese)

KOW domain is known as an RNA-binding motif that is shared so far among some families of ribosomal p...

Molecular Structure Image for pfam00467

KOW: KOW motif

This family has been extended to coincide with ref. The KOW (Kyprides, Ouzounis, Woese) motif is fou...

Molecular Structure Image for TIGR01080

rplX_A_E: ribosomal protein uL24, archaeal/eukaryotic form

This model represents the archaeal and eukaryotic branch of the ribosomal protein L24p/L26e family. ...

Molecular Structure Image for TIGR01079

rplX_bact: ribosomal protein L24, bacterial/organelle

This model recognizes bacterial and organellar forms of ribosomal protein L24. It excludes eukaryoti...

Molecular Structure Image for cd13156

KOW_RPL6: KOW motif of Ribosomal Protein L6

RPL6 contains KOW motif that has an extra ribosomal role as an oncogenic. KOW domain is known as an ...

Molecular Structure Image for cd13155

KOW_KIN17: KOW_Kin17 is a RNA-binding motif

KOW domain of the KIN17protein contributes to the RNA-binding properties of the whole protein. KOW d...

Molecular Structure Image for cd13154

KOW_Mtr4: KOW_Mtr4 is an inserted domain in Mtr4 globular domain

Mtr4 is a conserved helicase with a core DExH region that cooperates with the eukaryotic nuclear exo...

Molecular Structure Image for cd13153

KOW_GPKOW_B: KOW motif of the "G-patch domain and KOW motifs-containing protein" (GPKOW) repeat B

GPKOW contains one G-patch domain and two KOW motifs. GPKOW is a nuclear protein that regulated by c...

Molecular Structure Image for cd13152

KOW_GPKOW_A: KOW motif of the "G-patch domain and KOW motifs-containing protein" (GPKOW) repeat A

GPKOW contains one G-patch domain and two KOW motifs. GPKOW is a nuclear protein that regulated by c...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06091

KOW_NusG: NusG contains an NGN domain at its N-terminus and KOW motif at its C-terminus

KOW_NusG motif is one of the two domains of N-Utilization Substance G (NusG) a transcription elongat...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06090

KOW_RPL27: KOW motif of eukaryotic Ribosomal Protein L27

RPL27e has a KOW motif at its N terminal. KOW domain is known as an RNA-binding motif that is shared...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06089

KOW_RPL26: KOW motif of Ribosomal Protein L26

RPL26 and its bacterial paralogs RPL24 have a KOW motif at their N terminal. KOW domain is known as ...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06088

KOW_RPL14: KOW motif of Ribosomal Protein L14

RPL14 is a component of the large ribosomal subunit in both archaea and eukaryotes with KOW motif at...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06087

KOW_RPS4: KOW motif of Ribosomal Protein S4 (RPS4)

RPS4 plays a critical role in the core assembly of the small ribosomal subunit with a KOW motif at i...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06086

KOW_Spt5_6: KOW domain of Spt5, repeat 6

Spt5, an eukaryotic ortholog of NusG, contains multiple KOW motifs at its C-terminus. Spt5 is involv...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06085

KOW_Spt5_5: KOW domain of Spt5, repeat 5

Spt5, an eukaryotic ortholog of NusG, contains multiple KOW motifs at its C-terminus. Spt5 is involv...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06084

KOW_Spt5_4: KOW domain of Spt5, repeat 4

Spt5, an eukaryotic ortholog of NusG, contains multiple KOW motifs at its C-terminus. Spt5 is involv...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06083

KOW_Spt5_3: KOW domain of Spt5, repeat 3

Spt5, an eukaryotic ortholog of NusG, contains multiple KOW motifs at its C-terminus. Spt5 is involv...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06082

KOW_Spt5_2: KOW domain of Spt5, repeat 2

Spt5, an eukaryotic ortholog of NusG, contains multiple KOW motifs at its C-terminus. Spt5 is involv...

Molecular Structure Image for cd06081

KOW_Spt5_1: KOW domain of Spt5, repeat 1

Spt5, an eukaryotic ortholog of NusG, contains multiple KOW motifs at its C-terminus. Spt5 is involv...

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