Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd23572: TFP_LU_ECD_PINLYP_rpt2 
second extracellular domain (ECD) found in phospholipase A2 inhibitor and Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein (PINLYP) and similar proteins
PINLYP is a cytotoxic necrotizing factor (CNF)-like-inhibitor family protein which is the paralog of Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein 8 (LYPD8), a highly glycosylated glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored secreted protein that mediates segregation of intestinal bacteria and epithelial cells in the colon to preserve intestinal homeostasis. PINLYP contains two extracellular domains (ECDs) that belong to Ly-6 antigen/uPA receptor-like (LU) superfamily and exhibits a snake toxin-like fold (also known as three-finger toxin/3FTx fold or three-fingered protein/TFP domain fold). This model corresponds to the second ECD.
PSSM-Id: 467102
Aligned: 183 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 52.0443
Created: 5-Oct-2021
Updated: 27-Apr-2023
Aligned Rows:
Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
A6NC86       122 NGLMCPaCTAsfrDKCm--gPMTHCTGkENHCVSLSGhvqag-ifkprFAMRGCATEsmCFTKpgaevptgtNVLFLh-H 197 human
KAE8594215    42 NGIKCPfCIAddsGSCng-dQTLQCTGpEDKCFSFYSsgs-----sgqPTARGCVTSniCSSNlkn---tivPPSYQngK 112 tropical clawed...
OCT73280     106 NALKCPfCVAdesGSCia-dQTYECTGpEDKCFSYYSagp-----rkqLLARGCASSniCNTPlkn---tivPPVYQngK 176 African clawed ...
KAE8594213    79 NELSCPsCSVqgsGQCqp-tGDIQCSGtEDKCFSYSLeq--------qVAARGCTSSnlCDVNlqg---tivPDPLNkgT 146 tropical clawed...
OCT73279     136 NGLFCPsCSTefsSECep-aKTIQCTGkEDSCFSVFTlhtisydvhedLTARGCVSSnlCNTYleg---tmaPGFLNdkK 211 African clawed ...
XP_002939174 116 NKLQCPyCSEsntDKCkn-tATMECTGdENKCFTYSYshr-----ntpYAMQGCMQTnmCETNnplv--lpgSSQFTkkT 187 tropical clawed...
OCT57132       8 NNVQCShCFEsnaEKCks-tTMMQCTGdENKCFTYSYsik-----niaYAAQGCMQTsmCDSSndvi--ipgIPNYTkkS 79  African clawed ...
XP_018410131  37 NSFICPvCYTyeaYDCks-eGYIACRGhEIECFDFAAtilrqgwsslkYAMMGCTTKggCSIGqrii--pgtNITDVt-R 112 Nanorana parkeri
XP_030069044 146 NGVRCPvCEAsysNICdskgQIMECTGeEIKCINYVGkinergwnitqIAYRGCTTKedCEVLak-----lrSDALIeaE 220 Microcaecilia u...
XP_029433247 116 NGVTCPvCELafsNECdskgQTMECSGeEIKCINFAGavhqaggsiihLAFQGCITRrpCETKikpy-pdsqFEEGF--T 192 two-lined caeci...
A6NC86       198 IECT 201 human
KAE8594215   113 IVCK 116 tropical clawed frog
OCT73280     177 AICE 180 African clawed frog
KAE8594213   147 AKCM 150 tropical clawed frog
OCT73279     212 VKCA 215 African clawed frog
XP_002939174 188 LVCS 191 tropical clawed frog
OCT57132      80 LECS 83  African clawed frog
XP_018410131 113 LSCR 116 Nanorana parkeri
XP_030069044 221 FQCT 224 Microcaecilia unicolor
XP_029433247 193 FNCT 196 two-lined caecilian
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