Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd22667: FHA_NBN 
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forkhead associated (FHA) domain found in nibrin and similar proteins
Nibrin (NBN), also called cell cycle regulatory protein p95, or Nijmegen breakage syndrome protein 1 (NBS1), is a novel DNA double-strand break repair protein that is mutated in Nijmegen breakage syndrome. It is a component of the MRE11-RAD50-NBN (MRN complex) which plays a critical role in the cellular response to DNA damage and the maintenance of chromosome integrity. Nibrin modulates the DNA damage signal sensing by recruiting PI3/PI4-kinase family members ATM, ATR, and probably DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) to the DNA damage sites and activating their functions. It can also recruit MRE11 and RAD50 to the proximity of DSBs by an interaction with the histone H2AX. Nibrin also functions in telomere length maintenance by generating the 3' overhang which serves as a primer for telomerase dependent telomere elongation. Nibrin is a major player in the control of intra-S-phase checkpoint. This subfamily also includes Schizosaccharomyces pombe DNA repair and telomere maintenance protein Nbs1 and Arabidopsis thaliana AtNbs1. SpNbs1 is an FHA domain-containing protein required for DNA damage repair and S-phase DNA damage checkpoint. It is involved in telomere length maintenance and maintenance of chromatin structure. AtNbs1 is a component of MRN complex. It also functions in the very early stages of meiosis. The FHA domain is a small phosphopeptide recognition module.
PSSM-Id: 438719
Aligned: 48 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 69.6633
Created: 17-Sep-2020
Updated: 17-Oct-2022
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 9 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:phosphopeptide binding site [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:Nbs1 recruits phosphorylated Ctp1 to DSBs via binding of the Nbs1 FHA domain to a Ctp1 pThr-Asp motif.
  • Structure:3HUF; Schizosaccharomyces pombe Nbs1 in complex with Ctp1, contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                   #             #####                                ##
3HUF_A         2 WIIEAEGdilkgKSRILFp--GTYIVGRNVSddsshIQVISKSISKRHARFTILtpsekd--yftggpCEFEVKDLdtKF 77  fission yeast
NP_001246702   1 MFVLTKDd----EKFVLFpgkKVYTIGRLATd---lIVAQDLSISRNHAQLLIQtea--------dgdDTLHIEDLgsRY 65  fruit fly
KZS06186       2 WFIQRKSdg--qTVYLLN---KEYDVGRRKCt---iEVSDDLSVSRQHLKLTVDysplt----qvsgqPTLKIMDLgsTY 69  Daphnia magna
TMW52548       2 WFITHTTsg--eCVCFLPe-kLRYTVGRMGAd---vELQDDICVSRAHAAFNLVkvd---------dqFRIEIEDLgsKY 66  grey fleshfly
XP_015110135   2 WILKDESd----KLYYLTp-sQPFIIGRNQGd---lIVKSDTSLSRAHAKIDLLpp-----------fEKCQVTDTksKY 62  Diachasma alloeum
PXF47295       2 WYIQEESrk--hGPKYWLg--GTQSHGRTIGrkvvdIRLRASSVSRVHAKICVHtasfyappgkhkqtSGVSVTDFs-AY 76  Gracilariopsis ...
XP_018227722   2 WVLESSSfelngFRRYLRp-gKEYLVGRAKYit--dITIDSNTVSKRHAKFVVVsvekgas-llleekTAIYLIDLnsKF 77  Pneumocystis ca...
XP_022919425   2 YIIQAESg---pQAFYVMeqnKEYVIGRKGCe---fLIENDSSVSKRHATITLKd-------------DILQIEDVgsKF 62  Onthophagus taurus
TRY71064       2 WWLYNEKvp--kQCVSLLp-gLTYRVGRAQGh---iICHKDASVSRNHALIQVLageae----gsgarPRVEIRDQgsKY 71  Tigriopus calif...
GBC84449       2 WRLTIQGpg-lrMEVYLTp-gQTYRIGRAHDn---qIVVPDPTVSRYHATVQALa-------------DRVVLRDLdsKN 63  bacterium HR11
Feature 1                                                             #         
3HUF_A        78 GTKVN------EKVVgq--------------------ngDSYKe-kDLKIQLGKcpFTINAYW 113 fission yeast
NP_001246702  66 GTFIFpknsqkPRKVpak-------------------tsTPLPv--GTRLRFGAnmSIWQVTQ 107 fruit fly
KZS06186      70 GVFINpst-tnTGKVepk-------------------twVNLEa--DSSFHFGVk-NEWIVKW 109 Daphnia magna
TMW52548      67 GTYLNkdi-esNKQMekg-------------------rkIALKk--NDLIRFGRlqNVWKIQF 107 grey fleshfly
XP_015110135  63 GTFLLdd---dSEVIkqi------------------ddvYTVRs--NDRIRFGLqnCILTFTQ 102 Diachasma alloeum
PXF47295      77 GTFLKy----pQNHIasrdepagh------hrrlnkddpTDVYe--GALLAFGApsAWWQVCW 127 Gracilariopsis chorda
XP_018227722  78 GTIVN------GEKLgef-------------------srKCDEn--FYEITFGKcqGKFRLSW 113 Pneumocystis carinii B80
XP_022919425  63 STFIN------SFKIeen-------------------htETLRe--NDVVRFGMlnSYYKVIK 98  Onthophagus taurus
TRY71064      72 GTYVG------EAAIastetsassagnslsldasspkgpKTVStteNVRIKFGFqtSIFMLKW 128 Tigriopus californicus
GBC84449      64 GTFVN------GRRIqg---------------------eVEVFg--VEDIRLGR--VIFLLER 95  bacterium HR11

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