Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd08050: TAF6C 
C-terminal domain of TATA Binding Protein (TBP) Associated Factor 6 (TAF6)
This model characterizes the carboxy (C)-terminal domain of TATA Binding Protein (TBP) Associated Factor 6 (TAF6), which is one of several TAFs that bind TBP and are involved in forming the Transcription Factor IID (TFIID) complex. This C-terminal HEAT repeat domain of TAF6 (TAF6C) is proposed to form a homodimer that effectively bridges the downstream promoter-interacting TAFs (TAF1, -2, and -7) with lobe B of TFIID. This domain influences the TAF6-TAF9 complex, is thus important for TFIID assembly, and may trigger signals from transcriptional effectors. The HEAT domain motif is generally involved in protein/protein interactions, and in A. locustae, the conserved TAF6C domain is formed by five HEAT repeats, tightly packed against each other, defining a single structural domain. TFIID is one of several General Transcription Factors (GTFs), which also include TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIIE, TFIIF and TFIIH, that are involved in the accurate initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II in eukaryotes. TFIID plays a key role in the recognition of promoter DNA and assembly of the pre-initiation complex. The TFIID complex is composed of the TBP and at least 13 TAFs. TAFs are named after their electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels in different species. A new, unified nomenclature has been suggested for the pol II TAFs to show the relationship between TAF orthologs and paralogs. Several hypotheses are proposed for TAFs' functions such as serving as activator-binding sites, core-promoter recognition, or a role in essential catalytic activity. These TAFs, with the help of specific activators, are required only for expression of a subset of genes and are not universally involved for transcription, as are GTFs. In yeast and human cells, TAFs have been found as components of other complexes besides TFIID. Several TAFs interact via histone-fold domain (HFD) motifs; the HFD is the interaction motif involved in heterodimerization of the core histones and their assembly into nucleosome octamers. The minimal HFD contains three alpha-helices linked by two loops and is found in core histones, TAFs and many other transcription factors. TFIID has a histone octamer-like substructure. TAF6 is a shared subunit of histone acetyltransferase complex SAGA and TFIID complexes. The N-terminal HFD of TAF6, interacts with the HFD of TAF9 and makes a novel histone-like heterodimer that is structurally related to histones H4 and H3. TAF6 may also interact with the downstream core promoter element (DPE).
PSSM-Id: 381749
Aligned: 229 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 81.9205
Created: 7-Oct-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Conserved site includes 13 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:oligomer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:the helix fragment is likely contributed by the C-terminal region of TAF8 because it exhibits robust crosslinking to TAF6 within reconstituted TFIID sub-complexes
  • Structure:5FUR: Human transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 6 (TAF6) C-terminal domain interacts with helical region that is possibly part of TAF8; contacts at 4.0A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1              ### ##  #                          ##  #   #  ##                           
5FUR_J        213 IHELSVEQQLYYKEITEACvgs----------------ceAKRAEALQSIATDPG------------------------L 252  human
OAO11902      149 IHTMSFECELYLQNIKSRMysd----------------eyCMRYEVYHQLQIDEG------------------------L 188  Blastocystis ...
NP_500397     266 TQTFSMEHQVLYSEITKILtsg----------------ssLQRQKVLETIETDTG------------------------I 305  Caenorhabditi...
KGG50861       84 IFYLKDKEIDFDTLLTAALpklpcsmklschwlaiegvqpQIPENPLLPLSTASSmehgsptastppssaqlqskpqpqV 163  Microsporidia...
XP_019853698  150 LKTAPTEVQNYYLSLLLDAvtc---------------nreEVRQVALHDLYTNAA------------------------V 190  Amphimedon qu...
OMJ17543      136 NPISLNKEQNYIVGLSDGS---------------------DSINNTKDLEQNNTAp----------------------lV 172  Smittium culicis
ORM42221      974 EHILTKEQRFFLKEIKNTVkrasns---------mdhqvhVQLGKVLSILKNSPA------------------------L 1020 Babesia sp. X...
CUU98042        7 KNKCEKEISLYRDICAACIsg-----------------neDSRREAMDLIVKSAK------------------------S 45   Hymenolepis m...
XP_003002134  148 LRVLDVEPLYGYESTRPLRygeaslgp------gqplyylEDEEVDFEKLINAPLpk---------------------vP 200  Verticillium ...
XP_011133446  206 DRYLSDEYRLYLQRLLSCIigalkncak----tdldpvvkAQDKLALGKIMQSLGeg--------------------paP 261  Gregarina nip...
Feature 1           #                                                                             
OAO11902      189 KQICPYLVNWIQSEVQKNMrlkperMLQNLDYLMHVTHGLILnph---------leISLYLHLLLPCILSCAVGKslsa- 258  Blastocystis ...
NP_500397     306 QFLAGRFVILIAEGTRLHIgt---rNIRGLANLLKLTWSLMKnpn---------irLEKYLYVLVPSLISCVVSKnmvpi 373  Caenorhabditi...
KGG50861      164 KHHLSKEHQLYFETITSCLls---kDSSTVITALNSLRTDAGiqqllp---yfvqfIAEMLHQVMPTVLTLVVGQrlse- 236  Microsporidia...
XP_019853698  191 ANILPYLCQFIQEVLSRWTn----ySSLQIIRFLRMVIALFGndt---------lyIDPYAPNILMLIQSIILSPgylec 257  Amphimedon qu...
OMJ17543      173 KHVLSKEHQLYFECVKDSL------FSSNAKIQMAALDCVSSdggihqlvpyfiqlISDLLHQLMPSLLTCLVGKklck- 245  Smittium culicis
ORM42221     1021 DQLLPELTAFFVSEIERSTg-----DVEAILKFAEAITANNKi------------qIHYHVHQLVAPLLTLILKHdeeqd 1083 Babesia sp. X...
CUU98042       46 KHHNKQLLAFISESIRLNVlq---aRMGNLLNLMRIVKTIINsti---------ipPDYHLFDIIVTCITCCASEyafkd 113  Hymenolepis m...
XP_003002134  201 RDMSFTAHWLAIEGVQPSIpqn-ptHRRVPKPGVATERALIEntn---------lfLDPYANAIAAPVLTCLLGRklgad 270  Verticillium ...
XP_011133446  262 SKLVPFVFALICGLVPPAVae---gPPEAVLITLHVLVSYVQnpr---------vkSKPYLHQIIQAFLLALLAPtmgpm 329  Gregarina nip...
Feature 1                                                                                         
5FUR_J        321 ----------------------------------pdvdNHWALRDFAARLVAQICKHFstt----tnnIQSRITKTFTKS 362  human
OAO11902      259 ----------------------------------ssaeNHWELRSFSAVVLNEVYKKYgte----ypkLLKQILATLNKV 300  Blastocystis ...
NP_500397     374 ldvsrvglkakpttvtplgatppeltaddreriirdleFEFKLREASGKLLAELSSQYqn------lnLNVRIIQTLRGV 447  Caenorhabditi...
KGG50861      237 ----------------------------------gsleDHWSLRDAAASLLILICQKYgda----yaqLQPRVLKTLLKA 278  Microsporidia...
XP_019853698  258 ----------------------------------ntlaSHWDIRELAACALSRIIKKCcap----gtgYYDEVCSAFSTT 299  Amphimedon qu...
OMJ17543      246 ----------------------------------dpseNHWALRDLSASLIKTVCTDYgms----yhtLLQRLARTFLRT 287  Smittium culicis
ORM42221     1084 ---------------------------------lqsvhRNLCLRRLAAKTLGNIAKSLrdaks-glegIDQYLMTLYKRA 1129 Babesia sp. X...
CUU98042      114 ---------------------------------sfnedLHWQVREFSAMQLFNICEKYeseckyltdfILDEIDQTFKSW 160  Hymenolepis m...
XP_003002134  271 ----------------------------------datkDQYELREFSASLLGKIALRYaas----nhlLRPKLVRTCLKF 312  Verticillium ...
XP_011133446  330 d--------------------------------ppmllESLEVRKLASEGLSFVVRGAgt------ptAFISVVEILSAT 371  Gregarina nip...
Feature 1                                                                                         
5FUR_J        363 Wvde-----ktPWTTRYGSIAGLAELg-HDVIKTLILPRLQQEGERIrsvldg-----------------pvlsniDRIG 419  human
OAO11902      301 Lhnp-----rsTLPSIFGVIECVSRMg-NSVIELLLLPFYKELFFNLsnllkk------------------eqssvAQLQ 356  Blastocystis ...
NP_500397     448 Lsg------nqDPAAIYGVLCTLFAFg-NLTINSVVLPKMHDIYCSLq---------------------------aSRSE 493  Caenorhabditi...
KGG50861      279 Icdp-----tkGFPSKYGAIMAFSLLg-PDTIEAFIIPNIKEILEEGssps----------------------emaGGIE 330  Microsporidia...
XP_019853698  300 Lyqr-----etALPVLYGVILCICHLg-GEVIAKILLPQMTMLTQYIqslld-------------------kssltQQQN 354  Amphimedon qu...
OMJ17543      288 Lldp-----skPSESHYGAIRGLFSLg-NQVVRVLVLPNISVYSSFAeaema-------------------snhpiSSQS 342  Smittium culicis
ORM42221     1130 Vlde-----ncSLTVLYGAMCGMSHLp-LAAKRMLFFPIVPLILSVLykkhvqahdryvksgskmeefkcftcqeiVQLS 1203 Babesia sp. X...
CUU98042      161 LyypveqtsdsRLAGIYGILFCFRQFg-FKRLRQFVFPYMPRLCKHLnavleekyiis--------skswdsltdlNKIK 231  Hymenolepis m...
XP_003002134  313 Fmdp-----dkLPAAHYGAITGLAAAggPEAVRVLVLKYLRAARANGvnggpaatqtael----kefigpilgeriAGLG 383  Verticillium ...
XP_011133446  372 Lrke-----elPLTTLIGAVMGCSALg-EEAVKVAVKPLARNLTQALsgsntmfgihg--------gdqtdtafmkAKAE 437  Gregarina nip...
Feature 1                    
5FUR_J        420 ADHVQSLLLKH 430  human
OAO11902      357 IRRCLYALIES 367  Blastocystis sp. ATCC 50177
NP_500397     494 IPQVKPTMTKL 504  Caenorhabditis elegans
KGG50861      331 KEKLEHALLAA 341  Microsporidia sp. UGP3
XP_019853698  355 ALRVYNVLLVS 365  Amphimedon queenslandica
OMJ17543      343 AKKCLDTLTES 353  Smittium culicis
ORM42221     1204 MVMLYEACFED 1214 Babesia sp. Xinjiang
CUU98042      232 LHAVFDKVLDY 242  Hymenolepis microstoma
XP_003002134  384 NKRLVEQVLEA 394  Verticillium alfalfae VaMs.102
XP_011133446  438 LTNVLLELVTR 448  Gregarina niphandrodes

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