Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00261: AAI_SS 
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AAI_SS: Alpha-Amylase Inhibitors (AAIs) and Seed Storage (SS) Protein subfamily; composed of cereal-type AAIs and SS proteins. They are mainly present in the seeds of a variety of plants. AAIs play an important role in the natural defenses of plants against insects and pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and viruses. AAIs impede the digestion of plant starch and proteins by inhibiting digestive alpha-amylases and proteinases. Also included in this subfamily are SS proteins such as 2S albumin, gamma-gliadin, napin, and prolamin. These AAIs and SS proteins are also known allergens in humans.
PSSM-Id: 238163
Aligned: 58 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 48.9383
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
alpha-amylasedimer interface
Conserved site includes 6 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:alpha-amylase binding site [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:1TMQ; Eleusine coracana alpha-amylase (1TMQ_A) binds Ragi bifunctional inhibitor (1TMQ_B); defined at 3.5A contacts.
  • Citation:PMID 9687373

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1         #                                                      ###      #              
1HSS_A         3 PWMCYPGqafq-vpaLPACRPLLRLqcngs---------qvpeAVLRDCCQQLAHISEWCRCGALYSMLDsmykehgaqe 72  bread wheat
1TMQ_B         3 GTSCIPGmaip-hnpLDSCRWYVSTrtcgvg------prlatqEMKARCCRQLEAIPAYCRCEAVRILMDgvvtssgqhe 75  finger millet
P16851        27 GPYCYPGmglp-snpLEGCREYVAQqtcgvgivgspvstepgnTPRDRCCKELYDASQHCRCEAVRYFIGrtsdpnsgvl 105 bread wheat
1208404A      18 GEYCRVGksip-inpLPACREYITRrcavgd-------qqvpdVLKQQCCRELSDLPESCRCDALSILVNgvitedgsrv 89  barley
CAA72791      27 IYTCYEGmglp-vnpLQGCRFYVASqtcgav------pllpieVMKDWCCRELAGISSNCRCEGLRVFIDrafppsqsqg 99  barley
P16159        27 NEDCTPWmstl-itpLPSCRDYVEQqacrie------tpgspyLAKQQCCGELANIPQQCRCQALRYFMGpksrpdqsgl 99  bread wheat
S51811        26 REQCVPGreit-yesLNARREYAVRqtcgy--------ylsaeRQKRRCCDELSKVPELCWCEVLRILMDrrvtkegvvk 96  bread wheat
AAL16993      34 DLQCWQEvqe---spLDACRQVLDRqltgggggggvgpfrwgtGLRMRCCQQLQDVSRECRCAAIRSMVRgyeeampple 110 maize
NP_001059191  32 GEYCRVGkavs-rnpVPSCRNYIARwcaaaggrm-dsrkqpprEFLEPCCRELAAVPMQCRCDALSVLVRgvvteegdrv 109 Japanese rice
NP_001059182  46 ADGCEPGqgvvpkdpLPGCRAYLLRrcgg----------gdppGVRARCCHQLREVAARCRCDALRAMVEvlveeeea-- 113 Japanese rice
Feature 1                                                                                        
1HSS_A        73 gqa----------------------------------------------------gtgafprcrrevVKLTAASITA--V 98  bread wheat
1TMQ_B        76 gr-----------------------------------------------------llqdlpgcprqvQRAFAPKLVTevE 102 finger millet
P16851       106 ---------------------------------------------------------kdlpgcprepQRDFAKVLVTpgH 128 bread wheat
1208404A      90 gr------------------------------------------------------meavprcdgerIHSMGSYLTAysE 115 barley
CAA72791     100 appq-------------------------------------------------lpplatecpaevkrDFARTLALPG--Q 128 barley
P16159       100 m-------------------------------------------------------elpgcprevqmDFVRILVTPG--Y 122 bread wheat
S51811        97 ds------------------------------------------------------llqdmsrckklTREFIAGIVGreX 122 bread wheat
AAL16993     111 kgwwpwgrqqqpppqgggggqggyyypcsrpgegygygqggqrqmyppcrpgttgggprigrvrltkAREYAAGLPM--M 188 maize
NP_001059191 110 sgm---------------------------------------------------isqhaapgcdaatIAGMASALTDygR 138 Japanese rice
NP_001059182 114 -----------------------------------------------------------plackkgaMAAIAEGLPGrdE 134 Japanese rice
Feature 1                          #
1HSS_A        99 CRLpivvdasgdgayVCKD 117 bread wheat
1TMQ_B       103 CNLatih-----ggpFCLS 116 finger millet
P16851       129 CNVmtvh-----ntpYCLG 142 bread wheat
1208404A     116 CNPhnpg----tprgDCVL 130 barley
CAA72791     129 CNLpaih-----ggaYCVF 142 barley
P16159       123 CNLttvh-----ntpYCLA 136 bread wheat
S51811       123 CNLetvf----gryhYCPS 137 bread wheat
AAL16993     189 CRLse--------pqECSI 199 maize
NP_001059191 139 CNLqhta-----gsfACLM 152 Japanese rice
NP_001059182 135 CDLdtrad--dggsrRCHL 151 Japanese rice

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