
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00154: Rab 
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Ras-related in brain (Rab) family of small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases)
Rab GTPases form the largest family within the Ras superfamily. There are at least 60 Rab genes in the human genome, and a number of Rab GTPases are conserved from yeast to humans. Rab GTPases are small, monomeric proteins that function as molecular switches to regulate vesicle trafficking pathways. The different Rab GTPases are localized to the cytosolic face of specific intracellular membranes, where they regulate distinct steps in membrane traffic pathways. In the GTP-bound form, Rab GTPases recruit specific sets of effector proteins onto membranes. Through their effectors, Rab GTPases regulate vesicle formation, actin- and tubulin-dependent vesicle movement, and membrane fusion. GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) interact with GTP-bound Rab and accelerate the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP. Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) interact with GDP-bound Rabs to promote the formation of the GTP-bound state. Rabs are further regulated by guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs), which mask C-terminal lipid binding and promote cytosolic localization. While most unicellular organisms possess 5-20 Rab members, several have been found to possess 60 or more Rabs; for many of these Rab isoforms, homologous proteins are not found in other organisms. Most Rab GTPases contain a lipid modification site at the C-terminus, with sequence motifs CC, CXC, or CCX. Lipid binding is essential for membrane attachment, a key feature of most Rab proteins. Since crystal structures often lack C-terminal residues, the lipid modification site is not available for annotation in many of the CDs in the hierarchy, but is included where possible.
PSSM-Id: 206640
Aligned: 314 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 97.9118
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Conserved site includes 16 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:GTP/Mg2+ binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Comment:The active conformation of Rab is stabilized by interations between the gamma phosphate of GTP and two critically conserved residues, Thr in switch I and Gly in switch II
  • Structure:3RAB: Rattus norvegicus Rab3a binds GppNHp, a GTP analog and Mg2+, defined using 3.5 A contacts
  • Structure:1ZBD: Rattus norvegicus Rab3a binds GTP and Mg2+, defined using 3.5 A contacts
  • Comment:the Thr residues coordinate Mg2+

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1             #######            #         #                          #               
3RAB_A      6 FKILIIGNSSVGKTSFLFRYA---DDSFtpa---fvsTVGIDFKVKTIyrn-dkRIKLQIWDTAGq-------------- 64  Norway rat
XP_655343   6 ISVGLCGDSGVGKTGIFKRYI---TGKYtgt---ekaSVSCDVSCKKLnie-geAYNLQLWDTAGq-------------- 64  Entamoeba histolyt...
BAD82842    8 ITIALCGDASVGKTGIFKRFI---KDQFskn---eksTISCDVACKKMnvd-grSYNIQLWDTAGq-------------- 66  Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82843    6 ISIALSGDAFVGKTCFFKRFS---SGEFnpn---tasSIGCDVICKKLild-gkQYNVQLWDTAGq-------------- 64  Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82884   11 ISIAFCGNSAVGKTALFTRIT---KGIFneh---leaSISADVFTKQVnvd-gqNHNVALWDTAGq-------------- 69  Entamoeba histolytica
CAI39384    8 LSIAIIGDSGVGKSTFLSMFM---TNQFvl-----rhNDKITIGQKEIlig-qkPVQIKLIDISGk-------------- 64  Paramecium tetraur...
BAD82841    6 ISICLCGDPFVGKTCFFQRFS---NGEFnan---tktSIGSDVTCKKLqld-gkTYNVQLWDTAGq-------------- 64  Entamoeba histolytica
CAI76659   11 FSLVIISSNSFSSAIVALENLaycSDLLtiplrivtsLLSVWILTLFVkd---kRVKLQIWDTAGq-------------- 73  Theileria annulata
CAI39311    9 VEFLVFGQSYIGKTSFLKSAK---GEKFden---yypNTGIELIIKQIkir-deIQKLYLWEFPGf-------------- 67  Paramecium tetraur...
CAI39267   18 TGCIHQLFLGVGKSCFLSQYV---KGKFiqe---ydpTIGLEFESKSIefndgvVVQNQLWDTVTftilislealnlwqy 91  Paramecium tetraur...
Feature 1                                                                ## #                 
3RAB_A     65 --ERYRtITTAYYrg--aMGFILMYDITnEESFNAVQDWSTQIKTysw--dnAQVLLVGNKCDme-------------de 125 Norway rat
XP_655343  65 --EVFRsITASYFrn--rHVMCFCFDITkKASFSSISGWLREFQQnqnpsftTKLILVGCKSDle-------------gn 127 Entamoeba histolyt...
BAD82842   67 --EVFRaTTSTYFrn--rHVMLFCYDITkKESFNHVEDWIKEFEQvqresnkTIKFLIGCKKDen-------------an 129 Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82843   65 --EMFRsTTATYFrn--rHCILFMFDVTnSESFTHIEDWMEVFYEiqnedkkTLLVLVGNKNDmi-------------ae 127 Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82884   70 --EKFRsTTKSYLrg--lHGVLFCFDITkKETFNCIDMWIQEYEQaqtlkdlAARYLIGCKGDla-------------sk 132 Entamoeba histolytica
CAI39384   65 --EPFRsMAWVHYrt--cIGIILIFDLSsRDSYENLKKWYEEIQQyvd-qekLVIRLVGNKCDklfyddmdqdkeggndr 139 Paramecium tetraur...
BAD82841   65 --EIFRsTTTTYFrn--rHCILFTYDITkRETLEHVEDWMKEFCQvqpdtskTLTILIGCKNDle-------------eq 127 Entamoeba histolytica
CAI76659   74 --ERFRtITSTYYrg--aDGIIMVYDITdKSSFEHINDWLSEVNKyss--edTCKLLLGNKCDme-------------dn 134 Theileria annulata
CAI39311   68 --SNFKqIARRYYkr--aQGLILLYDITdHESFINLENYLEEAIQhhd--slLSIILIGNKVDld-------------sk 128 Paramecium tetraur...
CAI39267   92 rkHFVKsNQSSLYtqssaAAAIVFYKINsEASFKSLQNWINILKQvss--dkIQIVIVATNKDle-------------dq 156 Paramecium tetraur...
Feature 1                                   ###               
3RAB_A    126 RVVSSERGRQLadh--------lgfEFFEASAKd-NINVKQTFERLVD 164 Norway rat
XP_655343 128 RQITTTEAEQFaqe--------nkmSYYECSAKt-NVGIDQLFSHAIS 166 Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS
BAD82842  130 RQVTSNEGKFFakr--------nnmTHFECSALn-GEGVTEIFGAAIA 168 Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82843  128 RQVSPEDAKDFaks--------hniNYFECSAKe-NINIDNIIEFVIR 166 Entamoeba histolytica
BAD82884  133 REVSREEAESYakt--------knmTYLECSAKt-GDNVDTLLVSVIR 171 Entamoeba histolytica
CAI39384  140 HYIQFEEGEQFaathqmq-ysqtssSVFSLAQDenYMSIPSIISKFTQ 186 Paramecium tetraurelia
BAD82841  128 RQITFEEGERFast--------hqiPFFECSAKt-NNNIQEIIEFVVR 166 Entamoeba histolytica
CAI76659  135 RDVSLTDVQRLsev--------ievPAMDVSAKt-GHNIDKAFYSITE 173 Theileria annulata
CAI39311  129 RQVSIEEAEDFaqk--------kgfPFFEISAKt-NHNIDLVLEYCLS 167 Paramecium tetraurelia
CAI39267  157 RYTIISQFRQVqtsqgrdladsleaKFYEISNHd-KDQIDGIVNSISY 203 Paramecium tetraurelia

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