Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00199: WAP 
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whey acidic protein-type four-disulfide core domains. Members of the family include whey acidic protein, elafin (elastase-specific inhibitor), caltrin-like protein (a calcium transport inhibitor) and other extracellular proteinase inhibitors. A group of proteins containing 8 characteristically-spaced cysteine residuesforming disulphide bonds, have been termed '4-disulphide core' proteins. Protease inhibition occurs by insertion of the inhibitory loop into the active site pocket and interference with the catalytic residues of the protease.
PSSM-Id: 238120
Aligned: 19 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 40.5111
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
inhibitory loop
Conserved site includes 7 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:inhibitory loop
  • Comment:primary protease binding site and inhibitory residues are in this loop
  • Structure:1FLE_I binds porcine pancreatic elastase
  • Structure:scissile bond of 1FLE_I inhibits catalytic triad of porcine pancreatic elastase
  • Citation:PMID 8794736
  • Citation:PMID 9171290

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                 #######                                           
2REL        7 GPVSTKPGSCpi---------------iLIRCAMLn-----------PPNRCLKDTDCPGIKKCCEGSCG-MACFVPQ 57  human
1FLE_I      7 GPVSTKPGSCpi---------------iLIRCAMLn-----------PPNRCLKDTDCPGIKKCCEGSCG-MACFVPQ 57  human
3023712    57 DNLKCCQAGCatich--------lpnekEGSCPQVntdfp---qlglCQDQCQVDSHCPGLLKCCYNGCGkVSCVTPI 123 dog
139691     56 QNDMCCPSSCgrscktp----vnievqkAGRCPWNpiqmia-agpcpKDNPCSIDSDCSGTMKCCKNGCI-MSCMDPE 127 Norway rat
3023711    34 CCRAGCSAICsip------------nekEGSCPSIdfpq-----lgiCQDLCQVDSQCPGKMKCCLNGCGkVSCVTPN 94  Oryctolagus cuniculus
139689     56 QNAMCCPVSCgrtrktp----vnigvpkAGFCPWNslqtisstgpcpMKIECSSDRECSGNMKCCNVDCV-MTCTPPV 128 house mouse
139690     47 NDCLGSTVCCpsaaggscrtpiivptpkAGRCPWVqapml--sqlceELSDCANDIECRGDKKCCFSRCA-MRYLEPI 121 Oryctolagus cuniculus
113637     63 NPVKVKPGKCpv---------------vYGQCMMLn-----------PPNHCKTDSQCLGDLKCCKSMCG-KVCLTPV 113 pig
2842653    14 FMTMTTAWALsnp------------kekPGACPKPpprs-----fgtCDERCTGDGSCSGNMKCCSNGCG-HACKPPV 73  house mouse
124076     45 KNNFKTKAECvracr---------pperPGVCPKTsgp-------giCLHGCDSDSDCKEGQKCCFDGCG-YICLTVA 105 loggerhead

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