
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd03440: hot_dog 
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The hotdog fold was initially identified in the E. coli FabA (beta-hydroxydecanoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP)-dehydratase) structure and subsequently in 4HBT (4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase) from Pseudomonas. A number of other seemingly unrelated proteins also share the hotdog fold. These proteins have related, but distinct, catalytic activities that include metabolic roles such as thioester hydrolysis in fatty acid metabolism, and degradation of phenylacetic acid and the environmental pollutant 4-chlorobenzoate. This superfamily also includes the PaaI-like protein FapR, a non-catalytic bacterial homolog involved in transcriptional regulation of fatty acid biosynthesis.
PSSM-Id: 239524
Aligned: 1845 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 27.8247
Created: 6-Mar-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
active site 1active site 2
Conserved site includes 7 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:active site 1 [active site]

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                               #  ##  #                
1MKA_A       54 VEaELDINpdlwffgc--------------------------hfigdpvmPGCLGLDAMWQLVGFYlgwlg--------- 98  Escherichia coli
NP_962517   179 LYaWLHYDpipt----------------------------------rddlAKALLAYFTGHLGISTtmrahpgigtaqah 224 Mycobacterium av...
XP_383024   208 SAeWQRACgple----------------------------------spidNMSALAFLMDGGLSFLplthghmw----fd 249 Gibberella zeae ...
XP_659438   505 SAeRFRVHdtlr----------------------------------peadRIAALAFYMDRGLAYIsanhsgys----ls 546 Aspergillus nidu...
XP_682202   218 SAdWFRCRtpls----------------------------------aksdHYAGLAWMLDAYLTFTplahsgmf----ld 259 Aspergillus nidu...
ZP_00546674 227 LDqWQRIPeapedrs----------------------------lwrafiaHSCELLPLSDLLAVTGltptk--------- 269 Frankia sp. CcI3
ZP_00569175 171 LDvWIRWPgasd----------------------------------dlvtSQALLALSTDSFLIGTamrphpgvgqalah 216 Frankia sp. EAN1pec
ZP_00572507 339 IGtWVRFRtvpd----------------------------------dpclQAGLLAQFTGHISIAAalrphegvgqnqah 384 Frankia sp. EAN1pec
XP_760891   249 NYeDVGAPlpvt----------------------------------pvsaNAALVAFLMDGALSFIpltfsrms----lt 290 Ustilago maydis 521
BAE63771    159 RFvDMRFIhdndtsqknqkqnprldspppspsaitkemfrvpepldneaeQISALAFYADKGLAYIpaihngyd----lw 234 Aspergillus oryzae
Feature 1            ###                                                                        
1MKA_A       99 gegkgRALGVgeVKFTGQVlpt-------------------akKVTYRIHFKRivnrrlimglADGEVLvd-gRLIYtas 158 Escherichia coli
NP_962517   225 ltvstAPMSIs-VAFHEPVrw--------------------dgWLLYSHESTQvgag---msyVRGTVHteqgELLAsf- 279 Mycobacterium av...
XP_383024   250 dtaacSTLDFa-LRIFVPEikm-------------------nkWSLKERKTSRgggn---rtySEGKLFdkhgNLIAsn- 305 Gibberella zeae ...
XP_659438   547 qasacATLDFa-LRVLTHHsylrrt-------------ilicrTGMLAKDRLVaena---ralGEGRVFkrdgWLLAsm- 608 Aspergillus nidu...
XP_682202   260 daaacATLDFa-IRFFCDEfdlitvrvyllpdralnrteyigdLCLMVYRSNRvsnl---ratFGGYMRgdrhTPKAsp- 334 Aspergillus nidu...
ZP_00546674 270 -rlavAVLSQn-VTFYDDLdv--------------------rdWHLFRVRTLHaghg---raiGRVEVFgpdgELRAgs- 323 Frankia sp. CcI3
ZP_00569175 217 vslstGVLSHt-ITFHQPGpa--------------------seWVLLSHRSPYaghg---rsyGQGSAYrgggALVAsf- 271 Frankia sp. EAN1pec
ZP_00572507 385 rtlsmGINAIg-ISFHSNVra--------------------dhWMRYHHLSTFagdg---mthSECRVYdeadALISsf- 439 Frankia sp. EAN1pec
XP_760891   291 dasavSSLDCa-LRYFSVPnm--------------------ndFHLREMQTIQgnec---rtySESFLWdrnqNMVAsm- 345 Ustilago maydis 521
BAE63771    235 qasacATLEFs-LRILVHGlnl-------------------gkWHMAEQRTLAagna---rafSEGRIWngdgHLVAsm- 290 Aspergillus oryzae
Feature 1            
1MKA_A      159 dLKVG 163 Escherichia coli
NP_962517   280 aQEAL 284 Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis str. k10
XP_383024   306 tQQSI 310 Gibberella zeae PH-1
XP_659438   609 tQTTI 613 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
XP_682202   335 vEQKN 339 Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4
ZP_00546674 324 eLVGL 328 Frankia sp. CcI3
ZP_00569175 272 vQDNM 276 Frankia sp. EAN1pec
ZP_00572507 440 tVDAM 444 Frankia sp. EAN1pec
XP_760891   346 tQACI 350 Ustilago maydis 521
BAE63771    291 tQQTI 295 Aspergillus oryzae

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