Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd21502: vWA_BABAM1 
Von-Willebrand factor A (vWA) domain found in BRISC and BRCA1-A complex member 1
BRISC and BRCA1 A complex member 1 (BABAM1) is also known as Mediator of RAP80 interactions and targeting subunit of 40 kDa (MERIT40), New component of the BRCA1-A complex (NBA1), HSPC142, or C19orf620. It is a core component of the BRCA1-A and BRISC complexes that function in DNA double-strand break repair and immune signaling, and contain the lysine-63 linkage-specific BRCC36 subunit that is functionalized by scaffold subunits Abraxas and ABRO1, respectively. BABAM1 interacts with Rap80, BRCC36, BRCC45, and Abraxas to form the BRCA1-A complex, a lysine-63-Ub specific deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) which specifically recognizes lysine-63-linked ubiquitinated histones H2A and H2AX at DNA lesions sites, leading to target the BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimer to sites of DNA damage at double-strand breaks (DSBs). BRISC is a DUB complex containing three other subunits, BRCC36, ABRO1 and BRCC45. It specifically hydrolyzes lysine-63 polyubiquitin chains, and is involved in multiple biological processes, including IFN-mediated antiviral immune regulation and inflammatory reaction. BABAM1 likely serves as a scaffold protein by integrating other components to form a functional complex. Furthermore, BABAM1 has been shown to play a critical role in BRISC-mediated regulation of Tankyrase1 (TNKS1) function during spindle assembly; it directly binds to the ankyrin repeat cluster V (ARC-V) domain of TNKS1 via its RXXPEG motif. BABAM1 contains a Von-Willebrand factor A (vWA) domain that is distantly related to classical vWA domains.
PSSM-Id: 411071
Aligned: 86 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 120.43
Created: 23-Dec-2019
Updated: 25-Oct-2021
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 18 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:BRCA1-A/BRISC complex interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:BABAM1 is a core component of the BRCA1-A and BRISC complexes, which function in DNA double-strand break repair and immune signaling.
  • Structure:6GVW; Mus musculus BABAM1 interacts with BABAM2, UIMC1 and ABRAXAS1 in the BRCA1-A complex, contacts at 4A
  • Structure:6H3C; Mus musculus BABAM1 interacts with BABAM2 in the BRISC complex , contacts at 4A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                  #  ##  ##  ###                        
XP_005841991  26 GKESIVFFIDIHKEefpgvvwp-----tlngsngnLTLELFKQCVSLIVLTQARISRn-NEFCLCVLldgAILCSEFTsD 99   Guillardia the...
CDH48606       5 ITRRIIFCIDVTDEmnetmgpsidgsieqtlllttSRLETVQFLVKRYVAMNSMISPq-DSYGIILLaeeATWYMDFTkD 83   Lichtheimia co...
CEG63801      22 IPRQIIFCVDVSKEmnsplsasidgglnntnlktsTRLETIIRFIKRYILMNKLIGNknDKYAFMLLkekSEWWKPFTlD 101  Rhizopus micro...
GAN08502      25 TARRIVFCIDVSDEmnktvrasenggvkdtnlypsSRLETVKRFLKRYLVINKLIGNdkDEYAIVLLtdvAVWHLGFTvN 104  Mucor ambiguus
KNE57492     221 LDENILFCLDLHEEnalplsp--------lemnsrSRLDETKDLLKRFIFLKHQLKPs-HQFGLITLenvAKVYMVPTaD 291  Allomyces macr...
KYQ90526      58 EQEYIVFCIDLDEEissvf------------kqtnPRLDHLKKALSLFVRAKLKADPt-TKFALSTLrvsSIWLMDFTsN 124  Tieghemosteliu...
ORZ35022     152 VDENIFFCIDLHDEndfpln---------pmdgerTRLDAIKELLKRFVHMKQQIKQs-HRFGIITLqshAQLYLLPTgD 221  Catenaria angu...
RCI00602      15 RPKRIVFCIDSSSEmltllraslnagkkdtnlyysTRLETLQRFLKRFIKTNTLIENtkDEYALMLLttkAKWLVNFTnD 94   Rhizopus stolo...
XP_026278082  10 PPERILVCIDAVEDkpirsln--------hhvkqlSTFDTVKNCAELFITTKSLMNPe-HQFAVCQFkaqLILITGFHsR 80   western flower...
Feature 1                                                                                        
6GVW_D       171 PRELCSCLYDLetas----cstFNLEGLFSLIQQKTElpvten-vqtipPPYVVRTILVYSRPpcqpq-fsltEPMKKMF 244  Mus musculus
XP_005841991 100 ISQLLDQVYALegqe---pfseLDMASVFNILQERKQtvavs--pknstGDNLVRGILFYARShapkf-vegeEAWRELS 173  Guillardia the...
CDH48606      84 IGLISSAVDVLqttsr--gnkqFDADSLFNVIENHTDlv---------nPEIYTQVLVFYGRTenvp--lsrtNIAKTIC 150  Lichtheimia co...
CEG63801     102 EQEACTYADMLdeqidstsydsFQLESLFKDISVNANld---------dKSTFTQAIVIYSRTrviperslndEWCVEVR 172  Rhizopus micro...
GAN08502     105 ASIFNTEIDGLsrdrl-rtytgFDIQSLGDTLNAKLDlq---------nVDYYYQAIVIYGRSslpt--lptnGVIQDMK 172  Mucor ambiguus
KNE57492     292 LEFLNLAIDGIattg---aylqCDLESLFNVVEETLQvt--------adADQVYRVILIYSRTnvfpd-srsnKVLKRLY 359  Allomyces macr...
KYQ90526     125 FSEVKSKFDKLqpgg---rfnaFDMTTLFDMLEDKYNevslqqkqqeskRNWSFRTIFVYSRSstipcylggeTSLENLK 201  Tieghemosteliu...
ORZ35022     222 QEFLFSAIDNLattg---syvqFDMTSVFSIINEAIDik--------atKDQVFRIVFIYSRSnvfpd-mpsdEAMVTLY 289  Catenaria angu...
RCI00602      95 INTIYRAIDSLdqsvt-ehydrLDTQSIFDTLSMHIDid---------dDIYFTQVILVYNRDsivpepahdyQHIRDSP 164  Rhizopus stolo...
XP_026278082  81 VGDHLKVIHGAipnqatdnpypYRLSALLKTIHEKAVke--------edNERPLHVVIFYGRSgsci---ldeNVLSPYK 149  western flower...
Feature 1                                                                   ##  #  ##   ###   ##
XP_005841991 174 RdpdVVLDAIFVHSthg---skeKAQEIFDFFIDLDidn-sglPYTFESVLnp---kkVLRCAAQLAANGRQRPKQGLL 245  Guillardia thet...
CDH48606     151 GypqFVLDVLFIHGpvsg--reeNCQKVYDFWIETSk-----rGWFFEFARlgr--saLTKTMAQLTAHPLQRGDQDKI 220  Lichtheimia cor...
CEG63801     173 HssnFTLDVIYLHDld------nQAQLVYDAWNDLDsdq--vsGWYYEVVKvlg-qdnVSKALCQLLAHPLQRGKQEGI 242  Rhizopus micros...
GAN08502     173 KrnnFMLDVLFLHDgf-----lnTVQDIYDKWDMLDdle--rsGWFYECSLfng-kdrIAEALSQLIGHPAYRGAQPDL 243  Mucor ambiguus
KNE57492     360 DtgrFFFDVVYVHEppn---danFPQEIYDAFATFRdtrgiatNWSFQVCRsw---ktLATVMTQLLSHPLQRAPQSEP 432  Allomyces macro...
KYQ90526     202 KiknFYFEPVYMYHny-----qlDHQKIVESIEKANks----iSKVSDLSSir---kfYYCILGLLYVPPSQRPPSPKY 268  Tieghemostelium...
ORZ35022     290 KsgrVFFDLIYIHDppn---dsnFPQEIYNSFVAFRvpqehgqSWFFECSRsw---krMATALARLLAHPNQRAHQTAS 362  Catenaria angui...
RCI00602     165 N---FVLDVLFLHDrkl----seSMQSVYDFWSSLDsdi--vpGWYYEAGLwqg-kddLAKALSQLLSHPHQRREQEDI 233  Rhizopus stolon...
XP_026278082 150 N---VVIDILYLHKpll---sakEKKRIIANLVELKkc----lSEKSVCSValndnllAYKYTMNFLMHPNQRVPILKE 218  western flower ...

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