Conserved Protein Domain Family

cl09936: PP-binding Superfamily (this model, PSSM-Id:415812 is obsolete and has been replaced by 447865)
Phosphopantetheine attachment site
A 4'-phosphopantetheine prosthetic group is attached through a serine. This prosthetic group acts as a a 'swinging arm' for the attachment of activated fatty acid and amino-acid groups. This domain forms a four helix bundle. This family includes members not included in Prosite. The inclusion of these members is supported by sequence analysis and functional evidence. The related domain of the anguibactin system regulator AngR has the attachment serine replaced by an alanine.
Taxonomy: root
PubMed: 17 links
Protein: Related Protein
Related Structure
Accession: cl09936
PSSM Id: 415812
Name: PP-binding
Created: 2-Apr-2008
Updated: 24-Nov-2020
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