ELMO/CED-12 family This family represents a conserved domain which is found in a number of eukaryotic proteins including CED-12, ELMO I and ELMO II. ELMO1 is a component of signalling pathways that regulate phagocytosis and cell migration and is the mammalian orthologue of the C. elegans gene, ced-12. CED-12 is required for the engulfment of dying cells and cell migration. In mammalian cells, ELMO1 interacts with Dock180 as part of the CrkII/Dock180/Rac pathway responsible for phagocytosis and cell migration. ELMO1 is ubiquitously expressed, although its expression is highest in the spleen, an organ rich in immune cells. ELMO1 has a PH domain and a polyproline sequence motif at its C terminus which are not present in this alignment.