Arf-like 5 (Arl5) and 8 (Arl8) GTPases Arl5/Arl8 subfamily. Arl5 (Arf-like 5) and Arl8, like Arl4 and Arl7, are localized to the nucleus and nucleolus. Arl5 is developmentally regulated during embryogenesis in mice. Human Arl5 interacts with the heterochromatin protein 1-alpha (HP1alpha), a nonhistone chromosomal protein that is associated with heterochromatin and telomeres, and prevents telomere fusion. Arl5 may also play a role in embryonic nuclear dynamics and/or signaling cascades. Arl8 was identified from a fetal cartilage cDNA library. It is found in brain, heart, lung, cartilage, and kidney. No function has been assigned for Arl8 to date.