Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd06899: lectin_legume_LecRK_Arcelin_ConA 
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legume lectins, lectin-like receptor kinases, arcelin, concanavalinA, and alpha-amylase inhibitor
This alignment model includes the legume lectins (also known as agglutinins), the arcelin (also known as phytohemagglutinin-L) family of lectin-like defense proteins, the LecRK family of lectin-like receptor kinases, concanavalinA (ConA), and an alpha-amylase inhibitor. Arcelin is a major seed glycoprotein discovered in kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) that has insecticidal properties and protects the seeds from predation by larvae of various bruchids. Arcelin is devoid of monosaccharide binding properties and lacks a key metal-binding loop that is present in other members of this family. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) is a lectin found in plants, especially beans, that affects cell metabolism by inducing mitosis and by altering the permeability of the cell membrane to various proteins. PHA agglutinates most mammalian red blood cell types by binding glycans on the cell surface. Medically, PHA is used as a mitogen to trigger cell division in T-lymphocytes and to activate latent HIV-1 from human peripheral lymphocytes. Plant L-type lectins are primarily found in the seeds of leguminous plants where they constitute about 10% of the total soluble protein of the seed extracts. They are synthesized during seed development several weeks after flowering and transported to the vacuole where they become condensed into specialized vesicles called protein bodies. L-type lectins have a dome-shaped beta-barrel carbohydrate recognition domain with a curved seven-stranded beta-sheet referred to as the "front face" and a flat six-stranded beta-sheet referred to as the "back face". This domain homodimerizes so that adjacent back sheets form a contiguous 12-stranded sheet and homotetramers occur by a back-to-back association of these homodimers. Though L-type lectins exhibit both sequence and structural similarity to one another, their carbohydrate binding specificities differ widely.
PSSM-Id: 173887
Aligned: 109 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 143.138
Created: 26-Sep-2008
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 3 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:metal binding site [ion binding site]
  • Structure:1N3O_A; Pterocarpus angolensis lectin binds Mn2+ and Ca2+
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  • Comment:Two of the five metal-binding residues are absent in the lectin-like plant defense protein arcelin.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                        
1FX5_A         4 LSFKFKNFsqn----gkDLSFQGNASVie-------tGVLQLNkvgnn----------lpdeTGGIARYIAPIHIWncn- 61  furze
1N3O_A         4 LSFGFPTFpsd----qkNLIFQGDAQIk--------nNAVQLTktdsng--------npvasTVGRILFSAQVHLWeks- 62  Pterocarpus ang...
BAB08445      17 LSLDFPTLshrfspplqNLTLYGDAFFr--------dRTISLTqqqpcfpsvttppskpsssGIGRALYVYPIKFLeps- 87  thale cress
EAY85753      34 ASYRRISWa-------sNLTLLGSASLlp------gaAAVALTtpsr------------dgvGAGRALFSEPVRLLlpqd 88  Indian rice
EEF42752      47 KHLSFPDFsldnpriihEIQLLGSAKVsk------ekGAIQIPdesqa---------tdlkhQAGRAIYSFPIRLLdpl- 110 castor bean
ABK21031      40 TSFSFPNFnvk---pssEITLLGDAEViad-----geSSVRICgss--------------prTAGRLMYGRPVRLLqplg 97  Sitka spruce
EEF34513      35 SFHKDPNFd-------sNIALYGDASAvn------ngSVLQLTrsv--------------ssSAGHIMYKKPIKLVegn- 86  castor bean
NP_195729     28 SSFSFNGFvkap-sfdnNVALFGDSKLvh------ggPSIQLTdsv--------------srSEGRVIYKKPIRLFqg-- 84  thale cress
BAF79939      21 FVLNSTSFn-------qSLLLSGFAHVv--------nGSLSLIpeasvtse----spidpsqKAGVAYYEKPVKLLdhg- 80  liverwort
XP_001769635  31 IEFSFPNFk--------SPENDGTINIpnatdvpsgrNVLFLPkek-------------nalSVGWVIYEEKVQFWdns- 88  Physcomitrella ...
Feature 1                                                                                        
1FX5_A        62 ---------tgeLASFITSFSFFMetsan---------pkaaTDGLTFFLAPPDSplr-------raGGYFGLFNdtkcd 116 furze
1N3O_A        63 ---------ssrVANFQSQFSFSLkspl-----------sngADGIAFFIAPPDTtips-----gsgGGLLGLFApgtaq 117 Pterocarpus ang...
BAB08445      88 ---------tntTASFSCRFSFSIiasp----------scpfGDGFAFLITSNADsfv-------fsNGFLGLPNpd--- 138 thale cress
EAY85753      89 aaasasasraatPASFSTRFTFRItps------------ptyGDGLAFLLTSSRTflg-------asNGFLGLFPsssas 149 Indian rice
EEF42752     111 ---------tatPASFETTFSFQFtnsttsnlsstynltgagGSGLTFIIVPDEFtvg-------rpGPWLAMLNdace- 173 castor bean
ABK21031      98 ---------prsSVSFSSYFSFSMss--------------gnGDGLAFVILPRGNpl---------dGQWFGLSSakgsv 145 Sitka spruce
EEF34513      87 ---------pinLVSFSSYISFSMss--------------enGDGLAFVMVSGRFnvsa-----ldsDSPFGFSLrlkr- 137 castor bean
NP_195729     85 -----------kERNFSGSFSTSFsfsm----------sdeiGSVLAFIMVPRGLdlrlfgrkgnnsSSGLGFLLkh--- 140 thale cress
BAF79939      81 ---------sksTASFSTSFKFREipqsyn------spnnflGDGMTFAIAPWKNwig-------gtGRRLGLYPtgrt- 137 liverwort
XP_001769635  89 ----------ddAASFSTEFTFSTsgyn----------astgGSGLAFLITPDFSig--------diRGYLGIFSsttna 140 Physcomitrella ...
Feature 1                     # #               #                                                
1FX5_A       117 -----ssyqTVAVEFDTIgspvnf-wdpgfPHIGIDVNcv-kSINAERWNKry-------glNNVANVEIIYeassKTLT 182 furze
1N3O_A       118 n---tsanqVIAVEFDTFyaqdsntwdpnyPHIGIDVNsi-rSVKTVKWDRr---------dGQSLNVLVTFnpstRNLD 184 Pterocarpus ang...
BAB08445     139 -------dsFIAVEFDTRfdpvh--gdindNHVGIDVSsi-fSVSSVDAISkgfd----lksGKKMMAWIEYsdvlKLIR 204 thale cress
EAY85753     150 degelrdvsTVAVEIDTHldval--hdpdgNHVALDAGsi-fSVASAQPGVdl-------kaGVPITAWVEYraprRRLN 219 Indian rice
EEF42752     174 -----dnykAVAIEFDTRqnpef--gdpndNHIGIDLGsi-vSTITINASDvgis----lkdGSLHQAWISYngprRWMD 241 castor bean
ABK21031     146 ----sripnLFAVEFDSAqnkev--mdinaNHVGIDIEsl-iSSKTADVSEikli----lndGTQLHAWIDYdarsKVLE 214 Sitka spruce
EEF34513     138 -----nnseFIAVEFDTRkdaey--gdlndNHVGVNVGgf-vSAKVKNASSvniv----lnnGKRLSSWIDYeagsRRLE 205 castor bean
NP_195729    141 --------kVVAVEFGISkr---------gNHVGILVGrp-eSGKVRKLSSfghh----fneEKRLNCWIDYeassKRIE 198 thale cress
BAF79939     138 ------qskLVAIEYDNFpngey--ndpnyTHIGVNLDrngtSRKVGTSSIlqrn----iwtGDPMWSWIDYngssKELE 205 liverwort
XP_001769635 141 ----stnnqKIAVEIDVFknpw----dpsaSHIGLDVNsi-eSVKVKDYCPvmdnrctyftnKGDINVWIDYmaesETLE 211 Physcomitrella ...
Feature 1                                                                      
1N3O_A       185 VVATysd-----gtRYEVSYEVDVRSVLPe-WVRVGFSAASGeq---yQTHTLESWSFTSTL 237 Pterocarpus angolensis
BAB08445     205 VWVGysrv---kptSPVLSTQIDLSGKVKe-YMHVGFSASNAgi--gsALHIVERWKFRTFG 260 thale cress
EEF42752     242 IRLAs---------KPIFSGFLDLSRFLNe-YMFVGFSASTGnl---tQIHNILSWNFTSIS 290 castor bean
ABK21031     215 VRLSksgl--ikpsAPLISHSVDLSGLWKd-EMYVGISSSSGds---sQNNVVYSWSFTSSP 270 Sitka spruce
EEF34513     206 VRLSkfgn--ikpmDPLLSYPIDLSKLWKdeKFYIGLSSSNRns---sQACLIYSWSFEQRH 262 castor bean
NP_195729    199 VRLSlsaa--lkpvDPFVSYSVDLAKLWKdgKFMVGLTSANGnt---sKPVYLHSWSFKLRH 255 thale cress
XP_001769635 212 VRLAmgsssvkptqPDLQFIGLNLPRTIRn-FMYVGFSAATGsdfypaHTFRLRRWSFKTTA 272 Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens

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