Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd18870: NUDIX_AcylCoAdiphos_Nudt19 
Nucleoside diphosphate-linked moiety X)) motif 19
Acyl CoA diphosphohydrolase (also known as NUDIX (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X))-type motif 10; Nudt19; testosterone-regulated protein rp2) has activity towards CoA, oxidized CoA and a wide range of CoA esters, including choloyl-CoA and branched-chain fatty-acyl-CoA esters. CoA is the major acyl carrier in mammals and a key cofactor in energy metabolism. Dynamic regulation of CoA in different tissues and organs supports metabolic flexibility. NUDIX hydrolase is a superfamily of enzymes found in all three kingdoms of life, and it catalyzes the hydrolysis of NUcleoside DIphosphates linked to other moieties, X. Enzymes belonging to this superfamily require a divalent cation, such as Mg2+ or Mn2+ for their activity. Members of this family are recognized by a highly conserved 23-residue NUDIX motif (GX5EX7REUXEEXGU, where U = I, L or V), which forms a structural motif that functions as a metal binding and catalytic site. Substrates of NUDIX hydrolase include intact and oxidatively damaged nucleoside triphosphates, dinucleoside polyphosphates, nucleotide-sugars and dinucleotide enzymes. These substrates are metabolites or cell signaling molecules that require regulation during different stages of the cell cycle or during periods of stress. In general, the role of the NUDIX hydrolase is to sanitize the nucleotide pools and to maintain cell viability, thereby serving as surveillance and "house-cleaning" enzymes. Substrate specificity is used to define child families within the superfamily. Differences in substrate specificity are determined by the N-terminal extension or by residues in variable loop regions. Mechanistically, substrate hydrolysis occurs by a nucleophilic substitution reaction, with variation in the numbers and roles of divalent cations required. This superfamily consists of at least nine families: IPP (isopentenyl diphosphate) isomerase, ADP ribose pyrophosphatase, mutT pyrophosphohydrolase, coenzyme-A pyrophosphatase, MTH1-7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine-triphosphatase, diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase, NADH pyrophosphatase, GDP-mannose hydrolase and the c-terminal portion of the mutY adenine glycosylase.
PSSM-Id: 467582
Aligned: 82 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 112.725
Created: 15-Dec-2010
Updated: 27-Apr-2023
Aligned Rows:
NUDIX motifmetal binding
Conserved site includes 20 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:NUDIX motif [structural motif]
  • Comment:G[X5]E[X7]REUXEEXGU, where U is a bulky aliphatic residue (usually Ile, Leu, or Val).
  • Comment:The NUDIX motif contains many of the active site residues of NUDIX hydrolases.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                      #######        
3QSJ_A      9 KAATLVVIRdgan---------------------------kdiEVLVVRRaktxrFLPGFVAFPGGAADPSDaexakraf 61  Alicyclobacillus a...
EDV22459   10 EAATLILVAhgdatnkfqdi-------------trnvikrsapKVLMVQRssqssFMPSAGVFPGGRTDKVDfspewkdi 76  Trichoplax adhaerens
EDO34652   11 ESATLIMLArngglr-----------------------spfdyRVLLLERnsksrFMPNREVFPGGVIDKCDfadewmel 67  starlet sea anemone
EFX88985    8 NASTLIVLArnrlsqathik------------aneqqkqlpdySCMLLKRssqskFFANAFVFPGGAIEVADfspswleh 75  common water flea
EEC05834   26 EAASLIVVSraplrdvvgrdlasamiatvwnnqskqrvsrcdyRVLMVKRsslssFMANAYVYPGGLCERCDfsadwwdv 105 black-legged tick
EAA14088   11 DSASLLVLArdqpaaq---------------------hnkynyKVLVFKRtsntsFMPNSVVFPGGGFDKQDaslgwesf 69  Anopheles gambiae ...
NP_609973  10 SSSSLILLAknqvek----------------------stscdyNALLLTRtqkstFMPESSVFPGGVCDASDsspawleh 67  fruit fly
EFN71286    6 ESASLILAAqkcnpaa--------------------sstvsnyKLLWLKRhqkssFMPGMYVFPGGAIDSVDstpkwrei 65  Camponotus floridanus
EEB15674   35 EASTLILAAyngsvv----------------------kkgwdySILSLLRspkskFMPRGTVFPGGTVHSFDanekwlnl 92  human body louse
CBY24570   28 KAATLILTTplkhri-----------------------ypcdyGVVMLKRsaklrFMASTYVFPGGAVSMSDrdpqwldc 84  Oikopleura dioica
Feature 1                                                        #############                
3QSJ_A     62 grp------------------------------------vcaeddddpalAVTALRETAEEIGWLLAvrdgegtkxdtpl 105 Alicyclobacillus a...
EDV22459   77 ytqkvswqsildslpk----------scdprppiytrvikdvilpsdigfRICAIRETFEESGLLLLrnnpdgafinnpa 146 Trichoplax adhaerens
EDO34652   68 yeksfqkledfsril------------dikkprppifrksntsipteiafRICAIRETFEESGILLLrsmskgesensls 135 starlet sea anemone
EFX88985   76 fnengfnrekltsefv----------vskhdkvplygnaphpdcipevgyRISAIRETFEETGVLFCkpiqshkqsnnvl 145 common water flea
EEC05834  106 feaagasresllrdvcgrtlgprppmiekpitlshqnlrpedhlpgdlayRISAIRETFEETGVLLLtkaprascsvtte 185 black-legged tick
EAA14088   70 frernvsntalkaitq-----------vdgarpyifqtegtdlldrnlslRLCALREAFEELGVLLVtdeqrqktetgls 138 Anopheles gambiae ...
NP_609973  68 fqrnefsaaklrnvgh----------vkgprpdifhtkadkksldpslalRLTAIRETFEELGILLCrdsksltstsdyg 137 fruit fly
EFN71286   66 faafgvnndrfasle------------pkiatrpeiyrsiqnelpreislRITAIRETFEESGILICrhkndrtvtnwak 133 Camponotus floridanus
EEB15674   93 fsdsiiknhdisk----------------ikeapsilnnqvglipkllslKITAIRETFEETGILLCkkkdtslkydels 156 human body louse
CBY24570   85 ipqienmnltpsask-------------avprpklyktdpeetvsrdlslRISSIRECFEESGILLVekdgqliqakdlp 151 Oikopleura dioica
Feature 1                                                                                     
3QSJ_A    106 apdeqadlck--------------ggdalsawlsarglafdlgllrrIGRFVTPpt-qpVRFDTRFFLCVGq-hLGEPRL 169 Alicyclobacillus a...
EDV22459  147 aqyascitltlselqkw-rkiirqdasqflrlcreleavpdiwslhdWSNWFTPag-ysKRFDTAFFLCCLk-nTKDLIN 223 Trichoplax adhaerens
EDO34652  136 wgaasvfedlpteevqrwrtavhndgsqfihlcrflqsvpdvwalteWSDWLTPas-vkIRFDTVFFMCFVn-yEPVAQH 213 starlet sea anemone
EFX88985  146 kiddliewqkrv----------hhnpeeflllckkyfllpdlwslyeWSNWLTPvnmgpKRYDTIFYICVVd-dLPDVRI 214 common water flea
EEC05834  186 avsegfdatqwrqr-------lredpanfakicrevglcpnvwalheWWDWLTPisvghRRYDTMFYLCCLd-kQPEVVL 257 black-legged tick
EAA14088  139 kclqlpdvdswqqk-------ihdgtasfqalhtalgtvpdvfnlyeWSCWLTPamfrkRRFETAFYLAVLn-eMPAIHP 210 Anopheles gambiae ...
NP_609973 138 afydqfdrahwqhi-------vhnnasqflelckqldvlpdvwslheWSVWRTPst-fkKRFETAFFMTALe-qEPRVHI 208 fruit fly
EFN71286  134 fvslpkdelqmwqt------kvhnnatdflalceklecypdlwalreWRNWLTPtd-mpKRFNNMLYLACLp-sIPYAEY 205 Camponotus floridanus
EEB15674  157 sllcpnnigiwrkk-------iqldpseffilcqdlncypdvqslnlWSNWLTPfnvstKRFNTCFFIACVn-kNLNIAP 228 human body louse
CBY24570  152 sqteiakwrktv----------egsadefltlckeikarplvenlfeWSNWLTPpsilpYRFDTAFYLASIpflPDYATE 221 Oikopleura dioica
Feature 1                                            
3QSJ_A    170 Hg-aELDAALWTPardxLTRIQsgelpaVRPTIAVLKAL 207 Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. acidocaldarius DSM 446
EDV22459  224 DsdsEVRKSFWSKpsevLRYHVnkelflYPPQIHELSRL 262 Trichoplax adhaerens
EDO34652  214 Dn-kEMIESKWKTpveaVVDTIkkkalfGPPQLYNALQF 251 starlet sea anemone
EFX88985  215 Dg-sEIIELLWADpcsaVWKHVqghiwlAPPQLYELSRL 252 common water flea
EEC05834  258 Dq-sEVITLKWCTpegmLEDYStgavflAPPQVYETSRL 295 black-legged tick
EAA14088  211 Ep-hEVQEYFWDTpaalLEAHReekiwlAPPQTYELTRL 248 Anopheles gambiae str. PEST
NP_609973 209 Ep-nEVKDSAWRSpldyLQASLrkelwlPPPQFYELSRC 246 fruit fly
EFN71286  206 Ea-lEMEDLKWERpe-dLLSVDgi---fPLPQQCEIARF 239 Camponotus floridanus
EEB15674  229 Dd-iEVTEVFWSSpdelATLHKnkdiwlPPPQFYEISRL 266 human body louse
CBY24570  222 Dg-gETVDLQVMNpfeaLAKQEreehilHPPQFVEISRL 259 Oikopleura dioica

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