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NM_002880.4(RAF1):c.770C>T (p.Ser257Leu) AND Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines

Germline classification:
not provided (1 submission)
Review status:
no classification provided
Somatic classification
of clinical impact:
Review status:
(0/4) 0 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
no assertion criteria provided
Somatic classification
of oncogenicity:
Review status:
(0/4) 0 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
no assertion criteria provided
Record status:

Allele description [Variation Report for NM_002880.4(RAF1):c.770C>T (p.Ser257Leu)]

NM_002880.4(RAF1):c.770C>T (p.Ser257Leu)

RAF1:Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase [Gene - OMIM - HGNC]
Variant type:
single nucleotide variant
Cytogenetic location:
Genomic location:
Preferred name:
NM_002880.4(RAF1):c.770C>T (p.Ser257Leu)
Other names:
p.S257L:TCG>TTG; NM_002880.3(RAF1):c.770C>T
  • NC_000003.12:g.12604200G>A
  • NG_007467.1:g.64980C>T
  • NM_001354689.3:c.770C>T
  • NM_001354690.3:c.770C>T
  • NM_001354691.3:c.527C>T
  • NM_001354692.3:c.527C>T
  • NM_001354693.3:c.671C>T
  • NM_001354694.3:c.527C>T
  • NM_001354695.3:c.428C>T
  • NM_002880.4:c.770C>TMANE SELECT
  • NP_001341618.1:p.Ser257Leu
  • NP_001341619.1:p.Ser257Leu
  • NP_001341620.1:p.Ser176Leu
  • NP_001341621.1:p.Ser176Leu
  • NP_001341622.1:p.Ser224Leu
  • NP_001341623.1:p.Ser176Leu
  • NP_001341624.1:p.Ser143Leu
  • NP_002871.1:p.Ser257Leu
  • NP_002871.1:p.Ser257Leu
  • LRG_413t1:c.770C>T
  • LRG_413t2:c.770C>T
  • LRG_413:g.64980C>T
  • LRG_413p1:p.Ser257Leu
  • LRG_413p2:p.Ser257Leu
  • NC_000003.11:g.12645699G>A
  • NM_001354689.1:c.770C>T
  • NM_002880.2:c.770C>T
  • NM_002880.3:c.770C>T
  • NM_002880.4:c.770C>T
  • NR_148940.3:n.1101C>T
  • NR_148941.3:n.1101C>T
  • NR_148942.3:n.1101C>T
  • P04049:p.Ser257Leu
Protein change:
S143L; SER257LEU
UniProtKB: P04049#VAR_037808; OMIM: 164760.0001; dbSNP: rs80338796
NCBI 1000 Genomes Browser:
Molecular consequence:
  • NM_001354689.3:c.770C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NM_001354690.3:c.770C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NM_001354691.3:c.527C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NM_001354692.3:c.527C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NM_001354693.3:c.671C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NM_001354694.3:c.527C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NM_001354695.3:c.428C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NM_002880.4:c.770C>T - missense variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001583]
  • NR_148940.3:n.1101C>T - non-coding transcript variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001619]
  • NR_148941.3:n.1101C>T - non-coding transcript variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001619]
  • NR_148942.3:n.1101C>T - non-coding transcript variant - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001619]


Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines (NSML)
Lentigines, Electrocardiographic conduction abnormalities, Ocular hypertelorism, Pulmonic stenosis, Abnormal genitalia, Retardation of growth, Deafness; Cardiomyopathic lentiginosis; LEOPARD syndrome
MONDO: MONDO:0007893; MedGen: C0175704; Orphanet: 500; OMIM: PS151100

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Assertion and evidence details

Submission AccessionSubmitterReview Status
(Assertion method)
Clinical Significance
(Last evaluated)
no classification provided
not providedunknownliterature only

PubMed (2)
[See all records that cite these PMIDs]

Summary from all submissions

EthnicityOriginAffectedIndividualsFamiliesChromosomes testedNumber TestedFamily historyMethod
not providedunknownnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providedliterature only



Gain-of-function RAF1 mutations cause Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Pandit B, Sarkozy A, Pennacchio LA, Carta C, Oishi K, Martinelli S, Pogna EA, Schackwitz W, Ustaszewska A, Landstrom A, Bos JM, Ommen SR, Esposito G, Lepri F, Faul C, Mundel P, López Siguero JP, Tenconi R, Selicorni A, Rossi C, Mazzanti L, Torrente I, et al.

Nat Genet. 2007 Aug;39(8):1007-12. Epub 2007 Jul 1.

PubMed [citation]

Noonan Syndrome with Multiple Lentigines.

Gelb BD, Tartaglia M.

2007 Nov 30 [updated 2022 Jun 30]. In: Adam MP, Feldman J, Mirzaa GM, Pagon RA, Wallace SE, Bean LJH, Gripp KW, Amemiya A, editors. GeneReviews(®) [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2024.

PubMed [citation]

Details of each submission

From GeneReviews, SCV000040960.2

#EthnicityIndividualsChromosomes TestedFamily HistoryMethodCitations
1not providednot providednot providednot providedliterature only PubMed (2)
OriginAffectedNumber testedTissuePurposeMethodIndividualsAllele frequencyFamiliesCo-occurrences
1unknownnot providednot providednot providedAssert pathogenicitynot providednot providednot providednot provided

Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024