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EBI GWAS Catalog
Description |
A comprehensive family-based replication study of schizophrenia genes. |
A genome-wide association study in Europeans and South Asians identifies five new loci for coronary artery disease. |
Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci. |
Genome-wide association analysis identifies 13 new risk loci for schizophrenia. |
Genome-wide association study identifies chromosome 10q24.32 variants associated with arsenic metabolism and toxicity phenotypes in Bangladesh. |
Genome-wide association study identifies eight loci associated with blood pressure. |
Genome-wide association study identifies five new schizophrenia loci. |
Genome-wide association study in a Swedish population yields support for greater CNV and MHC involvement in schizophrenia compared with bipolar disorder. |
Genome-wide association study of intracranial aneurysm identifies three new risk loci. |
Genome-wide association study reveals genetic risk underlying Parkinson's disease. |
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new susceptibility loci for migraine. |
Identification of 23 new prostate cancer susceptibility loci using the iCOGS custom genotyping array. |
Identification of risk loci with shared effects on five major psychiatric disorders: a genome-wide analysis. |
Large-scale association analysis identifies 13 new susceptibility loci for coronary artery disease. |
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies common variants associated with blood pressure variation in east Asians. |
Shared genetic susceptibility to ischemic stroke and coronary artery disease: a genome-wide analysis of common variants. |