Study shows an up-regulation of activin-C in aggressive prostate cancer only, suggesting that activin-C may play a role in the advanced stages of the disease. | Over-Expression of Activin-β(C) Is Associated with Murine and Human Prostate Disease. Ottley EC, Reader KL, Lee K, Marino FE, Nicholson HD, Risbridger GP, Gold E., Free PMC Article | 10/28/2017 |
Activin A, B, and AB have similar effects on steroidogenesis in human granulosa cells; in contrast, activin AC is not biologically active and does not act as a competitive antagonist. | Effects of recombinant activins on steroidogenesis in human granulosa-lutein cells. Chang HM, Cheng JC, Klausen C, Taylor EL, Leung PC. | 01/24/2015 |
Serum inhibin levels correlate with clinical characteristics and mortality in epithelial ovarian cancer patients. | Serum inhibin A and inhibin B levels in epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Walentowicz P, Krintus M, Sadlecki P, Grabiec M, Mankowska-Cyl A, Sokup A, Walentowicz-Sadlecka M., Free PMC Article | 01/17/2015 |
The inhibin-betaC subunit is down-regulated, while inhibin-betaE is up-regulated by interferon-beta1a in Ishikawa carcinoma cell line. | The inhibin-βC subunit is down-regulated, while inhibin-βE is up-regulated by interferon-β1a in Ishikawa carcinoma cell line. Jückstock J, Kimmich T, Mylonas I, Friese K, Dian D. | 05/24/2014 |
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in INHBC gene is associated with brain metastasis in non-small-cell lung cancer | SNPs in the TGF-β signaling pathway are associated with increased risk of brain metastasis in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Li Q, Wu H, Chen B, Hu G, Huang L, Qin K, Chen Y, Yuan X, Liao Z., Free PMC Article | 06/22/2013 |
Activin-beta(C) is a regulator of activin-A. Activin-beta(C) is able to abolish cachexia and modulate reproductive tumour development in inhibin alpha-subunit knockout mice (alpha-KO) mice. | Activin-β(c) reduces reproductive tumour progression and abolishes cancer-associated cachexia in inhibin-deficient mice. Gold E, Marino FE, Harrison C, Makanji Y, Risbridger G. | 04/27/2013 |
inhibin-betaC in normal and pathological placental tissue was demonstrated, although no differences in staining intensity could be observed. Functional role of novel inhibin-betaC subunit in normal and pathological human placenta is still quite unclear. | Inhibin-betaC subunit expression in normal and pathological human placental tissues. Mylonas I, Makovitzky J, Kunze S, Brüning A, Kainer F, Schiessl B. | 12/17/2011 |
in endometrial cancer tissue demonstrated a significant association with hemangiosis although without any impact on the patients' survival | Inhibin/activin-betaC subunit does not represent a prognostic parameter in human endometrial cancer. Käufl SD, Kuhn C, Kunze S, Shabani N, Brüning A, Friese K, Mylonas I. | 10/22/2011 |
Data show that inhibin A levels were significantly lower in the PCOS group compared to the control group, and inhibin B levels were comparable in the two groups. | Inhibin secretion in women with the polycystic ovary syndrome before and after treatment with progesterone. Dafopoulos K, Venetis C, Messini CI, Pournaras S, Anifandis G, Garas A, Messinis IE., Free PMC Article | 10/1/2011 |
differential expression pattern of the betaC- and betaE-subunits in normal human endometrial tissue suggests that they function in endometrial maturation and blastocyst implantation. | Evidence of inhibin/activin subunit betaC and betaE synthesis in normal human endometrial tissue. Mylonas I, Brüning A, Shabani N, Kunze S, Kupka MS., Free PMC Article | 03/26/2011 |
the novel inhibin/activin-betaC subunit is expressed in human endometrioid adenocarcinomas and in the human endometrial carcinoma cell line HEC-1a | Inhibin/activin-betaC subunit in human endometrial adenocarcinomas and HEC-1a adenocarcinoma cell line. Käufl SD, Makovitzky J, Kuhn C, Kunze S, Jeschke U, Mylonas I. | 02/5/2011 |
Meta-analysis and genome-wide association study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | Multiple genetic loci influence serum urate levels and their relationship with gout and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Yang Q, Köttgen A, Dehghan A, Smith AV, Glazer NL, Chen MH, Chasman DI, Aspelund T, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB, Launer L, Nalls M, Hernandez D, Arking DE, Boerwinkle E, Grove ML, Li M, Linda Kao WH, Chonchol M, Haritunians T, Li G, Lumley T, Psaty BM, Shlipak M, Hwang SJ, Larson MG, O'Donnell CJ, Upadhyay A, van Duijn CM, Hofman A, Rivadeneira F, Stricker B, Uitterlinden AG, Paré G, Parker AN, Ridker PM, Siscovick DS, Gudnason V, Witteman JC, Fox CS, Coresh J., Free PMC Article | 12/5/2010 |
Expression of the inhibin betaC and betaE subunits was demonstrated at the protein level and at the transcriptional level in normal human endometrial tissue and in the Ishikawa human endometrial carcinoma cell line. | Inhibin/activin-betaC and -betaE subunits in the Ishikawa human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line. Kimmich T, Brüning A, Käufl SD, Makovitzky J, Kuhn C, Jeschke U, Friese K, Mylonas I. | 10/23/2010 |
Expression of inhibin beta C was detected in the human chorionic carcinoma cell lines JEG and BeWoand also in human placenta. | Immunohistochemical labeling of the inhibin/activin betaC subunit in normal human placental tissue and chorionic carcinoma cell lines. Weissenbacher T, Brüning A, Kimmich T, Makovitzky J, Gingelmaier A, Mylonas I., Free PMC Article | 08/23/2010 |
activin-beta(C) is an antagonist of activin A | Activin C antagonizes activin A in vitro and overexpression leads to pathologies in vivo. Gold E, Jetly N, O'Bryan MK, Meachem S, Srinivasan D, Behuria S, Sanchez-Partida LG, Woodruff T, Hedwards S, Wang H, McDougall H, Casey V, Niranjan B, Patella S, Risbridger G., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |
Observational study and meta-analysis of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | Polymorphism in the IL18 gene and epithelial ovarian cancer in non-Hispanic white women. Palmieri RT, Wilson MA, Iversen ES, Clyde MA, Calingaert B, Moorman PG, Poole C, Anderson AR, Anderson S, Anton-Culver H, Beesley J, Hogdall E, Brewster W, Carney ME, Chen X, Chenevix-Trench G, Chang-Claude J, Cunningham JM, Dicioccio RA, Doherty JA, Easton DF, Edlund CK, Gayther SA, Gentry-Maharaj A, Goode EL, Goodman MT, Kjaer SK, Hogdall CK, Hopkins MP, Jenison EL, Blaakaer J, Lurie G, McGuire V, Menon U, Moysich KB, Ness RB, Pearce CL, Pharoah PD, Pike MC, Ramus SJ, Rossing MA, Song H, Terada KY, Vandenberg D, Vierkant RA, Wang-Gohrke S, Webb PM, Whittemore AS, Wu AH, Ziogas A, Berchuck A, Schildkraut JM, Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, Australian Cancer Study (Ovarian Cancer Group), Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group., Free PMC Article | 01/11/2009 |
Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator) | See all PubMed (3) articlesComprehensive fine mapping of chr12q12-14 and follow-up replication identify activin receptor 1B (ACVR1B) as a muscle strength gene. Windelinckx A, De Mars G, Huygens W, Peeters MW, Vincent B, Wijmenga C, Lambrechts D, Delecluse C, Roth SM, Metter EJ, Ferrucci L, Aerssens J, Vlietinck R, Beunen GP, Thomis MA. A large-scale candidate gene association study of age at menarche and age at natural menopause. He C, Kraft P, Chasman DI, Buring JE, Chen C, Hankinson SE, Paré G, Chanock S, Ridker PM, Hunter DJ. Genetic variation in the inhibin pathway and risk of testicular germ cell tumors. Purdue MP, Graubard BI, Chanock SJ, Rubertone MV, Erickson RL, McGlynn KA. | 05/11/2008 |
Results quantify the relative expression of inhibin alpha, inhibin/activin beta(A), beta(B), beta(C), follistatin, activin receptors and beta-glycan genes in placental tissue of term pre-eclamptic patients. | Inhibin, activin, follistatin, activin receptors and beta-glycan gene expression in the placental tissue of patients with pre-eclampsia. Casagrandi D, Bearfield C, Geary J, Redman CW, Muttukrishna S. | 01/21/2010 |
activin betaC subunit may exert its effect as inhibin C | Analysis of the function of activin betaC subunit using recombinant protein. Ushiro Y, Hashimoto O, Seki M, Hachiya A, Shoji H, Hasegawa Y. | 01/21/2010 |
Role for the activin betaC-subunit as a regulatory mechanism to reduce activin A secretion via intracellular heterodimerization. | Activin betaC-subunit heterodimers provide a new mechanism of regulating activin levels in the prostate. Mellor SL, Ball EM, O'Connor AE, Ethier JF, Cranfield M, Schmitt JF, Phillips DJ, Groome NP, Risbridger GP. | 01/21/2010 |