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NCBI Peromyscus californicus insignis Annotation Release GCF_007827085.1-RS_2023_02

The RefSeq genome records for Peromyscus californicus insignis were annotated by the NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline, an automated pipeline that annotates genes, transcripts and proteins on draft and finished genome assemblies.

Annotation Release GCF_007827085.1-RS_2023_02 is an update of GCF_007827085.1-RS_2022_12. The known RefSeq transcripts (with NM_ and NR_ prefixes) that were current on Feb 24 2023 were placed on the genome and used to update the annotated features. In addition, model RefSeq predicted in the last full annotation (GCF_007827085.1-RS_2022_12) that were still current on Feb 24 2023 were included in the updated annotation. These models were not re-calculated for this update. For more information on the evidence used for generating the model RefSeq, please consult the report for GCF_007827085.1-RS_2022_12.

The annotation products are available in the sequence databases and on the FTP site.

This report provides:

For more information on the annotation process, please visit the NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline page.

Annotation Release information

This annotation should be referred to as: "GCF_007827085.1-RS_2023_02".

Date of Entrez queries for transcripts and proteins: Feb 24 2023
Date of submission of annotation to the public databases: Feb 25 2023
Software version: 10.1


The following assemblies were included in this annotation run:
Assembly nameAssembly accessionSubmitterAssembly dateReference/AlternateAssembly content
ASM782708v3GCF_007827085.1University of Maryland04-27-2022Referenceunplaced scaffolds

Gene and feature statistics

Counts and length of annotated features are provided below for each assembly.

Feature counts

Genes and pseudogenes help31,946
  Transcribed pseudogenes0
  Non-transcribed pseudogenes3,595
  genes with variants10,617
  Immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene segments282
  with > 5% ab initio help846
  with filled gap(s) help0
  known RefSeq (NM_) help0
  model RefSeq (XM_)51,825
non-coding RNAs help11,065
  with > 5% ab initio help0
  with filled gap(s) help0
  known RefSeq (NR_) help0
  model RefSeq (XR_) help10,448
pseudo transcripts help0
  with > 5% ab initio help0
  with filled gap(s) help0
  known RefSeq (NR_) help0
  model RefSeq (XR_) help0
  with > 5% ab initio help993
  with major correction(s) help1,202
  known RefSeq (NP_) help0
  model RefSeq (XP_) help51,825

Detailed reports

The counts below do not include pseudogenes.

BUSCO analysis of gene annotation

BUSCO v4.1.4 was run in "protein" mode on the annotated gene set picking one longest protein per gene, and run using the glires_odb10 lineage dataset. Results are reported for the gene set from the primary assembly unit, and presented in BUSCO notation.
